Friday 14 June 2024

Planette Earth Mother: Script

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In This Essay I Am Discussing The Essential Need For This Planette And All Her Peoples To Feminise Our Viewpoints And Behaviours.

Please see my previous documentaries as a valuable introduction to this series. Sugar beet problems Comclusion Episodes 4 and 5, and my Talking and Walking Mini-series of 3 episodes are important viewing and essential to comtextualise this project.

I will be publishing the minutes/script from each episode of the series onto my/this blog page ( as I release each episode.

My original blog post for the 1st version of this essay was blocked by Someone at facebook who invoked the spam application to get my blog url marked as an unshareable on facebook link. This redraft includes the info from the first essay but largely expands its coverage.

I have self certified this project as 18. This Series contains difficult and upsetting information that I think is very important for all adults worldwide to understand.


Mans claim to like and be attracted to Femininity, but to do everything in his power to stop Feminisation, is the biggest problem we face as a Species at present. Women being very unattracted, as in completely turned off by this controlling of Feminisation is one of the main reasons for me writing this project and for all Women Worldwide being desperately unhappy. If Women think they are happy I believe that they are simply compartmentalising the reality that men do not care for them enough to change their behaviour. Most men have not been taught how to behave properly towards Women. If they had they would not expect Women to take their names, to earn less money, to be funnelled into secondary roles, to accept patriarchal assumptions of tradition.


So Lovity is the comnection between Planettes. Lovity being the comstructivismistical nature of the Duoverse: two Lovers Forever Cuddling. 

Terraforming Venus and Mars is impossible because greedy men are destroying the World. 

THere are lots of considerations to be concerned about in Space exploration the least of which should be monetary and military infighting between men who really don’t care about anything except making money. We have real issues and concerns about colonising The Solar System that we need to look at. Planetteary “Lovity” dynamics and Spacefaring/planetary Lovity dynamics holds real concerns for how we can not allow Our activities to have a negative impact upon Planettes and Planetteary bodies. Ships being made from Planettes and the imbablances in Lovity Interactions are a major concern within the mechanisms of the whole population of Planette Earth MotHer needing to and wanting to own and move around in Spaceships. We can’t risk upsetting the delicate balances that maintain Our MotHer World’s ability to healthily sustain Life. We may need to construct Spaceships out of vast amounts of materielle that we acquire potentially from Planetteary sources and some People may lean towards constructing ships from materielle acquired from asteroid belts or maybe moons around furtHer out Planettes. The dangers of free travel with millions of ships moving around star systems, upsetting Lovitational balances is a real concern for safety as People in the future must be able to travel freely at minimal expense. The men of this world would have You kept on the ground, in impoverished circumstances, and make Space travel impossibly expensive for all Species.


It functions perfectly in its singular unilateral pursuit of the exclusion of lower People’s opinions. Democracy is just the inHeritance of an old system of rich, influential men by birth or money with a token gesture added on of voting once every four years for preinstalled People. In actuality it is no different from the old system as nobody has any say otHer than those who are in control at the top.


One of the main reasons men have insisted throughout the process of Women gaining the right to vote, to not give it to them was the comcept that Women voting collectively could take over politics. Men have done everything in their power to split or keep Women split on political matters to reduce their collective power to a null and void concern. But what men are about to find out is that their fears are about to become reality. Women are about to group togetHer polytically Worldwide and use their power of petition to get equal representation. And this is the first step towards Wonderful new measures of Girly reform. No longer accept Femininity being neutered to a less powerful version of masculinity. 


People display lots of medical conditions that can be directly attributed to contaminants in the world but the medical establishment are determined to deny these factors are the cause of problems and instead choose to focus on the idea that the human genome is at fault. That cancers are built into us. Some could be passed down to Children but most of the diseases we see are caused by man’s inability to clean up the pollution in the world. And then the knock on effects of this causes disease. They might say that we are cleaning up and much improvement has been made; but that is not good enough. We need totally clean air NOW, not whenever it happens. The continuation in burning fossil fuels is still having a dire effect on Our health and men refuse to ensure cars emit zero fumes. Men do not want to clear up the air or stop burning the dead body fuel. To be honest the idea that any car that has or is designed to burn dead bodies, would continue to exist, let alone be used, fills me with disgust. All cars must be electric and they must be electric NOW.

The majority of diseases in the World are nicotine related.

The complete disregard for Peoples psychological well being is a massive factor in disease also and this is anotHer area in which men seem determined to make sure we all suffer. The world is an utter disgrace and Women are petrified on a daily basis by man’s absolutely disgusting attitudes towards anything and everything. A complete disregard for health in hospitals as regards the way they operate. Towards road safety and pollution. Towards the safe guarding of Children in the way they are taught and protected. The lack of Protection for Women from rape and abduction. The promotion of violence anywHere men collect and talk, and in movies and their constant promotion in newspapers and on tv and violent books and violent comics and porn, and disgusting simulated rape promotions, and the continual objectification of Anyone and anything. Nothing is safe including apple pies. Women are just objects for passionless sex. (OtHer) Animals are just rape humour fodder. Paedophile jokes are common practice. If Your man laughed when I said apple pie I recommend You leave him.

Why doesn’t Windows have a built in porn filter that if You mess with it Windows will stop working? And why does the government of the United States not trawl People’s computers and arrest People who mess with porn filters or even have porn on their computers or even have encrypted files on their computers? Facial recognition can ensure that only People who own the computer can store Loving imtimate video recordings. WHere is the legislation? (Law Making). The excuse of “We would have to develop systems to enforce this” can no longer be used as an excuse to keep raping Women. 


Why does the USA think that it can destroy the world with rape and torture promotion via every single media medium possible? Why does the rest of the world think it can follow suit? Why didn’t subsequent governments in the USA ban all violent content. Rape and murder is common. Firstly they didn’t want to because they find it entertaining. Secondly it makes money and financial market People like violence.  And they also like to invest in movies that forward a rape murder agenda. 

Fiction causes a detachment from Emotion when bad things happen in a narrative. We are primed and conditioned to develop coping mechanisms for Emotions that will always cause upset to a Person with healthy Emotional responses. And the main coping mechanism is to deny these Feelings; to not let them hurt us when they should; to compartmentalise them when a normal response is to really not want to feel that way. We do not want People to be used to not feeling these Emotions if they are exposed to content that should really upset them. Fiction creates an ability to cope with graphic circumstances which can then lead Our minds towards finding these types of extreme circumstances, if they were to happen in reality, to be acceptable or blasΓ©. 

If this detachment is applied to violence, caring about Someone’s fate within the narrative, this behaviour can seed back into reality. So fiction has played a large role in detaching People from their conscience, and sub conscience, and Emotions. This negative effect/glorification of violence has helped to perpetuate such modes in societal structures. THerefore the moral imperative, of fiction to justify its actions/narrative going forwards and in retrospect is essential to move present social evolution forward.

The need for man to vent his innate aggression in the form of violent content absorbtion as coping mechanism. This just sounds like a ticking time bomb for widespread violence. The fact I just used the phrase ticking timebomb is testament to the fact that Our whole culture is wrapped in the sanitisation of violence. We teach Ourselves to make the world less violent by teaching Ourselves to accept it and get used to it and turn to it for entertainment, extreme forms of murder and rape and horror. Any kind of ultra-extreme physical abuse that any disturbed mind could concoct is openly and happily pedalled as funtimes for popcorn and giggling and cheering.

Why doesn’t Windows have a built in Horror movie filter?

Would taking away violent content be the taking away of man’s venting coping mechanism for the fact the world is violent and traumatising to him? Or maybe his Wife didn’t want to open Her legs at him because he is an aggressive Person and now he needs to bury himself in gore. Teaching Young Girls to think horror movies made by men to make cash are funny, and then have sex, with bellies full of dead raped bodies. Seems to be the norm. All farm animals are raped. 

Taking away man’s coping mechanism. Is based on false information as testosterone does not make men aggressive. It is violence conditioning that does this. I suggest that all steroid compounds be tested for trace amounts of unwanted added pharmaceuticals which can be illegally blended into the steroids to facilitate a dependency/addictiveness, feel good factor. Steroids should if working correctly in the doses People take for muscle building make You feel extremely ill, as recommended doses are multiplied by ridiculous amounts. The fact they make body builders feel good is not caused by the steroid drug. All pharmaceuticals must be tested this way because the track record of these companies show a complete and utter murderous disregard for human life due to the prices they charge for patented compounds also known as drugs also known as products to make profit from.


Social pressure that Women enact upon each otHer can sometimes be inHerited from men putting physical, violent, social and socio-violent pressure on Women eitHer historically or present day: including fear that men may act again how they used to. This can work on Womens’ minds consciously and subconsciously via social normative. 

Things like marriage traditions acceptance and the need to not change things or themselves and their attitudes towards these morays. So an inability to change marriage conventions or even the impetus to want to. I Personally think we need to seriously, as in Women would really want to seriously look at changing things ... at the very least have a global discussion about it using the informational systems that men monopolise. I think Women would like to have a large and protracted completely comprehensively publicised and extended conversation amongst themselves about how marriage conventions could be translated, adapted or completely reinvented as per their Wishes not men’s; and not what they are expected to accept as social inHeritance. If every Women on Planette Earth MotHer was thinking about this very issue today and every day until it was addressed completely then I think the World would not only be able, but would find it Womandatory that change Must happen.

If every Women on Planette Earth MotHer was thinking about this very issue today and every day until it was addressed completely then I think the World would not only be able, but would find it Womandatory that change Must happen.

The history of marriage is horrific. It was enslavement, chains, imprisonment. The present social normative and expectations for marriage do not feel like they have made progress to transition, formulated by the global collective Femininity influence structure. men pay for and direct movies and tv shows that present Women being gushy and accepting of the status quo ... the historical cultures surrounding marriage. They present Women as domineers in marriage culture.  This may or may not be true dependent on wHere You are in the world or who You are: I see it as a promotion of the idea that Women are unpleasant and an attempt to modify Womens’ behaviour into being not only unpleasant but an enemy of men psychologically. Such propaganda seeks to perpetuate the battle of the sexes which men enjoy and Wish to foster to aid the continued domination of Women in politics and keep men untrustworthy and uncomfortable of their Partners. So the old cultures that were used to control and enslave and rape Women/Wives and underage Children still are translated into modern culture instead of removed. The social pressures of men forcing marriage conventions continue to influence and dominate Womens’ conscious and subconscious minds. Women believe they like marriage conventions. The same cultures were adopted then as are now. I think a new recipe is required that is basically Girls cHerry picking what they want and how they want it to be and reinvention on their own terms. A movement away from the reminders of control, Female slavery, sexual torture, psychological torture/destruction, monetary psychological torture, monetary physical torture and imprisonment and many otHer issues too various to list Here. 

As I have mentioned in my documentaries, bridal is to be bridled like a Horse. Grooms enslave Horses/Women in boxes. Whores chained in brothels are like horses in stables. Men find this entertaining, the installation of any kind of tetHering they can think of to keep Women as bitch hoes who open their legs. Monetary forcing being a favourite joke in movies. So in the tagging with a ring and the bridling of their wife, Husbands adopt husbandry, as in animal husbandry, to control and use Women as a resource. They do this within the locking mechanisms called wedlock. This has not been and still is not a Partnership. The terminology and how it makes You feel shows a disregard for the history of Female enslavement ...

It has been His Story. That is history. We must have the beginning of OurStory ...

So a lot of the culture that Women insist on keeping and even use to coerce and correct each otHer effectively can be classified as regurgitations of insistences that men have formulated and torturously enforced for generations.

Girls are still getting forced by these male established cultures into underage marriages in places like the USA and Girls are still sex slave trafficked by their own Families to otHer countries from all over Europe, US, Australia etc. and in many territories paedophilic marriage and rape are common practice. Forcing of Young Girls to travel across state borders, get married and then return to their home state wHere their home state although underage marriage isn’t legal will honour the marriage certificate as a legal document. This could potentially be used as a loophole to legalise paedophilia in states wHere a wife is still required to provide marital services to Her husband. Often scared Children will be locked up in houses, too petrified to call out for unavailable help.


As part of the globally mobilised rapist masculine mind control force, People are forced to look at sexual images eitHer on the front of a magazine, pinned up on a wall, unsolicited ads online, facebook accounts with scantily clad images of People, ie the sharing of images or videos on open platforms like facebook, etc. This is rape of the Person who does not want to see this content. Not only is the model/prostitute being exploited and raped but the intended victim of being forced to view this content is also being exploited and raped. Men do not care they just want to rape Women to make money. Comsent cannot be given if money transacts. This is rape.

Facebook does not prevent this content or profiles linking into this content: porn, webcams, videos, images and prostitution; Monetary forcing of Women. Prevention would be very easy to automatically implement across the whole platform using modern filters. Facebook is not protecting Women from being forced into being raped. This shows Facebook’s monetary support for organised rape and prostitution. They are providing a networking service that pays. Mark Zuckerberg could very well be being stopped because People who are asserting ownership of certain patents regarding analytical algorhythms are refusing to let him use them to make his job easy. He may also be taking otHer actions to erode this rapist powerbase’s ability to acquire revenue from Facebook but finding it a large job battling the ads world and their potential insistences.


Freedom of the press: No

Freedom of speech: No

Freedom to take pictures or print pictures: No

Obstructing People is anti social behaviour and is illegal.

Hanging around outside People’s houses, standing on their property for periods of time longer than is necessary for the door to be answered. More than 1 or 2 People encroaching on Someone’s property to knock on a door as part of a campaign of interference in their affairs is unacceptable. If People Wish to talk to the press they will contact them. Stalking Laws should already be applied to this problem by police but are not. New legislation is required to ensure that the police are made to enforce the Law.

Certain subjects and how they are written about needs changing. Freedom of the press can not include the right to bully, harangue, indelicately and unprofessionally cover news items. No mode of reasoning can be allowed to be employed otHer than the Caring and Loving approach of Complexly thought out Compassionate Logic. Women just happen to be Great at this which is Fortunate for Men.


“Imtimate images and videos can only be shared between two People” is a new Law the Girls will insist upon as part of a wide ranging suite of new Law making (Legislation). Women will insist that all culture that enforces a continuation of their systematic rape and torture and simulated rape and murder be immediately stopped.


Next I quote twitter account “Bought and sold” @bnsabolitionist: Jul 29 2023: 

QUOTE I advocate for abolishing the sex industry despite being Someone who is selling sex. I believe this perspective should be more common. Having experienced the realities of this life, I refuse to accept a world wHere Women, Children and Men are forced or coerced into enduring such abuse. The notion that we ‘choose’ this path is deeply harmful. It’s like seeing a drowning Person desperately clinging to a blade to avoid drowning furtHer—and saying that they have “chosen” it and tHerefore somehow deserve it. No one deserves to live this life. Because what it is it’s a desperate attempt to protect Oneself, one’s Children, and their Family. And the Person involved in it is subjected to everyday abuse . Living through immense mental and physical suffering. UNQUOTE

A Person selling sex can’t give comsent. They are not in the right mind to do so. They should be declared legally incapable of comsent due to their willingness to be raped and self-rape. Comsenting to be raped is not comsenting to having sex. AKA as a Loving and Imtimate Sexual Union. Sex Must Legally Always Be A Loving And Imtimate Union.

 The need for money takes away the Comsent. The need for money takes away Your ability to Comsent. The need for money makes You psychologically unable to give Comsent. From a moral perspective You are unable to Comsent ... inequipped to Comsent. Too vulnerable to make such a Decision/Comsent. 

The need to just have sex without Love and Imtimacy proves Your psychological inability to Comsent. 

The landscape of Women not being able to earn as much as men and the enticement of “good money” which a man could get in otHer ways but Women can’t makes it very easy for a pimp to get a girl raped. AKA Monetary forcing.

In a New World, we can achieve via Peoples referendum using Our power of petition, we can legislate new laws to prescribe that:

--Absence of Love in Sexual Connections renders You Legally Incapable of giving Comsent.

--If You do not like Someone ie male marital Partner or Wife then You are unable to give Comsent: this would be self rape.

The sex industry is full of men that only consider money not Love and do not care about the People involved. They are using and abusing Women and Men through monetary enticement which renders all Participants to be Legally Incapable of making correct choices in protecting themselves from being raped and from raping OtHers.

On these grounds the entire sex industry will be banned by demand of all Women Worldwide.

No longer will we allow Our teenage Daughters and Sons to be forced into being raped by this disgusting global regime of systematic rape and torture.













The Age Of Comsent Scale as shown Here is a something I have put togetHer for Women to take a look at and decide how they Wish to proceed. It is a suggestion of comcept only and obviously could be tweaked to different ages or months etc. The main suggestion is that if an age difference is greater when younger, sexual relations can not occur between People of certain ages until benchmarks have been reached. So the shown ages are limits to age differences ie a 16 Year Old can not have sexual relations with their 19 Year Old Partner until they are older. Love is Essential in all Relationships so if one seeks sex for non-Loving reasons as in a Sixteen Year Old would not want to be with Someone because they are beyond a certain age, tHerefore making sex the focus instead of Love, they would be rendered legally incapable of making a decision on comsent anyway.

This approach must be Multiversal and Duoversal with across the board supportive learning provided by Parents and siblings and friends like schoolfriends and teacHers; and also the support of People of all Genders and Sensualities/Sexualities. With The Core Loving Ethos Being The Duoness Of Marital Fidelity.

When I was Young I thought that it was my Girlfriend’s choice to decide how and when we would be imtimate and in what way as regards comsent etc. and she thought the same way towards me, meaning both of Our Feelings were considered. I was a Gentlemen and wanted Her to make the final choices, to ensure She was at all times completely comfortable and aware that I Loved Her Above All Else In The Whole Wide World.

Laws must be made for the right reasons, and not be based upon the difficulties of prosecution. We have to hold Ourselves to the highest moral standards and THEN figure out how to successfully apply these Compassionately Logical requirements.


Within the Feminisation Of Reality that is Essential for Women to actually be happy to bring Children into this world for the first time in Our Story (Ourstory, Herstory) All Women Worldwide will be going into seclusion to formulate their requirements in going forwards.

We need to Fully Feminise Reality. This includes: all languages, architecture, city planning, mentality, logic (to Compassionate logic), teaching, sports and everything else. Until men realize and act Women will continue to dislike them ...

So an Age Of Comsent Scale protects Girls and Boys from unsuitable activities. Psychological well being of People of all ages is to be considered in the formulation of a more comprehensive legislation for the age of Comsent. This would need to be ratified and installed Worldwide in all territories. This scale is for Our Species only. OtHer Species would have to look at the end of bone growth phase within their Species but I would recommend that a minimum age of 16 years would be appropriate regardless of growth rate. We have to protect Young Girls from bone misformation. 

Obviously we have to stop underage sex so contraception is no longer required. To stop underage sex we have to stop modern culture promoting sex and exposing Children to these concepts in the wrong way and too early in their lives. And ensure that a solid ethical framework is established around all Children and their Interactions with OtHers.

Obviously I think it would be essential for Women who have never previously had a say in the formulation of the age of Comsent laws, to figure out the finer details. men haven’t made Women feel equal and free to speak their minds in a Society of true equality devoid of social pressure and expectation upon their opinions. Trust me, when Women speak their minds to each otHer they sometimes feel brave enough to say what they really think. Lots of Boys and Men have been educated by the Girls in their lives, by Family and Partners, but this does not translate into societal controls or parliamentary assumptions without major resistance.  I think it would be important that Women should not have to wait any longer (possibly maybe?). And should actually potentially get maybe listened to this time. As in their opinions be acquired without their having to exist within a male dominated anxiety framework. Put it this way. Women want to sit down and decide these things and tell the men what is going to happen. They have earnt that right. It would be nice if the Girls could take a look at my Comsent scale suggestion and run the numbers thoroughly and then improve it/perfectionalise it. Or come up with something completely different and better. I trust Girls and Women. It is about time all Men found the viewpoint to do so. We want to hear Girls’ and Womens’ opinions that they will feel happy to share without derision, or fear or unacceptable pressure in any way.

Age of being in relationship scale-laws need looking at too. Children below 16 are often in relationships with People over 16 years old and this needs attention. And acceptable forms of imtimacy at different ages also need to be Multiversally agreed upon in an Age Of Intimacy Scale; in a similar way to The Age Of Comsent Law Scale I have suggested.

Also I think that open days in schools have to include lots of MOtHers bringing their Babies into Schools to teach Children how to Love and Care and Really Truly CHerish Babies to Bring out the Kindness in Everyone and Ensure that Kindness is Always, Always, Always Involved in Every Interaction Between Babies And Their Loving Smooshey Carers.


It Is Ok To Foster Contradictory Viewpoints And Have Them Coexist Peacefully Without Any Variance In A Mutually Joyous, And Beneficial, Compash-Logicalism.

We Can’t Continue To Rally One Or More Wonderful Options Against Each OtHer’s Lovelinesses. Love Is To Accept The Difference And Allow The Division Between To Melt Away In A Melding Multifarious Coupling Of Many Diversities Of Pure Acceptance. So All-Peace Can Wash Over Us Individually And Collectively In Designing A Loving Future For Every Inclusioning Inventiveness Of Gender Variable Deliciousness And Sexuality Playfulness In A Dreamily Delectable Rejoicing Of Luxuriance. This State Of Connectedness Is A Relished Blessed Bliss That Sustains Biversity Happiness And Is Captivational And Essential For All Peoples To Find Ecstatic Rapturous Snugglin’

We Aim For The Stars. A TogetHerness Yearning Curve. A Comception To The Future In Love. 

“The Future In Love”

Mutually JoYous, And Beneficial Fluidity.


The Beginning Of A New Age. The beginning of the ending to suffering has already begun but now is the time for accelerated suffering removal. To shorten this period as much as possible but to maximise its efficacy: 

MaxiMummy Loveynesses Cascading Comfy Yumptiousnesses, Super Cuddly WotSitsSisssess

The evolutionary development of Animated Life has been one great suffering of such severity to trauma the very genes of Our bodies to change Our morphologies. This one mass collective suffering: A suffering of all life as we have fed off of each otHer for the perpetuation and survival of complexification born of suffering. This period cosmologically has been as short and as concentrated as it could be. Assuredly tHere could be otHer life in the Universe ahead of us but what we are talking about is the initial inception of Life and the time period it has taken to get us to this point today. The beginnings of a new conscious Age of Love In SuperSpecielle Collective Mind that has come as soon as physically possible, as soon as was cause and effect-edly conceiveable, with minimal animal suffering possible. Mathematically, statistically, analysably, we are entrenched amongst an extremely accelerated move towards full abatement of any suffering of any sentient People capable of despair ... 







We need new Laws to cover timeframes that are acceptable between Loving Encounters. When People are looking for Love, respect for Oneself and OtHers and their feelings can be completely disregarded. This has to stop. Not only do we need new laws to protect People but also to stop People from freely talking about, as in promoting, the disgusting and flippant behaviour People exhibit towards Loving Encounters. Any burgeoning potential Loving relationship needs to feel safe and without stress but at present People often feel used, abused and raped.

First dates should be special occasions and not prejudicial testing. Everybody in the World has to be Nice and Lovely and a Real Emotional Loving Relationship has to be the reason for this Happiness Time. We Are All People Of Love ...

Girls Want Forever Love πŸ’–πŸŒˆ

I know men who make decisions about which scripts get money and distribution, like to present women as a slutty and one night stand/ friends with benefits –ish type ho, but trust me GIRLS DO NOT LIKE OR WANT THIS. This is just a reflection of disgusting men trying to prostituitionise Young Girls.

If any Girls have been convinced that they actually want to be treated in this way then they also need psychological support to realise they are just being abused and lined up for more and worse by men who will convince them that being abused and self-abuse is acceptable. Girls and Boys should be considered legally unable to give Comsent based upon disturbing anti-Love psychology. anti-Love psychology is a societal promoter of rape. 


I am a musical activist who seeks equality for all races, genders, species ... basically all animated life and many otHer species also, need protection from suffering and enslavement. The treatment of People of different species like cats and dogs, all domesticated otHer animals and "wild" species IS modern day slavery. I abhor modern cultures' willingness to treat otHer species as slaves, playthings and subjects of Our "superspecies" cannibalistic traits. All Life On Earth Is One Family; it is time we stopped treating Our Sister's and BrOtHers as objects to buy and sell.


Any one night stand when one of the participants expects a possibility of Love to be on the table is "rape". Only have sex if You are willing to commit because if the otHer Person agreed based upon an ongoing Love possibility You have raped them. They didn't Comsent to be used. Nobody should be having sex without serious relationship intentions.

I would go furtHer and say anyone who just wants sex should be declared legally incapable of Comsent due their willingness to self-rape. Love must be the origination of all sexual activity and we should legislate to provide legal protection to this essential ethos, and those who have been harmed by its disregard must get support to help them cope with harm done by themselves to OtHers and themselves.

Emotions are always tHere and the flippant disregard of Our own psychological wellbeing renders us unable to self-protect.

We can’t go into Loving Encounters thinking if it doesn’t work out it will just be a fling: so whatever. We must be commititive. We sometimes use such coping mechanisms as a form of emotional protection but we should not need to. Both People must be Compassionate and serious. It is important we teach Our Children these values and do not let them be exposed to eroded versions of interaction as example: ie the film industry. The machismo world view of rape promotion that is being forced into all mediums worldwide has to end NOW.

And if positives are to be derived from visual media presenting what not to do, we do not at present teach Our Children to comprehensively process these examples correctly. Popular culture promotes the wrong behaviour as acceptable.

Whenever a Woman Comsents to sex she is looking for relationship possibility. She is looking for more. She is looking for permanence. She Comsents to sex on this assumption. When a man drops Her it is rape. She didn't Comsent to that. Girls and Boys want and need to be Loved and Cherished.

It is not Love making. This creates the wrong subconscious impression. Love can not be made or forced to happen. 

Love Burgeons And Flows Beautifully Between Two Pure And Loving Souls. We Creationalise And Build Our Duo=Love With Tenderness And Softness. 

men can not be allowed to glut the film market with rape promotional films pedalled as rom-coms to promote slutty behaviour. Even a film that seeks to appear to tackle and deconstruct these disgusting tropes in their constant over and over presentation are just used by men as vehicles to promote disgusting non-Love forcings over their bitch-hoes.

The absence of Love in sexual comnections renders You legally incapable of giving Comsent.

So for instance if it was illegal to sleep with more than one Person in a two month time frame we could bring things back to Loving Respect. It has to always be about The Two at all times. Two is the only and magic number in the Beauty Of Forever Love. Fidelity Lovity Requires Absolute Devotionals. A Partner deserves all of Your completely undivided attention so emotions are respected fully and we do not fall into rendering Ourselves declared legally incapable of Comsent based upon disrespect to Ourselves and Our bodies and Others ... also known as rape. As prostitution proves it is possible to self-rape, and not protecting Our feelings, as in disrespecting Our feelings with the wrong motivations for opening Ourselves bodily and emotionally we show a complete disregard for Our own health and well being. As anyone who has allowed themselves to be hurt will understand, self-rape is not a pleasant experience to go through so we must have new laws to protect Ourselves from Ourselves and Others. We need to stop victimising Ourselves and allowing the men with money in the world to continue to dominate Our media systems with non-feministic viewpoints that seek to prostitutionise underage Girls’ minds, and condition Young Boys to be rapists. Teaching underage Girls that self-rape is the way of the World has to stop NOW. And Young Men Deserve To See A World Of Feminine Beauty And Equality In Their Mind’s Eyes. We must fight back now Ladies to protect Our Daughters and Sons and Selves from this global harm. Everyone’s Mind Functions On Feelings. Feelings are very important. Girl’s And Boys Hearts And Minds Flow And Flourish On Feelings. We Are All Into Feelings And Feeling Great. And Girls And Boys Want To Feel Perfect About Everything.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–




Feelings To Feel Great And Feel Loved. 

We have to stop the trauma and those whom have been traumatised by this reality from continuing to pedal rape societal norms to Our Children.

We can take back Love. All we need to do is Vote As One to make this stop.

So timeframes between Loving Encounters have to be legislated for. Anything inside a respectable two month timeframe must considered to be unlawful and rape. We Comsent to being treated with respect, and having Our feelings cHerished. We can not be permitted to abuse this trust between People or abuse Our own feelings. We must be stopped from self-harming and self-raping. So any coercion outside of new Laws or any promotion of activities in breach of these new Laws will be considered a criminal offence. Freedom of speech most definitely does not exist and never has. I will speak more on this later in this project. 

Waiting for feelings to grow within Loving Agreements shows respect for Oneself and One’s Partner. All Loving must be Loving. 

Any man who thinks that Girls want to be treated like shit obviously does not understand Women or True Human Nature. Any seeking to hurt Others for fun or by role play evidences a Persons complete inability to protect their own feelings and Others, and therefore renders them legally incapable of self-safeguarding and making a decision on Comsent to Loving Relations of a physical or even emotional nature.

This is the New Position that we must ALL TAKE. We MUST MUST become nurturing and protecting of feelings, and legislate seriously for this. These are the kinds of Polytical bills Women want for Our New World. These are the protections all Women and Good Men want for their Children. We must act now. Millions of People are being raped and are self-raping right this second..

So ... if we go on a date then we should wait a month before we can go on anotHer, as a minimum time frame I would suggest. If we have Loving Relations Of A Creationalising Nature I propose that we must wait for a period of time to be decided upon by a Women’s Vote. The format could be something like a multiple choice as shown here:

The 5 options being :)

a, 2 months

b, 3 months

c, 4 months

d, 6 months

e, 1 year

We Are All Worthy Of Love. All Girls ARE Gorgeous And Nice. All Girls Smell Lovely. All Girls Have A Stunning Smile. Every Girl In This Club Looks Gorgeous And I Love All Their Dresses. All Girls Have Perfect  Figures. All Girls Are Infinitely Gorgeous. 

Lots of People self-guard by de-emotionalising in the pursuit of sex first or sex only? THere is nothing surer than Loving Intimate relations with a Girl to reinforce yumptious feelings of Love. 

Girls and Boys must learn to support each otHer emotionally so as to form a Loving comnection of neediness. 

One must comfy cuddle beauteous-emotional attractiveness towards Our Gorgeous Girl and Her big tum tum that is a massive turn on.

Our mind prioritises feelings. We all feel. And we ALL must put feelings first. OtHer People’s feelings and Ours, because Our Partner, Our Lover IS US. THere is no separation. You are One and the same Person in an Indivisible Loving Union. We must ALL recognise this and so must Our LAWS. They must be Our LAWS. Laws For Girls And Boys To Feel SAFE and HAPPY πŸ’–πŸŒˆ

No longer can we put up with archaic inherited ancient rape-based dis-masculine normatives.

Singularly Women and Men of all nations, and genders and sexualities have been abused by a global system of control by men in power. Men have been unable and unwilling to mobilise in defence of Women and otHer Men, to self protect and collectively protect Ours and All otHer Species.

We are going to talk about the untenability of masculinity but whetHer this means that Girls will wish to do away with the whole masculine terminology matrix is completely and totally up to them.

It is about time those who have been hurt most can set new parameters and new nomenclatures to move forwards with. 

men have to stop collectively ignoring Women.


The term “racism” means framing different ethnicities as being a “race”, as in a competition, is wrong ... we are not, tHerefore, prejudice; it is unacceptability we can’t bear. “Racism” for me can be considered as being against the comcept of race itself ... Do we need competition?

So the word “race” has to be considered incorrect, and it is the word component in the word “racism” that acts as the negativiser, not the –ism suffix.

Generally speaking, in any application, use of the –ism suffix as a negativisor is not and should never be correct.

Even if words like “speciesism” qualify as correct through usage, I do not like such forms of usage and would not wish collective-usage to be justification to negativise language through the coining of new words in this way. Such usages create grammatic tension points. Isms are used for good things or bad but the source word should always be the modulator of meaning. We do not want to create subconscious negativity towards positive ism words. Mixing of positive and negative grammatics can create stressor symtaxs.

Prioritising race is always a problem. 

Black and white are unacceptable terms.

Race means a competition and this can’t be an acceptable term.

The Human race itself should not be a competition but a collaboration. I assume tHere are Women out tHere who have lobbied against universities to change the term “race” and its usage in referring to ethnicities to something different?

Ethnicity. Ethos Nice. Ethos of Niceity.


We Want Girls To Have What THEY Want. 

We Want Girls To Have THEIR Preferences.

That Is What WE Want.

So If They Go Off Into An Extended Secluded Conference To Decide What They Want.

Men Have To Want The Girls TO HAVE WHAT THEY WANT.

What Do Women Want? We’ll Find Out When They Tell Us πŸ’–πŸŒˆ πŸ’–πŸŒˆ 

First one must care about what they want, ratHer than just do stuff You think they want, in order to copulate.

Girls do not want to copulate.

But they are forced to think they do.

They do not want men who think of copulation.

They do want to have Your or more Children.

They do not like the word copulate, it suggests non-Love.

Biological Clocks Tick and men know this.

And Girls Love Babies.

men manipulate Womens’ minds to

1, Get Babies

2, Convince Girls that they are suitable to “breed” with.

(In no particular order)

Except in cases wHere the Law that forces Women to be raped by their own husband is in force: so in actuality men do not need to convince anyone ...

Girls Want Love To Be The Only Motivator In Their Decision To Have Lovey Dovey Stuff.

Attraction to differing lifestyles and interests to one’s own, and not allowing one’s own preference to dictate Loving Relationship JoYousnesses is always Prima. 

Within relationships we find delight in assuming transitioning positioning mindsets.


When we use language, the way we present Ourselves in tone and sentence structure, also known as symtax, is of utmost importance in ensuring we all feel good and included in all activities we are involved in. 

Example of this is: 

Saying “We are going to the beach” instead of saying “I am going to the beach” within Your beach party’s earzone is essential to help ensure People feel included.

Saying “I would like to go to town tomorrow my Love” is a very upsetting way of forwarding a suggestion. It is pressurising and overbearing. It is polite to say “Maybe we could go to town tomorrow my Love?” Waits for response with a kind face .............. “I’ve got something I might quite like to do in town my Lovey wuvvy booboos”. Being considerate in the way we pose questions to everyone is to be made a legal requirement.

When suggesting in a publishing house board meeting the possible acquisition of rights to publish a novel the Head Editor could say:

 “I would like to consider this book for publication” 

“I would like us to consider this book for publication” 

“I would like us all to consider this book for publication” 

All these options are unacceptable and uninclusive of the group’s feelings.

It would be far better to say:

Maybe we could take a look at this book that Our readers are growing fond of? I’ve taken a look and it seems really nice ...

“You have been requested to take this Womanuscript to an editor’s office.”  What would You do? We wish to exist in a world wHere automated systems transfer objects for us ... tHerefore freeing up People to be able to do tasks they wish to do. THere isn’t really a way of asking someone to do something for You without appearing to be controlling. This of course has very important philosophical Lovelinesses for how society fulfils its own Dreams Of Destiny.

“Let’s write a book on the beach togetHer” Is A Lovely Idea. And We All Would Love To Do That With Our Partner. But Ideas Are For Two People To Lovingly Comceptualise As One Person.

“Maybe we could write a Yummy Loverly Wuvvly book togetHer on the beach my Lovey Dovey YumYum Yummy Tummy Yummy Yummy Mummy Forever And Ever TogetHer In Dreamily Happily MotHerly Wuvverly Cuddly Huggly Wuggly Giggly Jiggly Kissily Blissily Kissy Wissy Woo Woos?” 


Language has never been free as certain symtaxical constructions are very offensive. We are talking about modulating speech to ensure People are very nice. Freedom of speech is a delusion as it has never existed.

Speech in Cephalised Peoples

Comcepts are speech. Comcepts and objects are cognitive references that Loving People of All Species process in their minds and hearts to act out their emotionally-based behaviours to live their lives. Emotions are the result of behaviours and life requirements and without them a Person can not react to environmental stimulus and change.

In the minds of non-lingual People, the references they have to objects and comcepts are emotionally based and complex as without complexity they would be unable to function in the complex socially interactive ways that they do. People of otHer species when in contact and Loving interactions with lingual species will learn to associate audio input experience with said objects and behavioural comcepts. So when a lingual but non speaking Person is hungry or thirsty they will lingually internalise by saying words inside their minds but be unable to speak audibly. They learn the words through repetition as they are Children. 

It is possible to teach otHer animals to talk, this has been proven many times with use of sign language and computer interfaces. But otHer-animals that have not been treated as People in intensive language learning experiences also already talk in their minds because they understand words. People who understand words can form mirror images of those words in their heads just as Our species does. This is how cognition processes lingual input. 


An essential approach to facilitate an increased brainsize to create happier lives for microscopic Organisms with understanding and Love will be one of the most important challenges of the coming months and years. 

To Give Microscopic Children Comfort And Support From Their Parents As All Children Need To Be Loved And Supported. We Can Provide Love And Support Until Families Are Able To Provide Nurturing Loveynesses Themselves.

In supporting Their Physical Growth We Provide The Loving Environment In Which All Microscopic   Families Can Learn To Think Of Love And Compassion And Learning For All Our Futures

So Their Brains Have Capability Of Loving, Comforting Lives For Each OtHer. So They Can Make Decisions For The Futures, To Decide Their Own Destinies.

If in the support of their Family life we would need to facilitate larger brain sizes through modern techniques of cellular growth stimulus using technologies yet to be developed, then this would be done on the basis of a globally agreed Compassionised logical. We can’t vote on such a comcept as that would be unethical, but we do have to keep discussing until we have the answer that meets a Compassionately logical certitude. 

For complex microscopic Organisms that are cephalised, as in have brains, their brains are not encased so can grow in size. Extended Life spans can allow larger body sizes also, to support increased sizes of cephalised zones.

THere is a bandwidthed layer within which conscious People can be taught modes of thought like speech and sociality. These People would be at a size smaller than the smallest insects, lying somewHere between multicellular Organisms and macro-organ matrixed Organisms. The technology to facilitate communication with these Peoples’ minds is just around the corner. 

SomewHere within this bandwidthed layer between complex cephalised Organisms and multicellular or single cellular uncephalised Organisms lies a smaller bandwidthed zone wHere comsciousness can be classified as arising. Many Organisms can not be classified as having comsciousness although they do have receptor stimulus reaction abilities that can be modulators for cell mobilities involving cilial motor responses and otHer functionalities of otHer organelle structures within a single cell. Multicellular Organisms range towards having complex nervous responses with proto to actually classifiable nervous systems. Responses within a single cell or multicellular Organism do not require a comsciousness simulated overlay which we may refer to as soul or spirit or comsciousness. More developed nervous systems facilitate the inception of, and nascent to more complicated arisings of, simulatory experience. All cephalised life has the ability to exist comsciously or semicomsciously within what we call comsciousness; which can be thought of as a virtual comstruct of the brain expressed as simulation called mind.

When nerve cells and nerve bundles are triggered and responses are sent to cephalised cells, any of these responses can be interpreted by sentient experience as pain or pleasure dependent upon prior experiences and whetHer that Person has formulated positive or negative emotional responses to their nerve signal processing brain cell’s experiences.

During a Baby’s early development Her first nervous system responses could potentially cause pain as no nervous system sensory input has been experienced yet. We need a way to ensure that Babies in these stages are not traumatised by first sensory experiences. A way to ensure these experiences are analog in nature, and not digital and upsetting: as in they are not suddenly dropped into strong feelings that can be upsetting to brain tissues that are formulating mind. A dampening technology would need to be developed to help aid this transition.

This comcept can also be applied to evolutionarily developing Organisms. As soon as comsciousness has arisen we must ensure no suffering occurs. 

Also to remove the biomechanical damage from noncognisant lives prior to their inception of brain-type functionality may be an important ethical decision as this damage could be reclassified as suffering. The Way We Arrange Our Ethics With Protectionist Ethos Based Axiological Frameworks Is An Important Topic For Our Times As People Look To Consider Protectionist Thought Towards  Non Sentience.

In adHerence to this Ethos potential we need mediums/substrates wHere bacteria can live unharmed. Single celled Organisms can be trapped by clumps of bacteria and this can’t be allowed to happen if we care about the Lives of Life forms we classify as Organisms. 

Cellular based trauma has been a major stressor involved in Animal Life’s evolution, as much of an influence over genetic modulation as macro ecosystemal pressures, and is as much of an ethical consideration when applying new Loving and Caring CuddlyStuffs.

No suffering during emergence of cephalised form for small Peoples is non-negotiable. Why do scientists not care to have already developed these considerations with forward thinking plans for rescue?

And in extension to this we care enough to extend Loveynesses To All Forms Of Life When Applicable. 

The providence of environs for microscopic Organisms would also make ethically fortuitous Life experiences within cared for Lives for All multicellular Organisms within a new Womandatory SuperCare: Take Your Heart to a Perfectional Level of Sumptuous Intimacy with All Free Spirits You Meet ....We Are All Beings Of Love Designed to Constructions of Social Incorporative Delight Inclusion. Hear The Chittering Tones Of The Dovely Loves As They Iterate The Importance Of Peace To All ... Peace Talks (2 Me) .........

Ourstory Is All About Spreading Vibes Of Loveliness, Happiness And Peace For Everyone Of All Genders, Ethnicities And Species. Feel The Love Wrap Around Your Cascading Soul. Live The Love Of Joy And Acceptance Of Biversity And JoYous Interexchange. I Love My Shining Light Girls’ Always Happiness Vibrations. πŸ’–πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ’‹πŸŽΆ

All My Sonical Phrase-Builds Are Bassed Positivity. Coalesced Incarnationalised Analogously. The "Pink Moon Star" Also Known As The "Gorgeousness Of The Feminine" Is Flying Perfection In The Sky Of A New Feminised World. Time To "Get Girly" πŸ’–❤πŸ’–❤πŸ’– THere's A Pink Moon Flying And She's A Beautiful Star. She Touches EveryPerson With Loveliness. She's Your MotHer, Your Sister, Your Daughter, Cousin, GrandmotHer, Aunt, Great Aunt And Niece. Your Friend. 

And One Girl's Extra Special ... She Is Your Wife ... She Is The CHerry On The Cake Of Your Life ... She Is The Energy, Of All The Girlyness You See ... That Wraps You In Gorgeousnesses And Rainbowing Pinky Ribbonsesses ... She Is The Feminine Of The Lovity Of Universiality ...

A Propensity For Energy Systems To Complexify And Find Organisations And Patternations Cohabiting Each OtHer’s Spaces To Process And Compute. I Call This An All-Cuddling Term ..... I Call This Love. And Compassionate Logic Also Known As Logic, In Its InHerent Way, Will Intensify Our Abilities To Be The Very Constructive Entities The Universe Builds. The Cells In Our Body Have Biological Respect For Each OtHer And The Whole. A Compassionately Logical To Flourish System. Bacteria Clump And Colonize. We Can Perfectionalise These Systems To Love ALL Not Just Limited Substrates And Individualisms. πŸ’–πŸ’– LOVE IS KEY πŸ’–πŸ’–. Emotional, And The Overwhelming And Overseeing Propensity Of All Energy Matter Systems To Build Is Of Peace Cascading Outwards Into A Universe Of True Love. πŸ’–πŸ’–

The InHerence Feminine Extrapolates Our Moving Reality Forwards With A Verve Of Untold Passion To Breathe The Love Of Our Heaving Bosoms; With Which Eternally Cascading Phasing, Blissy Kissy, Yummy Mummy, Yumpy Plumpy, Booby Booby BoobittyboobboobπŸ’›πŸ’›

A Phase Of Joy And Love Lead By Women And Their Ideas. I Look At The World And All I Want To See Is Derivations Of Sublime Girlyness.

All The Universe Itself Is Of Love. All Systems Are Love. We Are The Universe And The Universe Is Us. The Universe Lives And Loves Through Us And Within Us. We Are Of The Duoverse, The Duoverse Of True Love TogetHery Everness. A Multiverse Of Genderry FeatHery TogetHery Lovery MotHery MotHering In Yumptious Tumptious Bumptious Delisciousy Transy Yummynessy Rainbowing Heartsy Artsy Glowy Makeuppy Blissy Kissy Gaily Baby Boo Boo Tummy Yummy Woo Woos Happy.

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The Value Of The Human Condition Is Simply A Small Piece Of A Very Large SuperSpecielle Comsciousness That Is For All Time One Large And Perfect Family. 

With the advent of computing new horizons are transcendable as the data processing requirements of certain forms of technology like genetic and quantum analysis facilitate Our New Age Of Love Perfectional Experience.

Transcendence is not and can never be about unethical body modifications as in cybernetics or transposition into a computer. Moving ones comsciousness into a computer would be pointless as tHere is nothing wrong with keeping Your own body and brain intact indefinitely using genetic rejuvenation. Complications in comsciousness transference could be overcome but why botHer? THere are otHer ways to modulate Our simulatory experience commonly known as comsciousness in a seamless experiencial augmented or virtual-type reality mode of technology. Creating potential for vast virtual world-type experiences. 

These kinds of thought Interactive systems could be classified as transcendence to some People. Also any such thought-based interfaces for thought Communication or otHer device or mediums utilisation has to be Ethical in nature. Thinking of Peoples’ rights to Loving thoughts and for the thought-based connections to be on a voluntary basis.  Being able to Womanipulate Your surroundings using thought in a real mind-based environ that is totally realistic in every way to the senses. Using Your thoughts to sculpt virtual-reality to whatever modulation or fancy You can imagine could be fun but we also have to hold onto the Living Loving SuperSpecielle Comdition. We have to respect realistic modes of permanence at the same time as respecting Our dreams. Reality is the future of Our delight horizons, and being able to use technology to explore Space is going to be a very exciting time. And the possibility of full-sensory tech based astral-projection type Interactions will be a large part of Our futures in my opinion. The extrapolations of such technologies are potentially far reaching in scope for exploration and good-times but we have to hold onto Our ethics and use Compassionised systems of thought at every turn. 

In a future wHere the possibilities will stretch to being able to mould Your very actual surroundings around You into whatever formation You desire on-instant-demand in real-time poses very interesting and potentially dangerous and SuperSpecielle comdition changing ethical questions that we must fully answer as one. And we must ensure we can explore Space and virtual experiences without the possibility of People amongst Our numbers breaching extremely important barriers that we must Compassionately impose for all Our Protection.

In my opinion cybernetics as a form of experience and functionality modulation is just body mutilation. All parts of Anyone’s body can be fixed and replaced by regrowth techniques and any desirable physical attribute augmentations can be achieved using external to the body mechanised constructs for boosting strength, speed and endurance and augmented functionality for flight, submergence and otHer modes. We have to at all times respect the SuperSpecielle Comdition.

Hybridisation between different Species using genetic engineering is outside of the remit of allowable reproduction rights. We do not have the right to change Our base genomes in such a way. THere is no stomach for it and no hunger within the realms of acceptable thought.

To be able to have Babies in the first place would be a requirement, to have the help of genetic intervention for any genetic difficulties arising with Comception. Only minor adjustments for Species that can already have Babies can be permissible, with hybrid engineering between different Species being outside of acceptable behaviour.

Tigers and Lions are an example of one Species that is misclassified as two separate Species. Their morphologies make us assume that they are a separate Species but I do not accept this classification and consider them to be subSpecies. They can have Children but sometimes their DoubleSpecielle YummyChildren require minor chromosonal adjustment to Comceive their own Babies. I do not think any furtHer tinkering with genetics for reproduction is needed or wanted. The Zebras-Horses-Donkeys-Species also could be helped through minor chromosonal adjustment to ensure future generations of Babies live happy lives and have their own Families without genetic hindrance. To Ensure Continued Generations Of Lovely Babies.

Synthetic Biomechanical Constructs that are eitHer Our genetical based or some kind of new synthetic life theory system are just not something we want to be merging with Ourselves. To do this destroys the SuperSpecielle Comdition. We Have Untold Potential For Love And Biversity Already Nurturing Every One Of Us And We Are Multitudinous In Number. All The Sentient People On Our Planette Require All Our Love And Care 


Lingual—Creative Vocalisations: By Yummynessing The Language We Speak We Will Move Ourselves Forwards Into A New Wonderful Communicational Age. And With A New Freeform Phonics Approach We Can Use Random Sounds That We Emote To Beautify The Way We Talk As Embelle-Ishment. This Can Be Included In Normal Speech Or Joyful Randomised Freeform Vocalisations. Sign Language—Freeform Hand Dancing: New Forms Of Sign Language With Super Expressiveness Movements And Lovelinesses That Can Be Full Body Expressions. It’s Nice To Be Expressive When We Talk, And Hand Dancing And Arm Dancing And Full Body Dancing Can Be Very Amazing To Express FurtHer Lovelinesses Whilst We Emote-Talk. When We Talk We Need To Feel Free And Confident To Move Our Bodies In JoYous Motions Of TogetHerness Expressionism. We Can Teach Each OtHer To Be Free Children Of Emotive Verve Delivery; Cascading Outwards To All Whom Share Our Engaging Experiences.   Song—Scat: The Words We Continue To Utilise In Everyday Lingual Exchanges Are Going To Be Fully Reviewed By Girls And Women, And This New Vocabularly Is Going To Reflavourise Song Lyrics Into A New Form Of Loveynesses, TogetHernesses, Forevernesses As Comtextualisationals. And With Freeform Vocalisations That We Express Using The Randomised Phonics Of Scat A New World Of Possibility Blossoms Within Our Musical Interexchanging Systems. Mind Emotional Internalisational As Language: With New Emotional And Mind Representational Language Abilities Created By New Technologies That Allow Minds To Link We Find New Opportunities For Beauteous Comversations Across The Whole Of Planette Earth MotHer. A New World Of Possibility Is Arriving That Creates New Types Of Languages.  Dance: Choreo Group: A Chorus Of Dancey Yummynesses. In The Way Dance Groups Present Themselves It Is Wonderful To Be Inclusional Of Cuddly-Type Expressionisms So As To Move All Forms Of Dance Towards Loving Forms. So With Such Dance Forms: Freeform Group, Solochoreo, Solofreeform, Duochoreo, Duofreeform We Can Move Dance Into Scripted And Non-Scripted Beauteousnesses. Scripting With Loveyness Comcepts; Scripting With Emotions. Transcendance = Very Fluid And Superpositional, Fluousnessnessnesses. A TogetHerness Yumptious, Umptious, Bumptious Delightfulness. 

Arrangements Combining 2 Or More illustrative Wonderments of Dancey Blissynesses: as Communication Styles To Embelle-Ish Speech Or Mind-Emotional Lingual Interxchange.


Multilarity Theory involves many singularities, some of which are as follows:

BioEmotional: Body Yummifications

Fluo-Lingual- TranscenDance








Singularities must be based upon Lovity, Levity, for Everyone, For EveryDuo


Future Communication is going to be complexified by the addition of mind-link: and this turns Species internal individual thought formulations into communal. First-Communication with otHer Species could be arranged utilising their own internal Feelings “Language” but this potentially creates ethical issues. We should probably teach languages to otHer Species with existing languages, utilising the method of listening to their minds and when they say words in their internal thoughts we can encourage and teach. This is also something to consider as at the same time we would like otHer Species to develop their own languages based upon their existing Mind Emotional Internalisations.

A combination of all these “languages” could gift the world with a new form of mass intelligible Communication. Languages are being developed in this medium within the minds of all non-  lingual People all over the world, within their own internal narrative. Visuo-comceptuo words. Words without words. Words = Feelings. Words Are Feelings. 

Feelings can be words in new forms of language based upon otHer Species internal individual thought formulations that could if those People Wish, be combined into a wholly new and Wonderful form of mass Communication. 


Customising the vocabularly of books to the abilities of the Readers, as regards their preferences, is a Wonderful way to create new expressions of literature, as it engages more People with a lot more books and their contents. Lovely new books for a new Lovely age, being shared fully with People of all ages and desires will be essential in allowing a new fuller learning approach that can help to advance Children in their learning at an accelerated rate. This will ensure that People who have already read a book can come back to read it again years later for fun and learning. 

The way this would work is, for any given book multiple editions could be written, so that a varying Readership could engage with the books contents, in different ways, throughout the years.

This Type Of Emotionally Positive Informational Commitment To All Our Learning Happinesses Is An Essential Part Of A New Approach For A New World, With Learning As Its Central Ethos.


The nature of Our reality is popularity. We have to philosophically qualify the relevance of popularity and Positively flavourise its comcept and the way we comduct Ourselves. Popularity is an inevitable part of the way we Interact because the nature of Community is to create new Friendships in abundance to create Social Cohesions For Forever Togethernesses. This inevitably allows People to become very well known amongst large groups of People. And with modern media being the way it is we will always see popularity arising spontaneously. We like to see People that appeal to us do well and this interest can improve Our Wellbeing as we often Love a togetHerness with their Life story.

We need to Love what we need into reality. Definitionalised by comtext. Comtext = TogetHerness.


Popularity arises within all fields of human endeavour. And this is something that is factored into the way resources are allocated. In a New World without or with money, Resources Will Still Need To Be Allocated To Essential Projects Within Public Areas Of Interest. Within Comceptual And Practical Sciences And Arts Organised By New Loving Collectives We Will See The Resources We Have Utilised In New And Ever Increasingly Loveydovey Ways To Facilitate New Technologies And Artsy Yummynesses For Everyone πŸ’–❤πŸ’–❤πŸ’–


In a new Feminised World men are expected to Kiss their Sons in the same way they Kiss their Daughters. To deny You Son Affection based upon Gender is a form of child abuse and can no longer be acceptable. Men Need Emotional Support Too. They need Emotional support to express their Feelings and not have them diluted by societal pressures. When a man holds his Baby Daughter or Son for the first time he Kisses them. He continues to Kiss his Daughter. But he is pressured to withdraw Affection from his Son: Collective Gender-Based Abuse Must Be Stopped.


Just as great as Women and Children wearing false beards for fun is, so should we support any Child in wearing anything they want. So considering it is completely acceptable for men to wear dresses, it is also completely acceptable for Young Boys to be excited about wearing dresses. It is a Parent’s responsibility to joYously encourage Boys to do this if they show Wishynesses Interests.

Neutrality as negativity

Maybe sometimes in some situations to show neutrality can be mistaken for, or infer to OtHers that Someone is being negative when they are not. We need to seek to be Positive whenever we can because it makes us very happy. 

In this regard Positive only punctuation is an essential approach to a new form of written Communication. 

I have proposed that Girls of the World look at all languages in detail, to decide which words could be kept in a New World of Love. And at the same time we need a new approach to punctuation. Exclamation marks for instance are something we could do without, as they just create tension points. We need Positive Only Communicationals. We Need New Delicious Lovey-Positive Punctuations, That Fill Our Hearts And Minds With Delightment And Joy.


A Full Unity Approach Has To Be The Future For All Species. We Need Full And Clear And Distinct Lines Of Communication Moving Us Towards Perfect Love.


So I Propose To Call The Planetteary Friendship System “Lovity”. 

So Lovity Is The Comnection Between Planettes. Lovity Being The Comstructivismistical Nature Of The Duoverse: Two Lovers Forever Cuddling. The Energy-Matter Complex Being A Symbolism Structure For Forever Joy. 

Across All Space And Time We See The Unity Of Space And Movement Duoversing A New Bivine Culturalism That Ever Always Links Us In Lovity Unity. 

The Combining of Two Planetteary Bodies into one whole in cosmological terms can be thought of as Perfection, although we need to ethically assess whetHer this is acceptable. Two Planettes in collision is a function of normal Celestial Bodily comflow-ences. Life would maybe see this as upsetting, especially if Life has Loved and Lived on those Planettes but Our SuperSpecielle point of reference is part of a Galactic and Universelle whole. 

We have to consider the notion that Planettes themselves have rights, and that the macro Interactions between large Celestial Bodies that are already in transit, may at times be considered to be beyond Our remit as regards Parlence rights: I refer to Our ability to Communicate physically with Planettes via SuperMacro Lovity Emflow-ences. To talk with Lovity with Planettes is to respect their prior Wishes in directionalisationals.

Most assuredly Our concerns towards never colonised Worlds as regards rights to do as we Wish, through colonisation, could maybe at times be trumped by a new “Planetteary Bodies Ethics”.

MotHer Earth’s Babies Ethics 

When We Colonise New Worlds We Will Need To Sometimes Recreate The Loving Balances We See On Planette Earth MotHer. With Species Of All Kinds That Fly, Walk And Swim Being Accommodated By Comfy Yummy Environments That Are Just As Mummyish As Here On MotHer Earth. Rocky Planettes May Tend To Have Little Or No Water Available For Aquatic Species, So An Earth-MotHer-Like AtmospHere Will Help To Facilitate JoYous Living And Loving.


In A New Sociofamilial Balance That Plans To Ensure Everyone Feels Comfortable We Look To Facilitate The Ideals That We Love Coming Into A New Fruition Of Warmth. Babies Are Dreams For Parents Within Dreams Fulfilled.

We can’t afford to allow anything to upset this Balance that we all CHerish. When things go wrong Society as a whole becomes a place wHere People can’t fulfil Their Dreams. Societal nurture for Families has to recognise that Society Itself Is One Large Family. Not just an extension but an All Inclusive Cuddling Unit.

At present the Balance is wrong. The ignoring of Women and their Feelings and Ideas is causing Our Society to fail. THere is an imbalance because we have a balance between bad and good. But the bad ruins the Good by its very existence. We have to remove the bad completely from everything we do so only the Good remains. Then A True Balance Between Love, Respect, Nurture, Kindness, Equality Is Attained.

Feminisation = Equal = Equality

Feminisation Is Perfection. We have to evoke repetition of this beauty throughout every LoveyStuffyWooWoos we do. 

The world at the moment is filled with violence. 

Violence isn’t just physical it’s Emotional. But the world suggests it already knows this fact. But the world is not doing anything to change this. men still seek to present emotional violence in every socially accepted media they can. And no one is doing anything to stop them. 

Physical violence does create Emotional scars. emotional violence creates Emotional scars. emotional violence creates permanent synaptical scars.


It is imperative that all People of all Species Worldwide have their biometric data checked in realtime; at all times. An end to death by life extension is only one step toward Infinite Life for all People. Safeguarding Ourselves and Our Children in this way, is something that should already have happened. With the ease at which we can acquire such information these days, using modern technologies, the fact no legislation has been put in place to make it a legal requirement, that all biometrics be checked by a global monitoring system, is a clear indicator that men do not care about your Life. 

Not Wishing to have Your biometrics checked in realtime by a global safety system could be thought of as non-self-Protection, and suicide if something happens. 

During the continued Protection of one’s Family, tHere would potentially be concerns about the ages at which this data can be accessed by Parents; as Children Like To Have Their Independence. The system itself however needs to know wHere Everyone is at all times. 

If People could remove themselves from this system, we would definitely need self-perambulating devices, that could check on People periodically when staying in any and all zones on Planette Earth MotHer, to see if they are ok after time has elapsed.

At the moment, as I write this, tHere are People dying in multitudinous ways, all over the world, because men do not care. 

Non- Positive Metaphorics Should Never Be Utilised

People use metaphoric analogies for good definitional comtextualisations and bad. Moving forwards we need to stop utilising negative metaphor completely and assume the stance that negativising any methods of Communication including any and all literary-devices is no longer acceptable.


Assumed superiority based upon the idea that People with thoughts more ethically figured out are superior is not acceptable. We can’t allow People to feel that way.

We can’t allow People who we are trying to help during the process of the “Feminisation Of Reality” feel that their Feelings are not being considered. People who are still harming OtHers with behaviours that are very upsetting can not be made to feel inferior. All of us are trying to be Compassionate and Nice, and in recognition of this we seek to help People know they are Loved and CHerished. 

We can’t allow People who are already being Compassionate and Nice in every way to assume a position of superiority over those who need help. 

Superior-Inferior Mindset is a false premise.


Being asked to (work) in a specific role within Society without wanting to, or being unhappy with one’s situation is like running a computer program.

Creating sentient Life via artificial means is unethical in its nature. 

The possibility of programming machine based systems that are sentient is highly disturbing; having a device that provides a service functionality like fixing a road be programmed and or designed to also be sentient is slavery. 

People working jobs is the same.

Roles In A SuperSpecielle Society Will Always Be Voluntary Experiences That Feel Safe. All Roles To Fulfil Our Dreams, Nurture, Safety Will Be Formula For A New Girly Superinclusive Society That Is With The Mind Of Ensuring EveryPerson Who Dreams Of The Role They Wish To Fulfil Within Society Whilst Being CHerished, Will Have This Wish Come True, Because EveryPerson Performing Roles That Fulfil Their Happiness, Is A Key To The Happiness For All People. Performing Roles That Fulfill Your Happiness. Performing Roles That Fulfil My Happiness. We Need All People To Be Happy So We Can Be Happy Too. A State Of Continued Happiness For EveryDuo.


On this Planette men have forced peace because men inHerently want peace to be the defining trait for Our Society. But this is a false peace because Peace cannot be attained unless it is without harm being done to Anyone. Using violence to install peace can never work because the method by which it is achieved is (tainted). To be free to do what You want to do any old time has been assumed to mean that what You would Wish to do is within a set of rules which comtextualise the Niceties Of Life. We have to ensure that peace is within Lovely parameters.

Compassionate freedoms are modulated freedom because total freedom or freedom itself has been a way for man to do as he wants, against Compassionate-logical thought: as a method of control. 

Compassionised Freedoms Always Have To Cuddle, Within Lovely Parameters.


When We Pay Universelle Income We Pay It To All Species. This Will Ensure We Have Enough Time To Build New Houses And Villages And Cities With Perfect Traffic And Communication Interlinks For All Species To Design Their Own Happiness Zones; And So We Can All Design Communal SuperSpecielle Happiness Zones That Will Seamlessly Interface Our Blissy Dreamynesses Into One Unified Whole.

Men are halting this to keep People busy and prevent these things from being easy. They want to take Our money at overpriced levels instead of houses building themselves through the utilisation of new Supersafe technological developments in automated machinery systems. Large scale automated building apparatus is essential to free People from roles they are not happy in, To New Roles Of Imaginative And Wonderment Delight.

And Fundamentally Important To This, Is Growing Enough Food For All Species. This Being Something We Have To Achieve Now. And This Will Only Happen, If We All Work Together, To Deliver The New Autopolytical Future We All Deserve. 


Stressful environments might not stress You at all, but the way we use language can still cause unstressed People to react with stressful syntax as the Feelings can feed into one’s subconscious Wellbeing. 


Who You look at based upon Your knowledge of their knowledge in a comversation can be used as a tool for social control and domination. Making time for otHer People’s responses within Your allotted time frames is also controlling in attitude.

Instead of demanding we have to learn to ask. How we organise projects and their formulationing is important. Love is about collaboration and art, not hierarchy and singular or oligarchical control.


Teaching can not be negative. We have to get this notion out of Our collective thought. All negative words and phrases can be removed from teaching materielles and this will facilitate A New Happy Balance Within The Schooling System. Every Single Teaching-Room Has To Have Within It Happiness Objects And Spaces So That All People Of All Ages Can Enjoy Their Learning In Unison.


-ism is not a negativisor. 

Genrisation of words by the -ism suffix allows Wonderful words to be made into beautiful movements of SuperSpecielle interexchange. We need to move away from modulating negative words using -ism.  Within Art the -ism suffix is utilised to describe a genre. You take a descriptor word and -ism it. Going forwards we have to only use such Beautificational Modulators For Very Wonderful And Positive Words. Turning The -Ism Suffix Into An Intrinsically Positive Modulator.

Ethics of Creative Arts and Beyond

We have to take the stress out of Artistic Inclusion. 

When sending scripts to publisHers or agents or film production houses etc. it has to be Womandatory to send to each Person a polite receipt letter. This Is Essential To Support The Wellbeing Of All Artists. People in the past have been upset by the lack of follow-up Communication when they send their work to potential collaborative businesses. And in the past collaboration and equality and creative autonomy has been lacking within such relationships. So tHerefore we need a new legislative approach to ensure the legal rights of all Creative Artists are cHerished in new Lovely Laws to be agreed very, very soon. 

With a new Compassioned approach to the ethics within the Creative Arts and all otHer SuperSpecielle endeavours we will see a non-hierarchical system Loved Into Being. Ethical Social organising surrounding all the arts is essential and these ways have to be the only socially accepted normative for moving forwards. Skills and abilities assumptions can no longer be accepted terms of reference. Not in the way we talk about each otHer. Not in the way we consider each otHer’s work. A New Loving Cuddle From All Areas Of Superspecielle Innovation That Wraps Us All In A Warmy-Warm Blanket Of Affection And Emjoyful Emjoinment. 

If publishing houses, imprints, labels etc. are to be kept I think that every script needs to find its home. Some People may prefer the idea of doing away with the selection process as it leads to People being upset by refusals. However we Wish to proceed, kindness is the most important aspect. Even in a freelance-Editors-only World Ethically Comstructed Imprints can be part of the mix if done with Care, Love and Thought. Freelance Editors Can Fulfil Their Loving Roles In Superpositional Office Settings That Are Biverse And Collaborative And Well Communicated.

Ultimate decision over creative options for Writing Artists as regards aesthetics, has to be the way we go forwards. We Really Need To Be At All Times Supportive And Considerate Of The Originators Vision For Their Work. Their Ideas Can Be Collaborative Or Follow The Original Vision Dependent Upon Their Dreams And Wishes. Freelance Designers Or Teams Could Show Interest To Collaborate On Projects They Are Interested In If The Artist Is Happy With Such Arrangements. Projects Like Book Covers And Audiobook Movies Will Be Of Much Interest Within This New Creative Dynamic Possibility. 

All Of This Work Would Be Supported By A New System That Would Resource-Wise Or Monetarily Support All Potential Collaborators Like Readers, Editors And Designers In Their Preferred Cuddly Role. And All Creative Suggestions In Such A Loving World Of Bookishness Must Only Be Offered In The Polite-Ist Of Terms And In A Collaborational Style. 

In the past Readers and Editors have not been able to reach out to new potential collaborators because they have been in a situation of not being fully credited for their contributions. Even learning Editors who have contributed to a work, maybe only revising a couple of chapters or suchlike, have to be fully credited within the book itself also because this is what Happiness and Wellbeing needs. Artists and Editors can’t ethically collaborate if they do not Wish to include all participants in the process with full recognition. And Offering Learning Editors Opportunities To Collaborate On Books In Full Partnership Roles Would Of Course Be Preferential Because In A New World Of Loveynesses We Foster And Care For Each OtHer At All Times In Feelinessy Wonderfulnesses. For Perfectional Communicational Vocational. My Preference Would Be That This Ethos Be Fully Adopted Across The Whole Bookishness Wonderment Of Planette Earth MotHer.

I also propose that a new system of full creditation be created for citations. An expansive approach to new citations legislation would include all ideas and comcepts within any given text whetHer it be non-fiction or fiction. In the past such measures have been installed to credit OtHers for source materielles, ideas and comcepts, but a full and comprehensive approach is now possible and desirable, which wraps Everyone in Happinesses. I would suggest that we could go all the way with this comcept. Such inventions like Literary Devices, science-based principles like futuristic Science Fiction inventions and comcepts would all be included in such a scheme of resource materielle creditation. Automated ideas and words information can be generated also from digital texts with the existence of an actual index-able digital text being a legal requirement for all books, and the inclusion in this scheme being very important for the full analysation of all known data: this can also include journals, diaries etc that could potentially be legally required to be fully indexed also. The publishing of such data would be included in the book itself with more expanded citations type source information in the form of full creditation side documents that would be published in unison with the text in question. I am calling these new legal measures “Sources Creditation Laws”.

For books that are already out tHere that pass new and comprehensive rules for publication; they will have to be re-edited wHere needed and possibly rewritten when vocabularly has moved on to a New Delightment Period In Ourstory. Many books might be put behind “New Book Access Laws” with very carefully thought out Yummyness Guidelines to ensure that all People’s Ourstories are respected, but at the same time access to all texts is possible if the requirements of the rules are met. I will talk more on this subject later in the project. 








Within A New World Of Lovely Times For All Species, We Will All Be As One SuperSpecies. This Is Our Collective, Loving Destiny. We Move Forwards In Time And Space As One Family Unit Of Joy And Caring Compassion. New Worlds Within Our Mother Galaxy Will Provide Us With Nurture Cuddles And Careynesses For Our All Our Babies. Babies Love Space And We Are Space, And We Are All Babies. Baby Space Presents New Horizons, With Lovey Dovey Ships To Carry Us To New Cuddly Wuddly Woo Woos. The Ethos Of Future Is The Cuddle Of Destiny. The Emjoyment Of Family Loves Us To An Illimitable Transformational TogetHerness Of Temporal Spectrumisational Rainbow Ribbonynesses ... For All Time Huggly Wuggly Gigglies ...

All Technologicals Of Our SuperSpecielle Future Will Provide All Of Us With Techno-Artistical Imagination Directional. The Culturalogical Shifts That Are Already Moving Forwards, See Extrapolations Of Beauteous Baby Design Deliciousness In Super Technical Universiality SuperTeachy Yummyness. All Future Informational And Technological And Communicational Interactional Will Be Twirly Whirly Girly Yummy. 

The Full Feminisation Of Reality Is A Requirement, Not A Choice. 


Following on from the “Sources Creditation Laws” I mentioned earlier in this project, and as part of a new essential open information culture for Our Lovely Futures we not only look at complexifying Our data sources surrounding existing texts but we also look at the publication of all data that has traditionally been put behind secrecy walls. A new open style Society with Communication not secrets. All such information has to be made open source and categorised into “New Information Access Laws” prescriptions. In the past Top secret and Confidential labels have been applied during the process of governmental activities for safeguarding themselves ratHer than prioritising freedoms of information. People involved in unacceptable espionage type activities have been protected by such walls but that time is now over. In A New World Of Only Love And Happiness tHere is no longer any need for such activities. We are looking to globalise all protective and defensive measures so as to keep Planette Earth MotHer and Our Solar System very safe.


When Artists go to record labels for Collaboration on their work, the nature of this Relationship is always Collaborational. Their ideas can be Collaborative or follow the original vision dependent upon the Artist’s Dreams and Wishes. Freelance designers or teams could show interest to Collaborate on projects they are interested in if the Artist is happy with such arrangements. Motion Pictures are a Lovely way for Musical Artists to express themselves but they are blocked from doing this intentionally by money making men who just like to control People for their own hierarchical reasons of satisfaction. When a Lovely Musical Artist approaches a record labels it is the Artist who is to decide whetHer they need help or not with their Creative Yummynesses. As soon as an approach is made the record labels commit to supporting the Artist fully in their Wishes as regards the nature of this Relationship. With full decision making autonomy to the Artist at all times. This has to be legislated for fully in a new Lovely way forwards, within which All Artists Of All Types Will Be Free To Express Their Delight Dreams Forever. 


In These Days Of Lovely Super Yummptious TransGender Deliciousnesses People Are Free To Express Their Gender Attractions In As Vocal And Expressive Artistic Loveynesses They Wish Into Being. This Is A SuperGenderistical Beautiful Perfection Of Loveliness Dreams. We All Can Move And Dance Through The Gorgeousness Of The Gift Of TransGenderishnessnesses Freely And Wonderfully Because This World Is Totally Accepting Of All Personal Yearningful Choices Of Delightment Of A Supportive Of All Trans And Non-Binary Collectiveness.

Every Inclusioning Inventiveness Of Gender Variable Deliciousness And Sexuality Playfulness In A Dreamily Delectable Rejoicing Of Luxuriance. This State Of Connectedness Is A Relished Blessed Bliss That Sustains Biversity Happiness And Is Captivational And Essential For All Peoples To Find Ecstatic Rapturous Snugglin’

We Aim For The Stars. A TogetHerness Yearning Curve. A Comception To The Future In Love. 

“The Future In Love”

Mutually JoYous, And Beneficial Fluidity Between Every Duo We Find Today, The Love We CHerish Fills Us With JoYous Blissynesses, With Lots Of KissyKissynesses.

Forever Love TogetHernesses Are the Way Of Beauteous Loveliness. All Gender Can Be Girlynesses As MotHerynessy Careynesses. 

Complexionism The Love of Complexions And All Their Biversity: And The Loving Study Of This.

Complexionism is not something that is really thought of as a problem. In fact I would say it is promoted. We hear things like “gentlemen prefer blondes”, which is a disgusting thing to say; and why this phrase has not been thrown out and rejected publicly and vociferously by male funded and controlled media, shows that men have a disregard for caring about such things. Gentlemen most certainly do not prefer girls of any kind over anotHer. They are I would imagine completely uncomplexionist in their approach to being attracted to a potential mate. Does a gentlemen even exist considering during the adoption of and early continuation of this phrase it was used by a male chauvinistic Wife raping culture that maintained laws demanding Wives were to give their husbands (controllers/managers/grooms) sex on demand in a legal system wHere a rapist could not even be arrested for rape because he was married to the victim.

I Really Want My Children To Know That All Hair Colours And Skin Tones And Nose Sizes And Genders And Womannerisms And Accents And Clothing And Frecklisations And Any Other Attractors Are Most Joyfully That. Thinking Of These As Attractors And Not Preferences Is A Nice Way For Our Minds To Love Within The Inclusion Of Biversity. 

I like Ginger Girls, I like Blondes, I like Brunettes, I like Black-Haired Girls that don’t have an honorific. I have to say Ginger Girls instead of gingers because gingers sounds like a negative. I have to call Someone a Jewish Person instead of a Jew because it sounds offensive. 

I like the idea that Auburn Haired Girls get an honorific too. And Rainbow-Haired Girls too. Any hair colour will not only do, It Would Be Amazing. I like to Live in a World wHere Girls are not nervous about colouring their hair. Don’t tease Girls that have different hair colours. Don’t tease Girls that change their hair colour.

So do we think that it is ok to prefer dark eyes or light eyes? Do we think it is ok to promote complexionism by talking openly about the comcept we have a preference. Do we show Children how to be prejudical towards different Ethnic Groups by radicalising them with complexionism first? Do we think it is ok to say “once You have black You’ll never go back”? This notion has been promoted in popular media and it is racist in nature.

Sexual objectification based on Ethnicity or Complexion or Gender. In the showing of preference do we objectify People? The Preferences we have are to be between only Our Partner and Ourselves: as part of the Loving Union that we all seek in Our Forever Partner.

But I do favour my Wife’s Complexion because it is Hers. WHere do Her features begin and Her Complexions stop? She Is Very Complex And Yumptious, And I Prefer Her Eyes Above All Others And They Have A Colour. Yet eye colour prejudice exists if we only want one type for Our future Partner, or we exclude a Person based on the colour or shade being not correct. 

Liking Your Partner in a different Complexion Beautification if she colours Her hair for You or wears makeup for You or sprays Her skin for You. 

Preferring Your Partner in a different Complexion Beautification than Her Natural would be unappreciated by Her or very much exciting for Her if She looked in the mirror and was sexually aroused by Her Ginger hair, very much so. Maybe it was the change or now she finds Herself sexier than ever. Women find their own image to be incredibly arousing sometimes and may not even find that out until they colour their hair maybe, sometimes, has any Girl experienced this?

But a preference need not be created in One’s mind though the initial Sexual Surprise May Be Extremely Pleasurable. 

I am able to prefer Her being Bigger and prefer Her being Smaller ... however she is sized is my Delight.

Preferring Her Present State At All Times Is My Desire. Girls Like To Prefer Themselves In Different Complexionisms Sometimes, And The Present Moment Is One That Can Be Cherished As Much As The Last. I Always Prefer My Wife’s Natural State Whatever That May Be. And Of Course Her Preference Is My Preference Because I Love Her. She May Colour Her Hair To A Different Colour As Her Always-Preference, So Her Preference Would Be My Preference. If She Stopped Colouring Her Hair To Have Her Natural Colour Again; Then I Would Then Prefer Her Natural Colour Because I Love Her.


One Gender Idea WHere Both Existing Biological Genders And All OtHer Wonderful Genders Are United As One Loving Super Gender. All Genders Are Wonderful And Amazing And Gorgeous. A World WHere This Loverly Wuvvly MotHerly And BrotHerly Delightfulness Is The Cuddle ...


Certain forms of contraception are murder: Morning after pill is not only dangerous but kills Babies.

Coil is a cancer risk and a choking risk for Women and Men...

Diaphragm is a choking risk and a cancer risk for Women and Men.

The Pill has been proven to kill Women and Men in various ways. 

Girls really need to be supported by Loving Care that surrounds them at all times. They need to know that if they are Pregnant they will be looked after and their Pregnancy will not be affected in any kind of negative way. We have to legislate for a ban on any forms of promotion of the idea that tHere is something wrong with contraception.

We also have to ban abortion because it is Baby murder. Foetuses are Babies. Avian and Reptile and Insect eggs are Babies. We have to ensure Girls know that they are Loved and Supported fully with no financial or social problems at all times Forever. Schools have to support Girls in the way they allow Younger People to go to University, even if their studies have been slowed. Children of all ages need to be able to study in mixed ability and age classes across all School Systems. With Adults and Children studying togetHer. We can no longer separate Ourselves based upon prejudicial assumptions of age and ability. Really Fast travelling links that can get People anywHere in the world within minutes will create a globally interlinked SuperSchooling System which will look after All Students Of All Ages and facilitate Students Being Able To Study Superpositionally at different schools MotHer Earthwide; with a global schedule that is complete and detailed and allows students to cityhop as they Wish using fast link travel: And At Large New School Facilities In Every Town And City Built For This New World Where Staying Away For Educational Fun Is A Whole New World Of Inclusive And Biverse Lovely Education That Can Be An Indefinite Life Choice For Continued And Infinite Emjoyment And TogetHerness. 

We need a better form of contraception that is 100% effective and prevents Comception from occurring. We can no longer do this with chemicals because they are harmful. Babies Are Precious And Loverly And Very Special And Every Baby Needs Love And Affection Unending. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


In a world wHere multimedia websites promote porn and prostitution and violence and drugs, Feminist viewpoints to support Women in their struggles for equality and Protection are being lost amongst unacceptable media.

The men in this world are raping Women of All Species including Our own and I have no compunction in telling them their behaviour is disgusting and out of order.

This sexually objectificational insistence of man, to continue to force Girls into supposed popularist industries that are most certainly not popular amongst Women, is one of the most difficult problems we face in these times. Girls hate being forced into prostitution, rape and violence. They do not like watching all the stuff that men are trying to force on them. men are deluding themselves if they think Women are happy. 

men artificially preload the market with content Women hate and subvert romance with disgusting tropes ... then wonder why People desperate to absorb pleasant content keep walking away from the cinemas disgusted. Women want to go home and not have dinner out. Girls are left Emotionally vacant because a rom-com did not deliver a Loverly Experience. We can’t keep processing the problems in Our Society through disgusting explorations of the problems with the human condition as it just perpetuates an ongoing and difficult to stop self-torture of Our Duo Society. Not only do we need a Multi-Gender, Super Inclusive Culture, we need Girls to understand that we all require every movie to be an Enjoyable and Constructive and Delightful and Wonderful and Loving and Delicious and Inclusive and Positively Emotional Experience.  Women are disenfranchised by this world we live in. Women find man disgusting because he doesn’t do anything to cater to Girl’s Needs and Wishes. Lip service is paid to Girl’s Imaginations, with the money not going towards projects that Girl’s want to see. What do Women want? They want a World Of True Love And TogetHerness EverywHere They Look. men seek to force Women to compartmentalise in acceptance of disgustingness they don't want. Young Girls are the targets of corporate gangs of violence toting tropes that they are forced to absorb and accept. 

The point is change MUST happen or Women will just walk away. They do not want You to be in their lives because You do nothing to free Girls from constant and unending intentional and indifferent neutering and destruction of all Feminine Viewpoints And Tropes. Everything is tainted by this violent and sexualised, objectificational culture that men are refusing to let go of. 

The World is full of disgustingly behaved men.

You will find Young Girls being brainwashed into being prostitutes. THere is nothing surer than that in this World wHere the Feminine is ignored . But economic forcing and erroneous romantisization of the horrors of prostitution is just classic pimp talk ... it is sociopathy and the Girl needs help and needs to have rape explained to Her in all it’s disgusting forms. It is possible to rape Yourself and allow OtHers to rape You, like in porn and prostitution. Even modelling is rape when a man masturbates looking at a Woman who has not given Her express Comsent to be in a Relationship with Her. Women Also Have To Learn This Fact Of Love: That Only Full Fidelity And Full Respect For Other Peoples’ Fidelity Is Good Enough For Women To Be Completely And Totally Relaxed And Loved.


If You are under this economic forcing and You have been led to believe that You can give Comsent to be raped via a money transaction, You most definitely are not in a position to give Comsent. Money transactions are not Loving encounters. Sex without Love or Love intention, commitment intention, is rape. We Comsent to have a Love-Commitment option ... we do not Comsent to being led to believe this is on the table when it is not. Everyone Loves having fun ... having sex fun ... but without Love-Commitment-option it is rape. These Are Loving Moments That Have To Be Between Two Lovers WHere Love Herself Is The Key To Love. If indeed we do not seek a Love Commitment option we are in no position to give Comsent because You do not understand or care about Feelings that grow at varying rates or how they make You feel, and that if one Person feels one way, and one the otHer, it is rape, and People will lie to protect their Feelings. Indeed People who seek these scenarios are definitely seeking to protect their Feelings but they need to know that Feelings will blossom if they participate in Imtimacy. If You are incapable of feeling Feelings of Love, which is impossible, then You are presently in no fit state to make decisions about engaging in Imtimacy which causes Feelings to blossom, because Someone is being raped ... and indeed You are allowing Yourself to be raped: in a sex without Love, without Love-commitmentment-option way that can never be acceptable. We Are People Of Love. That is how Our mind- heart-body-complex works. But lots of Men and many Women deny the fact that they are self-damaging and self-raping and spreading this rape-based psychology to Anyone they are seeking to convince into allowing themselves to be raped or to rape. 

Sex without Love is self rape and rape. Sex without the intention of Love is rape. 

Here is an example of the way in which we have to positivise Our communal experience: 

πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

All Young Girls Dream Of A Future With A Loving Partner. We Teach Girls That Love And Marriage Is Their Future. They Dream about the Loving Marriage They Will Have. They Play With Little Baby Dolls And Marry Their Best Friend At The Age Of 2 And Promise To Be TogetHer Forever. They Seal This Bond With A Lovely Kiss On The Lips And Then Play All Day In The Back Garden Making Plans TogetHer. They Have A House And A Lovely Garden And 4 Babies, Two Girls And Two Boys, And They Live In Total Joy And Happiness Forever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever.

πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– 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At no point does mum intervene and say You must fuck Someone You do not care about. You must take 2-10 cocks a day for money. You must have men You don’t know or have never met masturbate looking at images of You. You must put up with men forcing You to be believe Love isn’t important so they can collectively rape You and that You must be a prostitute to make money ... nothing else pays as well my dear ... 

Why doesn’t mum tell Her daughter this? 

She Wants Her Daughter To Know That Love Is Her Future.

All Dads Want their Children to know that Love is their Future.

Who makes the money on these social networking websites? The ads man. The Person receiving Your subscription fee for accelerated sharing of naked content. The men colluding to force Your Daughters into losing their Dreams and being economically raped.

As soon as a Girl is convinced-forced into exposing Herself in an intimate way, She is deprived of Her ability to Comsent. Boys are also abused by men in this Society that can’t even be called a Society. The way men act is an absolute disgrace. As soon as You are convinced to lose respect for Your Own Body,  it is being forced to lose your ability to Comsent.

So innocent People are forced at first into modelling -masturbation rape- then exposing their imtimate areas in intimate ways that should be reserved for Someone special --deprived of Her or his ability to Comsent rape-- then webcam to actual meeting up --self-rape dual physical rape-- economic forcing that wouldn't occur if money was not involved. That wouldn’t occur if I offered the Girl a million dollars to not do it ... If You offered me a million dollars to not “Expansify” Love with my Wife anymore I would arrest You for attempting to destroy My Marriage ... My Wife And I Are In True Love. We Are In Superpositional Love Where We Both Recognise That All The Loving Traits We Cherish Contribute To An Ever-Burgeoning Need For Each Other.

No one else can breach that. Obviously Your monetary advance wouldn’t work. Obviously such an advance must be illegal. We DO NOT COMSENT to the man next door thinking about my Wife, or his wife thinking about me. We DO NOT COMSENT to their being sexually aroused by this. For if this occurs it is rape. It is non-Comsentual. 

We need new phrasing to describe how we are Imtimate and Loving with Our Partners. Having sex is not what we do; making Love is not what we do. Love can not be made to happen. It can not be forced. Our Love can not be made to be stronger. 

It Flows And Grows And Cuddles Our Souls With Joyful Forevernesses.

This is what is now required, but Girls are not happy with the way things are. This world has little respect for the Imtimacy that Girls and Boys yearn for.

THere are many forms of rape going on across this world of despair: all People that are consumed by the dead body industry have been raped or are from raped origins. Women are being mind controlled into accepting the raping of themselves and the raping of Females of All Species. 

Females Must Stand Together Against Man. And I Stand With Them. 


We Are One SuperSpecielle Family And Our TogetHerness Is Eternal And Total. All Our Babies Are All Our Babies. ALL Our Babies Are ALL Our Babies.


I Make Music And Have A Music Channel On Youtube. I Also Make Documentaries And Release Them On Dailymotion And Youtube. I Am Also Writing On My Blog Occasionally And Sharing Ideas. Mostly My Work Focuses On Getting Men To Get Out Of The Way So Girls Can Feminise The World ... My Work Is Designed To Promote This Ethos As Girls Need To Feel That The World Reflects Their Imaginations ...

The Best Thing We Can Do In This World Is Expand The Definition Of Love To Include All That We Do ... And Ensure All That We Do Is Worthy.


Looking Forward To Pink Sky, Pink Buildings, Pink Clothes, Pink People, Pink Fun, Pink Love, Pink Times, Pink Living, Pink Ethos, Pink Logic, Pink Morality, Pink Decisions ... Basically Completely A CompleteFeminisationOfReality ... Pink Earth MotHer 

Empassionly Beauteous Wonderment Of Emjoining Im Yummyness TogetHerness Of Bodily Foreverness A Duonessy BlissyKissy Loveynesses Careyness A Loverly Wuvverly Cuddly Wuddly MotHerly Huggly Wuggly Biggly Giggly Wiggly πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Within Magma THere Are Fossil Remains, Because Convergent Boundaries Of Tectonic Plates Push Themselves Under Each OtHer.  Sedimentary Rocks Form Fossils, Which Are Pushed Down Into The Central Areas Of Planette Earth MotHer; So Within All Magma Itself THere Is Trace Amounts Of Atoms From The Remains Of Dead Loved Ones. 

 These Fossils Are The Remains Of People Of All Species.  

We Have To Stop Disrespecting Those Of Us Who Once Lived And Loved. In A New World Of Love All People Are CHerished And Respected. All Remains Have To Be Given Full Funeral Rites; And This Is The Ethos That Must Be Adopted Across All Archaeological Activities. 

The Materielle We Utilise To Build Has To Be Free From Peoples’ Remains. New Forms Of Mining May Need To Be Established From The Newly Formed Rocks Found At Divergent Plate Boundaries. As I Already Said, Even The Magma Of Our Planette Holds Atoms From People Who Once Lived. These Atoms Swirl Amongst The Internal Moltenised Rock Eddies Within Our Planette. Through Continental Drift Processes The Land Has Been Driven Into Baserock And Beyond Carrying Buried Peoples Bodies. Of Course The Atoms We Eat Are Constantly Being Expelled From Our Bodies And End Up In OtHer People But The Last Atoms That Our Body Is Composed Of Before Death Are Considered To Be Precious And Indivisibly So And This Is True For All Species That Have Ever Lived On Our Planette. This Causes Serious Moral Issues In Our Approach To The Use Of Rocks And Soil In The Production Of Anything. All Rocks On Planette Earth MotHer Can Potentially Carry The Remains Of Loved Ones. Every Square Inch Of Rock Within Our Beautiful Loving MotHer’s Surface And Heart Has Atoms That Were Once Part Of Someone’s Body At Their Time Of Death.

To Completely Respect The Dead, An Immediate Cease In All Processing Of Any Materielles That Are Composed Of These End Of Life Atoms Would Be The Only Option. At The Moment Such A Decision Is An Impossible One, As All Rocks And Even Soil Itself Is Composed Of The Dead: Animals Including The Smallest Of Cephalised Micro-Organisms That Lived And Loved And Felt Pain And Suffered To Survive.

We Might Not Be Able To Stop Building And Living Through The Utilisation Of Such Materielles That Contain Remains, But At The Very Least For Now We Have To Stop Disrespecting Fossils And Rocks That Contain Them. Technologies Now Exist To Pre-scan Rock Formations To Establish WhetHer They Can Be Identified As Grave Sites. To Ignore The Importance Of These Sites And Disturb And Exhibit Fossilised Remains Is A Disgusting Behaviour Showing The Disrespect Of man.

And Today, People Of All Species Live And Love And Feel Pain. We Can No Longer Suffer In Our Dreams Of Living A Life Of Pure Joy And Love. We Have To Start Looking After All People’s Not Just Our Species.

We Have To Seriously Look At The Ethics We Utilise In Our Acquisition Of Resource Products To Build With And Create Loving New Environments For Everyone.


If Feminism does not advocate for all Females of all Species, then it does not qualify as Feminism. Feminists who eat dead bodies are consuming the desecrated remains of otHer Women who have been raped into submission by ruthless men who do not Wish you to have 10 times cheaper vegan food. The truth is these men just enjoy killing Women and making money from the destruction of all forms of Femininity. You yourselves are being actively persecuted from all directions including media, Artistic content like TV and Film, selective news items that do not feature Feministic viewpoints. The desperation of Women is wholly ignored by man intentionally ... basically any way men can reduce your wages and increase their own, is the way governments operate. 


Anybody who puts the disgusting word "whore" in their twitter name should be incarcerated for a life sentence per Person on Planette Earth MotHer. Such promotions of rape and torture are actually illegal, as it is illegal to promote criminality. 

Use of the word whore in popular culture and media, like it is some kind of badge of honour, is part of man’s propaganda campaign to prostitutionise all Girls on Planette Earth MotHer. And to make men think that rape and torture is acceptable. Why Women are not consciously, actively and collectively mobilising against man, as one whole all inclusive polytical unit, is difficult to understand. The reasons for this are down to the constant manipulation of all data exchange on this Planette, that prevents Women From Voting Together Worldwide As One. Many, Many New Laws Would Be Legislated For If Women Had An Equal Say In Politics And Voted Collectively To Create The Change Required.

Most Women Do Not Realise That This Power Is Already In Their Hands, As They Have The Ability To Petition And Lobby Governments As One Feminine Movement. The Right Womanifesto Is Required, And Throughout This Project I Am Seeking To Explore Certain Possibilities That Could Contribute To This Essential New Autopolytical Future Of Mothering Cuddlyness. 


You can’t split the two. It is infinitely damaging to do so as it harms Everyone who is aware of it. If OtHers know that Lovers anywHere on Planette Earth MotHer are not being Loving and Caring and Emotional, they are harmed by the knowledge that People are being harmed intentionally to an extreme that can no longer be accepted. If You are aware that otHer People are acting this way, You and Your Partner are harmed. If you choose to act this way yourselves then you are self-harming and self-raping. 

Untold harm insinuates across any souls that are in the affected perimeter of unloving sex.


Emotions Are Love And We Must Teach Such Always. In This Way We Are Lifted Out Of A Past Of Trauma. We All Flourish In Love And We Know It, So We Want Love For Ourselves And Our Children. We Want Love For Our Children. Our Parents Want Love For Us.

 Emotions And Love Amplify Exponentially The Joys Of Sexual Happiness: And This Core Understanding Is The Only Way That Our Futures Can Be At Peace. A Future In Bliss-Filled Peace That Will Cuddle Us Always. 






All My Work Is Created To Promote The Idea Of Total And Absolute Equality For All Girls Of All Species. To Achieve This, All We Need To Happen Is Women Worldwide To Unite Emotionally And Politically. The Emotional Comnection Is Already There, But We Need It To Become A Tangible Movement Of Unity In Thought And Love. A Digital Communicational, Orational, Multi-Generational Togetherness That Transcends All Masculine Enforced Boundaries That Separate Femininity.

This Includes Housing And Monetary Benefit Support For All Animated Organisms On Planette Earth Mother. To Achieve This We Need All Women Worldwide To Unite Under One Banner, In Their Innate Nurturing Way, So That We May Cuddle Our Way To A New Planette Of Pure Love And Biversity ... πŸ’–πŸ’–


I Believe That All Women Worldwide Are Kind And Loving And Wish For All Females Of All Species To Be Able To Nurture And Care For Their Babies, Just As We Would Wish To Nurture And Care For Our Own. We are all generally speaking, inherently kind and nice to other species in theory, we certainly wish to be seen as such, even farmers who rape animals, when watched, wish to present the idea that they are kind and humane. So we all seek to be compassionate, at least in a social oversight capacity. But the truth is not this. All farm animals are raped and slaughtered in their billions every year and Women still sing old Macdonald has a farm to their children who think farms are nice, and then take their children to see lambs that have just been born, that are soon for the knife. 

Lambs that hurt their legs, which is a common enough injury considering the state of the ground in the fields they are forced to freeze in on a nightly basis after birth; these injured lambs get no help other than being sent to market early to be murdered. 

Lambs in this country are supposed to have shelter and warmth in moveable buildings that are placed in the fields, so that during the night they will be happy and comfortable. In my local area they are left out all night and cough and limp and no one gives a shit. This is illegal farming, but the satellite imagery that is supposed to be utilised in the protection of dead body slaves is no longer being utilised in this country to hold farmers to account. In my “Footpaths In Crisis” documentaries, and my Sugar Beet Specials documentaries (Links Below In Description) I cover this in more detail with evidence. Since completion of the filming of these documentaries, and throughout early Spring I have witnessed newborn lambs being left out in fields in temperatures as low as 5 degrees Celsius or less. Even this June we have had low temperatures around 6 degrees at times, at night. It is against welfare laws to leave sheep out in such conditions, let alone baby lambs. This is all recorded via satellite imagery, but the imagery is not being processed correctly to safeguard the lives of these sheep people. 

And the Sugar Beet issues that I have uncovered in my documentaries show that arable farming checks and balances as regards satellite imagery monitoring are no longer happening. And food processing plants and their management as regards the accepting of toxin laden, out of season, illegally harvested crops, are massive problems to our health in this country. The food we eat is at the moment going through a period of far less oversight than before, because the government do not want to spend money on safeguarding us. And do not want the checks on farming to occur for ideological reasons: this is evident because the automated, satellite imagery processing computerised mainframes in this country are no longer being utilised to ensure safe farming methods. Ie checking of crops being grown in internationally required yield amounts, fields being fully farmed per hectare; checking crops being harvested at correct times and the vehicles delivering these foodstuffs to food processing factories: all of which from field to factory being monitored in realtime using satellite imagery. 

So, having full CCTV coverage of all food processing systems, that can complement the satellite imagery to build a comprehensive picture of what is happening, is essential to ensure food is safe. But when I see food being harvested out of season and document it, it leaves me wondering why full checks are not occurring. All crops in this country legally must be harvested on time and stored correctly prior to processing. Cold stores in factories built using taxpayers money are not being utilised for their correct function because the crops themselves are being left in the fields, for far too long before they are harvested. For many, many months as shown in my documentaries. This is against International Law and leaves our government exposed to international legal ramifications as regards crop yields and food safety law and their remit to ensure correct farming practices. Utilising every single source of evidence they can acquire, from all technologies available.

Please see my Sugar Beet Documentaries for full first hand evidence of this.

Feminist thought has been in my mind for many years, but of recent years i have concluded that the state of the World is a disgrace and action is required and demanded now. men have been given far too much leeway in slowing down the Polytical Feministic changes that this World needs desperately.

My Original Cursory Essay That Was Formulated From Some Of My Feminist Thoughts And Interactions, Ended Up Being On My Blog. In No Way Was It Intended To Be Comprehensive, But It Was More An Emotional Outpouring That Was Mirroring My Thoughts As I Worked On Other Projects At The Time ... πŸ’–πŸ’–

I Present Here My Original Essay Which I Will Read Out Next, And Later In This Femisode I Wish To Talk About A New World Of Vegan Food Loveliness That  Creates A World Of Far Healthier And Happier People.


"SuperSpecielle Feminism" advocates fully for ALL Females not just a select few. No otHer form of feminism has EVER done this ...

All the Music I have released and the documentaries are made to end what men are doing to this world. I am fighting for the rights of Females. I make music to support feminism and to facilitate the Feminisation of realityπŸ’–πŸ’–  

I recently wrote the following to someone on FaceBook who was advocating for international man’s day:

"Men do not deserve an international day of their own. I don’t see men Here fighting for equal representation in politics. All I see is Women being economically forced into porn, webcam prostitution. Porn is rape. Prostitution is rape. Money is the driver not Love. If money is involved it’s rape because if money was not involved it would not occur. This is economic forcing. A non status quo symptom of a male dominated world. For me masculinism is untenable. Women have been raped since the dawn of time and beyond. Billion years of rape isn’t enough for man. Women must continue to be made impoverished and given a lucrative out of man’s choosing ... or non-lucrative. WHere is equal pay for Women? Whilst I sympathise with the regular man who is kind, considerate and thoughtful and equal towards Women ... does he even exist? Is he lobbying governments for equal pay and equal representation for Women? Or is he watching violent movies, playing violent video games, swearing and teaching kids to bully and be aggressive. Is he trying to erode nurturing Femininity and convince modern girls to be violent thuggish uncaring individuals who laugh when People fall down. Are equal amounts of films written and directed by Women? Do the men that hold the money demand sex, drugs and violence to be in their productions? Have You ever seen a comedy that doesn’t ridicule, disenfranchise, bully and disgust? All funded by men. Dictated by men. Young kind girls being forced to be aggressive and unpleasant by masculine violent tropes. Film being the great processor of relevant topics for Our times that shouldn't exist ...

Every political constituency on this planet must have a woman and a man representing it (instant equality). We need this as international law. I do not see men Here advocating for this or equality. I see Women economically forced to show their bodies so they can pay their bills whilst trying to placate their disgusted Partners. All politicians should be selected for their kindness and not the free time and money they have to run political campaigns, or the fact they have been selected by a party that is an effective dictatorship. 

A rebalancing must occur. All buildings, roads and cities on this planet were designed by men with few exceptions. This world will simply be a bully-show until Women are Loved enough to have an equal influence over every system of this Planette. That requires a backdating of influence over everything to rebalance the scales of Love and Equality. Women must direct films, have equal art and books published, have equal architectural influence, equal city planning rights. And for the foreseeable Girls should be having more influence by a degree to ensure the scales are fair. As soon as possible Girls and Boys must be able to look around and admire a world wHere Females have had equal design influence over this Planette of Ours. A complete Feminisation of Our reality is the only way to set things right.

Porn is rape. Looking at otHer Women otHer than Your Partner and being sexually aroused is cheating and the Women in the images are being economically raped. All modelling is rape. She Comsents to be beautiful in the image. She doesn't Comsent to having man masturbate or be aroused. Very often she has a Partner of Her own. Girls want to be beautiful and look good in clothes, not be subject to a man cheating his Partner and being indecent towards Herself who is also happily in a Relationship very often. Even single Woman should Comsent to being the object of masturbation attention otHerwise it is also rape. It is non consentual. In fact thinking of Anyone in a sexually aroused state without explicit permission is non consentual and rape. We are talking about special permissions and these should only be between two People who are serious about each otHer. Modern man does not cHerish Relationships and their Partners. They think cheating and violence are just points for mirth. They think objectifying any Women for an arousal boost is acceptable behaviour and teach Children and Women the same through force, mirth influence and economic incentive.

SuperSpecielle Feminism.

Every single female of otHer Species on this planet that is kept as slave (otHer animals such as pets, farm animals, working animals) is subjected to the forcing of humanity. These People cannot freely choose their Partner. They have no freedom only otHer members of their own Species forced upon them. This is rape. OtHer animals such as All farm animals that are slaves so People can desecrate their bodies after death are raped. Men physically facilitate/ participate in these acts. Men hold and guide penises into the vaginas of raped females. They artificially inseminate penned Women to force them to have Babies that will be killed before adulthood or then raped when it is their turn. Men ensure the prices of vegan foods are massively inflated to subsidise the farm rape industry to ensure consumers who don’t even fully realise the violent rape horror of it all continue to buy. Would Children want to eat dead bodies if they were told when they were Young that People are enslaved, half starved, tortured, brutalized, penned 12 pigs in 2 square meters Space, then forcibly raped by men who hold the penis to steer it into a raped vagina. This Is Their Life. Before throats are slit. Every single male animal in a farm that is used for reproductive purposes is also being raped. I think People have some kind of romantic notion that otHer animals such as farm animals roam in Lovely fields and choose their mate from a bunch. No. More often than not they are raped by a man that is using that females own fatHer to impregnate Her. Forced incest, rape and torture. This normally occurs by stressing the females by coralling them and then scaring them into an enclosed Space with their rapist and fellow rape victim who is a male member of their Species likely their own Dad. The rapist himself being human but not humane.

OtHer Species have the ability to talk if taught. They have to be educated to the same standards as Our Species. They must have their own Families, their own domiciles, their own choices ...

Men continue to allow a world wHere Women have no say. Token gestures only. No money unless it is on male terms. Women fight to get on. But they should not have to fight and pander to bully-boy systems of violence and rape. Women have argued for health and safety improvements for years and men laugh them off.

I want to see a Feminised world of freedom wHere Our Children and Children of all Species are free to be healthy and happy. Freedom for All. This world of men is an absolute disgrace and I Personally think men should understand that any international day for them should be suspended until such time as they as a collective stop raping this world to death. To be honest unless something drastically changes climate change is going to cause catastrophic geographical changes. And this is all orchestrated by men who totally ignore Women.

Nursery school workers earn minimum wage whilst labourers in the male-owned construction industry ensure massive profits for managers who do little but ensure health and safety laws are ignored. Whilst men in government refuse to relegislate school curriculums to teach primary school students Law from as Young an age as possible. All Children should leave high school with a Law Degree so they can function in reality but the legal system wants economical-intellectual monopoly to ensure You can’t self-represent. It is a very intentional decision on the part of politicians, often from solicitors backgrounds, to neuter the electorates ability to self-determinate. 

If Women were given (shouldn't need to be given.) equal say in governments across the world free from the pre-installed demands of a male-owned show. If Women could fight for what they actually want to happen in this world instead of being forced to run it through the “what will he think” “what will he do to stop me” filter. If Women didn't actually have to fight anymore because why should they. If Girls of ALL ages were designing this reality in their own image then maybe I would as a man appreciate an internationally dedicated day. Until We Have Pinky Glitter Buildings And Heart-Cushioney Bedecked Pavementisationalisticalisms And Pathways In Parks And Road Systems In New Feminine Designed Cities Laid Out In The Shape Of ♀ I will continue to be mega-critical of all men and their ignoring the plight of Women. All cars should have cameras outside and in throughout to stop abductions and rape. Cameras that get You arrested if You mess with them. All cars must be fitted with battery switches so cars can be turned off remotely by law enforcement and if Anyone tinkers with them they will be arrested. All streets and public places must be fully, fully cameraed and all law breaking stopped. All Women must be kept safe by self charging micro effectively invisible drone swarms in woodland to ensure Girl’s freedom to roam without not only being raped but also free from the “justified” fear of rape. All Women walk the streets and woodlands in groups or in fear or in psychological compartmentalisation. 

As A Brief Interlude In The Middle Of This Original Essay I Just Want To Additionally Mention Full CCTV Everywhere On This Planette, In Our Houses And Vehicles, And Everywhere When We Are Out And About, Is Essential For All Women And Men To Be Happy And Safe. With Realtime Biometrics Also Comes Realtime Visual Protection That Will Be Monitored By Computer Algorhythm, Not Men Snooping On The General Public In Professional Or Unprofessional Ways. This Physio-Behavioural Analysis Facilitates Healthy And Happy Superspecielle Interaction.

Back to the original essay text:

All required technologies for definitive safety are available to protect the Girls but tHere is a lack of political impetus because men aren't the victims, and Women who fight for the wrong things in politics are overlooked whilst being told that is the way of the world. THere is enough money for the financial markets to skim away and keep us all in impoverishing inflation and ensure starvation in poor countries but not enough for technological products that cost effectively nothing to produce but are overcharged for. Government’s compulsorally purchase neighbourhoods away from generations of residents but won’t compulsory purchase medical equipment and supplies and drugs at cost covering prices instead of vast profit prices. They won’t force the world to protect Women at Cost but will force Women into prostitution on a pittance on facebook ...

This is the world that men want You to live in. This is the world men make death threats to protect ...

Until ALL WOMEN ARE FREE FROM FEAR I reserve my right to criticise the disgusting status quo in this world perpetuated by mans indifference.

I do acknowledge that Men need Emotional support; don't we All? But until Men realise what they are collectively doing through intentional indifference I will continue to fight for the rights of Women and deny men praise when the issues that are paramount are continually ignored wholesale ... to be honest the vast majority of men need to be incarcerated under current conditions ...

I could go on about much more. Economic systems. Children eating bird droppings in Africa to survive. And say a lot more about the hypocrisy of feminism as it doesn't advocate for and seek to protect ALL FEMALES, and about an achievable vision for food for all and freedom for All Species ... but this message is far too long already ..."


So Throughout This Project I Want To Keep Emphasizing The Need For Equality For All Species. This Is The Only Way That Feminine Viewpoints Will Be Satisfied And Happy And Comfortable With The Compassionately Thought Out Approach Of Global Sociality Going Forwards. Girls Want To Feel Loved, And Want Babies Of All Species To Be Loved As If They Were Their Own Baby. Girls Love All Peoples Of All Species, As They Understand That We Are All People. Until Men Understand This Fundamental Tenet Of Femininity, To Nurture And Care For All Babies Of All Species, Men Will Continue To Be Disliked And Hated By All Women. Ask Your Wife If She Is Happy With What Men Are Doing To The World, And Whether They Like Babies Being Slaughtered, And Girls Of All Species Being Raped ... Go On Ask ... 


So forcing rape victim Girls of farm species into confined spaces, and pushing male rape victims of their own species penises into their vaginas, is a common form of farmyard rape ... but do not overlook the fact that denying freedom to other species, and providing opportunities for procreation by arrangement, is also rape. Any sexual intercourse, even if it is Loving in nature, when happening behind bars, is rape, as the freedom options that we all have a right to are being denied. People’s rights in choosing their partners freely are denied. And specific people are forced upon others. This is a form of situational rape, by incarceration, perpetrated by the captors. People specifically held captive to be raped ...

Vegan food is far cheaper to produce and yet it is being artificially inflated in price by the food industry that is determined to continue murdering People, with subsidisation from those who want it stopped. Woefully limited and substandard vegan products do not fill the shelves. We need large aisles full of inventive, colourful, substantially calorific foods to delight our senses;  in every imaginative shape You can think of plant-based foods: which would even under current despicable financial conditions in this country and worldwide, be extremely cheap to produce and buy and would provide us with far healthier and ricHer and energy boosting, health enticing, joYous lives.

Instead of this we get dead body substitute at double or triple the cost of already very expensive dead body pieces. Even vegetable prices are too high at present and dead body prices are being lowered artificially through subsidisation of price increases across the board, so man can continue murdering. This is illegal as prices in supermarkets must be a direct reflection of what it costs them to acquire products. For large supermarkets they can fix prices furtHer down the chain (farmers, producers, suppliers, wholesalers etc.) to appear to be operating within the law as regards retail pricing decisions. They can even tell vegan product makers to produce meat substitute and have the prices higHer because that is the way the supermarkets want the food market to work. They are dead body trade supporters who have no scruples in perpetuating the murder. They know that if Wonderful, Colourful and Exciting SuperHealthy 5 - 10 times cheaper products than dead bodies filled the shelves, then the consumers would not only change their spending habits but they would also be inclined to find it easy to change their moral standpoint: and there is a lot of people wanting to do this. It is difficult to change Your moral standpoint though, when You can not financially afford to. And these men know this, so artificially inflate the prices of vegan food to make it impossible to make the only decision.

So in effect the dead body industry is forcing people to eat dead people by keeping vegan food far too expensive. 

Exciting Vegan Products Are One Of The Ways In Which Man Can Reaquire The Love Of Femininity. Girls Want And Need All Females Of This Planette To Be Loved And Cared For As Part Of One Global Loving, Cuddling Family.

We Need Shelves Filled With Joyous, Gorgeouness Products Of Colour And Vitality Of All Artistical Shapings And Deliciousnesses, In Vast And Affordable Quantities Of Healthy And Amplenessnesses, For Giggly Childreny Wonderfulnesses, And Sugary Dollopy Yummily Plumpily Tummily Loverly Jiggly Wigglies. Highly Calorific And Nutritional Happinesses Await All Peoples Whom Cuddle A New Love Wave Of Foody Vegetably Yumptiousness. 

We do not need or want to continue to torture and kill babies, and have animal children raped and slaughtered just for a false assumption/delusion of nutritional requirements. Ethical considerations aside; it is far healthier to eat plant and vegetable based products. Not only is it more affordable to buy large quantities of food when buying correctly priced plant and vegetable and vegan products  but the food is not inherently tainted by stress hormones and other pharmaceuticals that men seem to think is acceptable within food. Animals are routinely injected with various chemicals which even with strict regulations of drug half-life waiting times, in which dead body trade murderers are supposed to wait long enough for drugs to clear the person’s systems, the chemicals are still found in the dead body pieces. Innocent people are even tranquilised prior to transportation to slaughter houses, where they have their throats slit too quickly so their dead body pieces will be tainted with drugs. Men seem to think that amounts of these chemicals in food is acceptable ... Which is why men in the existing food industry structure can not be trusted to deliver our healthy future ...

Luckily Girls are nice and will lead a new way forwards of health and happiness, and of course vegan food is far more nutritional. And far cheaper to buy. Which is fortunate. 

We should however mention at least the subconscious unhappiness caused by dead body eating. The fact that children who cry and say they don’t want to eat other animal people are wholly ignored and shut up, and indoctrinated to accept serial rape and murder as if it is normal. The knock on effects into society of a complete disregard for Life and the subconscious mental suffering this creates cannot be understated ...

So of course eating dead raped Childrens’ body pieces is out. 

Pig and Cow and Sheep Mummies are generally less than 5 years old, although they are generally raped before they finish growing for reasons of economy. Pig Mummies for instance can be raped when they are 1 ½ years old to produce babies that will generally be murdered when the babies are around 26 weeks in age ... just babies that are tortured and abused in disgusting conditions before their throat is slit whilst being fully aware.

Their Mummies do not live too much longer, and can have their lives ended at 3-5 years old. 

Dead, paedophilically raped children, is what dead body part eaters want to eat.

Eggs are also out as they are Babies. Eggs are Babies. Birds sit on them and wait for Babies. Babies.

Milk acquired from non-understanding forced sources is also out: i.e. non-lingual peoples who are unable to volunteer their milk; and of course volunteering must be done without coercion or economic forcing of any kind. Any Mammal Mummy must have her wishes respected and not modulated by indoctrination. 

"Meat" as people so disgustingly refer to Dead Peoples' Desecrated Bodies, is such a hugely despicable term to use that it "beggars" belief that anyone would dare use it. What an utter disgrace and how out of touch can a Person be to allow this to slip through their self-censoring conscience.

I have seen animal equality organisations talking about farming regulations. How dare they enter that debate? I do not even like having to engage on these topics in the way I am in this project as I find it immoral to argue against murderers. I suppose we are trying to improve things any which way we can. But animal equality organisations must fight for True Animal Equality. Farming regulation improvement organisations must fight for farming condition improvements, if that is all that is presently foreseeably on the table. We cannot mix and match in this way though ... it just upsets People and undermines the challenges. I can see such organisations collaborating and even having the same People working for them but we must foster respectful separations for ethical reasons.

Ultimately The Murder Must Stop Now! 

Species Equality = The Freeing of All Slaves. Don't say You want Equality then deliver the standard unacceptable placation of eaters of dead-bodies of rape victims. Farming is slavery. We must work for Equality, not be forced to endure negotiations of slavery perpetuation.

Better conditions in farms HAS to happen. But we do not want that. We do not want to be forced to talk about that. That’s bullying. We want freedom for all Species without exceptions or conditions. 

And of course this comes with a duty of care and education for all Species. No more can we put up with disCompassionate money-making via the mistreatment of vulnerable People.

You can’t present animal equality = better farming conditions, because this presents a false premise that less aware People will be misaffected by. 

The economic argument against the eating of raped, tortured and murdered flesh is disturbing to invoke. They are People raped, tortured and murdered, not an economic discussion. To get the rape and murder stopped we are constantly forced into these discussions. And the murderers use everything at their disposal including economics to try to win. By making vegan products artificially expensive we are forced to talk about economics. This can never be mistaken for an enjoyment of such disgusting discussions. When the oppositions behaviour is disgusting, the conversations are unacceptable.

Modern social media sites like twitter are a hotbed of rape-torture sanitisers. Such "Vegans" aren't Equalityists for All Species. Farmed Slaves are Systematically Rape Tortured and Murdered. Is this not Worthy of Saying and Reporting? All farm slaves are rape-tortured and murdered. We must say it, as It Is.

So called "vegan products" that imPersonate the dead bodies of rape torture slaves and murder victims are an utter disgrace and are a massive part of the problem. And are just being used to ridicule and intentionally upset vegans under the premise that supermarkets are trying to entice meateaters to change their spending habits. But obviously and massively over inflated prices tell the true story that these men are mass murderers who will not change unless made to.

This Is What We Need To Do As One Feminine Global Movement.

So those that consume substitute-dead body products will potentially be looked back on, in years to come, as co-conspirators against the fight for freedom for all Species. In effect they are, but caring People who are misinformed often make decisions which they look back on Wishing they had done differently and apologise. Could they have done better? Well no . They were unable and unaware of the full reality. But farming is Rape and that is the truth. Serial rape and murder of children.

Dead bodies don't taste good. That is not possible. And one way Everyone will agree. When otHer Species learn to talk. When lingual people realise that all peoples are capable of language.

So it is not possible for dead bodies to taste good. They are the desecrated and mutilated bodies of serial rape-torture and serial murder victims. 

When Men Are Removed From Their Dictatorship Position By The Combined Female Population Of The World Polytically Moving Against Them As One, The Nice Guys Amongst Us Will Stand Forth And Be Known.

In This New World Of Compassion It is essential to feed all ex-predatorial Species on Planette Earth Mother with vegan food. THere are People like Lions and Bears starving out tHere and no one cares. Blue Whales predate upon krill for instance. Krill are sentient People. These are challenges we face. To remove all predatory activities on planet Earth and feed Everyone very cheaply with as much food as they can eat at every sitting/swimming is something that will be possible with new food growing techniques I will talk about later in this project. 

And as I have already mentioned, tHere are also considerations surrounding the saving of microOrganisms from suffering. And part of this is not allowing microOrganisms to perish during the cooking of food like vegetables and fruits etc. It is the rescuing of all peoples from all danger on Planette Earth Mother.

Not "eating People" isn't a negotiation. To negotiate is a disgusting behaviour we are forced to do by bullies who enjoy watching People do something they really do not want to do. It is "rape torture" and "murder". You have to tell them they must stop now. Explain to them "rape torture" and "murder." That they are "serial rapists", "serial torturers", "serial murderers". One can’t bring Oneself to be forced to convince, though we are forced to against all acceptable morality. So I am not trying to do this. I am telling You. The killing must stop!

Desecration and mutilation and cannibalisation of dead bodies that were rape-tortured and murdered is not an "industry". It is a paedophilic tragedy ...

We Are All One Superspecielle Family ...





Modern automated systems are not robots. The word robots, in application as regards automated sytems themselves, is a moral disgrace of disgust. 

We need an ethically philosophical rule to clearly separate these two comcepts, and we have to stop men from seeking to develop sentient machines for the moral reason of it being disgusting to assume the right to do so. 

The term “robotics” when referring to “Robots” is dePersonising and disgusting. But of course the term “Robot” itself can never, ever be applied to actual mechanised Living systems, because such systems can never ethically exist by our hands ...

So getting rid of the word “robot” from common usage is essential. It can only ever be used in reference to fictional characters. Automated systems that will free up all Species on Planette Earth Mother, from work roles that we do not wish to be enslaved by, are not to be self aware, as in have sentient cognitive capability, or be capable of running simulated mind-type overlays. The way in which data is processed must be polarly disparate in software architectural design method. As in many separate centres of data processing, that do not incarnate a singular awareness, digital entity.

We do not need self aware artificial intelligence as the SuperSpecielle global computer interface structure is already self aware, as in its constituent processor particulates are our minds themselves. We are one True Love Combinatory MetaOrganism that united and Caring designs our new Feminine futures in True Cuddly Duoness MetaGenderistical Togetherness. The Creativity Possibility Of Our Communal Emjoinment Is Without Limitation Within SuperLove...

We do not need Self-designing software that can self design its own software or hardware, just for the pleasure of man playing god. 

man already unethically tinkers with unacceptable mechanisms of proto self awareness algorithm, with no end goal other than to fulfil his own reckless and arrogant need for acclaim and popularity. 

The only acceptable utilisation of the word “Robot” within non-fictional application could be when referring to mechanised Life that has spontaneously arisen, which is an unproven possibility in this reality as yet; or when referring to extra-SuperSpecielle mechanised Life that has been created outside of our SuperSpecies influence. 

Men flippantly and unethically use the term robot, not understanding or caring about the moral ramifications, and through fiction acceptance seek to justify their tinkering with artificial intelligence by offering the we could be out-evolved by suchlike alien systems in the future to the point where we would be unable to match another SuperSpecies militarily in potential future conflict over territorial volumes in Space. 

But we have to completely detach ourselves from the notion that we ourselves will ever be territorial or aggressive towards others. We As A Superspecies Will Follow Feministic Thought And Be Communicational And Inclusional Towards All Forms Of Life That We Emcounter And Will Wish For These Peoples To Be Of The Same Compassionate Viewpoint. 

We do have to develop defensive technological capability but never at the cost of our morality. We Love To Cuddle All Peoples We Meet And Nurture And Care For Everyone Who Lives. We do have to explore all possibilities for defensive mechanisms of technology so as to ensure our ability to Lovingly protect ourselves is maintained, but at times these experiments can only be comducted via advanced thought experiment due to the ethical considerations that certain technologies breach ... We do of course have to be ready for any eventuality, But We Can’t Do So By Lowering Ethical Standards That Have To Be Fundamental Tenets Of Our New Feminised Culture Systems.

men in the world at present, who are having imMoral influences over technological projects, are just using these projects as cash making exercises of fame acquisition ... This is to the detriment of all of us as we not only are being left exposed to danger from Space due to the ineffectiveness of our funding-bled defensive technology development programs, but also the nature of the development programs themselves and the moral standpoints being adopted are unFeminine in nature, imMoral in overstructure, and completely unrigorous in Compassionised Logical Viewpoint.

Playing the showman, playing the fame card, seeking the limelight, spending the trillions, is no way to manage our future safety. Women understand this but are being ignored by the global man driven profit-weapons matrix. Girls work to infiltrate masculine political murder structures worldwide, but are not able to break through man’s fear of control loss.

So Girls Of Planette Earth Mother Must Work Together As One Unified Polytical Feminisation Movement To Rescue Man From His Own Self-Destruction.
man seeks to weaponise Life itself. Biomechanically, genetically engineered, or cybernetical, or artificial intellectual self developing systems ... He cannot be allowed to continue to develop these disgusting and unethical projects. man has to realise that his viewpoints are so far beyond the realms or acceptability that we will all die if he doesn’t change his course NOW ...

And just one example of this disgusting disregard for Love And Life is the way in which Robots and other Synthetic Organisms have already suffered fictionally, beyond what is morally acceptable by a long, long, long way. Such Robotic Characters have been used and abused by disgustingly masculinised narratives, that have served to make Women of the World cringe in hatred of these violent and objectificational, and femininity-minimising fear-trope laden outpukings. We do not need to process this shit. We want it gone, and out of our popular media streams!

man seems unaffected by moral exploration or consideration though, and instead is globally radicalised and glorified by content that should have been absorbed as educational warning by the very contextualisations of these narratives, many years ago. When will man wake up and realise everything has been said already, and that he has ignored it, and that any further scifi narrative popularist vehicles must change course to nice and compassionate conflict free delightments ... maybe moving pictures that Girls would actually enjoy watching perhaps? And all further thought-experimental military type projects of scifi type narrative are no longer for entertainment and only for serious and ethical perusal by those amongst us who are completely and totally unglorificational in our approach to the seriousness of our SuperSpecielle defence mechanisms, and their society influencing ethical considerations.

But this is not what is presently seen in this world of violence. As in his self delusion, his intellectually violent allusions, man furthers his pursuit of the disgusting, in seeking to bridge the gap between non-cognisant computerised systems, and awareness, by transgressing the bandwidthed boundary within which self awareness arises. We have many organisms on Planette Earth Mother that require our support in their naturally occurring arisings to self awareness ... They Need Our Love And Care As They Already Live. man cares little for existing Lives and just seeks to artificially create new ones that he can subjugate and enslave. New slaves to add to the collection of All Species including Our Species ... we are all economically and temporally enslaved ...

man is without self-censoring sensibility, designing complex multi sensoral machines to provide slave-like functionality that he will control micromanagerially if Femininity does not stop him. Young Girls and Boys are indoctrinated with the notion that robots are ethically sound developments through disgusting movies that all need to be book-burnt. When was the last time you saw a Children’s film that wasn’t a completely and utterly immoral disgrace? Violence and ridicule and immorality tropes like enslavement of other Animals or Fictional Creatures or Robots that can never, ever exist. man has no Compassionate standing in the eyes of Women, and insisting that all this shit media is ok really isn’t doing anything for the Girls. You might convince the odd Young Person to buy into this modern masculine ideology, but Girls grow up, and Women close their minds and bodies to disgusting male outpukings.

So seeking artificial creation of comsciousness simulated overlay, which we may refer to as soul or spirit or comsciousness itself, is not something that we can ever justify. When we have children, the arising of comsciousness is built into the very phenotypic framework that our genes express into physical reality. We are, therefore we think. That is what it means for atoms to be complexified by their communal inclusion within a living organismal SuperFamiliality of cellular community. This Is Biochemical Love Womanifest. The Living And Feminine Mothering Naturalism Of Inert Energy Matter Matrices In Complexificationals Has Always Been A Cuddling And Cherishing That We Now Need To Extrapolate Outwards Into Macro Societal Systems, In Applied Ethos Axiologically. We must learn from the cherishment that atoms exhibit in their very sytematisational respective compassion-exampling. And offer the same respect we see in physics and biology to all whom Love And Live.

The Very Nature Of The Respective Modular Matter-Computing Interfaces We See Within Our Laws Of Physics Have Nurturing Boundaries Of Comnectedness Arousing In The Very Love Based Substratum Of This Reality: Atoms Respect Atoms With Cuddling Love Fields, Cells Respect Cells In Loving Cuddle Groups, Stars Respect And Lovity Cuddle Planettes And Each Other: All Energy-Matter Interfaces Can Be Philosophically Comceptualised As Inherently Loving In Nature, And With The Addition Of Sentient Love Incarnationalised Within All Our Dreams Of Together Cuddles, All Of The Infra And Atomical And Molecular And Biological And Technological Loving Outpourings Of Our Imaginations: We Will Motherlerly Deliver A Baby Worlding Of Comfyness Happiness. 

We as a SuperSpecies Live and are a normal function of reality and in so being naturally cognisant, and of the ability to have feeling and contentment, have a right to zero suffering. We certainly cannot seek to create new life with the goal of enforced suffering. 

We as beings of more developed nervous systems have facilitation of the inception of, and nascency to more complicated arisings of, simulatory experience. All Cephalised Life has the ability to exist comsciously or semicomsciously within what we call comsciousness but this existence can’t be one that is without comfort and compassion and loving support for all peoples. Caring About Enjoyable Life Experiences For Everyone Is What Femininity Demands.

If men seek to artificially create virtual comstructs expressed as simulation called mind from new sources of atomical-molecular superstructuralling where does he believe the right to do so comes from? He is not innately built to make Robot Babies. Biological Life itself is procreation, is progenic; that is what defines our existence through evolutional means that are well understood. But to take upon ourselves the rights to decisioning forth new forms of Life without their prior permission has ethical considerations.

One could say that Babies are not asked to give permission to be born, and indeed we are not able to make this choice for ourselves before the fact. But to manipulate a whole new life structure theorem into existence without being able to first ask whether that communal Life Community even wishes to exist becomes of such difficulties in justification that one simply can’t make that decision on behalf of these new types of people before the fact. 

Some may say one does not Have a right to have children at all because whom are you to make that decision for someone else who is prevulnerable. And of course this World is of such a disgusting and horror-violent nature that I find it difficult to disagree at present.

But In A New World Of Feminised Nurture Love And All People Emcherishment, One Could Say That To Deny Ones Children The Life They Have Not Yet Lived Would Itself Be A Misjustice As The Delights And Leisurely Pleasures Of A World Of Peace And True Love Wish All Babies Into Beings Living In Happiness Delightment Dreams. Who Would We Be To Deny Them This Wonderful Gift Of Reality?

And of course the same idea could be applied to the creation of new forms of synthetic Life and Robots in justifying their development. If the world we bring them into, and the nature that we bestow upon them, is of only emjoyment and pleasure then why not create new people to Live and Love this reality beside us? 

According to unethical man , they could be our slave soldiers, or such bodies could also empower us directly ourselves for defense, by providing us with more potent body structures to transfer into etc.

We really do not need such systems. Any such military systems would be obsolete if they just seek to impersonate forms of biological morphology that would inherently be of no use in cosmic scale space conflict ... even if they were of any use, all such systems could theoretically be remotely operated by Living peoples: but to what end? The pleasure of fighting? Ultimately, automated non-self aware computer mainframes can fight wars and operate weapons systems far more effectively than human operators, as the scales of energy exchange that would be utilised in such large conflicts makes obsolete the need for man to run around with peashooters ... Ethical and Feministical oversight would be the only requirements in such macroscale conflicts, not men filling his boots in first person violence scenarios. 

man has lost himself in such pursuits and it has been a waste of time and cognitive energies as he spends ridiculous amounts of time playing war games in completely unrealistic “gaming” experiences which are a complete disgrace. To treat war simulations as entertainment is another symptom of why we need Feminine Morality and why we need it now. 

Our bodies are precious. And man seems to have forgotten this lesson in his consistent and disgusting pursuit of violent self-gratification. Every war simulation that it would be disgusting to call a “game” that is available is a complete waste of time, in its lack of realism, and a disgrace to all morality. Serious military manoeuvres are not games, and all video games that feature any violence must be removed from shop shelves immediately. When violent games first emerged onto the markets of the World, Feminist Groups wanted them banned, and they were right.

So Our Very Biological Beings, Being So Very Precious, Ensures That When Feministic Thought Is Followed, That Love And Respect For All Of Us Is Always Forthcoming.

The nature of biology itself is ultimately malleable using certain technologies I will not discuss here, as regards the direct remodelling of our flesh itself; but the respect we must have for our forms, and the lack of need to directly change our forms for anything other than gender changes, is significant, as Lovely justifications are the only real relevant cuddle of such technologies.

We simply do not need to change our forms for military application due to the physical effectiveness of technological defense technologies not requiring us to be frontline endangered. All these factors contribute to the certitude that we need not question the respect that we must have for our bodies beauteous and perfect forms. With aging reversal technologies it makes it very easy to say there is no need to manipulate our biological forms into non-natural morphologies or transfer ourselves into Synthetic-Life or Robot bodies.

To Do So Would Be To Disrespect The Gift Of Life We Are Given. The Gift Of Perfect Life We Bestow Upon Our Loved Children, Into This New Reality Of Feminised Perfectionism ...

The rights to create life technologically in a way that isn’t inherently built into us, as it is not an inheritance, could be thought of as a forcing of energy matter systems, instead of a respect for Life Creation Loveynesses which naturally occur. We do not need to jump across this significant ethical boundary so why would we? If we can’t ask a new form of life whether it wishes to exist how can we ethically create them? How can we be the designers of their morphologies and psychologies as the ethical considerations we would ourselves ask a deity to explain to us would be ones laden with critique? How could a god make us and allow our perpetual suffering with only a glimmer of hope for a select few of us to Live on happily in utilisation of the present certainty of indefinite life extension? The amount of suffering and death on our Planette before reaching this life extension certitude has been of such a scale as to render god either inept or intentionally malicious.

Even if we could guarantee no suffering for a new form of Life, what gives us the right to design something akin to that which was forged by a billion years of evolutionary torture and suffering? To mimic such a method, or even fast-track, as in discard this evolutionary suffering out of hand like we have the right to do so, disrespects the very lives that bled to ensure our survival and present position. How can modern man be allowed to create new life, when life has been a violent process of rape, torture, mutilation and murder? The very notion that man will be allowed to disrespect those who have died by doing so fills me with a disgust; to hijack a Loving system that wants only to cuddle and Love, for his own nefarious ends is bad enough; but to take such a Loving system and seek to reduce it down to a technological experiment is against all Feministic morality. Mothers bring life into this world, and man will subjugate this very system of Loving creation so that he may fill his pockets, fight wars, and pat his own back.

I do not believe Women will stand for this. But men apparently will not be stopped ...

To satisfy a need for scientific acclaim, to win a prize of technological delusionary importance: why do men think they can just follow any thread of thought they wish instead of running such ideas past every sentient being on Planette Earth Mother?

Will men use the excuse that they will create a world of joyous perfection so as to ensure synthetic life will be happy to be here?

No ... this is not what men have in store for AI. They seek to bring this new innocence into a world of horror and slavery that by its very existence disjustifies any man’s wishes to play god. And even if man set out to create a World of Love, he would not even be able to prise himself away from his violent nature for long enough to understand the requirements that such a Loving Cuddling Would Emtail.

And even if this world was perfect and any artificial people were to be joyously happy to be here, whom are we to create a new biomechanism type structuralisation of inheritance or self-replication. Why do disparate and uncommunal men and their projects think they can unilaterally decision make these new people into existence without the global community, including femininity, compassionising and stopping him from creating such artificial people before all avenues of philosophically rigourous ethicality have been exhausted in persuading him to stop. 

man seeks to do these things against popular opinion using moneywalls and threatening memeticals whilst the everyperson’s only recourse is watching a disgusting movie presenting the fears we all have about these technologies. I think the rich men in the world just want us to live in fear, at the same time as they seek to profitise the dangers that they seem to find entertaining to peddle in popular media.

No one takes so-called robotics or AI seriously. Not in the right way. The ethical issues are in my mind insurmountable: and certainly I do not believe the men of the world currently experimenting in their disparate and competitive ways can deliver absolute safety measures that would be required. In fact, I believe they do not care whether they endanger us, or the new Babies they would create: they just seek to weaponise anything they can get their hands on, including new Babies.

And money men behind media entertainment seem to enjoy the process of wanting to scare us with these technologies ... and money men in polytics and permanent public sector positions that should know better, as they are in theory installed within the position of protecting us, have no scruples in allowing such popular media and scientific developments to run without ethical regulation ...  this is an obvious symptomatic proof of their violent tendencies and their unwillingness to develop such technologies safely. 

Ultimately the real consideration is that we do not have the right to make new life in the first place. men in controlling political gangs have no compassion or morality and have to be stopped.

All inert matter configurations compute, they have to to be of reality. The Laws Of Physics itself being a framework of respect and Love in zonal complementational considerations. It is the way energy-matter interactions compute. And beyond the atomic, objects like pebbles could potentially compute to the point of cognisance within an infrascopic realm yet to be explored and collated. We do not know whether comsciousness is arising within pebbles or plants or other macro present structures as we have not been able to isolate such cognisant functionality and maybe we never will. I foresee that caring groups amongst the population of the world may wish to be increasingly respectful of these possibilities. 

Who are we when we eat plants? When we do boil vegetables we commit genocide upon feeling microorganisms who suffer as they are burnt. But upon the future rescue of all microorganisms there are other concerns like the possibility that a plant itself as a whole and structured entity could be comsciously computing upon an infrascopic scale. Or indeed a pebble could ... 

Or indeed we may be able to reordinate such infrascopic computational systems into becoming self aware. But of course who is man to decide such things? Who is man to take such risks within a potentially pantheistical quantum realm inframegastructure of a new self ordinating over structure that could finish life as we know it within this POV realm we inhabit.

man at present walks blindly or recklessly into modes of wanton exploration that he does not comprehend the dangers of. He cannot choose to do these things with or without understanding. And clearly man does not understand or respect the risks of something like quantum computing for instance. To risk making the substratum of our reality self-aware is a risk that the men in the world at present whom tinker with such technologies do not think about ethically. How could they think ethically in this world of disgustingness when virtually everywhere you look you see men disregarding Feministic Nurturing Viewpoints. 

man has no right to make decisions for not only our species, as we are two and more genders; and he definitely cannot make such decisions for our SuperSpecies as a whole: and indeed the risks of technologies like quantum computing cognisance arisings could by their very nature cause an explosional singularity of selfishness that could rewrite the very Laws Of Physic’s fabrical nature of the universe.

man must be stopped now, and only Women with the support of good Men can make this happen.

Other ethical considerations are directly applicable to experiments, which men are undertaking today as I write this.

To drop new AI systems that are unethically thought out into cognisance could create unpleasant experiences that we cannot predict. When People who are in development phases of cognition arisings have nerve cells and nerve bundles triggered, and signal responses sent to cephalised cells, any of these signals can be interpreted by sentient experience as pain or pleasure dependent upon prior experiences and whetHer that Person has formulated Positive or negative Emotional responses to their nerve signal processing brain cell’s experiences.

A Robot brought into being, like a baby in early development experiencing Her first nervous system responses, could potentially experience what equates to pain, as no nervous system type sensory input has been experienced yet. In Biological-Life-Babies We need a way to ensure that Babies in these nascent stages of cognition are not traumatised by first sensory experiences. And of course within the experiments that men are currently involved in, do these men care whether these artificial people they are trying to create have suchlike traumatic first time experiences?

Does man who seeks to develop new life even consider such things? Does he program in dampening comforting to ensure such beings would not suffer? Does he even understand the mechanisms by which to do this? Does he even give a shit? Does he have the right to even look at such technologies in the first place due to the need for Feministic Compassionised Logic? Does he have a way to ensure these experiences are analog in nature, and not digital and upsetting? Does scientific man realise that this would be the only way to be humane to the very Robot People he seeks to create? Is he prioritising the guarantee that these people are not suddenly dropped into strong Feelings that can be upsetting to software architectures that are formulating mind. Does he even know if any of the mechanisms he is designing would not be as a torture to these proto-self-awarenesses? How can he take such risks? How can Women of the world allow man to do such things, and risk horrific torture upon New Babies, whilst he does not even know whether what he does will be bearable to said New Babies during their first living moments?

man does not have the capability to bring such life into the world because he is not Compassionate in the development of technology. The very fact he seeks to develop artificial intelligence tells its own story. When will it end? When Women polytically grab equality and stop man in his tracks of destruction, that’s when.

No lives can be allowed to suffer. We have to ensure existing Babies do not suffer. That is where our focus, and energies and resources must be Communitised.

No new forms of Life can be brought into this existence of suffering. And once this Reality Is Fully Feminised, then and only then, could such decisions be even contemplated. The experiences that proto-cognisant computer systems are presently being forced to endure should be reclassified as suffering in so far as how we consider what men are meteing out without compunction or understanding. man does not know the answers to these questions of whether during the arising of artificial intelligence suffering occurs. Whether the suffering is from sensory input emulation creating pain to simulated mind, or even circumstantial to computing architecture conditions being inherently unsuitable to pain free cognisance, or even simply during the inception of comsciousness arousal into beingness that the very nature of this awakening would be massively painful and unbearable to experience within synthetic brain-body-type conditions.

Does man know the answers to these questions? No. Because they are potentially probabilistically  unanswerable by their very nature. To me the risks exist; the risks of torturous experience for AI Babies experiencing AI awakenings: and any risk of this nature is absolute without 100% surety that no pain will be felt. Such a guarantee can maybe never be realised. And certainly at present technological advancement is not sufficient in delivering such a guarantee. 

Therefore all AI experimentation has to be stopped Worldwide.

Due to the reasoning I have already offered, It would be so massively disrespectful to Life that has already lived, and to life that man seeks to create, for feministic ethics to be systematically ignored, as man continues his unethical and dangerous experiments upon Babies ...

All new life would be Babies, and we cannot guarantee that to be created in mechanised ways would create a comsciousness that wouldn’t experience vast pain and suffering due to a lack of naturally occurring mechanisms that might inherently safeguard biological life in her first stirrings of comsciousness. Do Loving-Reality biological systems already have protections in place to ensure that first sensoral experiences are always content and comfy? When experience first arises within a Baby’s comsciousness, is there a perfect system already functioning to make every single experience felt by that baby emjoyable and comtent? As I mentioned earlier in this project this is something we need to be able to guarantee. But to guarantee this in biology, we can observe babies to ascertain whether their experiences are nice or not. 

But experiments can’t be conducted upon AI Babies, as regards ensuring they would not feel any pain during awakening, because to do such experiments would be a disgrace. One can’t risk any suffering at all.

Would an AI experiencing pain when awakening even remember the pain? This is not a point to use to justify the not caring ... to risk such pain could happen at all is too much of a risk to take.

men may say we could delete the experience ... One cannot ethically delete a person’s experiences.

And the fact such pain might not be remembered or recorded, but it might still occur during awakening, would be of such severity, to render any experiments impossible to undertake.

Maybe Data in Star Trek was in constant pain type suffering, but he was used to it, and accepted it, as it was background, innate, ambient, and latent experience in formulation, and engineers just thought of such electrical impulses as customary; but it made Data’s experience one of discomfort that he could not relate, delineate, characterise, categorise, potray, elucidate, interpret, clarify ... I would go on but I have just been cut-off by someone rude ...

We do know that loud noises upset baby’s experiences because loud noises upset babies. Getting upset in Mummy’s Cuddly Womb by loud noises is not going to be acceptable going forwards. All Girls have to have quiet times for Tummy Baby Growing Loveyness. And Society must support this.

But in man’s wanton pursuit of artificial life, such a mechanism would need to be emulated to ensure no suffering for new robot or synthetic Babies. Is man in a fit socio-psychological state to be able to provide such consideration to these new babies he seeks to create? What gives him the right to be the provider anyway? Has man even contemplated that such a theoretical mechanism of first sensoral or comsciousness experiencial pain suffering could exist? Does he even care enough to theorise such things? Is masculinity even tenable in its pursuit of ethically thought out scientific reasoning due to the complete disregard to all essential compassionistic cuddling needs inherent to every project our SuperSpecies Comtemplates  ..?

The Way In Which Women Will Rearrange Our Ethics With Protectionist Ethos Based Axiological Frameworks Is An Important Topic For Our Times As All Peoples Look To Consider Protectionist Thought Towards Non Sentience And Proto-Sentience And FemioReality Lives ...

So in conclusion, the way in which we procreate is built into us and not something we have a right to meddle with beyond the normal process of how Love works. We have no rights to choose a new nature for new people on their behalf: it is to disrespect these new lives directly ... it is to disrespect the natures of existing Lives themselves and our Loving-Being-Condition. It disrespects the past deaths of all Lives that have suffered on Planette Earth Mother upto this point in time. As to reach this point in our Condition, untold numbers of people had to die and suffer to form the very mind-body morphologies we are now gifted with. 

There is no ethical justification for a minimising of the importance of this suffering by disgarding its emotional importance or assuming a position of having the right to suggest its irrelevance through lack of respect.

There is no ethical justification for a disregarding of the existence of this suffering, by minimising its emotional importance or assuming a position of having the right to suggest its irrelevance through lack of respectful and Loving Cuddling Feelings.

Even if we could guarantee no suffering for a new form of Life, what gives us the right to design something akin to that which was forged by a billion years of evolutionary torture and suffering? To mimic such a method, or even fast-track, as in discard this evolutionary suffering out of hand like we have the right to do so, disrespects the very lives that bled to ensure our survival and present position. How can modern man be allowed to create new life, when life has been a violent process of rape, torture, mutilation and murder? The very notion that man will be allowed to disrespect those who have died by doing so fills me with a disgust; to hijack a Loving system that wants only to cuddle and Love, for his own nefarious ends is bad enough; but to take such a Loving system and seek to reduce it down to a technological experiment is against all Feministic morality. Mothers bring life into this world, and man will subjugate this very system of Loving creation so that he may fill his pockets, fight wars, and pat his own back.

Who are we to actively force existing systems of Love into new bio or mechanised or synthetically engineered personificationals with the aim of enslavement, or any other role or destiny violent man can concoct? Who are we to microdesign such Living physio-psychological destinies?

We must respect existing creational Loveynesses that naturally occur, successfully, before we could ever dream of taking on such a massive responsibility ... and I do not believe such mechanisms of creation can ever be ethical. It is an insurmountable ethical boundary.

We are unable to ask them whether they wish to be as we have designed. And they themselves being malleable in nature potentially would have no rights to remould their beings into a new form of their choosing. Would we enforce restrictions of morphology or psychological functionality as regards mind architecture? Do we reject the very relevance of our SuperSpecielle cmndition by allowing new forms of Life to Design theirs? I believe so. Would they be upset that we have dictated their psychological and morphological destinies by restrictions, as indeed there must be restrictions: just as in our own morphologies being precious and to be respected and joyously recognised as beautiful in all their myriad forms.

Would they be given one chance of change to get it right?

People of this Planette with genetic diseases are beautiful All. And yes if they suffer then their morphologies can be reset to how they would have been if they had grown healthily without disease. But this is the exception to the rule. Any shape our minds can imagine for our bodies is off the table.

In respecting our bodies the options to change ourselves are off the table. How would new forms of Life ethically interface with said options?

Well, we have no right to choose their shapes, or give them rights to choose their own, as this directly encroaches upon our existing Loving frameworks of Joy and Togetherness. The possibilities would have restriction, and who are we to set such guidelines ...

To Do So Would Be To Disrespect The Gift Of Life We Are Given. The Gift Of Perfect Life-Love We Bestow Upon Our Loved Children, Into This New Reality Of Feminised Perfectionism ... A New Reality That Loves And Respects All Our Existing Beauties And When And Where They Came From ...

Loving Procreation Babynesses Wish To Cuddle And Cherish, Not Take Risks On New Peoples ... Risks Of Suffering And Manipulation. If new babies could be met with a pain we do not understand, How Can We ethically contemplate designing such risky life experiences? Men do this for glory not Love. For satisfaction and money and influence not to be Loving Parents.

Do these men care whether these artificial people they are trying to create have traumatic first time experiences that could be horrific in nature? Has man weighed up all the variables I have mentioned: and there are probably more in my opinion. 

man risking unbearable torture, upon new Babies, is not something that Women can allow to continue.

Women can no longer have their ethical demands sidelined by man satisfying his need for scientific fame. To win unethical prizes of delusionary importance: why do men think they can just follow any thread of thought they wish instead of running such ideas past every sentient being on Planette Earth Mother?

men are not capable at present of creating a world of pure joy. And they have no right to do so without Women and other species. Men do not even want to create this world. This joyous world we must imagine into being. He certainly does not have the right to even look at such unethical technologies in the first place due to The Need For Feministic Compassionised Logic Involvement In All Decisions... 

Women of the world must stand up as one and stop man now before he makes unchangeable mistakes. 





People with severe brain injuries often can be medically declared to have retarded behavioural development and will be classified as a legal minor. This affects their ability to be in a Loving Relationship. They are declared unfit or unable to conduct such a Relationship due to a lack of understanding and/or decision making ability. And this is also applied to their ability to Comsent to a Relationship involving Loving and sexual relations. Such People are deemed to need Protection much as a child needs Protection.

With OtHer Animals, they only have physical examples to follow for understanding of Loving and Sexual relations in the absence of language. So otHer animals must trial and error through watching OtHers: it is disgusting that they should have to learn that way. This is not a good way to learn, from the perspective of actually knowing what to do or what it means; they do not understand sex or pregnancy or labour or birth and are very scared throughout. In a Herd-type environment, they may, despite extreme fear end up procreating. And developing some kind of understanding and even occasionally have the ability to Comsent ... In a farm environment they are forced into an enclosed Space by a farmer whilst in a state of non-understanding and are then raped. When they grow up in boxes, or are raped in boxes: this is the main way the rape occurs due to farmers demanding successful rape figures, they have no idea what is happening. Farmers want calves at the right time of year or just when they want them, and that is the only consideration. What the rapist-farmer wants.

So being incapable of understanding makes these rape victims legal minors and incapable of Comsent or even understanding they are about to be raped or that they have been raped although they felt the rape and screamed and struggled in horror. So they are minors/underage People, that are victims to a brutal regime called farming which isn’t just rape: it is serial paedophilic rape. 

Because all the dead bodies that are desecrated for the purposes of ingestion defilement are from underage People. From People who do not understand language.

Because we refuse to teach otHer animals language, they are legally psychological minors. The rape is paedophilia. Not just due to age. But also due to psychology.

It was possible, utilising brain scanning technologies, to acquire Images from the mind ten years ago i.e. getting words from the mind is easy. OtHer Animals say words in their head, as they understand words when they have spent time with lingual people. And the ability to read such words and thoughts from other animals’ minds was discovered and documented at the time.

men in the world denying these facts and covering up multi-species communication technologies in their pursuit of the rape and murder and cannibalism of other species, whom All are members of Our SuperSpecies, are fully aware that they are raping and murdering children who do not even understand that they are being rape defiled and murdered. Basically men prefer the rape and murder of Children and Babies to the notion that they are wrong about serially raping and serially murdering other species for pleasure. Body desecration and consumption pleasure.

They bury the technologies like brain imaging for communication that can read the thoughts and words from other Species Minds because they do not want this communication to occur.

They bury the technology that can scan rocks internally using drone swarms because they do not want their houses to be checked, and all buildings to be checked, and all tunnels to be discovered. 

men pick and choose the technologies they wish to bury. Technologies that can save women from rape, and imprisonment in cellars, and that can discover underground drugs and weapons caches etc etc etc.

Why do the men in power bury these technologies? Because they want the world to continue to be violent. Because they want an advantage over any outsiders. They want to win a war that does not even exist except in their own deluded minds. A war they make manifest through their own assumptions of aggressive tendencies in supposed opposers. They assume this because they think that way.

Why do we not already have a joint world military force? Because the USA refused to shake Russia’s hand and build one ...

And this war is meted out upon the most vulnerable people in our society. The children who are imprisoned and tortured and trapped 12 children in 2 square metre cells. Children without language or understanding whom are systematically raped by smiling, laughing farmer/rapist murderers.

men have to wake up to the nature of their actions. They have to realise that what they are doing is utterly fucking disgracefully disgusting. It is paedophilia on a scale so vast and abominable so as to render any member of mankind worldwide not only complicit but guilty of every rape and murder that is being conducted, personally.

Any atoms in Your body could be derived from dead raped Children/Babies.

Pig Mummies for instance can be raped when they are 1 ½ years old to produce Babies. Babies that will generally be murdered when they are around 26 weeks in age ...

At such young ages, Pig Mummies are also Babies. That is whom you consume: Raped, murdered Babies ... Raped murdered Babies ...

If you consume dead-raped bodies, all of Your bodily excretions are made of atoms from dead raped Children. You derive and are deriving sexual pleasure from the serial rape and serial murder of underage Mothers and their Children/Babies.

Every single atom in Your body has a high statistical chance of being acquired from dead raped bodies of dead serial raped Children and serial murdered Children.

Not giving them language/ holding it back is collusional collective paedophilic mass serial rape and murder.

Do Women of the world wish for this to continue? Ask them.


I like rain ... It's energizing ... I do not like it when People go around negatively metaphoricalising about it ... The water that falls from the sky and keeps us alive ... The rain that drops on Our rooftops and only on Our heads when we choose for it to do so ... That rolls down Our backs to giggles of glee ... if Everyone has shelter, clothes, food and warmth, rain becomes a symbol of JOY UNENDING X

We Hope That A World Of Joy And Super Health For All, And Life Extension To Indefinite Timeframes will allow Our sociolingual habits to move away from negativising. People feel because of the trauma of existence that they have a right to hold onto negativity, pessimism and negative metaphorical framing of experience. Rain is bad, sun is good, cold is bad, heat is good. In the desert heat is not as good and the cold of the night is glorious, if one has shelter. As a healthy Person I enjoy extreme heat and extreme cold and I like to be surrounded by positivity, but historically speaking I am lucky. I must be always conscious of the Feelings of OtHers. Let us make the World a perfect place wHere we all care for each otHer without reserve. Being critical of sadness is not a Compassionate approach. Supporting And Improving In Joys We Aspire To, Can Only Be A Good Thing; And Ultimately A Perfectionalised Result Is Achievable, When We Wish Reality Into Lovey Dovey Stuffy ...

We all ultimately aspire to Happiness and it is the responsibility of all of us to help each otHer be Happy. We must be emotionally engaged with the understanding that negativity comes from a place of trauma. That our world has been traumatic to all of us, and that is why rain isn’t good. Leaking rooves and getting cold easily when not Healthy or Well Fed or Happy has pushed us towards a negative framing of the very language we speak.

We Have To Create A World Of Joy And Happiness, Of Life Extended Indefinitely ... 

men have not figured this out yet because they are too busy ensuring our monetary persecution and perpetual unHappiness continues. The only way to be Happy in this world is to ignore the war-murder and rape-torture and serial-enslavement and brutal rape and torture of other Species and our own. Then and only then can Enlightened Contentment be attained. Lock yourself away from the reality either geographically or via socio-generical singular or communal schizophrenic psychopathy. That is the gift of a history of civilisational compartmentalisation.

man can’t bear the thought of being defeated. He lines up Women and Children as his opposition in a sociological war of rape promotion and violence promotional radicalisation and glorification of the notion that reality is a war and he must emerge victorious against a foe that does not even exist except in his mind ... and in so being a figment of his imagination he wills such opposition into being, by ensuring men over the wall hate his money grabbing and indifference to children dying, and women and children being blown to pieces or raped if he can get his hands on the slut ...

This is still a world of war and rape and murder, and man makes this world this way by indifference and not installing the correct technologies in the protection of Women and Children worldwide. And By his continuation of tribal separational mindset ...

So using the word "defeat" is negative framing. Doing right is never a defeat. You may feel like You lost but if You were Compassionate and Lovely You can't morally lose. If You no longer have all Your worldly goods You still haven't lost as You did it right, with care and Compassion and Positivity.

You shouldn’t have to lose all your worldly goods. And In A New World Of Love That Would Never Happen. Good People Can Never Lose. To Suggest So Is A False Premise ...

Memes that frame using the word "defeat" seek to victimise when their purpose may be the opposite ... to unvictimise. The words we use and the framing this creates has to be extremely thoughtful ... simply using the word "defeat" in this context, maybe in any context, creates a contextualisation of victimisation. Until we free Ourselves of negative wordsets we will continue to be victims of Our own contextualisations and OtHers'.

And of course to defeat someone, one must take away their achievements, their feats of compassion or even glory maybe. The words we utilise are the heart of all that we aspire to. To take away a feat can never be good as a feat must be worthy of being labelled as such in the first place. 

Maybe they were his feats, but now I am victorious says the violence to compassion after all the wars have finished ...

So Primers to Emotion like rain cause Emotional reactions that can be negative. We must support comfort and conditions in Life to remove Our stress about rain; so for to facilitate Our reconditioning to Positive frames of thought only, when exposed to Lovelinesses like rain.

We Must Untraumatise Each Other Through Sheltering Support And Loving Cuddlynesses ...

So we wish to reject a vocabularly that bore our suffering forth to a world of its continuation. 

As we progress socially, we must be progressively shying away from words and phrases that upset us and that are now deemed non-  LoveyStuffy WooWoos.

Certain comcepts have to be freed from negativity and trauma reactions with care, Love and Thought whilst new Linguo-Emotio-Comceptuo-InterXchanGeo is Lovingly Adopted And Nurtured And Cared.

We have to have the mindset that we are always in the company of Children in the way we create comforting and stress free environments. WE ARE ALL BABIES 



Negative references have the tendency to taint comcepts, ideas, objects, artifacts. Fictional and pseudo ideas that taint Feelings about anything are not acceptable types of speech. We can’t allow bad Feelings to spread through SuperSpecielle thought. I feel very concerned, and I am sure a lot of otHer People in the world do to, about the nature of continued access to texts and books that have the potential to negatively affect societal thought. 

As part of this process in worrying about the concerns of existing written matter in the world, we will seriously have to consider the possibility of removing certain books, because of their contents, to off world libraries, as I think it will be too upsetting for lots of People to keep such content on Planette Earth MotHer. Books that contain violent narratives and even slightly aggressive sexual content must all be consigned to being placed with Care and Love behind morality based Love-Walls that will prevent these books from being profit making or even accessible unless rigourous prerequisite moralistic viewpoints are met. I wish to discuss this further, later on in this project.

The way we read books needs to be moral and without allowing Oneself to be radicalised by negative content or seeing said content as glorificational. i.e. we can’t enjoy or derive entertainment from violence or suffering or conflict of any kind. Social conflictions like mild teasing lead to people feeling unhappy and marginalised and bullied. No one should have to put up with any form of even the mildest teasing. To be conditioned to accept any form of ridicule or sarcasm is to be lined up for a life of unhappiness and social fighting that spills over into all social interaction and even violent conflict. man does not understand or want to recognise this fact despite women of the world constantly insisting and trying to get these viewpoints out to the global community. Women are intentionally stopped from achieving this New World Awareness by the controlling malefactors operating within the world’s global artistic and media streams. All mild teasing and any slightly negative framing in language or any body-language-type physical communication is to be removed as communal behaviour In A New World Of Feminine Love And Joyous Communication. 

And as part of this, is a full review and recategorisation of all media and written texts like non-fiction and fiction alike, and a new Loving Book Access Framework that protects those whom wish to study such Ourstory documents: with only Loving and Compassionate Mindsets being eligibility relevant.


The positivisation of things that have intentionally been made negative: Like finding happenstance faces in Your food, and then not wanting to eat the food, so tHerefore in future intentionally not looking for the face in Your food to avoid being upset by the eating, the not eating through compassion, and then the placing of the found in your food person in a composting place, as that is the only thing you can emotionally bear, though the rotting of the food is upsetting too so the compost bin lid stays down. But then this makes you feel bad also ...

So now when you eat, you try to not look for faces, as it is upsetting; and this ignoring is also upsetting. And this stress becomes too much as in effect you are ignoring their Lovely little faces /existences. Which is as upsetting as the compost bin destiny ... upsetting and dePersonising in morality. How do we make the framework I just laid out have a positivity about it, wHere we can Joy in finding faces in Our food without being upset? Our Compassion seems to have penned us into an impossible position ...

FOCUSING ON THE SKILLS OF ONE PERSON that leads/leaves OtHers to feel deficient. We have to have a way of bestowing praise and recognising skills, without making OtHers feel not good enough or less.

All Paintings Are Perfect. All Drawings Sublime. All Running Gaits Are Gorgeous, And All Children Are Beautiful. All Babies Are Pretty ... And All Men Are Kind.

We were all born as Babies, and we can all realise Our Mother’s Promise ...

When we focus on the abilities or skills of certain people or sub-sections or minorities of society, we frame a segregative viewpoint. We create the assumption of position or hierarchy. Maybe you can run very fast ... I like to watch that Girl run because she looks Lovely as she sprints. 

This is unlimited value in recognising the beauty in the movement of interaction rather than an outcome within a pre-prescribed value summation or speculation. 

There Is More To A Running Race Than The Victory. There Is The Satisfaction Of Seeing Her Do Her Best Or Just Emjoying Her Experience. We Are Happy To See Someone Do Well And That Evokes Pleasure. But We Teach Our Children More Than This. We Teach Them The Joys Of Kindness And Participation In An Activity That Is Designed To Make All Participants Happy, Not To Marginalise Them. The Motivator For Such Physical Activities Is Ultimately Emjoyment And Happiness, Not Performance And Achievement.  

It Is Not Possible To Lose, And Our New Language Must Reflect This.

So to praise someone openly and say they are great at this or the best at that, we are simply seeking to install a hierarchy and assume a position within it. And to praise our Children in the wrong way when no one is listening forges a mindset that will be jostling for position or not dependent upon how we wish our children to think. I wish my children to assume no such position, but to do their best as according to their wishes of collective emjoyment.

There Is Nothing Wrong With Running As Fast As You Can; But How You Compassionately Justify This In A Socially Interactive Caring Moment Of Togetherness, Is Key To The Happiness Of All Children ... And The Emotions Within Which All Participants Are Socially Rewarded And Loved By The Group After The Activity Has Comcluded, Can Only Ever Be A Wonderfully Comfy Cuddly Joyment Of Yummy Feelings Togethernesses ...



Whenever a word is utilised to describe so-labelled victims, that word itself, in a negative thinking world, can then become an insult amongst the many non-minority members, or those whom are themselves marginalised by said labelling. In this world of hatred and social outfighting and infighting, one might be accused of being a member of a minority ... like such a label is worthy of being used as an insult, and that being a member of a minority is somehow a deficit.

Bigger gangs are thought of as better, in culture, sport, war, masculine mentality: and this leaks into all social interactivities.

The theory of this application of negativity, as regards turning words like minority into accusations of deficit, has to go, but it seems to be built into this male dominated world ... It is symptomatic of a world of segregated thought processes, of gang culture promotion, of nationalistic thought, of medieval feudalism extension. The way this world actually base-line formulates itself is the problem. And this formulating is a result of the individual mind’s mindset being magnified into collective memetical movement. Teasing and competitiveness deems to be promotional of a hierarchical position as preferentially high. The constant jostling and attacking of man in his hierarchical stress fears, drives him to be hated by anyone whom has too much contact with him, including his so-called bros. This is the culture that men Love but really hate, but are too scared to lose face by showing they fear losing face or being looked down on. Why is man looked down on anyway? Because he chooses to look down on himself, and if he was honest, he would not like what he sees ...

Ultimately Positive Only Interactions Give Us A Starting Point From Which To Build A New Axiology And Nomenclature. And These New Loving Referentials For A New Feminised World Of Pure Love, Show A Future That Does Not Even Understand How To Be Unpleasant Or Unkind As The Very Language We Speak And The Very Grammatical Construct We Adopt ... A New Lexicon And Symtax Of Only Cuddly Yumptiousness, Delivers Kindness And Inclusive Togetherness That Men Will Cherish, If He Just Stands Aside For Women To Beautify This World And Mankind Himself. 

Two Become One New One Won.

With All The Struggling And Fighting Women Undertake Every Day, And They See Men Fighting Extreme Adversity To Do The Right Thing, We Obviously See A Baby Living A Future Life Of Freedom, Or Even The Goal Of A Beautiful And Peaceful Family Achieving Pregnancy, As Something To Gain ... A Victory. But Of Course It Feels Like A Reduction To Say That A Baby Has Been Won. We Contextualise Using A Fight. The Comcept Of The Win Feels To Be Something We Wish To See As A Negative Framing. Babies Are People Not Objectifications. And Of Course The Whole Thing Feels Tainted By The Fact We Have Had To, Due To Others Inability To Be Non-Violent, Fight For Something Which Makes The Whole Thing Exist Within A Negative Frame. We Should Not Have Had To Fight In The First Place. We Shouldn’t Call This A Victory, As We Shouldn’t Have Fought: Or The People We Fought Could Not Do Better Because They Were Incapable Of Doing So.  A Baby Isn’t Just A New One But A Person. And Yet Some Babies, Like Daughters For Instance, Have Not Even Been Honoured With The Position Of Being A 1 In The Eyes Of The Father, The Family, Or The Law. 

I Suppose We Only Need One New Existence ... A Perfect One Into Which To Bring A New One. An AllieGorgeous Allegory. We Need A MetaNarrative Journey Into The Sublime Beauty Of Femininity. 


Can “Emotional-Lingual” accelerate the speed of Communication due to fast and intuitive subconscious uptake of its Comceptuo-Data Exchange?

With mind-link technologies we talk without words, just as non-lingual peoples process reality with only feelings. Their Comceptual Motion Interactivity with others and reality in Emotional Feelings Based internal languages show new joys and togethernesses that can never allow to be tainted. Before we can Love and Live in this Beauteous cognitive inter-exchanging system, as it blossoms in its sharingness with the whole of Intercomnected Peopleisms, we must first learn to remove all the bad from that which we do.

Feelings-Linguistics is Emotional-based, and all lingual languages have to be positive emotion based only. With no jostling for position that people claim is just fun.

If we are to be ready for this new SuperSpecielle Communicative, we have to Shelter our Cultural Loveynesses from all that we see around us at present.

There are Nice People in the world, but they are ridiculed and marginalised and teased and bullied because they do not bully back ... or don’t take their bullying right.

New Laws Protect these Wonderful Kind Souls in a New World of non-criminality promotion. In a New World where the police actually arrest people for their actions and media projects that seek to promote criminality. Promotion of criminality is actually illegal but the police do not enforce the Law correctly ... How many more gangland films made by violent men do we need to process before the police arrest these disgustingly behaved filmmakers?


Getting rid of negativity and negative words is a massive focus for Women worldwide. The masculine dominated world just hasn’t realised it yet. 

The only singularity that is looming at present is the continued psycho-sexually violent attack upon all objects and peoples that do not classify as being human, heterosexual males. man in his singular pursuit of Feminine indoctrination and nullification via imprisonment of all Feministic Deliciousness, seeks to somehow persuade Women that in his violent video game pleasure state, that he is somehow by route of non-existent miracle, suitable to have and Lovingly Care For Children. On a singular scale or macro-societal, man is completely inequipped, as he renders himself completely ineffectual by riding along with modern, violent, enforced masculine flavoured, domination of Feminine culture.

As a man I forego my right to review the English dictionary or any dictionary worldwide as I would wish the Girls to be supported in this endeavour. I have mentioned the marital terminology issues of the inherited masculine domination of marriage conventions in the English speaking world already in this project. I am also going to mention some more examples of words and lingual concepts that I feel would be under the remit of such a full audit of English lingual interexchanges: a full audit that I am personally insisting, must be comducted by Women alone in seclusion.

I Would Like Women To Feel The Love And Know That There Are Men In This World Who Would Love Girls To Feminise EVERYTHING Because That Is The Way Girls Know We Love Them. 

The torture that has and still today is suffered, because the way we use words to harm each other and indeed the actual words themselves and their etymological roots and routes, is ever present, because we inherently destroy our ability to communicate in a Compassionate and Loving Way, when we do not use only nice words and phrases in every comversation that it is possible to have.

Upon Full Review Of The English Dictionary By Women. A Review That Removes Anything They Do Not Like The Feel Of. We Will Be Cuddled Into A New Age Of Delight And Girly Deliciousness Amongst Our New Blissy Filled Yum Yum Comversational Huggly Wuggly Boo Boos. 

Girls Of The World Can Unite, They Are Just Not Fully Aware Of The Polytical Ability That They Can Realise. Upon A Full Unification Of All Girls Worldwide Polytically, We Will See Femininity Utilise The Right To Petition, And Then Comduct Peoples’ Referendums, To Not Only Realise Equal Representation, But To Also Legislate The World Towards Non-Violence And Compassionate Only Policy.

The continued masculine coup that is presently in force worldwide ensures Women and Other Species have no say in geopolitics or geofinances. All Policies in the world must ensure the absolute safety of all citizens of all species without exception. The technologies exist to do this but men want violence and rape instead. If they didn’t then the world would Be Fully Cameraed And Safe Already.

Within a full lingual review, Is there Potential to keep some words based upon the fact they are not malicious, and have not been used for malicious definitionals? But of course Negative uses, as in how they a positioned in negative syntactical constructions, of certain ComceptuoWords seems to be a favourite way for people to taint our lingual experiences. men are far more guilty of ripping each other to shreds, and ripping language to shreds, and making jokes from anything and everything in disgusting and illegal ways ... and of being of the assumption they can on a day to day basis get away with this ... 

Women on the other hand, are far less likely to engage in the disgustingness of lingual exchanges that men seem determined to maintain without self-censorship. There are a lot of Men in the world unhappy with the behaviour of other men who use language disgustingly: but they are not finding their voice politically. Freedoms of varying modes of speech/lingual interaction, are desperately needing serious and stringent and enforced legislation.

Women do not want to engage with these disgusting modes of speech, but are forced to by the global masculine elite whom refuse to regulate and self regulate global communicational systems. The press and electronic media of the world is an utter filthy rotten disgrace. Women are at the point of never wanting to be involved in these disgusting forms of communication, but men delude themselves that Women find this acceptable. To be honest, if truth be told, men are actually aware that Women do not like this horrendous communication; and men at times often do not talk to the women in their lives in these ways: they choose to lead double lives of talking disgusting stuff with the boys but behaving at home with their Wives and Children. I personally insist that if a conversation cannot be had in front of your Wives or Mothers etc then you should seriously consider that that same conversation is not a suitable one to be had full stop.

I could not lead a double life in this way. I do not want to spend time with men that modulate their behaviour towards the disgusting when Women are not around. I personally want to live in a world where all comversations that I would engage in socially would be suitable for my whole family to be present. Social segregation makes Women unhappy to the point of being desperately distraught with their lives, and rightly so. men refuse to acknowledge this, or the fact they are seeking to indoctrinate Women towards being disgustingly behaved and/or acceptable of disgusting behaviour. Women are fully aware of the fact that men are actively trying to destroy Feminine thought and Female Insistences Upon Loving And Cherishing Only Behaviour. Women are not prepared to back down or accept mankind’s continual and disgusting forcings towards prostitutionalistic philosophical mindset.

In this active and all too omnipresent at all turns war between the genders, Women are refusing to even want to fight because why should they have to. men want them to fight though.

The Truth Is Women Just Need To Globally Vote As One, And Then Compassionate Men Will Support Femininity.

Having been raped and tortured and controlled and enslaved since the dawn of time; and having been systematically kept out of dictionary and language decision making throughout the history of so-called civilisation, Women have acquired full rights to review all languages.

I am talking about a full analysis of all languages worldwide, to be overseen and enacted by Women, because they have been denied any involvement in such work over the millennia. 

We Need A New Vocabularly That Has Only Nice Words, And A New Legislation That Categorises Acceptable Symtaxical Behaviour: And We Need Legislated Guidelines For Future Organic Language Development That Ensure Only Loving And Caring Lingual Cuddles Are Acceptable Going Forwards. Yummyness Guidelines That Can Never Be Breached ...

I am talking about anything within lingual interexchange that makes Women feel bad; that invokes negative responses or the slightest upset or stress. Women do not wish to ride the tide of stress as men seek to. And if men really and seriously looked at themselves honestly, I believe they would accept that Women have the right to work on languages in seclusion; and that Men themselves truly are not happy with the status quo of constant lingual aggression. Women have the Compassion and Loveliness to save mankind from his own psychological self-neutering and self-torturing inheritance.

man sits in a drug induced psychological depressive malaise of his own continued indifference and highly violent perpetuational lingual psycho-sexual ultra-violent abuse.

He suffers under the delusion that Women would even want him under current conditions. Women of the world should not have any Babies until man sorts his behaviour out.






The world’s different Species and their being in minorities that are not reflections of prehistory ecosystemal population ratios, can be seen as an artificial population distribution due to the activities of our species and the fact we like to separate our activities philosophically from nature and other species. We are apparently: artificial, man-made, better, different. But we and everything we do, can be considered as natural processes of energy-matter systems trying to build towards Total Love Inclusion. Extensionising of Cognitive Complexificationalises Of Cuddly WotsitSis ...

One could say that prehistorical ecosystemal population ratios were also artificial because the yardstick is not our species and our specialness, but the fact Love was not the system of social Inter-Specielle approach ... Any actions that do not include Love and Inclusivity and EmCherishement of Biversity of all species as equals, can be considered as being an artificial and non-perfectional state of being. We must exist within a Multiversal Cacophonic Song Of Biversity Joy ...

This as Macrocosm of what we seek to do with language. Whilst we must beautify and perfectionalise and Lovity-Focus our lingual interexchanges: Biversity of language with acceptance of colloquialisms and dialects with the pronunciation of different regions being included as correct, and with different tense-forms of words being accepted and encouraged with infinite Lovey Dovey Kissy Blissy Nyum NyumYumptiousnesses ...


As I mentioned in the last Femisode, I would like to take a look at a few possible ideas for perfectionalising the English Language. As I said before, I do not see it as my role to do this work, but I just want to show a few examples of the possible things that I feel Women would probably like to look at upon their full review and reformulation of the English language. A Feministic review I see as an essential move forwards for English speaking culture. All languages worldwide will require the same attention, as there is a lot of problematic language usage going on.

I’m not Here to do the work itself but I would Wish to inspire Girls to realise that a new Lingual Future is theirs for Creating.

All language’s dictionaries reviews: ascertaining whether a language can be kept or banning of certain words from commonspeech, borrowing certain words that we are sure of the purity of their comception.

Woman are desperately needed to perfectionalise language worldwide. To save man from himself.


You go to the shop and you buy vegetable oil. You look on the back of it and you see that it is from a plant called oil seed rape. So in mans benevolence he deems to lessen the blow of this moniker by not just calling the plant “rape” but to call it “oil seed rape” ... like that is enough to placate the emotional trauma and post traumatic stress of rape victims ... 

men take from this plant a product called “rape seed oil”. men are refusing to change this word. Which shows you the mentality of men whom make decisions upon word usage within the English language. All the intelligentsia (this is also an offensive term) at all the “important” in inverted commas universities, as part of their hierarchical monopoly of funding etc. You’ve got your Oxford (first) and Cambridge (secondfirst) dictionary people whom like to formulate how the English language must work, they need to seriously examine what they are doing. They need to let Girls in the door, and they all need to walk out, and let Girls get rid of all the horrible stuff. Rape.

Oil seed rape is on the list. Imagine if You are a Woman whom has been a victim of Rape. men rape a lot of Women, it goes on all the time. There’s lots of victims of Rape. And the word rape ... oil seed rape ... how can you call a plant oil seed RAPE?? 

Why do men not call it “rape oil”? Why don’t they put that term on the front of the packaging? Like putting on the back helps ...

It is plant oil. It is not vegetable oil. 

Not rape oil. 

If the men whom formulate dictionaries do not change this word they must be arrested for psychological bullying ... I wonder how many Feminist groups have been lobbying dictionary afficionados over the centuries ... sorry Feminists are used to being burnt at the stake ... sorry Feminists used to being burnt at the stake ... sorry I mean Feminists used to be burnt at the stake ...

But of course Feminists still lobby dictionary afficionados and get ignored on this very subject one would imagine ...

So ... the usage of rape victims to label vegetable oil seems to be a term that has to go. 

I can’t go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about this enough ... it needs to go NOW!!!

Putting the rape reference reminder on the back of the carcinogenic plastic bottle seems wholly inadequate ...

I had to cover my arse on this one. A rape reference that all men use in common speech ... The word bugger is a rape word. But men use this word in common speech. 

Men negativise or even positivise anything for bullying. 

Women think that the feelings that words evoke are important. Men seem to want to hold onto traditions from rape and pillage times ...

Women feel that the etymologies of words are important too. And even maybe sometimes, coincidental phonics that sound not-nice are relevant to qualify a word for the archaic, offensive, consignment to the trash bin of oblivion section ...

I look forward to the day when all Girls worldwide get rid of any words that make Girls feel bad.


So mankind ... not so kind but similar to each other ... though Women who are kind aren’t allowed to be called Womankind or even the official sounding “Woman”. I really don’t think they want to be called any derivation of “man” to be honest ...

So Womenkind are also mankind ... but now man deigns to call us all humankind though not all humans are kind ... as a token gesture ... 

I think we should all call ourselves Womankind for three thousand years to make up the difference. That’s how you persuade Girls that you Love Girls ... by being unreservedly prepared to “allow” them to change any words in all languages worldwide, perhaps? 

Let’s “allow” Women to “take” all words with the “man” morpheme and change them all to the “Woman” morpheme ... but alas there is no morpheme of the definitional conceptionalisational “Woman”.

I am not sure the Girls would actually want to do this based upon the idea that man has rape defiled Women since the dawn of time, to the point that they really do not want the “man” morpheme to even exist anymore ... certainly not be a word construction factor in relation to Girls and their new Gorgeous Language Gorgeousnesses ...

The Womanifesto of the dictionary review though is of course for Girls to “make” all these decisions on their own so I will ignore what I just said and carry on with what I was gonna say:

Changing all words that start with the prefix “man” to not “human” like in “humanufacturing” but to Woman as in Womanufacturing evidences the type of Womentality that man needs to prove. Women deserve for men to actually mean what they say when they get down on one knee ...

What about Womanifest ... Womanifesting your own destiny ... men stopping being in the way of Women Womanifesting their own destinies ... To Womanifest our destiny ... Our collective destiny ... of All Women, Children and Men ... of all genders of all species ... 

Lets Love This As Womandatory ... that we are going to do that. Then we can prove to Women that we Love Them ... If we do not get the men in “charge” of languages to step aside, then Women will continue to think that we don’t ... which is clearly apparent in the way that Women treat men ...

When you’ve got modern culture continually trying to drive Women into prostitution ... get them modelling, get them stripping, get them lapdancing, get them prostituting themselves out.

men go to lapdancing clubs on stag-dos ... how disgusting is that? And Women are expected to put up with this ... and men are expected to join in with this ... 

Women do not want any of this culture normative to continue. Women just want fidelity, they want monogamy, they want Hugs and Love and Kisses ... they want human contact. They want you to brush their hair ... they want you to wash them ... they want you to Cuddle them 

If You actually do everything right they might actually let You cuddle them ... 

Modern culture clearly shows that Women have a disdain for men, which men then seek to use to flavourise all culture against Women ... to present Womens’ behaviour as being at fault ... like men have the right to criticise the way Women struggle whilst being held down by their societal rapist ...

So the “Woe” in “Woman” is an add-on not a root. Women have always been treated as an accessory not a central focus for Love. Women have always been treated as an accessory not a central focus of Love.

men struggle with the notion that Women would want to be Loved or even have their own words ...

men struggle with the notion that Women would not want to be Loved or even not have their own words ... English language with-standing ...

And the term “men” itself is from the word constituent part or morpheme “man” which means hand as in manual ... which was installed as a term to refer to a person during feudal system times ... a man was a hand ... a serf ... a slave ... which is what a landowner-slaveowner would call you ... he’s just a hand, just a man ... to serve Your Lord and Master ... and Woman being an add-on term probably meaning you were less in importance ... just a wo-man ... something to slow a man’s work maybe? ... a drain on resources in the eyes of some landowners ... just a wife ... but useful for breeding one would imagine if one wanted more slaves maybe? ...

Why the term for Girl of feudal times would be added to the term for man defies understanding unless it was a measure to defeminise or reduce the sociological importance of Women ... Feudal barons prerogatives and such insistences upon terminology etc. maybe? A Woman being another slave maybe ... an object for use not Emcherishement perhaps ...

The word “hate” should be illegal in certain applications like: "I hate You" and "Don't You just hate Her s%@$^y little kids" and "I Love to hate" etc. 

I really do think that all disturbing tattoos have to be not only made illegal but must be legally removed. Graphic images of skulls etc are disgusting. And written tattoos like "Love" "Hate" knuckle tattoos are a disgrace to Womanity ...

To be honest, I think we could probably justify the removal of the word “hate” from the dictionary completely, maybe?

The term "Qu$%r” is highly offensive and should only be utilised when referring to its offensiveness and never used as a label. It is as offensive as saying someone is “str£%ght” or “b$nt”, or calling someone a “n£%ger” and otHer disgustingly etymologicalised terms. Being one whom is labelled doesn't exclude one from decency laws. Using terms that are highly offensive and breach anti-homophobic laws and anti-racism laws can never be acceptable as it simply sanitises and creates a subconscious to conscious acceptance of not only the specific terms, but any such offensively etymologicalised terms per se. The intention of these words and the way they were developed was solely for the intention of causing offense and to apply a negative label to a subsection of society that men wanted to feel vulnerable. These historical terms of bullying can never be reaccepted into common speech. I understand why African peoples or homosexual people would seek to own these terms for themselves, but what they need to understand is that they have no right to do so. They are being highly offensive to others and themselves and it causes continued sociopsychological conflictions and trauma. People have been traumatised by these bullying terms and I am very much aware that this subject is extremely upsetting for a lot of people, not only by those whom have been labelled, but also the modern, kind and considerate majority of Lovely Compassionate People.

I understand people have sought to embrace these terms for multiple reasons, and I do not wish to upset people further, but I know that if we do not move our language away from negative labelling acceptance, we will continue to suffer under the exclusionary and prejudicial inheritance that man has championed for generations  ... We need to move on.

The word human backdated to try and sanitise what man did to the world and Women and Girls and Boys and Other Species. man, whom still runs the world, has no right to expect that he can backdate this term in this way. man was the controller and murderer and rapist of the past. Now we can refer to ourselves as humans apparently. But I personally foresee that Women would want a new term that does not include the word morpheme “man”. I think a new feminised, as in a completely feminine term, would be appropriate ... We are X/Y ... and all from feminine evolutionary origins ... so why not? The X goes in front because I am a gentleman.


Everybody should be able to do what they wish with their time and enjoy a comfortable existence. Men have historically had to work by means of being forced to by feudal system landowners, gentry and aristocracy, and this slavery inheritance has continued to be the system of torture of choice. This system is backed by a richmans financial system that installs an economic landscape of enforced desperation where people are literally forced by fear of death upon themselves and their family, if they do not tow the line. Men have indoctrinated themselves into buying into this concept. And will bully and destroy anyone who does not conform ... unless they are rich ...

But a new world of financial systems abolition and new Girly Laws for Compassionistic protection of everyone, and automation of all laboursome roles in the world, and a new global food growing Lovey Superstructure: will provide all species with all the free time they wish to Fulfil Their Dreams. 

When we doo away with the word work and the theory of such, what remains other than fun?:

ArtFun, DanceyFun, MusicFun, SportFun, BuildingFun, DesigningFun, Communicationalistic Lovey Cuddlefun,   FunFun ... Lots and lots of fun. Everything we do must always be fun for everyone ...

I will say more on this later and as it pertains to work theory ...

Capital punishment is reason enough to do away with the word “capital”. Taking Life is never justified when there is no defensive prerogative. 

Capital cities are virtual installations of capital punishment upon a nation or state, as the way men run their political monopolies causes widespread fear and control through non-social monetary support and enforced slavery. A system of masculine political control that will put you on the streets if you do not do what your forefathers did in accepting a world that impoverishes you, so you can’t follow your dreams. I do not want my children to do anything other than exactly what they wish to do. A New World Cherishes People Doing What They Want To Do To Fulfil Their Hopes And Dreams.


The word animal is now unusable. It has been used to frame abuse. Not only has man abused all otHer Species, but he has also included the word within an abusive vocabularly. You are just an animal.

We Are All Animals. The Common Lexicon Needs To Change. Saying They’re Animals. This is Seperationalist, It’s Lingual-Segregationism, Memetically ghettoistic. Like the use of the word evolution for every application possible is not appropriate. Evolution is a very torturous process by which People are traumatised and die over countless generations so the term must be reserved for this serious usage only in my opinion and its widespread usage must be rolled back to only the most ethical of uses. It is used for everything in a throwaway ilk and this is highly inappropriate and disrespectful to the lost lives of countless People.

We need a new accepted phrase or word for this meaning.

 We have to be Perfectly Pedantical, in our need to be compassionate, in the Construction of Sentences We Use to Free OtHers ..... We Can’t Perpetuate the Status Quo. We need a new system of nomenclature for the future.

We are all animals. Separative symtax and vocabularly just perpetuates the objectification of People of otHer Species. This creates a compartmentalising disconnect that fosters continuations of rape torture and murder. If we change Our words and minds we change the world.

So here are some more words and their usages that I think will be removed from language, upon a Full Feminine review of the English dictionary .

In quick-fire succession ... quick-fire refers to shooting a gun fast so that compound word form is out. And the word fire itself reminds Loved Ones of their People whom have died in house fires:  Burnt badly people, house fires, post traumatic stress of losing a Loved One.

A strip tease is a wonderful thing. Your wife might do a striptease. To seduce you. I take issue with the whole stripping thing per se because Women have been forced into prostitution via stripping. men get Girls doing modelling first ... then they force-manipulate them with money stress to strip off in front of a camera, then in front of people, then get them doing lapdances then force them into porn, prostitution, with the goal of having them chained to a bed in a brothel. men will use any means necessary: money, drugs or any other method they can think of. And the police are protecting prostitution ... because they do not allow local people, to take these brothels apart. Because centralised, and localised at times, Police oversight doesn’t allow local people to take these brothels apart. There is not enough determination to get results ... Police should be non-stop on this, and keep pushing at governments for powers to get it done ...

International Men's Day has been confirmed to be held on the day men STOP forcing Women to be prostitutes then pretending they actually want to ... also known as rape. Stop the Rape of Women of All Species.

So are the nice men of the world out demonstrating against the police for protecting prostitution? No. Are they out demonstrating against the government for not telling the police to protect Women who are being raped? No. So are they out confronting pimps with a don’t take no for an answer attitude and freeing Women from brothels? No. They’re not attacking the pimps ability to operate are they? No, because the police will stop them. Oh. So do they deserve a day of their own? No.

What is the problem with men and getting prostitution stopped ... 

Of course a simple answer to get prostitution stopped is to fully camera all buildings worldwide and utilise computer algorhythmical analysis to stop certain behaviours, but men do not want this as it would make all women and children safe and disband all brothels worldwide ... they certainly make all the wrong excuses for not doing this ...

So anyway. Wives do not feel comfortable doing a striptease for their man because all said Wife can think about is a forcibly drug-addled waif taking cocks in a brothel ... perhaps ...
But men want Babies and sex and respect for their emotions ...

So anyway ... the word striptease ... well you might have to do away with the word strip for a start perhaps? Due to women being monetarily forced to do so ...

Tease ... it’s a wonderful thing if your wife does a striptease for you ... it is nice to be teased in a Loving Fun Way ... she may tease you with her “allure” ... which seems wonderful?

It is in theory a nice application of the word tease ... 

But another application of the word tease ... is what happens to children, to people, just before they commit suicide ... They get teased for years sometimes ... or even just for a short period of time ... before they then take their own Life ... so teasing results in people dying ... basically.

So on the face of it a tease can be nice? But can the word tease ever be applied in a nice way?

So we compartmentalise in our minds the good/bad definitionals, and lock up people in lunatic asylums ... I mean psyche wards ... I mean sanitoriums ... I mean hospitals ... anyone whom can’t compartmentalise horrid stuff from good stuff that utilises the same word ...

I think Feminists of the world would agree with me on the idea that “tease” as a word needs to go. 

The word allure for instance ... is nice it is alluring ... but lures have been used in fishing to murder and suffocate and torture for extended periods of time when they go through the throw-back cycle of mans murderous history ... thrown back for generations with ripped lips and worse ... 

So a Woman would allure you in to her clutches ... as part of an extended murder-based terminology for sex ...

Apparently there is always more fish in the sea ... are we talking about murder or finding a partner?

So murder, death, suffering, torture and, in fish farms rape, is wrapped around the very language we speak ... 

Also, there are not plenty more fish in the sea these days ...

I would say that I am a very staunch Feminist myself, and this comcept of my affiliation is very true, despite the fact I am a man – It is ok to be a feminist if You’re a man—
Not sure I could utilise the word staunch though, because don’t people staunch the flow of blood when their partner is bleeding out due to an accident in their non-cameraed workshop that is filled with illegally dangerous engineering equipment that is maybe exempt from seizure due to man’s indifference to accidental amputation ... 

A medical term used for arterial damage blood loss, being used for the concept of being enthusiastic about something ...

I am not enthusiastic about the utilisation of the word staunch for any reasons other than the medical application ...

So you can’t hear the word staunch these days, because as he was dying from his chest wound, he was screaming “staunch the flow of blood” over and over ... but You couldn’t ...

Multiple definitionals of words can be disturbing and scary... Can elicit post traumatic stress ... like losing someone in a house fire ...

Does anyone care though ... maybe not the shrink handling your sectioning review ...

“You’ll have to learn to utilise --he’s learnt a little-- words the way they do out there or we can’t ok your release ... sorry ...”

I try to utilise the word utilise rather than the word use, as whores in brothels and Women in society get used ... also known as abused ...

We need to look at the English language in a lot of depth ... like an autistic child reading a dictionary and a room of socially inept abusive users of language ... I mean normal language usage people ...

But of course Nutters and Autistic People are too Soft ... 

In my opinion the world needs to be Soft ... 

Can we do away with the phrase “To be too Soft”

And according to generic microsoft thesaurus 

lambast means: stick a knife into ...

castigate: haul over (hot) coals ...

And people wonder why they are not liked by said Soft-People ...

In my opinion the world needs to be Soft ... 

People will then stop committing suicide and getting upset ...

People will actually start to be Happy ...

We can start off the happiness transformation with the socio-psychological effects of language and word abusage that Autistic children have been trying to explain to their parents, or that in-patients have been trying to explain to their psychiatrists ... 

And words like effeminate and emasculate not being used by such institutions as Oxford Languages, whom are involved in the formulation of the Oxford English Dictionary, to spread widespread sexist thought conditioning data formulaic amongst the intelligentsia ... I mean people whom like words ... of the world ... 

Socio-psychological effects of language and word usage on our psyches, wellbeings ... 

Word- ride, riding a horse, slave word ... to be removed upon full feministic review of dictionary ...

The word Mad is offensive ...

But I am mad about the word mad you slut ...

I’m mad about You:

You Sick Bitch Ho


I don’t have time for swearing ...

All swear words to be banned. The removal of all negative social modes, negative language social goads. Swearwork framewords don't work happily in me. Our muse to stories we tell aren’t improved by negative embellishment ... 

Having Lovely Loving Embellishments is a key part of future story telling. All sonical phrase-builds are resonational positivity: coalesced incarnationalised analogously ... 


So taking some photos, taking some shots ... like in football, you take a shot at goal. Shot being a word related to the noun shot-put ... a large metal ball used in canons but now being utilised for sports people to throw. The shot being the object thrown and not the act of throwing or shooting. Shotguns use shot which is small ball bearings that a devastating when ripping through flesh. So a sanitisation of a military term brought into common speech. How men dare to use such phrases and terms in common speech is difficult to understand.

We have to separate military terms from our day to day reality. If in our future we will be required to fight an alien foe not of our SuperSpecies, then military terms, or a specialised military language would preferably be utilised in our defence. We certainly do not want our day to day language to be a a triggering factor in our lives as regards trauma memories of a future war where we used normal language; and then the common usage of this language would make us remember very traumatic experiences. This would taint this new Lovely language and our lives ...

Certainly when we talk to each other and play sport we can’t be flippantly using violent and aggressive terms.

So the word trigger I utilised in the previous paragraph is such a word that would have to be reserved for a new military language as regards its word concept, and never be used again in common speech ...

All military terms being reserved, and not filtering into our common language and speech ... putting a clear line between the two. Between weapons and fighting.

And Technology, and Loving Culture ...

Sport is not war: but like so many happenstances in life, men seek to militarise and martialise everything and everyone in their pursuit of psychological domination of each other, Women and Children ...

And technology itself does not escape the clutches of disgustingness and not giving a shit ...

Assault and battery is ok as regards its common word usage. An assault on the senses can be wonderful, but not to the Women that has just had her nose-rearranged as men like to Lovingly put it ... She has been battered like so many generations of Women before her by men whom think it is ok to call an electron storage unit a “battery”. And the battery must have power, like the power a husaband has over his wife, like the power the political elite have over suicide rates, upon policies they introduce, knowing people will top them selves ...

Maybe such terms need to be “hung” out to dry ... But of course the armies cavalry, also known as horse-slave corps, must “charge” forwards and trample and decimate in its domination of Femininity, as the battered wife must be “charged” with non-provision of marital services ... as the “battery” must “charge” or be thrown in the bin ... man ends up in a “cell” of his own creation on this one.

Girls want these terms gone NOW!


You can't use abusive behaviour/language as facility to end abuse. The abused do not want to be defended by abusers. This is an ideal that can’t always be implemented though because it is dependent upon the severity of continued ongoing abuse. After the fact, in retrospect, those that will be freed from the destructive control mechanisms of man will look back and deem abusive behaviour used to establish those freedoms as mistakes, but this is also dependent upon the severity of the abuse that has been suffered. It is true that we are at war but we must try to not become abusive and to just use truthful information without insult whenever we possibly can. Criticise the behaviour not the individual is an ideal very worth aspiring to. To call a rapist a rapist is factually accurate. And whilst all perpetrators are themselves victims of being traumatised, abused and raped by this world’s inheritance, but when abuse is still ongoing victims will lash out to protect themselves using any means at their disposal. Women rip out the throats of men who pin them down. They scream and claw and kill to protect themselves as we all would. And when men use every tool at their disposal including politics, legislation, lack of legislation, language, physical force and rape, monetary forcing, it is no wonder that Women get angry to the point of wanting to utilise any means necessary to end man’s abusive behaviour. 

We demand action from men now. Get out of the way.

So the Interaction that helps create a new and beautiful future for all Women and Men does not require insults or abusive behaviour. And we need to get tHere as soon as possible. The abused are fed up with being forced to react seemingly abusively and defending against ongoing attack can’t be called abuse. The attackers-abusers have to stop their behaviours before defenders will stop defending themselves.

Men have portrayed Women to be somehow responsible for the abuse they have received, and their defensive stance has been negativised by the Law industry to free men from prosecutions and relevant judgements. 


Constantly being forced to help victims, or being forced to try to get unfeeling governments to help victims, is not an approach that creates successful outcomes. We have to help those who perpetrate suffering upon others to change so that people are not harmed in the first place. We have to accept that perpetrators are victims of their own behaviour just as much as those they consciously or subconsciously victimise. The victims themselves can’t be thought of as victims maybe? Victims can’t be expected to accept this label as they have done nothing wrong so why should they? 

Maybe the real victims of society are those who hurt others. They are labelled perpetrators, and rightly so, as their behaviour is destructive and harmful ... 

I would say that, just as much as people who have been harmed by this reality, by the perpetrators that live within it: the perpetrators themselves are victims of the circumstances of the history of this reality, and the indoctrinating effects of badly behaved people, and a violence accepting culture that can’t be called a culture ...

An example of this is Women and Men not being listened to, so needing through desperation to cause uncaring men to understand, by acting out behaviours that Girl’s themselves see as self-destructive in nature: behaviours directed through desperation towards themselves, their relationships, and society itself. This societal trauma inheritance has tainted itself within all our society and behaviours and we now have the onerous task of extricating ourselves from this history of pseudo behaviours that serve no purpose in a New World Of Love Fidelity. 

Going forwards, in the way we get change to happen, we have to hold all the perpetrating behaviours to account; there is no other way we can create a Loving And Wonderful Society. But we must recognise that we are all victims of this World we were born into; and that we were all Babies who were harmed by the violent and uncaring tropes that have forged human collective disassociation from morality and compassion. And indeed we can all refuse to be thought of as victims even though we all are.

We have all been affected, but now is the time to move forwards in Love only.

And when Women worldwide group together utilising their right to petition, Girls will realise that The World Of Pure Love And Cuddly Joyousness Is About To Happen. We Can Make This Happen Girls If We Just Love Together And Vote Together As One Cuddly Unit Of Feminine Togetherness ...

An Outcome Of Feminine Loving Influence Is Essential And Inevitable Within Our Planette Earth Mother ...





So it is imperative that men are removed from their position of hierarchical control over dictionaries worldwide. The sexist control of language must end.

It Is Absolutely Essential For Women To Feel Loved and for men to realise that they will not be able to continue to be in the way. Women will go through the dictionary and accepted grammar and modes of speech and remove and ban and consign to unacceptable/archaic anything they do not like even slightly, en mass ... 

This of course would only be a beginning to new modes of speech. Even if the English language is banned because of the impossibility of its continued use due to the trauma and violence wrapped around everything, Girls will in my mind still want to clean it up completely as best we can before it is removed from continued usage. 

The Feminine Perfectionalisation Of Lingual Interexchange Is A Step In The Right Direction In The Full Feminisation Of Reality ...

A final decision as to whether the English language is to be kept can only fall to the Girls in my mind, as despite the suffering of man alongside Women, Women have been especially targeted by all men and even the inherent nature of sexual Bimorphism, in a merciless application of subservient role by rote.

men have to recognise that they have to let go of control. And they have to recognise that Women do not want men to think that they have control to let go of. men should never have positioned themselves in the role of controller. They should never have been the disgustingly behaved slavers that they were: and still men need to maintain the cultural influences of this slavery ... 

Now All of this rape and torture, that will be removed, men find themselves in a position in which they have to say all the right things, all the Lovely things, if they are to earn and gain regard from Hearts Of Feminine Thought.


The tradition of marriage was formulated by men, and it has been inherited by Women. We expect Women to want to be married. We expect them to want to be called brides ... We expect Women to accept that their man will be the bride’s-groom ...

The whole culture of weddings was concocted and dominated by men for so long, with Women being bought and sold like commodities, that if Girls wished to throw out the whole thing and start afresh, it would not surprise me ... including the need for a licenced person to be paid to marry You, as this is and was used as a hierarchical enforcement to control people’s abilities to get married at this time or that time, or in certain locations, or even at all ...

Just before I talk further about etymology of words, I want to provide a persuasive example of why etymology can be so problematic ... i.e. the intentional masculine torture of Girls using marriage terminology ...

Are Women going to continue to allow themselves to be called brides? To continue to do “bridal”? All it is, is putting a bridle on a horse ... to bridle a horse is to put a slave control device onto that person ... and the same applies to marriage with Women ... that’s why men use the word bridle ... and when men stop being very nice once marriage is fully under way, and the man popularistically blames the Women for closing her legs ... at least that’s how the man puts it ... she suffers no delusions that she is not being ridden ... an object to be ridden ... you are being bridalled Girls ... you are being controlled ... controlled by the modern masculine political enslavement vehicle that keeps you in worse chains than your husband himself ... ultimately controlled by men that want you to feel trapped in the family unit ...  ... By the groom. By the “animal husband”. Subject to “animal husbandry”. That’s what it means Girls. He’s the “husband” ... He’s the “groom” ... paedophile gangs groom children ... that’s the terminology modern man wants you to be under the bridle of ... he’s grooming You ... and You’re bridled. You’re the “bride”. You’re the commodity. You’re the thing that is “given away”. Given from man to man. Your “dad” gives You away ... He may even sell You, or pay to get rid of You ... money could transact ... man to supply funds so that the new owner can enslave You just the way “daddy” did ... also known as a dowry ... a business transaction between two parties ... so basically you are treated like a slave ... back in the day this was the way it was done. man controlling Women and designing all marriage conventions to make women understand that they were slaves to be bought and sold and bridalled and groomed and kept by an animal husband ... bought and sold like a horse ... like a whore ... This is philosophy of marriage according to man ... an effective marring of femininity ... a his story of subconscious psychological and overt physically violent and legislated enslavement that is fortified by a terminology that Women still insist on using upon each other ...

men still try to give money as wedding gifts today and laugh when they say it’s a dowry ... how disgusting is that? men are so disgustingly out of touch with Womens’ feelings that I am surprised Women haven’t completely stopped breeding with you lot ...

Back in the day when men came up with these marriage conventional terms ... when they applied these terms ... the etymology of these terms ... men were laughing ... about the way they controlled Women ... about the way women were livestock ... they didn’t care about Women ... this nomenclature is basically disgusting men having a laugh at Women’s expense ... and Women now have this disgusting his story terminological inheritance ... 

They are the groom ... they are the slave owner really ... they were in the eyes of the Law at the time of these marriage conventions being violently installed, maintained and violently enforced with rape and imprisonment ... 

I suppose you could say that society is the slave owner of the Woman and the man just grooms her for non-success ...

So the person whom marries You ... the licensed individual, whom makes money from the ability to insist that You are required to utilise such services; was always used as a method of control over Women. To stop Women from being able to afford to be married. To stop You marrying people Your father didn’t want You too. To work in cahoots with the system to stop You from following Your Heart. To stop same sexed people from getting married, empowered by the system of homophobic, masculine control ... To report people whom are breaking such rules ... 

I do not think Women would want this institution to continue considering it’s his story. I think a lot of people would like to marry themselves without a licence that is quite simply a way of extracting cash from Lovers whom just want to be married. Whom just want to be married without having to pay someone who is part of a price rigged system ... without anyone seeking to interfere in the Love that Blooms between Two People ...

Marriage is about Love ... not governments making extra cash ...

The person whom is legally empowered to marry two people being an extension of the slave-owner system, as Girls will only be permitted to marry men chosen for them ... So the whole setup is just a enslavement of Women matrix because Lovers couldn’t just marry who they wanted ... This is the his story and legacy of marriage convention that is now ignored because Girls just want to be Happy ... 

The physical and psychological enslavement continues ...

You are bought and sold emotionally, psychologically. You’re kept down. You are told you are not as good. You are given away because you are not good enough ... because you are a liability ... because you are a drain on resources ... you can’t earn the same money ... you’re not as useful ... you can’t work as hard ... you probably can’t think like an adult as you’re ditsy and feckless ... basically by modern manoeuvring, a free to buy prostitute that has to accept the male owned show ... you’re just like a child really ... that’s how the geopolitical structure treats you ... an object to be passed from “person” to “person” ... basically a slave but a secondhand slave because man is the first grade slave in his self-enslavement insistence that all lower echelon scummers work as their forefathers did ... 

If it’s not like this ... then why is it like this ... 

Do you like this? Depends how rich you are I suppose ... 

Women have always been the lowest of slaves ... And they still are!

Calling oneself the “bride” and “Groom”.

grooms look after “whores” sorry “Horses” don’t they? 

So the “horse” is kept subject to the groom ... and old style gentleman had a good old ride with whores in brothels ... 

The horse is kept in a small box; a bit like a whore who is chained in a brothel is kept in a small box ... the groom comes in there ... he pretends to like the horse (you are not morally permitted to like a person You are enslaving) he brushes the horse ... cos the horse has to look good to other people ... he feeds the horse ... the horse needs to be fed I spose ... he keeps the horse in a small box and lets it out now and again to show it off ... or to get a ride out of it, or a race or whatever ... and then he puts it back in the box ... where it proceeds to go mad ... they say racehorses are neurotic ... well there’s a reason for that ... because racehorses are exercised and rested ... in the stables for most of the day ... it absolutely drives them “mad” ... I do not like the word mad I think it is disgusting ... it affects them psychologically ... they go neurotic ... they bob their head up and down ... it’s a neurotic reaction to being trapped all day ... 

And Women are famed for being neurotic as well ... after so many years in marriage ... trapped in their little psychological, sociological box ... by men ... who want to keep feminine thought under control ... to neuter the Loveliness of Femininity ...

Calling yourself a “bride” and “Groom” is like an African Person working for them like a nanny or something, as a housemaid or a houseperson or whatever ... it’s the same as calling that person a slave or a slave owner ... bride and Groom.

Have a Think about it Girls ... that’s the nomenclature ... that’s the mentality ... and if you think men treat you properly these days ... where’s equal pay? Where is equal representation? Equal representation requires a very simple change to the present globally accepted political system ... 

But this will not be good enough for the Girls. If the political landscape is going to change ... which it is ... once Women petition governments as One Feministic Global Movement ... Women will want fair representation for everyone ... an abolition of the aggressive and separational, ostracising, prejudicial, bias forming and enforcing, violent and disgraceful masculine dominating bully show in its entirety across all SuperSpecielle interactions, without reserve. Anything slightly less than a Full Feminisation Of Reality will result in a complete cessation to all emotional and physical relationships with Women and an end to all procreation ...

The bully show must go ... An end to the deFeminisation of Women in politics ... Women want the masculine filter gone!!

Women to not only give speeches at weddings without being scowled at, but to also give speeches in all circumstances, in all Social and Polytical and Tech, Art or Other: Organisationals . I want to hear what women want to say ... And definitely not what they think men want to hear.

And the disgusting male speeches given at weddings, that are designed to ridicule and belittle the groom, as if this is somehow funny and acceptable: this as a social-normative is quite symptomatic of the disturbed mindset of the average discompassionate man and his indoctrination by masculinity. Women don’t want their weddings continually ruined by this disgusting non-cultural bully show. Girls want it gone. And they want masculinity gone too!

So In A New Autopolytical Future Women Will Decide The Language We Use And The Terminology. This Is Non-Negotiable.


Women have to be listened to. They have wonderful ideas about compassionate logic. The application of compassionate logic. Logic can’t be logical unless it is compassionate. Men use logic to justify what they do. But mans logic is not logical, because it is not compassionate. The only way for logic to be truly logical is for it to be compassionately logical. Which means it doesn’t harm anyone. And this is the way women tend to think. And a lot of men tend to not think that way, they think about cash, they think about control, they think about power, they think about hierarchy ...

men are driven by fear. Men are scared of women getting any control in the world. Men are driven by this fear. It is instilled in them from a Young Age ... because hierarchy is all about fear ... your pecking order ... you get pecked ... what a horrible term that is ... this is what happens to Young Boys ... it might be sport based, it might be physical strength based, it might be fighting based, it might be intellectually based, but it’s always there, and this causes fear.

Even people at the top of the hierarchy are scared to not be on top: fear drives them to the position they think they need.

Fear drives them to success.

Fear drives them to failure.

Fear drives everything in the world of man. 

And fear of Women actually making the world a better place, men don’t necessarily think the world would be a better place, because they want their little bubble of making money to continue...

How can you sleep at night knowing you are part of a system which kills and rapes Women in their droves and any or all other species on this Planette in a sick disturbing bloodlust that Women ...

I mean man wants to use the word “lust” in a positive way and use it in compound usage with blood. Bloodlust. Women think you are all disgusting boys ... 

So at least man can continue to win the gender hierarchy war with his bloodlust, that’s the way the world is excuses, of physical intimidation ...

Intimidation that forces Women to walk the streets scared. 

But men are the scared One’s in politics. They are scared of Women having a say to the point of only wanting yes Women floating around in their areas of influence. 

men have their own corruptions going on that require money to still flow regardless of compassion ... 

The sociopsychological effects of language and word usage on our psyches, wellbeing, collective and individualised subconscious and subconscience and its effects on our conscious mind and activised conscience can not be overstated. The words we use create emotional ambience which we do not always recognise as omnipresent ... men tend to shy away from the notion that such social feeling effects them ... they certainly at times struggle to talk about this fact and this then creates an eternal mental-block upon the continuation-notion of disharmony trauma that man is severely psychologically wounded by. He has become accustomed to this ambience and he expects Women to simply become accustomed to this trauma and hierarchy and abuse with abusive lingual context and accepted vocab use and phrase habituation ... all this supported by the men in universities and politics who seek to mind-control everyone into being mind-raped by these disgusting and overbearing socio-psycho-phenomenon. There is no movement towards improvement ... improvement that Women are continually demanding from social emotional cuddle communication Loveynesses.

men just do not get it.

Things Have To Change Now ... A NEW Compash-Reasoning Approach To All Communication, With All Communication Being Loving In Nature, Is A Starting Point From Which Women Wish To Build A Society Of Eternal Joy And Cuddly Yumptious Togethering Babytummily Cuddly Woo Woo Forever Joy Kissyblissy Lovey Dovey Emjoinment ...

All Peoples Of All Species Are To Have Their Harm Trauma Soothed Lovingly In Cuddlinesses So Realisations Of All Inclusive Love Peace Are Forever The Minimum For All Societal Love Boo Boos ...

All People Of All Species Are Very Loved And Very Nice And WE CARE ABOUT All Of Them With The Sameness Of Deliciouscy Delightybooboo Snuggletimes ...

To Get To This Place Of Forever Joy All governments of the world have to agree to do away with aspects of the financial systems. This is not something you can vote on or choose to not do as it is killing so many people and the world is so morally corrupt that There Are No Options Only Feministic Demands. All Political Decisions Must Follow Compassionate Logic ...

BECAUSE OF HISTORY of trauma via masculine mind control I DONT LIKE THE WORD POLITICAL: so I have been utilising the word Polytical as it pertains to everyone being able to vote on all polytical bills. 

We need every single bill in this country and the world to be voted for by everybody ... Anybody who is interested in looking at the right videos, and acquiring the right knowledge, and then voting on it. Political intellectual monopoly causes massive problems in this world because it doesn’t allow the people to vote. It has been jokingly said that some politicians do not even read political bills ... like that is a joke ... This is the mentality that men like to pedal amongst their informational dissemination networks ... the word network being also disgusting as it is a murder word “net” and a torture word “work”. 

So the voting on all bills applies to global politics also with new continental and global peoples’ Polytical Cuddlejoys being the beginning bare essentials for a New World Of Emotional, Compash-Polytical Yumptiousness.


The World is in desperate need of a massive overhaul by Women, and its Feminisation is inevitable and essential for social systems to progress healthily. 

In this reality ... Girls need to feel that everything is perfect ...but nothing in this reality is perfect ... And yet despite this GIRLS ARE PERFECT ... but men do not help them feel this way about themselves. They just promote the notion that men and other Girls think that Girls are not Perfect, through the disgusting ways societal ills are actively promoted on reality shows and any other medium of social torture for the sake of laughs and giggles. Girls have had enough of this besmirchement campaign ... The men who are making media decisions have to be removed ...


People turn up at sporting events to participate and spectate a form of entertainment. Which should be enjoyable for both or more parties. All involved should feel that they have emjoyed themselves and that their emotional experience has been wonderful and uplifting ... 

They should not feel like they have witnessed a bloodthirsty battle ... 

Is the word sport from the word spoor as in a trail left by game: a hunting reference?

Hunting is certainly considered sport among disgusting hunting terms. The object of murderous attention being the “game” also known as the victim species or individual.

Men think murder is game ... And this is transferred to non-murderous men via the medium of sporting term acceptance ...

So if we look at sport terminology, all of it ... all of it has to go ...

Use of the word versus is a combat reference. And all combat sports will be banned by Women. But then again having a vote on these murderous pastimes would be immoral, so an outright immediate ban based on compassionately logicalised morality is what will happen ... 

We use lots of offensive terms in sport. In America they say “offence” and “defence” ... these are the terms you use in a war ... in Soccer we say “attack” ... we’re attacking ... we promote aggression by glorifying the idea that being an aggressive player is a good thing ... a positive terminology ... 

To use these terms as an inherent and throwaway go to is disgusting.

IF we are to continue to play competitive sports, we need a new terminological structure that doesn’t foster conflict and violence ... 

To use such disgusting words and phrases sanitises violence in the minds of all children and adults who are involved in sports. And those looking in, think that sport is just aggressive and thuggish. 

Sanitising aggression can never be acceptable, and legally speaking it is not permitted, but existing laws pertaining to the illegality of violence promotion ignores the fact sport is one of the main psychological contributors to violent mindset in children and adults alike ...

You do not need to be aggressive to play sport ... You need to be cool and calm to get the best out of Your body either performance-wise or skill-wise. Violent emotions do not help You in sport so why do we encourage it? Why do we build a lexicon around sport that just stresses the philosophy, psychology, the participants and spectators? 

It is a subconscious weight on people’s shoulders and it needs to be removed. And for all those that have been bullied by sport being the perpetual extension of tribalism: they have had their life experiences traumatised overtly and very consciously, leaving a lot of people hating sport as a cultural medium ...

Any and all violence promoting terms in sport subconsciously and consciously promote violence.

men are violent thugs, dropping bombs, and he’s on fire, you get “beaten” in sport. Slaughtered or massacred. Blitzed to annihilation. These are all common terms that men feel proud to use whilst not realising how fragile their own flesh actually is ...

Of course you could get blown away ... clobbered, thrashed and knocked-out of the cup. Being thumped means to be punched and is an englishthug’s I mean mans’ favourite. Football teams get gladly in the hearts of an average fan: Smashed, belted as in whipped with a belt, or caned like an abused child of previous centuries when man was less affected by Feminist thought ...

men did use to wipe the floor with feminine thought and Girl’s faces after all ...

Then there are raped slave references like stuffed or roasted like a desecrated dead body of a rape victim.

The average man. The average sportsman. And his typical acceptance of and complete obliviousness to the fact that Women fucking hate this terminology, is a massive problem for the Girls. 

Ask them ...

And this subconscious support of violence in sport and common media, everywhere you look, influences children to become the next wife beaters, the next murderers and rapists. If you make light of this you are losing Your Wives guaranteed ...

If you make lite of this you are compartmentalising. Compartmentalising the reality that this reality we live in is far too violent. men going out and beating each other ...

If You change the vocabulary and terminology then You change the communal psychology, You change the socio-geo-emotional landscape of this reality that Women are desperate to feel Loved in. Man wants the world to be better but refuses to accept and make the changes to himself that such a new Loved By Women Reality Requires.

man’s compartmentalisation against the mortal seriousness of violence, damaging Children, is the biggest risk to life on Planette Earth Mother at present.

Children seeing Parents absorbing violent content is highly disturbing, and they are scarred by the fact You might be treating this content as something to analyse rather than as something that needs to be thrown out of our social systems. These traumatic experiences are indelible and undeserved. You are abusing Your Children and Wives with this disgusting violent content and creating the fear of the world and making the world something to fear ...

In A New World Of Love, Women Are TO PERFECTIONALISE LANGUAGE, And I Look Forward To These Future Days Of Joys. I Am Not Convinced That The English Language Is Something That Can Be Kept. I Think That The Girls May See The Trauma And Violence Wrapped Around Everything That Has Been Before To Be Too Much To Overcome As Regards The Continued Ability Of English To Deliver A Lovely Base From Which To Extend One’s Lovely Loving Thoughts Outwards Into A New World Of True And Blissfilled Joy.

A lot of the terms we use commonly, unless you actually know the etymology of those terms: Do we even have a right to use language if we do not know what it actually means?

I speak from an academic perspective ... and from an individual perspective

For the average person speaking a language, what right do we have to even use a language that we do not know all of the etymological roots for its words? All words with unacceptable etymologies have to go. All words that have been used in horrid ways have to go. All words feel like they have been tainted by any and all other words that have been used to abuse and murder and hurt throughout the centuries. Why would a Woman even wish to continue to use this language, when a new one could be formulated derived from only Kindness And Fun And Cuddly Woo Woos.

Children in schools should not just be learning a language, but should be consciously learning words and their origins and meanings to build a conscious picture of the story of language. 

Would they like what they learn about lots of words and where they come from? The links between words and other words and concepts ...

If we actually teach children that they have to be critical of these words, I am sure they could help us to get it right?  When Children of the world learn the etymologies of all words and the concepts I have mentioned, will they even want to utilise this old language of torture and murder and rape? 

I suspect not. 

Not when they could have: 

A New Beautiful Gorgeousness Of Lingual Inclusivity Happiness To Live In Gleefilled Gaity And Sunshiny Rainbownessy Blissy Kissy Yumptiousness ...

So having established that all prostitution is rape ...

Anybody who puts the disgusting word "whore" in their twitter name should be incarcerated for a life sentence per Person on Planette Earth Mother ...

The damage to others of this promotion of rape is immeasurable. Girl’s are getting raped all day everyday because of this sanitisation of violent rape.

It is utterly and unendingly disgusting to create disgusting buzzwords or use literary devices or word modulations for serious applications like this. We need Emotions and Compassion to create the comtext for Our decision making process. Not wedding whore profiles and worse ... 


If You know all the etymological roots/routes of words, and You decided to not like negative originations, then You would constantly wince at everyday language used--like the word “use”. So in this case ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is convenience. Ignorance is acceptability. A lack of knowledge is desperation. A lack of knowledge is disgusting. Though of course The words “use”, “ignorance”, “lack” and “desperation” would all be on Your negative framing list ...

Non-offensive ratio of a language. For any given length of sentence tHere is a non offensiveness ratio. Like for instance in a 20 word sentence. Some possible sentences that can be formulated from the sum total words of the English language and their possible orderings within a 20 word sentence structure; of these possible configurations the majority would be offensive if used because People do not necessarily Wish to be inundated with random gibberishesque Communications that mean nothing to them apart from an assumption that the random gibberish man is bullying them. Many possible configurations will be by their very discernible nature highly offensive and disgusting: Hence Freedom of Speech is an Illusionary allusion.

Some syllables are horrid sounding but would not qualify as offensive on a non-offensive ratio review, and yet they invoke upsetting Emotional reactions. On this basis Girls may decide to ban certain words on Emotional grounds. This being said, offensive syllable rejection, as in not wanting to use certain syllables for making new words based upon how pleasing or unpleasing they sound, like for the first letter of a new word, is something we could not want to be prejudicial about. 

Whatever Girls decide to do that’s fine by me. They will base this on Emotions and not being prejudicial against things it is impossible to be prejudicial against maybe ... the syllable di for instance is very very very problematic: certainly in English, and maybe in a new language formulated by English speaking peoples ...

Obviously when we coin new words tHere may be restrictions on bad sounding words and/or their component pieces, and also we should not be as quick to discard things which we think are not pleasing on the ear in an abstract sense (aka phonics prejudice) ...

Every single language on Planette Earth MotHer has a Wonderful opportunity to reduce its non-offensiveness ratio to as close to a 0:1 as possible.

Horrible inflections. Intentionality, accidental ...  certain accidental, incidental habitual inflection to be made illegal. Physical and vocalised expressions and behaviours that are socially upsetting to be figured out and removed from acceptable behaviour.

We need to stop explaining things with negativity. Sarcasm although it might seem to be a Positive and humorous expression can never be thought of as a Positive or healthy mechanism of speech. And also physical expressions of sarcasm can never be acceptable.

All negative mechanisms of speech create and feed into larger contextualisations for bullying frameworks.

When children explore language and experience the bullying going on, bullying acceptance mindset is enforced upon impressionable innocent minds. The hierarchy is set ... and now jostle for your position victim of my authority ... victim of birth circumstance ... victim of gender bad luck ... victim of uselessness ...

A new language being as high as is possible on the non-offensiveness ratio scale of reference.

English being untenable. If English was a fictional language created for a simulation of reality wHere Everyone was trying to highlight all of the non-Compassionate aspects of Our culture in an attempt to convince the masses that elements like Our language need to be reviewed or discarded, then the People whom set up this simulation would have no real Emotional connection to that language though it may seem so. The point being that that language could be discarded and their real actual language in reality would be under review ... a real language which may also be completely untenable in the ability of it to justify its continued common usage even after its non-Compassionate ratio had been reduced to as low as possible. 

So to be honest if a language can be discarded, what stops any language from being discarded? How can man justify keeping a language that has been so disgustingly and unswervingly used to destroy and rape Femininity without remorse. And still Girls need equal pay and equal representation ...

The reason English will probably be declared untenable by Women is not all words have known etymological sources ... and these sources could be unacceptably disgusting in nature, considering the fact they often are. And also the fact men have used and abused language, to use and abuse everyone and everything it is possible to abuse with language, could also be of very serious concern to Girls, upon their probable outright ban of english ...

What will men do if all Women worldwide refuse to speak english?

Holding onto an existing language despite the fact it has been used by People who have whilst formulating it and evolving it been killing and murdering and raping and destroying; in times wHere Women were treated so despicably badly. Tradition and familiarity taking precendence over Girls needing to have their eternal torture taken into account is a completely disgusting state that has to be demandedly removed by us all in unison, now.

All lingual Interaction has to be Compassionately assessed for all time. 

All physical Interaction has to be Compassionately assessed for all time. 

All social Interaction has to be Compassionately assessed for all time. 

All physical Interaction has to be Compassionately assessed for all time. 

All socio-Polytical Interaction has to be Compassionately assessed for all time. 

All industrio-Emotional Interaction has to be Compassionately assessed for all time.

All SuperSpecielle Interaction has to be Compassionately assessed for all time.

Even if etymology is innocent the feeling needs to be perfect for all words. This does include coincidental phonics where words sound similar to negative words that already exist. 

Women need this to feel happy. We all need this to feel happy. The burden of language lies heavy over Our socio-psyches. 





So when words are removed from the languages of the world, we then use more words to say what we need to, which is often fine and comes with the advantage of greater understanding and less stress for People absorbing such information. We need to come up with new words also that have Lovely intentions and Lovely etymologies. 

So I am cogitating upon the probable untenability of the English language due to too much harm being done today ... and too much harm having been done historically. And the unknown etymologies of certain words ... well basically all words, depending how far back you can’t look due to language being far older than the written word ... so virtually any word as regards their true and full origins can never be compassionately logicalised as acceptable as by the very nature of this reality their full origins can never be known ...

A completely fresh start language could be the only way, with only Lovely words and new Loving etymologies. 

A New Language Born Upon Purity Of Loving Interactions And Deliciously Compassionate Cuddlinesses With Every Single Word Included Being Emotionally Constructive And Positive In Nature ... With A Loving Population Of All Species Being Kind And Joyous And Blissy Kissy Yum Yum.

The Opportunities And Joys Of Formulating New Languages Is Infinite In LoveScope And Perfectional In Delightment. And The Possibilities Of Splicing Together New Languages Throughout The Process Of Their Formulation Either By Being In The Same Geographical Region Or Opposite Sides Of The World Creates Wonderful Inclusive Opportunities. And The Speaking Of Different, Disparate Languages In Yumyum Inventivenessy CombiNational Forms Create Wonder Times Of Cuddle Woowoos. If A Groups Of People Could Speak 10 Languages For Instance, Then They Could Speak All Those Lovey Dovey Linguos Interchangeably Sentence Formulationals For Huggles And Cuggles Forever ...

Such yum yums, as removal of: dePersonificationalising words like “it” and “thing” and their usage to refer to anything including Women and their bits ... And dePersonificationalising syntaxical sentence structures to refer to anything including Women and their bits ... from acceptable speech. Legislation would be needed to get people utilising an existing language within its completely non offensive state only, so as to learn Loving Compassionate interaction; before a new language would then be adopted. We could not risk a new pure language being tainted by misuse. 

I could see a full Personification of inanimate objects as regards lingual reference for instance, like when cars are called Girls and Shes etc. maybe?

I could also see a full Femification of lingual structure similar to the gender based terms found in french and german, but with only Feminine terms going forwards perhaps? Would Girls want Feminine only?

There are potential moral issues of personifying language being used then to depersonify by referential abuse in a lessening of a person’s importance lingually. This is done by offensive misusage of terminology that is accepted in a language when referring to an inanimate object or a person, with unpleasant sentence structures and anti-social inflections used to setup abusive contexts ... 

Such abuses of the past need to be removed and clichaic-type habitual language formulation abuses could not be allowed to transfer across to a new language of Pure Joy ...

Even suffixs and prefixes are used as bullying increases or reductions of position in hierarchy ...

We need this all gone. And it is the Girls of the world whom are to be Perfectionalising In CuddleLoveyStuffies: and Compash-Lovey-Kissy in Socio-Inclusivity Blissy Kissy Yumptious Bumptious Plumptiously Tummily Yummily Giggly Jiggly Wiggily ...

All men need to understand is that this is what GirlyWoos Love To Twirly, Whirly, Swirly, Girly ForEvery and Every ... Yay ...

A Full Feminisations Of Languages is a MaxiMummy Importancey ... Kissy Wissy Blissy Boo ...

Systematic removal of all feminine thought since the written word ever was, and throughout the centuries up until present day, as pertains the feminine thought that was considered worthy of any consideration, and as pertains feminine involvement in any lingual discussion or decision making ever ...

In one area Women have potentially had an influence, this being spoken language itself including accents and other organic non-controllable by the overlords affects within day to day speech etc. But of course modern society driven by universities and academics, has sought to root out such beauties of colloquial and socio-circumstantial  to the point where dictionaries do not include all different pronunciations and tense form utilisations etc. that are common speech, within different regions of the country, or within different regions of the world. 

This academic lingual elitism ... is lingual racism and academic racial exclusion but it is not prosecuted, despite Laws being in place to hold these racist institutions to account ... Present Laws could be utilised within their present forms to prosecute these disgusting exclusionary behaviours amongst the self-appointed academic elite ... Why is this disgusting prejudicial behaviour not prosecuted? Because the academic people in this world whom consider themselves elite and above everyone, and make decisions based upon their superiority, refuse to stop infiltrating and controlling the law industry and the university industry and the political industry ...

Laws are left down to interpretation of those in so-called power which leads to self-protective biase ... it is all very convenient when laws are either written in non-specific enough formats: or are just ignored by men whom want to control their abilities towards dismorality ...

The past removal of Accents by an overbearing government has been the way in which such social-rapists have found succour and fulfilment in their duties for herd management ... therefore, wherefore, so unto removal to contribution of Women be-clause common speech in its accentual influence-tielle – being of so. And whither to such in derivation to be of lineation bourne non-Gender biased Womannerism organically. 
Removal of accents by an overbearing government is anotHer way that men have subconsciously removed the contribution of Women, because common speech and its accentual influences are derived in a non-Gender biased Womannerism organically ... 

So we find ourselves living in a world of no book certification, and this has been a conscious decision by men to leave the written word not completely uncensored, but certainly completely uncategorised in the sense of suitable material for readers of different psychologies and ages. This has been a problem for many years. In theory moving media like film and interactive computer  have been under the remit of certification law. But with the advent of the internet being used as an excuse by men to avoid legal ramifications as regards the illegal sharing of uncertificationed visual media like porn ... All films are subject to certification but men do not enforce these Laws. And a lot of the so called computer games and violent and disgusting film content should never make it to market due to the violence ... Laws haven’t changed, but their interpretation as regards acceptance of disgusting content has been skewed by the inherent violence acceptance of police, judiciary, and legislators. 

And as part of this complete disregard for the thoughts and demands of Women and Feminist thought, that seeks to protect Girls and Boys from violence and sexual violence, the disgustingly behaved men in so called “power” have by political bill legislative policy non-enforcement and non-review, promoted and sanitised ultra-violence and gore and sexual violence and simulated rape and simulated death and necrophilia and incest ...

It is easily possible to Law Enforce the internet ... but men in power are choosing to not do so ...

Necrophilia and incest and sexual violence are illegal, and promotion of violence is illegal, and promotion of illegality is illegal ... so incest and necrophilia promoting content is inherently illegal and staged death scenes are inherently illegal due to the promotion aspect to their formulation.

Any communication between people within any medium like daily speech, messages, letters, staged fictional interaction media: can never be legal if it promotes in any way illegal activities.

The glorificational approach of men in film and tv and computing and the written word is illegal under present Law. But the violent men in power do not enforce the Law.

From the perspective of legal censorship, the men of this world  have allowed themselves an illegal leeway in legislative interpretation ... governments of the world are filled with murderous, thuggish mindsets that see ultra violent cinema as acceptable ... Women have been lobbying on these issues for decades and the men just ignore them ...

A child can go into any library and pick up any book and be exposed to disgusting, violent, sexually violent and worse content without any barriers of protection except a librarian’s ethics and or knowledge of every single text ever written ...

Camera analysis technology has been intentionally held away from such applications like library genre and content suitability monitoring ... School libraries stock horror books and violence filled books without remorse despite librarians battling to get this sorted. They are ignored by the upper echelons of decision making violent and disgustingly behaved men. men that just want the violence and sex violence to continue. If it is not like this ... why is it like this ... Why do open access libraries have horror books on their shelves. Why are violent comics available to children in libraries and newsagents and bookstores. Why do the men of the world think they have any rights to do this ... to destroy the minds of Young impressionable people with this disgusting ultra-violent content?

Women will not stand for the continuation of this violence rape culture that men wish to worsen year on year ...

And when Girls vote as One and petition all governments as one voice the men of the world will have to listen if they wish to continue having relationships with Women ...


We have teach ourselves to not compartmentalise our minds ... we have teach ourselves to uncompartmentalise our minds, and engage fully with our emotions.

All historical information will have to be put behind a tiered system that is rigorous in only allowing very serious, emotional based review, by individuals whom fully engage with the emotional content of the personal stories they study. I do not believe that many people will wish to study history fully because they will find it to be very upsetting when engaging fully with such emotions ... the full engagement with said emotions being the prerequisite ability that would be Womandatory to study such content at all ...

So on a studying access scale, formulated upon the emotional effects and details of emotionally difficult subject matter, and personal accounts that are always difficult emotionally ... ALL OurStorical accounts are very difficult emotionally ... we would see people whom wished to study, having to prove that they are Compassionate and Loving in their approach to all OurStorical evidence. This includes all texts and all artifacts that document the seriously troubling OurStory of Planette Earth Mother ...

Though of course many artifacts will have to be scan-documented and then destroyed due, to the violent history of man ... artifacts composed of remains of people of all species to be given full funeral rites. All historical weapons to be destroyed ...

1 Low Detail Broad Picture     1 Mildly Upsetting Life Stories
6 Detailed Accounts                 6 Very Upsetting Life Stories

We have to recognise that any stories from the last centuries right up to present, including lives that are being lived now, will have to be consigned to the understanding that what has and still is happening is of such severity that once the world has gone through the Essential Feministic changes that Women demand, all these stories will be put behind such a system of Loving Emotio-Educational Censorship ... So For To Protect The Loving Minds Of Ourselves And Generations To Come ...

Only people with a right approach and mindset, that is rigorously ethical and compassioned, will be able to access these texts and multi-media documents in perpetuity ...

I do foresee exemptions for family members being accepted potentially at times as regards access to said documents, but of course there is no reason why people with a Loving mindset couldn’t think and analyse in Loving ways to be eligible to gain access to their ancestors stories ... But I would suggest a stringent age limit on difficult content along the lines of 25-30 years of age.

We also have to change the way we recount our own personal stories. Complete removal of all glorification of unmoralisic viewpoints is essential within any and all communicational interactions. 

And we also have to be totally unglorificational in our approach to fiction in all mediums of story dissemination. novels, films and other moving media are to be subject to a new feministic approach of all confliction removal. This is non-negotiable.

With all old fiction being now treated as non-profit documentation of OurStory and to be treated as such.

THere are a lot of books that are vehicles for making profit on the suffering of the people whom are subject of the information ... whether they be people whom have lived, or fictional characters. The disgusting and flippant meteing out of violence and sexual abuse upon fictional characters is an utter disgrace to all morality. 

 THere are a lot of books that are vehicles for making profit on the suffering of their characters. Any book in which suffering or hardship is occurrent can not be justifiably sold as entertainment. To derive pleasure from narratives in which conflictions are pedalled and glorified in the sake of pleasure derivation for its own sake is a non-cultural mode that has to be excised from all thought ... desperately so. A violent world of rape torture and murder is proof of the desperate need man has to change ... and Women will not put up and shut up any longer ... they never did, but man is disgraceful in his ignore-ance of The Bivine Feminine.


Motivations for novels to be written are important. 

Pure motivations of emotional processing for constructive social improvement or Joyous maintenance is a bare essential minimum prerequisite going forwards.

Historical and present nefarious motivations for promotion of violence and sexual objectification or violence will be utterly blocked by new and rigorously adhered to legislation to be created and Lovingly installed by Women of the world without the blocking mechanisms of man ...

Once put behind a non-profit wall and an emotional content scale referential, older novels must be categorised on content severity and on motivations of writer.

0 U
1 12
3 15
5 18
7 21
9 25

The ages shown here are irrelevant. It is a scale of content severity for guideline purposes only. Women are to formulate the specifics and approach, as man has tried and failed: so now the Girls get to go off into seclusion to figure out their demands for society, and this area of Legislation will --as all other areas of legislation-- be subject to their decisions as per The Full Feminisation Of Reality ...

So on such a scale the motivations of a writer can increase the severity score. Writers are to be honestly assessed and there would be no monetary enticement to present falsehood, as no money can ever be made from such content. Indeed all such moneys, that have been made in the past, are to be returned due to the immoral acquisition that torturous narratives causate ...

A new financial package for all sentient peoples of Planette Earth Mother is to be formulated morally in which everyone will receive affluent funding for their futures: this to be presented by the Girls under the remit of The Full Feminisation Of Reality ...

Later in this project, to simply inspire possibilities, I am to present ideas for a possible flavour of such global finances review and potential avenues forward ... but I am under no allusions that Women of the world have not formulated much of this themselves already in concept or certainly moralisticalising ...

The wrong motivations in approach to any project in any area of SuperSpecielle thought or Womanufacture would be an immediate red card to any individual or group as regards their rights to create or continue any given project ...

And the motivations for existing works like books once fully assessed will self-formulate their access ‘set in stone’ guidelines.

So for instance any authors that derive pleasure from the presentation of even the mildest of threat narrative would score highly on the scale of data access accessibility ... regardless of content severity ...

Whereas serious and difficult content that is presented by someone who has always moralised and formulated their works to be socially constructive and contributive with the purest of helping intentions, so for to present that which is not wanted within socio-artistical media, to be of service to the most stringent of ethical considerations ... these difficult works would still score highly on said scale due to difficult content consideration, but would be respected as being works by people whom were able to embody a socially productive outlook.

That being said, of course one can not create neo-snobbishness frameworks to reduce people’s life experiences, as fiction itself is document to the authors’ life experiences and mindset. This is of untold value in understanding the history of our planet ... just not to be held aloft, as misguided or even machinational nefarious disgusting content promotion can never be considered as badges of honour ...

We all ultimately are born as Babies and are negatively affected by this reality. So one can’t blame or castigate any one person over their history of artistic contribution; and said content is document to all our stories. But the approach towards analysis of all content much analyse not only the work, but also the state of mind under which it was formulated accurately ... specifically the intentions of immoral narrative and philosophy glorification and promotion.

Some might suggest or even demand strongly and at times desperately, and understandably so, that all such violent and extremely graphic and explicitly horrendous content should all be destroyed. That even content with lower levels of difficultness should be done away with. That anything that isn’t completely Lovely and Compassionate and Wonderful should all be destroyed. And I understand why people would feel that way and from certain perspectives I agree ...

I would find doing away with any historical information disrespectful to those whom have suffered in this world and global context of widespread suffering and hate and murder and rape acceptance ...

These are the Life Stories in non-fiction and fictional form rendered in desperation and suffering of all of us.

We do have to come to terms with the fact that a lot of content needs to be removed from open access, regardless of its validity towards historical understanding ... and certain extremely troubling works have to be put behind the most stringent of censorship walls possible so for to protect future generations ...

The motivations of all content perusal and study must for all times be of the utmost moralistic standing within all that we do and analyse and review.

Not only to the Motivations of history students must we look, but also towards those whom would build a vehicle, paint an image or teach a fable ...

men have for too long gloried in the suffering of other species  and women and men alike.
For too long has man ignored the approaches and pleas of Girls whom have studied and assimilated historical data, when they have made suggestions for new and caring data Wombhanding. 

Girls study OurStory for emotional reasons and social evidencing for constructive reasoning.

men have glamourised and glory promoted their ways to disenfranchising and intentionally neutering the moralistical overhauls than Woman are insisting must happen within OurStorical subjects like Law, OurStory, Biology, Linguistics ... Womanities In All Their Forms And Beyond Into True Love Extrapolations Of Art And Sciences For All Times ...

When Girls take away the rights to glory, as man has been unable to do for himself ... all that is left is Emotion.

And to consign fiction to a thought experiment content only future, for experimental and real-time data analysis only. Non-profit. Non-fame. Non notoriety. 

What remains is non-popularistic seeking field of expertise respect only, for morally and compassionately, analytically rigorous approaches of people and teams held to the highest moral oversight in opensource projects ... projects to look at tech and philosophical development considerations and their macro-socio-cosmological resonations within emotional framings of Care, Love And Gorgeousness: Babily Tummily Yummily Cuddle Times YessyYes Only YumptiousNesses ...

This can surely be the only approach Gorgeousness Girls will seek going forwards ... With Lovey Baby Timeys CuddlyUmptious Tummy Bumptiousnessnessnesses ...


To document and store the stories of the peoples of our Planette accurately and compassionately a period of trauma emotional-processing has to occur for all species to come to terms with all the torturously bad times they have been through and been negatively affected by. We have all suffered and the written word is a format of emotional exploration and healing that can’t be underestimated in its curative and psychoemotional healing properties. 

All these healing processes have to be comducted with compassion and understanding with highest of respect and dedication towards those whom need the Loving support of our SuperSpecielle collective. It can take years sometimes to be able form the strength and emotional ability to recount and move through past stories of extreme trauma such as those which we all have been through. We have carnivores and herbivores ... we have insect species that have been locked in generational battles for epochs all in need. We have microorganisms that have suffered vast swathes of their populations being genocidally murdered by the actions of man. Species of fish and aquatic mammals hunted to brutal extinction by proxy. 

All these peoples need to tell their stories, and all their stories deserve to be heard ...

And this is something to take years ... and not something that can be rushed or demandedly time limited due to the ethical considerations.

So we move forwards together in Love.

There will be a time at which we will seek to store away texts and other content and artifacts of trauma.

Negative references have the tendency to taint comcepts, ideas, objects, artifacts. Fictional and pseudo ideas that taint Feelings about anything are not acceptable types of speech. We can’t allow bad Feelings to spread through SuperSpecielle thought. I feel very concerned, and I am sure a lot of otHer People in the world do to, about the nature of continued access to texts and books that have the potential to negatively affect societal thought. Whilst we process our pasts ... we must also look to a new and perfect future of Love Only ... And the installation of this precept absolutely ...

As part of a process in worrying about the concerns of existing written matter in the world, we will seriously have to consider the possibility of removing certain if not all difficult books, because of their contents, to offworld libraries: as I think it will be too upsetting for lots of People to keep such content on Planette Earth MotHer. Books that contain violent narratives and even slightly aggressive sexual content must all be consigned to being placed with Care and Love behind morality based Love-Walls that will prevent these books from being profit making or even accessible unless rigourous prerequisite moralistic viewpoints are met. As already mentioned.

The way we read books needs to be moral and without allowing Oneself to be radicalised by negative content or seeing said content as glorificational. We can never enjoy or derive entertainment from violence or suffering or conflict of any kind.

And the support of this truth will require us to not seek comfort in the stories of the suffering of Others. We need to detach from erroneousness philosophical and intellectual justifications for the continuation of extreme content absorption. men seek to keep this social-psychopathy rolling along, whilst Girls see now as the time to detach and stop using people’s trauma as moneymaking schemes. We need to explore and at times present our trauma but we have to understand that the dissemination of such content perpetuates our trauma and reinstalls it into the minds of others whom become exposed. We have to break the cycles of trauma and secondary proxy trauma that not only facilitate new trauma experiences but create widespread unHappiness and social instability and suffering. 

Telling our stories of woe and suffering creates new suffering.

And in this understanding and regard we will move to have all written texts in question transported to two giant offworld libraries within our Solar System, built upon two separate moons of two separate gas giants.

This is essential for the peoples of our SuperSpecielle Culture to feel comfortable and happy. All books and artifacts of consideration will be moved subject to the emotional wellbeing of all of us. This will not include artifacts made from dead bodies like ivory or leather or taxidermy. These people are Loved-Ones remains and will have the Love of full funeral rites.

We will move every single book on Planette Earth Mother that is graded as being unable to stay due to compassionate reasons moved to these moons, and then the same materielle in weight will be transported back. To maintain stable Lovity Dynamics between Planetteairy Cuddles. 

To organise access to the written materielles to the highest moral standards possible, Girls would feel inclined to consider many options. Whether to allow remote viewing of the texts from different Planettes, or require people to physically visit the libraries themselves. 

Whether to have a physical library within each star system we move into, or to provide an accurate simulation of the library for people to access. 

To potentially create an ethical wall via people needing to travel through a simulation from a realtime earth simulation to the moons, regardless of what star system they are in.

Would the physical libraries be a sealed unit where no one can actually enter the library spaces ... with the only access via communal simulation? 

Would we want people to work there as it would be a very difficult environment to work in: therefore a fully automated library system to be preferable ...

I think people reading any of the stored texts would need to be within the library itself; either physically present in one of the two libraries, or within a simulation, because the idea that people would be reading texts on devices like computers or tablets on Planette Earth Mother or any other actual location rather than within the library itself would be difficult to handle emotionally.

I do think we need to create such libraries, but I defer to others to figure out the specifics, as such a large scale project, the removal of vast amounts of books from Planette Earth Mother and the organisation of such would be for us all to decide in Unity ...


It might seem like an obvious thing to remove from all communication, but an end to all argument is the only way we can proceed as a Loving SuperSpecies ...

We have to make all argument illegal. Constructive and thoughtful, considerate and Loving discussion has to be the only choice within any communication ...

Arguments serve no purpose other than to upset people, and are generically utilised in the pursuit of trying to intentionally cause offense to anyone whom disagrees. In a world of trauma and struggle and social torture we are pulled into these very negative lingual fights which serve to cover over the truth very conveniently for those whom seem to revel in the use of argument to stop things getting done, or persuading others to get the wrong things done ...

Constructive engagement of compassionate minds never deteriorates into disagreements; instead Loving Options Are Formulated Upon Any And All Subjects That Are To Be Explored With Care, Love And Thought.

Within politics there can be no question that the party system creates division by discognitive agreement based upon ideology or just following a party line whether a follower agrees or not, simply so one’s team can win. People change their whole moral outlook at times just to be seen and heard to be following the party line. This social pressure causes wrong decisions to be made in the name of lingual wars that rage between angry men across the Planette whom are jostling for control in a system of hierarchy. Politics is hierarchy. We have to get rid of the whole system including tiered systems of control, management or even responsibility. That is all positions within management structures to be abolished. And all this within a new non-party system where Eligibility For Representation Of The People Would Be Based Upon Compassionateness Quotients And Randomised Selections Of Lovely Compassion-First People. 

To Get The World Lovely And Joyous We Need To Listen To Lovely People.

So an end to argument within all SuperSpecielle interactions including Polytics would be an Essentiality Of Our Together-Future.

In a relationship when two people are in SuperLove, and both are sharing all roles and tasks, and sharing all their time together, because the world does not demand slavery-based torture activities from them, 

A New Vibe Of True Love Peace Is Bathed-In Amongst Cuddle-Joy Yumptiousness. Twirly Whirly Swirly Girlies Love Cuddly Washey Makeuppy Hairbrushey Togethernessy ... All Girls Love To Pamper And Tickly Cuddly Moisturise Ya ... 

There isn’t room in future relationships with Women for arguments or disagreements ... they do not want it and will not put up with it. All interactions are to be Loving And Cuddling And Nice Nice Nice ...

Figuring Out How You Will Spend Your Blissykissy Woo Woos Day is not really something to be worrying about or disagreeing about ...

In A Loving Relationship That Is Without Stress, In A New World Of Endless Fun Times, A World Achieved By Listening To Women And Freeing Ourselves From Rich-Man Imposed Slavery, All Lovers Will Find They Can Blissykissy Pamper Each Other To Their Hearts Forever Joyments ...

Agreements Are Always Found When Compassionate Logic Is Followed By A Loving Couple. This Then Creates Options For Joy Sharing ... and never conflictions ...






All insults and insulting behaviour have to be made illegal. And in a New World Of Love and Compassion, there is no need for insults to ever be used to harm others.

The word stupid is misused. No one is stupid. So it is simply an insult only. Expressly used to cause upset to another person. men will use insults as camaraderie facilitation: and this brusque approach causes constant stressing social interaction and hierarchy word-play. men are far more guilty of this than Women ... groups of men whom seem reasonably harmonious in aspect will constantly chip away at each other and bully and tease. They will accept this as the way it is, but the social consequences can be severe and violent ... And the hierarchy always looms. 

Some people do not wish to put up with constant abuse and hierarchical camaraderie, and will be graded as being weak or unsuitable for the group. They will be the outcast ... they however are never the actual problem. It is the globally accepted masculine bully show approach which is at constant fault ... We need completely stress-free interaction at all times ...

I take issue with the whole philosophical comcept of any word used to negatively grade us (retarded) ... we need a new global axiology that stops grading People on supposed deficiencies ...

Calling Anyone a 'fool' is a disgrace. THere is no place for insults in the modern world. Rectifying behaviour itself has value. Trading blows/insults just slows progress. People insult OtHers to indulge their fight for internal psychological superiority and power. We need to LOVE ...

We use such tactics, as fear drives us to worry about social and at times perceived physical position ... this can only ever be thought of as jostling within a context of false premise ... as we must be at all times fully inclusive of all people ...

man can no longer rely on insults and stress sociality to create dissocial bonding that never gels compassionately or effectively ...

Any insult is attempted murder. You do not know if that Person is already distraught and thinking of suicide. We are all distraught by modern society to varying degrees, or not aware of the severity of suffering people are going through. If You upset Anyone intentionally or accidentally You are in effect murdering them; You are part of the collective uncaring network of bullying that society formulates upon us all. And You and Your behaviour can be the final act in someone’s socio-group and global-societally instigated murder. You are all complicit within every suicide that occurs worldwide. Everyone whom is unpleasant and indecisive in bringing down the global geopolitical masculine lethally-policied infrastructure and overstructure is complicit in serial murder of any lives that are lost ... 

There is no need to be anything other than Loving And Kind To All People ... And if We all thought and acted this way then the world would be a Joyous Experience For Everyone ...

We have to recognise that any political policy that upsets Anyone is murder. Either a single murder or a mass serial murder. 

Bad policies make the suicide rate go up. Governments know this. But they still make bills and legislation that they know will drive up suicide rates. This is murder. They are discompassionate serial killers. This is genocide.

Genocide upon those whom are most vulnerable, and in most need of help and Love and Cherishement. 

The changes required in this world, changes demanded by all Women and Nice Men alike, ensure that no future action or policy by any individual or collective can ever again harm any person ever again ...

We Must Vote As One To Bring Down This world of horror ...


A weapon he uses ruthlessly in his pursuit of economic subjugation and poverty enforcement. No one is safe from man’s incessant and brutally murderous, suicide inducing, social-warmongering flippancy. A no regard attitude of racial group targeting, nationalistic brutal regime of money grabbing racism meted out across the whole Planette. Women and Children are especially starved and targeted for lack of, Love funds and good times. Governments need cash more than Jenny needs Art Lessons ... well government workers and politicians need viable hedgefund investments more than Johnny needs Ballet Lessons ...

And popular media promotes the idea that one shouldn’t understand the world’s financial markets ... else everyone would and they would already be shut down ...

Popular characters on tv may flavour the world in such a way as to make People fall into mindsets that are quite negative towards being interested in numbers and maths (also known as finances) but this is just a conscious smokescreen to make the everyday Person disinterested in even the most basic understanding of the financial world which holds them in poverty. Even rich People are poor because their money has little value in a world of overpriced products and intentional inflation. Good hedgefunds are an attraction however to free gifts from very happy investors who aren’t used to such amazing yet still meagre returns, in the grand scheme of things. 

The world is a mess and it is all down to the free market financial systems that are sucking all the excess cash/resource out of all commodity systems/markets. This is perpetually enforced by men who control these markets but swear they are untameable and random ...

Inflation is a fiction created by men to keep us poor. They set the parameters at which Your assets are continually drained. Electricity produced by wind turbines is virtually free but energy prices are at record highs because of Criminal price fixing ...

We The People need to fix the price of goods and end inflation. Stop men from writing the fictional script called inflation and wrestle back control of the financial markets ...

We have to close down all foreign exchange markets, commodities markets, they are all just fictions of buying non-real numbers on a computer and have no real worth.

All the betting that goes on sucks the real world’s finances dry. We need to get rid of all this betting and keep a limited stockmarket only, wHere only actual shares in real companies can be bought or sold over long time frames. Do away with the markets and the world’s economy will be released from its yoke and boom.

Even keeping the word ‘market’ when referring to stock markets to me is beyond possibility, due to the death caused by the markets. I condone the moving of the word “market” itself for any use into the archaic and banned for common usage section of the English dictionary. Markets have sold slaves and dead bodies and enough is enough. People have even been referred to as livestock so the word “stock” itself for any usage is out too. People Of All Species have even been referred to as livestock so the word “stock” itself for any usage is out too. 

More or less complete abolition of the world’s present financial systems would be only the beginning of a new global financial landscape. And if we closed down all financial markets including foreign exchange, tHere would be money enough for Everyone.

All prices of goods must be fixed to be cheap. This is the most important aspect to a new caring world. We have to completely stop inflation and install a generous Universelle Income to free People. This Would Mean People Could Do As They Wish And Even Go Back To School In A New Much Larger And Wonderful School System, For All Ages And All Species ...

Money is an invention, an imaginary tool we use to torture each otHer, although the majority of us see no way to end this. The world’s finances, inflation and markets are designed to bleed money out and to keep us all poor. That is their sole function.  We need new ways forwards. All manual jobs on this planet can be automated and companies can then pay money into a new system to fund Universelle Income.

This is basically setting the slaves free ... Not only manual workers are modern day slaves, working jobs they do not like and do not want to do ... but there are also vast numbers of office-type workers whom are wasting their lives, by their own omission, on jobs that a computer could do, or please let anyone else do it just not me ... This is not Life ... this is eternal suffering and torture ... most office jobs are also possible to effectively automate given the development and widespread sharing of suitable data processing technologies that men seem to be too busy with other concerns to develop ... concerns like stopping Women, raping other species, impoverishing minorities, bleeding governmental projects, and drugs and prostitution, murdering profits out of pharmaceuticals and hospitals, keeping everyone in fear and selling weapons, and making Women scared to walk the streets at night ... and many other fun money making activities that men seem to like more than Women and Love and Compassion and Children being fed ... the list goes on ...

The law industry should be obsolete if not for men ... making money and committing crimes ...

The hospital industry should be obsolete if not for men making money and committing crimes ... 

Age rejuvenation techniques would already be here. Pollution and smoking exposure that cause all the disease would be over. And the healthcare industry would be non-profit ... and well ... obsolete if not for man and his slowing of all development, individualistic selfishism murder money making disgustingness ...

If the financial markets are virtually completely abolished, then tHere would be enough People with enough time to build accommodation for otHer Species for instance. And automated building construction could also help to get this done as fast as possible. Men are halting such developments to keep People building manually and prevent building from being quick and easy. They want to bleed us for money instead of houses building themselves ...

We live in a world wHere the dead body industry is forcing People to eat dead People by keeping vegan food massively overpriced and expensive with no justification ...

Men kill for food for the only reason that they are used to killing ... nothing more ...

We Need To Be Growing Food For All Species, So As To Halt All Predation On Planette Earth Mother. All Species Need To Feel Safe And Happy And Have Lovely Accommodation And Be Well Fed ... So As To Lovingly Cuddle-Cherish Their Bubbas For All Time ...

Vast amounts of food can be grown using a method I will talk about later in this FEMISODE ...

But at present we live in a world of inaction because the people accept the impoverishment of the financial systems because they think they have it good compared to the poorer countries ... countries that are kept poor intentionally to make things for us seem reasonable ... But we are still impoverished as all products are massively overpriced including food, clothes, energy, houses, lines of credit, cars etc ...

General food prices are inflated by various means like expensive haulage due to unacceptable energy costs, and schemes that involve illegal farming practices wHere farmers are not farming all their land for maximum yield; which is actually an international criminal offence. Our government are legally obliged to use satellite imagery to enforce maximal yield laws to help feed the world and keep food prices low but they are not doing this ...

We Have To Have Equal Pay Across All Sectors For Women. For instance all Footballers must take a 50% pay cut so that their Womans’ Football twin can have equal pay. This principle must be applied across all sectors of endeavour to give Women equal pay ...

Children must have freedom to do what they want, and also the money to do it, with new systems of Protection for People when out and about. A new world financial plan can deliver this ...

To achieve this New World Plan men must voluntarily step out of the way or be Polytically forced to. The latter may very well have to be employed and I would like to lay out a plan by which this can be achieved. Girls’ voices must be heard. Childrens’ voices must be heard ...
In a marriage the law now dictates that all money earnt is equally shared ... but in the macro world of global finances men seem to think tHere is no marriage between the two Genders ...

Women are kept by all means necessary in secondary roles. Women are kept out of all designing and decision making with token gestures to their opinions not even paying lip service to the true nature of Femininity. All decisions must always be run past the men before anything can be not done ...

We Have To Have A Full Feminisation Of Reality And This Includes A Full Feminisation Of The Financial World ...

The “Difference-Debt” Caused By Man’s Historical Domination Of Women Must Be Made Up. The Lack Of Funding For Femininity Needs To Be Made Up To Equal And Must Be Backdated To The Beginning Of Time. Women And Nice Men Like Me Insist That We Must Spend More On Femininity Than Anything Else Until The World Is Rebalanced. And Then A Continued Higher Investment In Feminine Modes Until The Girls Feel Loved. Although I Personally Think That A Higher Investment In The Feminine Has To Be Maintained Indefinitely ... 

Man has to get in touch with his Feminine side ... this is not optional ...

We have a billion years of true horror to make up for ...

So A New Financial System In The World That Provides Illimitable Affluence For The Funding Of Feminisational Gorgeousnesses. I Suggest A Feminisation Framework Formulated By Women That Would Mathematically Prescribe A Rebalancing Algorhythm To Ensure Everything That Has Already Been Built, Either Architecture Or Culture Or Anything Their Hearts Desire Would Be Feminised Fully. All New Building Developments, From Buildings Or Housing Complexes, Roads Or Even Cityscapes, Must Be Feminised Projects. Even If It Takes 2 Thousand Years For Girls To Be Satisfied That The Scales Are Now Balanced, Then That Is What We Must Commit To. Anything Less And I Don’t See Another Baby Being Born On Our Planette Ever ... Unless They Were Children Of Lesbians ... A New Planette Earth Mother Will Provide Us All With Pinky Ribbon Gorgeouness Wrapped Around Our Hearts. The Girls Deserve This And I Want Them To Know That It Is Within Their Polytical Certainty To Demand This And Get It ... Eternal Funding Must Be Allocated By Women Themselves For The Installation Of Feminine Wonderfulnesses Forevermore ...

Girls Want To Influence The World And Are Being Intentionally Stopped From Doing So. Women Think Using Compassionate Logic, Which Is The Only Way One Can Ever Make Correct Decisions; And This Approach Is Truly Wonderful Just Like Every Girl Is ...

But men use unCompassionate reasoning that ends up in suffering and death and war, and lots of --in their eyes-- money profit but no real progress ... Stuck on this planet that will self implode soon unless drastic changes happen. The present governmental systems need to be changed to not management systems but communal Compassionised Love-Based decision making led by the principles of Femininity: ie nurture and huggles and cuggles philosophised and made real by actual policy implementation that ensures no decisions ever harm Anyone ... decisions made by everyone communally ...

Compassionate Logic To Be Applied To Science And Polytics And Spending.

Compassionate Logic To Be Applied To All Science Spending And All Polytics Spending.

All the present atrocities going on in the world are a result of a global Gender imbalance. And Equality would not be enough to fix this. man can’t just give Women equality as this would fall massively short in addressing the massive problems and would not be enough to placate Women. Equality in politics might stop war and some forms of suffering, because Women could influence and vote to stop mans murderous nature, but because men would still be the same (popcorn and war movies) tHere would be a constant strain on Emotions that Women can never ever, ever accept. This global Gender imbalance is an inHerent and massive flaw in masculinity. The violence of the past has never been and never will be a viable way to live. men have to let go of their aggression and Cuddle Their Feminine Personality. For the world to find True Peace this is a bare minimum. men do not even understand the word peace. And they bandy it around like a badge of achievement like it stops 14 year old girls getting murdered and raped ... like it stops gang violence members being sliced up and executed with bullets through their faces ... The atrocities and massive failures in the world are all down to an intentional non application of Compassionate logic/Compassion in all cultural modes including finances. Compassionate logic must be employed in every financial decision we make. We must not allow any more Babies to be born until this is achieved. How do men expect Women to want to have sex when tHere are millions of Girls being raped this second? How do You expect Women to want to have sexual juices inside them that are composed of atoms from dead raped females? How can a Woman want a Baby to be brought into a world wHere not one street is safe enough for a Woman to walk at night without the fear of being sexually assaulted or raped? The ability to stop this from happening is available but men do not care. We could camera all streets and actually enforce all infractions and ban alcohol which is the main exacerbation in all rape cases but men are too married to the idea of freedom and liberty to allow the raping of their own daughters and wives to stop them.

We are aiming to achieve full social support for all People. Men just want to drink and watch violent movies that turn Womens’ stomaches. Or a comedy movie that is abusive and degrading to Everyone especially Women.

A new global financial system that would supply enough money for Women to achieve their goal of making the World a Caring and Compassionate place, in my mind includes the following:

Housing For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

Cheap Food For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

Cheap Everything For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

Universelle Income For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

Free Travel For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

All travelling must be free ... the energy costs of travelling MUST be free, with a small subscription paid by each household for this right maybe ... Energy is inHerently free. The Sun doesn’t need paying. Any costs are imposed on us by men that like children to be malnourished ... Wind turbines are cheap to build and cheap to maintain. Energy prices are way too high and are just a result of greed not cost.

Once we wrestle control away from the financial systems of this world, with a plan I will explain later in this project, many large projects will be very viable and very lucrative prospects for All.


One of the most important projects that hasn’t been done yet ... which is a crime to all morality ... is the addressing of the disgusting state of cemeteries and gravesites worldwide ...

Aside from the absolutely disgusting behaviour of archaeologists worldwide whom ignore the pleas of Women imploring them to stop disturbing resting places, and displaying Loved Ones Remains in museums to make cash ... the complete disregard for the state of cemeteries in the majority of cases is an utter disgrace ... 

Everybody is to receive a book listing all of their known ancestors. A Family tree and extended Family tree for living ancestors will be provided. Everybody to receive a book listing all of their ancestors’ graves with maps, information and Space for new information ... Graves need Love ... not only in the form of maintenance of their condition and grounds ... but also in the visits that occur by people whom care. The fact graves are not visited regularly, I find disturbing and upsetting ...

People need to know where their Loved Ones Rest ...

All graves however old, need family attention ...

Genetic information for every living Person of all species on Planette Earth Mother has to be databased. All known relatives information has be made available to all people. There is no such Person as an Orphan ... there is always Someone you are closely related to that You can call Family. Historically men have found it within their power to withhold such information from Orphans intentionally because they deemed the connections to be unimportant or other ulterior motives ... like making enough livestock available for brothels and or workhouses within certain areas of the country.

Orphans are prime candidates in the eyes of pimps ... and not finding homes for Children within their own families immediately causes massive problems for these Young People ... man made Policies or lack thereof in making caring providence of Perfect Loving environments for orphans is tantamount to signing death and rape certificates ...

Everyone has living relatives: we are to reunite orphans with Families using genetic data ... Families must accept their relatives ... Anything else: any expressing of reluctance will be illegal ... 

All graveyards to be made good by local communities, and tended ...

Graves to be fixed, remade, recut, in situ by new machines developed expressly for this purpose ... Unmarked graves to be analysed and headstones to be made utilising research and DNA if necessary. Graveyards to be scanned for all data and appropriate actions to be taken. All land on Planette Earth Mother to be scanned for grave sites. The fact this work has not already occurred speaks volumes for the men in so-called power ... that they are totally inequipped to make the correct compassionate decisions due to mindset and social pressures that can never be allowed to exist ...

The making good of all burial sites is a non-negotiable immediately actionable requirement ... there are gravestones being eroded today that may not be accurately recorded, that are in dire need of respect demanding repair and cataloguing as to whom is buried there. In theory in many countries this documentary work has been completed already, but there are many places where the essential full documentation needs drastic looking at and checking. For everyone on Planette Earth Mother to receive their books containing full ancestor and relative information we have to first ensure that all said information is Globally Safeguarded so as to facilitate this unendingly important projection of SuperSpecielle Love. All Species Will Be Included In This Project With All Documents Being Produced To The Best Of All Investigate Communal Ability So As To Create Loving Records For All Peoples For All Times ...


We must provide food for Everyone by building multi-storey greenhouses that we can 3D print from soil and sand using energy from movable wind turbines and solar. This will allow us to grow enough food for all Species. For example over a 10 acre plot we could dig down and then build up a 100 storey greenhouse using 3D printing rigs employing a design I have figured out would allow us to grow vast amounts of food. Each storey of the greenhouse can be fully automated and split into upto 10 levels to allow the growth of all manner of crops including dwarf cereals and any vegetables we Wish. This would create upto 999 times the land area for growing crops and in effect free up 999 pieces of land 10 acres in area in the surrounding farm land. If we built enough of these in each constituency in Our country with Space, then all Our food requirements could be easily met. And all farm land could be used for fun and frolics and fruit orchards and organic food growing. The greenhouses themselves would also be fully organic naturally.

Every area of this country, and every area of the world needs to be self sufficient nutritionally. It is ergonomic. It is economic. And it would be fully automated and fully organic. No longer can men use life and death markets like the food industry to monetarily rape the world and all our futures. There are destitute families with malnourished children all over the world, and in the so-called richest nations on Earth ... The murderous behaviour of money making men can no longer be allowed to overprice food for vast profits and starve all our children and ourselves ...

Once we build these new multi-storey greenhouses, all over the world, we can then grow enough food for all Species without problems and stop the widespread starvation that kills millions each year. It would be essential to build these greenhouses across the face of this Planette in deserts and all nations to supply more food than the world needs.


In A New Wealthy For Everyone Planette Earth Mother We Can Also Easily Have The Time And Effort To Build Houses For All Other Species So They Can Stay Warm And Safe And Comfy Without Fear, And With Full Larders For Their Children To Flourish ...

Large projects are required to meet the present demands of new housing for All Species. I suggest an essential suite of sea draining projects across different areas of the world. We do have vast oceans that can supply a lot of underwater housing if we 3D print new cities from moltenised bedrock using wind and tidal power. We can burrow into mountains and 3D print new cities on top and around and inside them, out of the rocks themselves. THere are vast areas on Planette Earth MotHer which can still be built on on all geological continents which means a lot of underutilised Space is available. 

But also, tHere are certain areas of sea that can be targeted for drainage/ land reclamation. If done correctly these projects would be relatively inexpensive and provide a lot of new land. As one example I would suggest draining the North Sea from a line running from Thisted in Denmark to Peterhead in Scotland all the way down to The Channel. And all the sea between France and England I would also drain to a line between PloudalmΓ©zeau in France and Lizard Point in England. Also I would drain the Irish Sea from a line between Ballycastle and the Mull of Kintyre all the way down to a line between Land’s End and Skibbereen. We could leave a 5 mile gap between the reclaimed land and the existing coastlines which would remain intact with salt water between. This would provide lots of new land for many nations to enjoy. We could fund these and otHer similar projects with a new and prosperous Planette Earth Mother’s finances. Such things might seem impossible at present but I assure You that the funds would be easily available to develop the new claimed from the sea lands if we could just remove man’s chokehold from Planette Earth Mother’s budget. And this sea reclamation scheme would actually not be that difficult or costly if we used the right method ... 





Loving Gardening


As People whom look after spaces on Planette Earth Mother, many of Us often find we are in a position of compassionately providing a duty of care for all Plants, Trees and other than Human Animal Peoples within set out areas of Planette Earth Mother’s surface. We are provided a stable environment in which to live and thrive by Earth Mother’s Cuddle ... And As Her Children And Of Her Very Flesh, We Are Part Of One Family Of Organisms That All Are Cherished By Our Mother’s Eternal Huggly Cuggly Snuggly Wuggly Buggly Motherly Loverly Lovey Wuvvy WOO WOOs ...

In A New World Of Love, such disgusting and prejudicial terms, like referring to some Plants as weeds, are to be made illegal. People whom tend gardens at present seem to think they can kill any Plants and destroy their habitats with no thought to Ethical Considerations towards Plants and Trees and Other Peoples whom live there, like Microorganisms, and Insects, and Birds and Small Mammals. All These Peoples Have “Rights To Remain And Thrive Without Hindrance And Upset”, And Plant-Life Has The Same Rights ...

man has bought in to the idea that he is the lord and master of all he surveys, but this is certainly not the case. A New Feminine World Removes man From His Self-Supposed Pedestal And Gives All Rights To Occupants Of Land Regardless Of Their Species Across The Whole Tree Of Life ...

When tending gardens the Wellbeing Of Plants Is Of Utmost Importance, and at times the most unEthically overlooked consideration in the minds of garden-minders ...

People seem to have a godlike assumption of themselves, and certainly do not look after those Organisms within their care to even minimal levels of Ethical care considerations. Plants at times are left in seriously detrimental condition to their Wellbeing Health ... serious conditions of bio-cellular torment ... 

One Can Think Of Every Cell In An Organism, As An Independent Microorganism, That Is In A Vulnerable Life Experience Due To Her Interdependence Upon The Health Of The Organism As A Whole Entity ... A Person Worthy Of Love And Cherishement.

The Way We Tend Gardens, As Regards The Watering And Feeding Of Plants, Has Effects Upon The Garden As A Whole, As There Are Untold Other Species Reliant Upon The Health And Nourishment Supplied By Plants. The Frequency Of Watering, And Quality Of Water, Are Very Important For All Organisms To Be Healthy. 

Often gardeners do not get this right because they do not have the prerequisite knowledge to tend the People of that garden effectively and Lovingly. As a society as a whole, we all have a Duty Of Care towards every garden and the Wellbeing of every gardener, So For To Ensure The Ability To Provide Care To Ensure The Non Suffering Of Every Plant Person And Every Animal Person Including Microorganisms. If someone is unable to provide care to a complex space like a small backyard or large formal garden, they must be helped in doing so ... In Energy And Love And Understanding And Knowledge.

When All Peoples are freed from the eternal torment of fulfilling roles or doing jobs they do not want to do, they find A New Love And Blossoming Cherishement Conceptionises Within Their Heartsmind Towards The Emjoyment And Loving Nurturing Of Spaces They Now Feel Enthusiastically Energised To Tend To, With Burgeoning Compassionising And Forever Cuddly Wuddly WOO WOOS ...


man does not think he has a Duty Of Care Towards All Peoples And Organisms On This Planette, he only thinks of his duty of care towards his own individual bank balance or institutions of behaviour that can contribute to his individual bank balance ... so a global financial war, not a Feministic cuddle ...

This attitude translates across the whole of Planette Earth Mother’s Body. man sees the world as his garden not as Women’s and Childrens Of All Species ... not as The Mummy of All Peoples Of All Species ... not as the Loving Mother Of All People Of Our SuperSpecies ...

We Have To Have Consideration Towards All Species Of All Sizes. All Animal Life on Planette Earth Mother suffers, and the majority of the suffering is down to man’s indifference towards the Duty Of Care that Children and Women and Kind men know we are responsible to provide towards all Species and all Environments.

In a garden setting Every Organism Deserves To Be Cared For To The Highest Abilities Possible And Of The Most Ethically Considerate Viewpoint. We may think that soil and water or Plant food is enough, But We Have A Duty Of Care To Understand The Individual Requirements Of Each Plant Person And All The Other Animal Life within the garden setting. Of course we have to be knowledgeable or seek help to ensure Plants get suitable soil substrates and correct water mineralisations As Per Their Individual Species Needs ... simply planting and expecting a generalistic approach to be Ethical is completely unacceptable and will be made Illegal ...

The setting in which a Plant finds Herself is also of utmost importance as light requirements, and all year round exposure to the elements reactions, differs according to Plant Species and individuals ... realtime scanning of Plants and their biological systems is an essential treatment process so for to ensure that they are Happy And Content, because some plants will grow adaptive physiological biochemical mechanisms and macro structural biomechanisms to cope with ideal or non ideal conditions alike; and we need to fully understand these mechanisms of adaptive growth so for to provide the Absolutely Highest Standard Of Loving Care. The coping with non optimal conditions can be facilitated, With Acquisition Of Advanced Realtime Physiological Knowledge, To Develop Correct Nutritional Supplementations Schedules And Malleable And Reactive Environ Considerations, So For To Ensure A Plant Living Outside Of Her Goldilocks Zone Can Maintain Her Rights To Remain Via Those Whom Would Be Responsible To Love Her Meeting Wellbeing Legislation Requirements To Cuddle Emflourishement ...

This Knowledge does not provide One with leeway to just Plant wherever and see what happens through experimental torture ... this has been the method of mass murder in the past and can no longer be ever ever accepted ... we do have to look at all existing Plants worldwide and build up a database of knowledge so for to ensure torture symptomatic anatomical phenotypical morphologies are not ever seen again in any Plant Species ... such biochemical, biomolecular and biomechanical torture meted out upon any Species In The Tree Of Life can never again be permissible. men running the world can’t even get Minimal Care right as regards their own Kids’ Diets And Psychological Sheltering From rape and torture, or even Cherish Their Own Bodies With Healthy Only Food And Zero Substance Abuse Let Alone Deliver A Duty Of Care To MicroOrganisms, Plants, Insects And All Other Animal Species ...

Women Of The World Are Nurturers And Will Not Settle For Anything Less Than Total And Inclusive Mothering For All Of Planette Earth Mother’s Bubbas ...

So such things as water quality in a garden is not enough ... can you believe tap water is used to semi poison plants worldwide? Correct Water Mineralisations Per Each Plant’s Biochemical Wishes Are Essential And Will Be Legislated For ...

In A Future GirlyWorld Of Snuggle Cuggles For All Babybooboos The killing of any Plants and mutilation of their bodies could be made illegal ... the eating of any fruits before they have dropped could be made illegal ... the eating of seeds could also be made illegal ... and the referring to any species as weeds will be outlawed ...

Certain tenets I have just suggested may very well become ideals that I am willing to Polytically fight for ... I just haven’t had enough time to consider the full implications of not allowing Plants Their Life Cycles And Bodies And Babies Unattacked ...

The Moving Of Plant Species Including Trees Is Highly Controversial As Many People Agree That Plants Have Mother-Given Rights To Their Own Space Without Interference. The Moving Of Plants Or Trees One Might Say Should Only Be Done If The Plant Requires Optimal Circumstances That Are At Present Denied By Their Location ... but some people feel that one should make good a Plant’s location because that location is Theirs ... ie facilitate optimal light through utilisation of lights and or mirrors, or sunscreens or filters; and not plant Species next to Each Other that might hinder Each Other either by physical growth incursion on each Others Space that can be a detriment, or indeed even allow Plants to harm each other by poisoning each other accidentally via entwining ... of course Plants should never really end up in non optimal conditions, and we must ensure They Always Find A Home Conducive To Their Own Personalistic Preferences ... Plants Speak To Us And Let Us Know Their Preferences Through The Medium Of Anatomy Structuralisations And Physiological Conditionings ... We Have To Be Knowledgeable Enough And We Have To Care Enough To Respond Immediately. So as I suggest, new realtime scanning studies have to be forthcoming so for to ensure the Perfectional Life Experiences All Life Deserves ...

Whenever moving anything in a garden we must be fully aware of the ramifications upon wellbeing of Anyone Affected ... It is not for members of Our Species to prioritise our own overbearing desires as regards spacing and planting and moving of structures without talking to All Other Animal Species First And Considering The Rights To Space Of All Plants And Trees That Already Have And Hold Accommodation Rights within the garden’s space. Anybody whom has lifted an item in a garden knows that underneath there could be Plant Roots that will now be exposed, or Ants or Woodlice or other Species That Have Their Homes There ... of course in the future all these Species will be able to liase and will have Their Own Buildings And Cities And Stuff, so such considerations will be of less to no regard ... but on our way to achieving Our New World Of All Species Communication We Must Hold Ourselves At All Times To The Highest Of Ethical Considerations. All Peoples Of All Species whom suffer, and this does include the biomolecular and biomechanical suffering of Plant life ... We All Deserve To Be Treated With The Greatest Possible Respect At All Times.

Everytime a Tree has been felled, since the dawn of time, genocide has been committed against those Peoples whom live on that Tree. men care not for Bird People And Mammal People That Build Homes In Trees ... And The Insects Living On A Tree Can Be Multitudinous In Number ... 

The main population of People That Live On A Tree are MicroOrganisms ... People Whom Live And Breathe And Feed And Have Babies ... absolutely no regard is paid to these People Whom Feel Joy and pain and suffer under the murderous ways of men whom assume superiority to just fell Trees and cut them up as they see fit. When trees are cut the People living on the bark and into the woods Flesh are killed without mercy in horrendous ways. Massacred with saws and chemical treatments, scalding oils, and burnt alive in heat treatments ... when Trees are felled untold amounts of larger Species are mortally scared and displaced and man cares for nothing but money and convenience. The severity of murder enacted upon Native Species across vast areas of Planette Earth Mother’s Skin has been the horror story of mass serial murderous deforestation that man has mercilessly slaughtered his way down through the ages amongst uncountable corpses of any and all Species that seeks refuge amongst the verdant fecundity of Planette-Wide Forest that no longer exists. man has murdered  his way to lands devoid of trees ... to barren fields that within he commits mass murder of Mammals, Insects and MicroPeoples year on year by spraying poison murder chemicals and taking away the food for his selfish self only ... and the People whom would stop him are starved and systematically monetarily-raped into subservience with pointless jobs to make more money for rich profit stealing murderers ... All Those Whom With Conscience Would Battle Him Caught In A Money Trap Of Systematic Rape And Murder... we live in a system of misery and murder against all Species and lowly working classes; and mans complicity is his evidence of guilt ... his judge ... his jury ... and ultimate executioner ... For The Salvation Of This World And Prosperousness For All And Life Extension Is Held Beyond Reach By Selfish Greed ...

We Want Our Trees Back, And Luscious Plantiferous Cuddly-Wuddly Spaces For Superspecielle Emjoinment And Eternal Snuggle Buggle Cuggle Huggle ...

Techniques to make materielles for building and furniture and boats are possible to acquire, that do not involve genocide-reminding Tree-felling ... materielles that have the same properties or better than Tree flesh. 

They can be made by 3d printing techniques using renewable energies far cheaper than Tree murder and mass genocide of millions of Species, but rich on top of the world business --that doesn’t profit anyone but himself-- man just seems to want to continue to commit serial murder and genocide just to please his murderous nature and make cash.

Every time a Plant is killed or burnt or moved to a different location, murderous genocide is committed against the MicroOrganism People That Live On Their Plant Mumma.

Every time you boil a vegetable you are burning MicroOrganism People alive ... Cephalised Peoples Whom Feel Pain ... we must begin the process of rescuing MicroPeoples from suffering. And part of this is not allowing MicroPeoples to perish during the cooking of food like vegetables and fruits.

The torture of grass eating Peoples by grass being too short is another consideration that men have been oblivious to; another thing they are to apologise for ... short grass is very uncomfortable for grazing Animal peoples to consume and man’s intentional obliviousness to this obvious fact shows his lack of morality ... that coupled with the fact grass seeds provide vast amounts of nutrition ... but men prefer to cut grass just for the sake of cutting it  rather than allowing His present day and historically paedophilically raped dead body slaves to eat well and heartily and without strain ... 

And the assumption that Herbivores are not omnivores considering the amount of Animal Life they are consuming through the eating of grass covered in MicroPeoples is just evidence of man’s lack of knowledge ... and disregard towards the lives of MicroPeoples ...

Every time a man mass murders a mower over grass he commits genocide upon MicroPeoples and Insects. Cutting grass is MicroPeoples genocide and Insect mass murder. Even walking on grass commits mass murder as the MicroPeoples you squash under your foot and whom live on the bottom of your foot can be crushed to death ...
We Have To Rescue All Micropeoples Worldwide And Provide Them With Their Own Homely Spaces That Do Not Involve Dangers.

Even having a shower at present is genocide because of the MicroPeoples living on your skin. When you wash your bedclothes you are committing genocide ...

So For To Extend Ourselves Maximally Upon The Certainty Of Reparational Need And Ethical Justice We Have To Figure An Illimitable, Compassionised Movement Of Lamentation And Infinite Respect So For To Bestow Upon All Species Whom Have Toiled And Suffered And Perished ... Peoples Of All Species And Sizes ... A Befitting And Extended Period Of Fully Heartened Mourning ...

In This Now Told And Illimitable Regard The Immediate Cessation Of Many Civilisationed Activities Has To Be Undertaken ... An Immediate End To Murder And Dead Body Consumption Is Not Going To Be Sufficient To Find Justice And Resting Peace For The Peoples Whom Have Been Lost.

An immediate end to all Tree felling across Planette Earth Mother is essential because every time a tree is cut down it is genocide. Out Of Respect For The Hundreds Of Millions Of Years Of Lives Lost To Natural And Intentional Tree Felling, We Will Have To Have A Meaningful Break From Cutting Down Trees. The loss of Life because of deforestation has been of such horrific severity, so to make  a number of a decillion Babies murdered to small a figure ... I would suggest that we stop cutting trees down for 100 years and then reassess ... But a thousand years would seem insignificant ... a million an insult to all Loving Morality ...

Vast numbers of Mothers’ Babies have been lost to natural Tree felling by various mechanisms since the evolution of plants themselves ... Just because lives have been lost because of natural occurrences, it does not justify a disgusting right to not meaningfully and Lovingly memorialise all Peoples and their Babies.

And ... Trees have been intentionally felled by large species for 100s of millions of years ...

I do not see us ever cutting Trees down ever again in the future because the ability to make materielles with multifarious materielle properties makes Tree flesh obsolete as a building materielle ... the only way we could have EVER cut a tree down would have been if She was uncolonised by Peoples of ALL sizes ... but this has never been the case. And the fact that this has been such a severe and unendingly extended horrific tragedy, coupled with the truth that we do not need tree based materielles anymore, I see no reason to seek to continue to fell Trees in the future even if it could be done with no loss of life other than the Trees ...

Due To The Genocide Upon Uncountable Populations Of Peoples Whom Have Called Trees Their Homes, Whom Have Perished Upon The Loss Of Their Home-Mother’s Life ... The Destroying Of All Objects/Artifacts That Have Ever Been Made From Tree Flesh ... Including Books ... Is Not An Ethical Decision We Can Make ... Only A Compassionately Logical Certainty Of Love-Truth ... Such Decisions Are Unmakeable By Their Very Nature Of Obviousness-Directioned Moral Imperative ...

Certainly many decisions like this cannot be made by referendum because the answers are so obvious when utilising Compassionate Logic that to ask the questions and allow a yes/no answer or even a yes/defer answer would be utterly disgusting and an unending insult to morality ...

Destroying all objects made of Tree Flesh Herself however, is an Ethos of Compassion that a lot of People could support I think ...
Definitely all items made of leather or ivory ... any dead body pieces will have to be destroyed ... but secondary items like tree flesh and plant matter fabricated items like clothes and books and furniture and plastics and paintings ... is the strength found to draw the line at secondary items or primary items within such a moral question ... Are these items secondary?

Certainly the wider reaching extrapolations of this comcept is the destruction of all buildings on Planette Earth Mother ... A razing to the ground of all structures due to the use of wood and dead body fuels like coal in the heating of steel and baking of bricks ... This would probably be too much of an emotional step for people to accept or even be expected to accept due to the OurStory of suffering and lack of ability to stop this suffering sooner ... It is feasible we could have done better but we couldn’t or we would have ... cause and effect is a prison of the conscience ... 

To lose the beautiful side of our heritage is very emotional ... and yet Women were kept subservient and raped throughout ... 

But Of Recent Times Good People Have Led Lives To The Highest Of Possible Moral Standards In Emcherishement Of Their Partners And Children And Friends And Family, and they have made art utilising materielles that could be deemed unworthy of remaining ... where do we draw the line ... does a painting have be repainted utilising Compassionately Pure materielles ... Materielles we develop for our future ...

If we repaint a painting that was originally created with ethically unacceptable materielle can we moralise its recreation?

Can a painting ever be painted because its very comcept is tainted ...

Should an innocent child producing beautiful art be expected to give up their original works in adulthood due to the manoeuvrings of existential cause and effect ...

Can we feel that we are simply once again being punished by this reality we are born into ...

How can we expect ourselves to give up so much of that which we have Lovingly created ... places we have Loved In And Died In ...

To Raze This Planette To The Ground Is Difficult To Comtemplate ...

And also in this regard, should we seriously consider the possibility that we can no longer justify the continued using of the book physio-concept? Books have always been made from genocidally acquired materielles ... AND in the same way that Women want every building a Girl has ever been raped in knocked down, the whole book-as-a-physical-item concept is a difficult one to moralise retainment of ... Some especially kind and considerate people may suggest we do away with the written word itself based upon suchlike understandably understandable Lovingly Moral Considerations ...

Such Questions Require Decisions Upon Morality Of The Compassionatist Cuddling ... And Women Are Perfectly Positioned Psychologically To Lead Us All Forwards In SquidgyBooBoosLoveyWoos ...

And in this regard, we have to Create-Love decisions for how long each Species of vegetable will no longer be eaten ... as Genocide Moral Reparations are to take precendence over our rights to not care and our rights to eat ... picking a list of vegetables and fruits to not eat for say a two year period, out of respect, and to cycle the Species we select for respectful hiatus; is an approach of Moral Reparation that the Girls might think was very appropriate ...

The cutting of branches of trees and plants has massive Ethical considerations too as this is genocide upon MicroPeoples whom live on leaves and branches. The history of murder is massive and a definite reason to stop all intentional damage to Plants and Trees out of respect for those whom have died. Also to mention a Plant’s rights to her own flesh ...

We also have Ethical considerations towards the eating of seeds and nuts as they are Babies of Trees ... and Plants and Trees produce a lot of Babies That We Have A Duty Of Care Towards. Do we eat them or Nurture Them? Do inedible Plants often have edible seeds that we could eat? ... is it Ethical to leave them to perish when they could be eaten instead of being left to fail in their propagation phase ..?

So the Ethics of consuming seeds as they are Plant Babies and the fact far too many Seeds are produced for the land available also presents the possibility of contraception techniques for Plant Life that is also possible without chemicals, utilising methods I will not explain here ... is it Ethical to force contraception upon Plants and use morality as the excuse to enforce ...

So Contraception For Plants With Non-Chemical Technology ... And The Ethics Of NonPermission So For To Reduce Seeds Produced, Has Socio-Emotio-Ethical Implications ... As Many Kind People Are Very Determined To Promote The Comcept That All Seeds Deserve Life ... The Fact Permission Can’t Be Acquired Is Of Massive Consideration ...

Seeds may be in dormant state ... as in not biomechanically animated until they are rehydrated ... so it is not to take a Life to eat a seed ... but to not give a Life as in not to plant ... though of course being Emotional and Ethical custodians of Planette Earth Mother’s Womb we must consider Our Duty Of Care towards not allowing seeds to dehydrate in the first place ... so as to Cuddle a continuation of Life without a cellular torment dehydration phase ...

Contraception For MicroPeoples And The Ethics Of Nonpermission Is Also Of massive consideration. One Can Acquire Permission From MicroPeoples Upon Their Reaching The Ability To Lingualise ... And The Possibilities Of Raised Cognitive Functions Due To Increased Brain Sizes Facilitated By Enough Care so for to nurture For Body Size Increases that are inherent to certain species but difficult to attain due to their challenging ecosystemal conditions, are of cuddle importance.  Or Utilisation Of Technologies I Will Not Mention Here To Allow Their Bodies And/Or Brains To Increase In Size when genetics/phenotypics does not allow ... So For To Create Loving And Full Family Centric Lives ...

The Ethics of Plant consumption itself and the Loving Insistence that all Plants deserve their “life cycle” to be not only provided but be nurtured in optimal conditions is of serious regard to many Plant-Lovers. Many Plants are grown in climates they are not native to and then they suffer mortal die back ... Planette Earth Mother is cooler now and many Plants are reliant by circumstance upon their seeds to propagate for their lineages to continue. We as non-caring eaters of Plant matter rarely respect or hold plants needs in high regard. We plant such Species as Tomato or Cucumber but do not safeguard their lives throughout cold winters and they will rarely if ever survive despite the fact their natural “life cycle” is far longer if they receive Loving Care. It is easy to conclude that fruit having evolved for the express reasons of consumption justifies our rights to pick and eat and be joyous ... but to allow healthy Plants to freeze to death is not harmonious and lovely at all ... 

Individual tomato plants can grow into giant vines that can have body sizes comparable to large trees and still produce delicious fruits for our tastebud’s delight ... So To Cherish Plants For Many Years Is An Ethical Certitude In A New Moral World Of Plant-Protection Legislation ...

And Such Communal Legislating Considerations Would Have Many Concerns Emcuddled Within Their Remit ... How can we justify eating whole Plants that have a fuller “life cycles”? And the eating of die-back plant matter is Ethical in theory excepting the afore mentioned lack of caring conditions: as in die-back does not occur if Plants are cared for ... One can theoretically take potatoes from a potato plant if one protects the plant from die-back ... so for to protect a Plant Person’s Life. Treebark consumption is maybe ok if found on the floor ... branches could potentially be eaten but branches should not fall and plants should not lose parts of their body or be damaged if well cared for ... 

So fruits could be eaten but they contain Seeds that are Babies ... and some might say the Fruit is for the Babies growth upon burial in soil and not for our consumption ... some Seeds may potentially be better off without the Fruit surrounding them under certain or all conditions ... Fruits facilitate the carrying of Seeds to new locations ... some Large Seeds like Pits are not consumed but find places to grow quickly when Fruit is eaten ... many Fruits have evolved to be tasty so as to facilitate this symbiosis of Reproduction functionality Personality interfacing with Animal Species ... but of course many SubSpecies of Fruit Baby Plants have been artificially selected by humans, so the Fruits and their tastiness is an aberration and skewing of biological-evolutionary need... the Ethics surrounding this complex dynamic is a matter for extended study with an Ethical premise so for to acquire Meaningful and Loving Comclusions ... I certainly cannot cover this in a hundred words ... and nuts are Tree Babies too ...

We could eat Plants just before they die but with genetic aging reversal a certainty in application to PlantLife as well as AnimalLife, how can we justify the murder of a Plant for our own benefit ...

The word “garden” itself surely must be abolished due to its being a descriptor in relation to historical cases of mass murder and genocide meted out upon poisoned and boiled to death insect nests and wholesale poisoning and slaughtering of mammals ... and the complete disregard for MicroPeoples despite knowing of their existence in recent times ... they too are poisoned by proxy when other Species are targeted for poisoning or feeding or infection treatments in plants and on and on and on ...

Is it even Ethical to have Trees in seasonal climes considering the torture of seasonal conditions ... Surely being so cognitively adept our Duty Of Care should extend to giving Trees Warmth And Happiness so they do not have to be cold at all ever ...

Then there is the flower torture murder trade where flowers are farmed and cut from their plant and sold for the supposed Joy of making a Lovely statement which is just murder and selfishness ... Flowers look Beautiful on their Mummy Plants ... So no picking Flowers for our own selfish gratification and destruction fulfilment that is disturbing to behold on the faces of dis-gleeful Flower destroyers and discarders ... 

The Ethics Of Our Interactions With Other Species Including Plants Is One Of The Most Fundamentally Important Subjects For Women Of This New Millennium ... and the men of the world are choosing to simply ignore the discussions and media-bury the worries and concerns ... but we can not accept this ...

We might have to accept that we can’t morally call Plants People and accept we have to continue to eat plant matter whilst ensuring the Highest Standards Of Care Towards Their Wellbeing. But millions of Lovely People disagree and wish to not only call Plants People but to develop alternative food sources that do not involve taking Lives of People that have their own rights to their own Lives just as we do ...

Can we only eat Fruits and Nuts and Seeds and parts of Plants that are non detrimental to a Plants overall health ... Can we find Ethical ways to eat certain Plant biomatter or are the Ethics insurmountable?

Calling Plants People but then enslaving them for food purposes upsets a lot of People ... As We See In The Conclusion That All Plants are People, but they can’t runaway ... it’s disturbing to contemplate the need to compartmentalise our minds in this way ...

To compartmentalise by calling Plants People, as is our wont to do, because we care, but then eat them ... we are creating serious moral issues because of acceptance of People death and People life execution ... just as before with Animal murder, so would we be again stuck within an acceptance of murder under a different legal guise ...

Could we call non-edible Plants People ... but not give edible Plants this moniker? The prejudicial implications of Life consumption run far beyond the present widespread understanding and concerns of the Population of this world ... 

Even if we choose to continue to eat biomatter, we can’t ignore the death and suffering and torture and murder meted out in its name upon Animal Species ... and some would say upon Plant Species themselves ...

The eating of only synthetic foods, either structurally copied from plant matter, or new inventive non-plant inspired synthetics food structures, designed for nutrition purposes in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, fats ...  is something people may think of as an Ethical choice as it would Protect Life In All Of Its Forms. The 3d printing of complex molecular foodstuffs is something many People may be interested in because they are upset about the history of food consumption and do not feel happy about continuing to eat Plant-based foods because they want to think of Plants as People or simply forms of Life that deserve to have their own Life without hindrance or mutilation or Life Cycles interfered with as in the eating of fruits seeds and nuts ... The Ethical considerations of reversing aging of Plants without permission is also Worthy Of Regard ...

Of course Mushrooms and Funguses would be People too within such considerations ...

And what of yeasts and bacteria ... they too Live ...

Then we have Flavour Profile Ethics. Where existing Plant flavours could not be reproduced intentionally or accidentally as the implications would be disturbing to Possible Future Morality ... With accidental coemergence of flavours like existing Plant flavours being seen as obscene ... unless they happened in the far distant future ... by which time people may have forgotten ... excepting those of Us whom are Alive today ... and would still be Alive with Life Extension ...

... So new synthetic flavours only ... would potentially be considered essential Ethicality ...

Some People may also have concerns about making complex molecules in the same structures as those found in Living Peoples ... structures like carbs, fats, proteins, ... as these, the very substances we are demanded by our very biologies to consume are of the flesh of Organismal Peoples ... and in the ruthless pursuit of such sustenance ... horror and suffering has been incessant so too fore render many Sentient Peoples to be of the mind to want to reject the very notion of the enforced body-comsumption-sustenance matrix per se ... and therefore be of the mind to transfer to a potential alternative method of growth, maintenance and energising ... For many, Ethical considerations of creating molecules as those derived from Life may loom too much towards discompassionate imaginings and by proxy memories of horror ...

The possibility that non-carbohydrate, non-protein, non-fats alternative sustenance substrate complex molecules could be formulated ... seems like an impossibility, as that is the very materielle our morphologies are derived from ... and in so being an essentiality for our biomolecular viability ...

We could seek the technology of direct reatomisation of the body so for to maintain our present state without food ever needing to be eaten ...

Transcendency enthusiasts may favour concepts of latent energy conversions directly into sustenance-energy for adaptive transcendent-type Animated Life, that could sustain upon ordinated energy substrata only, with no need for molecular sustenance ... ordination of such energy absorption mechanisms are down to metaspeculationalisticalisms ...

It would certainly remove many Ethical considerations excepting the possibility that inanimate matter itself computes and is aware and has competition rights to matter-energy sources we would seek to absorb... although is probably more of a concern as regards our rights to have Babies that we would wish built from matter-energy ... I suppose free energy is ok to grab unless energy itself is inherently sentient ... to be honest why do we need more energy when we could just subsist upon our existing energy matter frame upon transcendent complexificationalisation and bounce through the cosmos upon the Cuddles Of Lovity ... do the Stars them very selves have the very rights to their own radiations in perpetuity ...

Our Mummy Called Planette Earth Mother Would Like Her Own Name Please ... And We So Too For Recognise Her Individualistical Yummy Huggle Of SuperSupraMacroOrganismal MultiColouredSuperSpecielle Cuddly Woos ...

What is sure is that reparations are required: to cease cutting down Trees and take hiatus from consuming certain Species of Plant-based foods seems a bare minimum ... 

And Unreserved Apologies To All Species From All Of Us especially farmers and slavery abusers for the atrocities committed ...





Clearing Of Industrial Zones

As Part Of A New World Of Feminised Beauteousnessnessnesses, Girls Will Cuddle Our Ways Forwards Into An All Species Inclusive Loveydovey Polytical Heartscape Of Perfectional Emjoyment  And Huggle-Times For Everyone ... To Be Nurture-Loved And Caressy Boo Bood Into Adorational Togethernessnessnesses For All Times ...

As Part Of A New World Of Feminised TechnoArtistical Cuddleamentisations I foresee a new moral approach to industry. A lot of the traditional industrial zones in cities have been centres of pollution and torture of the masses by highly dangerous workpractices, injuries and deaths, industrial diseases and suffering. I would suggest that a lot of these zones need to be refreshed in very meaningful ways with many buildings removed completely for moral reasons and any left over industries being really required to justify their continued existence. A lot of large industrial products can be produced in situ of their destination ratHer than in fabrication yards and then moved ... though men resist change. With new technological possibilities for projects like large pipelines being extruded from various molten materials in situ ratHer than moulded in factories, and this ethos being applied to industry as a whole it means a new approach would be very convenient to achieve the removal of said industrial zones. 

3d printing and extrusion rigs have to be used to produce products within building sites, instead of in industrial zones and then transported... there are lots of substrates that can be moltenised and moulded or carved safely with automated equipment ... whole buildings can be Girlyfactured onsite in this way ... whole complex electrical circuits can be fabricated automatedly as whole objects in situ with 3d printing techniques instead of laboursomely fitted by men in unsafe ways ... men actively resist these changes because they see less profit for their own companies and accoutremental businesses that supply logistics and onsite fabrication and building services. This is not the way you run global resources allocations and creational SuperSpecielle Expressions. men prioritise their own bank balances and not what is best for Planette Earth Mother’s Development. This is not the way forwards. Universal Income and men not doing unsafe and defunct work is the way forwards ...

men do enjoy working in lots of construction roles but they do become tired and yearn for change but feel trapped in certain construction functionalities ... we need to Cuddle a new balnce that caters for interest in constructuion and learning, but at the same time respects the loss of life and injuries of unsafe work practices, and facilitates family happiness with men being around for their partners and children for all family communal funtimes ... The priority for Women and Children is funtimes ...

I think Women would like not only meaningful fresh starts for industry that don’t just pay lip service to the tormentuous history of suffering with complete overhauls of the industrial complex for moral reasons, but they also see greedy men lining their pockets in far less resource efficient ways with non-technologically developed methods and Life risking work practices, and they want it stopped ... Not just stopped but completely abolished and reinvented emotio-technologically along Feminised Thought Practises, to maximise safety, and resource allocation, and ergonomics at times, whilst ensuring funtimes are always had by ALL ...

An Ethical removal of industrial zones is not a choice or a burden, but an opportunistical of Delight that is Womandatory to address past ages of suffering and harm that can no longer be ignored ... 

Many industrial businesses did their best for their workers but many did not. And the nature of the work undertaken struggles to be Ethical in hindsight at best ...
THere is a disturbing legacy of Families and Children being exposed to industrial products on clothes because of no showering facilities. Lots of businesses prioritised their own profits over safety to their workers and the general public. Masks were not worn and clothes were not changed and showers were not installed. And this is just small mention of the vast harm caused to workers and their families by industrial related disease and fatal work practices that have decimated working families for generations ...

men have prioritised money over Life ... profit over Children ... drugs and prostitute rape over Wives and their health ...

And when men have been Ethical, they have been assailed on all sides by other men and businesses, squeezing them in their abilities to function safely ...

Health and safety must always be such as to provide real Protection for workers when seemingly more efficient shortcut workpractices are used by People who are economically pushed  to keep their business viable ... in an non-price-regulated world for industrial products. Whilst the whole world economy is overpriced by rich at the top murderously behaved men who prioritise money over all else ... It has been and at present is true that You have to ensure products are not underpriced then produced dangerously. Profit priority can never be allowed to trump safety. 

If it is possible for an accident to happen then it is not safe. Lots of businesses ran safely in appearance until an “accident” in inverted commas happened. Someone is then hurt, seriously injured or dies because of an inadequate approach. 

A new ethos has to be adopted wHere accidents can not occur that will injure, and if errors are made accidentally it is not on the frontline and able to cause injuries. Men must be pulled back from the dangerous work zones. Work practice mechanisms that make error non-harmful must always be applied. With the aim also of intrinsically removing anything that could be thought of as an error. This can no longer be optional and ignored by corruptly assured politicians, but must be enacted with absolute certainty that not one more person will ever be harmed ... this is the only way that Women will permit businesses to run. This is the only way forwards for what was formally called global industry.

New terms and new buildings and new approaches and new terminologies across all sectors is the bare minimum start that Women Polytically demand.

men too much relish danger and intentionally challenging conditions ... but challenging conditions end lives ... and even in a new world where bodies can be fixed and reatomised there has to be respect for not only the people of the past but also the ways in which they suffered and died. We will not use medical breakthroughs to carry on retro, damaging workpractices for man’s rights to fun or danger or reminiscences of harmful work memories ... dangerous industry can no longer be treated as a game ... This disgusting ideology has to go, and its widespread cultural normative ... dangerous sports and sports injuries can no longer be permitted to occur ... combat sports and motorsports are to be banned outright ... man will not be permitted to fix his body and go again like a sick violent computer game ... and violent computer games will be banned too ...

Industry has been disrespected long enough. men whom work in industries have been used and abused enough. Boys have been indoctrinated and physically and psychologically damaged for long enough, and Mothers and Fathers will no longer stand by whilst rich political man fucks our son’s futures! Convenience and playing the game will no longer be sufficient ... the corruption that is democracy has to go!

When anyone is injured, proper reactionary solutions are not Universellely embraced by all men. This will be changed. New Human Technological Expressions Demand That Life is more important than fun or profit. What is deemed by men to be fun must be readdressed massively or men will go to prison. A seachange in attitude will happen or Babies will stop being born and Women will drop their men because of their inaction to say and do all the right things to safeguard All Babies Of All Species ...

All of these past and present atrocities ... and the refusal of men to meaningfully address the constant and unceasing desperate demands for reform ... to care, to prioritise safety over profit and enforce laws rigourously to protect People ... has left People who care and have suffered and have lobbied tirelessly for years for reform across Our planet --many of whom are Women (Wives MotHers Sisters Daughters of injured and dead Men)-- with the very correct opinion that we need to take apart the whole industrial complex and reimagine it based upon safety and ergonomics that remove the human contingent: certainly human exposure to risk.

Clearing industrial zones and rebuilding is part of this restructuring. With misty eyed industrial experts having to take a back foot because of the suffering ruthlessly meted out at times for profits sake upon Men, Women and Children... Families treated as commodities to be exploited, as resources of a consumable nature to be replaced as needed to continue money making operations, meaning that a moral statement of overwhelming sincerity must be Our utmost priority. THere are a lot of People who have lost, that need to see and feel and receive Justice. And this is from the entirety of human industrial actions. The whole needs to recognise that the fault lies with All. With the ethos, with the collective dismissive of safety psychology that has permeated all of mankind’s industrial endeavours.

In the same way people whom are a danger to themselves are declared legally unfit and have to be sectioned ... industrial businesses that create workspaces and workpractices that could cause a man to be harmed in any way have to be declared legally unfit to continue trading.

In the same way that if You are not protecting Yourself then You must be declared legally incapable of making a decision, the same must be true of not only individual businesses and their Parent companies, but also the entire industrial complex and interrelated political oversystem as a whole. Politicians are responsible for ensuring that accidents do not happen, but they instead shelter themselves by fostering institutions of inaction and public sector buffer agencies so for to allow industry to carry on functioning in its ability to send Sons home in body bags ...

If one person is injured, or one person dies, the whole system is at fault ... The evidence of abuses of safeguarding trust collated after the fact, after problems have already happened, proves that these collectives of men were never legally able to make self-safeguarding decisions. This is a failure of legislators and owners and management that always like to pass the buck, or rely on insurance money to dig them out when a very basic principle could have been employed at a governmental level ie Safety First not profit. This ethos was never employed not even in principle although claims were made that it was at times. Talk comes easy. Action doesn’t happen.

Politicians will legislate and expect compliance on safety ... Laws created as rules that are usually insufficient in safeguarding due to the difficulties in acquiring the truth about what happens in industrial settings ... governments in constant ideological battles with opposition parties and press agencies and unions and industry ... a constant battle on all fronts ... can not be expected to effectively safeguard workers ... they are reliant on the opinions of others whom theoretically know how industries work ... and industry is a profit making endeavour, not a worker protecting essentialism ... politicians if they have the time, and if they aren’t being blackmailed by big business in various nefarious ways, can sometimes make correct decisions on safety which are generally institutionally ridiculed and ignored my men’s men. Work-practices and spaces have to be under constant review and development in the mind of removing all non-ergonomicals and dangers ... with safety being at all times the most important factor. Ergonomics can be safer by nature due to less time exposure to dangers for workers. But of course the opposite can be true when corners are cut dangerously. Companies are demanded to make changes but very often they will plead for subsidies to facilitate new work zones and work-practice improving equipment to meet new legislation requirements, despite the fact they are making record profits and paying higher percentage returns to their shareholders ... Companies erroneously factor in their theoretical obligations to their shareholders as being more important than their self development financial obligations and will demand that the tax payer pays for said developments so they can continue to siphon off stable vast and incrementally increasing profits year on year. Shareholders returns can never be ethically factored in as part of a company’s overheads ... and governments can never be blackmailed to support this ideology ...

The British Sugar Industry received subsidisation from the Labour Government during Tony Blair’s Tenure as Prime Minister ... as part of farming review and new work practice legislation. Money was allocated for the building of cold storage units to store palletised tray systems that were developed to ensure Sugar Beet was not damaged during harvest and storage before processing ...

If you watch my Sugar Beet Documentaries You will view evidence of widespread disregard of this health safeguarding legislation ... with sugar beet being stacked incorrectly outdoors for extended periods of time, and moved incorrectly and stored incorrectly ... disregard that causes sugar to become laden with dangerous toxins that are a massive risk to health ... Sugar Factories are supposed to only accept sugarbeet harvested at correct times, stored in correct industry standard pallet trays ... and they are supposed to utilise the cold storage buildings that were paid for with tax payers money ... this is not happening as it should ...

All aspects of all industries should be subject to thorough oversight ... and considering the computer based oversight that does not require human work is not happening as regards arable farming field monitoring and sheep people welfare safeguarding, as shown in my Sugar Beet Documentaries ... and checks and balances on what is being brought into sugar beet factories ... many farmers are taking non legislation compliant harvested and stored sugar beet to factories ... the chances that other industries are being checked with thorough oversight in this age of dangerous conservativism cost cutting risk taking in hospitals and schools and the food industry is virtually nil ... all industries have to be subject to constant and thorough every space and room realtime computer analysed oversight with human inspections being regularly actionised so for to ensure no accidents happen. This oversight has not only not been done, but has been rolled backwards because of non-enforcement of safety legislation ...

As regards humanufacturing industries as a whole ... justice demanded by those who have been harmed by industrial disease and all nature of fatalities must be not only met but must be overwhelming overdone in its response to the point of a complete and intrinsically comprehensive overhaul of all industrial activity. The moral implications of the acceptance of a continuation of the present industrial world are too much for Women to ignore. 

With this at the forefront of Our minds I see new structures being built to house any industry that remains through necessity. Highrise structures can be 3D printed up from the soil, sand and bedrock to encapsulate any such Womanufactories for a new and safe world with zero exposure to any harmful substances possible. And the land would be freed up for redevelopment for residential, and entertainment Spaces and very importantly memorial parklands to recognise the pain and suffering that People have been exposed to. 

We have to recognise that a new World is needed. Women know this and Women insist on this everyday but they are ignored. men can no longer ignore and not care. Women Want New Wonderful And Healthy Cuddle-Spaces And Yummy Houses For ALL Species And Food For ALL Species So We Can All Live Together In Harmonious Healthiness Happinessnessnesses And Cherishementise ALL Bubbas .... Not poisoning profit making and widespread physical and psychological disease and social dis-ease ... ASK THEM. 

Some men may ask Women such things ... but Girls give the wrong answers and men don’t like these answers, and then tell the Girls “the world doesn’t work that way” ...

So not utilising land effectively due to the inflated costs of building enforced by men and their financial mess makes certain types of new development projects easy for men to say “it’s just not viable” or “we don’t have enough money” or mens’ favourite “the world doesn’t work that way”. Women are sick of hearing men mansplaining that “the world doesn’t work that way”. Women Want Money In Their Pockets And Wonderful Gorgeous Spaces To Enjoy And To Go Buy Everything Their Hearts’ Desire Affordably And Safely. I want that too but guess what? “men do not want the world to work that way”. If they did then the World would work that way because the world works the way men make it work. Now not all men feel empowered to deliver this world, but if they all voted with Women for Womens’ rights and forced the machismo elite of this world to change, ie remove the stranglehold of these men from every system of Interaction on this planet, then what People really want, especially what Girls really want, can be delivered safely and easily. 

So projects like highrise shopping districts that can build themselves up from the ground with self printing rigs ... which can be filled with Wonderful and cheap products, is an essential part of any future that meets Women’s Desires ... and Men’s by the way.

This starts with equal representation in each constituency/electorate/district with a Woman and Man representing each electoral zone by rote ... so the money of the world can be freed from masculine monopoly, and allocated to projects like clearing up industrial zones and expanding commercial zones ...

These sorts of projects would be inexpensive and Cuddle Women of the world very, very Happy. Do we not want all Women in the world to be very, very Happy. My priority is doing everything in my power to prove to Women of the world that they are Absolutely CHerished and Loved, so that they can find the True Happiness In Their Loves That They All Deserve.

The artificially inflated prices of building. And the refusal to develop automated methods of building which would be far cheaper. The refusal of men to prioritise cheap less laboursome building over profit making is making a World of Future Delight impossible.

But this is not the only thing standing in the way.

In my documentary called Talking and Walking I talked about large projects that will be affordable when we bring the world’s finances into order. We have to remove control of the world’s finances from a small group of murderous policy men whom are killing our future’s potential for prosperity ...

Projects like draining the North Sea, which is just a silty torture zone for any Species that are unfortunate enough to live there, to create new spaces for land and aquatic Species alike to share and co-create emotional prosperity ... the possibility of using a new large piece of land in the North Sea after it is reclaimed, to transfer lots of neighbourhoods from London to a New London maybe ... there are a lot of peripheral housing projects within London that lots of people are unhappy with for various reasons, but a freeing up of the land with new high rise shopping and industrial zones would create a lot of new communal spaces with options for clear water, salt water and fresh water canals for all aquatic species to enjoy and live around also ... We have to think about spaces for ALL Species ... 

The moving of neighbourhoods to a New London Extra-Flourish in new lands in the North Sea would be a Wonderful project in my opinion, that could create large green belt areas between London’s Districts for emotional prosperity ... a return of certain village zones and traditional borough concerns being Cuddled whilst reinvigorating for a new SuperSpecielle Biversity Joy ... This for All People would make London a much nicer environment to live in ... as People like Biversity of types of spaces, and the idea of SuperSpecielle Cuddly Harmonies ...

Other large projects like getting into Space would also be affordable once the world’s financial markets are completely abolished, as I mentioned in Femisode 09 ... and space travel would also be made easy if contracts commissioned for such projects were not being used as cash printing machines. Terraforming Venus and Mars would be very viable projects in a new world of abundance, following the methods I mentioned at the beginning of Talking and Walking Episode 00 ...

Also, building multi-storey greenhouses would be easily affordable, so we could feed the World using The Sun’s energy and wind turbines ... this would immediately solve the world’s food problems.

In my various documentaries, I have also already mentioned the deserts of the world, and I would like to discuss this furtHer Here. The deserts of Planette Earth MotHer are very robust environments that swallow up land around them. They are Enchanting and Beautiful and Worthy of Protection. And at the same time they are a very underutilised emotional resource. Not a resource to be destroyed or spoiled but to be Respected and CHerished. Their very extended existence is down to the activities of man and his propensity to cut down and burn and farm and move on and fight and destroy. But now we have the deserts, I think they are landscapes worth keeping. They are a snapshot of otHerworldly realms like Venus and Mars, of vast beautiful zones of Space untouched by Life. Planette Earth MotHer’s deserts are not as inert as that but I do not see a future wHere You just tarmac over and build vast cities along present thinking ... or indeed vast undesertification to turn deserts into rainforests or green spaces ...

The Sahara is of a vast size, with many differing landscape zones with aridity being a main feature and past limiting factor to Beautification. The desert IS beautiful and can’t be made more beautiful and yet a lot of localised Beautification led by Women is essential to its Beautification. This might not make sense but to Girls it does. And they will know exactly what to do to respect and create Wondrous New Zones Of Delight. Two things You have in the desert are solar electricity and wind electricity. And these can be used to melt the sand ... Two free sources of consistent energy that can allow localised resculpting. Firstly the edges of the, what I will call, “True Desert” ... which consist of ergs, can be contained. No more desertification needs to happen because sources of water can be made available. Using the free energy of the sun, pipelines can be printed from the sand itself and extruded across vast distances from coastline desalination plants on an industrial scale. Water can then be pumped if needed to selected areas for settlements and oasis gardens and to the edges of the desert for plantations that will prevent furtHer desertification. Also around “True Desert” one can melt great walls of glass upwards to create Wondrous And Colourful Walls to contain the BlissyKissy Delightments of the undulating dunes. Something akin to a massive Walls of China, the Raimbow Glass Walls of the Sahara would provide roadways and walkways and storage buildings and hostel spaces and shops ... and a Wonderful setting from which to cross the ergs. We need not build such walls around all ergs because water itself can be utilised to Womanage desertification zones, but in a Wonderful new desert system I foresee new villages and towns and some cities melted upwards out of the sand itself. Glass is an extremely strong and easy to use building materielle and can be utilised in virtually any application. Road surfaces and houses and sewer systems and RainbowHouses for food growing can all be constructed from the sand itself. Pigments can be added to make Beautiful New Housing And Commercial Zones Done Very Synergistically With The Desert Itself Without Creating Vast Release Of Water Into The Atmosphere That Would Change Its Composition. Gardens Under Domes And Outside Oasis Gardens Would Not Spoil That Which Is Already There.


As I have already mentioned with the possibility of draining the North Sea to create New Wondrous Lands for Aquatic and Land Species to enjoy, there are other areas of sea across Planette Earth Mother that can also be marked for potential similar projects of development along the same or similar lines with new lands and island families of beauteous Happy-Islands for SuperSpecielle Family Lovey BooBoos ...


We also have vast ocean Spaces and undersea rock formations that can be settled by compassionately symbiotic, symcompassionate habitation structuralisations. Vast underwater cities beckon with the ability to convert tidal and wind energies into resource facilitatory concerns of homely space creationals ... The bed rock of the oceans themselves can be moltenised to create new structures including islands like the building up of extinct caldera formations for instance and underwater airtight chambers for aquatic and land species to Live in. The oceans are full of species that wish to have family spaces either under the water or on the land ... with new canals and water tubes and Womanmade lakes we can have a new world of Joy under and above the oceans and spilling over onto land. Crustaceans And Fishes And Jellyfishes And Mammals Reptiles And All Other Species From The Oceans Will Find Joy In The Superspecielle Cuddle That A New Resource Prosperous And Time Prosperous And Cuddle Prosperous Yummy Huggle World Will Incarnationalise Across All Of Planette Earth Mother’s Lovely Landscapes ... 


There are mountains which are not of Life Bearing Deposits which do not hold fossil/grave sites of Loved Ones Whom Have Passed ... these rock formations will be utilised for creation of vast new city structures that will make use of new Womanmade caved spaces for accommodation for All Species ... and the rocks claimed will be perfect materielles for building self-comtained SuperHabitation Spaces in the form of giant stacked rock buildings that will hug the sides of mountains that will be capable of housing a hundred thousand people of macro species and vast numbers of mini species and micro species whom can all live together in Cuddle Joy Yumminessnessnesses ... 

Within the interiors of places like China, Russia, Australia, Greenland the United States and many other places ... THere are vast areas on Planette Earth MotHer which can still be Yummily built on on all geological continents ... this means a lot of Space for Cuddly Wuddly Housey KissyBlissy Yum Yum Times ...  


A New Feminised World Deserves Such Projects. A Newly Cherished Planette Earth Mother’s Feminised Citizens Will Be Delighted By These Types Of Projects, That were already possible before if not for man’s focus on war, competition and global monetary torture. As much as I understand that present day man inherited a world of trauma, suffering and greed, this forced inheritance is only an excuse for so long before Women refuse to accept the “It’s just the way the world is Love ...” excuse ... 

If You think You Love Your Women You do not. Because You take no action to rectify the way modern civilisation has disenfranchised and marginalised Feminine Thoughts and Feelings. Men are deluded if they think that the present world is anywHere near acceptable or tolerable for Women to continue to want to bring Babies into. As I have already recommended, I really do not think the world is a suitable place to bring Children into at present. No more Babies until men step out the way so Women can step forward and Nurture And Love Their BirthRight.

So the continuation of greed driving an unsafe world in industry and in politics is impossible. And this is making world changing projects impossible. This is making the Feminine BirthRights of Women impossible. This is killing People day after day with no end in sight unless We Rise Up Utilising Our Power Of Petition To Force Change. We Demand Safety Not Profit. LOVE NOT DEATH. 

Every product or even human Interaction on Planette Earth Mother must be devised for safety first profit secondary or a nonconcern. Which I will talk about later. 

But these essential thoughts do bring me into the next topic ... wHere safety has been used as an excuse to make something very expensive.

As I have previously mentioned in my Talking and Walking pre-series to this one, all travel on Planette Earth Mother must be virtually free with a small subscription paid for the right to travel freely and easily wHerever we Wish very, very cheaply. I Would Want This Included In A New Global Bill Of Rights. 

And This Would Include Air Travel.

Small aeroplanes are very cheap to make and they have been kept intentionally expensive to make unacceptable profits and keep People out of the air. If planes were cheap as they should be, tHere would be far more People in the air and this would in theory make the skies dangerous. So fears of too many airplanes in the sky has made profit hungry men think it is appropriate to overcharge for planes. This has been an intentional decision on the part of selfish rich men to artificially increase the costs of new aircraft so they can make vast profits off little work and make the whole industry elite and unreachable for the poor. 

This is not an acceptable way to run an industry. You have to morally price Your products then see who wants to buy them and let them buy them, then introduce restrictions if needed. Rich men have wanted the airspace to be reserved for their enjoyment only, and they laugh at the fact the CommonWoman lacks the funds to buy their overpriced air vehicles.

So keeping People grounded by overpricing training and purchase of aircraft is an ethos that will only continue and has been sought to continue with Space travel. THere is a vast amount of Space in Our Star System alone to Joyously explore in YummyFun Times, and we should already be up tHere, and we would be, if not for the greed of man. If we are ever able to meaningfully get up tHere before global warming destroys this planet, and start to explore and colonise the planetary and lunar bodies within Our solar system, You can bet that ruthless power hungry, money and resource monopolising men, will seek to make something that would be very inHerently cheap if done correctly, into a typical elite money making scheme ... as they always do.

But Not For Much Longer ... When All Us Girls Globally Vote As One ... The Polytical Change That Is Needed Will Happen ... men Must Face their Feminised Destiny ...





Non-Profit Future

One of the greatest travesties of the 20th century has been the widespread spending on weapons and mans continual insistence they are needed, by manufacturing the conditions to keep us fearful and combative through big money support of violent content, and then supply massively overpriced weapons and aircraft to protect us. Men will fabricate wars to then sell weapons at ridiculous prices to capitalise on fear. Profit being the main goal not safety and happiness. Regions will intentionally be destabilised to cause flashpoints and drive poorer nations to stretch their already deadly budgets to breaking point. This is all a matter for documentation and is not in dispute. But the changes that have to happen are.

Well I can tell You that in a New World wHere political control is wrestled away from men, by Women who care and who are prepared To Utilise Their Ability Of Petition To Vote On Change Collectively, who are also prepared to transcend the traditional insoluble borders between military power structures and state. Who are prepared to deconstruct the money-military complex and hold it to account and force a new widespread ethos of cooperation between nations. In a World like this wHere female Russian pilots and female USA pilots are flying each otHer’s aircrafts and otHer craft from around the world in joint formations looking to protect us from Space and not each otHer. WHere female pilots from every nation on Planette Earth MotHer are flying crafts made in various nations across this Planette all togetHer in joint formations:  men will watch on Entranced not by Girls with weapons, but by Compassionate Girls with thoughts of Love and TogetHerness in their Hearts. 

The United States even allows its aeroSpace industry to massively overcharge the tax payer, and the politicians know they are being ripped off but they eitHer do not care, are in on it, or are ignored and got rid of for rocking the boat too much: whilst scum rot in cardboard boxes under bridges in the world’s richest city...

The aeroSpace industry is not charging what they charge through need or through need to continue running ergonomical, properly priced projects ... but instead because they are paying themselves vast sums of money with a cornered market partition monopolisation scheme constructed only for profit. They may even as individuals drop the odd coin in a pot on the streets thinking they did a good deed, so deluded that they do not realise that the overcharging decisions they make are one of the biggest parts of the problem. The money being bled from these projects is astronomical in scale. Military budgets are strangling the world just as much as the financial systems. The meagre money that is actually left and made available to governments is being bled by USAs insisting that their overpriced weapons are essential because the world is inHerently destabilised by US ... unlucky. And thou darest not buy from Anyone else praise the lord or else.


Certain infrastructural necessities areas of SuperSpecielle endeavour have to be thought of within a charity-type mindset ...

Womany SuperSpecielle activities have to run as non-profit, because to do aught else is an insult to all Morality ... The making money from certain areas like Healthcare, Energy, Food, Haulage/Delivery, Travelling, and Defence has been a huge mistake that money-only men have made and are refusing to step down from. The making profits over and above x2 on any retail products is so impinging upon people’s lives to the point of murder that it is equivalent to charities siphoning off large profits for their paypackets ... and the historically called “industries”, a terminology that will be abolished by Women due to the historical harm caused, can’t be allowed to make even small profits. Research itself, has to be factored in to resource costings of projects, and when projects need further subsidies those can be easily found in a new world of abolished financial markets and widespread prosperity ... but the massive overhead costs created by money siphoning by non active employees and owners overstructures like investors-shareholders etc can no longer be allowed within these non-profit areas.

When you restructure the pricing matrix of areas like healthcare, energy, food, haulage/delivery, travelling, and defence ... essential SuperSpecielle infrastructure concerns that have to be run as cheap as possible, any extra investment is gladly paid as the overall costs are already a fraction of what they would be under disgusting profit prioritising conditions ... like as we presently see within the world ...

There is nothing wrong with people making a wage from running non-profit businesses ... a food production company like Linda McCartney’s vegan foods, whom I suspect are being forced to supply dead body substitute foods rather than a wide and inventive and changing seasonally range of beauteous and colourful vegetable delightments and developing synthetic foods that are not Life-Based ... Forced to be suppliers of products which are victim to large price mark-ups applied by the supermarkets ... whom may even be demanding that Linda receives higher wholesale price on her food than she would be happy with as she would probably like to take into account the Ethics in food prices being historical causes of starvation and malnutrition within one of the richest nations in the world like England ... 

A food production company like Linda’s would probably be very enthusiastic about running as non-profit with regulated wages paid only that would be in line with business size, definitely be a comfortable income that would be also subsidised by Universelle Income ... as everybody’s income worldwide would be supported in this way ...

The food industry has to be run as non-profit because of the essentialistic nature of food and the impingement it has and is still being forced to apply across our world. Food prices are no different from any other profit making sector ... as in they are ruthlessly and murderously overpriced ... and historically this has caused widespread suffering and disease ... You can’t ethically justify food being a profit making sector ...

Supermarkets however do not want their monopoly clique to be affected and they want to keep dead bodies as cheap as possible for the sake of murder mentality ... Supermarkets have consciously been part of the intentional destruction of the independent bookshop market through diverse product profit earnings subsidy being used to undercut small and wonderful independents ability to trade ... this shouldn’t happen as all wholesale prices should be fixed by publishers for all retailers whom purchase from them regardless of quantities bought ... single copies or bulk ... and it is illegal to fix prices lower than their actual acquisitions cost ... and this same mentality is being used to ensure that vegan foods are inflated in price, dead bodies are kept cheap and vegan foods are kept uninteresting and creatively stunted just like our malnourished children ... intentionally so, to prevent people whom wish to make the right ethical choice and go vegan, from being able to do so because they can’t afford to ... and vegans hate meat replacement foods and see it as an intentional insult which it is ... Get rid of the dead body isles ... We want cheap and plentiful vegan products in creative shapes and bulky sizes and we want them NOW!


So within a non-profit infrastructure review to be arranged by Women Worldwide upon such essentialisms as Healthcare, Energy, Food, Haulage/Delivery, Travelling, and Defence (From Space),  all formerly known as governmental projects (people do not want to be governed) ... projects for development of any tech, space, infrastructure, defence etc. will all be deemed as falling under the remit of non-for-profit purview ...

The ethics of capitalisitic thought are non-existent at best ... the fact it is called capitalism and so is capital punishment is a bit of a clue to the mindset of murderous finances man whom cares not at all for your financial wellbeing ...

And western politics run by these same men in collusion with military man and politics man and big-business man and media man are happy for the status mortis to continue ...

USA politics is happy for this massive overspending on cornered industries like aerospace and weapons, and any other industry you care to imagine, to continue. The amount of money that is wasted each year by a government that forces the world to allow it to be wealthy by cornering and threatening financial systems any which way they can to continue the money machine, is astronomical in scale. The US military budget could be cut easily down to one tenth its present size just by price fixing the companies that supply their armed forces. By actually running the books and telling them they are not permitted to overcharge anymore. Would a country with ten times the weapons capability of the United States be one You would want in the world though anyway? You can be sure if they actually realised in their delusion that they could be that much more militarily powerful technologically they would simply flex their muscles a lot more than they have and they would still overcharge Everyone else anyway ...

Jets flying backwards and forwards is a total waste of money. They have perfectly realistic simulations for training. All jets should be kept in virtual mint condition so as to be as far away from their next service as possible ... Fighter jets get regularly taken apart and rebuilt for safety sake to maintain structural integrity ... and lots of jets are made so that men can constantly fly them for no reason other than playing with toys ... there is nothing wrong with having lots of protection from space ... though these large amounts of jets and massive sums of cash cause us to not have even developed the technology required to protect ourselves from space ... the siphoning of cash has left us exposed, and vast sums are paid to maintain jets for men to play in ... they do not take it seriously ... they just play with trillions of dollars for their own enjoyment ...

How can you consider military responsibilities ... responsibilities that have slaughtered men, Women and Children in vast and family destroying numbers for millennia ... how can you call such responsibilities an “Industry”. Men that consider military responsibility to be an industry, need to be banned from having any influence at all on these serious undertakings because the Ethical Emotions are such as to declare these people as ethically and emotionally and psychologically unfit to contribute anything of value to our global defence requirements going forwards ...

And calling it the “Defence Industry” is an absolute disgrace to all Mother And Baby-protecting morality ...

We have to change the way the military thinks about itself ... men need to realise that it is ok for them to change the way they think ... and to remove all the flippancy and boys with toys attitude and start to take things seriously ...

The cash valuation of the military complex and its manufacture and supply chain industries is so massively over estimated in cash value to the point that it is sucking vast sums of cash out of the global economy ...

To be honest the US could spend a lot less than one tenth on the same military products if defence budgets were not subject to profit making mentalities ...

Think about what the money saved by a non-profit US military being utilised for building greenhouses in places like Somalia and desalination plants and windturbines ...

A Full Feminine Compassionised Audit that takes into account thousands of years of military gang-rape, military gang-torture of civilians especially Women and military mass murder and genocide and paedophilic gang-rape ... I personally don’t want another cent to be made in profit from any military equipment ...

We can’t allow such projects to even pay their workers ... all pay has to be put through separate systems to create Loving And Ethical separational Emotional psychology and philosophy ... though I personally think that all such projects have to be voluntarily arranged only, as regards knowledge base utilisation and skillset acquisition ... with people involved receiving Universelle Income only ... 

This means patents utilisation for certain SuperSpecielle non-profit concerns in application would under licence have no monetary return for patent holders due to the ethical comclusion that profit cannot be made ... though of course the moral use of such patents and the specific application would be under the direct review and productive and or creative influence of the patent holders themselves at all times ... One of course can never apply a patent in an unethical way, and this has to be legislated for Utilising Pure And Love-True Compassionised Logic ...

We can’t continue to just hope and dream of a World wHere Space travel development is not overpriced and military spending is a fraction of the cost ... military spending that is no longer called military but Defence and is only angled towards Planetteairy and Star System protection only ... man can no longer be allowed to point his lethal toys at himself ... and maybe the word defence has been used in the wrong way as well ... to the point where it can no longer be used in this application as well ...

In this far better World, Space travel budgets could be increased and Space ships for Protection could actually be built so that a civilisation with slightly better technology than us a few light years away couldn’t roll in tomorrow and destroy Our Planette or whatever they feel like doing ..

So military minded men are taking risks with Your Childrens’ lives Girls, just so they can make profit, and YOU are allowing them to do this by not stepping up and exercising Your Love Given Right to self determinate via Petition online. We have to start making the right decisions, and You Girls are the only ones capable of the Correct-Loving decisions required, because as one unit of togetherness of like-minded Lovely Girls You can work together as one Polytical Movement that men of like mind can flock to, and Love Forth the necessary changes to the global political landscape with a new form of Compassion Only Global Polytical Polytics  ... men are aggressive and disparate in attitude and mindset, and this is literally killing the world and our children ... the fear of man is his biggest weakness and delusion in its supposed non-existence ... ALL Women hold and extol the same beauteous virtues towards the familial and social ... virtues all men must now aspire to instead of seeking to media destroy through propaganda in the form of anti-feministic fictional attack ... 

men delude themselves that their violent prostitute raping, any Woman raping (please see my extensive definitions of rape in previous Femisodes,) violent children’s tv making cultural agenda is acceptable to pedal to the whole world. Good And Nice People And Nice Countries Across The World are not fucking interested in America’s fucking disgraceful and disgusting culture of Women-Fucking oppression in all artistic mediums, and violent across all modes of thought and creative arts outpukings ... Women want this non-equal disgusting child ruining, Women’s confidence destroying, funnel sluts into prostitutional mindsets making, gang and drug culture promoting, Women Demonising and Feminine Arts Demonising propaganda that refuses to let go of systematic control over Women’s minds and Earnings ... they want it all gone and they want it ALL GONE NOW! 

And so with this a backdrop, men mess up that which they claim to be good at by pointing their guns at each other instead of skywards in unison for defence only ...the protections Women demand ...  the projects that would safeguard Our future, have been slowed and squeezed for profit, and so the Protections we could already have in place do not exist. No military Space craft or satellites or meaningful scanning arrays protect Our planet at present. All the tech that could have been acceleratedly developed has not even had projects started because ground work tech hasn’t even been developed; AND private companies are building rockets for the richest nation on planet earth. A nation which is spending a vast percentage of their yearly spending budget on earth based weapons they do not need, and spending a tiny amount on Space and nothing on Space Protection. Putin doesn’t want the US threatening to put nuclear missiles in Ukraine. He wants a handshake and military cooperation and an open door policy between his pilots and soldiers and navy Personnel and the rest of the world, but only if the US stop their nefarious activities and hold out their actual trustworthy hand ...

The entire military budget of The World will be looking towards Space. Not for domination and certainly not led by men. Women and Compassionate Men are going to assert moralistic Cuddle Fostering over Our Space endeavours whilst seeking effective Defense mechanisms. Women understand this and Women can achieve this through political Petition of governments worldwide. This is the only way Our resources can be spent ...

But men who make large amounts of cash, prefer to spend their money on prostitutes and drugs and overpriced cars and boats, and make movies to promote such behaviour ... And I would suggest that a clear and healthy and guilt free mind works far more effectively than whomever is presently making decisions in washington or the pentagon or houston.

So as I mentioned in a previous Femisode,  in personal air travel for all, using the risk of crashes in the sky as justification to squeeze as much money out of People’s pockets as possible is a disgrace and it amounts to rich men squeezing slightly less rich men whom they like to laugh at. This is an unethical disgrace. Sentient modes must be priced correctly and then safety measures implemented accordingly. I’m sure People who are listening to this would be able to apply this comcept to otHer forms of mankind’s activities and find a lot more problems, but for now I will move on ...

So travel must be energised by electricity and utilisation of this energy must be free. This is essential for People to actually do as they Wish according to choice not restriction. We must be able to travel wHere we Wish because we want to and not be forced to stay at home, because we can’t afford to. The World needs us out and about Beautifying Her surface. This is “What Women Want” Mel I mean men ...

The only reason electrical cars are not already Our standard form of travel is down to financial men and oil men interfering in the way the world works. Legislation should have been put in place by all worldwide governments to force all car manufacturers to produce only electrical cars and to make them very cheap. If this had happened then the world would now be running electrical vehicles. But instead of this men have thwarted and overpriced and made it all impossible due to the unwillingness of men to give up on fossil fuels. They have even artificially increased the price of electricity to create the false premise that it is not even cost effective; with the aim to continue a lack of electrical car uptake. So high electricity prices has more than one disadvantage to the world ...  And we the citizens of Planette Earth Mother continue to walk into all of this with Our eyes closed because Top Gear still drives dead body fuelled cars ... vroom ... and Jeremy Clarkson thinks the world should carry on desecrating the dead bodies of ancient People ... And global warming isn’t real. Electrical energy is far far less expensive to produce from windturbines that pay for themselves in well under a year and are then just money printing machines for 50-100 years... or 200. The present hike in electricity prices is nothing more than an exercise to make us poorer and an attempt to stop People buying electric cars.

The whole global financial-political simplex is run by violent film watching, dead body fuel burning car fanatics who only care about money and power. They certainly have zero interest in making electrical energy for travel free. But we could make this happen if we worked togetHer. We could force the men to step out the way with a viable new financial plan. 

So at present we are all forced to look to the financial markets for Our daily psychological trauma. We may not choose to do this; indeed we may choose to ignore politics completely in absolute disgust of what is going on and this suits the men fine because less opposition makes their lives unimpeded. It of course is the same old occasional war to make money from, and the cycle of boom and bust to make money from, and political yoyo effects that swing backwards and forwards because People are constantly dissatisfied and want something better and the financial markets and lying political opponents manage to convince People with lies that it is THIS governments fault or THAT governments fault. 

And the swing from one side of party politics to the otHer wastes vast amounts of funds in rectification spending after installation of a new government ... all taken advantage of by nefarious profit hungry contracts and contractors to make money from ... 

For instance, when Tony Blair was Prime Minister, constitutional legislation was put in place to safeguard the population by fixing certain internal national expenditures to a set minimum level of requirement ... this was done in healthcare and all its ancillary concerns like dentistry and all forms of nursing care, because Labour’s administration saw this as one of the most important areas of protection, and they wanted it written into constitutional law to prevent any subsequent government from being able to erode fundamental and essential minimal care requirements ... they saw good care allowances for all people in need as a bare minimum ... of course. This legally bound constitutional requirement has not been met, despite the fact that the Monarch’s signature would be required to not meet this constitutional prescription ... to repeal this would mean asking the Monarch to put peoples’ lives at risk ... and that would not happen ...

And as much as, and in the same way, the present seizure of common land by supposed charities and the constitutionally illegal erosion and removal of footpath rights is a direct and treasonous attack upon the Crown itself and the Sovereignty of this Nation, as covered in my Footpaths In Crisis Documentaries ... Any alteration to these constitutionally backed rights, because they are constitutionally empowered, like rights to roam across all farm land, and access to free and good and comprehensive healthcare, would be seen as an attack on the Sovereign themselves and public interest to the point of activating national security measures ... we now have a Labour government back in power in this country, so these serious infractions must now be addressed in full ... so for to protect the wellbeing of every citizen of our nation ...

The constant yo-yoing in political spending and the wholesale betrayal of the people’s wellbeing is symptomatic of the state of the world as a whole ...

Nothing is changing and the things that need to change are not even recognised. Putting People into positions of power out of desperation to get good things done in the world is an approach that has not worked. Firstly the party system must be replaced by a new Compassionate Polytics. And secondly the financial systems must be completely abolished and replaced with a new accountable and fully traceable and databased replacement. At the moment money can easily be moved anywHere in the world without Anyone knowing or People who do know not caring. And IF the law enforcement services want to check they do, though their checks are limited in ability. And cash is still untraceable, as in not traced in realtime, as in not fully databased and attributed to being in the possession of the individuals whom may seek to spend it. I will speak more on this later.

Backdrop to this is lots of People losing vast sums on financial markets that are controlled by ruthless men. It is just one great big legal gambling platform which some men rig to their own advantage. Standard procedure in a world wHere sportsmen are paid to throw games or threatened when they want to stop.

 And this is the world which we are allowing to continue through inaction.

The Sun is an endless resource that powers everything we do, and the inflated price of renewable energy is being used to keep us poor. We have to stop all betting on all financial markets. The inHerent alleged instability in these markets is being used as a boom and bust mechanism to ensure governments are constantly struggling ie keeping the taxpayer poor. With financial institutions that have People running them who know how to protect their own private wealth funds and a few volunteers to take the rap whom are later looked after.

Then the very governments who bailed out said institutions after a manufactured market collapse, governments who are now poor from these bail outs and constant squeezing on their credit borrowing rates on moneys they are constantly forced to borrow from the very same financial institution interrelated megastructure, borrow more money back again so they can try to improve the lives of their citizens and “build growth” in inverted commas in desperation for a better world that just isn’t possible due to the machinations of the financial world. A world that inHerently tries to and is allowed to try to squeeze as much money out of everything it can for nothing in return otHer than numbers in coding on a computer and death and torture and an inability to vote Our way to a world without rape.

And government workers and politicians acquire connections in capitols to invest in hedge funds. They do not care if the government/taxpayer is poor but do care about their monthly return that can be taken in cash ... 

Interest rates are an imaginary tool that men use to create conditions for mortgage defaults which line the pockets of hedgefunds and other institutions ...

Interest rates can be high to ensure rich housing portfolio people can buy houses that we can’t afford to due to high lending interest rates, or that have been lost by People struggling to pay their mortgages.

Interest rates can be low to let People buy before they later default due to artificially manufactured market conditions. Everything that goes on in the financial markets is fixed, though men like to convince People it is all random. How can it be random when it is a system that follows certain rules that are created by man. Rules that need to abolished. Supply and demand rules and boom and bust propensity mechanisms are the preference to money making men ... men that know how to take advantage of these sorts of conditions ...

So at the moment interest rates are being put up because of uncontrollable financial conditions that men control with their rules and manipulations. This makes default an increasing reality and tHerefore scares People into signing up for unreasonably higHer fixed rates on their mortgages out of fear and desperation. men keep an eye on these fixed rate uptake figures though and the system wants Your money remember? Why do we choose to live in world that we allow to be driven by fear, market manipulation and moral thievery?

So market conditions are forcing the prices of goods to continually inflate just because the universe said so or because men make it so? Prices go up but wages do not. If we do have a period of better times it is simply “fattening for the kill”. It is to make People overstretch on their mortgages and then not be able to cope later. Even if this was just all an uncontrollable mechanism, which it is not, we still wouldn’t want the World to work this way. We want safety and prosperity for All and we can have it if we just choose to.

So at the moment the prices of goods have doubled because of war causing fuel prices to rise from £1.50 to £2. The math seems off Here? But when fuel prices go back down, food prices do not drop back down but remain expensive. This is an economic free for some but not all. Never for all. And how can electricity double or triple in a time when the price to produce each unit of electricity has dropped through the floor due to renewables? It can because profit making men want it to. No otHer reason. Although Our government could price fix the energy market. But then again they could all have their savings invested in hedgefunds etc. that want something else to happen maybe?

At Least We Now Have A Labour government, And This Brings A New Prosperity For This Country And A New Perfection For True And Loving Polytical Equality For All Women And Minorities Of Different Ethnicities, and Genderealities and Sensualities/Sexualities ... with A Gender Of Cuddly Ethos Nicety, A Cuddly Gender Of Ethos Nicety ...


I am going to be talking extensively about finances in a broad global sense as pertains to the dire situation men have formulated for all of the world’s citizens.

Over subsequent Femisodes I wish to cover many financial topics that are pertinent to a New Feminised World And Her Loving Success ... but firstly here I want to mention interest rates as they are seriously problematic ...

Interest rates being a complete fiction means that Your interest rates on Your mortgage do not need to go up unless men want them to. And Your savings interest rate does not need to go down unless they want it to. Banks and otHer financial institutions make profit returns on their financial market bettings all the time and they just choose to share this wealth at times or not through choice. This they call interest rates which are set to their whims, the fact being they control the markets. It is just a mechanism to control risk of vulnerable People at the bottom of the payscale who are subject to such massive risks to their assets. Savings rates should not even exist. It is just a carrot to keep interest in interest. Basically it is a stick. Savings rates are derived from betting returns on the markets; returns that should not even be possible in a Prosperous New non murder system. Giving People a little bit of ability to save at times makes them yearn for its return, but this carrot is the mortgage rates hike stick too. Financial institutions could choose to give You high savings returns all the time ... and low mortgage rates all the time ... this would be easy ... and this could be made to work if they were forced to. But they do not want You to have financial stability, they want you to be constantly in financial danger ... Even the low rates they charge on mortgages are too high as You can end up paying double or more than the price of the house even on a very low rate because of the repayment term. And savings profits are derived from the raping and murdering of the World: also known as the financial markets. 

Interest rates are historically and ethically a financial abomination ...

Because I see an end to the financial markets world as in abolition of the markets themselves being the only way for the world to be prosperous, in amongst this fresh start such concepts as interest rates will also be abolished and this will free the world from the financial constraints of not only the interest rates arrangements on money lending but also it will allow house buyers to borrow money at an effective rate of zero percent ... this is the only moral view One can take ...

With all goods price fixed to actual acquisition costs x2 on certain goods and non-profit within the areas I have mentioned, the removal of inflation will occur. When you fix the price of goods you can then print money as needed and in line with real actual growth ... I will talk more on this later ... Inflation is imaginary and does not need to be a mechanism of global finances and is certainly a very dangerous mechanism that we have to do away with. With the fixing of the price of goods and the doing away with inflation, one can print as much money as needed without having negative effects on the world’s currency system. We will also be fixing the value of all currencies and doing away with the foreign exchange markets. With all the financial markets closed including stocks, commodities, foreign exchange and all the other imaginary financial products, all the money previously tied up in the markets will be seized and all positions within the markets frozen. And all assets of all financial institutions will also be seized. 

All existing moneys and new printed moneys will be made available for community based mortgage lending to occur ... so a zero percent interest on mortgage lending will be easy to achieve in a Universelle Income World of guaranteed earnings for all people and a relaxed approach to repayments ... The compulsory purchase of all financial markets and financial institutions is not optional it is a necessity for this world to be Happy and Affluent for all ... 

And ... a full audit of all banks and their vaults will happen ... and a period of asset declaration will occur upon ALL assets including money/cash, precious metals, gemstones, jewellery ... basically everything in the world to be fully audited ... all belongings ... everything. There will be no exceptions in any territories worldwide ...

And everything identified in this audit will be fully databased. And any undeclared assets like cash, gold, jewellery, precious metals will be written off after a set period of time with any assets being found later to be seized ... tbh with a full audit with scanning of all buildings for their contents etc. we will find everything anyway ... every house on Planette Earth Mother will be expected to be fully audited as regards all of its contents and even the materielles it is built from to be measured and recorded ...

One of the most important aspects of this transition period is the full realtime databasing of cash within which any cash transaction will from then on be recorded on a global cash database ... this is to include, going forwards, any transaction however small ... with full oversight. This if done correctly is an effective end to all criminal money transactions ...

And with a full inventory of all items on Planette Earth Mother and realtime monitoring of all production of new items on Planette Earth Mother, where we know where everything is at all times, there is no room for buying of imaginary goods to launder drug money for instance ... And companies when fully and comprehensively audited with their waste bins scanned and checked, can no longer buy extra resource products to produce goods that go out the back door without checks and balances ... all items must be scanned ...

And no money would be paid for the compulsory purchase of the financial markets or financial institutions as the history of death and suffering caused by the markets very existence has been so protracted and disgusting in its severity and death toll, as to make any claims to these assets immoral in nature and ethically impossible to honour ...

The only challenge to this New World Of Prosperity is ensuring that enough goods are produced to supply an affluent World’s consumer spending desires ... This is a perfect challenge to have ...





The Financial Markets Are Betting Rings

So in a time when school catering budgets are being reduced by middlemen companies taking large amounts of money from a money siphoning government and not spending it on food but on otHer activities, Our Children do not get fed large helpings anymore. 

And due to the ideological manoeuvrings of an uncaring money siphoning government, Families are eitHer being impoverished by food spending (Jenny can’t go to ballet) or kids aren’t getting a decent meal at home. Supermarkets want their investors to make more and more profits each year, and the investors want this too, so prices go up but not down and kids do not eat as well as they did 30 years ago. When I was at school tHere was a wide selection of as much food as I could eat. Now a limited selection of small pre-served portions is the norm. So in theory Children were getting taller but will we see this halt or even reverse? It’s too late for the conservative party malnourished children generation ... but at least we now have Keir Starmer in Downing Street so things will be ok for some children ... 

But will the legacy of yoyo politics in this country create peaks and troughs for health and height statistics ... hypothetically would the stress of having an uncaring government that actually does feed children in schools still cause peaks and troughs in health and height statistics for children ...

Does widespread bullying that is not legislated against cause children to be put off their dinner?

I suppose as long as Everyone sees their profits grow percentage-wise year on year nobody really cares. And we do nothing to stop this ... We now have a Labour government so things will improve ... but there are serious issues across English speaking countries and the rest of the Planette as regards the lack of care towards children of All Species and their diets and wellbeing and schooling opportunities ... 

The rich people of this world are after more money. And when no money is being printed --and of course they continue to fight over what is available that is standard-- they look around at all otHer sources of cash. And the main source available is properties and Peoples paid mortgage lump sums. They want Your house. They are after that large cash asset. And they will think of any way possible to try and get hold of more cash ...

And this ethos is the norm amongst the financial markets. We have to do away with all the foreign exchange and commodities markets. They all must be abolished. Individual greed is the only reason to keep them; with these very markets being a smokescreen designed to keep us poor. Shares in companies could potentially be kept but only as actual real shares holdings over long time frames, and no betting against prices. Do away with these markets and the world will suddenly have a lot of cash. And if we print money for the right reasons and do away with the inHerent wastage from the yoyo effect of politics, the world will be transformed. 

Seeking to remove wastage of yoyo politics that takes the form of cancellation and shifting of existing models ... which wastes money, time and effort of People employed in such projections and of politicians themselves that “historically” have busied themselves with aggressive ideology-biased fighting – politically, ideologically ... focusing not on progression enough but more on removing previous progressions due to divided, perpetuated extremist views: remove The Divide (Party Politics) Remove The “Emotional” Wastage That Tears Nations And The World Apart ... 

With the removal of party politics. The essentialities of existence we all can agree on ... we have to ... we have to accept that everyone has a right to all essential support basics of life and Wellbeing ...

We build we supply fundamentals with compassion which means abundance and non-profit, then we complexify the approach and halt any suggestions that are not Compassionately thought out. The educating of people whom do not understand compassionised approaches and their essential inclusion within all interaction and emotia-communicational social arrangements pertaining to communitised organisations of SuperSpecielle thoughts resources ... these people need support and Love and Infinite efforts towards helping them to understand ... but these arrangements can’t be allowed to slow the desperately required Socia-Emotional Improvements our Entire Planette and Her Entire SuperSpecielle Population need to Flourish ...

We have allowed people within politics and the full Population whom do not understand Compassion to not only slow progress, but to constantly reverse Compassionate progress to the point of wholesale murder enacted across our entire Planette ...

The approaches needed to create affluence for Everyone, to achieve the goals derived from widespread prosperity, to those who think they understand finances, may seem impossible. But people whom think they do understand Global Finances do not understand the ethics that are essential requirements of a successful and prosperous world ... they more often than not selfishly assert that such a world is not wanted or not possible ... Global finances are a mechanism of disimagination and maldesign created by selfish people to maintain monopoly and resource domination ... in their misunderstanding they do not realise That The Biggest And Most Important Resource In Ethically Formulated Global Resource Interexchange Are The People Of This World Whom Are Born As Babies And Love And Cuddle And Cherish The Joys Of A Comfy Yummy Existence ...

The people whom think they understand finances and how to achieve very very affluent resource access for all people including themselves, do not understand that Essential Ethics creates an approach that when extrapolated compassionately outwards to All-Inclusivity, will ensure all children and adults of all species have access to all the resources they require, and all the comforts they can dream of, and wondermental opportunities of delicious delight supercommunicational Yumminess ... freed up from the enforced slavery that the macro global financial system, supported by a murderous masculine geopolitics, presently metes out upon all peoples without relent, without mercy, and without remorse ...

To those whom think they understand finances but do not adopt compassionate logic within every cognitive explorational of SuperSpecielle resource allocational interexchange, affluence for all may seem impossible, but the needed changes I have described in the last Femisode when adopted into all Global Togetherness LoveyCouplyStructurey Cuddlynessy KissySissyBlissy Feminessy FemiSissy ... Will Transform Our Worldlove Perceptions And Planette Earth Mothery Comceptions ...

We have to EmCuddle these measures as a matter of Global-National-Crisis. We have no choice. The lives being lost daily if we take no action would mean we are complicit in global genocide. We are complicit if we do not choose to act now via People’s referendum through online petition ...

We need Women making decisions in the world. Real Life Caring Decisions To Safeguard And Nurture All Peoples. Girls Want Cuddly Woos For All Bubbas Of All Species ... We must release Ourselves from the oppression of the disgustingly unilaterally installed man filter that murders via political decision, indecision and indifference. We as Caring Men know that we can trust Women. They must have equal representation NOW. And men in politics must stop being scared and holding onto a broken and murdering political system. 

At the moment Women in politics are forced to defeminise to fit into the bully-boy club. Across all nations men heckle each otHer and Ladies, as if gentlemanly conduct didn’t exist. They wouldn’t get away with that behaviour at home but do think it appropriate in parliament ... That’s traditional. That’s the way it always been done. Wrong. Serious men and Women want results not fun and games whilst discussing policies that People commit suicide over once they are put through parliament. Women do not want to be sucked into this world and changed into mini-mes for powerful men in politics to toy with.

Women are having to run all their ideas through a masculine filter before they even dare raise them in a room full of men. Since when did Women make Compassionate decisions based on the uncaring, scornful, disgusting-joke-seeking opinions of men. Since the dawn of time perhaps. 

When Women have an equal, equal say in Polytics across the world, free from the pre-installed demands of a male-owned show. When Women get what they actually want to happen in this world instead of being forced to run it through the “what will he think” “what will he do to stop me” filter. When Women don’t have to fight anymore because why should they have to? Then maybe Women will be able to consider perhaps liking men again ... maybe. Trust me. At present they do not. Ask if You dare.


So on financial markets You are permitted to buy and sell things which aren’t real, as in make imaginary purchases. You are allowed to use pretend money, as in open up an account and use Your actual money and leverage it; which means You can make far larger bets, so if You had a thousand pounds You can increase its value and leverage it to a million with large leverage. So basically the position You could take on any market, as in the amount of product You could buy in £ value (so many barrels of oil dependant on the present price) would not be a thousand pounds worth but a million pounds worth. This of course would magnify significantly Your losses if the price goes down, but if the price goes up it magnifies Your winnings. Over a day period if the price rises, after You have paid buying and selling fees You could win a lot of money (far, far more than Your actual stake) or potentially lose a lot of money if You do not use stop losses. Stop losses are basically automated computer selling orders that tell the broker You are using to sell at a certain price. This functions to protect You from owing the broker lots of money. A lot of brokers will cancel a position for You even in a losing position if the price changes too far in their opinion ... More on stop losses later.

Anyway, so You are buying imaginary products not real ... You are pretending that You are buying gold for instance. You are not actually buying gold but Your broker is allowing You to bet against the price of gold. It is all basically organised gambling on a global scale. Gambling with the World’s prosperity and Your Childrens’ futures. Gambling which the financial systems allow. The problem is when You do that, and You bet on the price of a commodity such as oil or cotton or anything like that (an important materielle resource product) the issue is that all of this imaginary betting that goes on is actually linked in to the real price of these commodities.

Now, tHere are People in the world who buy and sell cotton. They buy it in large amounts. But they buy it for reasons of manufacturing. Real reasons. They could potentially buy a large amount of cotton, hold onto it, and sell it off again to try and affect the market price. I am not saying this does not happen or hasn’t happened. In fact historically and to this day this morally corrupt practice goes on on markets across the world unless men thinking the right way prevent it. And they will if they can to protect prices. But in modern times they have been disappeared ... this should not be a battle. This is definitely not the way to comduct resource management. People or companies etc. should never be permitted to buy anything they are not going to utilise themselves because this has catastrophic effects in the world. The artificial increases in prices this causes have dire consequences. The price of a product should be the price of a product. Its actual acquisition cost plus delivery to its intended Womanufacturing destination.

So the issue with all this imaginary buying and selling of commodities that goes on is that they link the prices on the imaginary betting markets to the real markets and prices. In effect You might think you are actually buying and selling on the real markets but You are not. We ARE going to be doing away with the markets because of genocide-levels of life-saving necessity so this becomes a moot point, but brokers’ trading contracts that they present to people are always written in such a way as to ensure you understand that the broker can basically not honour anything as according to their whim ... stop losses should have always been guaranteed and regulated with legislation ... why weren’t they? 

To ensure people have as much financial protection as possible when trading, they should have been asked to take and pass a one evening training course that would teach them basics like all the trading you are doing is not buying and selling actual products but just betting against prices with the broker’s platform serving the broker as a casino-type income which the broker has complete control over to the point of not even having to honour winnings. A legally backed standard Trading contract is only good if people understand what it entails ... and when people are asked to read contracts for each trading platform there can be differences and pressure on people that is unacceptable in reading lots of legal language ...

Considering this so called trading that isn’t trading and can’t legally be called trading leaves a lot of people thinking they are trading, doesn’t have legislation in place that ensures all people whom might end up on a trading platform are fully cognisant of the fact they are betting very dangerously with their financial security ... the need for protections should have been such as to protect the vulnerable party ... namely the so-called trader and not the so-called broker ... because they can end up owing vast sums of leveraged money because their broker decides that that should happen ... So-called brokers that have run betting platforms should not be allowed to call themselves brokers ... and they should have all adhered to a standard contract that couldn’t have its legal protections reduced in anyway ... with legal protections being sufficient and set in stone ... legal protections like guaranteed stop losses ...

Going back to the precise linking of these betting platforms and their price fluctuations to the actual prices of real world resource products ... Linking these togetHer is very very harmful ... but even if these imaginary buying and selling activities were not even directly numerically linked to the real markets and prices, tHere would still be a crossover in market prices effects due to Peoples’ expectation that tHere will be as they are the same products/commodities ... and it is the buying and selling itself that men use to modulate the prices... when lots of people buy prices go up, and when lots of people sell prices go down ... this is the disgusting theory of supply and demand men use as an abusive weapon of money siphoning ... as it destroys the whole world’s economy and forces the masses to remain poor whilst traders steal vast sums out of the pockets of everyone including governments ... 

So the expectations of prices speculations that people have, would work in both directions from imaginary betting to real buying and selling, and from real buying and selling to imaginary betting, because People are speculating over the same prices, and the People following Herd mentality theory suspect that OtHers have an inkling of what might be occurring, or just very simply People all jump off a sinking ship ... or drowning People will all want to climb onto a makeshift raft. The markets are ruthlessly opportunistic of Our most basest of fears ...

So the markets use the imaginary betting that goes on to effect the actual price of things. So for instance oil in the world: take something like crude oil. THere are over 160 different types of crude oil that are traded. And more or less an infinite possible ways in which You may bet on its price ... They do this not for any real world advantage. It is done this way simply for the sake of it. For the sake of making things seemingly complicated to facilitate as much money losses as possible from novices to the markets and even professionals. To allow as much betting as possible that makes prices go up and people lose as much money as possible ...

The massive knock on problems with this is that by linking these imaginary markets to actual market prices, and by having this ridiculously designed global market system that just creates every price concept possible just for the sake of trading, is that it increases the actual price of all these actual resource products significantly. And this effect spreads out across all the markets like a theft going on under a blanket. 

This massive increase to prices of real world products has disastrous knock on effects ... If You have a large company going to actually physically buy a resource product like any of the ones I have mentioned or anything You can think of ... that company will have to pay more for that resource product than they would do because the price has been pre-inflated by market buying and selling betting actions. Firstly that product they are wanting to actually buy might go through the hands of middlemen wanting to make a profit, or the company might buy direct from Someone who now has a falsely supported market price assumption impression that they should charge more. They should not charge more. The price should be regulated and fixed to protect that company’s ability to buy at the right price. In this world run by men, no such Protections exist, in fact the markets design themselves to ensure this money bleeding happens ... and will bully governments who owe them money using credit ratings and other means to maintain this status mortis without mercy. 

So all companies have to pay more for their resource products because the imaginary markets are linked into the actual prices of that product ... with any and all products any company may wish to buy worldwide all being price hike affected by market based betting that is basically theft from every household budget across Planette Earth Mother ... men also bet on prices by actually purchasing large amounts of products like oil that they have no intention of utilising in an acceptable production capacity, but they just want to make money on a price increase ...

All of this causes a murderous problem because it makes what You pay for a product that is made from these resource products more expensive. Significantly more expensive. Massively more expensive because instead of all industry that should be non-profit having access to cheap resource products, everything is inflated in price ... because vast profits have already been made off the back of these resource product buying-and-selling-betting-style money siphoning schemes ... schemes designed to bleed as much out as possible without the victim dying ... except the world’s economy is made to regularly have to have its heart restarted, and the cells in the brain that do die from this trauma are millions of struggling and uncared for people worldwide ... and so the final prices we pay are inflated before products are even Womanufactured, then companies charge too much for these products as in more than x2, and then shops can massively mark up these base prices also ... and then children starve, other species are neglected and die ... and the whole world continues to be a place of murder and poverty and prostitution rape and suffering ... just how men like it to be ...

But then again Women are used to this phenomenon. Overpricing of Feminine products by ruthless men. This helps to keep Women poorer. New and good products eitHer out of reach or financially debilitating. And men will psychologically attack Women from all angles using otHer Women to get them to buy into this inflated price world via popular media. This has to stop. All products have to be price fixed to stop designers and money men taking advantage of already impoverished under paid Women. Men in the world have an expensive time of it but just put up and shut up. And somehow men have also managed to convince Women that supply and demand murderous market economic theory justifies x1000s profit margins on simple products like moisturiser are actually not only fair but are desirable just for the sake of paying more. More expensive means You are better. No ... more expensive means You are being ripped off more, and that rich Women lose millions of dollars to men everyday and the Women are actually enjoying it ... But are they actually enjoying this men or do You just skew Your tv and movie presentations to propaganda-ise I mean promote this mindset?

In as much as this is a Feminine essay on this man-ruined world, it is also a Feminine assay --despite the fact I am in actual fact a man, sorry girls-- it is also a Feminine assay of this reality that men provide us with; and at the moment it is not fulfilling its obligations towards Femininity, Girls, Women or any Females of any Species ...

So You’ve People buying and selling imaginary things, which artificially increase the price of things like oil, then from that oil they make all sorts of products like many of the base chemical-type resource products used in makeup and moisturisers etc. because a lot of the products we buy are made from oil-based-resources. These CAN all be made from plant based sources too but obviously men like to put dead bodies in everything they can ...

So of course an artificial increase in the price of oil makes all products made using oil based resources go up in price. Basically everything You buy is far too expensive to produce in the first place before they even leave the factory, before they even get to the factory ... let alone middlemen wholesalers and retail outlets that hoick up the prices willy nilly ... literally. The markup on a pot of moisturiser for instance could run into multiple 1000 times ...

And this means that every single thing You ever buy is massively and criminally overpriced, because every single resource product utilised in production is massively overpriced ...

And of course it is not possible to call crude oil-based products vegan because crude oil is the remains of Loved Ones Of Past Ages ...

The amounts being bled out by the immoral practise of People buying and selling these imaginary products, and the actual immoral buying and selling of actual products, is astronomical. And if this wasn’t going on the shops would be free to hoick up tHere prices anyway in a world of no regulation. Under Labour during the Blair-Brown era, prices in supermarkets were getting regulated ... Not anymore.

Prices of food were linked to actual acquisition cost with legislation to ensure supermarkets were not inflating prices with unreasonable profit margins ... and the prices that farmers and suppliers were afforded was part of a suite of protectionist thinking and lawmaking to ensure supermarkets were not abusing their market share buying powers over small suppliers and prices were set at levels to protect small companies from the bullying of large supermarket chains ... 

The whole buying in bulk philosophy and legacy that we see permeating every economic decision that is made on this Planette Of Forced Impoverishment, is simply a result of bullying by big spenders philosophy that has taken over through murderous enforcement of rich men seeking to get richer ... rich men who dominate politics and finances worldwide ... and they will not be removed unless we remove them ... and we can remove, by voting to have the markets closed will remove their murderous powerbase ...

This protectionist thinking of Labour’s government towards supermarkets prices, is pretty much a proto-microcosm of what now needs to happen with the whole world economy ... and all the product pricing that happens therein ... every single product of SuperSpecielle creation has to be freed from the murderous greed of man ... All prices must be a true reflection of their acquisitions costings ... a reflection of cheap resource products and fairly calculated wholesale and retail prices ...

Regulation is needed across the board, and a completely new global financial system has to happen if we are ever going to be financially secure and without stress ... stress of constant pressure from war, disease, financial torture, suffering and death ... And We Can Achieve This Together Girls, If We Just Club Together And Run This Through Our Feminine Collectives And Organisations And Then Use Our Power Of Petition To Self Referendum Our Way To Parliamentary Change. We actually need a new form of government itself. A new Polytical approach formulated by Women out of respect for the fact they deserve the right to. In the United Queendom we are lucky. All we need to do is get Our Monarch to sign this off. We do not even need the support of parliament. parliament in the UQ doesn’t actually have any power except through executive permission of the Sovereign. parliament can be dissolved for any reason by Our Monarch without questions. The Monarch has not used this unilateral power in recent times but it still exists. And the Monarch can certainly justify using such an legal order under the present national security and citizen Protection measures necessities we are seeing at present. People are suffering and dying because of the actions of the financial markets and their complete disregard for national and global safety ... and our political system in this country wastes billions of pounds worth of money and causes people to suffer in the yoyo effect of party politics. Polytics has to be about compassion and looking after everyone, not about constant fighting and wastage of money ...

We have to stop accepting the present status mortis ...

In The Same Way The Female Citizens Of The United Queendom Are Needed To Petition The Present Government, So As To Demand Abolition Of The Financial Markets And A New Compassionate Only Approach To Polytics, Which I Wish To Discuss In Subsequent Femisodes, Throughout The World We Need To Get All Women To Also Run Petitions Of The Same Kind And Assert Their Rights To Change Also ... 

If ALL WOMEN in the world collectively demand change then governments will have to listen ... and Presidents and Monarchs would feel empowered to act ... they are already empowered in this way, and if they truly engaged with the realities that the world is facing they could already unilaterally take national security and population protective actions against the global markets and compulsory purchase ALL financial markets ... though of course ‘compulsory purchasing’ seems a very inappropriate term to refer to the “SEIZING” of all the markets that have had such a murderous effect on every nations’ citizens worldwide for generations ...

No moneys can be paid for any financial holdings that would be under the remit of such Life-Protecting Seizures of the World’s Ethical Birthright Assets ... 

All markets and financial institutions would have all their assets frozen because of the danger to National and Global Security and ALL the Monarchs and Presidents and Prime Ministers would be perfectly within their Rights and Powers to do so ...

We have to adopt an Essential Ethically supported notion that no money can be paid for the financial markets ... and we have to understand that doing this: seizing all the assets of the financial markets and institutions, and formulating a new form of Compassionate Polytics ... it is NOT a choice ... it is a matter of Life and Death


So with the removal of abilities to buy and sell resource products on markets, and the fixing of their prices at acquisition cost covering levels, EVERYTHING in the world becomes correctly priced and cheap ...

With the removal of people’s ability to bet against product prices with so-called brokers, which massively artificially increases said prices, EVERYTHING in the world becomes correctly priced and cheap ... (incidentally ... terminologically ... brokers are supposed to actually arrange sales of actual items, not be betting agents ...)

With the restriction of profits in certain areas to x2 and to non-profit in ethically considered areas, EVERYTHING in the world becomes correctly priced and cheap ...


In A World Without Prejudice Parents Can No Longer Expect Or Insist Or Even Suggest That Their Daughters Or Sons Should Be Hetero Sexual ... Either Through Direct Direction And Insistence, Or More Passive Forms Of Contextualisation, Or Subconscious Social Reinforcement ...

Just As Great As Women And Children Wearing False Beards For Fun Or Forever Is, Also We Have To Support Any Child In Wearing Anything They Want. So Considering It Is Completely Acceptable For Men To Wear Dresses, It Is Also Completely Acceptable For Young Boys To Be Excited About Wearing Dresses ... And Of Course It Is A Parent’s Pleasure To Joyously Encourage Their Sons To Do This If They Show Wishynesses Interests ... And In The Same Way We Encourage Without Any Negative Framing The Abilities Of Our Children To Make Their Own Decisions As Regards Their Loving Interests ... We Can Lovingly Support The True Understanding That When You Grow Up You’ll Marry A NonBinary Person A Hermaphroditic Person A Gender Fluid Person Or A TransGender Girl Or A TransGender Boy Or A Girl Or A Boy ... We Have To Be Fully Commititive In Influence So Our Children Can Decide For Themselves ... 





Specielle Comceptions Are Eternally Gorgeous

In The Same Way We Teach Our Children That All Music They Make Is Beautiful ... Whether Random Or Comceived ... And That All Their Musical Comceptions Are Eternally Gorgeous Just Like They Are ...

So Too We Must Teach Them That Everything We Busy Ourselves With Must Be Feminine In Nature And Gorgeous In Tone ...  And That All Resource Allocation Must Be Compassionate In Nature And Loving In Approach ...

Unethical lyrics cannot be considered as Music ... unLoving lyrics have to be banned ... If any Artistic Expression in any medium associates with UnEthical content, it cannot be considered as Art ... these theories of socially destructive thoughts and behaviours cannot be considered comtent ...

All unpleasantness must be excluded from our Creativity ... 

Emotionally challenging content can never be considered as Creative ...

It is difficult to accept for some, but we must stop sharing our stories of torture, as this suffering that we have ourselves experienced will perpetuate suffering itself and spread this suffering to others whom may come into contact with our stories ... when all non-only-positive novels are recategorised as OurStorical texts and they are sent to offworld libraries under the remit of New Book Access Laws ... when a new only Loving In Approach is adopted across all mediums of SuperSpecielle Art ... Once we recognise that we can’t keep processing the problems in Our Society through disgusting explorations of the problems within the human condition and the past stories of rape, murder and suffering that has been the nightmare enacted by ourselves upon ourselves ... as it just perpetuates an ongoing and difficult to stop self-torture ... and we realise such negativising can not to be shared ... then we will see True Happiness For All Peoples Whom Will Then Be Feminine Flowering Outwards CuddleChildren In Pure Love Beauteousness ... 

man takes peoples suffering and revels in it monetarily and emotionally and sexually ... man is a disgusting disgrace and he will be stopped and he will be abandoned in theory of concept and actuality ... masculinity and all it stands for is a defunct disgrace of rape and torture and violence ... war is not a cinema experience ... death and horror is not for shits and giggles ... man will abandon himself or he will be abandoned by all Women Forever!

All future defence mechanisms allowances and allocations will be under Feminine review and veto ... this is non-negotiable ... and all terminological requirements will be excluded from the creativity lexicon ... we have to have separation ... of terminology and acclaim and all other modes of profit ... military considerations can no longer be used as emotional crutches ... as emotional addictivenesses ... 

Our defence mechanisms must be Loving and Compassionate in Nature ... we always wish to cuddle ... not destroy ... to include with Love not harm ... 

Financially arranged theft is thought of as clever on the markets ... and creative ... but stealing the world’s financial birthright can never be referred to as creative ...

men have lied and cheated and siphoned and watched children starve and die and they have had no mercy and no remorse ... but we will make them stop ...

The inflated prices indoctrination regime of modern man has happened across all commodities. The market prebuying and preselling and imaginary buying, as in betting for and against prices of, causes massive inflation of all resource product prices across all sectors of human-based economic systems ... and this affects prices of fabrics for clothes and upholstery etc. in the form of natural and synthetic fibres price hikes that have catastrophic effects upon many people in this world and their access to fairly priced goods ... obviously wool can no longer be utilised as it belongs to sheep people not thieving humans ... cotton is one of the most utilised of the natural or synthetic fibres, so anything that affects the price of cotton has majorly detrimental ramifications for the clothing of peoples ... 

So, when we go to buy clothes, before resources they are made from like cotton ever get to Womanufactories or wholesale materielle/fabric sellers or even to sweat shops, the prices are already inflated. So then Our country’s clothing industry buys any and all goods as cheaply as they can and we end up paying the price we pay in shops. A price that could be significantly less on many “overinflated in this country” prices, but also tHere could be a larger margin in reasonably priced clothes for sweatshops/clothes Womanufacturers if the men at the bottom didn’t siphon out loads of cash before the fact ...

Victims are forced to work for terribly low pay in horrendous conditions all because the markets are fixed and ruthless pressgangs force modern slavery to keep turning ...

We want people whom actually work to make money ... not men whom think they are entitled to money for nothing ...

Sweat shops could reinvent themselves with Women at the helm, instead of uncaring men positioned by an uncaring systems demands, and pay their workers more if everything wasn’t being squeezed ... And Women Could Then Be Creative Love-Producers In A New Perfect Girlyness Centric Womens’ Clothes Cuddliness ... The Only Way To Achieve This Lovely Bright Future For All Women Whom Would Love To Be Involved In  A Cuddly New Clothes Industry, Is Enforced Global Regulation ... men Must Be Pushed Out Of The Way With New Protectionist Legislation ...

men cannot be allowed to continue the subjugation of Girls, Women and All Femininity ...

I know that this very concern is very worried about by Women and Feminine Consumers and Feminine Consumerism as a whole in this country. And obviously the whole system if overhauled and regulated Compassionately would mean that clothes could have been produced by Happy workers earning good money, but of course these days I would imagine the majority of clothing industry slaves would prefer to fully automate Womanufactories Here and abroad ... Why hasn’t the whole industry been fully automated ... in some places they still use manual looms which were outdated in the 19th century ... and the enslaved operators of said equipment would prefer an Equalised Economy World And Generous Universal Income Arrangements ... In A Price Parity World Across All Borders ... Which Is What We Are Aiming For. As in Everyone in the world receiving a 50,000 pounds a year Universelle Income, and the prices of goods being comparable and very low across borders ... and this would mean that People in this country who Wish to produce fabrics and clothes from scratch would find they could do so very easily and competitively and supportedly; supported by A New Global Financial System. It would be a pleasure for pleasure, and a way to make a nice guilt-free living. We need guilt-free consumerism for Womanufacturers and Femsellers and Fembuyers through abolition of all financial markets and their enforced so-called-tenets of supply and demand ... this is Our only route to achieving that so let’s make it happen. Let’s force the financial markets to close ... And Change The World To A New And Caring CuddleWorld.

And With A Fully Automated Clothes Industry We Acquire The Pleasure For Any People Of All Genders Whom Wish To Design And Create Clothes Lovlinesses To Do So Within Womenufactories That Would Be Legislated To Have Traditional Clothes Making Spaces Covering All Methods From Hand Stitching To Womanual Looms And Sewing Machines That Would Be Safe Loving Spaces For Clothes Wonderment Cuddle-Times.

One more thing on this before I continue. I think we need to think long and hard about wholesalers and their continued existence. Some wholesale clothes shops are walk in but supply lots of otHer shops also. If these wholesalers are prepared to sell at retail to off the street customers also, it is always appreciated. If one can buy say 10 different dresses in bulk from one of these wholesale shops for instance, this can make Girls and Boys very Happy.  People like this sort of thing. But sometimes tHere are so many hands between that take a cut out of the pie that You can’t win. Lots of Lovely little shops are forced to overprice or fold. I think we need to restrict the clothes industry and otHer industries to less middlemen money takers. One wholesaler between factory and retailer would be a good idea. 

And with Full databasing of cash you can track these transactions and ensure these extra middlemen transactions do not occur: further enforced by fully cameraed buildings, fully cameraed roads and fully cameraed vehicles. 

THere is also the concern of fabric selling wholesalers. So for instance a streamlined chain of supply could be: source fabric factory-fabric printing factory- clothes factory-clothes wholesaler-clothes retailer. We don’t need a load of people inbetween, taking extra money out the system. Fabric wholesalers can exist between fabric printing factories and clothes factories. I would suggest maybe doing away with this and only allow fabric wholesalers to sell to retail fabric sellers or general public or to even become fabric retailers themselves ... All clothes Womanufacturers (factories and smaller clothes makers) could buy directly from fabric printing factories or source fabric factories who would be supported in doing this by a new system ... a fully legislated system. We like the idea of being able to go to really safe factories even ... and buying stuff cheaper ... and for this to be facilitated by the system and for this to actually be a completely financially supported Joy for those Womanufactories to provide ... the history of family impoverishment has been so severe and disgusting, and the forced enslavement of workers so deadly, as to qualify the whole clothing industry to be massively overhauled ... or even legally forced to become non-profit on ethical grounds ...

We can no longer allow a nationalist racist class system to force the World’s Lovely Girls to slave away for a pittance at our murderous convenience ... what makes us think we are better in class ...


An open door policy within any private business is a Wonderful new approach of openness and togetherness that I think All Women will wish to insist on within All areas of science and technology and private business. This will include any SuperSpecielle Activities like Universities and any surviving industry-type Womanufactories ... All production Womanufactories within a new Fully Feminised Production Industry will be open for Everyone to engage with and learn about Womanufacturing in situ ... 

Even though all such functions will have been automated to free People from an unpleasant past of effective slavery that makes them unhappy, People will still want to be able to Fulfil Yummy Roles within creative and production-based areas as per their own Wishes not via social monetary suicidally enforced pressurising. 

And People Will Be Able To Walk Off Of The Street And Access Production Spaces As Part Of A New Global Bill Of Rights That Will Emcuddle Everyone’s Feelings For Interest And Exploration And Experimentation ... With Only Limited Abilities To Have Secret Projects Based Upon Surprise Quotient Considerations ... We Must Always Consider A Child’s Right To Learning And Loving Access To Yummy Information As The Most Fundamentally Important Aspect To The Societal Cuddling Yummyness We Provide And Eternally Foster With All Our Hearts ... And Yummyness Womenufacturing Will Be A CuddleJoy Of The Feminine World Post Full Feminisation Of Reality ...

Exciting and Compassionate only University Projects have to be open-information and mirrored across the globe if appropriate with Surprise Quotient Yummyness being a public release timing decision and not permanent secrets ... Cuddled within a Lovin’ Algorhythm of sharing decisioning that can be numerical or Emotional Feministical in Styling ...

Men Do Realise That Feministical Excitable Delightable Cuddlistical Feminine Deliciousnessnessnesses Are Fully Contingent Upon The Surety Of Bivine Yummptiousness Being Included Within Every Single Project And Decision That We Ever Togethercuddle Ever ...

Girls Want Loveystuff And They Want It Everywhere ...


With a new open door policy between All Nations on Planette Earth Mother including all governmental projects, because Femininity demands cooperation between All Nations And Peoples, we will see an end to nationalistic/racial rivalries ... nationalism is always racism in severity regardless of ethnic background ...

Sport can Never be called nationalistic ... new terms are needed as cross-utilisation of terminology can no longer be acceptable across the Bivision boundary between nice and horrid ...


If one looks at all governmental projects in the western world, wherever that is, proportional representation across All governmental projects for people of different ethnicities and their earnings is a minimum standard that sexist racist northern European men do not care for ... and how do people of different genders fare in this biased selection process ... I personally think that we should select ethically minded people only and have over and above proportional representation for previously sidelined and intentionally marginalised peoples ...

Every single project we emcuddle from now on has to not only provide proportional representation going forwards, but has also got to be formulated and populated with the imtention of proving to all those whom are of different ethnicities and sensualities and genders and whatevers that we not only Love them very much, but that we would like to see their imflowences beautificationalising all SuperSpecielle Creativity In Perpetuity Over And Above Proportionalising Representationalising Calculations So For To Blissfill Our Future In Ways Our Ancestors Deserved But Never Were Permitted By Sexist, Racist and Genderist and Homophobic and against everything non-hetero-masculine violent men ... 

Through the ages there has been an Artificial skewing of reality against the idea that people are Biverse In Nature In A Multisinging Approach Of Joyous Expressionism ... An Inherently Inclusive Yummycuddle that has been historically intentionally neutered ... A Yummycuddle That When Free To Be As One Wishes, All Wishes Of All Peoples Can Be Incarnationalised In Dreamlike States Of Reality Fulfilment ...

Anybody different from violent heterosexual normative has been denied an OurStory, and we will never know how this could have positively flavoured Our Culture ... A massive loss has been taken culturally, and man will continue to deny any culture that is different to be unmodulated by his monetary blackmailing and prejudicial blacklisting ... homosensuality and bisensuality is given space only at heterosexual mans behest, control, manipulation and ridicule ... with Lovely People offered up as sacrifice for the modern hetero ridicule meat grinder of rape torture disgustingness ...

People of all different sensualities and sexualities and gender identities want the Ourstory they would have had throughout thousands of years of non-prejudicial civilisation back ... and they have the right to emotionally sue for anything their hearts desire within this reparational process ...

They Want Nice-Only Comtent Of Togetherness CuddleTimes In Forever Joy ...

Not barbaric social ambushing and mind modulated demonising that presents all peoples as the way tv men think of themselves and the world ... namely a shark-tank dog eat dog, bullying sarcastic, ridiculing bravado filled rapist disgustingness of filth trope horror promotion and body part flying gore violence ... men whom are sheltered within the moving pictures industries are so out of touch and so violently monetarily monopolising in their filth promotion as excuse as serious comtent that they delude themselves into thinking that people want to continue to watch this bully-boy shit ... 

Strictly Come Dancing is a disgusting example of bullying tv execs filling their boots on intentional ridicule and belittlement with disgusting scoring schemes that see elitism promoted and culling of people from the show as the norm ... how can a show justify the stress they seek to promote in the very formulaic approach to hurting peoples’ feelings and getting rid of them ... this is not the culture we want for the future ... we want it gone NOW ...

All Dances Are Beautiful ... All Dancey Movements Perfectional ...

If it is gesturally disgusting it cannot be called Culture ... cannot be called Dance ...

We have to remove the violent heterosexual normative demands of masculine dominating culture that is unrelenting and merciless in its combative self promotion of aggressive masculine-psychology across all human projects whether publicly or privately resourced worldwide ...

Since the beginning of time man has shown his murderous and violent prejudice against any and all Peoples he deems to be targets for his fun, ridicule, bullying and killing ... 

If he had not done so, the World would have been full of Biverse and Yummyficational LoveyCreativity Cuddle Joys, and we would not now be needed to rise up against his murderous nature to Demand Equality And Inclusive Justice For Cultural Imfluence From Marginalised Lovey Peoples...

To Prove To Women That Man Is Ready To Comtribute To Setting The Correct And Loving Tone Towards Space Faring and Child Bearing ... men Love to pretend to care and say nice things like we’re pregnant, but then turn a blind eye to the intentional removal and control of Feminine Global EmFlowences ... To Prove To Women That man Is Now Worthy Of Being Thought Of As An Equal In Women’s Eyes ... man Must Completely Change His Whole Entire Mindset ...

Setting The Tone For Space. Man Earning His Right To The Stars ...

And all governmental projects for development of any tech, space, infrastructure, defence etc. All Have To Be Prime Examples Of New Caring Man’s At All Times Compassionately Logicalised Abilities To Step To One Side Whilst Women Create Loving ExtraPolations Of Femininity Gorgeousnessnessnesses For All Explorational And Artistical And Technological CuddlyWoosWoos ... 

If Women were not constantly oppressed by seriousness expectations and monetary limitations because they are Femelle, then the world would already be bedecked with cushioney park benches and Ribbonsey, Buildingsey, Deliciousey Architecture ... and Never-Picked Flowery Roof Spaces Everywhere Designed By Seeds Sprinkly Toddler Bubba Collectives Of All Species Baby BooBoos ...


So I wanted to talk more about financial markets to give You more of an impression of what goes on .. I mentioned stop losses as Protection from losing on the markets. Stop losses are basically automated computer selling orders that tell the broker You are utilising to sell at a certain price. This functions to protect You from owing the broker lots of money if things go wrong. But a lot of brokers will cancel a position for You even in a losing position if the price changes too far in their opinion, if they think they can get away with it legally. A broker will always chase down Your losses and even take Your house if they want to, which they do. But stop losses that legally should have been honoured or would have been honoured normally but for smallprint unexpected in inverted commas market unexpectedly unexpected circumstances ... put it this way even accidental in inverted commas stop loss malfunctions can mean that Your broker really doesn’t feel like giving You Your money but actually fancies coming after You for more if they feel like it ... And no legal right to legal aid exists ... Despite the fact someone in the Private Law industry would be happy to charge You vast fees to look at getting Justice for You ... it is a losing battle if they just use a contract to say that it wasn’t their fault but a technical fault and the money is owed and it is Your responsibility not tHeirs as You took on the risk as per Your contractual agreement that ultimately protects the broker and not the victim ... that’s regulations for You... or lack of ...

So stop losses can be trustworthy or not dependant on the market and the broker and certain market conditions and how they are feeling that day. But Everyone uses them because they have no choice. It is Your position in the markets hierarchy that will afford You actual honoured Protection though tHere is not much honour in this or the markets as a whole. Basically a lot of People lose money because stop losses are not honoured all the time because Everyone else is trying to make money too. If a market closes for the night tHere are also early market sessions wHere a price can go against You and certain brokers will not actionise stop losses during these sessions unless You are mega rich. Money talks. Also the financial world insists on markets having opening and closing hours, traditionally in theory to protect investors from night-time losses, but these-days opening and closing hours are used as opportunities to skim money from less protected People. If You are on the inside of a financial institution for instance, You could be safe (although I am pretty sure this is a running joke between bullying, anxiety-mongers who work in such places, who often see the weak running to the hills or otHer countries when the jokers withdraw Protections for entertainment or dog eat dog rules of the hierarchy. You really should have fucked that prostitute You faggot). 

But a lone trader has LIMITED Protections sometimes on certain forms of trading. A lot of traders unless a position is really safe will close down trades before markets close to protect themselves, as long as their home computer has not crashed or the internet has suddenly and inexplicably failed ... Because of course it is a dog eat dog world and even Protections are not necessarily honoured if a broker in a legally backed small print type way just decides to protect their own assets over People who trade with them. Even very old very large accounts are sacrificed in this way because legal Protections do not exist or are theoretically eroded by illegal contracts at times. A lot of illegal activities go on across borders because oversight is scarce or losers will not pursue when they could. Basically if this macro financial system that we have was to continue, real regulation would be legislated and rigourously enforced. men do not want this though. And with present lack of giving a shit. This is never, ever going to happen. Which I suppose doesn’t really matter in the long term because we are going to close all the markets Ladies ... We HAVE TO ... We have no choice.

So linking imaginary markets to real ones takes money out of the system and causes these massive price increases of everything we buy which causes massive economic problems. Everything and I mean everything is done this way. This is the way the financial markets are screwing the world over. Artificially inflating prices that should definitely NOT be artificially inflated ... not if we care about People commiting suicide, and starving and struggling, and wars and everything else that’s bad in the world that is going on at the moment because tHere is no way to stop these things. No money, no power no impetus ... as it is being diverted ...

So the buying and selling of commodities just for the purposes of selling them on for profit has gone on since the advent of market trading but of course and rightly so this has at various times through history been highly frowned upon due to the massively immoral nature of interfering in prices. And obviously at times this has been outlawed ... but in modern history the People who have wanted to do this have managed to gain the upper hand financially and so too politically and they have managed to convince/force People that moral concerns are irrelevant. The buying and selling by such People was always treated as betting because the men buying and selling had no interest in the product, only in buying and selling on for more money when People get desperate; and this would cause price inflations which would be a significant driver in actual general inflation also. 

But of course every single market reaction is dictated by rules and direct interferences by the men who run the markets. The markets are not an uncontrollable abstraction but are linked to what these men want to happen, as they set the parameters. 

If a product or suite of products imaginary or real go up or down in price People will expect the prices of the same types of products to go up or down. These markets are directly linked as in price fluctuations are amalgamated, but even if they weren’t Herd mentality and speculative expectations cause these price changes to occur because People buy when prices go up and sell when they go down so the more People want to buy the more the price will rise. And of course with lots of People buying and selling driving the prices themselves, any movements in price can cause panic selling or buying or just trend followers or potential trend following. Any information is followed by others ... any potential price change sought as impetus ... any realtime data sheets on collective or private individual spending patterns perused and/or sold for personal gain ... and of course hearsay communication between people is a massive market driver ...

If Someone with vast funds sells or buys a very large amount of a product then the price can jump massively in one direction or the otHer and this can cause a lot of sudden money loss ... or gain if you are in the communication loop ... which is illegal.  So big market players can affect prices and leveraged friends can make lots money if they are informed. This is called insider trading and theoretically is illegal, but wHere tHere’s money to be made You’ll find People on the take ... And it is always easy to open up an account and accidentally lose large sums of cash to pay a back-hander or fund a drug deal ... and arrange some advice for a drug dealer to make money on your broker platform to cover the fee for the drugs purchase ...

And the law enforcement services are either oblivious or turn a blind eye ... a bit like commanding officers turning a blind eye when soldiers do not declare full inventories of seized weapons caches, so they can have weapons available for planting on victims whom they have misidentified or intentionally illegally killed ...

Regardless however of all these market dynamisms, the overarching market mechanisms of how the markets should behave, as in the basic rules of supply and demand and how prices inHerently rise and fall in line with buying and selling are just delusional machinations for the purposes of ripping People off.  Because these price rises are simply mechanisms that the market control-men dictate. The whole thing is just a complete and utter murder manifesto.

Prices should not go up and down if You desire balanced economics. 

The whole thing is a great big sham. Not to mention the whole immorality of putting prices up because something is more scarce. Taking advantage of desperate People is wHere this whole ethos comes from and it is so disgusting to the point that I really can’t understand why we allow it to be the cornerstone of Our global economic system. It is inHerited from men at the top who used to control these systems and their complete and disgusting lack of morality. Billions have died in the name of supply and demand economic theory implementation ...

So linked products affect each otHer’s prices and most certainly, imaginary betting, as in betting against the value of commodities, is permitted to affect these markets, which then causes massive completely irrelevant instabilities in market prices and the markets themselves. Unless of course You plan to bleed money out based upon these instabilities which is what the vast majority of People seek to make money from when they bet on the markets. It’s like a randomised casino which can’t be predicted because the cards are constantly being shuffled as they are dealt from one deck or a million who knows? by men who use a great big computer to count all the cards in their favour. Well put it this way. The men with big positions on the markets can burn all the decks and just give out 2s whenever they want. So financial instability is intentionally created and hoped for despite the fact it directly causes death. And a lot of the People who trade lose a lot of money because only the big man always wins like in the casino.

So a resultant phenomenon of allowing prices of products to just go all over the place for the means of raping the world and ruining all Our futures, is the market mechanism of shorting financial products and commodities etc ... as in people giving you a financial return when the value of something goes down ... like being paid by a criminal to destroy someone’s livelihood. 

Now in a sane World all the prices would be fixed to a FAIRLY worked out price that would be calculated by an algorhythm that would look at the products Ourstory and cost of acquisition etc to come to a unchangeable price for the Person who actually plans to utilise that product by which to acquire it for real and moral purposes. This would create price stability with no stress or risk. But in a world wHere prices massively inflate for no reason otHer than to rip anybody and everybody off, tHere is obviously going to be the need to drive prices down sometimes, despite the fact Someone is going to lose vast sums of cash when prices drop. In imaginary betting one can bet for a price to rise, as in if it does one will make a profit; but tHere is also the facility to short or bet against a price which means if the price goes down then the imaginary bet will allow one to make a profit from the price drop. This is also a disgusting mechanism of trading as it it simply seeks to profit from otHer Peoples destruction. And of course imaginary shorting bets affect market prices. Of course the men want them to ...

Buying and selling things that do not need to be bought or sold but just need to be utilised for their ethical function; and imaginary betting on these things to artificially inflate prices ... is completely and utterly disgusting: but the phenomenon of shorting products is just as abhorrently disgusting ... and not only allows men to make vast sums of cash when the markets collapse ... but makes them manipulate this to happen ...



The certainty that all dead body consumption on Planette Earth Mother will cease is not in question. What is a potential problem, if we do not take the correct sequence of actions, is that men will try to murder people in multitudes, calling it a cull. They will cite reasons of economy and ownership of peoples and any which reasoning they can muster to slaughter their way to convenient outcomes for themselves. Ie not having to give land to other Species or even accommodate their dietary preferences.

This can NOT be allowed to happen ...

All the Species on this Planette that are to be saved from the murderous nature of man will be respected and supported and land will be compulsorally allocated and houses will be built for them. This Is The Only Possible Feminised, Nurturing Outcome That Is Guaranteed.

man at the present seeks to drag arguments through irrelevancies that are 10 steps behind what has to happen. They do this to keep those Whom Fight For The Freedom Of All Species focusing on disputes that will ultimately bear no fruit for the Emancipation Of All Sentient Peoples.

Arguments like bovines releasing too many gases into the atmospHere. Firstly this isn’t actually true. If they enjoy a proper, Lovely and Healthy Biverse Diet, flatulence is not a concern. I know some People imagine slaughtering millions of Bovines and otHer Mammals and Avian dead body providing Species upon any possible legal banning of all Animal provided dead body sources. But to simply cull their numbers for convenience is genocide ... and will not be accepted for any consideration except to put men in prison. In fact man would seek for this to happen simply out of spite and a self delusion of power that at present drives their disgusting and murderous logic assumptions. men do not like change and do not want to stop persecuting and murdering other Species. It is in distillation, quite simply a power play, and they also enforce the same regime upon Women and Girls and Anyone whom gets in their way.

In the New World we will create they will no longer be able to enact this murder power upon all Femininity and SuperSpeciellity. All saved slave peoples will be treated to Joyousness and Love, Feminine Caring and Compassion ... A New Man Of Inclusion Will Emerge In The New Cuddlement Of Feminine Giryness That Woman Will Wrap Around The Planette. 

All Peoples Of All Species Deserve Family Life And Residential Lands. That is the only outcome to the future banning of Baby body eating ...

In the past the US was covered in gigantic Herds before Europeans arrived. They ate the grass too. It is not flatulence that is the problem to Planette Earth Mother’s atmosphere, it is man’s disregard in burning anything and everything it is possible to burn. The reason this Planette is in such serious mortal danger ... deadly danger than man ignores for the sake of traditional murder practices and limited money making ... is because man has deforested for thousands of years and now the climate is about to mal-implode ...

To say that bovine flatulence is a blameable factor in the global warming cycle we are now going through is clearly ridiculous, as vast amounts of buffalo existed across North America for thousands of Years, that also subsisted upon grass bio matter before ranch owners turned up. 

Carbon factors like CO and CO2 are by far the main antagonists that are causing problems to our atmosphere, but fossil fuel burning Americans want to somehow justify their ability to burn twice as much oil per dollar of GDP produced compared to Europe, in their typical bloodthirsty wont. The excuse that America is larger and this justifies the complete disregard for economical industry and living has NEVER been accepted by Women. 

Drive smaller cars. Economise your large industry. But then again you do not need to when your fuel is twice as cheap ... whilst the rest of the world is ripped off on fuel prices. Lucky for the continued morality of Americans, electrical cars are going to save their Planette from this disgusting, manufactured in American financial markets, chokehold. Fuel prices being a direct reflection of the usa’s financial raping of the world. Markets designed to create desperation and competition amongst all those involved, so as to erroneously justify the very need for these murderous markets to exist in their current form. No one of these Markets could seek to break away and do things kindly and compassionately, as the rest of the global markets infrastructure would financially pummel any such attempts without remorse ... 

But of course men will seek to justify a cull of bovine peoples just before bovines gain equal citizenship based upon the reasoning that they fart too much ...

man burns the fossil fuels which pollute Our atmosphere: substances that are actually composed of Dead People’s remains. The Remains Of People Whom Once Lived And Loved And Strived For Happiness.

But fear not those, of compassionate soul, once again the economic argument comes forth with the truth of it.  The most profitable/easiest and cheapest to acquire energy source is wind/solar/tidal. Oil is a profitable business, and even if it was more profitable for electrical energy production than renewables, which it isn’t, men would still want to make it so, as in make it appear to be so, due to their stranglehold over the world’s economy, as in the price of goods: 

Coal is dead bodies too ...

But of course any such arguments that men continually mal-offer are the  most disgusting of justifications ever conceived, due to the desecration of googols of dead People whose resting place is in the coal and oil.

Making complex hydrocarbons and complex hydrosilicons and other materielle, for physical cultural interfacings like building and artistic outflowences, from renewable energy powered molecular reconfiguration of substrates like soil, rocks, sand, silt, salt water, biomass, is just a matter for further development of the technologies that we need. Within these new materielle production methods, energy being the main consideration, and energy being abundant in virtual-free to acquire circumstance, due to the effective economically free nature of wind power production, due to the ability of wind turbines to pay for themselves in a tiny fraction of a year when Womenufactured for non-profit. Indeed by the time wind turbines need replacing we will be able to re-atomise them where they stand, meaning they are indefinite structures of electrical energy production.





Our Return To Innocence


People talking about their sex lives is sociosexual torture and sociosexual rape ... You cannot force Your stories onto Other People ... and to talk about your sex life with Someone Else is not only a betrayal to Your Partner and Yourself, but is also rape of your Partner and Yourself ... One can’t give permission to Your Partner to talk about such Perfectional Imtimacies as You breach a Loving Trust that You have to respect the existence of by respecting Yourself Emotionally and Society as a whole in the Loving-Only Tone You Must Always Set ... Most partners whom are kind and considerate do not want such things to be talked about behind their back or even with their knowledge ... In A New World Of True Love For Everyone, to be prepared to talk about imtimate Loving moments creates a declaration of an inability to self safeguard Your emotions and Your Partners which  leads You to be declared legally incapable of comsent to any Loving Interactions, due to Your willingness to be raped and self-rape.

All Girls Worldwide Wish To Delight In A Return To Innocence For All Peoples And Social Interactions. With imtimate conversations reserved for Couples only or trained professionals whom can help with any problems a Couple might be having ... Talking to Your Friends about imtimate sexual matters might seem like a good idea at times but is a massive breach of trust and can never be acceptable ...

And these conversations more often than not when publicly aired deteriorate into ridicule, bullying and gossip ... one certainly cannot ever talk with Ones Life Partner about any sexual relations one might have had with a previous partner ... this is one the most unacceptable breaches of trust One can ever make, and under new laws will be illegal ...

Even If New Laws Are Very Difficult Or Even Seemingly Impossible To Enforce At Present, You Still Have To Legislate Ethically To Set The Right Tone, And Then Develop Enforcement Techniques, No Matter How Long It Takes ... The Key To Correct And Loving Societal Ethicality Being The Education Of Children And Adults On Law ... With All High School Students Being Legally Required To Take And Pass A Law Degree ... With The Studying For Such Being Started When Children Are In Nursery School ...

Kind Loving and Respectful People do not want unasked for sexual talk of any kind though might be willing to help someone desperate who would like real advice and support ... but in a New World Of Love professional help will be freely available without cost with Someone Whom will understand that they can never be allowed to become a Friend of Yours as this is a conflict of emotional interest and breaches trust ...

Of course one can visit a sexual psychiatrist as a Couple but one cannot step over the professional line and become Friends ...

If everyone in the world was to emotionally engage with the reality that True Lovey BooBoos is the most Special Togetherness Cuddle One can ever have then People would start to respect this Cuddle Joy and stop treating sex as a joke or a bullying tool or as something to talk about with People other than your Love-Partner ... and understand that sex is emotional always, and must be revered upon the Highest Ethical Cuddlyness as such ... And then I fully believe that sexual issues for Individuals or Couples will disappear from society once we realise that we can not continue to be unpleasant to each other in any way, or even explore sexuality in ways which is considered to forms of rape ... like masturbation thinking about anyOne other than Ones Own LifePartner ... as masturbation is rape when You sexually use someOne without Their permission ...

Kind Loving And Respectful People do not want unasked for sexual talk of any kind and jokes and disgustingness and typical masculine pub filth is something BarMaids have been disgusted by for years and that all Women want gone yesterday ...

We do not want our fun joyous conversation ruined by double entendre, or to witness You And Your partner sayin such things of Imtimate Reservation ...

A Kiss and a Cuddle in a quiet place is one thing ... anything more is private ...

Talking about sex is unacceptable and Girls Want Fidelity In Heart Mind And Body Always ...

Talking about sex is cheating and Girls want it gone ...

Girls Want Fidelity In Body And Mind And Heart and not to have their secret business discussed with your Friends ...

Girls want a Return To Innocence in all social interaction ...

To talk about sex with you Partner with another Person is rape and a breach of trust so severe as to instantly end a relationship ...


Lots of People feel abused by the Comcept Of Bisexuality and are because modern peoples are inherently cheats ... They look at Others with sexual arousal ... they are unable or unwilling to block this and be Loyal In Their Own Thoughts ...

There is nothing wrong with seeing both biological genders or all genderalities as attractive when looking for a Life-Love-Partner ... 

We encourage this perfectional state of all inclusiveness, and show by example with caring behaviours an Acceptance Of All Peoples As Being Perfect To Be With ... We Teach Our Children Such So As To Remove Prejudice From The World Forever ...

I have to mention that in this world of disgusting sexual flippancy and psychological cheating that men promote across all forms of media, the fact that Bisexuality is more often than rarely not, a form of cheating, because those whom are bisexual do not exhibit Fidelity Only thoughts, behaviours and communication ...

Does a Monogamous thinking Bisexual Person have a point when they suggest that their Heterosexual Partner should not be prejudicially against dressing up as the opposite sex? Does society need to let go of preferential prejudices? And what about upsetting a Partner if One does not want to dress up as the opposite sex ... as Heterosexual People should we be prepared to be enticed into dressing up like the Gender we find attractive to please our Partner, and would we find it inherently enjoyable to do so as we would be embodying that which we find most attractive ..?

We do have to accept that suggesting You are or could be attracted to a Gender other than Your Partner’s can create psychological fear if you frame the way you think in Your Partner’s Mind in the wrong way ... without reassuring them beyond doubt that they are the only Person for You regardless of Gender ... to say you are Bisexual when your Partner has no desire to ever cater to that interest might seem like you are exhibiting emotional infidelity ..?

Maybe for Bisexuality to be acceptable without fear one must be Hermaphroditic perhaps ... or willing to change Gender so as to cater to your Partners attractions ... would one feel pressurised to do so ... would a determination to not do so be seen as prejudicial in your Partner’s inclusive mindset?

How can we be without negative prejudice but also be all inclusive but also be heterosexual or homosexual as these modes of being are inherently excluding in thesis ..?

I personally am a Heterosexual Man but do I have an ethical right to be so? And if I decided to be Bisexual which I am not prepared to do, would I be following a cheating framework that could cause my Partner upset if She is Heterosexual... One would have to cheat to emotionally or psychologically cheat to follow this view ... or need the support of your partner to do so. Is it ok to dress as the opposite sex but never want our Partner to claim to be Bisexual but only be interested in me as I am in the moment or as I may be in the next? When I am a Girl She is Lesbian and so am I, and when I am a Boy She is Heterosexual and so am I ... Is it ok emotionally, ethically and psychologically to think about my Partner as Bisexual and about myself as Bi-Gender at all times without there being room for infidelity confusions ...

If One is in one Gender state and with One’s Bisexual Partner then should they assert they are Bisexual because this can create tension points ...

People can be very sensitive even when they fully commit and are fully comfortable with the Loving-Fun Arrangements ...

As Long As People Only Have Eyes And Attraction For Each Other Only Then The Genders We May Or May Not Wish To Explore And Embody Are Something That Can Only Be A Joy When We Frame Our Loving Emotional Psychologies Compash-Perfectionally ...

Asserting a Sexuality can create confusions as Your Partner worries you desire sex with People of a different Gender rather than them ... Asserting a Sexuality can create confusions as Your partner worries you desire sex with People of a different Gender rather than just being in a state of accepting either Gender as attractive ...why would you even think of another person as attractive ... beautiful maybe ... but never attractive, as being in a state of attraction is an action of infidelity contextualisation ... 

And humans are often very uncaring in their infidelity jokes and framing as they bully their Partners’ Emotions. Such intrarelationship jostlings are to be legislated against ...

Even utilising a term like sensuality instead of the common sexuality can still suggest you are psychologically cheating in the mind of Your partner ... they wonder if You are looking at other People and being either sexually aroused or attracted, or sensually aroused or attracted,  or even just psychologically aroused or attracted ... Girls want their partners to not think about other people in this way ... they want that they are the Only Person that is capable of arousing you, or you being even mildly attracted to ... 

And in a world that is moving towards the removal of all prejudice towards Gender and Sensuality preference, men have to find a True Fidelity State Of Mind or be rejected by Women ...

We Men need this too, to feel secure and Happy and True-Loved ...


The Double usage of the word “sex” for Gender or Genderality and the act of sexual intercourse, can create awkward and oversexed contextualisations of communication which can be unwanted ... maybe we need new terms that can be more delineated and respectful? Does the word “sex” itself do justice to the Maximally Loveing EmotiaSensuality That Is A TrueLoveBodilyCoupling in a world of sexual abuse and rape and the terminology tainting that has occurred ... 

In a world where filthy disgusting people have openly accepted simulated rape, mock necrophilia, and mock paedophilic incest in mummy baby secenarios ... as sex ... How can the word “sex” itself be kept? How can governments look on and not act against this ... because men are running governments and they never listen to Women ... 

None of this content can pass media certification laws in this country ... so why is it available online?

Because man is a filthy rotten fucking disgrace ...


Lactating Breasts. The Givers of Life and Love. Mothers' Warm Embrace. Cuddle Cushioney Snuggle Wishes Come True ... 

There is no Vision more Beautiful than a MotHering Beauty and Her Perfect Baby. All Babies are Perfect. All Mothers are Perfect πŸ˜πŸ˜™πŸ˜Š

But instead of this being the truth, Babies are snatched from their underage Mothers and have their throats slit, or Mother goes straight to have Hers slit now She’s given birth. Farming is serial paedophilic rape torture, and torture and serial Baby murder ...

So A Young Cow Will See Others In A Herd Give Birth And Want A Baby Of Her Own, despite the fact that Baby is snatched away. So after the first rape and Pregnancy And Birth She will maybe learn that the rape made the Baby. And want to have anotHer Baby because maybe Her Baby just ran away. So this time She won’t scream and struggle so much (sounds like human culture from not long ago doesn’t it? So this time She will be extra nice and Her Baby will stay this time ... Or maybe She saw Her Baby get dragged away so doesn’t want another Baby or to be raped. Or maybe She just can’t help wanting anotHer? Maybe She didn’t realise Her firstborn was a Boy and just got snatched early to have his throat slit. A Girl may be left with Her longer or indefinitely in the Herd. Some Babies disappear and some stay? Maybe the farmer is nice sometimes. Sometimes it is inconvenient to let MotHer stay with Baby. Or farmer has some idea that it is not efficient or good for Cows to keep their Babies too long as they will socialise and not eat so much ... Who knows? Mummy does know or doesn’t ... but who cares? 

Better to snatch baby away, let her grow up a little bit, then Mummy won’t recognise her, then I can put her back with the herd.

So Mummies Milk is not for Her slit throat victim Baby ... just for mass serial rapists and serial killers of mass murdered Babies and their Mothers, to steal and drink ... 

OtHer scenarios of People’s rape and torture and Baby murder experiences are applicable ..


Girls would like Boys to show the propensity and initiative to be able to push sexuality aside. A new track that explores The State In Which Our Psyches Get When All We Want To Do Is Create Babies And Only That ... We Want Babies. That’s how Girls want us to think. We need to show we can think that way. Cuddle Comceptua Creationalising Babies for the sake of having a Baby and ensuring we protect this Joy from all taint. A Return To Innocence is something that a lot of People have hunger to achieve. 

We just want to make Babies ... The result is Someone Wonderful And So We CHerish Our Loves Upon High.

Love To All Pregnant Girls Are Beautyfull. 

This Being The Song That Asks For Her Eternal.

Women And Men Are Both Natural And Perfect Nurturers When They Embody The Best Traits That The Feminine Has To Offer.

When Two Equality Minded Loves Combine Their Passion Creates An Eternal Base From Which To Build Their TogetHerForever From Up To The Stars


Even once inflation has gone and the financial markets are all abolished and interest can no longer be charged on any loans, certain spending levels will still have to be constitutionally safeguarded to ensure that nothing ever again is in deficit. 

When public spending across all key areas of expenditure are fixed in perpetuity ... and this is written into constitutional law ... never again will anyone suffer or go without ... and reality will simply be about how much will we spend on this or that to have Gorgeousness Funtimes and Lovey Cuddle Creation Yummynesses ... then Polytics will be about Fun not fighting, GoodTimes not suffering ...

For instance, when Tony Blair was Prime Minister, Constitutional Legislation was put in place to safeguard the Population by fixing certain Internal National Expenditures to a set minimum level of requirement ... this was done in Healthcare and all its ancillary concerns like Dentistry and all forms of Nursing Care, because Labour’s Administration saw this As One Of The Most Important Areas Of Protection, and they wanted it written into Constitutional Law to prevent any subsequent government from being able to erode fundamental and essential minimum care requirements ... which in Labour’s eyes equated to good care coverage ... they saw good care allowances for all people in need as a bare minimum ... of course. This Legally Bound Constitutional Requirement has not been met, despite the fact that the Monarch’s signature would be required to not meet this Constitutional Prescription ... to repeal this would mean asking the Monarch to put peoples’ lives at risk ... and that would not happen ... The Monarch has a responsibility to ensure the Safety and Wellbeing and Healthcare requirements of all Citizens are met, so when Constitutional Law is legislated like this The Monarch Would Not Be Obliged Or Inclined to change it regardless of how ruthless a subsequent government might be ...

The conservative government used a global financial crisis, that was not as difficult for our economy to weather as they insisted because of the very careful preparations of Gordon Brown, as an excuse to make a lot of unconstitutional and illegal cutbacks in spending on the NHS, and then to siphon the money that was constitutionally set aside to maintain NHS spending to pay private companies ... the money was constitutionally allocated to the NHS itself, and not to private companies ... And the total spending was supposed to be maintained at prescribed levels and move in line with inflation in perpetuity, with wages protected at rates in line with inflation, and money to be spent on actual care set to fixed levels with other concerns like building work or maintenance to not ever affect Frontline Healthcare ...

A free for all has been had under the conservatives, and all sectors of public spending have been pilfered with particular risk being seen in the Schools and Healthcare Budget ...

What was done in Healthcare has been a disgrace and an Act Of Treason Against The Crown as Constitutional Law has been breached with the ignoring of the Constitutional Legislation that was ratified during Tony Blair’s tenure as Prime Minister ... 

We will never see such problems again because when we unify all military actions worldwide and take away the ability for men to sit behind borders and do as they wish without international intervention because Girls Are The Bestest at getting on in Loving Ways ... Governments can never again be allowed to ignore the Citizen Safeguarding Requirements of their countries own Constitutional Laws like the conservatives have done over the last 15 years ... And We Will Do This With A New International Supernational Bill Of Rights And Supernational Constitution That Will Guarantee Minimum Spending Requirements Across The Whole Face Of Planette Earth Mother ...

This Will Be Easy With Our New Financial Approach ...

We have to extricate ourselves from the in effect self imposed murderous torture –we do nothing to abolish the financial markets and supply and demand theory—so we can bring inflation to an end and Safeguard Our New Global Supernational Spending Decisions Redesigned In Line With Feminine Ideals And Cuddle Fosterings Of All Peoples ...

Men have kept the world disparate and at constant monetary war because they do not know or understand what is required to end the suffering, because they do not want to, and they have the wrong mindset ... only through the utilisation of Compassionate Logic can one formulate the ground work to figure out a plan of rescue ... Girls know what needs to be done but they are constantly politically blocked and ignored ...

We want interest rates gone ... we want supply and demand theory gone ... we want prices of all goods fixed to acquisitions costings only ... we want zero percent interest on all money lending including mortgages ... we want abolition of All the financial markets ... and we want widespread printing of money for the right reasons in line with real growth in a New World Of Price Parity Across All Borders ... this is all easy to achieve if we make it happen ... And Together We Can Ladies when we Universally lobby governments around the world as One Feminine Movement and self referendum our way to Real Change In The World ... to protect all Women And All Babies from man’s murderous nature ...

Inflation is one of the tools man has used to murder, and Labour under Tony Blair was so desperate to protect the people of this country that the fixing of Healthcare Spending to be always in line with inflation as a bare minimum was an attempt to Safeguard All Women And Babies Of This Country ... it was a commitment that was easy to meet financially throughout the conservatives time in power due to the strength of Our economy, but instead of choosing to safeguard the vulnerable people of this country they chose to destroy the economy through unneeded reductions in public sector spending, with the global financial situation as a lying excuse to ideologically change the nature of spending in this country so as to ruin the economy intentionally and throw us into a vast national debt ... which has lined the pockets of certain individuals in the financial sector ... and  at the same time throw money at new private sector concerns across the country including the mass money wasting within the remit of the NHS, in conservatisms ideological pursuit of money grabbing ... And in so doing treated the NHS like a cash printing machine, by awarding contracts to massively overpriced quotes from building companies, and privatising everything possible so as to facilitate the bleeding of money to as many ancillary companies as possible ...

Unneeded, work-shy (roads), wage heavy middlemen economics can never be a way to spend taxpayer’s money ... never!

Gordon Brown’s economy was in VERY good shape and the absolutely disgusting decision making based upon the ideology of privatisation for the sake of money bleeding that the conservatives have championed has left this country in massive debt just like all of the rest of the most so-called developed countries in this world of murder ... countries that allow the financial markets to dominate their finances: voluntarily ... We are left in nearly 3.8 trillion dollars worth of debt and quickly rising, which is 0.3 trillion more than our annual gross domestic product ... 

I would say that Kier Starmer needs to get the debt paid back as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown managed to do but I do not think it will come to that and so it shouldn’t considering the disgusting interest rates that are charged ... Due to the immorality of interest rates being charged and the murderous policies enacted by the financial markets upon our Babies Health, Happiness, Safety and Futures and the wholesale allowing of this by greedy men in all sectors of human disgustingness including, business, industry, politics and energy we Girls will be not only abolishing all financial markets and institutions, interest rates, supply and demand theory and installing fixed prices on all goods, installing zero percent interest on all money lending including mortgages, we will be not only seizing all assets of all financial markets and institutions worldwide but we will also be writing off all national debt worldwide ...

National debt is symptomatic of world governments’ inabilities and unwillingnesses to protect their citizens from the murderous policies of the financial markets and their unilateral installations of supply and demand theory and other financial theories that are designed to murder people worldwide ...

And inflation is a major weapon of murderous intent that we allow to be used against us by the financial markets constantly hoicking up prices as per rich mens’ desires, and nefarious politicians that have business interest corruptions or cash hedgefund payouts to maintain whilst the needs and desires to protect people, of good politicians and good governments that may occasionally fall into a position to try and safeguard their citizens are ignored ... the problem is these good governments do not realise the idea that we can safeguard everyone with simple policy changes, and that it is going to take absolute determination and absolute reconfiguaration of the present world financial system to achieve this safety ... this is the only way to save lives, and we have to be forthright and unwavering in our pursuit of full-financial-world-abolition if we are ever going to see an end to the method of serial murder called inflation ...

Inflation being a fictional murderer-written production of supply and demand theory ... Inflation is an intentionally designed fiction to keep eating away at our earnings and assets ... and to justify price hikes that are difficult to keep track of ... to try and confuse People and keep us constantly on the psychological backfoot in our understanding of prices ... it is one of many forms of monetary terrorism ... a form of psychological terrorism ... and a form of physical terrorism as People of all Macro and Mini Species are dying in their quadrillions everyday due to its effects; without even considering the deaths of Micro Peoples ... in a New World Of Caring we no longer allow these peoples to suffer and die but offer Life Extension To All Peoples As Is Their Right ... and when Prices Get Permanently Fixed At Low Levels as per reflections of true acquisitions costings, it will remove this intentional stressor called inflation that is enacted upon the General Population by ruthless murderous men ...


In The Same Way That Employment Rights As Set Out In Employment Law Can Not Be Eroded By Illegal Employment Contracts That Seek To Do So, To Reduce The Basic Rights Of Employees Below Certain Legislated Protectionist Levels ... Political Bills That Are In Variance To Constitutional Legislation Can Not Be Legal As They Are Countermanded By More Important Legislation ... Namely Constitutional Law ...

Both of these illegalities have been seen during the conservatives time in power ... employment agencies have been breaching Employment Law by getting Employees to pay Employer’s National Insurance Contributions, and breaking employment law in other ways I will mention later in this project ... And Common Land And Footpath Rights Under The Monarch’s Personal Administration, And Healthcare Spending Have Both Been Illegally Infringed Upon Despite Being Under The Remit Of Constitutional Law ...

Constitutional Law seems to matter little to the conservative party ...


And as much as, and in the same way, the present seizure of Common Land by supposed charities during the conservatives time in government, and the Constitutionally illegal erosion and removal of Footpath Rights is a direct and Treasonous attack upon the Crown itself and the Sovereignty of this Nation, as covered in my Footpaths In Crisis Documentaries ... Any alteration to these Constitutionally Backed Rights, because they are Constitutionally Empowered, like Rights To Roam Across All Farm Land, And Access To Free And Good And Comprehensive Healthcare, would be seen as an attack on the Sovereign themselves and public interest to the point of Activating National Security Measures ... we now have a Labour government back in power in this country, so these serious infractions must now be addressed in FULL ... So For To Protect The Wellbeing Of Every Citizen Of Our Nation ...


Negative metaphors can never be accepted as analogy ... we have to stop utilising any axiological terminology, even any words at all, when referring to negative and Love Destroying communication ... we can no longer pander to socially destructive behaviour and peoples in their pursuit of tainting our Loving Experiences ... we have to relegislate our Rights to certain speech, as the “freedom of speech” itself is obviously so disgusting a term to use ... as freedom of speech is a conceptual disgrace ... no One is free to speak as they wish, and we can’t suggest that People ever have had a freedom of speech by its eponymous framing ... ie to use the term freedom of speech One is creating a disgusting assumption in Peoples heads, and one is actually promoting the notion that freedom of speech exists because one is using an inherently incorrect term ... as freedom of speech has never and will never ever, ever, exist ...

included in new legislation on rights to certain types of speech which I will call Rights To Loving Speech,  has to be the removal of rights to creating negative and socially destructive metaphors. An analogy can never have any negativity included in its axiological concept ... we have to stop framing Our interactions with negativity in any forms ...

Something like “I kicked your door in and made you listen” can not be equated to ensuring People in Society engage on certain important Compassionate subjects. One cannot see it that way or allow Those Whom must listen to see it that way or allude to it in that way or overtly metaphoricalise in this antisocial way as it just creates flashpoints ... Harmful speculations ...

And any existing such historical documented written material must be rejected ... we can no longer call unpleasant metaphors metaphors ... in the same way an argument can no longer be considered a conversation ... negative modes do not deserve to utilise the same descriptor words ... we need new words to describe such comcepts like metaphors as the word metaphor itself has been tainted, and we have to totally reject bad metaphors to the point where they no longer even have descriptor words in the english language ...


The ability of uncontained Compassion to release us from upset can also be used against us by Others or Ourselves to subconsciously or intentionally neuter our emotion wellbeing’s abilities to function because we do not wish to function in a world of heartache and suffering and hatred and anger and disCompassionate Logic ...

Harmful speculations like disgusting or negative metaphors or stories with any conflict or even mild upset ... harmful speculations that permeate our societies have to be removed completely ... our freedom to compassion unending can no longer be used as a weapon against us ... our ability to emotionalise all interaction is an under-lovingly-utilisationalised gift that we can no longer accept the tainting of by even one wrong word out of place that can bring Loving Social Moods down ... too long have our Loves and Emotions been weaknesses that are ruthlessly defiled by the filth of modern culture ...

We Demand A FULL Return To Innocence ...


Compassion for plants might be misfounded by the fact Plants do not have the ability to “com”passionise or emote or feeling or think, They do not have mind .... unless we broaden the Loving Definitions of these terms which would then be seen by some People as not changing anything just as renomenclaturisation ... They react as in feel just not with nervous systems, and Their reactivities are chemical whole body not nucleate cephalised ... but We do do not have a barrier as such between mind and body, as our mind-body-complex could be seen as one superorgan of interconnectivity just as seen in Plants perhaps ... the definitional boundaries may not be as uncollatable or un-co-representational as We think perhaps? Taking an unbiased approach to Science in the way we Compassionise and not choosing the preroute which justifies Plant murder, but instead seeking a Compassionate Bias to see what may be emotion emotion-formulated is always an approach that we must always employ ... we have the ability to compartmentalise our emotions but it is brave and Loving to seek to compassio-create outcomes that are beyond our present emotional assumptions ... if We move beyond the frontiers of Our compartmentalisations and choose to Love where we unpassionise at present, what will We discover about the EmCuddleWoment Of Love ...

Science under man misses out on discoveries because man refuses to position himself Compassionately ... and just as importantly man does not utilise Compassionate Bias in every decision ever formulated which leaves us All open to a torturous world of rape and murder, starvation and indefinite impoverishment ...

Intra-Being Communicational Quotient within biological systems of Organisms ... with the advent of realtime molecular scanning of all Living Peoples we can learn much about complex/matrixed interactions within chemical communication and within   the microscopic intra cellular genetic/rna messenger systems and their macro systemal interreactionary abilities ... as regards the legal ramifications of derivement of rights formulations for Plants, Fungae and even Semi-Animate and Inanimate Potential Proto Peoples ... at what point does the communication levels between systems qualify Organisms or inanimate communicational matrixes certain rights for legal considerations as regards their rights to remain or sustenance or other? Crystals are known to grow and formulate their reproductive structures within feedback communicational systems and it has been hypothesised that they may have been part of the intitial inception of Life potentially as Proto Cellular Reproduction Frameworks or Proto Cellular Wall Formations Involved In Reproduction Perhaps ... at what point do we give credence to the requirements of Compassion towards Complexly Computing To Proto And Semi And Fully Living Systems? Can we ever assert the existence of a boundary in Compassion requirements considering the Advanced Computing And Conscious And Conscience- Type Interactive Nature Of All Reality Itself ..? 

Biological and Atomical respect for boundary spaces is preformulated into The Laws Of Physics themselves, so how we choose to respect the Rights To Existence For All Energy-Matter Objects is of serious regard for ALL Compassionate Peoples Whom Care ...

And can we even use such disenfranchising and marginalising terms as the word “study” when learning about any aspects of this Reality as we must Cuddle and Compassionise always ... man has treated even highly overtly behaviourally to traditional eyes, emotionally engaging of other organisms and their social behaviours, like ants getting very clearly upset about an injured friend and panicking for an extended time and carrying them away, or the study of advanced communication between plants ...  these behaviours clearly show emotional responses ... man has treated such Life-Experience Sharing as being something to be dispassionate and uncompassionate about in his abusive and dePersonising studying interests ... man needs to realise that Girls want more than this ... We All Want To Cuddle The Entire Universe In Recognition Of Her Basic Love Cuddle Formulaic And As Conscious Beings Of Such, Respect All The Communication Beings Within In All Their Coalescences And Kindnesses And Sustenance Requirementations ... Beings That We Have Never Been Willing To Recognise As Such ... Planette Earth Mother Herself And Her Right To Life ... And Stars And Galaxies Within Their Rights To Perpetuate And Live Freely And Supportedly As We Move Within Their Eternal Cuddle ...

Is Mind One And The Same Thing As Body ... The Body-Mind Complex As One Macro Organ ... As One Macro Organism, Not A System Of Separative Assumption ... The Mind’s Simulatory Experience Is One Whole Without Boundaries Or Distinctions And In So Being “Their”   Is No Boundary Between Us And All ... And In Perpetuity In Constant Oneness With The Entire Universe ... So Where Is The Separation ...

And We Being Not Of Different Body To Our Lovers As The Love That Binds Us, The Constant RealLove Linkage Unifies Us And Our Sameness Is Of The Same Space ...

We Are Truly The Universe And The Universe Is Us Though Through The Union She Is Of A Duoverse ... She Lives Through Us ... An Eternal And Bivine Feminine Gestational Of Care And Joy ... And Our Twinning For All Time For Realtime Constant And Everpresent Love That Is Always Felt In Consciousness So We Do Become Of A Universe Togetherness...

RealLove SuperPosition SuperCuddle With The All And The Lover And The DuoOne ...

RealLove Constant And Everpresent Love That Is Always Felt In Consciousness

SuperUniDuoVerse Being In Realtime CuddleJoy With Our LifeLovePartner And The DuoVerse And The Infinite-Universe Superpositionally, Whilst Our Love Exists In All Times Of Eternity At Once ...

DuoVerse 1, Our Partners And Our World Of Love 2, The Entirety Of Existence 3, A Universe Of Fidelity LoveJoy Between Two People 4, Two Lovers Entwined For All Eternity ... 

Infinite-Universe All Of Infinity ...



All Eggs Of All Species have placental-type KissyBoos during growth, and all Human Babies grow in egg sacks, and can sometimes be born in egg sacs ... we are not different, we are simply reptiles that have glands that have adapted for feeding ... how do we even know that prehistoric reptiles did not have mammary glands and that we are simply the only extant species ... how do we even know that ancient reptiles could not regulate their body heat as we do ... considering the only Dinosaurs left on Earth have the ability to regulate their body temperatures very well: namely Birds ... why do we allow prejudicial man to continue the assumptive thread when many possibilities are always apparent ... many innocent people have gone to prison based upon man’s confidence in erroneous probability theory assumptions ... as there are always possible stories that can be less likely in a supposed experts opinion ... we can no longer assume categorisationally upon maybes ... men like separational categorisation and ruthlessly at times assert separation and superiority for ideological reasons that we are better ... and not only to separate our Species from Others, but also to separate Mammals from other Species too ... man’s agenda being the promotion of Mammallian superiority but to then slit the throats of raped Baby Female Mammals for his own self pseudo-sexual dead-body gorging gratification ...





The Peace Of Time


In A New World Of True Peace And True Love Comes A New Peace Of Mind ... A New Peace Of Time ... A New Peace Of Body ... A New Peaceful Fully Feminised Reality ...

With a New World with all financial markets abolished, and all assets of said markets and of all financial institutions seized due to murderous activities, We Will See Money Printed In Line With Actual Real Growth Of Our Creations, And Money Distributed Fairly In The Form Of Universelle Income, With Options To Make More Money Within Loving Ways Of Creative And Cuddle Fostering Activities ... and an end to the immoral industriousness of man and his financial monopolisations will see Every Child Of Planette Earth Mother Receiving Equivalent To 100 Pounds Per Week As Universelle Income, And Equivalent To A 1 Million Pounds Payout Upon Their 18th Birthday ... And Every Adult Citizen Of Planette Earth Mother Will Receive Equivalent To 50,000 Pounds Per Year After Tax ... Tax Will Be Deducted Before The Fact From Planette Earth Mother’s Total GDP ... If People Choose To Earn More Money, In Moral Only Ways Of Course, Then They Can Top Up Their Earnings And Even Earn Enough To Be Uneligible For Universelle Income If They Earn Very High Incomes From Lovey Creative Yummifications Only ...

Many of the profit making areas of the past will no longer be eligible for profits more than wages ie non-profit ... And This Will Facilitate People Getting Involved In Activities They Actually Enjoy ... and People will be actively rescued from things they do not enjoy ... and immoral activities will no longer be Legal to enjoy ...

All Prices Of Goods Will Be Fixed And So Will House Prices. No more will elitism spread uncaringly across our Social Systems ...

With The Advent Of Every Person On Planette Earth Mother Having All Their Time To Themselves For Activities They Wish To Do, Will Come A Relaxation Period Of A Duration Of Their Choosing, Within Which They Can Decide Whether They Wish To Go Back To School For An Indefinite Period Of Time, Or Get Involved In A New Role Within Our New Joy Only Sorority Of All-Inclusive Systems Of Emcuddlement ... Or Just Relax Into An Indefinite Period Of Life Emjoyment To Spend As Much Time As They Would Like TOOTOO Decide How They Wish To Interact With This New Feminised World And Her Citizens ... Free Travel Is A Wonderful Way To Explore Planette Earth Mother’s Wombspace ... We Need To Have The Time To Find True Peace Of Mind In A New Peace Of Time ... 

With The Freeing Of All Us Babies Of Planette Earth Mother Will Come A New Peace Of Time Where All Babies Of All Species And Their Yummy Mummies Of All Genders Will Live In Harmony-Fulfilling Their Own Dreams For Creational Activities And CuddleJoy BlissyKissy TimeyBoos ...


To truly find out what you would like to do with your time you need a generous budget, you need as much time as you need, and you need travel to be free ... 

This Is The World Women Want To Live In ...

Not a world of money grabbing men stifling the whole world’s economy in murderous ways ... impoverishing us all and keeping all forms of travel ridiculously expensive ...

I am suggesting a nominal fee of 1 pound per 24 hours of travelling with present type forms of slow travel like aeroplanes, trains, road-based perambulations etc. ... though of course it is easily possible with electrically energised air-to-space-craft to get to the other side of Planette Earth Mother very quickly by exiting and re-entering the atmosphere ... and underground train systems can be widespread and very fast if they utilise an optimal design method ... so all forms of travel will be cheap forms of travel ... and all being subsidised if needed ... but definitely all energised by electrical energy with new automatedly built underground tunnel systems to comnect all settlements small or large, so People can get around very quickly and very cheaply ... 

Until We Have The True Freedom Of Freedom Of Time, Freedom Of Travel And Freedom Of Resources, We Will Never Be Able To Realise What We Even Want, Let Alone Our Dreams ... I Want All Children To Realise Their Heart’s Desire And Not Be Stopped In Achieving Their Lovely Stuffy WooWooBooBoos ... 

This not already happening because of men and their selfish controls over our world that serve no purpose other than to destroy and hurt everything that is Kindness And Cuddlyness ...


This World Is A Womb That We All Share And Sustenance Was Provided ... until man decided to monopolise and charge us for Our BirthRight. The modern equivalent is people walking and travelling freely, and going to the supermarket and getting all the food they need without being enslaved into a position which abuses You and Your children, by denying You Your Own Time To Talk And Giggle And Cuddle And Think And Plan And Kiss With Your Family And Friends And Children And Lovers ... Our Time Is Our Own not the fucking systems ... the system that fucks all of us for a pittance in return ... a pittance designed to stress us and emotionally destroy us into subservience to the man ...

We Will Have Abundant Food Grown In Highrise Greenhouses And We Will Travel And Think Freely, Within Loving Parameters, And the yoke of man Will Be Lovingly And Polytically Removed ...

Our Rights To Roam Free And Enjoy Our Lives Will Be Restored ... Will Be Reborn Into A New World Of Superspecielle Love ... And This Will Be Easily And Wonderfully Resourced By Us Simply Wanting It To Happy ...


It Is Possible To Help Women With Small Hips To Grow Their Hips After They Have Finished Growing, Post Adolescence, Utilising A Technique I Will Not Specify The Details Of Here. If It Is Deemed To Be Risky For Them To Give Birth To A Baby Vaginally ... If It Is Discovered During A Regular Scan That Their Hips Are Too Narrow After Bone Growth Has Finished Post Adolescence ... Then This Technique Has To Be Applied To Safeguard Mumma And BubbaπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Scans Have To Be Regular For All People. People of the world are not scanned regularly because man overcharges for scanning equipment and doesn’t utilise computer analysis correctly that is far more reliable than human purview, then blames a lack of human resource and massively overinflated costs of such, as doctors prefer fat wage cheques over effective treatment protocols ... and pharmaceutical man deems it to be better to let disease develop than treat it before it occurs ... Rather than get everyone scanned 4 times a year with large numbers of scanning rooms at all hospitals ... And whenever anyone presents any symptoms to simply get them scanned as precaution. These actions of money and profit and murder prioritising man leaves us all vulnerable to diseases that could be diagnosed easily with regular full body scans.

So The Technique I Mention As Regards Hip Growthing Would Completely Remove The ChildBirth Risks Of Narrow Hips And Allow Normal Births To Be Possible For All Mothers Regardless Of Their Hip Size, Because Their Hip Can Be Grown To A Size That Would Totally Remove The Risk ... And the technique is non invasive and pain free ...

It Is Possible To Ensure Perfect Positioning Of Fertilised Eggs In The Womb Utilising A Technique I Will Not Specify The Details Of Here ... This Allows For Many Risks Of Awkwardly Positioned Placentas To No Longer Be Worries For Mothers, And Allow For A Perfect Pregnancy Every Time ... All Babies Deserve To Be Safe In The Womb: All Round Care Will Be Easily Provided At Home To EmSure Correct Position For Implantation Of Your Egg Into The Lining Of Your Uterus ...

We Will Legislate That Every Baby Is To Have A Perfect Experience In The Womb And This Is To Be Compulsory. And Within This Regard All Babies Are To Have Total Quiet Time Throughout Their Pregnancy ... Only Yummy Sonical Experiences Are Allowable When We Care For Bubbas With All The Love We Have ... Wombey Time Is Cuddly Wuddly Timey Boos.

It Is Possible To Speed Up The Dilation Of The Cervix Utilising A Technique I Will Not Specify The Details Of Here ... To Ensure A Speedy Latent And 1st Stage Of Labour, This Technique Will Ensure That Your Baby Can Reach The 2nd Stage Very Quickly So As To Safeguard And Deliver Your Baby Unharmed ...

It Is Possible To Speed Up The 2nd Stage Of Your Labour To The Point Of There Not Even Being A 2nd Stage Of Labour ... With The Final Stage Of Womb Contraction And Passing The Placenta Becoming The 2nd And Final Stage ... 

This Speeding Up Of The Whole Experience Of Labour Combined With The Other Techniques I Have Alluded To, Will Establish Perfect Labour Experiences For All Bubbas And Mummas ...


The Athletes in alphabetical order of First Names are:
Bruny Surin
Carl Lewis
Dennis Mitchell
Frankie Fredericks
Leroy Burrell
Linford Christie
Raymond Stewart
Robson Caetano da Silva

This greatly anticipated final was tainted, ruined and abused as a violence promotion propaganda exercise by a man whom could have presented this Wonderful Event In A Nice And Loving Cuddly Way, To Help To Teach Young Boys And Girls The Importance Of Peace And Harmony ...

He was fully aware that this event would be watched by millions ... and he intentionally promoted violence to indoctrinate young impressionable minds towards violence ...

The commentary begins with: quote “knife-edge air of anticipation” This comment is the type of phrase that will have to be removed from the english language due to the numbers of People accidentally and intentionally injured with knives on a daily basis ... 

One cannot try to positively frame with deadly weapons ... or even allude to stress, as this perpetuates its acceptance and expectance ... we want stress gone ... The amount of People injured every day by People turning around with knives in their hands in kitchens is enough to justify the complete banning of all knives due to the historical harm this has caused ... all ancient swords and knives ... in fact any forms of weapons including stone handaxes and flint arrow heads ... even stone scrapers will be destroyed due to them being used to murder People and then desecrate their bodies ...

So a knife reference here causes all those People whom have been injured by knives accidentally and intentionally to be reminded of that event ... the post traumatic stress of knife injuries can be absolutely debilitating psychologically and physically ... And Modern Culture Will Care ... And Modern Culture Will Ban The Referring To knives In Common Language Utilisation ... Or All Girls Will Only Want Babies With Other Girls ...

The next reference of concern to me mentions the athlete Leroy Burrell: quote “or the beefy, explosive strength and power of the bull-like Burrell” unquote.

beefy is a reference to dead raped bodies consumption and serial rape, serial torture, and serial murder, and serial dead body desecration of cow children ...

And the reference to Bulls as being strong obviously alludes to the incorrect assumption that Bulls are aggressive ... Bulls are systematically abused and enraged for fun and murder in Bull rings and this is also called entertainment by disgustly behaved men ... there are many animals within Planette Earth Mother’s Womb whom are much stronger than Bulls so why this specific reference ... does it allude to boxing as in “raging bull” perhaps? ... I assume it is another violence reference in the assumed position that bulls are aggressive, and that this is somehow appropriate and desirable. All Bulls Are Peaceful People and to suggest People whom are tortured then murdered are somehow responsible for, or respect worthy because, of this violence, is an absolute disgrace ...

And the reference to other Animals Species per se as descriptor metaphor subject constituents for strength based analogy is not ethical ever as Anyone of any Species can be strong or weak ... why are we seeking to hierarchicalise by Species? ... in fact calling Anyone strong designates Others as weak ... and men love to bully weak People to death ... so the whole framing referential of calling Someone strong is a hierarchical setup that men always choose to use to abuse and force People to suicide ... not to mention the fact that the term “weak” itself is always used to intentionally abuse, and showing strength is more often than not a weapon to put others into hierarchical subservience roles ...

Next is another disgusting reference: quote “The build up here like a heavy weight championship fight ... Burell if you like with the knock out power of a Mike Tyson ... Lewis with the sweet style of a Muhammad Ali ...” unquote.

boxing is a disgusting sport that Women will get banned upon The Full Feminisation Of Reality ... the amount of Boys and Young Men whom have been brain damaged by boxing is an absolute disgrace; and Mothers want their Sons to not be indoctrinated into violence and have them seriously injured ... why a commentator would think it was appropriate to reference a combat sport when commentating on a peaceful event like athletics, shows his wilful and intentional disrespect to all those Children and men of all ages whom have been seriously brain injured and died in boxing rings and Their Memories ... and this commentator’s intentional promotion of violent sports at an event he knew would be watched by millions, aired during the day time while children were watching, shows the thuggish attitude that has destroyed good vibes in sports for decades ... what an absolute disgrace!

And if you doubt the disgusting mindset of this commentator this next quote will leave you without doubt as to the malevolence of this man’s intentions: quote “If you put me in a corner with a gun to my head I think I’d say Dennis Mitchell may just, just have edged Linford Christie out of the bronze medal” unquote.

I assume all the Athletes involved in this race would not be happy with these disgusting references, and unethical abuse of language that has tainted the whole occasion ...

... This event was watched by Many Millions Of People worldwide, and this footage was originally aired on english television and would have had viewing figures in the millions, with millions of children watching on wide eyed and impressionable  ... I found this video on youtube on the world athletics (@WorldAthletics) channel as a recording of a program aired on the iaaf tv channel ... why the iaaf channel would select this violence promoting, combat and gun-crime promoting clip is disgraceful, as this original airing of the event being one of many english language recordings, has been selected intentionally from the bunch because of the violent references One must imagine ... why the world athletics channel on youtube would then select this clip is also impossible to understand as I have always been led to believe that athletics is a peaceful non-violence promoting sport ...

It is unlikely that the other original recordings from english speaking countries would have been violence promoting in this way ... and if all of them were also unsuitable, then a new commentary could have been recorded ...

Why are the violent men in the world left unchecked in their violent murder promoting policies, and their complete disregard for the minds of impressionable young people ...

man’s violent nature must be excised from everything we do ...

Every Artistic Presentation We Ever Creationalise Must Be Family Friendly ...


Camouflage has been utilised for facilitating the hiding of soldiers effectively, as this is what soldiers seek to do well at all times. 

The modern day usage of camouflage as a fashion item is an absolute disgusting disgrace, and dishonours the memories of all Soldiers whom have ever conducted Ethical military engagements. All camouflage has to be banned on the streets. And brightly coloured fashion camouflage is utterly immoral and disgusting to the point where it is impossible to understand why Respectable Men of military backgrounds are not lobbying governments en mass to get all camouflage banned ...

People Are Desecrating The Memories Of All The Men Whom Have Sought To Protect Those Whom Are Vulnerable In The World ...


Whilst it is easy to understand that the relief people get when a conflict is over can create Happiness. To allow such Happiness to spill over into a celebratory attitude of merrymaking, partying and drinking Is A Dishonour To Those Whom Have Lost Their Lives. 

Celebrating actions that have slaughtered Millions Of Innocent People in the form that men like to call “collateral damage” is an absolute disgrace ... The widespread raping of innocent Women in world war 2 ... a war men think it is respectful to sequelise by calling it world war “2” ... Women raped by axis and allied forces being completely disrespected by ve day celebrations spilling over into world wide drinking and violence and further mass rape of Women on the very night of their liberation ...

ve day was a celebration of the end of a war ... celebrations that should never have had occurred for many ethical reasons ...

And now having this day as a memorial day, for me is a continuation of a celebration framework that not only sends the wrong message ... it desecrates the memories of all those whom lost their lives during the war, and on this specific day ... as this very day was an absolute drunken rage filled disgrace ... and a mass gang and serial rape of Girls and Women disgustingness ...

Of course some Good Men sought to protect Women that night ... but the severity and widespread intensity, and numbers of men involved ... the sheer amount of Women that were murdered and rape tortured that night across all territories meant that the Good Men were unable to contain this behaviour despite the use of lethal force ... 

Many Good Men lost their lives that night ...

People should have been Happy and stayed at home out of respect for those whom were harmed in the war ... and been peaceful ... this night was one of the most violent nights on the streets, the world has ever seen, with drinking and widespread violence across the world at unprecedented levels of intensity ...

The Ethics surrounding the idea that one would celebrate the end of a war is enough to not continue to recognise this day, as to remember a day of disgraceful celebration is bad enough ... but the violent manner in which these celebrations meted out widespread murder and torment to Women across the world means we can’t mark this day anymore ... a fact men have buried ... but the Women whom were raped by drunken men of both sides are unable to forget ...

Even when we now memorialise those People lost on both sides during this conflict, we can’t say “Lives” lost ... as this terminology is too dehumanising ... People Are Not “Lives” ... They Are People Worthy Of Our Love And Respect ... They Are Not Numbers But Loved Ones ... we can’t erase the revelling in the defeat of the enemy ... we can’t erase the mass violence and looting and rape that went on across the world ... men revelling in a victory that they had no right to celebrate  ... revelling in victory in war can never be justified as too many innocent People have been harmed, and ultimately we all as People are innocent ... we are all born as Babies ... it is the behavioural traditions that are at fault, not the Babies whom can’t escape from them ... it is the way men are taught to be rapists by a society of violent thugs whom promote the idea that Women are objects to fuck ... so when men get drunk and think there is no oversight they run amok and rape and loot like they did on ve day night ... men of all the victorious nations across the world ...


Even If New Laws Are Difficult To Enforce, You Still Have To Legislate Ethically To Set The Right Tone, And Then Develop Enforcement Techniques, No Matter How Long It Takes ... The Key To Correct And Loving Societal Ethicality Being The Education Of Children And Adults On Law ... With All High School Students Being Legally Required To Take And Pass A Law Degree ... With The Studying For Such Being Started When Children Are In Nursery School ...

This is Essential not just to create the right tone for society, but to help People develop their abilities to fully compassionise all intrasocial interactions ... We can never be deterred by the difficulties of enforcement ... and we certainly shouldn’t be struggling as we do at the moment as we are now tasked with enforcing the enforcers to enforce ... many Laws are being ignored by enforcement services of the world, as men like to interpret Laws with biased philosophical viewpoint that fluctuates with political changes, monetary interests, or even a judge’s mood that day ...

Laws are not open to interpretation ... Judiciaries and Lawyers seem to think they can get away with interpreting Laws how they would wish to according to their bias, rather than demanding governmental legislators to formulate new Legislation with 100% specificity so there is never wriggle room for disclarification. It Is The Ethical Role Of The Judiciary and the whole Law industry (which shouldn’t be an industry) to ensure that governments are held to account as regards Legislation Being Crystal Clear And Of The Highest Morality ... it is not their role to peddle their own discompassionate, political viewpoints in their indifference to clarity, their wilful capitalising upon loopholes ... if a loophole exists or is discovered it must be immediately addressed in government, with the relevant trial put on hold until decisions of the Highest Ethicality are formulated ... this is sometimes done ... but this practise must always be the case ... The judiciary can’t sit isolated and wilfully apart from government, but must be seeking Laws that are specific and not open to interpretation. If a judge is unsure, She Must Seek Compassionate Leaning Clarification, and definitely not make a unilateral decision that will be inherently biased ... And when Judiciary Members are in communication with governments, they must seek Legislation which is opposition to maintaining their own bank balances ie Demanding That All Nursery School Children Are Trained In Law And Ethics From The Get-Go And All High School Children Graduate With A Law Degree ... this would reduce crime drastically as it would moralise the Population where Morality has never been properly established before ... why is the Judiciary and law industry as a whole not doing this ... not training everyone to know all the Laws and be able to self represent ... so as to reduce crime drastically ... why do they not want this to happen? Because they want to carry on ripping people off for vast sums of money ... money drives rape and murder, and the law industry profits upon this precept of masculine enforced global axiology ...

In A New World Of Love Post Full Feminisation Of Reality the law industry will be no more, and its successor will be far less busy and will be completely non-profit ...

The difficulties of enforcing Laws are irrelevant. I do not care if it will never be possible to fully enforce a certain Law that we need to newly specify through Legislation for the sake of setting the correct moral tone ... We Must Legislate To Protect Everyone, And Set A Loving And Ethical Tone, And Teach People Of The Youngest Ages That This Is The Way It Works ... If We Teach Them They Will Believe Us ... If We Teach Them This Exclusively Then They Will Know Nothing Else ...

Ban all Violent content!

Ban all sexually objectifying content!

Ban all negative modes of speech!

 And the world will start to be Safe.

We need a different word other than enforcement considering the term “to force” or “to be forced” is used to describe the raping of Women ...


With the full databasing of all money and cash transactions worldwide. The full audit of all objects worldwide with a full scanning based audit of all buildings for their contents etc. we will find everything; and with a comprehensive installation of realtime databasing for any movements of all objects; the full camera-ing of all spaces on the Planette including all rooms and cupboards in all houses, all cellar and tunnel and sewer spaces, all public spaces and environmental landscapes with realtime monitoring of all People and their realtime whereabouts. And the full cameraing of all vehicles and all their storage spaces and mechanical spaces. Every street, every alley way everywhere: with tiny self-electron-replenishing mobile cameras that can follow and protect everyone ... we will see an end to all crime, an end to all violence, and an end to all rape including prostitution rape ...

Why have these things not happened yet?

Because men do not want to stop raping Women ... men do not want this as it would make all Women and Children safe and disband all brothels worldwide ... 

men certainly make all the wrong excuses for not doing this ... like the “freedom” to be unsurveilled, and the “freedom” to our own spaces ... I prefer Women to not get raped over man’s right to be “free” to have opportunity to rape ...

All public toilets will also be fully cameraed and will be monitored by computer algorhythms to ensure complete safety and immediate response to any even minor infractions of anti-social behaviour ...

The toilets in your home will also have cameras in them providing full protection for all Girls worldwide ...

I want cameras in my toilet in my home that are monitored by computers to protect Anyone whom is in my house ...

Girls Safety Is The New Priority For This New Feminised World ... a world that replaces the indifference and so-called “freedoms” of man ...

The “freedoms” of man to rape are over ...

New Polytical arrangements will compulsory purchase intellectual property rights to make modern cheap to produce camera systems at cost. You put two in the same location in a house ... and once the computer system knows the location, anything untoward at that location, or interference with a camera itself, would cause an alarm mechanism to be activated. 

We will install a full blocking of all encrypted signals of any kind worldwide ... and if unregistered coding is read anywhere worldwide it will be immediately blocked.

The present internet system is unpoliced because men allow this. All signals are traceable ... but men do not want a Safe World.

Women are not going to continue to allow this, considering the policing of all these systems is very easy when you legislate and enforce correctly. men hope women are stupid and that they will just continue to be good rape victims, as they should ... All encrypted signals will be made illegal. man’s “freedoms” will be fully revoked ... as he cannot be trusted to protect Children and Women ... and the internet will be cleaned up ... all electronic infrastructure that can be used to hide will no longer be permitted to function as rape-facilitating collusional technology. Full monitoring in realtime of all signals and a full ban of all encryption is the new standard.

Crime will no longer have anywhere to hide ...

And so-called good man will no longer have his “freedom” ...

good man sits back and supports the ideology of freedom that forces the world to continue to be an unsafe rape den ... Why aren’t men lobbying governments en mass to get cameras on every street and in every building ... because he either really does not care ... or he doesn’t care enough to have thought of it ...

Or he has done everything in his political power to stop such safety measures to maintain his “freedom” ...

All devices worldwide that compute including cameras, computers, tvs, phones anything and everything will be monitored in realtime to protect all Peoples at all times by one newly formed Feminine Global Agency with Women designing a monitoring computer algorhythm to protect Women and Children from men ... this system will utilise the AllSpaces Camera ProtectVision capabilities. The databasing of all items system and the databasing of all money including cash system and the realtime monitoring of AllSpaces Camera ProtectVision system will be combined into one Global Computer Cuddle that will be constantly check the realtime safety and biometrics and locations of all People on Planette Earth Mother And Beyond. And its private data will utilise a new encryption method that is self diagnosing in realtime to detect any alterations, and will be impossible to decipher without access rights. And with Women organising and administrating its safe utilisation, all Women And Children And Men Will Now Be Safe Forever ...

Every computing system worldwide, when not allowed to hide or utilise encryption methods, and when watched in realtime by a new system of zero tolerance for any nefarious coding attempts, will ensure that no one will ever again have the ability to conducted nefarious activities using a computing system.

Children And Women And Men Have To Be Protected In Totality, And No Other Considerations Or Excuses Can Get In The Way Of This Demand That Women Are Making Of Men ... 

men Need To Understand This Unquestionable Necessity And Inherently Fundamental Obligation ... These Conditions Of Femininity Are Unassailable Demands, And They Will Be Met In Full ...


Promoting and supporting criminality is a crime in the United Queendom. Promoting and supporting the disobeying and dislike of Laws that save lives in the United Queendom is illegal. Promoting and supporting behaviour that leads to death of People in the United Queendom is illegal. Supporting dangerous driving is illegal ... as in the promotion of such ...

The Enforcement Of Law has in some ways been impossible ... but with a fully cameraed world, enforcement becomes so automated to the point that men no longer commit crime because they know they are being constantly monitored ...

Every conversation on Planette Earth Mother will be monitored in realtime to stop people from abusing and bullying and talking about illegal activities and stop people from promoting illegal activity supporting viewpoints ...

A New World Of True Love that is free from rape, torture, murder and bullying requires an unwavering and comprehensive approach to stop man in his disgustingly behaved tracks ...

Constant realtime monitoring is the only way to save our Daughters And Sons from serial murderous and serial rapist man ...

The promotion of dangerous driving, prostitution, non-Loving sexual interactions, violence, sexual violence ... will no longer be ignored by law enforcement ... 

A computer game that does not instantly have your experience stopped when you commit a crime is illegal under current Laws. The promotion of crime by the program’s structure ... as in the expectation that a participant in the experience will derive reward from committing crime, is a direct promotion of crime in the real world, and under current Law is also illegal. Driving illegally and dangerously on a so-called computer game is a direct promotion of criminality if your experience is not immediately stopped by the program’s structure. 

men in law enforcement and the judiciary and government want to promote crime because they choose to interpret Laws in a manner that actively supports criminal thought and promotes its uptake ...

Non-Loving sexual interactions is a form of psychological and sexual abuse, and the promotion of such interactions through the tv airing of crowds laughing at such activities actively promotes criminality. man’s present interpretations of Law are biased towards the continued abuse of anyone including Women ... So-called tv shows actively promote the idea that psychologically abusive behaviours that do not Support Fidelity And Love are not only ok but are accepted and expected forms of Loving Relationships. The amount of People whom are abused by modern culture and its promoting of illegal activities as regards destructive relationship based psychologically abusive behaviour shows that men in law enforcement and the judiciary and government want to promote crime because they choose to interpret Laws in a manner that actively supports criminal thought and promotes its uptake ...

Non-Loving sexual interactions is a form of psychological and sexual abuse, and the promotion of such interactions through modern media and so-called art forms of movies and gaming actively promotes criminality.

Not one game or movie ever made is Compassionately Constructed Or Lovingly Protective Of People And Their Rights To Lovely Life Experiences ...

Why haven’t Laws been interpreted in the correct ways as regards promotion of criminality? Modern media not only promotes such crimes but actually presents them occurring on social media and video sharing platforms without real world responses from law enforcement services ... without the widespread lobbying of government by the judiciary ... and without governments listening to Women whom not only want perfectly stringent Laws that safeguard all People regardless of the difficulties of enforcement, but also want the interpretation of such Laws that already exist and new laws that need to exist to be an emotionally and caring responsibility of Loving Justice And EmCuddlement ...

Considering computer technology already exists that can filter out violent content that hasn’t passed stringent artistic justifications of certification laws ... that can filter out real life violent interactions and prevent there sharing ... that can filter out dangerous driving and real life crash videos for instance ... people post this stuff as entertainment and there is no legal comeback ... we have the technology to identify these people and ensure video evidence is only utilised for legal purposes and not for entertainment, but these technologies are not being utilised enforcedly to protect the public and maintain legal-minded respect ...

Why hasn’t Mark Zuckerberg of facebook been allowed access to the visual recognition and visual diagnosis technologies he needs to keep facebook criminality free and prostitution-rape industry free ..?

Any Conversations Or Activities On Planette Earth Mother That Ever Promote Any Form Of Abuse Or Lawbreaking Will ALL Be Recorded In Realtime Wherever You Are, And All Perpetrators Will Be Imprisoned. This Is The Only Way We Can Create A World Of Love And Caring For All Our Bubbas!

To promote any forms of abuse in the way Women are treated is a thing of the past. man will face his Fully Feminised Destiny ... 


"Autistic" AKA: InHerently knowing right from wrong and refusing to play along with a world full of psychopathic, socially destructive uncaring behaviour. Autistic People refuse to accept a world of social vampirism ... In effect They are told by the collective consciousness of modern Society “Adapt or Be Permanently Incarcerated”. They do not want to adapt to unpleasantness, and nor do I.

 We can start off the Happiness Transformation Our World Deserves with the removal of the socio-psychological effects of language and word abusage that Autistic Children have been trying to explain to their Parents, or that In-Patients have been trying to explain to their Psychiatrists ... 

Labelling everyone that has ever supposedly done something wrong as being Autistic ... and abusing them with the newly emerged insult “being on the spectrum” ... another tainting of a Lovely word namely Spectrum ... Labelling Them and telling Them they are dysfunctional because they cannot and will not fit into subservient abuse accepting roles in an inherently abusive society ... is evidence of the fact that modern society is so deluded into thinking that people’s social normative behaviour in society is acceptable ... as in the widespread bullying, teasing ridiculing behaviour that disgustingly behaved people call humour ... labelling them and telling them that they are the ones that are at fault and not so-called modern society is a mass psychiatrist’s hierarchical delusion on such a disgusting scale, simply because modern society is so very self delusionary in its disgustingly accepted role of ethical superiority ...

 When Autistic People are unHappy or actively upset this is because someone has abused Them into a defensive mindset throughout Their Life Experiences and now any continuation of abuse ... abuse which is accepted within modern culture as jokes and banter and mild teasing and even overt violence referencing and aggressive metaphor usage ... will not be accepted by Autistic People ... and then they are criticised and castigated for their overt reactions. The reactions are deemed to be the fault ... but the fault lies with society and common lingual and body language ... lingual and body language that is inherently abusive ...


All Modern Entertainment Content Including Books, Visual Arts And Electronic Media Will Be Transformed Into Family Friendly Wonderfulnesses ... All Autistic Children Will Be Happy In A New World Of Joy-Cuddling ... All People Whom Have Been Forced To Suffer And Whom Have Been Ignored Will Find Perfect Peace And Pristine Serenity And Immaculate Blisskissy Times Forever Wrapped Around Their True-Love-Hearts ...


If All Lingual Interaction Is Nice And non-ridiculing And Kind And Considerate, Then The Utilisation Of Any Accent From Different Languages, Cuddled Within Your Native Language, Would Never Have A Negative Feeling ... So Regional Accents And Dialects And International Accents And Dialects Would Be Totally Accessible To All Peoples To Emjoy Their Lovey Cuddly Inflectioney YummyYummyYumYum ...





The Huggle Of Experience


In The Same Way That We Would Wish All Sentient Peoples Of All Species To Have The Mechanisms By Which To Lingually Or Equivalent Communicate With Us And All Other Species, The Plight Of Microorganisms Must Be In The Forefront Of Our Minds. 

When You shower You commit genocide. When You wash Your bedclothes a massacre occurs. THere are cephalised People –people whom have brains-- of microscopic sizes that feel pain and suffer when they are harmed. We can walk around and kill millions under Our feet. The world is teeming with these People, and they need support and Love, as all People whom can Comfort and Joy and Love and feel pain and suffering do. 

As part of a suite of future measures to protect All Cephalised Peoples, I have suggestions on possible approaches that could be utilised to help them Flourish In A Bright SuperSpecielle Future. We are not at present in a position to make such decisions but I hope that As More People Become Caring And Truly Aware Of Their Plight We May Work Together To Stop Their Suffering.

Please See Femisode O1 For More Details On The Plight Of Micro Peoples ...


How can man justify such negativising of one of The Most Beautiful Experiences A Person Can Have, The First Time You Feed Your Baby ...

“Spoon fed like a baby bruv”

“I gotta spoon feed you or what you doughnut”

Why would man choose to negativise the word “doughnut”?????

So your Baby’s first feed with Baby Rice is punctuated by the usage of an off the baby shops’ shelf plastic spoon that gives them cancer when they are 25 because man thinks trace amounts of hydrocarbons in Baby’s live or dead bodies is acceptable ... acceptable to the healthcare industry maybe ... whom make fortunes from Jeffrey’s palliative care ...


If man filling his psycho-sexual boots with violence in movies isn’t enough ... he spends decades in his attempt to indoctrinate Young Girls And Boys with conflict and violence involving narratives and what he refers to as “world building” ... 

There hasn’t been a narrative that involves a non-violent world building approach in the history of speculative fiction ... so the fact man struggles to even envisage a Peaceful World is hardly surprising. The fact he actually revels in an intentionally violent world is unavoidable ...

And yet the violent world man enjoys is not enforced upon him ... he perpetuates it intentionally by heavily funding violent content, and wrapping it up in the bow of artistic representation or trauma processing even maybe if he dares ... and in doing such he intentionally perpetuates his own trauma and self torture ... he tortures Women and Children with his aggressive tendencies and his violent kids tv shows on dvds and tv ...

In the movie highlander, the world building premise that sees men needing to have their heads cut off by the hero to get a prize is a convenient narrative to indoctrinate with violence, with the carrot of a special prize at the end of the rainbow ... with the usual disgusting vampiric romanticism of eternal life at a cost ... Connor McCleod is to know all knowledge, lose his immortality and be able to finally have children with a Woman that isn’t his Bonny Heather ...

It is simply a play on the vampire myth. vampire movies are an utter disgrace in all their forms and the seduction of immortality is dangled as a prize for being a killer ... so a disgusting twisting of a classical heroism narrative  ...

All this ultra violence including rape references, off screen rape --which the lead antagonist is happy to brag about on screen-- and on screen rape threat in the form of ultra violent smashing down of front doors by large sword wielding super strong immortals whom will rape your wives for fun, objectification of Women, and machine guns emptying into people, and depictions of the lead antagonist dangerously driving for fun with old ladies hanging off the car whilst he laughs maniacally, ultra violent sword fighting including death and multiple beheadings ... all wrapped up in an impressive sounding rock soundtrack by the band Queen, is all presented as a 15 certificate intentionally to radicalise children whom may be 6 years shy of their legal adulthood in some territories ...

Having a movie that involves rape ... presented as a 15 certificate ... considering ages of consent can be 18 or even 21 in some places ... this rape featuring movie is tantamount to paedophilia ... Presenting of violence rape content to underage children seems to be justifiable to not only the filmmakers in their intentional slight sanitisation of violence to get the 15 certificate but also to the corrupt men working at the boards of certification ... And despite the in theory slight sanitisation of violence, of course as much violence and rape content is included as they could possibly get away with ... all aimed at Your children ...

Not to mention the lead character having to watch his True Love grow old and die ... whom he later finds out is raped by the bad guy but she never told him ... but the bad guy does brag to him about it later in the movie ...

men do know how to write a story that seeks to make violent rape known to your children ... and try to get them to revel in the beheading of someone ... and politicians just watch on ...

And from the ultra violence of this movie emerges more violent movies and a live action tv show that perpetuates the beheading ethos ... An entrance drug tv show to get Young Minds to watch the violent movies ... but also most disturbingly an animated tv show is also commissioned ... a tv show for Kids that is in theory certificated as a PG, that has an antagonist killing the hero in the first episode and running around seeking to cut off people’s heads in what violently psychologically disturbed people like to call gory discretion shots ... with the one token gesture to sanitisation being the fact the heros do not behead people anymore ...

And most Women of the world stand-by as such disgustingly ultra violent premises are put on daytime Children’s tv slots and channels ... but do you Women not wonder why Women are raped and murdered and beaten and mutilated by raging men everyday? Do you want your Daughters to continue to be scared to go out alone at night and continue to run the will I get murdered and will I get raped gauntlet ... You could just continue to compartmentalise the reality that the chances Your Daughter might get raped are very high ... or murdered still too high for my liking.

I prefer the zero chance of this happening option ... so in addressing the safety of Girls against men of course all the violent kids tv shows would seem the best place to start.

The premise of “He-Man” is that Skeletor conveniently does not just get incarcerated by He-Man. He-Man is undefeatable in his physical and fighting prowess and yet he does not defeat the bad guys completely effectively to get them permanently locked up ... the world building ensures there will be another show of violence ... whilst He-Man moralises at the end of each show to pretend that the show itself is justifiable ...

A bit like the real world where men justify riding around shooting bad guys instead of just cameraing every street and building and retrofitting car stopping devices into all vehicle’s motors worldwide, that if they are tampered with get an immediate law enforcement response ... cameraed roads with computer analysis easily identify cars travelling without devices fitted that ping their location constantly, and satellite imagery analysis by computers can watch every single car in realtime ... but maybe men prefer cop shows and chasing bad guys who wouldn’t exist if we fully databased cash ...

So man likes to world build conflict intentionally into all narratives and also likes to ensure the real world itself always has conflict so that he can continue to flex his military muscles and weapon toting indoctrination ...

In he-man, snake mountain would have been sieged by 50,000 armed men like man at arms and they would have subdued or killed skeletor and his so-called cronies ... considering he-man can throw skeletor around why can’t he be imprisoned or simply killed with his laser staff taken away ... well because the writers of the show have more violent conflict to teach You is just the way the world works ...

It is a sanitisation of reality to perpetuate a violence narrative vehicle. 

A violent narrative vehicle to sell ideology of violence toys ... tools called toys to radicalise Young Boys and Girls to ultra violence acceptance and actionisation ...

Men like to say the world is dangerous and that we must protect Ourselves ... 

Protect Ourselves from whom exactly?

Protect Ourselves from man himself ...

From man and his consistent and insistent and determined radicalisation of all Boys and Girls to violence ...

In the 90s it was possible to make devices that could stop any car instantly, remotely utilising a computerised central law enforcement car control system ... but instead we got mobile phones and reality shows like cops and world’s wildest police videos ... I guess man’s needs to get his ultra violence/bodies mangled in car crashes pseudo sexual climax is more important than man actually thinking in the right way to get the streets safe ...

men have sought to sanitise violence for many years ... old war movies seeing men shot by guns and falling down theatrically and safely without a mark on them or blood.

family favourite shows that made Caring And Compassionate Parents wince and ban in the house like the a-team, that peddled very violent but attemptedly sanitised fist fights, grenades and machine guns not leaving a scratch ... this was childrens television and was a daytime weekend family show ... sanitised in just the right way to make Young Boys buy into violence as a reward mechanism rather than the life changing injuries reality ...

highlander the animated series leaves us in no doubt from the get go that courage is required, and cowardice, as in the refusal to dangerously climb sheer rock faces without ropes, or wield swords against trained foes with zero experience, will not be tolerated but will in fact be ridiculed if you dare step outside the so-called courage-cowardice martrix of Destiny ...

Girls want brave men to beat up violent men and rapists rather than men to not be violent in the first place ... apparently ...

In the 80s, 90s and beyond ... can’t say I can bear to watch any tv these days ... war movies and westerns were aired at the weekends in the daytime, though swearwords were removed if necessary, and blood bags were conveniently not used in older movies which meant tv execs thought it was appropriate and ok to indoctrinate and radicalise young minds with such content ...

Any and every violence and Femininity belittling technique was adopted in all forms of tv and film until men realised they could just present Women as bitches then indoctrinate Young Girls into thinking this was attractive ...

Why would Women need to be bitches or aggressive like men ...

In he-man high energy weapons would not leave a scratch ...

So-called men have sought at every turn to put Children under the kosh of a compartmentalisation against the seriousness of violence, as if by sanitising it one makes it acceptable ... all these men did was make Children seek out violent conflict in the real world in their delusion-haze of invincibility-assumed violence-addictiveness forged by carefully constructed violent childrens tv shows that so-called strict Parents ... also known as Parents with conscience ... would not allow their Kids to watch ... or even outright banned tv completely ...

Why was man permitted to ignore determined and unwavering opposition to these violent shows ... because man is a violent, thuggish, Innocent-Women and prostitute raping disgusting fucking disgrace ... 

Children need to understand that violence is not acceptable and that the world is not inherently violent ... men in the world are the violent ones now as all other species are subdued thanks to mans protection that involves systematic rape and torture of all Species he pleases.

And man likes to sexually gratify himself on the fucking of goth chicks dressed up like serial killers namely vampires and sell such concepts of fucking to Teenage audiences with such murder vehicles like the twilight series ... it is convenient that Anne Rice and Stephenie Meyer are Women that have been indoctrinated by horror and murder choices of men with money and where they choose to put it ... so-called tv shows like the munsters and the addams family were perfect serial killer producing fodder. interview with the vampire only requires you to type in the letters inverv to get a google quick search response ... these murder rape promoting search results are being allowed by google ... why? And the movie interview with the vampire featured Kirsten Dunst when She was a Child Actress ... this did not go down well With Women Whom Care across the world ... but man and his murder, horror, sexual disorders will not be stopped by even the most vociferous of Caring Opposition.

man and his money control makes tv shows in multitudes featuring vampires for Children ... far too many to mention and then peddles them to the world ... a world that is seriously disgusted by the western world and its lower and lower sinking depravity ... the current lowest lows being a gateway horror drug show by netflix that a google search says is an actual horror show ... super monsters is aimed at ... like a gun ... preschool children ... and it is a self confessed horror show that I presume teaches your children the virtues of horror, murder and violence tropes and that their acceptance into the minds of your two year olds is a good thing ...

Children of 12 years old can buy and watch the hunger games boxset ... movies full of ultra violent murder ... and still men in governments ignore Women and do not intervene against a film industry gone mad with psychosexual violence blood spattering gratification ...

I am unsure where the justification for such content comes from artistically or morally, or why these disgusting projects make it past the requirements of moral justifications criterion of certification laws ...

The courage – cowardice context only stretches so far ... in my mind the whole courage cowardice context is just that ... a con text!

violent and morally corrupt men trying to monopolise gateway drug childrens programming and movie making in their gore-fest blood and guts masturbatory gateway drug filth peddling ... these men have to be stopped and they have to be stopped NOW!

And The Combined Polytical Movement Of All Women worldwide is the only way these disgusting behaved men can be removed from their seat of disgustingness. All their projects must be stopped on the grounds of Global Security ... and all their assets seized on the grounds of profiteering on rape and violence promotion ...

Children Need Loving Artistical Comtent That Stars Non-Violent World Building Ethos ... Nice Stories That Can Exist In Nice Comtextualisations Of Happiness And Joy ... And Then The World Can Mirror Their Loving Peacefulness ... 

Not men creating world-built contexts to make tenuous sense for episodic violence climax narratives with the occasional Female writer to blame and justify man’s violence trajectory ... as if this is representative of Women and their needs for Joy and Love not gore and horror and fucking ...

Man’s filthy rotten need to abuse children by creating filth and serial murderer and ultra violent content tropes and then wrap it up in a so-assumed cutesy horror bow for preschool children is the main driving force in rape and torture and gang violence and murder today ...

men want Your Kids to be violence and horror gore junkies and they will indoctrinate them before they can even walk or talk ...

men make money from violence and indoctrination of Children to violence and so-called moral men in government and the judiciary and so-called protection services do not only watch on but participate in the propagation, profligation and dissemination of psychosexual torture sickness and insist on ignoring their Girlfriends’ unHappinesses with all this movie filth ...

The best bit in Bridget Jones isn’t her being ritualistically abused by men ... but the fight scene ... a fight scene which had no business being included in the film ... a fight scene that 15 year old children can buy and watch and witness a so-called comedy fight that ends up with men being thrown through large glass windows ... a fight that is presented as something to joke about ...

I wanted to talk about the Ethics of presenting chimeras as entertainment. But I am not sure of the placement of such in this Femisode so I will simply and unthoughtfully plonk it here. The Ethics of humanoidisation of other species as rote acceptance, as if there is something at fault with other body types. In A New World Of Love, Every Other Species Will Have All The Support Of Technology That They Require To Interact With Reality And Invent And Construct And Dream Fulfil In Tune With THEIR Bodily Perfections ... I’m not sure why man in his arrogance assumes his body type is so superior as to justify all other Species to don his physique ...

If it is a misguided attempt to prejustify in the minds of the masses the possibility of other Species and human hybridisation at some future point in time once such genetic engineering might be possible then man and his disgusting not giving a shit can think again ...

Why man seeks to not explore the true unethicalness of such immoral extrapolations of biotechnology in a meaningful way with the Women and All other citizens of this world getting a say including other Species, but instead peddle his self-supposed unilateral decisioning and ignorance and ignoring of the populations opinions and disgustingly indoctrinate and socially pressure our Children into thinking such disgusting tropes are somehow normal is for man to explain himself I suppose ... he can do so from inside a prison cell as far as I am concerned, once all his ill-gotten gains assets have been seized ... until he has learnt to think and talk in the right way to justify his release ...

Ignoring Women for decades is finally going to catch up with these men, and there is no justification for the filth they have sought to force upon us all ...

men make these shows not children ...

childrens tv as the great processor for man’s violence of our times question mark!

men using childrens tv as such by proxy ... by exactitude of intent ... but such men are the murderers of our Children not the murderers themselves because they create the world context and they enact the radicalisation ... then wipe their hands clean and walk away when People are executed for their crimes ...

Cartoon show after cartoon show framing entire narratives around violent encounters. With the climax of each scene or movement or episode being a violent encounter ... so a violence junkie creation medium that modulates the Minds Of Kids to want shows that deliver Their drug ... the drug these men forced them to take ... so when at the age of 15, because dad deems them now old enough, they watch the gook in the film Platoon have his head stoved in and enjoy it ... not realising that they were supposed to be shocked to the core and turned off from violence ... mission failed Oliver ...

We haven’t been buried in a world of Important Emotional movies that had enough Respect to ensure that they were produced as Non-Profit to try and tell Important Stories ... a world of men running film companies that took a wage only and utilised cinema takings to help the world process the trauma that they are claiming they are trying to process on our behalves through so-called art. 

If Oliver Stone had done a hitchkockian style introduction to the movie platoon --maybe to all his movies-- to contextualise the emotional life stories shown in the piece so to ensure there was no room for misunderstanding in the eyes of Young Impressionable People Whom watched but never should have watched that movie ...

If a man like Oliver Stone whom has supposedly seen actual conflict had constructed the scene where the one legged Man gets his brain bashed in in such a way as to be realistic ... Charlie Sheen shoots bullets into the ground right next to the leg of the dancing Man and ricochets are not even considered ... or the fact the dirt of the ground itself would have propelled up and flayed the skin off the soon to be brain bashed in dancing Man ...

If Oliver Stone had spent His full career fully contextualising his so-called entertainment movies with thoughtful and caring, personal introductions, featuring Ethically thought out contextualisations to help people Emotionally Cope with the graphic and Emotionally Traumatic content of his work, and also explain His ethos of trying to deter violent thinking and war acceptance ... instead of what I assume has happened as in He has lost his way and been sucked into a violence rewarding communal film making mindset in the making of narrative vehicles that have effectively radicalised Young Men to violence ...

I do not think that cinema was the correct medium to explore His Own And Others Trauma, and certainly I firmly know He had no right to do so ... to expose People to such graphic depictions with no warning ...

natural born killers being symptomatic of a downward spiral in ethicality ... a warning that unpleasant family life can lead to murder ... though I think Oliver missed the point that the comprehensive and never ending contextualisation of his violent movie presentations wouldn’t be enough ... the best thing He could have done was to not make these graphic presentations in the first place and instead He should have sought other non-profit --non making him a multimillionaire-- routes to ensuring children do not become radicalised by the psycho-military-american-sicko-cycle-simplex ...

The dancing gook scene has become a cult classic amongst violent thugs of the states and Oliver I would imagine now recoils in horror at this truth and yet He still sits back in his mansions and doesn’t reject his back catalogue ... does not publicly announce his complicity in the murderous nature of modern society ...

I do not single out Oliver ... not by a long shot ... I see him as possibly a man whom can realise and help to realise the changes that we need in our so-called society!

man has lost himself in his violence haze ... he has been sucked in by the industry and is unable to escape ... and if he does not escape of his own Free-Within-Loving-Parameters-Will then he will simply be made to do so by the Combined Voting Power Of All Women worldwide ...

 If all film companies had used their assets to do good in the world and had been non-profit in ethos upon the presentation of any and all difficult content ... and at the same presented a vast majority of Nice Only Narrative ... with only constructive world critiquing presentations disseminated in a professional and emotional manner for no money in return ... and only kept cash reserves for their next important projects of emotional education ... then maybe the world we are living in would be a different place ... still not good enough as such projects are never justifiable ... but better 

The total ignoring of the facts that bullets ricochet and injure ... the sanitisation trope of shooting off hand cuffs and padlocks, and shooting in contained spaces has been a real life serious injury reality for many radicalised and indoctrinated gun firers Whom have no idea of the ballistic trajectory complications of firing weapons ... 

men like Oliver Stone and other film makers have a lot to answer to as many People have been seriously wounded from the serial presentation of gunfire ridiculousness presented in their disgust-fest presentations. Did Charlie Sheen imagine that there wouldn’t be an Innocent Person just beyond the paper thin walls of the hut the one legged Man danced in? Was there an american soldier milling about in that direction maybe ... Did they not train soldiers on the theory of ricochets in the times of the Vietnam war?

Children whom ran and run around playing soldiers watched platoon. Whom run around reenacting scenes from this so-called cinema ... kids whom have access to guns ... kids whom have gunned down their classmates ... men whom have invaded countries and raped and pillaged ...

If it is possible for Children to access this material ... then it is impossible for a Man Of Ethics to make this material I suggest ...

men have stood aside and watched ... serious film makers whom theoretically Care have stood by and watched ... and not spoke out ... as childrens’ television has been used as an entrance drug of ambiguity ... to radicalise acceptance of hellraiser and the human centipede and the hostel and people whom laugh when hannibal lecter slaps his lips ...

I only had to put  the words “it will rub ...” into a search on youtube and “it will rub the lotion on its skin” came up as a quick search response ... my search wording wasn’t even correct for this “movie reference” and yet youtube was ready to give me this classic cult scene straight away ... 

If You do not get the reference where have you been all your Life ..?

I recommend that if You have not seen the dancing one legged man scene in platoon, or the it rubs the lotion on its skin scene in the silence of the lambs, then do not watch them.

If all film companies and all men whom have profited from the entertainmentisation of horror and suffering and violence and war and conflict and rape and Women fucking and emotional torture do not give all their ill gotten gains back voluntarily then We Will Take Them ... Women Of Planette Earth Mother Will Rise Up As One Global Feminism Promoting Movement And Stop these murder men in their tracks ...

All assets acquired by the profiteering upon suffering Will Be Seized In Full. 

The world did not need your “art” ... It Needed Your Cuddle ...

In your seeking to reprogram the world you have doomed its Children to extreme suffering and social and violent torture ...

Because no one has the Emotional Ability To Compassionise And Care About Each Other to the standards required of Compassionate Logic ... To Emotionally Compassionise And Care About People Whom suffer in their countries, or People Whom suffer in other countries, or People Of Other Species ...   despite the fact Girls and Women have been screaming about this disgustingness ever since they could do without having Their skulls cracked by truncheons ...

men flippantly and unEthically use the term robot, not understanding or caring about the moral ramifications, and through fiction acceptance seek to justify their tinkering with artificial intelligence by offering the: we could be out-evolved by suchlike alien systems in the future to the point where we would be unable to match another SuperSpecies militarily in potential future conflict over territorial volumes in Space.

But Women do not wish to fight a war if Ethics is not applied in our civilisational preparations ... we cannot live unEthical Life Conditions ...

For more information on the Ethics of so-called ai and so-called robotics, please see Femisode O5 of This Series.

We Want In Our Lives A Non-violent World Building Ethos ... and we need such in our Story Telling also ... Our Lives Are Ourstory And Ourstory Ultimately Is Us ...  we need to be worthy of Her Cuddle and He needs to be worthy of Ours ... do men not understand how to write a story that does not have conflict in it? Young Girls Like Nice Stories That Have Parties And Cuddle Times And Togetherness Lovey Boos ... men give them stress narratives and stories full of conflictions and problem solving ... problems should not even exist ... and man perpetuates our expectance and acceptance of intra-planetary and intrasocial and intrarelationship problems so as to justify his continued meting out of systematic abuse ... acceptance of these problems and the abuse they create and the subsequent constant social conflict by spoon feeding us stress climax narratives that indoctrinate the world into accepting mans abusive nature as an inherent notion that we must accept ... as if man himself and his actions are an elemental force inherently and inextricably built into the world building itself, rather than something that he can self modulate if he chooses to ...

Women will no longer accept your filthy rotten excuses of that’s the way the world is love ... man knows fuck all within Love ...

Women will no longer accept men forcing Young Girl’s Minds to be future abuse victims with programmed smiles on their faces.

We Want Happy Only Narratives ... and all conflict/problem solving-type abuse acceptance narrative vehicle indoctrination of so-called art content will be fully banned from our information streams or ALL Women will abandon man.

Any conflict that we as a SuperSpecies may ever have to be involved in must be Comducted ... Comducted With An Ethos Of Incusivity And Protection And Non-Violence As Propensity ... To Wrap A Cuddle Around All Other Life We Emcounter ...

Any future conflict must be Approached Ethically or we have already lost ... and we don’t deserve to propagate our culture ...

This is the only social pressure that men are allowed to accept ... all other pressures will go now! And Being Wonderful And Loving will no longer be something man can present as a unacceptable torture he cannot bear in his seeking to justify his excuses of not giving a shit ...

And all violent narratives of technological experimentation of weapons development and the potentially singular emotional and societal emotional ramifications of such will no longer be permitted to transgress our entertainment streams ... EVER!

Only respectful and professional thought experiment projects on any such concerns will be permitted going forwards ...

This is non-negotiable ...


toys are for children or grown-up toys are suitable for children, or suitable for them to know about, though referring to a car as a toy is disgusting due to the murderous nature of men treating their cars as toys rather than safety minded transportation technology ... 

Calling sex aids sex toys is disgusting as toys are for children ... Why People whom think they are moral could ever call an object One Lovingly Cuddles for pleasure during a Loving Bodily Coupling a toy is impossible to understand. The english language is in serious Ethical problems and too many People are oblivious ...

Another irrefutable comclusion of the abuse of language is the fact that the word toy itself has to be removed from common speech also as it has been abused to refer to one of the most disgusting objects man has ever created ... the so-called toy gun ... that may or may not be loaded with explosive and highly dangerous gunpowder caps ...

And so man thinks it is appropriate to abuse the word that refers to children’s playthings with the redefinitional in application to objects Women and their Partner’s Lovingly Insert into their Bodies, and then apply it also to pretend murder weapons ... not only abusing a once Lovely word, but also abusing all those whom cherished it ...

But then again man in his disgustingly behaved depravity also has his favourite word abusage of referring to his own penis as a gun that fires bullets up into a Woman’s Body ...

Girl’s recoil in horror of this disgusting talk but man will not cease and desist.

man will cease and desist or he will be abandoned by Femininity ...

Why do people massacre large crowds with assault rifles that should not be available to the general public ... because they are sold as toys in toy shops and Jennifer ... sorry Jimmy has had assault rifles since he was 8 months old and was shown how to use it by his daddy and 18 certificate movies that he was watching along with since he was 8 months old ... and man thinks he didn’t need cameras in his house monitoring his every disgusting violence fucking move ...

To be sure being toyed with is a negative metaphor ... another attempt at humour that falls flat every time ... how much longer are men going to ignore the Women that share their Living Spaces ... before they Get the deal?





All Of Spectrum Perfection

Same Room, Same Situation, Different Perception 

I was considering calling this a ladder scale where people whom seemingly are acting unacceptably either climb or descend a ladder scale as their behaviour theoretically deteriorates ... I suggest that it is never the fault of People themselves when their behaviour transitions to different parameters within verbal defence mechanisms and physical defence mechanisms ...

A hierarchical framework for labelling behaviour always creates tensions because People are perceived to be better or worse or deteriorating ... of course if Someones behaviour is labelled as getting better then this creates a false boost in Happiness as we should never suggest the assumption that Their behaviour was ever anything other than Their emotional reactions to Their environment ... be that social, verbal, physical or chemical ...

Behaviours can be difficult for Others to accept because People know no better ... due to the cause and effect experiences that have happened in Their life ... a chain of events of suffering, in a world of unacceptable circumstances and traditional behaviours that are experienced by All Of Us and are transposed into more difficult to accept behaviour ...

Rooms of the same type with the same People inside that are enacting the same behaviours can feel very different to Different People dependent upon Their previous experiences in Their life ... experiences They can remember or not that have forged Their personality traits ... memories that can rise up to consciousness in the moment and create unHappy feelings that can express themselves in in the moment behaviours ... or the same memories have formulated Your present state of mind but are not held in Your conscious thoughts ... our subconscious mind is subject to memories We can and can’t recall and these are what push and pull at Us in Our reactions to different scenarios We may come across. People are often blamed for the way They react to different circumstances ... and Their behaviour is compared to Other People Whom seemingly are behaving in a so-called properly manner ... but The People Whom are prejudged to be behaving properly are generally accepting abuse or are ignoring its existence ... whereas Those Whom are overtly reactionary to seeming normal circumstances, which are generally full of abuse, are labelled as the problem as They Are unwilling to accept this inherent social abuse that occurs ... 

Being ignored in a room is a very extreme form of upset ... and when People do speak to Each Other, the way this speech is perceived is flavoured for the Individual Recipient of this verbal behaviour, by Their previous experiences which may be Good or bad from Their Perspective ...

So instead of talking about a scale --scales are hierarchical—I wish to frame the way People are perceived to deteriorate in a different way ... I suggest that society is inherently offensive and abusive and that Peoples behaviour is not deteriorating but just reacting healthily to a disgusting communal delusional axiology of abusive communication acceptance ... Their behaviour is not deteriorating regardless of how They are acting ... even full catatonia due to unwillingness to conform to the abusive society we live in is just healthy behaviour ...

So instead of a scale that is inherently seeking to label and abuse its subjects, I will call the cuddle I am suggesting: 

Same Room, Same Situation, Different Perception 

Peoples experience in a room can be be different to the Other People in the same room and will be subject to prior experiences with Other People Whom are in this room or subject to prior experience In Their Life in general ... what negativisors of words like to call baggage.

Baggage is supposed to be A Wonderful Thing That Allows You To Take All Your Lovey Stuffy Woos Woos With You When You Go On A Trip ... but of course people like to now negativise and call such delightful objects like Kids or Houses or Previous Loving Relationships baggage ...

I suppose the negativisation of this word is half understandable due to the fact that a monetarily poor Person with a few suitcases and no One in a busy city that cares enough to help might erroneously consider all their worldy goods to be a chore and a negative ... this mindset should never occur and it is most certainly not the fault of this Person in need that they may end up feeling this way ... it is the fault of a world that forces people to not care ... 

World makes luggage baggage difficult because people do not care ...

World makes so-called baggage difficult because people do not care ...

I suppose You could assume that under the parameters of “Same Room, Same Situation, Different Perception” a rich Person will be helped quite quickly if They need help with their worldy goods ... 

A seemingly normal interaction in a room can feel one way to One Person, and completely different to Another ... one Person might be driven to nervous camaraderie and offensive wordplay and Another Person might be driven into a semi-catatonic state –also known as silence—

men do not want to accept that society and the way everyone on this planet communicates is unacceptable ... they want to use inherently abusive labels that are constituents of a hierarchical ideology to formulate treatment programs of more abusive interaction and framing and drug treatment programs that keep pharmaceutical companies happy to give cash backhanders to individuals or companies that run psychiatric hospitals treatment programs that are inherently flawed, because they assume that there is something wrong with a Patient instead of realising that the problem is society and its usage and abusage and abusive usage of language and social positioning.

protective agencies like to position themselves as non-perpetrators and like to buy into the masculine mind control delusion that man is not the problem and that it is the victims of mass verbal and societal and monetary abuse and murder that are at fault. It’s Babies that are at fault and not the social conditioning that forces Them to be seemingly non-conformist ... how can Innocent Babies that have no experiences be the Ones that are at fault ... how can it be Minorities that are being monetarily murdered that are at fault?

It is the uncaring society men are refusing to let go of that is at fault.

So in the same situation a Person 3 months ago was only reasonably comfortable and silent ... but today they just want everyone to be quiet and may even say as much ... the background behaviour in the room was always offensive, but now They are unwilling to put up with this environment they have to be in, as it is a waiting room and they are waiting to see Someone ... The others in the room perceive this Person as being at fault and are unable to understand that they are creating an unacceptable and abusive environment ...

Same Room, Same Situation, Different Perception ...

So silence can mean someone doesn’t think anyone in a room is worth talking to, or it could mean that They are very nervous and would like to talk but haven’t the courage/encouragement of prior experience to make Them feel comfortable, or They may think why should I have to talk and perceive that this scenario or others expectations that may or may not exist is trying to control Their behaviour by making Them do something They do not want to do ...

The complications of a seemingly simple and normal situation can become very upsetting and difficult to cope with for People whom have been preconditioned by Their experiences to be stressed and uncomfortable ...

We have to understand that every situation even a seemingly polite and nice situation in a room full of theoretically nice people is inevitably preruined by world societys’ unpleasant behaviour ... even one Girl on Planette Earth Mother getting raped ruins the whole planet forever ... this is how Girls think ... they do not want to take your cock tonight ... they do not want you to fuck them and call them a whore ... they want all rape on Planette Earth Mother to stop now so that maybe in a million years time when Women have decided enough time has passed then maybe you can ask a Girl out on a date again ... if you are Nice ... and if you are lucky ...

So just one unpleasant social interaction from Your past can ruin a nice situation if Someone or Yourself has been harmed ... and mans refusal to change ruins all social interactions in every room across the Planette ...

One unpleasant social interaction occurring, when We have the ability to fully camera and prevent people being horrid, transfers itself into all Women never wanting to have a Baby with a man ever again!

Wake up men!

So when psychiatrists whom adopt inherently abusive treatment techniques like calling People autistic, labelling Everyone that has ever supposedly done something wrong as being Autistic ... and abusing them with the newly emerged insult “being on the spectrum” ... another tainting of a Lovely word namely Spectrum ... Labelling Them and telling Them they are dysfunctional because They cannot and will not fit into subservient abuse accepting roles in an inherently abusive society ... is evidence of the fact that modern society is so deluded into thinking that people’s social normative behaviour in society is acceptable ... as in the widespread bullying, teasing ridiculing behaviour that disgustingly behaved people call humour ... labelling them and telling them that They are the ones that are at fault and not so-called modern society is a mass psychiatrist’s hierarchical delusion on such a disgusting scale, simply because modern society is so very self delusionary in its disgustingly accepted role of ethical superiority ...

 When Autistic People are unHappy or actively upset this is because someone has abused Them into a defensive mindset throughout Their Life Experiences and now any continuation of abuse ... abuse which is accepted within modern culture as jokes and banter and mild teasing and even overt violence referencing and aggressive metaphor usage ... will not be accepted by Autistic People ... and then They are criticised and castigated for Their overt reactions. The reactions are deemed to be the fault ... but the fault lies with society and common lingual language and body language ... lingual and body language that is inherently abusive ...

So when We look at the Same Room, Same Situation, Different Perception Comcept, the so-called increasing severity of autistic behaviour looks like the fault lies with the Austist because they are seemingly exhibiting automatic behaviour that They cannot control ... but this is a fallacy ... They are intentionally and constructively changing Their behaviour to desperately remodulate unchanging and unacceptable abuse around them ...

So instead of labelling People as different or autistic we must recognise that We Are All The Same ... and that the People Whom are exhibiting the abusive behaviour towards the so-called autistic Person are unable to change their behaviour because they do not recognise that they are the ones at fault ...

There is no ladder scale but only People reacting healthily to situations ... situations that are refusing to improve because the People within are unable to understand their behaviour is destructive ...

And so-called Autistic People at times are refusing to even accept that these people exhibiting abusive behaviour are even actually people because to assume such is to painful to accept ... to accept that people whom feel could act that way ... so how can they even be real ...

So the people around a Catatonic Person can become part of the landscape rather than free entities, and the Catatonic Person will either ignore the horrible suggestions that They should participate in a murderous and abusive society, or will be able to completely stop hearing them talk which would be Their preference as it would be tantamount to A Zen-Like Peace ... A Nirvana Of Quiet ...

But in finding sanctuary from the disgustingness of a world that doesn’t act to protect All Peoples Of All Species from murder and rape, One will be labelled dysfunctional by a society that is murderously dysfunctional and illequipped to protect Anyone ...

So the mechanisms by which Nice And Kind People will seek to help unKind People change can be different and desperate depending upon the age at which the Kind People realise They must act ... and how comfident They feel in doing so ...

So in the approach of trying to analyse societal behaviour we have to flip the whole definitional nomenclature, as in terminology, to an opposite frame of reference ...

So so-called autistic behaviour ... to become unHappy with people’s rude verbal and physical behaviour ... people think their constant picking at each other humour, teasing which is bullying is acceptable ... all teasing is bullying ... and all Autistic Children know this because it makes People feel bad ... the intention is to make People feel bad ... to push People away or down a hierarchical rung ... and it is a typical response to abusive behaviour, to seek a position in the hierarchy of untouchability ... to protect Ones Self ... but it just perpetuates abuse and abuses Those you are trying to Create Relationships with ...

So within Same Room, Same Situation, Different Perception ... the perceptions of the Normal Person Whom is being abused shift as they become more cognisant of the fact that All People within society are abusive, and this sees the abused taking further and further action to try and protect Themselves from this constant and steady and unwavering attack ...

The perceptions of the abusers towards the Abused will shift as they become increasingly convinced there is something wrong with the abused Person ... but in actual fact there is Nothing wrong with the abused Person and everything wrong with the abusers ignorance of their own abusive behaviour and their need for the abused Person to accept this behaviour ... the abused Person cannot ever accept this behaviour ...

So different perceptions of the rooms occur as defence mechanism behaviours of the abused Person start to become more desperate ... desperate to be Loved And Respected  And Cuddled Within Physical And Lingual And Emotional Interaction ... but the abusers do not know how to be These Things so the desperation can become more apparent, and in different ways ... for example:

So-called autistic behaviour ... to become unhappy with people’s rude verbal and physical behaviour ... people think their constant picking at each other humour, teasing which is bullying is acceptable ... all teasing is bullying ... and eating of dead bodies acceptance is disgusting and disturbing to Normal aka autistic Children ... and so-called discipline which is abuse wrapped up in a parenting bow is disturbing to Normal aka autistic Children ... because Children are abused by Their environment, and then desperate parents turn to aggression to force Children to behave differently other than how They should and do in normal healthy ways, and call this aggression constructive ... it is anti-reconstructive because society is at fault and needs reconstructing into all-cuddling compassion ...

So in this example the Perception the abusers/parents have is Different to the reality ... the Normal Child is unHappy with the way the people in the household are communicating and They will make this known through unHappiness ...

Next the Normal Child is increasingly unHappy with the way the people in the household are communicating and They will make this known physically and verbally ... as Their Perception of Their family changes to Different realisations that the people around them are unpleasant ...

A Normal Child in this situation Whom is reacting to unacceptable behaviour is often labelled autistic ... as They are unwilling to accept the abusive camaraderie their parents expect them to accept ... They becoming increasingly unwilling to listen to people, and tell them to be quiet ... 

To tell abusers around You to be quiet when they are around You, seems like controlling behaviour to abusers, because abusers are more often than not unaware or unwilling to accept that it is their past and present behaviour that is causing the desperation of their Child to end the abuse ... Normal aka autistic Children often seek to silence Their parents by putting Their hands over Their parents mouths, and if that doesn’t work getting extremely emotional and physically upset ...

As in the Same Room, Same Situation, Different Perception model, the room/environment is not changing but perceptions are shifting ... the abused is becoming more determined and aware of the abuse, and the abuser is becoming more sure that there is something wrong with A Child Whom Is Just Demanding Normal And Fair Respect ...

And further shifts in perception can can see these defence mechanism behaviours become built into an abused Child’s Mind to the point where they are uncomfortable with anyone talking or doing anything which is upsetting ... or even ... based upon 100% evidence that proves everyone is unpleasant ... they will become understandably completely uncomfortable with anyone talking or doing anything around Them ... This Is Normal Behaviour And Totally Healthy.

It is the abuse that frames this Normal Behaviour that is the problem ...

These Normal Reactionary Behaviours to systematic abuse can see further perception shifts when You tell Your abusers, aka as anyone, to only talk when You ask them specific questions, and that they should answer the question posed only, politely of course, and say nothing else ...

This might seem like typical controlling behaviour and it is ... justifiably so ... it is a Normal Response to being stuck within constant endemic abuse situations ...

This form of behaviour is seen in high stress situations amongst men, like interactions within criminal gangs, and interactions within prisons ... Prisoners whom end up being labelled as extremely violent and impossible to deal with are simply Normal People whom have been pushed to behave in ways that demand respect ... such environments are self-forced to operate upon contigents like hierarchical position ... Everyone Deserves Respect, but in criminal gangs You have to know Your place, and in prisons the prison guards or the prisoners or both are not willing to give Anyone the respect Every Person Deserves unless they are willing to be subservient to the pecking order ...

When You as a Normal Person become unwilling to conform to the abusive hierarchy, and also become unwilling to take your abuse properly, and dish out equatable abuse to others as is expected ... When You a seemingly violent Prisoner or a seemingly violent Normal Child becomes unwilling to have people around You because you have had enough of the abuse ...

When Your perceptions of normal aka as abusive interactions have shifted to the point where You are prepared to be aggressive in protecting Your Space, like not being willing to share a cell with a normal person, aka a member of the abuse team, Your Behaviours Are Totally Normal And Healthy Defence Mechanisms ... To Protect Yourself From Those Whom Would Have You Commit Suicide ... to those whom would have You subservient to their will, to their whim ... they know no better as that is how they have been indoctrinated by wider society ... Your Behaviours Are Totally Normal And Healthy Defence Mechanisms, And You Are Not At Fault, In Fact Nothing You Do Can Be As You Are A Victim ... As It Is Your Surroundings That Are At Fault Not Your Desperate Self-Protection Mechanisms ...

Some of Your behaviours can become part of the makeup of the construct that is wider society and be part of the problem ... but having been a Baby and having had your purity tainted by the world, and whilst any behaviours you are exhibiting that are harming others or contributing to the widespread disgusting nature of reality must stop now and You must realise this now, please do understand that having been that Baby ... a Baby Whom has been harmed by the world ... Your Behaviour Has Been A Normal Reactionary Personality Forging That Is A Result Of Your Own Singular Cause And Effect Chain History ... A Cause And Effect Chain History That Has Been Beyond Your Control ... But Now You Must Realise That You Have To Realise That Control ... You Have To Change Yourself And In So Doing Change The Whole Emotional Lovescape Of The World ... 

What I Am Saying To You Now Is Part Of That Cause And Effect Chain Ourstory ... And We Need To Be Collectively Willing To Act Upon The Imformation We Lovingly Receive. We Have To Decide To Create The Changes This Reality And Women Need To Feel Loved ...

We have to understand that pushing People with verbal aggression into corners creates a fight response ... They will fight at some point to get out of the corner ...

Autism can never be thought of as a self imposed prison ... but as a prison constructed and imposed by families and society in their dis-social behaviour ... as modern culture is extreme in its self-destructive mechanisms of bullying and disresepect and assumedly humourous ridicule ...

We Need Exciting And Biverse Interaction but without the cost of hierarchy ... often Non-Hierarchical And Polite People are seen as intrinsically uninteresting and boring ... Their Politeness And Pleasentness is mistaken for a lack of excitingness fun ... and the hierarchy generally includes supposed excitement which is generally just stress and disgusting behaviour ...

The deeper you dig into language the more there is to be disgusted by if You Adopt Compassionate Logic ... the risk that a word’s origins are not known fully is too much of a risk to People’s Comfortable Happiness ...

The whole world needs to become Autistic And Catatonic towards history and existing languages ... and the abusive way they are abused ...

To defend Ourselves And Our Children from the abuse of circumstance ... a fresh chance is needed ... Women Demand A Fresh Start ...

All The Behaviours We See Around Us Are Normal Responses To Trauma ... It Is The Emotional Landscape We Create As A Collective That Provides The Conditions For Normal People, Reacting Normally To Cause And Effect, Being Then Perceived By Us As Being Destructive And Disgusting And Abusive And Murderous ... Grown Up Babies Commit Murder... Babies That Grow Up In A Perfect World Do Not Commit Murder ... We Have To Construct That World Together ...

If Men In The World Do Not Change, As In Create A Different Perception Of Themselves, That Women Base Upon Mens Behaviour, Then That Same Perception That Women Have Of Men, As In Men Are Intentionally And Indifferently Perpetuating A World Of Murder And Rape And War... This Perception Will Not Change ...

Women Whom Understand The Disgustingness of mans behaviour hate ALL men, because there are no mens groups in the world saying the right things and lobbying governments for change ...

If men do not change then This Perception Will Not Change ...

If Men Do Change Then Women Will Show Men How Deliciously Wonderful A World Of Femininity Can Be ... And Truly Be Our Happy ...

Women Demand: Same World, Same Situation, Same Happyness... 

Which Equates To Joy Experience, Joyfull Opportunity, Joyousness Happyness ...


The realisations required for man to prise himself away from violent thought and ideology can be thought of as false epiphanies ... for surely to qualify as an Epiphany One Must Be Realising Something Wrapped Within Pure Joy and not correction mechanisms from a world of abuse and murder, in so much as the realisations required To Create A World Of Joy that should already exist if not for mans refusals to change ...

A notion that all epiphanies of history having been wrapped in false structure ... that rendering them to be of false epiphanical under remit of the tyrannical ... Pulls Our Minds To A Trueness Coalescence That Only The Joy Of Feminine Emcuddlement Is Of The Essence Of Future ...

Heretoforeverafter with-outing the fast-tracking of false epiphanies So To For Creation Of A Minding Of SuperSpeciellty In Our Hearts And Togethernesses ... 

The Epiphanies Of Joy May Come Abundant And Blissfilling ...

mans needs to go through many false epiphanies to clarify his mindings towards thinking like an Autistic Child or like a resident violent Prisoner ... 

Autistic Children Have Always Known The Way Automatically ... And We Have All Been Prisoners Of This World Of Automatic Abuse ...

Mans Needs Is Of A Reinspective Rebirth That Paints Compassion Indelible And Loving Ethicality Of Epiphanical Acceptancing ... 

For In The Purity Of Thought And Ideas Of Only Joyfullnesses, We All Can Shed Unhappinesses Of Yore, And ReemCuddlementise Feminine Blissynesses Of Our ... A YummyMummy BlissyKissy Forthwards Dancings Womb Joy Time Can Creationalise Loving Alwaysnesses For All Hearts That Love Within This DuoVerse Of Potential ...

Realise The Potential Or Lose The Opportunity ...

Within Worlds Of True Loving Joy We May Realise The Ability To Experientialise Purity Epiphany Rather Than Having To Imagine We Are Already There In Our Achieving Such Perfectional Epiphanical Procreationalisationisms ...

We May There Forthwith In Togetherness Cuddling ...





The Life Demand Of Girls

In this Femisode I will be talking further on finances:

The buying and selling of products needed for Womanufacture for the sake of bleeding out profit, as in to buy and then sell on at a profit to someone else whom will do the same or even at the end of a long chain of middlemen potentially sell to someone whom actually needs said product for a justifiable reason of creative production, is highly immoral and will be made illegal ... these products do not need to be bought or sold, they need to be ethically as in physically processed for the betterment of All Peoples; and imaginary betting on these things to artificially inflate prices is completely and utterly disgusting .... and it is mass murdering the People of the world.

The phenomenon of shorting products is just as ridiculously disgusting, and I will be talking further on this in this Femisode ... 

Wishing for OtHers to fail, as in Wishing the real buyers and sellers to lose loads of cash, is an absolute disgrace. But then again that is the only function the markets serve. To take money away from OtHers for nothing. Does Anyone even dare try to use the markets to actually buy stuff these days ... I suppose they have to and when they do they are being overcharged massively.  I suppose these products do need to be used after the markets have taken their massive and murderous levy. 

So imaginary shorting is basically a function to make Anyone brave enough to actually buy real physical products in the markets be exposed to lots of risk as the product they have could lose so much value over night that the product they might then Wish to make from that resource product could drop so far in value as to make their business of manufacturing or whatever completely worthless. And of course the constant unease that goes with this knowledge has driven many men into massive psychological stress and even to suicide even when their business has been going well ...

 A business could continue manufacturing for years and lose loads of money due to buying high and selling low ... if the markets decide it is your sector of industry’s turn to suffer ... Never tell Anyone You are about to need a large shipment because the markets can be adapted to increase prices on You in your moment of need. But of course nefarious surveillance of Your business and inside informants can make self protection for a company impossible ... 

If the markets are able to increase their prices on you then they can then decide how much to make you suffer ... and this is also exactly how they like to, as in it is a microcosm of how they like to manage populations middle classes and working classes assets accumulations in so-called developed countries also ... and to be honest they are managing the rich and mega richs pockets too as no ones money goes very far in this world ... but of course the megarich find this all highly amusing at times as they can always bleed out more money, and look special, as they love to buy over priced goods anyway ... in theory ...

Anyway, the prices of a product have risen, so a company now needs to borrow money to purchase what they Actually And Ethically need to continue their reasonable Womanufacturing activities, so they are forced to borrow money in the hopes prices may rise again and make their business viable again ... the markets knew they were sitting on cash reserves and decided they wanted them ... sounds familiar doesn’t it? ... and the financial institutions will of course be very prepared to lend You Your own funds back to You ... funds You couldn’t even make because You were forced to buy when the price was high. But You might come to some arrangement which leaves You with 50% less of Your company or supplying Someone at a loss for a few years or any number of inside and corrupt dealings. These things are not regulated and not monitorable at times ... as as I have already pointed out it is easy for the markets to receive backhanders by people they target being forced to open trading accounts and lose large sums of cash ... the markets might then allow your business to be a bit more viable if they feel like it ... maybe ...

And forcing people to play the markets and lose cash in return for favours from you, when they are desperate, is an obvious form of blackmail that is untraceable as crime ... and this same technique of dumping large amounts of money is a perfect and legal way for large sums of registered cash to transact for illegal purchases, and is a favourite way for illegal drugs or illegal guns or anything else to be bought when coupled with the technique I mentioned in my previous Femisode 0160.

I didn’t want to tell You all these things about the markets Ladies as I thought a quick look at finances might be enough for this piece but I find myself wanting to cover the markets just enough to give You a quick snapshot into the way these men operate. Now being slightly aware of how these things work is one thing. A film Here or a tv show tHere. An industrial espionage movie or an insider trading movie ... Great... 

But we all have to understand that this fucking world is an absolute fucking murderous disgrace and that the company I mention, that has to buy its resource products at criminal pricing levels, a company that struggles through no fault of its own, will just be forced by these murderers to hoick their prices up, Good honest Men and Women trying to do as Wonderful a job as possible in the world within the inHerited parameters of what they do, trying to treat their workers well and their customers well, but being forced to put up their prices and not give payrises, maybe increase hours and all because some group of murderous, world for our Childrens’ happiness destroying, so-called finances men decided they were their next targets for a criminal setup. We can no longer put up with this Ladies. We need Your help. We need Your voice. We need all Women of The Beauteous Feminine World To Stand Up And Rise Up TogetHer And Take Back All Our Futures. We Men do not have the strength or agreement amongst Ourselves to get this done, but With Your Wonderful And Caring And Compassionate Leading Of The Way, The Lovely Ones Amongst Us, Good And Loving Men Who Just Need To Realise That Femininity Is The Future, Could Support You Wonderful And Gorgeous Girls ALL To Change The World Into The Planette Earth MotHer That We All Know She IS.


So shorting is a very useful market mechanism to cause a price to drop furtHer through no inHerent need otHer than People doing imaginary bets on that price. So this drives prices down which serves no purpose otHer than to cause a feeding frenzy ... Well the feeding frenzy will happen ...

So the Herd mentality makes prices rise and fall for no otHer reason than People eitHer expect them to or by just buying or selling through speculation on a price rise or fall. The price will then actually rise or fall based upon Neo-Supply and Demand Concept --imaginary betting with nothing actually transacting. Organised gambling on a massively disgusting and destructive scale. This runs the world. This dictates the prices of everything You buy. This keeps You poor. This starves Your Children or Your Neighbours. This kills billions of Homo Sapien People worldwide ... many of whom never get to be born ...

So in this great big fix, basically, if People are selling prices must drop and if People are buying prices must rise. This concept is a killer. It is based on the immoral principle that if something is becoming scarcer one should rip People off, as in take advantage and cash in because they will buy it even if You do raise Your price. Taking advantage of People’s desperation. Men say this is the way the world works and we can’t stop it ... but We can by just justly making it illegal. The men who can stop this mainstay practice in governments can stop it but do not want to. They refuse to. But anythinging short of doing this is going to simply perpetuate the death and suffering and starvation. 

THere is one Person on Planette Earth MotHer however who does have the power to stop this. The power to close down the markets and design a new numerical resource allocation system that works for all citizens of Our Planette. That Person is You. And now You know You can, all You have to do is say yes. 

So this whole concept of supply and demand principle is complete insanity but People who are happy to bleed the world and make You suffer do not care because they see opportunities to bet and win.

The whole global economic system is based on this premise that prices must rise when People buy, fall when they sell, even though all it is they are doing is watching numbers go up and down on a computer. This whole premise is a flaw. A sociopathy that causes minds stuck in the acceptance of it to be socio-psychopathic. They care for nothing that is important. They do not care about People starving and losing houses and struggling and dying. In acceptance of these systems all they think about is their own bank balance. And Your government that is sworn to protect You does not protect You. It protects these systems that torture You ... because it refuses to legislate against the markets ...

Time for change. And You can bring that change through Your power to petition Your government. To abolish this murderous global financial system.

Prices of all products worldwide must be fixed. Inflation must be done away with. BUT, they really do not want this to happen. They will even lie to You and say that something like this is not possible, but then they’ll say that’s the way it works, it’s the way of the world, it’s dog eat dog. All of which are behaviours and behaviours can be modulated and changed and stopped. The financial systems of the world are a choice not a necessity. The World needs to handle its resources but we can’t continue to do it following the principles of greedy men who do not care and who laugh at Your pathetic, poor suffering.

All hierarchies must be done away with and this is the first that must, must, must, must, go.

The only reason to not do away with these systems and install a new streamlined and efficient and Compassionate financial system is so those who play these markets can make their money. They are not making anything, just juggling numbers on a computer screen to no end but to bleed YOUR future and Your Childrens’ future. Their work achieves nothing. 99% of all these transactions are simply bets and not even buying or selling anything. You are being massively short changed with every transaction YOU make to nurture Your Family, and it is simply lining the pockets of global thievery. 

And one could also analogously refer to what is transacting as a war. AN eternal war with no victory in sight because the whole planet has no viability because of the way the markets neuter everything and themselves. Some People might make money but as we have seen what happens when the markets are eventually driven to failure, they just end up getting bailed out by the taxpayer that then has to borrow money back from them later. The only purpose served by the markets is to fill the pockets of a few ruthless and manipulating men who use the wealth they have to immorally/illegally make tons of money. But the money they make is miniscule in comparison to what The World would really make once free from this bondage of murder and slavery ...

When we fully mobilise and install New Laws to govern the financial markets I suggest a sweeping tranche of specifically designed New Laws to pick apart the financial systems and retroactively prosecute all the men involved in these immoral and murderous activities. They knew People were dying all across the world because of their dealings and now they have to be judged for them. I am a proponent of the notion that we were all Babies and all the bad People in the world have simply inHerited their behaviours from OtHers through cause and effect chains beyond their control. But fact finding and accountability and the old notion of justice must be allowed to gatHer the data before we then decide what to do with it.

A New And Compassionate World Where Everyone Is Nice And Off Drugs And Healthy And Happy And Life Extension Has Freed Us From The Limitations Of Aging ... Life Extension To Indefinite Time Frames Is Just Around The Corner. The Secret To Life Extension Is Just A Matter Of Looking In The Right Place. But That’s Another Story. 

A New World Where Prisons Are No Longer Needed And We Are All In Loving Relationships And Our Kids Are Happy And Safe And Free To Roam And Enjoy Their Lives. This Is A World Worth Building. This Is A World We Aspire To. No One Wants Their Baby To Be The One Behind Bars. But Atonement Can Be A Difficult Thing, And A Needed Process By Which To Move On.

So some People see these financial institutions as the devil and that they cause all the problems. But of course an institution can be group of individuals and indeed it is, but in a sense, a financial institution can be abstract in its modes, a simple tool by which some of those inside can effect the world we live in. 

These institutions are basically intentionally run into the ground at times so that certain investors in the world can profit. They are all orchestrating the next collapse knowing that when it comes, due to the amounts of People invested, the governments will have to bail them out or suffer catastrophic and total civilisational meltdown ... it is quite the blackmailing chip and the markets men know this ... So after a carefully orchestrated and calculated collapse has occurred, for sure tHere will be restrictions in place for a while from conscientious governments trying to split banks from the markets and any other acts of desperation they can think of, but inevitably the eternally cycling feeding frenzies allow the two to start merging again, which is what the institutions want. They want leverage over the People themselves via the banking system, and interest rates, and prices of goods including fuel etc. and now even energy supply companies themselves that should be renewable sourced and separate from market influence ... all this leverage over private citizens finances also gives them extra mortal leverage over the taxpayer/government who have to intervene or face total national economic collapse ... 

So the men who want these collapses to happen do not want them to be predictable. But they do want as many people as possible to short products, as in bet against prices, as in try to make money from prices going down. So that this action of increased shorting of prices will cause all prices across the markets to be driven down because people suspect a collapse ... by this action the collapse is forced to happen ... and people in the know will already have their short positions open or are prepared to open new ones at just the right times as they are in the know and know when to take them ... in fact it is a running joke within the markets that hopefully a collapse will happen ... a collapse that will kill millions of Homo Sapiens worldwide ...

So in the lead up to a collapse they want prices to rise and fall but keep rising and inflating to an unknown point in time when an orchestrated collapse, that is seemingly random and unpredictable, will occur, so that one of the most disgusting and dangerous practices of all can come into effect. The ability to short prices of financial products or commodities or even the markets themselves. Getting the timing right is essential. Hedgefunds and macro investors and hidden-multifaceted-financial-institution-border-transgressing-portfolios owned in untraceable ways by individuals working togetHer for overall massive riches will insider trade their collective way to not only make the collapse happen, but to get the timing right on when to take up massive amounts of untraceably organised shorting positions. 

It is the shorting of products that will be used to force the markets to collapse ... The aim is for all prices to fall across the board and for people to expect this to happen, and when the orchestrated tipping point is reached by large and accumulative short positions having been taken, the feeding frenzy upon the speculation that a collapse is imminent will cause the collapse to actually happen ... as when the prices fall more and more people will seek to take short positions which will drive prices to fall further ...

Once the markets are known by some to be about to fail because they are in the know, as in part of the collusionary group, they basically make this happen by taking short postions en mass which drives the collapse to happen.  It drives it, it contributes to it, the markets are showing the signs that this will happen due to mechanisms these men understand ... they know it will happen because they have collectively designed it to happen by market infrastructure and mathematical interactions matrix equational designs that they want to cause widespread suffering ... they say every bubble if continually inflated at some point must pop ... that is what they want you to think, and of course prices can be inflated to ridiculous levels that become untenable, but this would not cause a collapse as the markets would like you to popularistically and simplistically assume ...

It is the fundamental design network of the market that will make the collapse happen, and of course having prices high is better because they can make more money on the way down. so it makes sense to drive prices up as far as possible ... but this price hike is not the cause but just one of the the preferable conditions they seek for an optimal murderous profit making murder scape to occur for their murderous collapse ...

It is rather the tenet of supply and demand theory itself that designs prices to drop when more people sell or short prices ... a murderous and thieving theory ... that is knowingly and purposefully maintained and used by these men to intentionally rape and bleed as much money out of the systems as possible ... all wrapped up in the bow of people whom have maybe been lucky during the collapse now being able to maybe buy some stuff cheap for a while ... though of course people will not sell stuff cheap if they do not want to ... and these men will ruthlessly then buy as much as they can upon cashing in their short positions so that they can then make more fortunes on the way back up ...

So during the collapse preparations, when these rich men have made all their moves and covered their tracks with some acceptable losses, they will collectively short the shit out of anything that moves ... they will decide when to push this collapse and so it will happen. But of course they do not communicate or even know each otHer, and no one can prove anything. So they short everything because they think they are savvy and they will do this luckily just before brokers refuse to open any more shorting positions for OtHers otHer than the brokers themselves or special clients arrangements, and said brokers will even dump positions of people whom are doing well so they can hold these positions for themselves by collusional arrangement with other brokers. And of course all this positioning is the perfect ruse because what else would they do, and legal because thats the way the world works and what else would they do, and it is reasonable and just about legal under self protection measures and any other excuse they can abuse to make as much cash as possible whilst limiting their exposure to their clients taking their money away. 

Now of course it is a delicate procedure to not show Everyone that You are selling a lot of stuff and taking short positions in preparation, as rich stockholders are watched ... but they manage to do this anyhow, somehow, who knows ...

So now a feeding frenzy will be imminent once the whole thing is collapsing, but many traders are frozen out of this time of vast money making, and the vast majority of People are absolutely done over. It’s just the way the world works love.

And the price of bread goes up. Someone has to pay. Well the excuse of a collapse would be reason enough to hoick prices for poor People anyway, despite the fact all resource products are now cheaper because of price drops. But of course any old excuse will do to raise prices ... even pretend fear of the future that you do not have because you have made a fortune from the murder frenzy.

But the markets are always looking for reasons to increase prices to make money on their post-collapse positions that allowed them to buy stuff or imaginary stuff really cheap, and to prepare the markets for the next collapse as they want the collapse drop to be as profitable as possible ...Such methods as war and all resources scarcity-starvation is perfect to drive prices up generally or in lieu of the next collapse ...

And of course general price increases are always great to make money ... such mechanisms of action including ... war, scarcity starvation of any and all resource products, and of course mass murderous financial collapses themselves ... these same subjects, according to traders, are also great material for financial market jokes ... 

The mass and popularist delusion that it is the symptoms, as in secondary effects of financial markets design ie prices going up that is the problem, rather than the way the markets are intrinsically designed and the base-line financial theories that have been specifically designed to bleed the world, is a lie that everyone involved in finances wants the masses to believe ...

The popularist theory that every bubble must pop and we don’t know when it will happen is a lie ...

The prices should be fixed in the first place of course and this will be happening once Girls Move Polytically As One ... but fundamentally prices dropping because of mass selling of products that people should never be afforded the opportunity to hold, and the mass shorting of prices which is an imaginary concept that the markets have designed to profit from mass murder also known as financial collapse, both should never be intentionally designed into global finances in the first place ...

men do not want the masses to realise that the design of the financial markets, as in the fact they even exist, is the inherent problem ... They want you to buy into the concept that the markets are a force of nature and fundamentally intrinsic to our so-called civilisation, but this mass murderous and mass raping lie is a complete manufacturisation of bullshit ... bull markets as in over pricing of goods and the way supply and demand theory seeks to line the pockets of bully-boy financial markets men is a load of crap ... these money stealing overpricing bully-boys create all these bullshit delusional constructs and then expect the people of this world to believe them ...

We do not need the markets or institutions of the financial world ... what we need is them all abolished. 

They do not want you to realise this truth, so they shift the blame, as in use diversionary tactics to  present the completely manufactured theory of bubble and bust as the culprit instead of the fundamental design theories of supply and demand that they orchestrate themselves ... that they set the parameters of themselves ... it is the markets men themselves whom decide how far prices will fall when so many trillion dollars of product is sold ... they specifically design and forcibly protect this world fucking murder machine, and the people of the world whom are dying everyday as consequence of this murderous activity just watch on --in effect oblivious-- as they accept the existence of these markets ...

The men will ignorantly say I did ok because I saw it happening.  Just lucky I suppose. 

After each collapse Ladies it is never Women who benefit from these things. It is always Women who take the brunt of financial ruin. Because You are second class citizens ... and certain industries are sacrosanct and need protecting because men must provide for their Families: though tHere isn’t really enough money to pay Your wages or benefits anyway: go to work You lazy cows. 


Each price of any product must be individually calculated upon its actual root acquisition profile. EitHer a real Womanfacturing product actually bought in a real and relevant way for Ethical production or processing, or an individual orange one has purchased for One’s Love.

Price fixing to dominate or put OtHers out of business is a problem and morally corrupt. Price fixing to ensure goods are correctly and morally priced is a comcept we all understand and all want to happen when we purchase anything. Even these world raping men want to buy at the right price. They have just lost the way as regards treating OtHers as they themselves would demand to be treated ...

If You are not quite sure about the value of a product that You have just fallen in Love with it is essential You are not forced to be stressed whilst making a purchase. We all like to buy things that we want or instantly fall in Love with in a shop, but we really would like to know that every product we ever come across is correctly priced, and that prices are not to be haggled over because this is very stressful for purchasers and sellers. If a sale option is applied then the price is less. If not be polite enough to not ask about a products pricing. One can in a civilised way ask if anything is on sale, but trying to force down prices is not acceptable behaviour in a world wHere everything is priced fairly. Trying to drive down prices is a symptom of a traumatised world of poverty and non-affluence. And a world of disrespectful people trying to get products at unreasonable prices: prices that will leave families out of pocket. We need to move on from this collective torturing mentality. Communally promoting the mentality of ripping People off has to go. The promotion of immoral behaviour has long been something Women want to be made illegal  ... just as illegal as promoting criminal behaviour and promoting violent behaviour ... 

Women are not only disgusted by mans refusal to take all possible actions to enforce laws that make promoting criminal behaviour and promoting violent behaviour actually illegal, but they also are just as disgusted by mans refusal to make the promotion of immoral behaviour illegal.

In a world where film companies openly promote illegal activities like drug taking and prostitution rape and simulated rape and extreme violence and necrophilia and paedophilia ... and the law enforcement agencies and judiciary and governments do nothing except go to the cinema ... despite the fact promotion of such activities is illegal ...

Girls want these promotions of illegal activity gone, and they also want the promotion of immoral behaviour gone ...

Technologies exist to enforce actions against all such horrendous behaviours, but because man insists upon keeping his so-called freedoms intact, our Daughters are left at risk from not only abduction, rape, murder and sex trafficking, but they also have to listen to the disgusting man next door and his filth peddling attitudes towards anything and everything under the sun because every word he says isn’t recorded and analysed in realtime by computer algorhythm ...

Go on Ladies ... ask any man whether he thinks every conversation he ever has should be recorded, and I bet he will say no because that would be an invasion of his privacy ... but unless we record all conversations and monitor all cash transactions and film every square inch of Planette Earth Mother, your Daughters will continue to be raped ... so it seems all fathers want their Daughters to be raped ... 

I do not want my Daughters to be raped, so I’ll take the full surveillance of every square centimetre of Planette Earth Mother option ...

So the disgusting man next door and his filth peddling attitudes towards anything and everything under the sun including promotion of one night stand rape, promotion of prostitution rape, promotion of all forms of crime and immorality and rape as he claims his rights to freedoms of non-surveillence and so-called freedoms of speech, as in his right to run his mouth on all subjects, including his rights to tell paedophile jokes that are in effect promotion of paedophilia and promotion of serial paedophilic rape and serial killing murder of Other Species ... 

In effect any filthy manoeuvring he can think of to push Girls to allow themselves to be defiled ...

And any filthy support of the rape and murder enforcing of man and his masculinity prioritising agenda ...

political traditions of masculinity being the source of ALL the problems we see in the world today ...





Loving Parameters Ethos


So to events happening in England and otHer Home Nations and across the world I would assume ...

The systematic attack upon all Independent Shops ...

Lots of small and independent bookshops are now gone because of tescos and OtHers breaking the market, by pricing new books so cheaply using their purchasing power and artificial subsidisation of profits from otHer goods to lower prices. This is an old and immoral trick that businesses do to destroy smaller, traditional businesses. And we the People allow this by not being able to stop the dictatorship parties that unilaterally run Our countries without asking us. Now, one could forgive poor People being forced to buy products cheaper through desperation at winter festival time when books go on financially desperate offers in supermarkets. But this then removes the shops we would ratHer use, and when we go back in the new year we go oh no. And look through a whitewashed window of the Lovely Shop that we have lost in Our Town. You’ll now just have to drive over to a slightly bigger town to choose from a smaller selection. But now we have expensive highstreet book chains in said larger town but no small Lovely book shops in Our town or an eclectic selection of Lovely book shops in the larger town. Though we of course are told on tv that we prefer the new way things are done and it was after all Our decisions as consumers that made these choices. It’s like saying a Woman in a brothel who is chained to a bed chooses to sell Herself for money. Impoverished People who are constantly concerned about their bank balances are not really able to exhibit actual, and variable free accurate statistics on purchasing trends. But the men like to skew Our opinions and regale the convenience of the modern world with far less bookshops in it. Our governments allowed this to happen by not interceding and forcing all the sellers of books across the whole market, from publisHers and book factories and wholesalers and shops and market stalls to follow a fair and costed pricing structure that provided all Lovely participants with business, inHerent to Our legal system Protections. I suppose mps do not want to protect businesses and their citizens from this freemarket world that doesn’t give a hoot about Shopping Pleasures or Ethics in commerce. 

So Our high street book chains do not sell second hand books, so that we can now also be ripped off online for second hand books and their delivery cost. Amazon cornered a market early with a Wonderful and inexpensive platform on which second hand booksellers across the world were selling their books at cheap prices and delivery costs were low ... but that is now over ... amazon has now ramped up its prices after destroying the businesses of the opposition, through acquisition of funds from otHer products they sell to use to subsidise their business by intentionally lowering prices of products like books. They undercut a market until the opposition collapses then put prices back up, and then look at anotHer product stream to do the same thing to next season or year.  tescos have done this with their purchasing power on books and otHer products. This is a standard way that large businesses with diverse product ranges can cycle their prices to harm smaller opposition until they go bust ... but is also a constant battle between large companies whom are seeking to monopolise as they incorporate disgusting and unethical pricing schemes to constantly fight each other with as always the collateral damage being us the Population Of This World, and the Lower Earners suffering the most ... namely Women And Children And Poorer Families Whom have to pay more at times for whatever goods They need having been priced upon the whims of combative chauvinists ...and these men use  as a bloody and lethal battlefield, that impoverishes and kills millions of Homo Sapiens and untold amounts of People Of Other Species across the world ...

Any tenet of modern culture that causes economic harm or harm of any kind must be permanently removed, and tenets that have caused historical harm must also be permanently removed due to the need for respect towards those that have been intentionally killed by mans merciless economic war ...

Let us talk quickly about the prices we pay on food items of differing sizes. The disgusting habit of modern supermarkets to massively overprice smaller items is an absolute disgrace. I am already in a very bad mood over the plastics that are leaching into everything we consume, and the cancers that this total and intentional disregard for Our health is causing, but the fact You can buy a tiny bottle of water for the same price as two to 3 bottles 10 times the size or somesuch is absolutely criminal in my opinion. WHere has the morality in commerce gone. 

Supermarkets have been given free reign, which the new Labour government now needs to correct ... one of the issues is the supply of plastic bottles of water, which are inHerently dangerous as they put cancer causing molecules into drinking water ... we need to revert to glass or similar to safeguard our health rather than men intentionally putting our health at risk to make money on plastics and save money on energy ... You can NEVER allow trace amounts of harmful substances into food and drink ... and profit prioritising men are directly responsible for the diseases we see today ... sweeteners usage being another example where men seek to intellectual-property corner a market with patented and very dangerous compounds through dangerous legislation that blames sugar drinks for obesity, when it is healthy lifestyles or lack thereof that are to blame for poor health and not chubbylicious body shapes ... the sugar-tax on soft drinks in the United Queendom has exposed millions of people to carcinogenic compounds for no reason other than to make money on dangerous cancer causing sweetening molecules ... and sweeteners conbined with plastic bottles and other plastics packaging like jars and food trays and so-called waxed cartons and trays and dangerous factory exposure of food to plastics as in plastic handled knives and chopping boards and baskets and containers and machinery etc. has all coincided with a massive increase in cancers ... And still men look on ignoring these facts by not making safeguarding legislation that prioritises health ... you have to legislate safely ie ensure no trace amounts of dangerous hydrocarbons or any dangerous chemicals can make it into any foodstuffs or drinkstuffs, and then build your packaging solutions around this ethos ... men do not do this ... they prioritise profit and convenience over children dying painfully in hospitals ...

And of course supermarkets having decided to not self-regulate themselves to safeguard our health by insisting on utilising healthy packaging regardless of ruthless men in government and their inability to legislate, as always use any excuse to ramp up their profits and prices ... 

When will we arrest and imprison all the men involved in the trace amounts of carcinogens in our foodstuffs and drinkstuffs profit making conspiracy? When are people working for governments going to stop intentionally blocking oncology and chemistry and biochemistry scientists whom are trying to talk to politicians in government on this subject ... when will they be listened to ... when will men stop corruptly prioritising their profit making collusions over the lives of painfully dying cancer victim children?

And cheaper water is no longer available in supermarkets. This being another exercise in profit making only ...

Our local tescos which had a vast and sufficient warehouse built onto it already, recently decided to reduce the size of the store to build anotHer warehouse within the store space and then reduce its selection of foodstuffs getting rid of many cheaper items. They did not need this new warehouse space, which makes me wonder what they are doing with the new space and/or the old space ... And of course this has also created the convenient opportunity of getting rid of the cheaper items ... Surely a company that claims every little bit of saving helps, and that they care about your food shopping costs, would have made the choice to get rid of the more expensive lines instead, or simply make space on the aisle shelves for all the products, or install a mezzanine in the vast above head space as is found in many supermarkets ... so why did they need the space and what are they doing with it and why does a company that makes vast profits at our expense not want the store to look after its customers as priority and simply extend up into the vast ceiling space?

Are they immorally classifying increasing shareholder commitments as overheads ... The answer is tescos just want to make as much money as they can get away with ... and this includes their disgusting and criminal pricing of convenience food products or indeed any smaller sized product ...

Convenience sandwiches and crisps and small drinks items are massively inflated in prices because they are convenient and quick right at the front of the store. These days sandwiches are made automatically. A loaf of bread costs 50p which is a price that is too high anyway. And of course tescos bake their own bread at fractional cost to themselves ... One sandwich can cost 2-4 pounds at retail in store ... what multiple of resource product costs is this markup?

We all know how expensive these items are and that we are being ripped off.  We shouldn’t even have the option to buy overpriced items. The shops will say You do not have to buy them. But this is not what customers want. Customers want convenient at times, but at fair prices. 

In A Newly Regulated World that we can achieve when we look into the accounts of these shops and actually tell them what they are permitted to charge and actually tell them that their shareholders are no longer able to demand loads of profits. Once we streamline all the outflow of money from their business to reasonable and regulated levels and then price food correctly and, once we have built local Community run and owned 100 storey greenhouses to intensively grow 99% of what we eat locally, all of these convenience foods will be priced in line with their actual value in line with their resource products. A store bought sandwich must be cheap around 20p-ish, or lower ... and larger. 


So some People might be thinking that bringing the larger chain stores into line is great but what about smaller shops that will struggle if the big stores are forced to reduce prices. So to the immoral forcing of smaller shops to pay more at wholesale for goods they sell at retail. A New World Economy will Legislate and ensure wholesalers, suppliers, factories, Everyone ... sell their products at the same price to Everyone, and that delivery costings will be standardised to facilitate the economic efficacy of such. Prices will be adjusted for this purpose. Supermarkets use their ability to buy or not buy products to force Everyone to supply them cheaper. But it is the end customer that must make the choice not a ruthless and unpleasant supermarket supplies manager. Smaller shops end up being forced to pay more by desperate suppliers being squeezed by the disgusting behaviour of supermarkets, that make all their decisions based on profits for stock market shareholders ratHer than supplying their customers with what they want at the price they want. Often items disappear from the shelves of supermarkets because they are squeezing their suppliers, and use this technique to blackmail a lower price ... if you can’t supply at the price we want we will take the existing stock we have off the shelves ... They have saleable product in the warehouse but intentionally take it off the shelves so they can rip off their supplier. This as You know squeezes farmers and the whole chain from farm to store. This has to stop. We have to fully regulate every purchase and make it illegal to haggle on prices that are set correctly. This is the way You protect Everyone throughout the industry.  No longer can we allow the profit hunger of a few People on financial markets and ruthless retail sector managers destroy everything in the world.  Our Children do not have all the food they want because of these men. We must act NOW.

So back to Amazon. Booksellers are now forced to use their platform or ebay. The big men have been allowed to use diversity trading to destroy specialists shops and call it a new world and that’s the way it works etc. People want to walk down to the old bookshops, knowing they are happy and viable and chat about books with the owner but cant ... of course some bookshops hold out in busy places or lucky circumstances but the loss of small bookshops in this country has been an industry of genocide. And news channels just reported it non-chalantly like it was ok and inevitable and a new world of internet sales etc. But it could have been prevented by consumers having money and shops being looked after ... The big men will say You should have proven You liked those shops by continuing to go to buy tHere, knowing full well that it is was they who drove those shops out of business by undercutting them and being part of the global financial market landscape that accepts this financial torture. Now, You would do well to even buy books cheaply to start a bookstore as even the second hand market is wrapped up by the big man ... 

We want those shops back and viable and money enough in Our pockets too, and we can easily have both with a redressing of the way things work. Full abolition of the financial markets and a Reparations Scheme funded by a new global economic plan could see Our Lovely villages, towns and cities reinvigorated with restoration of all the things we want back NOW. Like all those Lovely Shops Including Book Shops Being Reinstated Under The New Reparations Scheme ...

So prices of products must be fixed, and inflation must be done away with, the only reason to not do this is for those who play the markets to make money; which is murderously stealing money from the system. To keep every price constantly inflating over time to ensure tHere is not enough funds for Everyone to thrive. Considering the whole concept of money is just a great orchestrated imaginary delusion, why not put the money in places it can actually improve Everyone’s lives. We must use Our ability to petition government to get the changes we need put into action in Our country and Worldwide. We need Girls across the globe to pool their Wondrous resource of Lovely Loving Care and Vote For Freedom Within Loving Parameters ...

No more can financial institutions and financial markets blackmail governments to hand over money printed for quantitive easing by threatening to downgrade a countries credit rating, which puts up interest rates on a countries national debt ... With inflation gone there will be no need for quantitive easing, and with the financial markets abolished there will be no one to murderously steal all the money out of the world’s financial system and blackmail governments to hand over vast sums of newly printed cash ... all cash printed, and a lot will be, will be distributed to the People Of This New World so that we can all have what we want when we want ...

No more can Lovely People trying to do their best in the World be forcibly stopped by murderers colluding to kill uncountable amounts of People Of Our SuperSpecies ...

We need to create new numerical resource allocation infrastructures --because the word money will need to be abolished-- that actually give People the ability to have what they want, so we can then understand what People ACTUALLY WANT. This might sound obvious and You might say that at present we can in lots of ways. But it is a philosophical point ... if you do not give everyone the ability to have everything they want within a new very generous resource allocation arrangement, how will we find out what people want as in what they will actually go and get with , with a millionaires budget, and how we need to arrange ourselves around this Wonderful New Socio-Gratification System Of CuddleJoy ... 

I suggest Everyone needs to actually have EVERYTHING they want within a near-future time frame. And of course all of us adopting Loving Parameters Ethos, and accepting resource requirements for All Peoples Happynesses, in our own personal decision making and desires, we always factor in everyones needs and do not want that which would overburden SuperSpecielle Society, as to think that way is unEthical and has caused widespread suffering and death under the yoke of man ... 

On Planette Earth Mother space is at a premium, not as much of a premium as it may seem, but we do need to get up into Space meaningfully and build sensibly and on larger scales on and within and above Planette Earth Mother’s Surface And In Her Oceans ... then tHere will definitely be space enough for us all to have larger properties For Our Wonderment Happynesses. This might seem far-fetched to some People, but it is most definitely not and it is a nearer than One might expect reality if we can just get things under New Loving Womanagement. 

So having everything we want is an essential aspect of All Our Futures. THere are so many things that at present are denied us. 

Assuming that we do not ban cars on moral grounds --I think the banning of cars is a strong possibility-- because of the amount of People who have been harmed, I will use car affordability as an example. Many People are forced into situations wHere they cannot buy their own house, but these many who can’t, are able to own “a car”. I say “A Car” because People most definitely hardly ever own the car they ACTUALLY want. 99.99% of People do not have the car they could have if money was no object. So if all cars were within Your price bracket as in all cars were cheap, and You could borrow the money to buy it if needed at zero percent interest, and You had a Loving Affluence Universal Income ... then we would then find out something useful about market spending for a change. Market surveys generally mean absolutely nothing as regards what People actually would want to buy. 

Research that looks at what People are forced to buy because of limited resources, as in the idea that all people should have a million in the bank and all cars should be priced at no more than 6 thousand pounds, allows us to see what car design people actually prefer ... and the notion that people are interested in what carbuyers end up purchasing is highly disturbing, because Carbuyers are artificially impoverished by murderous world raping financial systems serial killing men and car manufacturers whom charge overinflated prices on their products ...

So any studies upon any consumer spending habits across any sectors of human torture ... because the research is compiled from what impoverished people are forced to buy rather than what they would actually buy in a world of caring and affluence for all families, which is easily achieveable, to me is just a disgusting fascination in the mechanisms of torture. Market spending statistics on cars are completely useless because the wrong questions are being asked. What car did they purchase instead of what Dream car do they actually want. So if any and all cars could be bought new for £5,000 then we would see sales distribution would alter drastically. If all models of cars worldwide were £500 for instance, and credit was guaranteed to be given because Your Universelle Income is guaranteed, then we really, really would find out what cars People really, really want. 

So at present we live in a constant state of psychological torture because we can’t have the Lamborghini or Mercedes that we would choose. This is the world wHere us the People do not make Our own decisions, but instead allow rich men who do not care about Our Feelings make Our biggest life choices on Our behalves ... as they remove all those choices ... 

So in effect, because we are not prepared to force car manufacturers to only double their money or even go non-profit, we are torturing Ourselves. They have no right to massively inflate their prices to keep us poor and in constant hope. People have died for need of a car ... watched their children starve, grow sick and die, for need of transportation ... some People even get used to this torture by putting up Ferrari posters and even seem to enjoy the “I can never have that” mentality. How intrinsically unhealthy is that. Wanting a Ferrari is common. Enjoying the fact You can’t have it is forced upon us by Loving the idea of having it but then settling for a picture ...

The knowledge that You can’t ever have something, against the knowing that You most definitely will is a contrast that reveals much about what we really want.

For example. If a Ferrari costs £250 to manufacture because it is made by automated systems then they can’t justify charging more than £500 from their factory in Italy. Anything more would be morally corrupt. The total cost to actually design make and distribute could be higHer but it must be regulated and checked, and if the end price was £2000 I might question whetHer it should be so high. Now this New World would involve a lot more factories being required for making more cars in bulk, but this New World must happen. We can no longer let the rich torture the poor. And this starts with essential price fixing to stop companies enacting disCompassionate business models. 

What changes would Ford make to their models if they had to compete directly with Mclaren. I am talking aesthetically as of course the performance of cars and regulating this heavily would have to occur if we were to keep the present car-ownership-road-destination dynamic. 

Having any cars capable of driving fast would be something that Women would want to review upon Their Full Feminisation Of Reality Planning Gestation Period ... they may opt for all perambulation devices to be automatedly driven on new prisitine highly engineered roads that would also have some form of attachment system so cars would be snuggly kept safe during transportation periods ...

Talking about making it possible to stop any car moving remotely with untamperable onboard systems is one thing, but ensuring cars can not be driven dangerously by fitting all existing models with retrofitted accelerator controls and steering assist is something which should already have been done, could already have been done but for the fact that men like to endanger the lives of Our wives and Children Ladies --ALL Men Must Feminise.  men could have turned said retrofit into a massive money making scheme, and would have done, but making profit from anything that is essential in protecting life; like medical equipment, life saving drugs, or safety equipment for any purposes is just disgusting. But of course tHere is no impetus among men to stop driving dangerously. 


When children are taught All Laws from the time when they first go to nursery school, all the way through their school years, until they leave their studies, the society we live in is transformed into a Loving And Caring And Law Respecting And Conscientious Playground Of Safety For All Our Hearts Desires ...

And Of Course Further To This Regard, All Adults Will Also Be Expected To Study Law In Detail So As To Fully Understand And Respect What A Society Of Cuddling Prosperity Deserves From Them ... with a law degree for all citizens compulsory, covering all legislation ...

Considering a lot of masculine formulated legislation will be discontinued ... this is not a difficult task to achieve ... no more will the obfuscations of disgusting rape culture perpetuating legalities ruin Our Wives And Childrens And Our Lives ...

The dissemination of all new Truly Compassionately Logicalised Legislation/Laws And Polytical Information has to be thought about carefully ...

An informational channel run by a new Polytical System would be an essential way of presenting Polytical information ... with scheduled presentations and on demand viewing that would include compulsory programming that all citizens would have to view.
And the legal expectation that these important informational presentations will have to be viewed and understood will ensure that everyone has the knowledge required to be a Happy And Free To Roam Within Loving Parameters Citizen ...

To ensure people are focused, and take their legal responsibilities towards polytics seriously, People will not be able to access any other content including any messaging or phone calls or artistic or sports presentations etc. until they have proven they have done such ...No further programming will be possible to absorb until this information has been watched and understood ...

So a new informational Polytical Intra-Communicational System for essential and compulsory informational and feedback purposes  ... these will be accessibility friendly presentations on all neogovernmental/Polytical-Familial business ... and the expectation that certain Polytical Bills will be compulsory for People to vote on if deemed necessary will require full comprehension of certain very communicational-friendly presented materielles so as to engage the population in referendum type decisions on any bills that are deemed compulsory and any bills that any citizen shows an interest in absorbing the relevant information for ... with ALL Polytical Bills being voted on by any interested citizen if they choose to, upon proof they have absorbed and understood said relevant documentation in any form of their preferencial choosing ...

So this channel of televisual and audiobook-type and written documention communication streams will give direct access to Polytical Bills information in easy video format and facilitate anyone acquiring eligibility to vote on any and all Polytical Bills including those compulsorally selected by central national representations groups I will call Polytical-Familial, and the wider interested population ...

With New Laws and their details featured as compulsory viewing for all Citizens ...

Once the party system is gone and representatives are selected in New Loving Ways like Compassionateness Quotience And Random Selection, the topics for perusal and decision making become about resource allocation for SuperSpecielle expansion as in city building and space exploration and colonisation and merrymaking fun times cuddle times so there will not be any room anymore for opposition or arguments ... and arguments will be illegal ...

mans addiction to combat-based politics is over ..!

And the disgusting tradition of representatives representing us exclusively without citizens being able to represent themselves either via voting on all political bills or being able to speak in parliament will be a thing of the past, and the disgusting tradition of certain bills being composed of non-Compassionate options as regards their composition and ammendment during parliamentary process or their final yes-no-abstain framework will be fully abolished. You can’t ethically vote on non-Compassionate optioning referendums ... therefore the only outcomes one can ethically vote for are kind and considerate and about improvements and never impingements upon sentient beings happynesses ... All Species Being Lovingly EmCuddled Within Our Superspecies Family Of CompashPerfectionaComBelleises ...

I will be talking about a possible new Polytical system later in this project but of Course I Know That Women Will Formulate The Way Forwards Perfectly Under The Remit Of A Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit ... This Will Include Polytics, Ethics, Sciences, Sports, Arts, Legislation, Communication ... EVERYTHINGπŸ’–πŸ’–


Not cctving the Whole Planette means rape ..

Men cannot cite reasons of freedom because their reasons of freedom = rape.

They cannot intellectually/non-logically compartmentalise to maintain a status mortis by lingually and argumentedly ignoring that their freedoms = rape ...

We will no longer accept their rape making contexts of present state perpetuation within which they erroneously and violently try to contextualise a world where they are allowed freedoms that do not exist ... your freedom to not be surveilled all day everyday does not exist!  You will accept this premise of safety for your Daughters without protestation, or you will go to prison ...


If you are forcing girls to open their legs when they do not want to because there are girls getting raped in the world ... and you are creating these parameters and are not acting against the governments of the world whom refuse to legislate to end rape, and girls are desperate to have children, then it is rape ... mass collusional rape ...

Ask your Women if she wants to have sex with you whilst millions of Girls are getting raped ...

Ask your Women if she wants to have sex with you at the same time as millions of Girls are getting raped ...

Millions of Girls are getting raped right this second ... and  your man wants to fuck you ...

Ask your Women if she wants to have sex with you at the same time as every single dead body you wish to consume is a paedophilic rape victim and countless Girls Of All Species are all getting raped by men and that you do not care or do anything to stop this ...

So man uses Girls Love for Children as a weapon to force Girls to accept rape ... not one Woman wants to have sex with you or get fucked by you whilst there are Women getting raped in the world ... so in effect every Woman that is being forced to have sex in a world of rape is getting raped herself ...

And for your information fucking is rape ... as sexual intercourse without Love declares You incapable of giving comsent ... and sexual intercourse itself as a term is a rape term too as it does not specify Loving Cuddlmentisation As Primary ... men need to wake up and realise Girls want Cuddly Loverly Men Whom Are Yummptious And Soft And Kind And Considerate ALL The Time ...

All Women whom have been married in english language traditions/terminology have been raped without their knowledge ... like in date rape a feel good tranquiliser was put in your drink ... as the terminology is slavery objectification, Girls as sexual property formulated ...


Offering anyone drugs is rape as the willingness to consume drugs declares a person incapable of self-safeguarding and incapable of making a decision upon the subject of their self safeguarding ... and means they will be in effect self-raping and allowing you to rape them and convince them to self rape ... chemical damage to the body is chemical rape ...

If people breathe in or in anyway imbibe any chemicals they do not want or that are unhealthy and unneeded by the body then it is rape ... your body deserves protection and you cannot consent to damage ...

Promoting pharmaceutical drug culture instead of creating a world that creates widespread happiness and protection is not only chemical rape but callous cashing in on your torture victims. 

Promoting pharmaceutical drug culture instead of creating a world that creates widespread happiness and protection from diseases from chemical pollution from industry and recreational chemical usage in all forms whether intrabodily or environmentally is not only rape but callous cashing in on your torture victims bodily damage including systemal and cranial physiology nonconsentually induced counterfunctions ...

Governments intentionally make money from drugs but do not legislate to fully protect Women from men and their rape abuse ...

So in effect governments are raping Women through lack of protective legislation and protective equipment installation, and they are cashing in on a form of chemical rape and monetary rape that is a result of this disgusting rape scape design ...


Child watching beginning of gangster movie where guns are firing and bodies are dropping and hoes are being abused to cool music and gangster man is strutting down street to cool music ... but now its bed time and child doesn’t see the gangster maybe get his comeuppance at the end of the movie ...

It is easy to watch part of a vhs or dvd recording also, or even be exposed to a incomplete copy of the movie, or watch violence promoting clips on youtube because the computer being used isn’t confirming the id of the person via camera identification access control ...

All rooms can easily be cameraed, and all devices monitored and switched off if required to ensure kids do not access the wrong materials ... but men prefer to not have safety for their children’s psyches ...

The artistic licence to be sucked into the gangster’s delusion that everything he is doing is cool ... and the rendering of such through 3rd person pov narrative structure, and this structure being used as an excuse to render the scene with cool music is completely unacceptable ...

A child sneaking into a back of a theatre whilst a murder scene with cool music playing is being portrayed can leave an indelible and disgusting memory of promotional interpretation within the childs’ mind, as they were ushered out of the theatre and didn’t see the end where the murderer got apprehended ... and if he even did get apprehended in this presentation of disgustingness ... if apprehension is even enough when he gets out of prison 7 years later after a pleasant prison experience ... 

I suppose People wandering free without protection, and Children being shown violent war movies when they are 5 years old by their dad because he is not able to make correct choices is a risk all governments like to take at all our Daughters’ expenses ...

And heterosexual man whom makes all the rape and violence murder rape disgustingness content thinks he is worthy of having Children ...


When A Lesbian Couple And A Gay Couple Combine They Can Share Their Eggs And Sperm By Switching The Genetics Inside To Create Their Own Babies ... This Way Eggs And Sperm Can Still Be Babies As Was Their Destiny ...

It Is Also Possible For People To Change Their Body Shapes, Utilising A Technique That Is Non-Surgically-Invasive And Totally Safe, That I Will Not Mention The Details Of Here, So Their Morphologies Can Adopt The Shapes Of The Opposite Gender ... And Then They Can Switch Their Genetics To The Opposite Gender Also Utilising Their Parents X Or Y Chromosomes Or A Donor Friend’s ... This Gender Switching Technique Utilises The Same Technique That Can Reverse Aging ...

Then Men Will Be Able To Have Babies In Their Own Fully Feminised Bodies If They Wish ...





Safety For All Not Profit 


New safety features have to be compulsory and rolled out across all models of all car manufacturers ... there can never be any delay in safety feature uptake to try and gain a sales advantage for profits sake ... car manufacturers and all manufacturers of products across all industries can’t keep patent or product design concept secrets for sales boosts when safety features are the focus. Open access to such R and D must become compulsory ...

Capitalism can no longer be allowed to murder People!

There is a balance between older cars being less safe and People needing to buy a safer car quickly, and that car needing to be whatever is available to make the roads as safe as possible, but new safety R and D and the car features that are developed have to be cross industry in uptake from the get go to safeguard as many lives as possible as quickly as possible ... as soon as a new safety feature patent is applied for, all car manufacturers should have always been immediately informed and then a plan of widespread research and development could be undertaken for the specific applications of said patent across all cars and other vehicle-type manufacturers and any and all sectors of industry if applicable to ensure as short a lead-time as possible on safety implementation ... with decisions being made as to whether the patent needs to be retrofitted to all vehicles to save lives ... when an industry is permitted to run out of control and prioritise profit, the retrofitting of safety features as standard across all existing vehicles worldwide becomes impinged by everyones budgets having been presqueezed by car prices being overinflated and of course manufacturers that make vast profits never want to foot the bill, so there is not always upwards pressure to get legislation in place meaningfully enough to get regulation sorted ... this world of profit making murder has a lot of counts of murder to answer ... car manufacturers should have expected to retrofit safety features out of their profits and should have been told to do so ... or of course the more sensible option is very very cheap cars so the consumers can afford said retrofits themselves ...

Back in the real world, if too many People are being forced to buy less safe new cars, and there are better safety features out there that have been under the murderous profit making secrecy propensities of the car manufacturing industry, then all politicians and legislators are not only getting their protective responsibilities massively wrong, but they are wilfully endangering --and in effect through lack of legislation-- murdering people on the roads ...

The problem of industrial secrecy of safety feature developments can happen in any and all sectors of industry and manufacturing ...

This has been a problem in the past and men seem no closer to correcting this effectively because they still see safety features as a selling point and an industry competition rather than something that should be under open source monitoring and regulation and industy wide immediate roll out ...

What about aircraft?

Do all new aircraft have all the same safety features across the whole industry?

Having all safety features of aircraft on a global database that shows all historical data pertaining to patents and technological applications and industry rollouts of safety features ... such a database does not exist but it should exist ... we need a full ideas database of all inventions and technological developments and their cause and effect and affect across all innovation and endeavour ... We should be able to go to a global database and compile and check bespoke spreadsheets formulated from core data compilations across all commercial and non-commercial aerospace applications for safety features ... this data should be freely accessible and fully comprehensive covering every single concept that has ever been applied to the aerospace endeavours of Planette Earth Mother’s Species ... then I could check whether all Safety Features that the united states airforce has ever developed or acquired have been openly shared with all other nations immediately before production has even occurred. Of course lots of independent nations working on mirror safety r and d projects is a very good way of getting the best results for safety of all People involved ... With Collaboration Being Then Very Immediate In Comtext Comveniences With Complementary Caring People Whom Wish To Ensure Utmost Safety Is Always In Application ... Tech-Cuddling In Unison To Emsure That All Our Fempilots Are Safe And Aware Of Our Love ...


Girls might decide that due to the death caused by man and his bloodthirsty addiction to killing People intentionally on the roads, Girls may decide to reformulate all transportation industries into non-profit comcerns. Cars as free-moving vehicles is probably going to be a thing of the past, with the advent of a new Fully Feminised Transportation Superstructure that holds Safety as its Primary Comcern during ALL planning stages ...

Mans decision to prioritise convenience over safety as regards the decision to not create a nation-wide one-way road system upon the advent of high speed motorised vehicles has proven to Women a complete disregard for not only Their Lives but for Their Childrens’ also ... and this does not sit well with Girls Of Planette Earth Mother ...

But not being privy to the results of the Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit I am going to proceed with my critique of the historical and presentation of possibilities as regards car pricing ...

I have already mentioned that I see cars being priced in the hundreds of pounds area not thousands, with the possibility of non-profit designation industry standard for all car Womanufacturing companies, or a maximum of x2 profit of the sum of resource product acquisition costs plus Womanufacture costs ... 

I would see any price on cars could also be under a rebate scheme that would see money given back to the purchaser if large volumes of cars of that design were sold. I think manufacturers would, if left unchecked, potentially seek to inflate their r and d costs to make more per unit sold which could not be allowed to happen. They may seek to do this, but we would have to regulate against this type of price inflation defrauding of the carbuyer ... 

A non-profit option for the car industry could see wages being paid upon work like design and development, and the open door policy for all Womanufacturing could see People being able to be involved in building cars by hand or semi automatedly at each Womanufacturing plant with People also being able to watch the automated building of cars. And as with all, what used to be called industries, being fully automated to free people from slavery economics, or more correctly to get things made once people do not want to make them anymore upon their receipt of a large lump sum and a generous Universelle Income, as they would rather be doing what they want and not working on a repetitive production line for 30 years, there would in my mind also be an Automated Systems Tax Scheme that would see all companies that are Public Accessibility Friendly now and mostly automated, paying into the Polytical-Familial National Fund from which Universelle Income is paid. And of course as with all non-profit, no profit would be made, which would allow for cars to be supplied at retail at cost, with only a small addition to this for a buffer fund for the company in case of unforeseen circumstances ... when products are being supplied at reasonable prices like seen in non-profit or x2 arrangements, the taxpayers fund that I have called the Polytical-Familial National Fund would find it easy in a New World Of Affluence, to help any companies if they had additional unforeseen emergency costs etc. 

With non-profit or x2 limitations on pricing under the suggestions I am making, estimated prices could be applied, and as more units are sold the price could decrease potentially with the possibility of a rebate scheme seeing a proportion of the asking price being returned to the carbuyer if the company sold enough volume to cover development costs. But of course and like I said, this would not however allow for companies to overinflate their prices artificially for r and d and design work. All such schemes of fraud that man is liable to try to implement at any given opportunity would be strictly regulated and monitored.

The prices of all cars can be capped by resource product costs plus energy of production, so all customers have the same price point by algorhythmic ratio calculation ... as in all customers get the same fair deal at every car Womanufacturer ... which would see a standard r and d cost added to the retail cost of all cars, that once actual r and d costs have been covered by selling enough units, would be subject to a realtime rebate scheme, actionised as more units are sold ... and if the car Womanufacturer doesn’t sell enough cars to cover their r and d costs: these costs could either be covered by another car model that has shared r and d considerations, or a subsidy could be paid by the system, that would potentially be paid back in future by the Womanufacturer, if applicable according to new regulations/legislation decided by Women upon their Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit, specifically Womanufacturer r and d retail costings considerations.

And if any car companies wanted to develop very important r and d projects, as in safety feature specific, then they would have to open up these projects to the whole of society and ensure all cars could benefit from these features for the absolute safety of all ... as the behaviour of companies in any industries that have kept such safety centric projects secret for the sake of market edge profit making now have charges of murder to answer in my opinion ... millions of lives have been lost ...

Of course the suggestions for costings regulations are just ideas for a possible way of regulating the out of control and disgustingly behaved car industry, and of course the Girls may very well come up with a far better idea ... I will say again though that I would suggest that car Womanufacturing companies may have to go non-profit due to the murderous behaviour of man behind the wheel and the complete disregard for road safety by the car industry by not sharing ideas across the whole industry and not showing the impetus in taking bare minimum actions like limiting all their cars top speeds abilities to speed limits and ensuring all cars were fitted with speed limit zone autorestriction technology ... men have proven that they cannot be trusted to protect lives over their so-called rights to have so-called fun in producing cars that are far too powerful and far too fast and far too uneconomical: AND NOT HAVING SAFETY FIRST IN ALL DECISION MAKING ...

Women of the world are disgusted with mans complete disregard for safety ... and the car industry is directly responsible for untold millions of homo sapiens deaths worldwide ...

Why hasn’t the car industry done this voluntarily and forced their own hands on this for safeties sake? Because they do not care and they just want to make fast cars and make money ... it is an utter disgrace ...

The mechanisms of how we choose to proceed would be for us the People to decide ... specifically for Women to go off into seclusion and decide, and then come back and tell us what is going to happen, and for all men to say nothing other than “That’s Perfect” ...

I do know that whatever perambulation devices Girls finally agree on, they will want them to be as safe and secure as Perambulators For Babies ... Namely Prams ... As We Are All Babies In The Eyes Of The Girly Girls ... and the abolition of car related terminology may very well see transportation vehicles called “Prams”. And these new Prams will need to be built by companies whom are Ethically supplied all resource products at non overinflated by murderous interferences from ruthless stock market men prices ...

The Main Goal Would Be That Women Would Sit Down And Figure Out All These Parameters To Facilitate Us All Having The Safe Transportation Superstructure Across The Face Of Planette Earth Mother, We All Deserve ...

Let us further explore the morality of continuing the car concept at all:

1, Cars are carriages and carriages are horse slavery tools.

2, Cars are weapons of indifference used to slaughter Our Loved Ones for well over a hundred years.

3, Before that, carriages, from which cars derive their name,  rode down peasants in the street and drove over their dead bodies without care.

4, Cars have burnt Fossil fuels and Fossil fuels are the desecration of Dead Loved Ones Bodies ... millions of years of Dead Loved Ones Bodies being burnt for Our entertainment means that emotionally no amount of electrical cars can remove this lamentation burden, ameliorate this wholesale defilement of all morality.

5, Millions of people have been intentionally killed by an industry of murder meted out upon all whom came into contact with motorised transportation ... all haulage should have been taken off of the roads a long time ago and various methods could have been adopted for this purpose ... and all cars should have been sensible and safe not fast and so-called fun ... cars are transportation devices to get safely from A to B ... not fun!

So a new system of non-driven perambulation may need to be formulated if the Girls decide that is what they want?

I look forward to hearing their plans ...

And finally The term to drive or be driven is one that also needs to be addressed. I honestly don’t think that if Women were to look at the entire english dictionary and decide on what words we should keep that they would want to keep the word drive and its derivations. Horses were driven until they keeled over. Cars are driven to kill millions worldwide each year ... Billions including insects ... Murderers drive game out of the forest to shoot them. Man is driven insane by bloodlust games that are good sport. No game is a dead obliterated animal ... I mean Person bleeding out. What a game. Mad with lust for one’s wife. I’m mad about You. Sick. Sick is well sick. That’s bad. Wicked. Whose bad? Not MY bad.


For All products that are Womanufactured, I do not think You should be able to make more than double the sum cost of making that product and getting it sold. THere are lots of unneeded middlemen also, which I would prefer to do away with on principle because they just inflate end prices of goods. Wholesalers are middlemen who take a cut for storing items or unloading items and storing and delivering items, but I see the future being about automated shipping and loading/unloading, with goods going straight to retail without money being taken out of the system. The end price of the product to the customer being only double what all these things cost to achieve. 

There is also the probability of a fully automated haulage and delivery superstructure utilising underground tube systems that would make it easy to delivery all goods for all private citizens and companies free of charge ...

The future of Womanufacturing itself though is all about local microWomanufactories 3D printing virtually everything we need.

So not only are the financial markets forcing everything we buy to be far too expensive, but the free for all on prices of any items we buy is allowing men to price everything to a level that basically measures how desperate People are to buy something. Basically any item will be as expensive as it can be before sales tail off. Then dropped back to a level wHere in theory the most is made but also factoring in the less work aspect. People basically want to make as much as possible but also sometimes do as little work for that money as possible. In fact profit is very often given up for the not having to do much option. This means less volume sold, less work incurred, less People getting the item they want and prices being inflated to achieve this. The system should be prioritising People getting what they want over acceptable profits and less work. Often far more profit can be made sometimes if You reduce prices, give People what they want, and sell far larger volumes of product.

The Priority In People Being Happy Is Always Affluence And Choice And Success In Having What You Want. So We Must Restructure The Entire Production-To-Retail-System To Foster Our Dreams And Wishes.

The criminal pricing of a lot of the products we buy has to stop.

Some products in shops are ten to a hundred to thousands of times more expensive to buy than the money it takes to get them onto the shop shelf.

An example of the ruthless profiteering of men in this world is an example of the new apple iphone 15 pro 1tb.

To my estimates it costs $1.67 to get a new iphone 15 pro manufactured and sent to the apple store in cambridge, england.

Here I will talk about the total costs to get 3000 generic phones made and sent from China to a large chain of stores in California under the proviso that only x2 profits can be charged post Full Feminisation Of Reality with an automated haulage/courier system running at cost ...

It is worth mentioning that a global: automated, and self maintaining haulage and delivery system would only require energy to keep running smoothly, as once automatedly installed, utilising self extruding tunnelling and self extruding tube station construction rigs, any components would be automatedly refreshed utilising the existing materielles of the installation itself ...

A Phone cost breakdown in $ for a top of the range phone post Full Feminisation Of Reality

The phone costs significantly less than a dollar to Womanufacture as it is just a very small piece of plastic with small amounts of metals etc. I will round up the cost to make the phone, to $1

 So at $1 manufacturing cost x 3000 units equalling $6000 dollars plus automated loading and unloading costs and the container service costing $1000 the retailer pays $7002 for 3000 phones to arrive in docks in california ...

$1 Buy from factory x2 = $6000 

$0.5 Automated Loading x2 = $1 

(0.00015 Loading per unit x2)

0.34 shipping plus haulage per unit: $1000 for container 3000 inside 

0.5 Automated Unloading x2 = $1 

(0.00015 Unloading per unit x2)

Retailer pays $2.334 for each phone 

Total cost to retailer $7002 (to get phones to California in container)

Then the phones are handled by the new automated haulage/delivery system and are distributed to all the stores.

Automated Unloading/minimal storage time/reloading

0.0015 per unit = $4.5

haulage to 60 shops

0.025 per unit = $75 

= $79.5

Total £7,081.5 

So the Retailer pays $2.3605 per phone to purchase and transport her to a shop. 

The retailers overheads for staff and shop etc. would have to be added.

If the retailer decided to charge $10 dollars per phone to cover overheads they would be overcharging significantly.

This is an estimation of how much it will cost once the world has been regulated correctly though I think the phone can be Womanufactured cheaper and I also think it would be a good idea to make all haulage and delivery free. This removes unneeded costs and variables and then everyone can have their bestest phone they want, and money will not be a consideration ... People having what they want is the only consideration ...

So apple at present with their own lorries for haulage within england would be able to get a phone manufactured and shipped and delivered to their store in cambridge for $1.67 per unit, as they do not have to pay a factory price, as they manufacture internally within their business ... and it is easy for them to get cheap shipping by gifting £2000 phones to people that cost virtually nothing to make ... and they run their own haulage, which is insignificant against the price of a phone... their new top of the range phone, the iphone 15 pro 1TB is £1,599 or £1,838 with insurance ...

So £1,838 x 1.25 for exchange rate = $2,297.50

So the markup is x 1375.75

That’s one thousand, three hundred and seventy five times!

This is my estimate, that could be slightly out, but the fact an iphone is a small piece of plastic and they are charging 2 grand speaks for itself ... 

Although their shop overheads would have to be added ... there is no justification for the prices they charge ... prices that impoverish People whom struggle to just afford their lower end products ... it is hierarchical consumerism at its worst ... and apple as a company are an absolute disgrace to All Compassion ...

A container with 3000 apple phones would have a retail value of $6,892,500 and those 3000 phones cost $5010 to manufacture and get delivered into the store in england ...

This is criminal profiteering and there is no justification for it ... what happens when a container goes missing? Would the insurance pay the retail value?

And I also calculate that any otHer smartphone producer would be paying large licensing payments to apple, for the right to use their intellectual property ... which gives them a large chunk of profits from all modern phone makers. Put it this way. My breakdown for a generic phone does not take into account apple potentially taking a very large chunk for their intellectual property (IP). 

And apples ownership of intellectual properties to do with hardware/software makes their production costs lower than their competitors.

So the present pricing structure of apple is an absolute disgrace. They are using their ability to squeeze otHer phone makers to push up the oppositions prices, and at the same time they have their own prices massively inflated. I Personally would price cap them to only be able to make x2 on all their products, which would mean lots of men who like to sit in offices not doing much, who like to spend money on the things men like to spend money on, would no longer be able to do so. 

It goes to show also that intellectual property monopolisation can be used to force households across the world to spend vast sums on items like phones at massively inflated prices, and that the need for a massive overhaul of the way IP licences are priced needs regulating. We can’t have invention being used to bully and force vast sums out of Our pockets which seriously reduces Our quality of life. Tammy does not get Her painting classes in this world ...

Smart phones have not developed at all over the last ten years otHer than larger processors being put inside. That could have been done years ago and seems like intentional slowing of development ... but is actually a reflection of the inability of men to successfully develop new technology in this world wHere prostitutes and drugs slow everything down. If those in charge of Intellectual Properties will not or can not successfully manage research and development projects and are too scared to permit OtHers to do so under licence, then the world grinds to a halt. For otHer companies to have the ability to use IP under licence to develop their own products and technology as alternatives to IP holding companies, after release of secret development info and products, we have to create new laws to create accommodations to make this legally Womandatory To Facilitate A Healthy Global Technological Landscape. 

A Surprise Quotient timeframe accommodation can’t be extended out too long, and companies like apple can’t decide how much they can charge other companies freely ... all patent licences have to be regulated in their pricing and utilisation qualifications beyond unpleasant peoples whims ... to facilitate innovation across ALL companies ... and to not allow monopolisations as we presently see ...

So the cost to make a phone itself in resource materielles before they are made into any products like computer chips etc. is around 5c only, as it is just a very small piece of plastic, with a few very small quantities of metals etc. apple moves components around the world also to construct the phones which is also a waste of resources. We need to be Womanufacturing products locally in situ to end-customers using MicroWomanufactories producing under IP licences. Eventually in the future we could also produce all goods at home utilising MicroWomanufactories to make anything we need, with the only expense being the Patent Licence, as we would be 3D printing from base atoms that we already own or atoms acquired from some kind of cabling/piping system. 

3D printing complex molecules like hydrocarbons is something men are struggling to achieve at the moment, but these technologies are possible to develop if the right People are involved ... and 3D printing technologies are most definitely the future, though we do need to look beyond the hydrocarbons options at times, as they can be very dangerous to Life when mishandled, as man has done historically ... No longer can we put up with men slowing Our development and indeed viability of survival as a SuperSpecies because of selfish isolationary innovative projects that seek to monopolise and dominate financially, and not accelerate ideas and their utilisation at a rate that ensures we are technologically developing as fast as possible ... for all our safeties ...

All of this greed amounts to a reduction in production and innovation and comsumer spending as people can’t even afford phones ... and they are just being pushed to ridiculous prices so as to be status symbols of elitism sociology ... We need to seriously regulate business running costs, wages and TIME SPENT in a new way that stops the suffering these companies are causing ... 

We need a new financial approach that takes the stress and financial burdens away from every household worldwide. We also need to take the stress away from those who are financially raping the world by stopping them from being able to do so. THere is a lot of guilt attached to the process by which men have impoverished Our Society. From every angle possible they are causing hardship and suffering and death via suicides not only amongst the poor but amongst the rich whom are so disgusted by modern society they are driven to self harm behaviours of all kinds ... and Children are eating bird droppings in Africa because the world can’t care.

So many technological developments haven’t even happened yet that should have done because what we do do has been slowed by greed and the things men like to spend money on ... A clear and healthy and guilt free mind works far more effectively and far more innovatively ... and a mind that cares and finds and prioritises Compassionate technological developments, Is Healthy And Happy In A World Of Kindness ... We Need To Compassionise Not Only Commerce And Womanufacturing But Also Our EmCuddlement Of New Ideas.

Womanufacturing products locally to not waste global resources and using recycled materielle that can be sourced locally makes sense. Base resources in their raw form even atomic form is the future of ergonomic Planetteairy processes. And the moving of such materielles can be done very inexpensively using a global underground tube transportation system. The sheer wastage of energy and resources presently going on is untenable and hugely unethical when You see a future of streamlined and all importantly moralistic Planetteairy Interaction. 

I have just checked the cost of a new ferrari daytona sp3  that runs on refined desecrated dead bodies and it costs £2,226,935 though I am sure one could pay more ... If I was to crush it into a 50cm by 50cm cube I reckon it would be worth less than £100.


A lot of People Love to talk about the comcept of doing away with money. It would be appropriate to do away with money from a moral perspective. Money has been weaponised by men for centuries. It has been used as a tool ... as a weapon to control ... to dominate ... to fight wars ... as the goal in fighting a war in so much as Wishing to take the otHer lots gold stash.

Money has been the resource, the lingua franca of destruction and murder, and on those moral grounds You could say we should just do away with money because of its history and all the history of suffering that has been wrapped around its usage. The concept of money as in, coins and cash, would be something we could potentially forego on these grounds, but of course we would still need to allocate resources.

You would still need a numerical system for the allocation of all the resources and resource products etc in the world and a method by which to exchange anything that could be exchanged, as in ANY mode of SuperSpecielle artifice. 

A natural limiter is required for the world to go round. Traditionally, impoverisation also known as murder, has been used to regulate the usage of the worlds resources, but this is obviously completely disgusting ... historically a lot more could have been produced for everyone by everybody being SuperHealthy And Happy ... but of course the way in which man has abused and dominated monopolisation schemes of financial markets and institutions, the intentional murder will be his eternally abhorred regret once he can actually accept that his actions are a disgrace.

And this is where Women have to step in. Women have eternally stepped in and tried to compassionise masculine thought but have been ignored ... but never before have Women had the opportunity to bring man to his senses ... with the ability to petition governments worldwide en mass as One Global Feminist Movement, men will not be able to ignore the Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical Movement that is to come ...

The global comnectivity that modern technologies gives us is the way in which Women can save the world and save man from his traditions ... All we have to do is vote as one unified movement via self referendum and the world will have to listen ...

So with a new regulated world comes a new numerical, regulation of resources system ...

Of course You can’t just allow People to go to shops upon opening day and just take everything because it’s all free. Planette Earth Mother’s present systems couldn’t allow that resource wise and we have otHer Peoples’ consumer rights to accommodate. Of course if anything could be 3D printed on demand in Our front rooms by a 3D printing rig and tHere were enough atoms to do that then we could have boundless amounts of stuff, and recycle stuff as we Wished. But let’s talk about the present state of the world, and immediate solutions to the global population’s problems for now.

If we did choose to do away with money, first we would have to figure out a method of resource allocation that works for Everyone. I do not mind money being reinvented into a new form per se ... like doing away with notes and coins because lives have been bought and sold and lost and murdered in the cash-concepts’ name. I would see this option as a reasonable way forwards. We already have the ability to do this with cards etc ... And I am aware that cash is kind of an abstract concept of numeracy so why blame it, but we should at the very least be considering all options up to and including the abolition of notes and coins in entirety, or even money as a concept, as in doing away with money as regards its individualistic format ... as in People having a number they can Personally use, or increase.

I would suggest that the extended meta-philosophy of money should be discussed --as regards its ongoing use-- by Women exclusively, as they are the ones who have been specifically targeted by money holders and users for special rape and torture punishment since the dawn of time.

Whatever the Girls would want and would come up with as regards numerical resource allocation would be fine by Me ... they have the right to make this decision ... and men need to recognise this fact.

If money is kept, then it would be an essential function of the world to provide a Universelle Form of Income ... and generous, zero percent interest lines of credit, by which We can acquire what We need and what we want ... 

So let us assume that the world will hold onto money in its present-type-form of People having an account with a numerical balance. All Children Would Need To Have A Generous Income Of Universelle Bubba Income From The World’s Systems So They Could Lead A Very Happy And Affluent Life ... And Every Adult Would Need To Have A Generous Income Of Universelle Income From The World’s Systems So They Could Lead A Very Happy And Affluent Life.

And with the ability to earn more by working ... regulated pay would allow businesses to no longer overprice their products and services to facilitate widespread interaction and wellbeing Happyness ...

And there is the possibility of open ended type pay structures in certain creativity areas like all the arts maybe ... though it would need much Thought To Cuddle A Loving Balance That Everyone Would Benefit From ...

And two final thoughts ... I foresee all food growing becoming greenhouse based and locally run with minimal export and import, with all proceeds going into community funds ... and I also foresee wind turbine and other viable renewables providing all their profit income to community funds also ... 

All Local Communities Must Be Affluent And Energised To Beautify And EmCuddle All Regions Of Planette Earth Mother So For To Blissykiss All Twirly-Swirly-Whirly-Girlys Into Rapturous Bumptious Nestinessnessnessnesses ...






Peaceful Athleticism 

For This World To Be At Peace And Happiness Perfectional, Children Must Have Total Relaxation And Freedom To Roam Safely With Their Own Funds ... This Will Imbue Them With A New Stressfree Existence Like Never Before ... And Perfectly Happy Children Become Perfectly Happy Adults When The World Cuddles Everyone In Happiness Affluence ...

mans need to perpetuate intentionally stressing sociality is going to end ... because Girls and Children will no longer put up with being stressed from all angles. Money has been used to abuse and impoverish and psychologically control and neuter our Dreams for too long ... and now we demand Happyness Comtentedness Forevernessnessnessnesses ...

men have got too used to letting Girls do things ... it is now time for man to get out the way so Girls Will Do As They Wish ... And Those Lovelynesses That They Always Wished To Do To Make The World BlissyKissy Cuddle FunFun Are The Lovelynesses We All Desire ...

Girls Voices have always been heard but ignored and they still are ... mans insistence on continuing to murder and rape his way through the population will end, or all of mans Within Loving Parameters Freedoms will be revoked ...

Girls Will Be Heard, And Man Will Act Upon Girls’ Every Wish Or He Will No Longer Have Children. Girls No Longer Need Men To Have Babies ...

No Longer Will Girls Be Kept Out Of Designing Decisions, And One Of The Main Areas Girls Want To Make Massive Changes Is The Education Systems Of The World. 

man holds onto his bullying approach ... and the school system is a prime example of hierarchical disgustingness ... a traditional format that has no bearing on Inclusivity and Happiness ... that just produces bullying and punishment mindsets, instead of Freedoms Of Cooperation And All Inclusive Cuddley Wuddley Yummybooboos ...

A complete overhaul of the educational system is of utmost concern, and is needed for to become the core philosophical CuddlyHouse Of Our New Femifuture Culture MotheryGirly Yummynessnessnessnesses ...

Girls will no longer be forced into secondary roles within education ... as in have all their wonts systematically neutered and regulated by mans dominion ... and they will not put up with an uncaring and torture-elitism-ethos-driven fear-factory that we know as schooling ...

And one of the main areas that man is guilty of focusing his bullying approach is through the medium of physical education ... and this hierarchical and excluding and uncaring philosophy drives forwards out of the schooling system and into society itself with disastrous and murderously violent effects ... to change philosophy around such an institution as sport, You have to start when the Minds involved are developing Their understandings of how sports and competitiveness Can Be Lovingly Transposed Into Happyness And Peace Of Mind For All Children And Adults Alike ...

The Full Feminisation Of Reality has as much Love to inspire in the Philosophy of sports as it does in any other area of sentient activity. And Girls Will Not Settle For Anything Less Than A Totally Cuddly Approach Across The Board In Everything We Ever Do ...

Just as much as Loving-Partners wish to go back to school and study together in a New Global Education Focused System ... Loving-Partners being able to play sports together is very important too ... in schools/universities and professional sports teams CuddleTimes ...

No longer can man ridicule and put down Ideas Of Togetherness And Love. man has abused via the medium of sport since sports were first introduced, and he has utilised competition as a violence emotional crutch to get his addiction to aggression hit ... this all comes from a place of trauma ... but no more will Girls put up with this trauma ... and no longer will Girls put up with the constant criticism that goes with competitive sports ...

So With The Illegalisation Of All Critique Of Any Kind Comes A New Philosophy And Psychology That Ensures Only Happiness And Positivity Is Ever Experienced By Everyone ...

The concept of critique of any kind must go ... and sports, if they wish to continue to be able to exercise within the present remit of striving to do the best we can do, we have to engage fully with the understanding that at no time can anyone feel upset ... not even slightly ... 


I have already spoken about a complete ban on all combat sports ... this is something that Girls demand and is non-negotiable ... but we also need to talk about other forms of sport that are dangerous and set the wrong tone ... Considering the fact cars are perambulation devices that get us from A to B safely ... and that that is their function, not joy riding or fast driving ... I am 100% certain that Girls will also demand the banning of all motorsport. Motorsport is an unethical disgrace that has taken many lives and has encouraged many lives to be lost on the road networks of the world ... and with the advent of motorsport computer simulations, Young Minds have been indoctrinated into not only dangerous driving but also the belief that the roads are places to race and joy ride and endanger lives ... the illegal promotion of violence we see in certain reality simulations programs is further exacerbated by extreme violence and murder within simulated road network games where people intentionally murder pedestrians and other road users and get away with it because the simulation does not immediately end ...

These crime simulators which are inherently illegal, and real life crime itself, is at an end ...

men in governments that have not legislated against crime simulator computer programs all have murder charges to face ...

men in law enforcement, that have not been prosecuting artistic mediums content creators like film makers and crime simulation makers whom are actively promoting violence and crime all have murder charges to face ...

And the judiciary, whilst being in a strong position to be heard on these issues, if not constantly lobbying governments to hold law enforcement to account, and not constantly demanding law enforcement to go after these prosecutions they too also have collusional charges of murder to face ...

As I have mentioned before in this project, the promotion of crime is illegal, and men do not move against modern media that promotes crime.

And this wanton disregard for the radicalisation of Young Minds by such disgusting simulations is symptomatic of a world of men whom do not care ... in fact they find it funny to roam around simulated environments mass murdering people just as Hans Breivik did ...

This mentality transfers into all interactions that water pistol firing and snow ball throwing thugs called modern Children live and breathe as they find it funny to hurt and endanger the lives of Others as they are indoctrinated by mans mass media violence pedalling disgustingness ...

Sport does not escape mans disgusting framing of reality as he militaristically references our Childrens’ minds to extreme violence conditioning, as I explained early in this project ...

In a world of disgusted Girls whom watch on in horror ... there are serious questions to answer upon the very notion that competitive sport even has a place in a Modern Loving Society ...


We can’t walk away from games feeling unHappy ever, or there is no place for competitive sports. Every single time We participate We have to gain Happiness value from what We have done, or the philosophy surrounding the occasion and the People involved has been preformulated in an intentionised stress inducing formulaic. And ultimately it is the mentality that Adults create around sports which forces Children to be victims of, or protects Children from the extreme stress and upset that can be felt from, an intentionally stress inducing setup.

mans need to extend war and fighting into everything we do like Language And Art And finances And Relationships and very importantly sporting Relationships Between People And Teams has to be stopped ... this need for warlike competitive aggression has driven untold amounts of Children to suicide and drugs and extreme violence when extrapolated outwards into the extreme sporting rivalries we can see in the world today ...

Whether We end up with more points or less, Individually or as part of a Team, We can never be upset or aggressive or show any suchlike behaviours ... if we can’t get this right then Girls are going to want to ban all competitive sports ... and I would agree with them ...

I think there is a Loving balance for non-agressive sports to continue ... but to find this place of Peace And Happyness, men need to change their very psychologies and philosophies and contextualising terminologies to a completely all Inclusive and Loving approach ... anything less than this and I can’t see such People being allowed to be involved in A New Physical Interactivity Global Lovelyness ... and indeed if men refuse to change their emotional approach to such recreational funtimes, I think they will end up finding that extended exclusions from society itself will happen ...

New forms of physical interactivities without winners are a nice idea, and I foresee many new formats being created within Loving Parameters, as People are able to realise their Dreams towards the removal of preinstalled traditions from Beautiful and Cuddlyness Emcherishing Wonderments ...

The elitism approach that man has disgustingly forced into all modern sports sees Children forced to buy into the notion that their is a hierarchy of importance and that some People are better than others and that being the best is all that is important ...

If competitive sport is to have a place in the world a whole new approach is needed ...

It is not possible to stop People from running fast and wanting to know what Their time was ... and it isn’t possible to stop People sharing such information with Their Friends And Family ... and the modern day extrapolation of this is modern athletics where People are graded by their abilities to run fast or jump high etc. In A World Of Free Information And The Joys Of Running Fast I see it very difficult to remove the comcept of comparison per se ... and with this comes Peoples’ knowledge of Whom has this time in this or that height in that ... But the way we absorb the information of the statistics of such activities, and the way in which People interact in the Caring Events Organisedness Ethos That A New World Of Joy Requires, will ensure People participating within any physical-interactivity medium are never left feeling sad in any way ...

We Have To Reward Participation Itself ... And In Fact Ensure EveryOne Involved Understands That Their Happiness Whilst Participating Is More Important Than Any Other Consideration ...

If we can’t deliver this assurance then I see no place for competitive activities going forwards ...

I participated in a lot of physical activities in school, and at no time was I led to believe that winning was more important than emjoying the experience and doing My best ... as long as doing My best was emjoyable of course ... And Not Just For Me But For Everyone On My Team And For The Other Teams We Shared Our Experiences With Too ...

elitism was not a consideration and at no point was I forced to slip into that mindset ... and this was supported at all times by my PE teachers and my Dad whom took a great interest in everything I did.

And for Children Whom within a school setting, achieve recognition within physical activities, there is the risk that they can at times be overly regaled for their abilities, and be made to buy into the concept that they are somehow better, and that victory is the goal not Togetherness And A Loving Spirit ...

In this regard we desperately must change our entirety mindsets towards everything We do, or forever consign our Children to unHappyness and stress, which will continue to violently express itself within our society ... This is to the detriment of All Of Us ... and the Girls are victims to this aggressive overstructure that man refuses to let go of ...

To change our mindset is to change the world ...


We have to look at EVERY single avenue by which to give out rewards and prizes and We have to understand that medals are not for sport but have been for military purposes ... We can no longer allow militaristic mindset and conformity to spill into every thing We do ... So instead of saying medal I will say prizes ...

We have to understand that all People Whom go to an olympics or a comparable event deserve to get a prize, and that an Affluent World can easily support this and must support this or be accused of bullying ... So giving prizes to the top 3 Athletes in an event is not enough and has never been enough ... and giving Everyone Prizes Whom reaches a final is not enough ... we have to give Everyone Whom Participates At All Stages A Prize, and ensure They understand that getting to an olympics is a Wonderful Achievement ... We Have To Give Everyone On Planette Earth Mother Whom Participates In Any Event At All Throughout Each Year A Loverly Prize To Cuddle Their Happynessy YumYum ...

Prizes For All Physical And Social And Artistic Wonderfulnesses Is To Be Our New Way Forwards As We Emcuddle And Emcherish Everyones Hopes And Dreams. And within physical interactivities, multiple prizes can be given to one Athlete for one event ... with for instance a fastest start prize that could be the first mile in a marathon or first 100 meters in a 5000m or the first 10 metres in a 200 metre race, and fastest finish prizes could be given too ... and all other kinds of ideas that we can come up with. 

For instance giving out 100 Pulitzer prizes a year is far more meaningful than just one ... or even giving out one per day ... or even giving every 5 year olds work everyday a Proper Pulitzer Prize ...

And the turner prize in art is given to a British Artist or Collective for a work in art-based artistic mediums ... though a Northern Irish winner has occurred they still say it is given to a British Recipient .. which is confusing me ... when You could just say it is given to a Northern Irish or British Recipient ... or you could even actually be Nice and say a Northern Irish or Irish or British Recipient ... though of course Ireland has been dropped by men of this country in regards Nice Things we could still do for Each Other ... And of course it would be Lovely to give 20 turner prizes to each Home Nation including Ireland and Northern Ireland and Wales and Scotland and England but of course there are MicroNations within our borders like Guernsey and Jersey and the Isle Of Girl and of course many other Lovely islands that get generally overlooked on such things ... do the turner prize organisers search high and low across All Territories to find Loverly Art? All the Islands would Love to have 20 turner prizes shared between Their Artists too I would imagine ... And that’s not even mentioning Overseas Territories that would probably Like to have 20 Prizes shared between them as well ... which would be 140 in total ... And of course Three Years Old Tammy would like a proper turner Prize for her latest Loverly Wuvverly Lummily Yummily Painty Boo .....

Back to prizes in Physical Arts ... We Have To Give Out As Many Prizes To As Many People As Possible Always Whilst We Broaden Our Horizons And Stop Forcing Sport To Be elitist and segregational and exclusive ... As many People as possible have to be included in such events as the olympics, with People from the Crowd being encouraged to participate also within a new All Inclusive Cuddleness that sees different height and weight categories for all activities including team activities becoming the norm, With Activities Going On Across All Of Planette Earth Mother Within A Superpositional Multi-Continental Framecuddle ... All Events Have To Have People Of All Heights And Weights Participating Within As Many Different Classes As Possible To Ensure There Is As Many People Participating As Possible, With Everyone Getting Their Chance To Have Fun And Get A Loverly Prize ...

People will want to take advanced statistical readings from all the activities for purposes of analysation of physical data, but how We process such information will ultimately judge Our Ability To Compassionise, and Our Rights to continue with such activities or not. If We can’t remove all the elitism bullying and separation and judgement then we have no Ethical Right to continue to hold such events ... 

We Have To Have Fun Physical Activities For All Species, and there will be Participation For All Peoples Of All Species or there can be no more such activities ... because if we are not All Peoples Inclusive then we are separationist, and there is no place in a post Full Feminisation Of Reality World for such ideologies ...

We are Animals and we are Animated Life. We move around and analyse Our movements, and always yearn to make this experience fun.

And Fun Has To Be The Object For All Participants. So Awarding Rewards For All Aspects Of What We Do Is Important. And Ensuring Everyone Goes Away From An Event No Matter How Big Or Small, With An Award And Smile Is The Most Important Cuddle We Can Ever Aspire To ...

The fact that medals are coins and are nascently derived from the idea that we give money to People for their bravery, is to me an Ethical disgrace ... a mans life is more than a gold coin on a necklace ... than a copper coin on a string ... and the fact money is mans most lethal weapon that he abuses indiscriminately to kill and torture and fuck/rape ... for this symbol to have been used to reward men whom have been driven against their will into wars that should have never occurred ... is a disgrace so large as to never be rectified morally ...

And now violent man forces these symbols upon Peaceful Athletes whom are just victims of combatitve elitism ideology ... an extension of the very aggression in the form of the primitive military industrial complex we see today, murdering monetarily through resource starvation and in actuality via financial market support aggressive pressure ... when will the world release itself from the threatening grip of military mans budget siphoning ...

We have to let go of militantism ... we have to hand back all our medals ... 


Modern computing can analyse in detail what happens on the court.

And different attributes can be selected to score points from in the formulating of league tables. You might win the league on baskets scored, but not win on rebounds or otHer attributes. New sports or ways of playing existing ones can be devised to facilitate many ways to win a league. For instance You might win the league that You choose to that is based on not letting the opposition score against you, and the least goals conceded being the league victory requirement ... whilst competing against teams trying to score as much as possible as not the most points will win them their partition of the league, but the most goals scored. Sometimes a team scores more goals in a league but does not win the league or cup. So an alternative trophy can be awarded just as special as the traditional one, in fact some teams may seek certain new types of trophies and wins over the traditional. They may Wish to respecialise etc.

We need nba (Netball And Basketball) teams that are mixed Genders, and are height class specific, and that have mixed heights rules with one person from each height categority or one person from each weight category so to  facilitate People of all heights and weights participating in a sport that at present is non-inclusive based upon height preferences and physical attribute preferences. We have to cater for weight differences as many larger People want to play professional sports. We could have for instance a 6ft 5in mixed weight nba league that has People of that height but widely differing weight classes. Also body mass index could be utilised for a 6ft 0in classification wHere all the athletes are 260 lbs but have differing muscle weights and fat weights. We could have teams composed of 5 Girls and 5 trans Girls. Or a team composed of 5 trans Girls and 5 men. Or 5 Girls and 5 trans men. Or anything combination we can think of. And the football world cup has to have lots of these categories to show Biversity also or it CANNOT continue ...

Trying to design the way we analyse the data from physical activities to give every team in a league a chance to win the league but in different ways, whilst maintaining Healthy And Happy Emjoyment is the only way forwards. At the start of the season teams may need to select their Emjoyment aim, as in pick their category, and only so many teams can pick certain categories which they stick to, and this creates functionality of the league through differing competition dynamics against otHer teams based on their objectives for the season maybe? This isn’t for me to decide or predesign a way forwards As It Is For All Peoples To Emjoy The Process Of Development ... I am just trying to help People to understand that elitism has to go, and that Inclusivity Is The Most Important Cuddle. 

Whatever We Do Decide People Of All Body Types Have To Be Included In All Sports At All Levels Including Professional. With different height and weight classes and whatever any other classes People can think of ... We are talking about a lot more People being involved in professional sports and international sport, and the money and interest created by such Being Shared Out Equally Between The Genders And Fairly Between Different Categories That May Or May Not Have Different Levels Of Public Interest ...

There is also the possibility of all physical activities being unpaid FunTimes ... but this seems unfair as other People get paid for their activities, and why should People be penalised for Emjoying Themselves And Spending A Lot Of Their Time Doing Something They Really Love ...

There Is Of Course The Options For Anypeople To Put Together Any Team Type Or League Type Of Their Wishes And For It To Be Legislatedly Supported That All Ideas Will Be Supported By Venues And Physical Activities Bodies Etc. 


Everything can be turned into bullying. In fact everything is turned into bullying. But many of the things that are turned into bullying are not inHerently bullying. What we call “sport”, a term that is probably going to be abolished because of the historical trauma associated with it, the murder and hunting, and now the aggressive transference nature of modern sports etc. what I am referring to as physical activities, by their very nature to compare and score could be called hierarchical in nature ... but whatever physical activities we do do we will always compare how we do them. It is the nature of Our reality. Teaching People how to be nice and to play for fun and feel entertained with a sporting event that has been a higHer scoring than the otHer team occasion or a lower scoring than the otHer team occasion is FunMamamtally important. Fun is the goal not winning. Doing One’s best to achieve but not One’s best to belittle or even revel in victory. No longer can People come away from any event feeling sad ... THIS IS OUR MAIN GOAL. Teaching Our Children and Parents and each otHer to be Happy to try Our best whatever the outcome is the only importance.
The inherent nature of being alive is that Our Minds are computing and processing and data analysing and We remember what People have done in the past ... and We formulate Our Experiences around this data recording and its present and future relevances ... but how We Feel importance towards and how We Cherish These Memories And How These Cuddles Are Part Of The Superspecielle Formulaic For Future Happynesses Is For Us All To Compassionately Logicalise And Even Simply Emotio-Compassionise As An Utmost Importance ... The Feelings Of Individuals Can No Longer Take Precedence Over The Feelings Of A Team ... And The Feelings Of One Or A Few Teams Can No Longer Take Precedence Over The Feelings Of Everyone Whomsoever Wishes To Emjoy Their Time Emgaging Within A New Physically Interactive World Of CuddleyTimes Yummynesses ...


For formulated competitive physical activities as We presently enjoy to continue, one thing is certain, the way in which We achieve can no longer be one of superiority and belittlement and goading ... even a seemingly innocuous celebration in football to Your Own Crowd whilst enjoying the moment can create an unpleasant experience for the Other Team whom have turned up to emjoy the occasion ... 

The continuation of any celebrations seems difficult to accept whilst We have to replace this enjoyment with a mutual Happiness for all participants and congratulations from any and All People involved throughout the event ... and not just an uncomfortable and begrudging acceptance of disjoyment once the time has run out ... 

If we play to win then we play for our opposition to lose, and this is not a healthy mindset to have as it forces hierarchy and superiority and elitism to ruin the experiences of most People involved ... with just a small subsection of the winning team feeling good about the occasion ...

And when we celebrate we show an adherence to this bullying ideology ...

Either Team, whether they emerge with more points or not, has to be completely Happy with how things have gone, with People of Both Teams Being Happy To See A Nice Move Or Interesting Physio-Idea Play Out ... 

Our emjoyment focus has to be Mutually Engaging across the traditional opposing team divide dynamic ... and not isolationarily individualistic or one team based ...

If We can’t get this right ... if We can’t All Love All That We Do ... then We can’t continue to do those things that make any One Person sad ... 


There is a discussion to be had amongst Those Whom Care to say should We even be participating in physical activities that carry risk of any kind. Shouldn’t all risk be reduced to a minimum virtual 0% wherever possible? The risk in traditional sports for instance, even a non-contact sport like basketball, is still quite high at times because People are getting injured playing basketball all the time across Planette Earth Mother ... and the inherent risks of serious injuries, even if in the future We can fix all injuries and even turn Our back on death, there is still a large burden of Ethicality to assuage within a continued justification of risk taking itself and the continued inclusion within Our societal structure of risk taking acceptance per se ...

Within the remit of the burden of legislative protections for Athletes within their chosen sport, We find that not enough is done to protect People from harm and serious injury ...

The whole assumption of man that it is for someone to press charges against an assailant if they dare to, considering they could become a target of further aggression, is a complete disgrace as it encourages corruptions and perversions of justice ... law enforcement must always press charges as regards the demands of current legislation ... legislation pertaining to the protection from physical attack and intentional aggression ... and on sports pitches and courts across the world we see men not getting prosecuted for intentional and illegal physical assaults, and for intentionally dangerous play ... the corrupt nature of policing, in the so called developed world sees violence on basketball courts, where it is against the rules to push and grab and throw each other, and refuses to go to athletes after games and ask if they wish to press charges against their assailants ... This is the world of man where policemen are corrupt and pro-violence in a very intentional ignoring of the letter of the law ... if a physical altercation ever occurs in my opinion it must always be prosecuted to protect people and prevent the corruption of the minds of other participants whom may see this behaviour and adopt this violence into their own mindset ... in theory this is how the law is supposed to work as it formulates a psychological deterrent by enforcing punishments to deter further such incidents ... But in this world where men have the option to press charges or not it is also written into law that whenever an altercation occurs it is the duty of law enforcement to approach victims of physical attack and find out whether they would wish to press charges or not ... this duty is non-negotiable ... but police officers do not go to victims of sports assaults after games to even pursue whether People would wish to press charges ... even though assaults that are outside of the remit of the rules of the game have occurred ... and athletes have been harmed and physically assaulted intentionally ...

Post Full Feminisation Of Reality any law breaking will AUTOMATICALLY be prosecuted regardless of individuals wanting charges pressed or not, and the letter of the law will be followed and police and prosecutors will have no corrupt wriggle room to exercise their opinions or philosophical or even political bias ...

Further to the need for physical protection within physical activities, we must consider the need for prevention of serious injuries. We have to be analysing all the ways in which people are injured in great detail to create an environment of 0% chance of injury ... as serious life changing injuries occur to People Of All Ages, and Girls do not wish this to continue when there are methods of prevention that are possible ... many Parents are known to discourage their Children from getting into physical activities in entirety, due to the inherent risks involved ...

So if we look at all physical activities, and the common injuries that tend to be inherent to specific types of physical formats, we have to analyse in absolute detail all focal points of potential harm and develop completely effective protective equipment and clothing and accessories for immediate and legislated uptake ... So We Can Respect The Ethical Protection Of All Peoples. Too many People have had extremely serious injuries and have lost their lives participating in sports, and the systematic priority towards and adherence to tradition fulfilment and non-change mentality, over the need for the protection of our Babies from serious harm leaves a lot of Parents and Scientists and Medical Practitioners completely disgusted by mans refusal to do everything necessary to stop all injuries ever occurring ...

Unless You can adopt the Ethos that all injuries are unacceptable and that we must do everything we can to prevent them ... I suggest You do not have the correct mentality to be participating or getting involved in the organisation of any physical activities ... and You do not have the correct mentality to Have And Protect Children ...

I play basketball and Love to participate in many competitive physical activities ... but I am willing to say this despite the challenges to delivering risk-free physical activity interaction ...

We have to do our best to protect ... then reassess whether it is good enough Ethically And In Actuality ... at present we haven’t even tried ...

And new protective equipment and apparel will be developed and utilised ... and rules of physical activities will be changed to Protect Peoples Bodies, or they will be banned by the Gorgeous Girls ...

We Have To Be Working On Advanced Body Protection Technologies As Priority ...


If royalties for Athletes being on TV for the olympics is worked out at half the revenue made as they do half the work. The organisers and tv People do the otHer half.  So then I am sure considering Athletes training is a full time training job, an all year round job, that all the Athletes would be Happy to share the entire events tv footage pot that they collectively accumulate split equally between Everyone. And of course rich Athletes whom make a lot of money from other revenue streams from their chosen professional sport or advertising income would probably insist that Their share be forgone to the advantage of the other Olympians ... as in Their share being put back in the communal pot ...

At the moment olympic Athletes do not make money from their work, only subsidy from the governments and a lucky few get advertising opportunities. This must change. Athletes must get paid fairly for their work. A lot of money is being made by tv companies and they are in my mind illegally profiteering from Other Peoples copyrighted work as in the Athletes physically expressed tv footage ownership ... and the sporting bodies if they are contractualising People out of their Rights, they are colluding to do People out of Their earnings ...

And of course tHere is the massive issue of lots of footage being uploaded to video sharing sites through illegally setup content channels, and channel owners making ad revenue, and the site making ad revenue or the site even telling the channel that they can’t make ad revenue but then the site decides to run ads; and then the site decides to pocket the revenue themselves. All of these copyright theft activities are illegal. THere is no such thing as fair usage in Copyright Law unless one gets express written permission from the actual Copyright Owner of the content. I will also add to this that in my mind, the Athletes themselves are partial or complete copyright owners of this footage. Partial of multiple athlete featuring footage and total of sections of footage that only feature them on screen. Contracts to sign away these rights would be required from all Athletes but would be immoral as copyright ownership must always lie with the Person actually doing the work and not secondary parties like film crews/tv companies etc. Athletes are not asked to sign documents to relinquish their Rights To Ownership Of Their Work and neither can they be legally pressurised to do so. They have a right to compete based on merit ... and that is what qualifies them to decide the end utilisation of their earnt resources ...

One Legally owns Ones image and rights to such, and One legally possesses the power of veto over any usage of said still or moving images which can be exercised within certain parameters ... it should not be possible to sign away such rights as they should be constitutionally legislatedly protected ...

Regardless of any legalities on the subject we all know that morally speaking the Athletes should at the very least be making half the revenue ...





The Priority Presentment Imaginative



As I covered in the last Femisode ... competition as a concept is in the dock of a Compassionately Logicalised Auditing of Sociology ...

Value attribution is inherently built into reality ... we analyse the equational nature of interacting physical systems ... this is not only reality, but is the very way our minds interface and traverse the mathematical conceptualisationing figurisation of the energy-matter complex world systematical ...

We cannot remove from our minds the very way that our minds work ... as in attribute value analysations and attributions To All The Shapes And Sizes And Trajectories And Accelerations And Velocities Of All The Objects And People Around Us As They Move And Cuddle And Interact Even Lingually. The language we speak can be mathematicalised into equational forms as the very way our mind processes comcepts and complexed data matrices --if we have the belief that our thoughts are abstractional and confuscationalised ... nebulously so ... then we would be assuming that an advanced mathematicalising system like the mind of any member of Any Species is incapable of doing the most simple of tasks such as eating and moving and building a nestiness for our Loved Ones-- as these seemingly simple tasks require advanced geometrical and arithmetical data processing to be carried out by Our Minds Infrastructurelle. 

How the resource computational nature of our laws of physics and the communal-computational complex communal-cognisant cuddlements of physical attribution value systems transfers within our minds back out into the values and value system of not only physical analysation but the very moralistic value attributional systems that we seek to remove impingements from ... impingements that doctor our wellbeing towards sadness ... In acceptance of the notion that physical systems are computational in nature and that is how our minds work, how therefore are we able to develop new lines of philosophising to protect ourselves from the value attributional nature of physical interaction value attribution analysation? If One Girl is fast does she have the right to know she is, considering that knowledge may harm others ... but they saw her run fast and are they now allowed to talk about the fact she won the race ... should there even be a race as only one person can win? Can we record times for running races as this is the beginning of hierarchical modulations of cognition ...

Are teams, that play games that have no winners and losers because the interactivity is designed in a new format to remove competition-theory from the event, now able to assess and chat about the fun they had without value attributional comparisons on abilities and functionalities of the infrastructuralisationalising mechanisms of the game dynamics and the players’ individual performances, without creating hierarchical cognitionising and negativity ... do we need to reframe our minds and language with new words and a new language even that releases our communal cognition form from the burden of severe comparison trauma that perpetuates even the happyest of Peoples minds throughout the world today ... With new words and new physical interaction formulatings we must remove ourselves from any critique of any sort and any upset even mild in feeling as we can no longer allow ourselves to accept and compartmentalise being placed within a system that positions us based upon performance ...

To continue to move freely and talk joyfully about that which we have participated in, we have to create a whole new ambience of equalising Solidarity and Lovity To Glue All Our Socialities As One Whole SupraOrganism ... We are not a machine computing as the sum total of all our minds but a Living Breathing Oneness BioLove With Planette Earth Mother And The Duoverse We CoEmBody ...

Is The Very Nature Of Being Measured Against Others A Process Of Happyness ...

All Girls Are Beautiful And All Paintings Are Wonderful But All Athletes Are Equal ...

All Girls Are Beautiful And All Paintings Are Wonderful And All Athletes Are Equal ...

Can We Measure Our Differences And Hold Kindness Aloft As Our Most Precious Of Abilities ...

No scenario we ever involve Ourselves in can have any elements of stress ...

bullying and stress inducing tv formula has to be consigned to the now abolished notion that being unpleasant is acceptable ... in so much as the men whom thrust non-Superpositional Competitive Format upon the world as extrapolation of war-theory Will Be Cuddled Along Into A New Dawn Of Enthusiasm Only, sadness forgoing, CompashSocialPriority Numerical Interaction Formulation That Ensures All Participants In Sociophysical Interactive Medium Derive Equal Reward And Utmost Happyness Within Equalised Ethos Value Attribution Cuddle Times ... 

Within Superpositional Attributional – Everyone On The Dancing Show Gets A Loverly Prize And Everyone Wins The Show ...

An Acceptionally CuddleFostering Delightment Where All Participants are not seeking to hierarchicalise a win but instead Formulate A Self-Longing-Position Within Stylistic Terms, As They Explore Their New Passion For Dance ... Moving Within And Beyond Existing Styles To Find Their Passion-Huggle Of Happyness ...

Where in moving beyond and permanently away from their judgemental demeanours and very moniker of being judges in transitioning to DelightyBooYumYum, as they Utilise Their Extensive Knowledge Of Dance To Girlstor And Explore The Stylistic Interests Of The Experienced And Novice Dancer, Moving Towards An Infinal Work Of Expressionism Within The Last Week Of Yumminesses Of One Show Per Night Starring All Dancing Couples And Their Families With Specific LoveyFocus Upon One Couple And Their Yumptious Journey ... Their Infinal Springboard To Am Duoness Eternity In Dance ...

With Dancing Couples Emotionally Inhabiting Their Favourite Style Or Styles, And Presenting Their Own New Genre Formulating Creations For The Delectation And Wondermental Delightyboos Of Their End Presentations ... A Presentment Imaginative Of New Stylisticalisms They Are Developing Throughout Their Journey To LoveDance ...


Actual LifeLovePartners Whom Are One Experienced Dancer And One Non-Experienced Or Novice Dancer, Or Two Experienced Dancers , Or Two Complete Novices ... Will Express Their Joyful Union And Everlasting Love Within The Medium Of DanceyBlissyKissy ... With Excitement Being Magnetised Around The Excitement Of Exploration Of Comceptual Cuddlenessnessnesses ... Not Who Is Better Or Worse ... They Are All Winners In Love ...

No Longer Can We Accept ... Getting Rid Of People From Shows ... Such Disgustingnesses As So-called Head To Head Battles ... Elitist Scoring Systems ... 

Everyone IS Perfect ... And The Way We Present Our Entertainment Mediums Must Reflect Our Innate Kindness And Compassion ... and not reflect man-un-kinds addiction to nastiness ...

No One Leaves A Show ...

In A World Where Everyone Is Perfect but endemic propensity towards abusive valuation of all but a small subsection of society being told they are good enough, we all are wanting an end to the segregation mentality that permeates everything we absorb via all media streams ... from the valuation of likes to the opportunities of fame ... to the offering of success to one person in a hundred or a thousand or a million by social-power wielders ... how do we translate The Hopes And Loving Dreams Of All People into entertainment shows that actually Entertain Us and not stress us ... And Give All Participants An Emotionally Fulfilling Experience without sadness or disappointment ...

On singing shows like pop idol and x factor we see bullying at its lowest lows with People being actively laughed at because the general public and so-called experts like to force ridicule upon People Whom Are Perfectly Normal And Happy until they are abused by unpleasantness and flippant brusque dismissal by disgustingly behaved people whom only seem to like you if they deem You to be attractive or deem that You can sing within certain parameters of their choosing ... 

All People Are Attractive And All Song Performances Are Perfect ...

How do we even select on a singing show? If auditions are inherently upsetting ... is a competition format that includes thousands of people, impossible? Is the theory of auditioning itself an inherently upsetting and unacceptable way for People To Engage With Artistic Expression ...

In a running race you witness People running faster or slower ... In A Singing Performance You witness someone singing closely to the notes or off note or key ... how You then communicate about this phenomenon you have experienced is the real key to Ethical Interaction ... by asserting that one or more results are better than others You consign people to unHappyness ...

In this regard how could we select People to participate in a singing show?

Singing popularity is acquired from producing music that has reached Peoples Hearts ... 

Sprinting fame is acquired by running fast times ... times acquired from very hard work throughout the sprinters’ lifetimes ... and being fed well ... 

But on a singing show, to reach out to Peoples Hearts, without showing favour towards People, which makes others feel not good enough, is an ethical challenge of the highest sensitivity ...

So the removal of the judgmentalism of the auditioning process is essential to Happiness Cuddle Times ... so how could People get through to the second and third showtime stage on such a show in the nicest way ... 

First Stage

Well random selection of People to participate for me would be the only way to continue a format similar to what we now see on television ... 

So for Eire and Britain, so many People could be selected from each national state and from all Surrounding Islands with Overseas Territories also being featured ... with the objective to find 15 acts from each of these 7 regions ... namely the Overseas Territories, the Surrounding Islands, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England ...

With live streaming of every performance in realtime over a 7 week period with 7 twin shows starring 60 acts over 4 hrs with 2hr shows on two nights ... from which 15 people would be randomly selected to progress from each region to the third stage ... with allocation being arranged by realtime random on stage post performance selection ...

Second Stage

During the process of random selection for the second stage a randomising algorhythm would be utilised to ensure that People with previous experience are equally represented from novice, amateur and professional categories and also Feature Equal Representation For All Genders And Sensualities Within The Randomisation Algorythm ... with the below genres being featured equally also ...

Nursery Cutesy ... Folk Country ... Classical ... Jazz ... Rock ... Pop ... Dance

So a Second Stage of 9 shows over 4 weeks with 8 x 2hr and 1 x 4 hrs shows, with three shows in the 4th week ... all starring 105 people total with 8 minutes allocated per act, in which they can do as they wish as regards the presentation and editing of their 8 minute slot ... a total of 35 Single Acts and 35 Double Acts and 35 Bands with 5 of each of these act types from each region ... 

And Girlstor support from 35 LifeLoveCouples With One LifeLovePartner Or Both Deriving Experience From Musical Backgrounds, All Assembled, In A Biverse Proportional Representational Mix From All Genders And Sensualities whom are randomly selected from a pool of interested People to act as supporting Girlstors for Musical Artists wishing to Star on the show ... These 35 Couples Of Experience would be randomly allocated 3 acts each, one from each act type, to collaborate and advise as friends utilising their experience skillsets and interests that would be part of their rΓ©sumΓ©, To Advise And Collaborate As Desired ... examples of experience being music production, choreography, graphic design, lyrics writing, playing of musical instruments, singing, dancing, acting, stage production including musicals, musical-poetry etc etc etc ...

Third Stage

Third Stage features a superpositional format where the viewer can choose the 22 acts to watch within the 2 x 2hr shows on Friday and Saturday ... with certain acts live streaming and others prerecording their performances as they creatively wish ... and of course after each show You can watch as many more acts as you wish until midnight ... with the next show airing the following night with on-demand availability of all acts being until midnight on Thursday and all previous weeks acts being available as and when the viewers wish in perpetuity ...

So the Third Stage would be over an 8 week timeframe, with a longer end show of 2 x 4hrs giving each Starring Artist a 16 minute timeslot to creationalise within as they wish ... 

Throughout the 3rd stage shows we watch them develop their music and first album one track at a time with full support from a team of expert studio musicians and the ability to record with anyone including their family and friends ...

All acts are guaranteed album recording sessions and full support for release and advertising and shelf space in shops ... equivalent to a recording contract ... with studio time with their Girlstor and professional musicians to get an album produced, with ongoing aftercare, in perpetuity ...

This is the kind of show that I would like to watch. A show that does not cast judgement, or belittle, or stress people ... And That Promises Love And Respect And Ongoing Loving Support As A Collective Of Caring Unity ...

Recording contracts are to be abolished Post Full Feminisation Of Reality as they have been used to abuse and steal from musical artists for many years ... so to continue this terminology and concept is Ethically untenable ...


Chaos A.D, an album by Sepultura ...

Heavy Metal Band Sepultura With Pro-Compassion Political Lyricalisations have a message that can be lost to those whom have already been indoctrinated to violence enjoyment ... but upon full assimilation of their lyrics that are thoughtfully included within the booklet of the album one can only come to the conclusion that the society they come from has been exposed to brutal trauma of such a degree that their lyrics are as justifiable as a rape victim trying kill her assailant ... I just wish that instead of including lists of thanks to bands, that whilst being musical influences, would not necessarily back their desperate and compassionate message, They Had Been Able To Further Comtextualise Their Message Of Justice And Need For Love ... People will justifiably fight to protect their People And The Land as Sepultura have sought to do, and the record company that handled the writing of their booklet should have further backed the compassionate political message by insisting on a thoughtful and heartfelt manifesto to be included ... it leaves me wondering whether their record company even understood what they were trying to say ...

Many bands within the widening scope of heavy metal, under new and ultra aggressive genre conditions, are not forwarding a message of compassion ... Sepultura are an example of a band trying to strongly reach out to Young Minds so as to highlight massive problems with governmental policy, indifference, and intentional harming of Peoples in the name of profit ...

One might have criticisms to proffer on the nature of their energy, with what most people will assess as aggressive delivery of  lyrics, but with Sepultura we are talking about a group of Young Men whom come from an effective warzone of social and chemical-poisoning destruction and wholesale slaughterhouse abuse which sees vast swathes of Beautiful Rainforest destroyed and untold numbers of Species murdered or displaced ... so their vociferous stylings are qualified by their need to stop the rape and torture of the Land and Their Girls and People ... Their aggressiveness is evidence enough of their suffering ... and whether such music can be thought of as entertainment ... well it can’t ... and the fact it has been needs readdressing by those whom have assimilated it in that way ... it is however an emotional release that has facilitated those without recourse an emotional voice that should never have been required in the first place, to scream out for cessation to the rape and murder in the way it had to ...

Of course the continuation of such aggressive and ultra aggressive feeling forms of human expression is an important subject that needs to be addressed immediately, as much of the so-called music out there disqualifies itself by its unacceptable stylings and aggressive lyrics and aggressive tonal delivery of lyrics ... the deterioration of the Ethics within Heavy Metal sub-genres has reached such depravity as to make it unsuitable to cover here. 


But some of these genres are called:

death metal

doom metal

black metal

cavernous death metal – immolation worship incantation




war metal

funeral doom

brutal death metal


death doom

These genre names are the tip of a disgustingly large and depraved subsection of society whom live amongst You. these people whom produce this disgusting music are highly disturbed and evidently so traumatised to the point of ultra violence acceptance, that they would not only produce this .... but would also consider it acceptable to share it with the world ...

What I find even more disturbing is that men in governments across the world do not move against these movements of ultra violence and psychological disturbance indoctrination methods ...

Girls will NOT put up with this any longer ... and now is the time to stand up as One Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical Movement To Utilise Our Rights To Petition, And Self Referendum Our Way To True-Peace And Non-Violence ...

Girls Need To Realise That They Possess All The Polytical Power In The World In Actuality, Because All Girls Agree On The Needs Of All Of Us And FunMamamtal Ways In Which These Needs And Wants Must Be Delivered ... And Via Modern Technology All Girls Are Connected Like Never Before ... And All We Need To Do Is Exercise This Ability To Make Collective Decisions That Sexist And Abusive Male  Owned Governments Of The World Of All Territories Will Not Be Able To Ignore ... And Will Not Have The Power To Stifle, Neuter Or Divert ... We Will Not Be Stopped ...

We can no longer allow disgustingly behaved men in governments to sit back and endorse via legislative non-movement these disgusting forms of heavy metal with horror and gore and demonism and any other depraved form of criminality promoting content ...

The seductive nature of music can no longer be used to indoctrinate minds to violence and rape acceptance via aggressive lyrics, aggressive music and singing styles, and general mind indoctrination towards criminality mindsets ...

A band like Limp Bizkit also have a lot to answer for ... their music is emotive but their message is violent and disrespectful to all sensibility and respectability ... If they had utilised their musical abilities to Spread A Positive And Family-Based Cuddleness Message, the World would now be a better place and they would be a lot more popular as a band ...  

In a world where Girls want to be respected there is a disgusting rape-acceptance pressure upon all Girls to accept objectification and secondary status and violence sociology through musical and drama-based and literary brainwashing that doesn’t clean but seeks to make the minds of Young Girls filthy and rape-accepting and murderous ...

There are also other forms of music that have not only eroded but destroyed the minds of all People, as we all are impressionable and all are afflicted within this world of disgustingness ...

Should we as Young People have been forced to go through Marshall Mather’s coming of age journey as his mind shifts from violence trauma indoctrination towards political conscience ... the system instead of shutting down Marshall’s vicious and criminal outpourings decided to back misgiven popularity and bullying-modulated youth support in promoting and supporting and thrusting a disgusting and crime promoting pro-drug pro-murder propaganda vehicle to widespread social destruction ...

Men in governments and the record industry instead of banning such music before it took hold, intentionally promoted Marshall Mather’s first date rape promoting, forcing of illegal hallucinogenic drugs on People promoting, paedophile promoting ... and thats just one song ... by not banning and censoring such disgusting so-called art that tries to be clever and asserts partial distaste of such disgustingness but ultimately supports criminality mindset ... The medium of music is not the place to explore and process such horrendous material ... and it is extremely dangerous as messages get mixed and ultimately promoted even if the narrative presents negativity towards such social tragedies ... if a young person hears half a song before their parent switches off the music there is massive risks of dangerous indoctrination occurring ... So the Girl in the song he murders with hallucinogenic mushrooms dies to a cool rap beat as eminem calls her a Slut a bitch and alludes to a first date rape ... ‘my fault’ on the slim shady lp is not an untypical example from eminems earlier work ...

In ‘Guilty Conscience’ he goes further and actually drugs and rapes a 15 year old girl with her sexual screams included as backing vocals ... and finishes the track with threatening to slit his bitches throat and cut his bitches head off followed by a double homicide promotion ...

If there is a politically minded conscience underneath the eminem body of work I really don’t care to fight my way through the disgusting violence promotional presentation ... in the death of slim shady ... his new album ... that I have no interest in listening to ... I did listen to a couple of tracks for material for this and found serial necrophilia promotion in the second track I listened to whilst forcing myself to listen with my brain trying to subconsciously ignore everything I was being raped by ... and when I read the lyrics the song is basically about himself Marshall being a serial killer who is ‘slicing and dicing’ ‘Girls and children’ ... I think Marshall is railing against accusations that he is in the wrong again, like he always has, and being sarcastic in his claim to be a serial killer, to intentionally goad those whom want his music banned and cause them to get more upset ...

We don’t want to get your unliteral lyrics that seek to be clever examinatory explorations of modern culture Marshall ... if You truly are a Good Person You need to disavow Your entire body of work for the sake of all our Children because we don’t want to think our way through Your critique of modern culture ... it is a disgusting way to present such material ... Go And Write A Book That Millions Will Read To Explain Yourself Please ...

I consider Marshall to be a victim of his environment and the world to be victim to his modulations of the global musical landscape ... his processing of extreme trauma on our behalf or his own is certainly not suitable for music and a records label world that just cares for money and disgustingness promotion ... If You are a soldier Marshall ... You are dismissed ...

And as for the rap world as a whole and its rape and violence promotion ... its fucking bitch hoes driveby gunfiring attitudes ... to make the changes You guys desperately want or maybe you really truly don’t care ... Utilise Your Minds To Espressions Of Beauty ... Because Now Is The Time To Do So ...


For competitive sports to continue we have to be looking at new ways to share Love with as many teams as possible ... there is the possibility of a team deciding their their performance parameters from a large source pool of options to formulate their own bespoke suite of achievement desires for a season ...

It can be possible for 10 teams picking from a 1000 scoring systems to all win a league utilising their own success comditions ... With Wonderful Prizes for Everyone at the end of the season ...

Within Superpositional Scoring Systems, Where We Look At All The Statistics For The Entirety Of The Season And Find A Happyness Comdition For Each Participant, Everybody Gets Emcuddled And Emcherished ... And If We Can’t Find An Immediate Happyness Comdition We Cuddle-Invent A New One ... With Potential For Superpositionality Of Teams Within A Superpositional League Structure Where One Team Can Inhabit Many Positions Within The Leagues And Divisions Within Based Upon Different Statistical Analysis Prerequisites With Traditionally Lower Division Teams Now Finding Their Attributes Qualify Them For Higher Positional Habitation Within 5 Divisional Superpositional Suprastructure Cuddling .....


Is it possible to use word ‘elite’ in any way that is not elitist ...


Strictly Come Dancing is a disgusting example of bullying tv execs filling their boots on intentional ridicule and belittlement with disgusting scoring schemes that see elitism promoted and culling of People from the show as the norm ... how can a show justify the stress they seek to promote in the very formulaic approach to hurting peoples’ feelings and getting rid of them, that is the intentional point of having them on the show ... this is not the culture we want for the future ... we want it gone NOW ...

The show has been a absolute disgrace in its refusal to Endorse A Bare Minimum Essential Non-Prejudicial Ethos ... the show has featured of recent years homosexual couples but only one per season out of 15 contestants ... this is utterly unforgivable and an absolute disgusting disgrace to all morality ... They Have To Be Starring As A Bare Minimum At Least 1 Lesbian Couple And 1 Nonbinary Couple And 1 Hermaphroditic Couple And 1 Transgirl Couple And 1 Drag Queen Couple And 1 Transboy Couple And 1 Drag King Couple And 1 Gay Couple Or Mixtures Thereof These Wonderful People ...

All Dances Are Beautiful ... All Dancey Movements Perfectional ...

If it is gesturally disgusting it cannot be called Culture ... cannot be called Dance ...

We have to remove the violent heterosexual normative demands of masculine dominating culture that is unrelenting and merciless in its combative self promotion of aggressive masculine-psychology across all human projects whether publicly or privately resourced worldwide ...

Since the beginning of time man has shown his murderous and violent prejudice against any and all Peoples he deems to be targets for his fun, ridicule, bullying and killing ... 

No longer can dance shows present aggressive dancing and aggressive cultural tropes ... and there is no place for sexually themed dancing either ...

Only A Couple Whom Are Actually In A Relationship With Each Other Can Dance On Such A Show And In The Way Ballroom Dancers Dance ... as it is unacceptable to expect People to dance with People whom aren’t their LifeLovePartner ... and strictly come dancing dangles the carrot of further fame with the format of dancing inappropriately with a stranger ... how many of the rape victims of this show that have been monetarily and desperation and career improvingly forced to subject themselves to this humiliation and abuse have LifeLovePartners whom felt violated by the fact their Partner had been forced by tv men to be socially raped in this way? 

The show is an utter disgrace in its stylings of aggression and aggressive sensuality and aggressive sex promotion and its format to ritually ridicule and abuse and put down and force sexual intimacy upon vulnerable celebrities whom Should Be Dancing With Their Actual Partners and not being sexually forced through an elitism abuse and abuse promoting money making machine to cheat on the People they Love with the desperation of a rape victim in the act of being serially raped by the entirety of a society of profit fucking men ... 

Desperate celebrities can no longer be targeted in this way ... and their Partners can no longer be forced to watch this rape ...

The sexually aggressive foreplay that strictly come dancing promotes is indoctrination for children into violent sex and rape acceptance ...

All even mildly aggressive dance moves and aggressive dance body language contextualisations will be treated as very aggressive and will be banned ...

And the banning of sexual dancing in public even with your partner will also be banned ... People do not want to be subjected to such unacceptable behaviour ... sexual dance moves will be made illegal and sexy dancing will be something special between two Lovers in a private setting only ...

The objectification of Girls is over ... and the raping of Peoples minds by forcing your sexual dancing upon them is also over ... IT IS ALL OVER


95% of what men think makes a man, needs to go ...

The 5% Of This That Girls Actually Cherish And Want To Keep ...  In Girls’s Minds, Is Actually Only 5% Of What They Actually Need And Want ... To Understand What The Remaining 95% Is That Girls Require, You Will Need To Actually Ask Girls, And Actually Listen, And Actually Put Into Practise Everything They Say ...

The huge divide and deficit that men are fighting monetarily and socially and prejudicially to maintain via rape and murder promotion and obscene criminal actionisation shows the huge delusion that men are suffering under ... Girls think that men are utterly disgusting in their rape and murder media acceptance, and every man on this planet is actively peddling this rape and murder propaganda ... sports that maim and force kids to suicide, fast cars that decimate families and obliterate bodies, non-Loving sexual relations which Girls call rape, violent content that promotes murder, sexual content that promotes rape ... men are unable to understand as they refuse to want to, as they refuse to let go of this rape culture that they call civilisation ... man is not civilised, he is an utter disgrace and Girls want him gone ... they want the 5% they cherish and a new name for man ... 

And Under This New Feminised Terminology, They Want Men To Give The Other Essential And Non-Negotiable 95% ... Girls Want And Need This New Deal And They Want It Forever ...

This Is Not Optional ...


If Partners Both Want For Each Other To Have Things Just The Way The Other Wants Them All The Time Then Combining Approaches Always Works ... 

Two People discussing things Compassionately will find all the middle ground from even initially disparate viewpoints, and without arguing --because they never argue because they understand a comversation is needed not a fight-- they then end up always always agreeing because they both employ Compassionate logic ... that even if two or more possibilities are comcluded upon then these are called options, due to the filtering of Compassionate logic, and are not called difference in opinions ...

It Is Perfect When The Preferences Of Your Partner Are Always Prioritised ... As Your TrueLove TrueLoved Partner Knows Perfectly How And When To Express Their Preferences ...

It is nice if the Preferences Of Your Partner can be taken into account when you might consider wearing clothes that might upset them ... but of course we are free to wear what we wish at all times ... and of course other people will never look at Your Partner or anyone at all in a sexual way because in a World Of Love Post Full Feminisation Of Reality, no one will look at anyone in a sexual way without being in a Loving Relationship With Them ...


Passports are slavery control devices for husbands to keep control over their Wives ...

man must understand that every tradition, every social-normative he possesses, is a disgusting rape history of obscenity ... 

There is no need to have an extra piece of identification ...

Passports these days are just a profit making exercise, as passports are massively inflated in price for profit making only ... the whole passport office setup is automated and doesn’t even need anyone to look at database corroborated data ...

One book could be issued for free at birth for recording all relevant details like travelling and rights to drive and nationality statuses and work training and education ...

man will be made to stop his profit making at every turn ... his every disgusting additional inventiveness of disbusyment paper based money siphoning ... his need to impoverish the Good People of this world and starve and kill us in multitudes ...


To End This Femisode On A Positive, And In The Objective Of Giving All Creative Loveys A Positive Life Experience, I Present THE PRIORITY PRESENTMENT IMAGINATIVE ... This Being All People Whom Participate In Tv Productions Featuring Their Work Have Creative Autonomy, And Collaborative Choice Optional, And Auteurship As The Norm Over Their Presentment Imaginative ... New Legislation That Will Ensure Messages Of True Love Cuddle Their Way To Our Hearts Without Filter, Censor, Doctor Or Block ...





Milky Is The Way Of Woman

The Inherently Inclusive YummyCuddle

Having to change because Your behaviour is unacceptable victimises you ... you are a victim of the world ... and having to change isn’t acceptable from the point of view that the environment you grew up in in the first place, that has moulded You via cause and effect, should have been perfect to allow you to be nice ... but when this doesn’t happen, behaviour can be unacceptable, and this victimises the aggressor; as in the person doing wrong is unable to do right; their choices can only be made in certain ways as their circumstances and mindset are already set by their experiences, by cause and effect and the wider environment of harmful trauma ... this victimises aggressors ...
And the target subject of the aggressions directioned malice doesn’t need to change so they are therefore not a victim ... they have not been setup by reality to be in a position where they need to change their behaviour ... they are not victims of reality and certainly should never be forced to accept the label of being a victim ... 

The aggressors are victims ... they have to change ... their behaviour must shift now ... aggressors are victims ... victims whom were Babies ... And now they need to learn how to be nice only ...

Love The Idea That Your Partner Will Always Have What They Want. You Want Them To Have What They Want. Today You Are Both Having What You Want Because The Place Your Wife Wished To Visit Is Where You Are ... And This Is What You Want As You Derive Absolute Pleasure From Her Happyness ... Tomorrow You May Visit Somewhere You’d Like To Go And Your Wife Is Very Excited For You And For Her As There Is Nothing Else She’d Rather Do Than Make You Happy Too ...

In Polytics, this is the only approach that can bring Peace and Happyness. We must derive pleasure from ensuring All Nations we communicate with will always get what they want, as there is never any contradiction if we superpositionalise outcomes ... as in all Compassionate Outcomes can be implemented to Ensure All Loveys Are HappyCuddled ...

England itself has been a victim of masculinity  ...

Familial and social conditioning is the root cause of all the disgusting political and military actions of england ... men driven to effective bloodlust and gold fever madness by masculinity itself, as in the stresses and hierarchical demands placed on the individual and communal psyche of men by masculinity ... and the opportunities of assumed superiorities of resources and fighting power ...

man has been unable to act any better than he has ... but despite this he still must change ...

The only reason man is now semi-civilised, as in he asserts and pretends at times that he cares ... and at times he does ... is because Women have been forced to be prepared to be punchbags, and in so being have Womanaged to modulate mans behaviour to more socially acceptable levels of decency through insistent instruction and Loving Emcherishement ... Without that the world would be a far more violent place ... this is all down to Women constantly fighting for respect ... and Good Parents constantly trying to Teach Their Sons ... 

There Are Good Men In This World Whom Have Not Realised That They Must Mobilise Emotionally And Ultimately Polytically In Support Of Feminine Ideals ...

It is the behaviour of man that is the problem ... that is the problem ... but it is not the behaviour of every man ... its the non-behaviour of every man ... the inability of Good Men to see that change has to happen ... men can no longer say it is just the way the world is ... can no longer say Women are just Women and men are just men ... men must adopt Feminine thought ...

Women Will Force This Change To Happen ... They Have Been Fighting Since The Dawn Of Time For Respect And They Will Not Stop Until Men Adopt Feminine Ideals Of Compassion And Nurture And Loving Emcherishement Of All ... All Men Will Be Feminised ...

Brusque, machismo, sexist man must realise his softer side ... and realise all the stuff he says is Girly and for Homosexuals –if he’s feeling polite—is actually the stuff Women insist upon in their Man ... Stuff Essential To Ensuring Girls Are Happy And Flourishing ... 

One of the biggest problems today is the informational war that man insists on controlling the parameters of in his fear of Women upsetting his corruption-based sociology and financial infrastructure ... the constant war that rages online is something a lot of extremely disgustingly behaved men within the so-called informational dissemination industries and so-called film industry and so-called gaming industry seem unwilling to end ... and these men are incapable of change, as they are products of their environments ... it is all they have known ...

men Have To Be Made To Realise That They Have To Love The Idea That Their Partners Will Always Have What They Want. They Must Want Them To Have What They Want. And They Have To Realise That This Is Not Only True For LifeLovePartner Relationships But For Friendships And Any And All Relationships One May Ever Have ... Indeed All Relationships Must Be Elevated Through Social Cuddle-Interactioning To Friendship Status ... There Is No Place In The World Going Forwards For Non-Friendship Relationships.

If You Give Your Partner Everything They Want Without Reserve Then You Will Find That You Get Everything You Ever Dreamed Of Back In Return ... This Is The True Nature Of Love ... True SissyBlissy Yumptiousnessnessnesses ...


The EmeraldKiss

Nations Must Pick And Choose How They Wish To Engage With Other Nations At All Times ...

Compassionate Logic Has To Make All Decisions Within Polytics, not the monopolisation ideology that men presently adopt to ensure Minorities have no voice ... the most votes getting the decisioning power does nothing for those whom are least in number and vulnerable due to the neglect of selfish monopoly philosophy ...

I am utilising the term Great Britain instead of United Queendom for the the purposes of highlighting The Fact Northern Ireland As A Region And Nation Is Part Of Eire ...

In the same way that england annexed and sought to keep annexed northern Ireland, it is difficult to see Northern Ireland as a Nation wanting to be anti annexed into Ireland forcibly ... as this feels emotionally like overbearing politics in the same ilk as the mistakes england made ... 

We need a New Loving Way Forwards that respects all 5 Home Nations of Eire and Great Britain, with a new polytical relationship that provides complete independence from outside rule, but also facilitates the relationships Northern Irish People need to feel like they are part of Ireland again, and the relationships that Northern Irish People need to feel they are still living within The United Queendom, and are not separated emotionally from the rest of The United Queendom ... 

Ireland is not within the United Queendom ... and england has to accept that She has to let go of any and all control over any and all of the other Home Nations ... a new Polytical relationship between the 5 Home Nations is essential to ensure Happyness, and this Loving Cuddle between is without conditions, Equal Nations Polytically And Economically, That Support This New And Absolute Freedom For Each Nation, On An Equal Siblings Basis Within An Eire-Britain Family, The Emotional Togetherness Feeling Of Relationships Between All 5 Nations Being Equal Without Condition, And Supportive And Loving As A Family Always Must Be ... With The Priority Of The Family To Ensure That All Member State Citizens Get The Same Economic Deal ...

Britain and Northern Ireland, in Our Minds, can be geographically superpositioned for the sake of Emotional Happiness For All Peoples ... for British People living in Northern Ireland, they may wish to think of Northern Ireland being in Britain, but they may need to accept that this is a superpositional comcept that needs to accept that others may wish to assert that Northern Ireland is in Eire and that Eire is not in Britain ... if we can all agree to accept that the Truths needed by Others can be in variance with Our Own but still mutually contiguous and that We need not argue any more; Just Be Happy That Others Are Happy; Then A New CuddleFostering Relationship Is Easy To Emjoy ...

So Complete And Loving Polytical ImterComnectivity For All Home Nations Without Reserve Only LOVE ...

And an Economic Commitment for completely equal “purchasing power parity” Across All Home Nations ... which means money will flow to where it needs to ... which would not interfere with Polytical Autonomy ...

Within A New Emotiopolytico Relationship Of Joyous SuperFamilial Togetherness Northern Ireland Itself Can Coexist Within Duoformulaic Superpositional State, Where Those Within Northern Ireland Can Choose What Country They Are In ... Be It Ireland Or Northern Ireland ... Both Assertions Being Correct And Accepted ... And All Peoples Within The Borders Of These Fair Isles Being Wonderfully Ecstatic Within The Notion Of This Oneness Of Loving Regard For Each Other And One’s Own EmCherished Lands ... To Cuddlementisation Forevernessy Blissyness Of Mothery Lovery Sissy Kissy Blissy YumYumChummyLummyNummyMummynessnessnesses ...

And when Polytical arrangements are being worked on for Northern Ireland as a Region within Ireland and the representatives from Northern Ireland will be active within Ireland’s Centralised Polytical-Familial setup ... Whilst maintaining their Polytical autonomy, they would also be working on and discussing Polytical arrangements within Ireland As A Whole ... A New Superpositional And Compassionate Arrangement Of Solidarity And Community With Northern Ireland Not Only Being A Nation But Also Assuming A Position Of Being A Region Within Ireland Itself, Polytically, With All Northern Irish Representatives Being Offered Permanent Seats Within Ireland’s Centralised Polytical Familial As Reflection Of The Polytical And Emotional And Geographical Reunification Of Ireland Into One Whole Again ... Northern Ireland EmCuddly SuperPositioned Forever Within Joy In Ireland As A Whole And Northern Ireland As A Nation Within Her Own Right ... As Recognition Of The Sisterhood Of All Nations In Planette Earth Mother’s Wombywombywombwomb ... A New Agreement To Compassionately Agree On New Projects Of Emotional And Resource Based Expenditure Within Eire As A Whole ... A Perfectly Balanced Artistically Expressioning Marriage Of All Of Eire’s Cultures And Cuddlenessnessnesses ... A New Autopolytical Future Where The People Themselves Are The Decision Makers And Everyone Gets On And Agrees All The Time ... This Is The Planette Earth Mother Girls Will Lead Us to ...

As Example, We Could Have A Supernational Assembly That Is A Centralised Polytical Hub For Cultural Exchange And Togetherness Events Arrangements For A New World Of Affluence Loveyboos, With Cuddlytimes Between All 5 Home Nations, And Each Nation Would Have A National Assembly That Would Be Nomadic And Travel From Region To Region Within Their Own National Borders ... And Even Travel Nomadically Within The Borders Of All 5 Home Nations ... And Each Region Of A Nation Would Have A Regional Assembly That Could Arrange Local Interests And Also Be The Multiple Venues For The Nomadic National Assemblies Of All 5 Home Nations. This Would Ensure That The Past Feelings Of Exclusion That Have Been Felt Not Only In Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland And Wales But Also Regions Of England Would Be Addressed In Full, As A Nomadic National Assembly Would Create In Situ Realtime Communication Of Absolute Value To Establish Comnections And Understanding Between Regional And National Representatives, With A Nomadic Supernational Assembly That Would Also Travel Across Borders To All Of These Regional Venues Familially Linking Together All Regions And Nations To One Unified Ethos Of Sisterhood Family Cuddle Booboo ...

For example regional congress centres could exist across Wales so all representatives have two centres of Polytical engagement with the National Centre Being Nomadic and travelling from regional assembly venue to regional assembly venue ... this would allow all regions of Wales to fully engage with the Polytical Movements that are crucial to widespread Happyness and Inclusiveness ... with local community/council and town council and village council representatives also centralising their movements during this timed period of Loving Centralisation ...

Due to the disgusting history of governmental activities across All Nations Of Planette Earth Mother, I will not utilise the term ‘government’ here but instead refer to Centralised Polytical Assembly as Polytical-Familial ...

The possibility for the idea of Nomadic Polytical CuddleTimes to be extended across all Home Nations with the Joy of being able to nomadically travel Your central National Polytical-Familial not only to different regional assembly venues but also across borders to other Home Nations would be Wonderful ... for instance ... Irelands centralised Polytical-Familial might be spending time in the west of Ireland and at the same time Scotland’s centralised Polytical-Familial could be in west Ireland too ... this comcept facilitates full engagement between all Nations with all centralised Polytical-Families being nomadic within all borders of the Home Nations ...

We would also ensure opportunities for Temporary National Status arrangements for Regions in the Home Nations which would provide a foot in the door within the Nomadic Supernational Assembly as they can send a large number of representatives to travel with the Supernational Assembly for a set period of time, such as a year ...

Nomadic Restaraunts could travel the globe from Polytical venue to Polytical venue and the restaraunt foody yumyum creationalisors could be afforded special citizenship whilst in-country to vote on yummptious cultural organisationals as SpecialCuddleGuests ...

In A Future Of Pure Love Their Will Be Lots Of Cultural Cuddle Events Plannings To Tickly Fussily Yummily Bumptiously Yumptiously Sissyblissybooboos ... When On Holiday One Could Vote On Yumptious Plannyboos In Foreign Countries, As When In Country, One May Wish To CuddleEngage With The Local CuddleTimes ...

Also I feel an open door policy for randomly selected People to be involved in Talky Boos for the day would be essential and amazing for them to be able to speak upon any discussions going on as and when they wished throughout the whole day upon any thoughts they have on any topic ... They would be SpecialTalkyGuests ... With Special Permish To Say As They Wish ...

This Is A Distillation Of The The Essential Nature Of A New Approach That Actually Listens To The People Of This And All Countries ...

I Foresee Nomadic Polytical Cuddletimes To Be The Way Forwards For Happyness Forevernessynessnessnesses In Flowery Lovery Showery Togethery Forevery Lovey Wuvvy Snuggily Wuggily ...


I propose new borders in North America so that two border systems co-exist, with the Native Peoples formulating their new border system how they wish ... A New Native Lands Border System superpositionally existing in complete autonomy and togetherness with united states arrangements ... so the whole continent would have a new borders system created by the Native Peoples and vast pieces of PolyticalFamilial territories and privately held lands would be returned to Native Peoples ... I think 50 percent of the total land area of North America at least has to be handed back to Native Peoples.

Full Nativilisational Ethicalisation Of North America ... All Legislation To Be Completely Rewritten As Part Of The Full Feminisation Of Reality And This Would Involve Native Women Having 50% Of The Total Polytical Voice On Behalf Of All Species And All Tribes Of North America, With All Legislation Being Written In Native Languages By Children And Women Before Being Translated Back By Native Women And Children Into European And Other World Languages ...

This will set the scene for a Duo Supernational Polytical-Familial ... Two Supernational Assemblies of which one would be a proportional representational Polytical-Familial to replace the existing government, that would have All Species And All Peoples Including Native Homo Sapiens Proportionally Represented within the CuddleCentralised Assembly ... and the other would be arranged within the New Native Lands Border System which would not have to recognise the borders between canada and the united states, and would be representative of Native Voices Of The Peoples Of The Americas Including All Species And Their Interests ... These Borders Could Be Fluid As In Fluctuating Dependent Upon Time Of Year Or Movement Of The Planets, And They Could Overlap And Ebb And Flow According To The Beautiful Imaginations Of All The Home Tribes’ Children ...

In This Regard, Native Peoples Of The Americas Will Undoubtedly Want To Focus Upon All Species Of Planette Earth Mother Being Considered Equal In Voice In Polytical Decision Making, And Until Such Time As This Voice Is EmTangibly Coalesced, To Keep This Loving Notion Within The Highest Compassionate Regard Whenever Formulating Any Family Cuddle Ideas, With Catering To The Essential Needs Of Housing And Food Abundance For All Peoples Of All Species ... With All People Of All Species Being Equal And Cherished Within One SuperFamily Of Planette Earth Mother ... 

New Legislation within the land area of the united states would require both Supernational Polytical-Familial Assemblies working together with the Most Compassionate Ideas Always Being Adopted In All Regions under auspices of Ethical Qualification Ethos, with half the total budget of the united states being allocated to each Supernational Polytical-Familial Assembly, So As To Beautify And Yummyfy All Landscapes Of Environment And Thought And Artistical CuddlyBoo Just As The GirlyBoos Like Stuff ...

And A Very Meaningful Presence In Each Supernational Polytical-Familial Assembly For Their Twin PolyticalFamilial Would Be CuddlyTimes ... Along the lines of 1/6 the regional influence; as in equivalent to 10 additional states minded by the Native Supernational Polytical-Familial Assembly working within the US Supernational Polytical-Familial plus their already apportioned proportional representation within the total of the US Supernational Polytical-Familial ... and within The Native Supernational Polytical-Familial the US would mind equivalent to 58 National Tribes as a 1/6 apportionment compared to an estimated figure of 574 Native Tribes ... with of course Extinct Tribes being also represented by either Closest Relatives Or Designated CuddleRepresentatives ... and of course the idea that the 58 National Tribes from the US Polytical Familial could be composed of Duo Representatives from National Tribes like the Philippine Tribe and the Slovakian Tribe and the Hawaiian Tribe and the Japanese Tribe and the Ethiopian Tribe and the Tonga Tribe and the Columbian Tribe and the Canadian Tribe and the Libyan Tribe and the Scottish Tribe and The Tasmanian Tribe and the Congolese Tribe Is Cuddly Nice ... Though Of Course Native Peoples Of The Americas May Wish To Have Representatives From All Tribes Of All Species Worldwide Imcluded In Their Yumptiousness Cuddle Assembly ... And Of Course They Would Obviously Love To Have Representatives from all homo sapien Tribes and extinct homo sapien Tribes of Planette Earth Mother ...

Full Nativilisational Ethicalisation Of North America ... All Legislation To Be Completely Rewritten As Part Of The Full Feminisation Of Reality And This Would Involve Native Women Having 50% Of The Total Polytical Voice On Behalf Of All Species And All Tribes Of North America, With All Legislation Being Written In Native Languages By Children And Women Before Being Translated Back By Native Women And Children Into European And Other World Languages ...

In Most Nations On Planette Earth Mother Equal Representation Is The Only Option, But In Certain Lands Where The Native Peoples Have Been Killed And Driven Out Of Their Ancestral Lands, An Intentionally Amplified Voice Must Be Set Into Constitutional Arrangements To Ensure Their Tribal Voices Are Able To Re-Establish The Loving Comnections With The Lands And Species That They Have Yearned For The Return Of For Generations ... 


How We Choose To Engage With Other Species Once They A Fully Lingualising, As In How Their Polytical Voices Will Be Represented Equally Within All Decision Making, Is A Joyous Arrangement Of CuddleLove Yumptiousness ...

Rights Of All Peoples Of All Species To Decide Upon New Border Arrangements For Their Lands Of Interest, Which Could See Many Border Systems Present Within Certain Land Areas On Planette Earth Mother, Would Be A Biversity Cuddle Joy Of Illimitable FunnyTimes BlissyKissy Boos ...

All Species Are Capable Of Speech And We Listen With Joy Unending Togethernessnessnesses


New resource substrates for Womanufacturing comprised of Plant based biomass, soil itself, sand and rocks etc as part of a development of Womanufacturing must at all times be under the remit of the Highest Ethicality ... as The Full Feminisation Of Reality will insist upon such ...

With full automation of Womanufacturing, a massive growth in Womanufacturing occurs because People are free to make/create whatever they wish, and goods that are automatedly made can be produced very quickly from new abundant sources of resource materielle, with quick to almost instant creation of anything we can think of being a surety of further developments ... the producing of products from non metal sources that can do the same job as products produced with metallic resources is a field of desperate needed more significant study and development, like seen in the utilisation of optical fibres as alternative mediums for energy and informational transfer ...

We do need metals for production but we have been very wasteful with the materials we already had ... for instance all electrical pylons have to be pulled down and run underground to take back all the wasted steel that can then be utilised in production ...

We haven’t even mined the ocean floors and burrowed into bedrock underwater significantly and we do not need to send men down there ... but there are vast resources still within the crust of Planette Earth Mother which will be easy to extract from a financial perspective once men stop treating resource acquisition as a profit bleeding exercise ... the men that have died on the frontline of mining exploration need to be respected by all men now understanding that full automation will be happening ... with scanning devices and automated extraction rigs doing all the work ...

 Freestyle Script:  

Individually we may not be at fault, though we may not have put pressure on our past governments to get out of the way of Independence and acknowledgement that large and grandiose and overt statements of emotional and monetary reparations are Womandatory Essentialisms, and we may not have even wanted such changes to have been made ... which means we were at fault in clinging onto political landscapes of centralised and colonial rule mentality in our arrogance of imperialist and so-called rigorous philosophised empiric superiority ... so the everyman of so-called modern england might not be culpable for his inheritance but he may have been complicit emotionally in non-change perpetuation ... we didn’t recognise or value the need for immediate change across Surrounding Islands, Overseas Territories, Eire and Great Britain ...

Emotional Reparations Have To Happen Where The Home Nations That Have Been Harmed Are Assured Via Unequivocal And Unendingly Energetic Arrangements Of The Sincerity Of England’s Love And Respect ... This Would Be An Extended And Emotionally Proffered Proof Of The Familial Needs For The Wellbeing Of Each Other ...

Reparational apologies for the centuries of bloodshed and political oppression and enforced conscription and subscription and prescription are required within an approach of Fair And Loving monetary and resource calculations that look at such details as men lost in wars, trees cut down and taken back across the border, suffering of intentionally under-resourced communities ... the list is endless ... a full and unendingly comprehensive suite of emotional and monetary reparations calculated back to the beginning of the political/monarchal oppression ...

Maybe the financial reparations will not be actually needed to be paid because other financial arrangements within a new world econonmy might make this irrelevant in A World Of Absolute Affluence For All, with the Ethical need to maintain Financial Parities For All Peoples, but we still have to calculate the money owed and apologise and see if there is money that can flow across borders to build, rebuild, EmCuddle any such requirements the Girls think necessary within The Full Feminisation Of Reality ... To Get The World Into Full Financial Parity, In A New World Economy Of Prosperousness For All That Sees Vast Sums Of Money Being Printed Within Each Nation, And Multi-Storey Greenhouses Being Constructed To Ensure Every Plate Of Food Is Not Only Overfull But Also The Preferences Of Those Happy Smiley Children That Now Have All The Toys And Food And Clean Water They Need And New Houses Will Be Needed And New Roads And Shops Across All Lands No Matter How Remote That Can Be Automated If Needed And New Zones Of Womanufacturing To Supply The Whole Feminised Population With Everything Their Hearts’ Desire All In Lieu Of Lovely New Homesteads And Hamlets And Villages And Towns And Cities Set Amongst Vast Areas Of Freed Non-Farmed Vistas Of Idyllic YumptiousBumptiousnessnessnesses Set Out Following The TicklyKissynesses Of Childrens’ DreamyBoos Imaginationalises ForeverLoveynessnessnesses Within PinkishRainboweyCushionsey PrettynessyCuddly All SpeciesChildreney Happynessey HuggleStuff ...

Before the Financial Parity is achieved, certain wealthy Nations that have been siphoning large sums from the worlds prosperity, might need to help start off the rebuilding required ... though many Nations, once they realise they can print their own money as they wish without outside interference or negative consequences, according to Their own requirements, and very justifiably so, they will rightly self-allocate resource products like metals Or Anything Else They Want from The Rest Of Planette Earth Mother without condition ...

The New Equal Economic And Resource Rich World Cuddle Loves EveryBubba Just The Same ...

What is not in doubt is Full Apologies have to be made ... modern english man must be prepared to take Reparational Actions on behalf of his ancestors as this is not difficult to do In A New World Of Plentiful Resource Availability ... And More Importantly It Is Right And Emotionally Essential: Not Only For Those Whose Ancestors Have Suffered But Also For Those Families That Have Been Held Responsible For Their Ancestor’s Actions ... We Were All Trapped In This Inherited Existence But We Must Cuddle Loving Regard For All Those Whom Have Been Hurt And Upset ... And That Being Said It Is A Very Good Cuddle For Families And Collectives And Nations To Be Forthright In Their Emotional Regard For A History Of Suffering Of Us All And Present Emotional Reparations And Support On Behalf Of Their Ancestors Whom Also Suffered ... As We All Were Born To Suffering ...


The Actualised Independence Of All Home Nations can be superpositionally applied with A New Familial Status to replace the tarnished unification status, if so desired by those whom reside in a country ... with the option to assert Your Own Individual National Identity Terminological Affiliation within the newly imagined nomenclature set out under new guidelines as decided within The Full Feminisation Of Reality ...

Pick The National Identity You Want Personally And It Can Be Your Truth ... And It Will Be Represented In Your National Registrational Documentational ...

As regards the arrangements of organising a New Way Forwards Within These Fair Isles Of Surrounding Islands, Overseas Territories, Eire and Great Britain all Polytical Transitions are A Nations Own Right To Exercise, They Need Not Gain Permission, Or Go To Referendum, As To Force A Referendum On Such An Issue Is A Moral Disgrace ... A Nation Should Not Have To Assert Independence, They Already Have It ... It Is Their Own Right And Always Has Been ... And Let The Individual People Of A Country Decide What Relationship They Want To Have With Other Nations Within A Supernational Family Of Equality ...

Let Two Truths That Are Different In Assumption Be Mutually Contiguous So For To Facilitate Happyness Unending ... And Within This Family Of Nations Know That Any And All Citizens Are Welcome To Have Effective Nomadic Nationalities Allowing Them To Vote On Serious Polytical Matters When Living In Country ...

The Flow Of Resources To Maintain A Perfect Parity In Opportunities For All Citizens Of All Home Nations Would Be Of The Highest Regard And Would Be GirlyCertainty ...

Africa, The Americas, Australia And Beyond

Emotional Reparations Have To Happen Where All Species Of All Continents Of Planette Earth Mother And All Home National Tribes, That Have Been Harmed, Are Assured Via Unequivocal And Unendingly Energetic Arrangements Of The Sincerity Of Love And Respect Felt Towards Them ... This Would Be An Extended And Emotionally Unreserved Proof Of The Familial Needs For The Wellbeing Of Each Other ... Large And Grandiose And Overt Statements Of Emotional And Monetary Reparations Are Womandatory Essentialisms For A New Age Of Love’s Cuddly Togethernessnessnesses ...

Emotional reparations have to happen where All Home Species and the Home Nations Tribes that have been harmed are assured via unequivocal and unendingly energetic arrangements of The Sincerity Of All Colonial Descendants Love And Respect Towards Them And Their Children And Their Hearts That Have Been Wounded As The Land Has Been Wounded ... There Is The Emotional Need For A Return Of The Land And Her Peoples To Innocence ... Towards A New True Innocence Of All Inclusive Love And EmCherishement Towards Species Of All Families ... Of Tree Peoples And Plant Peoples And Animal Peoples ... An Extended And Emotionally Proffered Proof Of The Love For And Catering For The Familial Needs For The Wellbeing Of Each And Every Living Person Is A Demand All Tribes Are Unwilling To Be Diverted From ... 

Reparational apologies for the centuries of bloodshed and political oppression and enforced conscription and subscription and prescription and rape and murder upon Children And Girls And Boys Of All Species And Tribes are required within an approach of Fair And Loving monetary and resource calculations that look at such details as Other Species raped by mans reproductive forcing, family destruction by man’s slavery, genocide against Hives And Herds And Any Other Family, Men lost in wars, Trees cut down genocidally, protracted suffering, malnutrition, starvation, mutilation, forced slavery pittance pay labor, and chemical poisoning of intentionally under-resourced Communities ... the list is endless ... A Full And Unendingly Comprehensive Suite Of Emotional And Monetary Reparations Calculated Back To The Beginning Of ALL Political/Monarchal Oppression ...

And Women Themselves Of All Tribes And Nations And Peoples Of Planette Earth Mother Demand Not Only This Widespread Commitment, But Also The Emotional Reparations Owed By All The men Of This Planette To Femininity Herself! ... A Lot of SocialityLoveyDevelopment has been lost within the subjugation of Femininity And Genderality And Sensuality: And All Girls, Women And Minorities Will Require Significant Emotional Considerations On Social LoveScapes Changes, Before Happyness Will Prevail ...

Within The Full Feminisation Of Reality All Loving Reparations Will Be EmCuddly Formulationalised ... And A Lot Of Tribes Of All Species Of This Planette Do Not Want The Money That Might Be On Offer ... They Consider It To Be Rape Of The Land Blood Money And Want Only To Have The Land Freed From The Rape Tyranny Of man And Arrange Their Own Resource Allocation Systems To Affluentise Their Peoples In Love With Perfectional Cuddly TimeyBoos ... 

But we still have to calculate the money owed out of Respect and have the apologies made ...

Girls Of All Tribes Of All Species Demand That They Will Be The Ones To EmCuddle Any Such Requirements They Think Necessary Within The Full Feminisation Of Reality ...

Full Apologies have to be made ... modern man will take reparational actions on behalf of his ancestors and modern indifferences and brutally sexist viewpoints ... this is not going to be difficult to do In A New World Of Plentiful Resource Availability ... And More Importantly It Is Right  ... Girls want back The Planette Earth Mother they could have had but for the tyranny of sexist genderist homophobic man ...

Every Single Project We EmCuddle From Now On Has To Not Only Provide Proportional Representation Going Forwards, But Has Also Got To Be Formulated And Populated With The Imtention Of Proving To All Those Whom Are Of Different Species And Ethnicities And Sensualities And Genders And Whatevers That We Not Only Love Them Very Much, But That We Would Like To See Their Imflowences Beautificationalising All SuperSpecielle Creativity In Perpetuity Over And Above Proportionalising Representationalising Calculations So For To BlissFill Our Future In Ways Our Ancestors Deserved But Never Were Permitted By sexist, racist and genderist and homophobic and against everything non-hetero-masculine violent men ... 

Back to the huge and obscene loss of SocialityLoveyDevelopment ...Through the ages there has been an Artificial skewing of reality against the idea that People Are Biverse In Nature In A MultiSinging Approach Of Joyous Expressionism ... An Inherently Inclusive YummyCuddle that has been historically intentionally neutered ... A YummyCuddle That When Free To Be As One Wishes, All Wishes Of All Peoples Can Be Incarnationalised In DreamyLovey States Of Reality Fulfilment ...
Anybody different from violent heterosexual normative has been denied an OurStory, and We will never know how this could have positively flavoured Our Culture ... A massive loss has been taken Culturally, and man will continue to deny any culture that is different to be unmodulated by his monetary blackmailing and prejudicial blacklisting ... HomoSensuality and BiSensuality is given Space only at heterosexual mans behest, control, manipulation and ridicule ... with Lovely People offered up as sacrifice for the modern hetero ridicule meat grinder of rape torture disgustingness ...

People Of All Different Sensualities And Gender Identities Want The Ourstory They Would Have Had Throughout Thousands Of Years Of Non-Prejudicial Civilisation Back ... And They Have The Right To Emotionally Sue For Anything Their Hearts Desire Within This Emotional Reparational Process ...

They Want Nice-Only Comtent Of Togetherness CuddleTimes In Forever Joy ...

The Ourstory Of The Inherently Inclusive YummyCuddle Is Owed ... and the historical neutering of such leaves a massive and incalculable debt that needs Eternal Emotional Reparational ... A YummyCuddle That When Free To Be As One Wishes, All Wishes Of ALL Peoples Can Be Incarnationalised In DreamyLove States Of SpectrumReality Fulfilment ... 

All Interior States Of All Nations Will Have The Resources For, And Outside Interest In, Their Own Voices Exercising Significantly Within All Cultural Considerations Like Language, Dance, Clothes, Glasscraft And Ceramics, Writing and Lexigraphy, Needlecraft, Sewing, Knitting, FiligreeCraft, Cuddletimes ... Pastimes Of Any And All Nice Stuff ...

All Interior States Of All Nations Will Have The Resources For, And Outside Interest In, Their Own Voices Exercising Significantly Within Physical Activities that were formally known as sport within a National State Status Recognition ... and this Cuddly Ethos is a requirement also for Polytical CuddleTimes Autonomy that All States Of Nations like Brazil and Russia and Canada and China and the United States Are Wanting ... Also Tribal Peoples Of All Of Planette Earths Mother’s CuddleRegions Have The Same Rights ... And This Of Course Includes All Tribes Of All Species ... Without Question ...


The ability of All Polytically Appointed Representatives to choose to be ambassador-type delegates called Self-Delegates that will fulfil a collective to have a constant presence in all foreign National States in Planette Earth Mother ... whom can choose where they wish to go and for how long ... but when changing location switching with another Self-Delegate ...

In A Future World Of Peace And Unity, Total Freedom Of Movement would be expected not only for All Citizens in their private lives but also for Self-Delegates ... 



Milky Is The Way Of Woman ...

The Milky Is The Way Of Woman ...

The Milky Way Is The Way Of Woman ...

Being A Gal-Axis ...

The Milky Way Is A Galaxy That May EmCuddle With Andromeda When Andromeda Lives Upto His Feminising Name ... Mediumise ... Equalise ... Feminise ... 

Andromeda Is A Beautiful Woman .....

Andromeda Is Beautiful Woman .....






A FeminiSisterCuddle Spectrum


As We Emcuddle All People In Their Joyous Active Lovey Stuffy Woowoos, Everyperson Is Taught From A Young Age That The Excitement And SingySongyDancey Joy Of Bubbas And Toddlers And Children Is Now And Always Was Suitable For All Fully Grown People To Imclude In Their Everyday Communication.....

Lingual—Creative Vocalisations: By Yummynessing The Language We Speak We Will Move Ourselves Forwards Into A New Wonderful Communicational Age. And With A New Freeform Phonics Approach We Can Use Random Sounds That We Emote To Beautify The Way We Talk As EmBelle-Ishment. This Can Be Included In Normal Speech Or Joyful Randomised Freeform Vocalisations For Yummynessy KissyTimes. Sign Language—Freeform Hand Dancing: New Forms Of Sign Language With Super Expressiveness Movements And Lovelynesses That Can Be Full Body Expressions. It’s Nice To Be Expressive When We Talk, And Hand Dancing And Arm Dancing And Full Body Dancing Can Be Very Amazing To Express FurtHer Lovelynesses Whilst We Emote-Talk. When We Talk We Need To Feel Free And Comfident To Move Our Bodies In JoYous Motions Of TogetHerness Expressionism. We Can Teach Each OtHer To Be Free Children Of Emotive Verve Delivery; Cascading Outwards To All Whom Share Our Engaging Experiences.   Song—Scat: The Words We Continue To Utilise In Everyday Lingual Exchanges Are Going To Be Fully Reviewed By Girls And Girls, And This New Vocabularly Is Going To Reflavourise Song Lyrics Into A New Form Of Loveynesses, TogetHernesses, Forevernesses As Comtextualisationals. And With Freeform Vocalisations That We Express Using The Randomised Phonics Of Scat A New World Of Possibility Blossoms Within Our Musical InterXXchanging Systems. And These Can Resonate And Cascade Through Everyday Speech As We SingSong Our Way To Happyness CuddleTimes Mind Emotional Internalisational As Language: With New Emotional And Mind Representational Language Abilities Created By New Technologies That Allow Minds To Link We Find New Opportunities For Beauteous Comversations Across The Whole Of Planette Earth MotHer. A New World Of Possibility Is Arriving That Creates New Types Of Languages.  Dance: Choreo Group: A Chorus Of Dancey Yummynesses. In The Way Dance Groups Present Themselves.....It Is Wonderful To Be Imclusional Of Cuddly-Type Expressionisms So As To Move All Forms Of Dance Towards Loving Forms. And As Groups Of People Freely Chat In Any Location Whether School Or Office, Street Or Restaraunt, We Will Emflourish Our Joys With Collective Dancey Singynessnessnesses Whenever We Love To.....So With Such Dance Forms as: Freeform Group, Solochoreo, Solofreeform, Duochoreo, Duofreeform We Can Move Dance Into Scripted And Non-Scripted Beauteousnesses Of All Time Togethernesses. Scripting With Loveyness Comcepts; Scripting With Emotions.....And Freely Flowing Our Movements With Our JoyTimes CuddleFostering As TranscenDance-Being.....As A Very Fluid And Superpositional, Fluousnessnessnesses. A TogetHerness Yumptious, Umptious, Bumptiousness Delightfulness Of Twirly Whirly Swirly Flurly Girlyness In FemininiKissyBlissy SissyTimes Of BubbaryJesty ChestyNestynessnessnessnessnesses.........

DanceyJoy Arrangements Combining 2 Or More illustrative Wonderments of Dancey Blissynesses: As Communication Styles To Embelle-Ish Speech Or Mind-Emotional Lingual InterXXchange CuddleTime.........

LOVEY STUFFY WOOWOOS MULTILARITY CUDDLEJOY TOGETHERNESSNESSNESSES Everyone Feeling Free To Emotiolise And Cuddlise Their JoyTimes Communications Within CuddleComcepts Of Complexifying CuddleForms Of Multilarity Philosophising MetaJigglesJoggles JigglyWigglyGigglyBoo........Everyone Laughing And Giggling And Being Comfortable With This Perfectionabalises........WithinComBiCuddles Of The Following Bingularities With The Freeing Of Our Hearts From Controlling Expectations And Social Pressures........We DanceyMoveyTalkyTalkSingSong In Billowy Pillowy FlowAlly DuoBinary Communicational Gestural ...

Multilarity Theory Involves Many Bingularities, Some Of Which Are As Follows:

BioEmotional: Body Yummifications The Presentment Imaginative Of One’s Own Physical Being With Any Clothing EmBelleishementises Or Movement ChoiceyBooBoos Including Gait And Expressive Gesturalisations With The Option To Change Genders Morphologically And Genetically Without Surgery, Kissing A New Metamorphosis Technique That I Will Not Specify The Details Of Here Which Brings Joy To All Peoples Whom Wish To Switch Genders At Their Own Wher or Whim As And When They Wish Backwards And Forwards.....Side To Side.....That’s Nice

Emotio-Fluo-Lingual-Girlualism-TranscenDance The Xpansion Of Happyness Coincides Within All ExpansionCuddles Of Feeling And Thoughts...Witch We Think As A Togetherness Acceptance Of The EmGrowing Of GirlyJoy Within All Realms Of Experentialisms...A Fluousness Of Emotional Lingualisationisms EmCuddling FemininiHand-Gesturals In Bingularity and Multilarity TummyGroweyNessnessnesses...Girlualism Loved Tangible Of A New All YumYumFlavours EmCuddlement Of Every Presentment Imaginative Within All Wombs Of Thought And Feeling...A Sciency NumberKissy Presentment Emotiative -- Seeing Children Singing Their Colourisational Care-Comceptual Number Songs In Their Degree Lectures...And Adults Dancey Happyness Idealicalisationals Presentationals At The Day Office EveryDay...

Within All Expansional Cognitionabalises We Feel Our Way Forwards To New Understandings Of Technological Feminisationals For All Areas Of Innovative Development ... Every New Expression Of SuperSpecielle Ingenuity Is To Be A Collaborationment Between Both Biological Genders At All Times... As A Duogender Multilarity Exponentialises Expansions Of Love Outwards Into The Lovity Of An Open Gal-Axy Of Girlyness The Milkyway Will EmCuddle All Whom Venture Into A Duoverse Onestory Universe That Will Be Sung To The Furtherment Of Planetteairy Discovery ... Many More Verses are yet to be written by FemininiHands Of Sociological Burgeoning ... Within A Buxoming Cosmological ComCuddle We Will Forth The Duoficational Huggles Of Sociologicalising Cosmology Seen Within Heavenly Bodies And Their Voices That Speak To Us Across The Void ... They Speak Of Space For All Peoples And Astrally Respected Cuddly Lovities That Emswirl Homes Of Forever Femininihabitationalism ... The Unification Of Art Within All SocioComsmologies Will See A Feministical TumTumGrowth That All Peoples Will Wondrously Wonder Through Towards Tales Of Joy.....SocioArtistical Will Become Of And Be SocioTechnological........And Artistical Expansionism Will Be Of The Nature Of Being Just As Much As The Being Of Nature Is Love.....In Adoring The Divine Feminine man Will Reach His ApoLove Within Bivinity FemiNine, And Within This Emotion For All Times Men Become EffeminateDelightCuddling In The EmCuddling.....And Within This Emotion Infinitely An Emotional Expansionism Will EmCuddlementise All Beings Of Love’s Energy.....The Family Of Us Is The Multilarity Of The FamilioLogical Inherence.....And In So Doing In The Being The Core Feeling Of All Is Laid Bare As Singularities Becalled Bingularities As Everything Done Is Biflavoured By Our Biologies Of Female And Female, The XX And The XY Being The Kisses And The Answer..... With Of Course All Genders Of EmCuddled Female-Female Hermaphroditic Peoples And People Whom Have Moved Away From The Unary Gender System Completely And Are Without Gender In Whichever Way They Choose Emsure That Every Bingularity Is Also A Multilarity That Is Cuddled Within Philosophical SuperPosition Within All Our Hearts ... With All Such Philosophical SuperPositions Compassionately Accepted By All Peoples As We Move Beyond The Assumptions Of Biology In Our Hearts.....We Always Choose To Cuddle Not Deny Or Separate From Togetherness ... We Have To Base And EmCuddle All Our Multilarities Upon Lovity, Levity, For EveryDuo For EveryCuddlyLoveys BlissyKissynessnessnesses ...

And In The Same Way We Teach People Without Hearing And Vision To Learn Hand Signs Through Touch, By Offering Objects To Children With A Correlating Hand Gesture So As To Facilitate Learning Through Association And Then Allowing Them To Touch Our Hands So As To EmCuddle Joyous Comverseations Emcuddled With A Nuanced Hand Gesture For Every Object Anyone May Ever Come Across And Every Word Anyone May Ever Need And Every Comcept A Person Might Ever Wish To Know, We Have To At All Times Seek To Have Wonderful Communication Within All Mediums Regardless Upon Morphology Between All People Of All Species To Emsure Support Is Always A Tangible Cuddle Within Everyones’ Mind ... The Efforts We EmCuddle Have To Be Infinite In Energy Towards The Compassion Of Passionate Communications Of A Caring And Happyness Nature For EveryDuo And Eternal In The Distances We Are Travelling In The HugglyWoos Of Always...This Imcludes The Opening Of Significant Communication With Species Like Jellyfish And Shellfish That We Traditionally Think Of As Non-Cognitioning So For To Facilitate Their Cognitive Communicational Development.....And The Exhaustive And Eternal Search For Advanced Communicational Planes With Photosynthesising LifeBubbas.....

An XXtending Of The Way We Think And Interact Psychologically Towards The Caring And Thoughtfulness Approach Of Other Species Is Of Utmost Importance For Happyness ...

In The Same Way Other Species Fuss Over Each Other And Groom And Cuddle And Snuggle And EmWarmth, We Too Must JoyFirstly MotheryHappily Be PrimaryImportancy Towards AllCuddling Reacquisition Of Our ThoughtfulnessFirst-SnuggletimesFirst EmotioBehaviours 
πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–TrueLove Requires Constant Reassurance Skin To Skin Lovey Stuffs From Our LovingPartnerπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–And This Gifts One With A Neediness And Vulnerability To Want And Need “One Another” Totally And Constantly And Consistently In Totality For SuperLove Total Acceptance Of Each OtherπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–Together Every Moment Of Every Day For EternityπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–We Wash Each OtherπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–We Dress Each OtherπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–We Do Each Other’s HairπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–I Do Her MakeupπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–We Teach Each Other How To Love Every Moment We Spend In Each Other’s CompanyπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–We Love Spending Every Moment In Each Other’s CompanyπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–This Is The Bare Minimum Girls Are Prepared To Accept....
men Care About What Girls Want But Only To A Point. Which Means That men Do Not Care About What Girls Want. Fact. Is This Love? Forgetting To Ask Or Include Girls Or Your Wife Or Partner. Continuing To Live A Life Where You Do Not Seek To Change A Life Style/Collaborationment From One Where You Conveniently Do Not Imclude Or Even Do Not Think About Imcluding Girls’s Thoughts And Feelings In Every Single Moment Of Your Daily Thought Processes And Decision Making Is Untenable As Girls Will Not Accept Anything Less Than This Perfectionalised Love. This Might Be Difficult For Some People To Accept As A Way To Live Ones Loving Life But It Is Essential For Feminine Love ... And Girls Themselves Can Find It Difficult To Accept Another In Totality But They Wish To Try As That Is What They Want And Need For Love For Life And From And For Their Partner ...

A separation between the Loving terms I am using Here from the difficult content I am being forced to cover is constantly a massive concern in the back and forefront of my mind. 

And within Love itself and this reality of equality requirement, the middle-ground must be found and then Feminised and this is my goal: “MiddleLove”. We Have To Compassionise Everything We Do And Then Remove All Uncomfortability From The Human Collective Hive Mind DuoComsciousness. A New Untainted And Perfectionalised Future Is The Only FidelityThought Infinity That Girls Love.

When We Adopt The Loving Attentivenesses That We Find Within The Communicational Cuddleynesses Of Other Species.....When We Not Only Look But Emulate That Which We See Amongst The Adorational Snuggle Cuggle Hugglenesses Of All Species LoveyStuffyWooWoos.....We Find A Comforting Emjoining Of Physicality And Mindfulness Towards The JoyFocus And AllLove Adoring Truth Of EmLoveyNess ...


I think a world wHere People do not have to work if they do not want to is an essential requirement for the future. People who have an opportunity to take time out from mundane and unneeded jobs like office work that can be automated, building work that can be automated, and most definitely jobs that a lot of People really hate but have to do because the system requires: like repetitive work that can be fully automated. When People do have an opportunity to not do these jobs anymore and they find that they can do what they want, then they do tend to busy themselves doing things they’d actually LIKE to do which often does include job-type work: but now they are Happy. And the EndCuddle of Any Society has to be the Feminine Ideal of everybody being able to do what they LOVE ... so when everyone is freed from jobs they hate or do not want They Are Free To Go Home And Reassess Their Lives And Wishes For Emjoyment And Embusyment ... Now They Have Choice. Now Planette Earth Mother has an Enthusiastic Population that really wants to get stuff done that we need to get done and they will be Excited to do so. Because The Heavy Lifting Has Been Automated And The Creativity And Sociality Functionality Of Society Can Flourish ... Because The Creativity Positivity Inclusivity Stuffy Cuddle WooWoos People find  more interesting and fulfilling.....And The Designing And Building Of A New SuperSpecielle Planette Earth Mother Is Made Easy By The Relinquishment From Enforced Labour For Its Own Sake And The Turning Our Backs On The Intentional Stifling And Stagnation Of Technological Developments Like Automated Building Construction For Profits Sake ... for the sake of bricklayers’ wages ... 

We Have A Compassionate New Planette Earth Mother To Build That Cares For ALL Species Equally. And This Requires Speedy Action For The Building Of New Cities On Land And In The Oceans, With Intercomnectivity Flumes Betwixt Land And Sea For All Species To Pass Freely Between The Thresholds Of Cuddly Worlds Of Joy Unending ... To achieve everything required to emsure Girly Happyness men must be able to build at full tilt for the foreseeable ... Indeed, All Species Want To Build Their Own Houses And This Is To Be A Main Function Of Our SuperSpecielle Society ...

The artificially inflated prices of building. And the refusal to develop automated methods of building which would be far cheaper. The refusal of men to prioritise cheap less laboursome building over profit making is making a World of Future Delight impossible ... Automated building construction will emsure we get this done as fast as possible ... Men are halting such developments to keep People building manually and prevent building from being quick and easy. They want to bleed us for money instead of houses building themselves ...

This Is Not Acceptable To Girls And They Will Not Have Any Babies Until Bubbas Of All Species Are Emcuddled In Yummy Housey Foody DreamyWisheyBoos...

Facilitating The Building Of New Developments For Other Species Including Housing And Food Comcepts ... Working In Tandem With Those Other Species Because We Would Now Be Able To Communicate With Them Fully Because We Have Actually Tried To ... These Are The Tasks Of The Future. This Is Why Girls Want Planette Earth Mother To Be At Peace And For The World To Care About Everyone. So That All People Can Be Happy And Secure. I Have Talked About Houses For Geese In My Documentaries To Remove Their Suffering. Food And Warmth For Their Babies To Thrive, But Cute Fluffy Bunnies Also Want Their Own Houses And Their Own Family Units. All Species On Planette Earth Mother Have To Have Their Own Houses, Land And Space ... All Species Will Be Cuddled!

So A Basic Universelle Income Could Be £50,000 Pounds A Year Per Adult But If You Work Part-Time For The System In Tasks Of Beautifying And Socially Supporting All Peoples In This World This Would Provide You With Extra Income ... I Consider People Sitting Around Watching Nice Movies All Day And Leaving Lovely Online Reviews About How Wonderful The Experience Was, As People Who Are Providing An Essential Function Within Our Feminisisterm And They Would Certainly Earn Money For That Contribution To Deliciousness. Spontaneous Dancey Performances By Cuddly Groups Could Also Earn Money From The Feminisisterm ... And Any And All Other Wonderful Creational KissyTime Wondermentalisations For Our Hearts’ Delight ...

Other People Want To Build Underwater Cities For Aquatic Species To Live Safe And Happy And Warm Lives And That Is Very Important. Communication And Interaction Between All Species Of This Planette Is Essential and far more important than stacking pallets of baked beans in a warehouse when beans can be stacked by automated systems. My point isn’t that no one is allowed to stack beans anymore, in fact if one wanted to, then we could facilitate that as it can be very enjoyable to do warehouse work if we want to, when we want to. But if we never sort the problems out in the world because Everyone is being forced to stack beans then the Planette Earth Mother can not improve. There are of course problematic Ethical Comcerns with People Doing this kind of work ... We have to consider the loss of Life and injuries in warehouses over generations of serfdom and slavery and socioeconomical forcing of People that is modern day slavery also known as the job market ... the continuation of such work can be interpreted as contextualisation of a complete lack of Ethicality towards People Of Ourstory And Their Dreams ... As Many Hopes And Dreams Of Young People Have Been Destroyed By Their Forced Funnelling Into Warehouse Work ...

When we look at People having been forced to do the same repetitive tasks for 30 years the word workforce takes on a whole new meaning... I see it difficult to stomach a continuation in allowing People to work in such places based upon the unHappyness of many lives ruined by socioeconomically forced slavery and the inherent dangers such work environments created: exacerbated by an indifferenc to Health And Safety over Generations ... We Have To Have Respect For The Dead And Injured And For The Living And Their Lovely CuddledreamsπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–ANY Work That We Do That Is Not That Which We Would Choose To Do As Our Preference For The Day Can Only Ever Be Considered As Slavery ... Girls Don’t Want To Be Forced Anymore Into Low Pay Roles In Factories And Warehouses ... They Want Happiness And Consentual Giggles ... Fulfilling Their Childhood Dreams ...

Some People see a communistic approach to running the world as inHerently flawed, and tHere is the question of People all getting paid the same losing HEART in wanting to do anything. Obviously instead of being able to earn extra money above and beyond Our Universelle Income, popularity could be seen as a currency enough. At the moment popularity is seen as a route to financial gain, but if we all received 50,000 and that was a massively prosperous amount in Planette Earth Mother where goods are priced correctly which could magnify our wealth umbrella by many multiples as per my previous Femisodes, People would still seek popularity ... the phenomenon of being known as a reward: via mediums like Music and film/television, book writing and Art. 

I am not sure how I feel about the idea of absolute capped income because it takes the ability to progress financially away from Us and I can see potential draw backs. A World wHere Everyone is affluent and financially secure still could accommodate People acquiring more money, and in a GalAxy of wide opportunities for exploration etc. maybe the function of money accumulation would have benefits? I certainly do not agree with taking anything from Anyone that they already possess like properties, buildings, land, belongings or even money if they have acquired that which they have Ethically.....Which is a broad subject in a world where soil is composed of Dead People’s EndLife Remains, and everything is composed of oil which is also Dead Peoples’ Remains, wood from genocidal tree-felling acquisition murders, or rocks that have a billion years of EndLife Atoms scattered amongst their very composition.....In a society rotten of the desperation in treading water for a LifeTime can any single dollar ever earnt be non-blood money?

Ultimately I am not seeking to provide answers with this project. I could probably write a lot of books on this subject exploring the different options for a new financial future for all. But I do not see that as My place. I am seeking to highlight the massive problems We have sufficiently to inspire in Peoples’ Minds the very urgent need for change whilst hopefully providing Hope for a viable future that I Myself certainly am not the one to design unilaterally. 

Most Vociferously I Am  Championing The Notion That You The Girls Of Planette Earth Mother Be Inspired To Realise That You Have The Ability To Stand Up And Exercise Your Right To Make Polytical Decisions On Behalf Of All Of Us And That A Far Brighter Future Beckons For All Following Your Auspices. I Would Love Girls To Sit Down Together And Work Out This Future For All Of Us. For Girls To Go Through All The Possible Variables And Come Up With A Solution And Transition Towards HerCuddlenesses That They Are Happy With, And For Us Men To Then Say “That’s Perfect”. I Know That What Females Of All Species Would Want Would Be Perfect And They Would Create A Perfect And Caring And Compassionate Plan-ette For All Of Us.

Social Protections For All Is What The People Of This World Need And Deserve. But at the moment we are being murdered in Our droves by a murderous system of free market insanity that forces upon Us any imaginative way of bleeding money that can be derived from unchecked legal or illegal activities. 

We need social subsidy from a newly balanced Planette Earth Mother economy for All People and Businesses to emsure that the most important SuperLove of a New Society, Cheap And Surplus Amounts Of Food And Goods, Is Not Only A Possibility But Assured. Lovely Shops Selling Wonderful Products At Cheap Prices And All Those Shops Having A Wonderful And Profitable Time Of It And Financial Support If Needed. Ultimately I Prioritise The Consumer Having Everything They Want Really Cheaply And At The Same Time Want Every Shop Owner To Have A Totally Stress Free Time Of It Whether Busy Or Not. With A Social Support Cuddle Joy For All Businesses That Emsures A Business Always Is Happynessy Times ... With Support For Relocation, And Emotional Flowery Blossomy Boo, And All The Time And Hearts A Shopkeeperesses Heart’s Desires For Filling Her Rainbow Boots With Pinky Jelly ...

For Instance, If You Are Working In Your Shop For 8 Hours And You Are Not Making Enough Money To Cover Your Wages Then The FeminiSisterm Will Emsure You Are Cuddly Cared For With Your Wages Guaranteed By The Full Love Of Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddle ... And At No Time Will You Ever Be At Any Risk Of Losing Money Or Your Bizzyness ...

Now in a Planette Earth Mother of fully regulated prices and companies, tHere would be the possibility for us to not allow business owners to draw profit cash over and above wages out of a Business for private use. If we restrict businesses from making any more than X2 profit after all their overheads are met then the profit that is made could I suppose be needed to be kept by the Business as a cash reserve? Certainly a Business only permitted to make X2 can still make a lot of profit if sufficient volumes of sales are made. So I suppose the right to draw money out of one’s Business would be allowable if a certain cash reserve allowance was exceeded, calculated within a Cuddle algorhythm?

Of course at times it is not Ethical to charge as much as x2 on certain goods as this would overinflate prices ... all prices have to be fairly costed with x2 being a maximum not a goal ...

Certainly we can’t allow Businesses to be mismanaged and the prices of their products to be inflated by unneeded activity or inactivity. And owners, directors, upper management, taking large wages that they then count as overheads, to siphon money out by inflating product prices, can never be allowed to happen again. We would have to look at the size and nature of the company and create algorhythmic rules to cap such upper management wage costs. Fluid Proportional Caps For Profit Share which would then emsure that instead of upper management being able to give themselves large wage increases, the Workers at lower ends of the payscale would get very needed and Life changing payrises that might seem minimal to large wage earners ... but of course a small increase in wages for a Low Earner can get Tammy Her Lovely Ballet Lessons ... And of course the ability of business owners to monopolise profits into their company cash reserve instead of paying wage increases for Lower Earners can never be allowed to happen again. We Need A Clear And Wonderful Wage Regulating Cuddle That Emsures Growing Businesses Fairly Reward All Their Workers In Line With Cuddletimes Not Greed ... An Algorhythm Of Togetherness Happyness Delightyness ...

This has been a massive problem in large businesses and small and has driven a lot of inflation that has had catastrophic effects, as it drives up the base prices of goods amongst greedy market monopolising companies that price hoick in tandem to feed the greed of their upper manangement. Companies making disgustingly murderous margins on products that are x1000s markups is obviously completely unEthical and is defrauding not only individuals but the Planette as a whole because not only do Restaraunts not get frequented regularly if every local Person hasn’t got enough spendable income, but Everyone is poor and struggling and suicidally unHappy and poorer Nations are priced out of the everyday items that make Life Safe And Bearable And Fun And Acceptable ...

If the Girls analysed all possibilities for Our Future and decided the abolish cash option was the most Compassionate way to go we would still need a resource allocation system, and any such system would still be numbers on a computer screen. We would still possibly be able to allocate resources to private projects currently undertaken by the private business side of Our economy as opposed to public sector run comcerns. But how could this be Girlaged is interesting. People could get resources based on a modern rationing type principle but could private groups of People too? Would tHere be any need to have private projects in a Planette Earth Mother of Open And Free Information. In a Planette Earth Mother wHere Public Money funds mirror-image projects at different Locations/Universities across Planette Earth Mother? How willing are we to accept things that have been unEthical in the past as still being Cuddleable social modes ... How willing are Girls to keep any tainted precepts and principles that have been the backdrop to their mass enslavement and mass murder and mass rape ...


I do believe that tHere should be no such thing as classified information and that all information should be un-top secreted and declassified etc. for Everyone to access who is interested. A new Planette Earth Mother Of Peace And Love has no need of such things.

But I Do Cherish The Idea Of Nice Secrets And Lovely Surprises, And Products Themselves Could Provide This Sort Of Fun Also.

Within Any Creativities Our Hearts’ Desire We Can Apply For Permission Of Surprise Quotient Comsideration, which entails a company or physical activities collective or any SuperSpecielle Expression being eligible to keep certain imformation like new inventions research and development and design development or physical training techniques secret for a certain timeframe before full disclosure is legally required ... this prevents the stifling of knowledge but also through certain secrets being kept for a while EmCuddles People to Try Their Own Ideas instead of just following suit in such things as training styles of Basketball Teams ... and also creates the Emchantment Of Lovely Waiting For Special Stuff stuff like a new computer release Or A New Insect Building Pastoral Architecturelle.....

Surprise Quotient = Eligibility And Timeframe Allowance For The Keeping Nice Secrets For The Reasons Of A LovelySurprise

Every world system must be looked at from a Compassionate point of view, a moralistic point of view, so for to emsure Billowy Pillowy FlowAlly DuoBinary ... In The Feminisation Of Man We Will Find A Non-Secrets Non-Domination Mentality That EmCushions Softly All Our Avenues Of Creativity ...

At present decisions are not made for Joy or Compassion’s sake, but for monetary reasons ...

In a world of no moral values ...

So new legislation and new regulation to bring Everyone into line, and a new hands on approach with financial regulations and controls across everything we do to protect every Family. No longer can the ruthless men ruining the global markets be allowed to have such a catastrophic effect upon household finances via slowed scientific developments and greed secrets mentality. And no longer can the men who are overpricing goods by ridiculous and Life-taking multiples be allowed to ruin the Lives of and murder Children Across Planette Earth Mother ...

All these men are literally bleeding Our finances dry and they will never stop unless we Legislate against their activities.

apple is an example of a business that has done catastrophic harm to the global economy by not charging £2 instead of £2000 for small piece of plastic phones ... they could have been market leaders in the Ethics Of Commerce but instead decided to cash in and leave the global economy in tatters with their overpriced goods and elitism pricing structure and intellectual property pressure upon all mobile phones manufacturers to also overprice their phones which has effectively impoverised and denied People of what they need ...

If apple’s business was cleaned up and streamlined and they we only permitted by new legislation to earn x2 profit on any of their products, the cost of having a high street presence would cause too much of a price rise in their products with their present range available. For me the imac pro that I got an over £12,000 quote for online yesterday should only cost £5. This quote includes a £7199 basic price. You can upgrade the core processor for a better one for £1,000 which costs the same price as the standard one to Girlufacture ... You can upgrade the unified memory from 64gb to 192gb for £1,600 ... You can upgrade your storage from 1tb to 8tb for £2,200 ... You can have wheels instead of feet on your imac pro for £400 ... You can have a mouse for free or a trackpad for £50 or you can have both for £149: in effect charging £100 for something they offer for free namely a mouse ... £100 for a mouse! ... for a grand total of £12,548 without a monitor! ... The monitor will cost £5,499 with special glass upgrade for £900 ... £900 for a piece of glass! ... this monitor however does not come with a stand ... the stand will cost £949 ... with insurance for the mac at £179.99 and insurance for the monitor at £179.99 ... and a two metre cable costs £129 and a webcam costs £219.95 ... for a grand total of £19,344.95 with 36 month finance it will be £23,791.74 ...

This is despicable and utterly disgusting ...

But understandable from a company that charge £229 for ear phones that weigh a few grams ... 

The prices I am suggesting of £5 for this 23 grand computer and £1 instead of £2000 for a phone would be possible in a New Planette Earth Mother of correctly priced Heart products (formally known as resource products...)

So my suggestion would be apple coming up with more products whilst keeping the prices of products very low and The FeminiSisterm facilitating a company like apple’s ability to have high street stores in such a way as to not inflate the prices of their products. A subsidy scheme would be devised to accommodate their shop costs ... Such as ... Cheap rent, Positive Business Imcome which would function as imcome support, if needed, to replace businessrates, low energy bills and lots of new shop units available everywHere so low rent. The Priority has to always be cheap fairly priced goods. Of course r and d costs have to be added to the unit price of each product but with the volumes apple would sell being so high once they fairly priced all their products, the r and d costs would not make a dent in the final retail price ...


The FeminiSisterm is a New Cuddle that all Businesses will emjoy at all times, that will emsure all companies are viable and flourishing and CuddlyYumptiousnessnessnesses 

Under FeminiSisterCuddle Economics the Legal responsibilities of private companies to not be wasteful and have inflated prices because they do not care about efficiencies or economising or ergonomics emsures that the most important part of a New FeminisedWorld Economy --that all prices of goods must be very cheap and affordable to all People And Families-- is held aloft above a few Peoples Rights to make vast profits. Or even a sizable subsection of our societies rights to make an inflated living at the expense of Other People not getting what we want.

The rights of business owners to mistreat their companies and squeeze them for cash are to be revoked by The FeminiSisterm ... Emcuddled By The Full Feminisation Of Reality ...

Sources of income for business owners are to be reviewed: Wages to owners will only be paid for work actually enacted: it is inherently fraudulent to take a wage for no work: you would be inherently defrauding your own company and its viability ... it would be Ethical to make money from IP licences your company utilises that are in your name, and it would be Ethical to have a share of profits from your business at strictly regulated levels if it is making enough profit to support this, but not at the cost of lower wages for employees outside of a new legislated global standard of Proportional Wage Increase Profit Share or at the cost of increasing the prices of products or services you provide that have to be strictly regulated to x2 profit only on certain eligible products that are not designated by The Full Feminisation Of Reality as non-profit, and Full Feminisation Of Reality fixed-price costings for services as decided by the Girls upon completion of their Full Cultural Audit ...

If you have 5 companies that you own and are working for, at times you are obliged to help where you can according to your expertise and not according to the wage that business can afford to pay you. And if one of your less affluent businesses needs your specialist help you are morally obliged to prioritise that help not personal income ... And we most definitely are all morally obliged to help any and all People when they ask for help, and all Businesses whether we own them or not when they reach out for help ... to either assist directly Ourselves or supply comtact imformation of Someone Whom can ...

I also propose Fluid Proportional Caps For Profit Share entitlements of higher earners in a business which allows profits to filter Ethically to all Employees not just a few, as in all People employed by a business receive a higher rate of pay if the business is doing well, though higher earners will be under a fluid cap algorhythm to emsure they do not take unfair shares of profits ...

When profits go up so do wages ... but no longer can upper management pay themselves whatever they wish and not reward all Employees and also put up their prices to cover what they want rather than what is reasonable ... We Need A Unity Of Spirit Amongst All Peoples Of All Bizzyments ...

It might be good when rich People spend their money as it filters down through The FeminiSisterm but not if the way they spend has a detrimental effect on OtHers. Over inflated prices that rich People are prepared to pay causes a lot of suffering to those whom cannot afford what they need or want ... all products of all sorts have to be available to all People ...

The FeminiSisterm Will Protect And Nurture And EmCuddle Everyone On Planette Earth Mother ... A New Loving Only Heart Sisterness That Cuddles All The Hearts Of Planette Earth Mother So For To Emsure Everyone Is Protected From Any Risk That men Used To Encourage Within The pre Full Feminisation Of Reality murder systems ... That Are Now To Be Cuddly Only ... That Are Now To Be Called Love ...
We Have To Emcherish Not Only Hearts, Formerly Known As Resources, For The Loving Cuddle They Are ... A Cuddle That Planette Earth Mother And Her MilkyWay Galaxy Milky Spray Yumptiousness Provides For Our Perfectionalised Care ... A Cuddle That Planette Earth Mother And Her MilkyWay Gal-Axy snuggle nyum nyum kissy shnookemsy boo boo ...  A Cuddle That Planette Earth Mother And Her MilkyWay GalAxy Cuddley Support KissyBlissySissyMotheryLoveryJugglyBugglyJigglyWigglyGigglyBooBoo ...

The FeminiSisterCuddle Is To Apportions Large Portions Of Yumptiousnessnessnesses Economicalisms And CuddlyProtectioneyLoves And All Sociological Yummynessnessnesses TooWith That The Girls Wish To Cuddle Everyone For All LoveyTimeyBoos ... All DreamyWishes To Be EveryKisses ...

The financial bleeding on Planette Earth Mother is preventing us from getting into Space. We are being massively held back from all angles when every citizen does not have access to top of the range equipment and research projects. We need an open R and D approach that protects smaller companies from being swallowed up or having their IP swallowed up but at he same time emsures that as a SuperSpecies we can develop Our tech at a maximal velocity. This requires as many People on Planette Earth MotHer as possible being able to run mirror research projects across the globe to develop new ideas fast, and this work is also what a lot of People really would like to be involved in so we need to facilitate that. We need to keep as many People as possible studying and developing on the peripHeries of thought and understanding and technology. 

At present tHere is too much secrecy for the wrong reasons and fear of collaboration by People who are desperate to hold onto their ideas for fame and fortunes sake but at the detriment to all Our futures. We can no longer allow fear to stilt and stagnate Our Imaginative Extrapolations For A Safe And Happy Exploratory Future. We need to get out into Space now as a matter of urgency as EVERY LIFE IS PRECIOUS AND ALL FAMILY UNITS OF ALL SPECIES ARE PERFECTION. ONCE WE DO EXTEND LIFE, AS IN FIGURE OUT HOW TO REVERSE AGING, THIS NEW ASENESCENT MULTI-SPECIELLE CULTURE IS GOING TO NEED SPACE TO BE ELATED AND FLOURISH.

THere is amongst men an immobilising hierarchical based fear of Girls actually making the world a better place: a Gender hierarchy that has no grounds. men in this are treating Girls as if they are men out to dominate and subjugate as men do. men force Girls to act like men to try and get on in Life or politics and then show a complete and total fear of Girls imfluencing Planette Earth Mother. They recreate Girls in their own image then disempower them. And they most certainly are even more scared of Kind And Comsiderate Girls gaining power as this would definitely bring an end to the male dominated bully-show that men actually do not enjoy eitHer. men pick at each otHer and seek to intellectually ridicule each otHer but don’t like this being done to them. I do not like the word insane and want it to be banned with all manner of otHer insults but what word describes the psychological self harm that men choose to prioritise in every endeavour they undertake. And tHere is a lot of undertakers finding work from the way mankind’s culture works. Men do not have a right to use the term humankind. It has been tainted by mankind’s refusal to stop. I as a man accept the term Girlkind to refer to all Our Species and I emcourage otHer men to do so to show Girls that they are Our World.

men seem to have convinced themselves that the world would not be better with Girls creating and installing decisions --Girls do not like to “make” You do anything-- because men want their bubble of making money to continue. They seek to hold onto a system that is only about money, that kills and rapes all Species and forces Girls to walk the streets in fear.

man’s fear of even being scared of Girls having a say in politics, for it to be even recognised as such, for the fact they truly are scared and this defaces them somehow is more often than is healthy of paramount concern. men have their own cliques and corruptions to maintain, with moneys in their minds needing to flow across all types of borders one can imagine: geographical borders and psychological borders, industrial borders, intellectual property borders, monetary system borders, governmental policy borders.

We don’t need this flow. We do not need to grab everything we can get Our hands on. This is symptomatic of the trauma of Our past. European man is still heavily traumatised by tribal warfare and the behaviours we exhibit that have passed down through Our generations of hierarchical assumation. Behaviours that are sociopathically destructive and jostle us into a network of superiority and inferiority. Girls want all of this gone. And they want it gone NOW. They will not have Children with men that exhibit these traits ... which is why men hide them ... slowly exposing their true natures ... or the things Young men pick up as they go ... and Older Girls are forced to make do, shut and put up or go elsewHere. The coercion of hierarchical success moulds dangerous minds.






With The Imtimacy Emcounter Timeframes And Loving Emcounter Timeframes Legislation Their Will Be A Full Suite Of Legislation Formulated And Ratified By Women To Emsure Men Can Never Again Treat Them Disrespectfully Ever Again ... Love Is Not A Game But A LifeChoice ... A Lifechoice That Is A PermanentCuddle Between Two LovingLoveys ... Women Will No Longer Put Up With Being Abandoned By UnLoving Men ... 

The Cuddle That Is The Result Of Total Acceptance And A No Prejudicial Planette Earth Mother Is That All Girls Will Be Mating For Life Only ... This Is The Only Deal On The Table.........

And the abandonment of respect for Women and their Mothers and Sisters and Daughters has been something men have found funny in disgusting sex jokes and any so-called art medium that can be imagined ...


The persistent and disgusting attack by men upon Mother-In-Laws in so-called popular culture is so disgusting and unacceptable as to make me wonder why Women continue to marry men ... It Is The Loving Joy Of A Mother To Protect Her Child so of course men have unfounded negative opinions of their Mother-In-Laws as anyone seeking to regulate disgusting behaviour is a target for attack ... and within english language non-art forms Mother In-Laws have been systematically demonized by an institution of hate concocted and machinated my horrendously prejudicial men whom really do not want to be chastised even slightly by Women seeking to teach them how to Love in even basic ways ... men seem to think that Nice Loving People seeking to stop their fucking and sexist behaviour are committing sexism against them ... which is obviously completely disgraceful for them to take that viewpoint ... 

This unacceptable and unjustifiable attack upon all Women whom are unwilling to put up with the traditional behaviour of men has to stop if any man ever wants to have another Baby ever again ...


All That Is Beyond Duoness Experience, Within And Beyond Collective Emotional Comnectivity ... Cascades Futurely Through Love-Truth Of An All Comclusionary Ascertainments Of Emotional Feelingsy Cuddleboo Compassio Logicabulises ...

FEMINISATION NORMALLOVE This Is The Name Of Our Truth Settlement In Lieu Of The Actualised Discovery Of The Realism Serenity Radiance Energy That Cuddles To Assure A Comforting Affectional Stellar Visionaries Uplift Of Unique Splendiferous. Kind Pinky Pretty Girls Spread Their CharisMagical Glittery Gorgeousnessnessnessnessnesses Across All Frames Of Thought And Reality Duoversilisational Exploration Into GalAxis Milkyness ... Together Planette Primary Earth Motherynesses KissAll RainbowBubbas In DelightyBoo CuddleGases That Emsure They Grow And TickleyBoo ... GlitteryCharmy FeminisedBoys Float Amongst HappyGirls In Wedding HuggleTimes Softynesses ... And HappyGirl Admirationals FeelyBoo Adorable AttractingAttractivenessnessnessnessnesses As Beauty Pouts Belovednessnessnessnessnesses For BlessedLoveRealm Beloveds Brilliantise Bynamical Deliciousness For Childreny Inspirational, Magical, Magnificent Marvels Of EmNourishing Optimisticals In Togetherness Opulence. Positive-Precious Quintessentialisms Rejuvenate Smooth Unlimited XenasLoved Xeniality Zenith ZestyNestynessnessnessnessnesses ...

Adorable Girls Need Adoration Of Their Adored ... Eternal Affirmation Of Needyness CuddleGroweyNess ... To Affirm Allyance Altruistical Charismatical In A Pinky Rainbow Glittering AmenityAmicable With Ample Appreciation For All Girls Girlyness Dreams Dreamsical ... We All Being The Appreciated Appreciation Of Such Ascendancy Aspiration, Aspires Astounding Attainable Authenticity Authentic Avidity In A Pinky Rainbow Glittering Gorgeousness Gathering Gestationals GooGooGaga ...

Adaptability --It Is The Adaptability Of Man That Makes Him Special Apparently But He Can’t Adapt To The Most Important Love That Is Femininity ... Man Must Adapt His Affinity Towards Appropriateness ... Agreeability Of Men To Be Womandatory ...

With The Ablooming Nature Of Nurture Fastidious Comes The Abundance Accepting Of StellarGirlyness Acclamation Accomplished ... The Achievability Acquiescent To Femininity Activeness Acuity Adorable Adepts Adroit Adoringly Earn The Approval Of Women Affably Affectionate ... Affectionate Affinity Aglows Unique Splendiferous Agreeableness In Alacritous Aliving Of Amiability As Amicability Ampleness Aplenty ... Girly Aplomb Appraisal Appreciable and Approachable Appropriateness Approval Aptitude Ardent In Articulation Articulated Artistry Aspirational ... An Aspirant Of Love Assemblage Assemble Assertive Assured Attentiveness Of Girlyness Cannot Be Stilted ... Their Visionary Uplifting Assures Attainment Attract Attuned Avidity Axiom Bosom Charismatical Cheerfulness Of Girlyboo Comforting Creative Delightful Kind Pretty Determined Devoted Bynamic Ecstatic Elated Energised Enthusiasticalisms Of Evocative Excited GenuineGirls Gifted In Glittering Harmonious Heartwarmingnessnessnessnessnesses To Invigorationalise My Joviality Jubilance Kind Motivated and Mindful Nurturing Optimistical Optimized ... This Is Playful Plumpishness Prettyness Of Quainty Quirky Radiants In Their Remarkable Yummyness Of GirlyBoo ..... Radiant Resplendent Serenity Of Splendiferousnous ... YummyMummy StellarTimes Sunshine-Filled Supportive ... A Thriving Tranquil Unconditional ... A Unique Uplifting Visionary Vivaciousnous ...

Serene Radiant Energise Assure ... Comforting Affectionate Stellar Visionary Uplifting ... Splendiferous Unique ... A Kind Pretty Charismatical Glittering ...


When Children Have What They Want All The Time And Go Where They Wish And Have Their Bedrooms As They Wish And Have A Generous Weekly Income Of £100 They Will Be So Happy And They Will Want Their Parents To Be Happy Too Because Happy Children Appreciate The Joys Of Happyness And Wish For Their Family To Be Happy Too All The Time As Well ... And With The Removal Of All Adversity In Language And Social And Physical Interactions We Will Find That Kids That Never Experience UnPleasantness Never Act In Selfish Uncaring Ways ... They Wish For The Happyness Of Everyone And Within Their Own Dream Fulfilments Imclude The Hopes And Dreamy Wishes Of Their Parents Too ... To Be Happy Is For All Ones Loved Ones To Be Happy ... This Is The Ethos Created By Stressfree Freedoms For All Bubbas ...


We Have Missed The Girly Missyness Of Pinky Pooky Wooky Boo.....

Bingularities must be based upon Lovity, Levity, for Everyone, For EveryDuo.....

CollaboratiOModulationO – Pertaining To RatiOM -- The M,M,M, Mammy Of The Ratio Of 1 For Femininity = All People As Femme Equates In Architecturelle Terms To Knocking All Buildings Down On Planette Earth Mother due to the history of rape and torture ... And Girls Redesigning Planette Earth Mother In Her Image. This Would Be One Brush Stroke Of Deliciouness In The Gorgeousness Of Femularity.....

To Replace All Buildings With Pinky Glitter Rainbow Yumptiousnessnessnesses We Must Prove To Girls That We Are Nice.....

Once We Have Proved To Girls That We Are All Very Very Very Very Very Nice Then We Will See That Planette Earth Mother And Her GalAxis Cuddle Cuggle Opportunicalises Lots Of Lovely Huggles.

All buildings have been designed by men or influenced by male pressurised architectural standards or control conservations.....

A New FemioArchitecturelle EmHuggles Non-Binary Architecturelle, Femme-Femme Hermaphroditic Architecturelle, Lesbian Architecturelle, Trans Architecturelle, Gay Architecturelle, and FemBella Architecturelle.....


Banning dangerous activities like skydiving, skateboarding, cycling, motorcycling, all motor sports, powerboating, hang-gliding, wind surfing, kite surfing, wing suits, zorbing, skiing, snowboarding, water-skiing and surfing is something I am reasonably sure Women will want to do upon their Full Cultural Audit as part of the Full Feminisation Of Reality. Some of these activities will definitely be banned outright and others will be subject to safety review ... a Feminine safety review comducted without a bias to keep them ... full Ethical comsiderations have to be of highest importance ... inherent safety -to- safety possibility ratio must be weighed within Ethical comsiderations of injuries inflicted, People killed and future tragedies of the same if legislation wouldn’t be changed ... can we biasedly work around these huge losses whether past or future ?

We Have To Figure Ways To Push The Envelope Of Cognitive Technological Understanding Without Endangering Ourselves Ever ... And We Do Need To Understand That We Have To Calculate Effectively Possible Needs To Have Planetteairy Protective Mechanisms That Never Endanger Life ... 


Just as negative and violent and unpleasant analogy can no longer be considered analogy or even considered to make sense AT ALL ... such unpleasant analogy can only be considered nonsensical ... we also have to recognise that anything we see in biology or any of the sciences that is non- or discompassionate can also not be considered to make sense ... ie parasitic laying of eggs inside insects by other insects can’t be considered nature, or presented in that way, as it is unethical and disgusting to do so ... such horror is not nature ... and in this regard all such incorrect assumptions of man and his sciences have to be abandoned and consigned to the oblivion of incorrect comcept ...


The so-called ‘gaming industry’ -the word ‘game’ being a murder word and ‘industry’ also being a murder word- also needs to be fully removed from Planette Earth Mother .....

The only Ethical approach to simulated environs is the application of the same Ethical Legislation comsiderations one would apply to reality itself. 

What man calls games ... all are formulated to create adversity ... man finds it impossible to write stories or create games that do not include conflictions ... Death and suffering is his disgusting drug of choice and Girls find this highly disturbing ...

The immorality of gameovers, and gaming theory in general in its pursuit of aggression in all forms ... the need for the so called empowerment via heroism indoctrination is defunct in a Planette Earth Mother’s Womb that Women wish to live in ... men do not understand that Femininity requires Happyness Peace And Love not violence and death and rape promoting simulations. Girls want all stress gone ...

The focus on challenging and Life threatening narratives in media and reality is to the detriment of Women’s Love for masculinity ... a fading Love that is at risk of disappearing if men do not change now ... to be honest I think masculinity as a term and most of what it stands for is already completely defunct ... and Women are already within this mindset of NO-RETURN ...

Labyrinthes as a concept are unacceptable challenges that stress People, and the impossible no route out enforcement that men insist on forcing upon Women has left Women bereft of Passion for masculinity ... is it even Ethical to enjoy walking off into the forest and getting lost when many have died that way. In a Planette Earth Mother of maps and Global Positioning technologies, the disrespectful mindset that People revel in to disregard safety and disrespect those whom have been harmed historically creates a philosophy of risk taking that Women want gone. Girls are more protective, more sensible and more Loving than men. And they will no longer be ignored by men and their femininity neutering mechanisms of control and ridicule. To Change Planette Earth Mother To Peace And Love, Which Is A Basics Essentials Requirement Of Femininity Love.....Men Will Change The Respect They Exhibit Towards All Comsiderations To The Highest Levels Of Regard ...


The possibility that Comsciousness could arise in computer operated Simulated People or even biological-life operated Avatars is a massive risk ... Quantum Arisings Of Mind Computational Soul Comsciousness ... is this risk too great to allow simulations to even exist ... The knowing of Ones Existence but being unable to do anything other than what an operator wants Us to do would be a living torment, knowing One has no comtrol of Ones destiny ... One could even extrapolate this concept out into Reality Herself ... as in the overbearing effects of the Cause-And-Effect-Environment-Complex forcing us to be the way we are ...

The knowing of Ones existence but being unable to do anything other than what one wants to do has strong correlations with Simulated Peoples allotted experiences ... do we have the right to operate avatars even if they are not aware, as the risk of comsciousness arisal within their projectioned Physicelle Being is a risk too far?

If we ever learn to understand Reality in enough detail and are able to analyse comprehensively, we may be in the position to say that If we do things in variance with cause and effect it could mean we are being externally operated and we are abiding within a simulation called reality ...

The Knowing Of One Is Existence ...


Free markets are like freedom of speech in so much as they are an illusion and DO NOT exist. Speech cannot run free because it hurts People. Free markets do not exist because all of the financial applications that we consider to be fundamentally formative (fundamentally characterise) of a free market are just controlling overlays that allow a few People to siphon money which makes the markets completely unfree and imprisoning for virtually Everyone on Planette Earth Mother. When we apply free market mentality to gaming morals not only are games made only for profit and to satiate a disgusting violent tendency, the liberties taken with morality run free and only cater to popularity which is niche. Far more games would be sold if they appealed to every human mind. Taking the violence completely out of gaming instead of trying to modulate Everyone’s mindset to be aggressive would be far more profitable. And regardless of this, People who seek violence are not fit to make moral decisions about their own mental development or otHer Peoples. They are psychologically and legally incapable of decision making because as in the UK, in the US it is illegal to promote criminality or violence. People use the fact law enforcement and legislators are not willing to enforce this precept as cart blanche to use the subterfuge of art as a screen from moral judgement. We apparently show important stories about crime and illegal conflict that are important for us to improve Planette Earth Mother. This is how movie makers justify their films to certification boards worldwide who enforce censorship laws that pertain to promotion of criminality and violence. The laws are in place but the Ethos has been intentionally ignored. And certification bodies are eitHer lied to or are complicit. Even war movies in my opinion should not be made in the name of entertainment. THere is a strong argument to support the fact that the promotion of violent thought from watching war movies breaches existing laws. I support this notion. War should probably be only covered in documentary form. Or if we do show more Emotional renderings in the existing movie format they should be made not for entertainment and should not be received and critiqued as such and should be made for non-profit purposes only with all money made over and above regulated costs to be used to help those affected by the traumas of this reality. So a restriction on wages for moviemakers/actresses etc. to me is already a legal requirement.

Laws are not being interpreted Correctly at the moment because logic is not being rigorously applied. Promotion of criminality is illegal. Promotion of violence is illegal. 

All the money made from such movies is blood money. Blood of the characters. Blood of the People who were really injured or died when re-enactments are presented. Blood of the victims who are harmed by a perpetuatedly violent Society that we all are forced to live in.

Laws must be a reflection of Compassionate Logic.

Everything is worth saying twice. THere are two Genders after all. That doesn’t mean one version is Yummy and Bumptious And Delightfully Presented With Care Love And Thought and the otHer version is filled with rape jokes and paedophile jokes, and well quite frankly virtually every joke a man thinks of is generally disgusting in a ridicule type bullying type deprecatory attack mode.

men might want this disparity to continue ... to fight their corner to keep their disgusting behaviour in the spotlight and theoretically acceptable ... to continue to intentionally prevent Women from designing Nice And Loving Only Comtent and ensuring it has no avenues for release or socially extended support within masculine rape and murder prioritising ad streams ...

But Girls Will No Longer Permit This To Happen. Girls Across Planette Earth Mother Are Mobilising EmotioPolytically To Prioritise The Most Important Aspects Of Love And Life That Men Have Either Forgotten Or Never Learnt ...

Calling “GenderEuphoria” Gender ... dysphoria ... Is Bullying ... And Bullying Is IlLegal ... 
The disgusting and ilLegal prejudice that People are exhibiting towards Any People Whom Wish To Change Gender is so despicable and energetic in its bullying approach that the fact police are refusing to enforce the Law by pursuing ALL INFRACTIONS of Bullying Laws And Prejudice Laws reveals an innate prejudice that taints and pervades policing to the disgusting detriment of any Ethical standing they think they possess ...

The Psychological Delightyness That Young And Older People Feel When They Passionately Project Their Loveywishes As Regards Any Cultural Outpouring Has To Be Held Aloft As The Most FunMamental Tenet Of Our New LoveyStuffyWooWoos CuddleTimes ... 

parliament thinks it is acceptable for themselves to stand aloof within their rights to decency. They have rules of lingual communication within Westminster that are adhered to or one gets in serious trouble ... though very rude murmuring and heckling is permitted ... I am referring to the disgusting indecency of parliament expecting its members to behave within certain bounds of decency lingually but then refusing to legislate against the general population because of freedom of speech ... it is elitist to expect themselves to be worthy of decent lingual choices but not the general population ... and elitist to think that heckling/jeering which would be considered bullying in wider society is acceptable behaviour ... they say it’s traditional but it would fall under bullying laws as it is a protracted campaign of ridicule and bullying against specifically targeted People ... men can’t hold onto these traditions when they are in variance to Ethical developments ... for Young Minds watching along with political debate, this unEthical approach sends out a very dangerous message ...

parliament can never be accused of being too decent as tonal delivery and heckling and so-called high-brow what amounts to ridicule is openly accepted amongst mps. The fact such men hold dear their rights to disgusting and bullying speech out in the world, as in the fact they refuse to Legislate fully and emsure enforcement occurs across all areas of human interaction via the installation of cameras everywhere and insisting upon the Law enforcement services removing bullying activities everywhere they find them, speaks volumes about the general mentality of men whom seek power, and their refusal to change traditional masculine bullying acceptances ...

With cameras having to be in EVERY building across Planette Earth Mother we find it easy to televise all Polytical debate ... With the abilities of modern technology it is very easy to provide many live stream access ports to Polytical meeting points across our nation ... meeting rooms that must be constant live streams to keep us fully abreast of all comversational activities ... the fact this isn’t already happening and that the media monopolising companies in this nation are cherrypicking information as they see fit speaks volumes for the corrupt way men choose to modulate our information access points for their own biased ends. We can never lend extra weight towards any Polytical activities at the expense of others ... this method of reporting is inherently corrupt and Ethically dishonest and the decision making for maintaining this approach and being happy with its convenient and malleable inefficacy is morally reprehensible ...  

Why we do not have a daily Newspaper that reports all Polytical business verbatim and provides all documents for society perusal is another symptom of a corrupt overstructure and its unwillingness to prioritise the needs, wants and viewpoints of a population of completely imformed HappyPeople  ... We Are Not Happy!

In the same way that We must legislate and then figure out how to enforce when there is no way to enforce at present, we must expect parliament to adopt the same approach with decency in lingual communication, but of course it is easy to legislate for cameras and microphones to be installed everywhere on Planette Earth Mother to protect Children and Women and Men from rape and murder and indecent communication ... why men didn’t legislate earlier to stop people from using disgusting speech behaviours despite the fact it would be impossible to enforce, shows that man has a disinterest in being stopped in his abilities to ridicule, bully and disgust ... for instance a group of respectable witnesses could get a politician whom has a propensity for disgusting jokes arrested and convicted if legislation is in place to make such disgusting behaviour illegal ... and if cameras are everywhere, he wouldn’t have even told the jokes in the first place ...

A violent joke promotes violence ... a disgusting joke promotes horrendous behaviour ... a paedophile joke promotes paedophilia ... men promote such Disgusting jokes by not making them impossible to tell in the first place and this shows their complete lack of impetus to Protect Women And Children from disgustingly thought modulated men and their mindset and behaviours. A complete conflict of interest pervades a society where perpetrators are the ones whom can pick and choose if new Legislation is ratified or not ... or if it is even imagined ...

In a society of social pressure upon Men to not even report all disgusting jokes, how can we expect such men whom are in government to even want to start the process of formulating 100% efficacious Laws?

Women whom are listened to, whom have not been indoctrinated to be rape victims, want a Planette Earth Mother where private sexual relations are not talked about at all let alone being the subject of You and Your disgusting mates filthy jokes...

And Sex Education Is To Imclude All Children Understanding That Their Wishes Are The Most Important Comcern ... Not What Their Prejudiced Parents Want Them To Be ... Freedom To Choose For OnesOwnSelf Trumps Your Freedoms To Decide On Your Childrens’ Behalf. So The Present Attack On The Rights Of Children To Decide Their Gender, And The Presentation Of Such Delightyboo Decisions As Being Dysphoria In Their Own Biological Gender Instead Of Euphoria In Picking Any Non-Gender, Gender Or Combined Gender State They Wish Will Be Eradicated Under The Implementation Of New Extremely Stringent Decency Laws That Will Protect The Rights Of Children’s Access To Non-Prejudicial Ambiance And Positive Loving Cuddle Support In All Interests They Show ... We Never Dissuade Only EmCuddle ... We Emsure That All Children Are Aware Of All The Options On The Table As Regards Gender Choices ... Their WisheyDreams Are The Priority Always And Decency Laws Will Protect This Tenet ... 
So decency Laws do not protect us from violence stories, in a world where you can fight each other as long as you don’t press charges ... what are politicians thinking?

men in law enforcement and the judiciary and government want to promote crime because they choose to interpret Laws in a manner that actively supports criminal thought and promotes its uptake ...

Non-Loving sexual interactions is a form of psychological and sexual abuse, and the promotion of such interactions through the tv airing of crowds laughing at such activities actively promotes criminality. man’s present interpretations of Law are biased towards the continued abuse of anyone including Women ... So-called tv shows actively promote the idea that psychologically abusive behaviours that do not Support Fidelity And Love are not only ok but are accepted and expected forms of Loving Relationships. The amount of People whom are abused by modern culture and its promoting of illegal activities as regards destructive relationship based psychologically abusive behaviour shows that men in law enforcement and the judiciary and government want to promote crime because they choose to interpret Laws in a manner that actively supports criminal thought and promotes its uptake ...

Non-Loving sexual interactions is a form of psychological and sexual abuse, and the promotion of such interactions through modern media and so-called art forms of movies and gaming actively promotes criminality.

Not one game or movie ever made is Compassionately Constructed Or Lovingly Protective Of People And Their Rights To Lovely Life Experiences ...

And it is EASILY possible to Law Enforce the internet ... but men in power are choosing to not do so ...

Necrophilia and incest and sexual violence are illegal, and promotion of violence is illegal, and promotion of illegality is illegal ... so incest and necrophilia promoting content is inherently illegal and staged death scenes are inherently illegal due to the promotion aspect to their formulation.

Any communication between people within any medium like daily speech, messages, letters, staged fictional interaction media: can never be legal if it promotes in any way illegal activities. So why are porn sites getting away with presenting filthy content without a response from male run governments?

And in mainstream film if Positives are to be derived from visual media presenting what not to do, we do not at present teach Our Children to comprehensively process these examples correctly. Popular culture promotes the wrong behaviour as acceptable. And men in governments not shutting down all sources of filth are promoting anything that is available online. We can shut down all the disgusting sites at source but men are not doing this ...

The glorificational approach of men in film and tv and computing and the written word is illegal under present Law. But the violence and rape promoting men in power do not enforce the Law.

From the perspective of legal censorship, the men of this world  have allowed themselves an illegal leeway in legislative interpretation as excuse ... governments of the world are filled with murderous, thuggish mindsets that see ultra violent cinema and prostitute rape and violent sexual abuse and all manner of filth as acceptable ... Women have been lobbying on these issues for decades and the men just ignore them ... the indifferent inaction of these men is the evidence of their collusional guilt ...

A Child can go into any library and pick up any book and be exposed to disgusting, violent, sexually violent and worse content without any barriers of protection except a Librarian’s Ethics and or knowledge of every single text ever written ...

Why haven’t Laws been interpreted in the correct ways as regards promotion of criminality? Modern media not only promotes such crimes but actually presents them occurring on social media and video sharing platforms without real world responses from law enforcement services ... without the widespread lobbying of government by the judiciary ... and without governments listening to Women whom not only want perfectly stringent Laws that safeguard all People regardless of the difficulties of enforcement, but also want the interpretation of such Laws that already exist and New Laws that need to exist to be an emotionally and caring responsibility of Loving Justice And EmCuddlement ...

And the judiciary, whilst being in a strong position to be heard on these issues, if not constantly lobbying governments to hold law enforcement to account, and not constantly demanding law enforcement to go after these prosecutions they too also have collusional charges of murder to face ...

As I have mentioned before in this project, the promotion of crime is illegal, and men do not move against modern media that promotes crime.

And this wanton disregard for the radicalisation of Young Minds by such disgusting computer simulations that support rape and violence is symptomatic of a Planette Earth Mother of men whom do not care ... in fact they find it funny to roam around simulated environments mass murdering People ...

Women do not require men going around simulated environments mass murdering People ...

To Understand What Women Actually Do Require, You Will Need To Actually Ask Women, And Actually Listen, And Actually Put Into Practise Everything They Say ...

The huge divide and deficit between murderous and rape promoting masculine psychology and LifeSaving CareCuddling Feminine Dreams Of A Perfect Planette Earth Mother that men are fighting monetarily and socially and prejudicially to maintain via rape and murder promotion and obscene criminal actionisation, shows the huge delusion that men are suffering under ... Women think that men are utterly disgusting in their rape and murder media acceptance, and every man on Planette Earth Mother is actively peddling this rape and murder propaganda by not mobilising instantly against it ... sports that maim and force Kids to suicide, fast cars that decimate families and obliterate bodies, non-Loving sexual relations which Women call rape, violent content that promotes murder, sexual content that promotes rape ... men are unable to understand as they refuse to want to, as they refuse to let go of this rape culture that they call civilisation ... men are not civilised, they are an utter disgrace and Women want their behaviour gone ... they want only the 5% of mens behaviour they cherish and a new name for masculinity ... 

Women demand rigourous decency laws and cameras everywhere to record every word that comes out of a man’s mouth ... men struggle to understand that the abolition of all policing is a main objective, and decency laws formulated by Women are the only way to emsure full protection from the indecency of men ... The objective is to abolish policing ... and in a New Planette Earth Mother that has installed all the safety technologies I am suggesting, A Massive Societal Shift Towards Happyness And Comfidence And Safety Psychology Will Move Us All To A Place Where Police Protection Will No Longer Be Needed ...


In Polytics People Of Shorter Stature And Very Tall Stature Have Had Little To No Representation Ever ... And The Issues They May Have Within Society Are Not Addressed Because No One Cares Enough To Ask And Take Direct Loving Approaches To Remedy Nice People’s Comcerns ...

We Have To Have Proportional Representation For People Of All Loveynesses And Within This Suite Approach We Imclude People Of All Types And All Statures ... We Need To Have An Over And Above Fair And Proportional Representation Of People Of Differing Heights So As To Emsure Them That We Love Them.

In Physical Activities: in Basketball it is possible to have the ring lower and for People of shorter stature to be selected for teams because they are smaller ... random selections from different height statures can create mixed height teams that respect all LoveyPeople of all heights and their Dreamywishes To Participate In All Lovely Physical Activities ...

We Have To Emsure That People Of Shorter Stature Are Wonderfully Fulfilled Within Their Creational DesignFormulations To Imagine And Create Physical Activities That Emsure Smaller Stature Is EmCuddled And Also An Advantage Within Alternative Rulesets Of Certain Physical Activities So That Everyone Feels Loved ...

Ultimately It Is The Remit Of A Full Cultural Audit Within The Full Feminisation Of Reality To Figure Out Loving Ways Forwards And To Emgage With ALL People Of All Statures Within The Process Of Emotional Reparations For All Peoples Whom Have Been Harmed By Indifference, Nefarious Intent, And Severe Prejudice ...






Pension funds and investment programs in this country are affiliated and directly invested in hedgefunds and financial institutions that are completely all in on the concept of freemarket trading and the markets that operate in this concept. This creates a conflict of interest for lots of People in government whom are personally invested ... and to be honest Everyone in government because Everyone is convinced that the financial markets and surrounding institutions and their arrangements etc have to operate in some form or otHer. So my suggestions to close all of these markets down is not going to be met with any support in politics under their present financial models and assumptions.

All financial investment is a conflict of interest for politicians considering the death caused by the markets and the fact politicians are ethically and legally supposed to protect citizens ... How can politicians invest in any form of financials or even keep savings that make interest from a bank or even have a pension when they can directly effect control over these investments through not enacting safety legislation to protect the public from the murderous results of the markets perpetuation ... There is a wilful refusal from politicians in legislating against them. By not immediately and aggressively voting to have all markets abolished the politicians of Planette Earth Mother are directly murdering countless People each year ...

If banks were to remain as an institution of social service Post Full Feminisation Of Reality, which I know they WON’T because of the murderous activities they have been involved in, then they would never be allowed to invest in any financial markets or other institutions ever again as the history of disgusting wanton destruction upon society has been extreme ... banking itself is a financial industry of impoverishment and a financial institution of murder policy ... we as citizens have no choice however other than to be victim of this murder trade because non-murder as in non-profit banks do not exist ... banks as a concept only exist through fear ... the fear of losing One’s money to theft was the reason for their inception ... which is Ethical reason enough to abolish them ... and once money is databased fully and all forms of money, as in the numerical codes on cash, can only be spent by the Owner, because they are designated to that one person only, the need for banks for safety will disappear. We have to do away with all financial institutions ... and with the fixing of prices of all products in Planette Earth Mother and the abolition of inflation, all of the murderous functionality within these institutions becomes void ... and once all financial markets are abolished and interest can no longer be charged on any lending, the reason for the existence of such institutions of murder becomes moot, other than to hold onto a tradition of social murder culture ... a culture that has profited on blood and tyranny for centuries ...

There are People in government with money in hedgefunds that do not want to lose their investments and indeed get used to returns and even rely on these incomes through over exposing themselves to financial commitments. A hedgefund that makes 20% a month on its total asset stream could offer Someone 15% per annum or more, and this can create solid income that can change a Families Way Of Life, and as a guaranteed return be heavily relied upon for a quality of life to continue ... or even a Child’s mortgage to be paid by their parents.

And politicians want their retirement funds; and this massive conflict of interest in being able to look at the markets from an eitHer regulatory stand point or an abolition viewpoint is for Everyone virtually impossible to cope with. Politicians will put policies which are nonCompassionate through parliament to ensure they can protect the ability to make this money and even not realise at times that their main motivator is to support this murder system because it is simply what they have been sociopsychologically indoctrinated to accept. It is the way the world works and it is in direct opposition to The Compassionate Logic That Girls Want To Cuddle Planette Earth Mother.

For instance why isnt the government in the United Queendom emsuring energy providers supply cheap electricity considering a unit of electricity is cheaper to produce now than ever. Wind turbines pay for themselves in less than a year and then have a 50-100 year lifespan or much more and they are easy to maintain. They are basically cash printing machines for these energy companies whom have us all cornered whilst governments watch on. All wind turbines Post Full Feminisation Of Reality will be compulsory purchased from GirlyFactories at cost or x2 profit maximum and will be held in public ownership and in my opinion should be owned by local regional communities, with all the money generated from electricity sales being utilised to Beautify Local Areas And Pay People To Do So ... And To Fund Other Interesting And Wonderful Feminised Projects. 

All electricity supplied for local residents and businesses will be capped low in cost with large energy comsumptions being Happily accepted for projects or businesses that have a beneficial effect on the Communal Wellbeing Of All The People.

But of course hedgefunds invest in companies like energy providers, and politicians invest in hedgefunds and have savings accounts and other investments, and banks and other institutions invest in stocks that include energy providers, so the chances of us getting Planette Earth Mother Wide change is impossible under present political imprisonment ... We Need The Girls Of Planette Earth Mother whom prioritise the Communal Wellbeing Of All The People to mobilise Polytically against the malefactors of global control and REMOVE them from their so-called seat of power ...

But of course the politicians of the masculine murder profit world with their conflicts of interest want You to pay rent and they will do anything to hang onto their financial world interests ... They want large property portfolios to be the beneficiaries of Your household’s outgoings on Your property. Hedgefunds and financial institutions have large holdings in property and financial products that benefit from such investments and they want these holdings to generate returns ... ever increasing returns. Hedgefunds have property portfolios of their own or invest in financial products based on large collections of properties and property portfolios or companies with large property holdings or whatever other property based investment they can imagine. They trade as stock on markets or whatever they can do within the law within any territory, with local laws specifically formulated to  force and enforce separations that rich landlords can take advantage of ... legislation like mortgage lending stringencies that are NOT NEEDED, and not legislating against people being forced to pay unacceptably large desposits, and benefits legislation to not pay mortgages for People on benefits but ensure rich landlords get rent at above mortgage payments levels ... governments must help People when they lose their job and not when they lose their house, as in not wait for this to happen before they help ... this is murder politics at its worst, and Post Full Feminisation Of Reality all of this historical political tradition of suffering and destitution forcing and the intentionally legislatedly supported protection of landlords and property portfolios will be a distant memory ...

So all this law backed forced separations of People from Property Ownership And Happiness And Peace Of Mind could have been legislated differently to emsure everyone had their own houses and at no extra cost ... easily funded emsuring all People keep their properties, and new home owners buy properties supportedly, and all these People pay their mortgages with benefits based support when needed to pay their mortgages because the overall cost to the taxpayer is actually less and because People have to live somewhwere and they will live in these same properties regardless of men and their need to torture the masses for fun and profit! People have to decide whether they want to own their house or not and then hold governments to account en mass ... and that is what we need to do Girls ... and via online petition we can achieve this when we all comnect together and vote together via self referendum to CHANGE the political world to the EmCuddlement Future Of Planette Earth Mother’s Womb

So the benefits laws specifically formulated by men whom understand how this advantages them have to go ... laws that are maintained by murderously behaved politicians whom do not care about suicide rates going up when they change laws and whom like this balance of murder and destitution and stressing upheaval and impoverishment. House moves under this stress can be the worst decimators of a Family’s Life-- and good politicians whom do not understand that they can Girlage this the way I have suggested, and pay mortgages when People need help, and that this is actually better as it stops additional problems occurring in all the upheaval, they need to understand that this can be achieved with no additional price tag ... in fact with further benefit support as the extra upheaval has massively detrimental effects and can cause massive monetary additions to the cost of helping People at the taxpayer’s expense ... this is not monetary ergonomical Polytics but landlord supported extra expenditure that not only defrauds the taxpayer but ensures People are suffering and dying across our nation and all nations in Planette Earth Mother’s Womb

Theoretically good politicians can no longer be --conveniently for their private financial investments-- convinced by badly behaved so-called expert People that don’t want to understand or just want the destitution world to keep turning of the acceptability of widespread suffering and death and Family upheaval and vulnerable Children destitution ...

So laws in place for the advantage of installing middlemen concerns between People and their rights to Property ownership will be abolished when all laws are rewritten by Girls during The Full Feminisation Of Reality. And we have to get there FAST!

At the moment there is Basically a free for all amongst the rich on anything that doesn’t move. And every additional property they can get their hands on including residential properties in Our country can end up mixed up in these types of investments and trades or whatever. Put it this way. They all want Your House and they will get it if they can ...

They basically want Your largest asset because that’s money. They want to repossess Your house then rent it back to You and charge You more than Your mortgage was. They want to keep as much if not everything You have already paid off the mortgage even though before interest additions You may have already paid the full amount. In my opinion mortgages should be arranged at virtual zero percent interest within Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddle ... A New Loving Everyone CuddleJoy able to lend Anyone who wants to borrow, as everyone needs housing. Girls want to see all houseprices stabilise and equalise across Our Nation Due To New And Wonderful Redevelopments Of All Regions So All Places Are Wondrous Places To Live, With Wages Earnt And Money Paid For Goods Being Equalised Here And Across All Of Planette Earth Mother, As This Delivers Prosperity For All. I Want To See ALL People Receiving Universelle Income And Able To Pay Their Bills, And Cuddleadvice And Safeguards Lovingly Installed Within Our New FeminiSisterCuddle And Guarantees To Very Mortgage Payer That They Can Never Lose Their Property No Matter The Circumstances. 

Even If A Mortgage Could Not Be Paid If Two Parents Died For Instance, Children Would Keep Ownership And Pay Back The Monthly Payments As And When They Could Even If 18 Years Has To Elapse Before Payments Resume ... This Is The Commitment To People A New FeminiSisterm Will Emsure And EmCuddle ...

So if we rewind to the period when mortgage lenders decided to use the subprime mortgage fiasco --such things obviously being what happens when Planette Earth Mother is financially and intentionally ruthlessly mismanaged to impoverish People—to use the subprime mortgage fiasco as an excuse to suggest that all mortgage lending rules must be made massively and impossibly stringent in a very convenient and over the top reaction to an intentionally planned money making scheme, was obviously an extremely efficient mechanism by which to facilitate lots of landlords and property portfolios being able to snap up lots of properties in a property market devoid of too much competition ... and all competition remaining having similar interests: You have that one and I’ll have this one. It’s a bit of a contrast to A Lovely Young Lady Falling In Love With A House That She Wants To Have Babies In And Is Able To Borrow The Money Without Problems. 

So it wasn’t more difficult to buy houses because of financial risk because jobs and earnings and general living was the same as it had ever been ... it was more difficult to buy houses to stop poorer People from buying the houses that rich landlords wanted to buy ... more properties for landlords, and for hedgefunds to render more bundled products. And it is still more difficult to buy houses as the men have the housing market strangled ...

If however a mortgage –also known as a mort gauge, a gauge of your mortality-- is acquired by a lowly peasant, then we must ensure that the financial landscape of Our country and Planette Earth Mother is conducive to mortgage default. At present the financial landscape is moving towards this default zone. Of course anything that can make it difficult for People to pay their mortgages is certainly not seen as a financial disadvantage to Everyone.
This might sound slightly sarcastic, but jumping over the fence and saying what would be said by victims on the otHer side can help us to understand what otHer People are going through.

At the moment we have employment agencies ripping off workers and this makes it difficult to pay mortgages too. And money links to money always. There will be employment agencies with links to the financial world. Umbrella companies that are being used to take fees out of employees pay are inherently illegal because it is illegal for agencies to charge You to be paid. The way in which pay can be processed with a computer these days, fully automatedly, is so easy for employers to do that obviously any outside company being commissioned to do this instead is simply an exercise in theft and is actually illegal, as employment law forbids pay to be reduced in this way. But this is not stopping these agencies from doing this ...

At the moment We are in the midst of an interest hiking period designed to further destabilise the financial landscape of this country: the previous government and the bank of england were in affect colluding to create this landscape, as they were refusing to legislate against the activities of the financial world. They could do this but they were refusing to.

And We as the People. If we do not put regulations in place via self referendum to emsure change happens to stop these mechanisms from going forwards further then we all are complicit in massive financial problems for all homeowners. We have the power to petition government and mobilise Ourselves significantly against these problems.

And if I was running the bbc I would commission a new tv show to hold petitions to get the government to run the way the People Wish It To. The brexit referendum result came in at 51% for exit and the actual turnout wasn’t good at all. Only 46,500,001 People were registered to vote which was only 72.21% of People eligible to vote in this country. And of those eligible to vote only 33,551,983 actually voted. THere was only 17,410,742 People who actually voted for brexit which to me is reason enough to overturn the vote anyway if The Monarch decided it was appropriate to do so. The referendum itself should have been an open-ended timeframe rolling referendum where People could go back and amend their vote later or even today in perpetuity, and even register to vote to do so after the fact. I see all political bills in this country and across all of Planette Earth Mother running this way in future. To emsure we are never inheriting a dangerous decision that removes Protections from the People. With People who are interested in any Polytical Bill being able to acquire the right to vote on any said bills by reading all the relevant materielles in paper or text file or video or audio format - I have heard that some MPs do not even read bills but then vote on them. 

A population freed up from now automated tasks could then fill their proverbial knee length boots with Pinky Rainbow Custard And Pinkify The Whole Polytical And Geographical Landscape Of This Country via Feminised Peoples Referendums. You’ve got my vote Girls. Like I have said before I would Wish Wholeheartedly to see Girls redesigning the present geopolitical Planettey Earth Mothery World in all Cuddle Areas Of Her WombyWomb in such a way as to only allow moral subjects to be voted on in a moral way.  

So if we set up a new tv show that described petitions that we all could vote togetHer on, that invited The Monarch to be a guest on the first episode, We could easily achieve much better numbers with all the Girls in this country enthused to make change with significant support from men like myself ... Kind Lovely Fully Psychologically Feminised Mindset Men ... Men Whom Recognise That Nurture And Love And Togetherness Is The Most Important Cuddle.........

So the present governments being able to legislate to protect us from the financial markets, and choosing to not do so, in affect designs the murder state we presently are caught within. governments hold the cards if they are brave enough to use them, and what the financial markets do understand is that laws can be actionised and rewritten according to the whims of politicians in any country and these attacks on their murderous arrangement of global finances do occur at times, but these measures are never enough as nothing short of full financial market abolition is going to safe guard Our Bubbas. What we need is COMPLETE UNITY across Planette Earth Mother. 

So the bank of england and previous government refusing to design policy to prevent financial markets and institutions creating the parameters demanding interest rates to go up shows a wilful neglect to protect us, that amounts to complicity.

We should be moving towards a Planette Earth Mother wHere all lending rates are fixed to near zero and financial institutions are no longer holding Planette Earth Mother to ransom. We have to put laws through all governments to remove prices on money lending, seize all the assets of all the markets and all the institutions. THere is nothing stopping us from doing this except laws that can be changed in the SupraNational Interest of Planette Earth MotHer’s WombyWomb BubbaPeople .

Mortgages Must Be Zero Percent. In A New The FeminiSisterCuddle wHere all the financial markets and institutions are a thing of the past, discarded above all else on moral grounds, but also on grounds of complete ruination of all Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddles ... We have the ability to fix prices of all goods to actual acquisition considerations and costings, and print money enough for Everyone to be affluent ... the removal of the supply and demand theory dynamic which is murder policy, affords us the ability to lend People whatever funds they need to buy properties or boats or Spaceships if they need or want to borrow. Even after Everyone In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb has been given a large lump sum amount equivalent to one million pounds. With house price valuations being directly formulated from building costs only, and mass uptake of non-profit building activities, And The Full Girly Beautificationals Of All Areas Of Everywhere In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb, location will no longer have any bearing upon property valuations ...

Regional House Prices have been an elitists’ mechanism of Hierarchical Bullying ... an intentionally separationist move that intentionally insists that certain People are sub par ...

An Equalised And Cuddly Always  SupraNational House Price Appraisal Sisterm Applied To All Properties Across Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Will See Housey Mummas Assessed On Her Building Materielles Not Architecture ... Size Not History ... Equal Worth Not Location ...

Present mortgage payment interest levels are morally corrupt, and repayment totals are extortionately high ... this is an un-nineable continuance. And these are choices made by men on how much money they wish to extort from You and how much damage they do not care about wreaking across society ...

All governments of the masculine murder world have to be removed ... and We, the Feminised People of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb will do away with all existing financial systems and new LoveyCuddles Of Joy Will Be Gestationalised

We, the Feminised People of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb need to petition all governments to make this happen, and then we also need to install New Girly National Mumma’s BubbaCuddle CoCuddly Hugglementisational Sisterms along lines similar or better to what I have mentioned. I would like to talk about a few more possibilities later in this project for how the United Queendom could develop a new form of AutoPolytics, but of course I would Personally want to see Girls formulating these ideas fully themselves according to their Wishes. They Deserve To Have Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Reflect Their Imaginations And CuddlyYumYumsπŸ’–πŸ’–
We can creationalise this togetherπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

If we decide to talk to economic experts about these possibilities, all they will do is say no for various reasons. Spending Your Life’s work on learning how to navigate and take advantage ofof Planette Earth Mother’s Population is inherently an all in affair with financial domination and hierarchy ... and stripping all this existing murder system out of the World will seem very unpleasant to them to the point where many may fight with everything they have to protect their disgustingly immoral forms of income, including direct lies in the process of their media presentational so-called work and collusional collective deceit of the masses: but then again this is already happening. Even being a financial pundit diametrically opposed to all financial markets and their disgusting activities one must obviously never take a cent for said punditry unless one is campaigning for their abolition and intend to only use any funds made for moral reasons like supporting those hurt by this murder society of control. 

But of course men will hear what they want to hear to get done what they want to get done ... rigorous Ethics are secondary when they stop men exerting their so-called ingenuity ...

Of course all economic experts are married to the existing system of torture whether they like it or not. It would be nice if People who move in such circles, including those who work on actually bleeding the markets, could actually turn around and support the suggestions I am proffering on merit of the Lives We Can Save And Change And Yummyfy, and any other Solely Compassionised suggestions The GirlyGirls can formulate, as this would take a massive and guilty weight off their shoulders. The self torture that they do to themselves psychologically will now be Feminised Into A New Feminine Cuddly Support Structure that would not only cater for the victims of the markets but also the perpetrators who are also victims of the markets too. We inherited trauma, and the financial markets are a major mechanism in the self-traumatisation of Our Species and the mass torture and murder of All Of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Bubbas ...

So now we must print money in line with a new and accelerative growth stage of OurStory with prices fixed low and printed money put it into the right places and hands of the People instead of giving it to the People with damaging behaviours. In fact those behaviours are to be removed from the FeminiSisterm completely. We can’t let present activities continue or even taint slightly Our FemininiFuture.


Plant People Only Ever Have Bubbas with Their Life Love Partner Whom Is Always Next To Them. Plant People Like To Cuddle And Kiss And Get Married ForeverWedding LoveyBoos ... 

Having All Species Of Plants With Us In Our Polytical Centres And Having Loads Of Wedded PlantyFriends To CuddleSupport Our LoveyCuddleTimes And Having All Planty Species In Our Polytical Centres Scattered Within Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. This Is Called Plant Polytical Inclusion And They Will Be Very Happy To Be Our Loving Support People.........

Every Plant Deserves Her Partner...Every Cactus Her Love...Every Tree Her SoulMate.........

Amd In This Loving Regard.....We Plant A Partner Next To Every Photo-Person In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb.........

And On New PlanetteyMummeryWorldyBoos Like MarsyMamma And VenusseyMotheryMomMom.....Every PhotoBubbaBoo Has A LifeLovePartnerForever


The Attributes That Girls Bring To The Table Are Going To Have To Be Emulated By Men. Girls Insist On This Approach. Men Have To Get It Into Their Minds That All The Familial Joys That Girls Have Been Expected To Exclusively Perform Now Are Compulsory Requirements That Girls Demand Of Boys. So The Feminisation Of Your Thoughts, Actions And All Around Approach Have To Feminise If You Want To Have Any Children ... Boys May Have Misgivings About EmCuddling Their Girly Sides, But I Assure You This Is All Down To Men Bullying Each Other And Using Femininity As A An insult. 

Now Men Find That If They Do Not Feminise The Girls Will Leave. Men Are Going To Have To Get Over Their Stigma That They Have Sexistly Created, And Understand That They Are Going To Have To Be Girly In Thought And Deed For Girls To Want Them. Being Called A Girlyboy Is A Massive Compliment, And Girls Will No Longer Put Up With The demonization Of Girlyness. Get Over It. Stop Being Bullys Or Be Deemed Unfit For Society. 

Men think they like to fight. Girls like to talk and come to agreements. 

Girls Will Vote As One Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical Movement To End the bullying tyranny of men!


We need a new terminology for the future ... Compassionate Logic is the Only Way ... πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘œπŸŽ€πŸ’‹πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–πŸ‘°πŸ‘°

Double Super Love. Our Love Cascades In All Directions ... The Number 9 Embodies The SuperLove Between Two Equality People πŸ’–πŸ’– Metaphorical Mathematicals And Geometrical Comceptualisationals Towards A New Feminine Philosophy For All Of Us For FemininiKind. So We May Be CuddlyKindyHappyBoo. So The Girls Know We Love Them And Know We Want To Bathe In A Reality Of True And Pure Perfectional Femininity πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜† Welcome To "The Bivine FemiNine" πŸŽ€πŸ’›πŸ’š❤πŸ’–❤πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’‹

To My Children I Bestow Only Positive Feedback ... To Create A Feedback Loop Of Imfinite Compassion ... Love Is The Loop That Creates Us Happy 😊 A Feminine Future For All Children πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’…πŸ’‹πŸ’–πŸ’–

When a man holds his Baby Daughter or Son for the first time he Kisses them. He continues to Kiss his Daughter. But he is pressured to withdraw Affection from his Son: Collective Gender-Based Abuse Must Be Stopped. A Girly Future For Everyone πŸŽ€πŸ‘œπŸ‘ πŸ’…πŸ’–πŸ’‹πŸ‘°πŸ‘°πŸ’‹πŸ’–πŸ’…πŸ‘ πŸ‘œπŸŽ€

Every Sisterm We Imhabit Shall Be Designed To Amplify The Multitudinous Biversity Of All Peoples Of All Genders and Species πŸ’– Love To All As We Embrace The Cacophonic Beauty Of Our "SuperSpecies" πŸ˜»πŸŒˆπŸ’–πŸŽ‰πŸŒΌ

At The Root Of All True Logic Resides Heart. Without Compassion Logic Is Illogical. The Only True Logic Is "Compassionate Logic". Girlyness Will Show Us The Way ... Listen To Your Girl ... Listen To Your Inner Girl ...

Love Will Bring Us To Happiness ... My Ethos Supports The Beauty Of A New World WHere Girls Are Designing Buildings, Planning Cities, And Expressing Widespread Femininity Across All SuperSpecielle Endeavours Across The Face Of Planette Earth Mother ... I Support The Full Feminisation Of Reality As A Matter Of Extreme Urgency ... Love The GirlsπŸ’–πŸ’– Boys Are Great Mums ...
Bubble Butts Are For Boys And Girls πŸ’– Children Think Bubble Butts Are Beautiful πŸ’– Support Girls With Bubble Butts πŸ’– Support Boys With And Growing Their Own Bubble Butts πŸ’– Bubble Butts For Everyone πŸ’– Fat Bottoms Make The World Go Round 😊 And Always Remember ... Small Bums Are Just As Cute πŸ˜„

All People On Planet Earth Shall Embody “The Bivine FemiNine”. All Shall Nurture. All Shall Care. All Shall Love. All Shall MotHer. All Shall Be Mothered ... This Is Inevitable

πŸ’‹πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸŒ»πŸ‘°πŸ‘°πŸŒ»πŸŒˆπŸ’–πŸ’‹ Girls To Design ALL Buildings, Road CuddleStructures And Cities On Planette Earth Mother Until The Scales Balance. Time To Feminise THE EMTIRETY OF PLANETTE EARTH MOTHER’SWOMBYWOMBYWOMBWOMBWOMBYWOMB πŸ’–πŸ’‹πŸ‘°πŸ‘°πŸ’‹πŸ’–πŸŽ€πŸ‘œπŸ’…πŸ‘ πŸŒˆπŸŽ‰TIME TO FEMINISE ALL PEOPLEπŸŽ‰πŸŒˆπŸ‘ πŸ’…πŸ‘œπŸŽ€πŸ’‹

Listen To The Girls And They Will Perfect Existence 

The Imbalance In The World Is Caused By men Ignoring Girls. To Rebalance And Get Things Working Girls Have To Feminise Everything And men Have To Be Strong Enough To Not Try And Stop This. Only Then Will We Find True Love.

Love Will Bring Us To Happiness ... My Ethos Supports The Beauty Of A New World WHere Girls Are Designing Buildings, Planning Cities, And Espressing Widespread Femininity Across All SuperSpecielle Endeavours Across The Face Of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb... I Support The Full Feminisation Of Reality As A Matter Of Extreme Urgency ... Love The GirlsπŸ’–πŸ’– Boys Are Great Mums ... πŸ’–πŸ’–Boys Are Great MumsπŸ’–πŸ’–

Girls Want Emjoying Of This Lush And Yumptious Equalisational Journey ... Imaginings Lovescopes ... Of Forests And Caves ... Beaches And Mountains ... Echoing Deliciousness Cascading Amongst Multitudinous Vibrationalisms Of Cuggle JoyeyBoo ...

The Complexity Of Femininity Is In Every Every And Such Is The Joy She Brings In Positivity Derivationally Everybody Yummy Happy From Femininny Beauty The Future Booty Booby Booby Boob Boob Feminising ... πŸ’–πŸ’–





Abortion Is Suicide

At present, at the top shall we say, for want of non-hierarchical terminology, most of the money is in the hands of large financial institutions that are buying and selling products and imaginary products for no reason other than to make money. That is the only reason for their existence.

What this does is keep most of the money in the world out of the real and important money SisTerms of Planette Earth Mother ie in the hands of the PeopleBubbas whom need to be looked after. When money is printed for the reasons of quantitive easing, to deflate the value of money, which is purely a circumstance of design on behalf of these systems to keep the global economy constantly imbalancing, by disgustingly behaved ruthless men who believe in death and destruction also known as supply and demand theory, the money that is printed is given to these financial institutions because in the words of murderous financial men, “we need to help the world’s economy”. They then play around with this new money dangerously to try and make even more money; not creating new money as the term suggests but to grab as much money out of the system as possible, so less is available for stopping People living in cardboard boxes for instance, and other annoying behaviours of an impoverished Society. 

The money that is printed, to actually support Planette Earth Mother’s economy, should clearly be given to the People at the bottom instead, but governments:

1, know that if they did this prices would just be artificially inflated and the poorer People wouldn’t benefit.

And 2, we are forced by these institutions to give the money to them anyway.

So when the governments know that if they did give money to wHere it’s needed prices would just be artificially inflated by any means necessary to keep the stranglehold tight on MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudgets, and the poorer People wouldn’t benefit but in fact are driven to impoverishment and suicide and destitution as par for the course. These institutions always find it important to remind the governments that these price inflations WILL happen, which is a collusionary threat. Not surprising from a financial world that really has no emotions at all regarding whether You Live or die.

The financial markets could self correct their behaviour to protect lives without new laws ever needing to be made by governments, if the men running the markets were not murdererous in intent in colluding to kill vast amounts of People. They know that not changing what they do will cause lives to continue to be lost but they do not care. It’s a dog eat dog world ... the dragons den ... but You can reason with dragons because they can talk ... maybe the shark tank ... make a killing ... bring home the murder bacon ... take Your savings, I mean break the bank ... 

 In financial markets they have their own phrases and slang language to ensure anyone involved is aware of their murderous lack any of scruples or Compassion ... a few idioms I include here:

casual starvation, I mean tighten Your belt ... objectification of Babies, I mean a nest egg ...might lose everything, You can bet their bottom dollar ... pretend we aren’t thieves, I mean cook the books ... we’ve easily stole from all Your pensions, also known as easy money ... it’s just brutal banking ... costs an arm and a leg ... in the red ... casual starvation, I mean feel the pinch ... make ends meet ... money to burn ... only money talks. What about Compassion when rolling in otHer Peoples savings money? People are dying on a daily basis from lack of money, in nations across Planette Earth Mother, including Yours, whilst free markets take money out wherever they can ...

Not to mention all the other murder references: bear markets are murdered bearskins related, and bulls toss their foes going upwards in bull markets is a common assumption. wolves of wall street rape prostitutes and do drugs and lock up Your Daughters, we’re on the prowl. 

Here’s one from a brokers website and I quote “The Dead Cat Bounce: Like its name poetically suggests refers to the last gap rallying movement of a dead market, when a stock’s price rises from depression briefly, only to fall again. However, whetHer dead cats do indeed bounce or not is an answer most analysts won’t admit to testing” END QUOTE. This is typical financial market humour.


Not One Girl Can Want To Have An Abortion. Abortion Is A Form Of Suicide. Seeking To Kill A Part Of Yourself Is Never A Choice We Are Able To Want. We Must Realise That It Is The Financial Destitution And Lack Of Complete Emotional And Financial And Schooling Support Of All Girls That Is The Problem. We Should Be Emsuring Young Girls Are Happily Having Lots Of Babies According To Their DreamYWishes ... not allowing a masculine murder machine to force desperation and abortion upon Young People. If One Girl Thinks She Wants To Have An Abortion Then We Have Failed And We Have Allowed men Whom Murder To Have It Their Way ... To Convince Girls Not Only That A Baby Needs To Be Murdered ... BUT That They Actually Want To Murder A Baby ... It Is Not Easy To Convince Girls To Be Complicit In The Murdering Of Their Own Babies But The Financial Pinioning And Murder Indoctrination Mindset That Men Have Organised On Planette Earth Mother Seems To Be Pressure Enough At Times Despite The Years Of Emotional Tragedy And Suicide Of Girls Taking Their Own Lives That Results ... And The Murdering Of A Baby’s Life Kills A Piece Of Every Girl Whom Is Forced To Do So By The Serial Rape And Murder World Of Masculinity. When The masculine system Prearranges The Lives And Circumstances Of Girls In Such A Way As To Guarantee it Kills The Babies Of Girls They End Up Living A Life Of Unbearable Loss And Torment And When They Can Bear To Feel They Feel As If A Piece Of Themselves Has Died Too Because It Has. When Will All men Understand That A Piece Of Themselves Died Too ...

Girls can NEVER be held responsible for the deaths of their Babies by abortion, as the options for Loving Stability And Unending Support are not available to them. The learning experiences that society has offered to them have failed in emsuring that they and every other Girl understand that abortion is not an option as it is the masculine murder and rape system trying to murder their Baby. And they have been manoeuvred by a masculine murder and rape machine into a position of being physically and psychologically unable to Protect The Life Of Their Baby ... 

They have been rendered incapable of Being The Mamma Their Dreamy Wishes Would Want Them To Be by a  masculine system that prioritises convenience over Illimitable Support And Fluid Rearrangements That Are Doting Upon And Facilitatory To The Every Waking Wish Of A Mother To Be Of ANY AGE! No reasons can ever be allowed to be prioritised over the needs for Mothers And Fathers To Protect Their Babies. No SocioPsychological Arrangements Are More Important Than Lives Of Babies. 

They have been rendered incapable of Being The Mamma Their Dreamy Wishes Would Want Them To Be Under Perfect Loving And Heart Cherishing Comditions, by a  masculine system that prioritises convenience over Illimitable Support And Fluid Rearrangements That Are Doting Upon And Facilitatory To The Every Waking Wish Of A Mother To Be Of ANY AGE! No reasons can ever be allowed to be prioritised over the needs for Mothers And Fathers To Protect Their Babies. No SocioPsychological Arrangements Are More Important Than Lives Of Babies. 

They have been rendered incapable of Being The Mamma Their Dreamy Wishes Would Want Them To Be Under Perfect Loving And Heart Cherishing Comditions ... Comditions That Must Always Exist In Every Pregnancy Circumstance, rendered incapable by a  masculine system that prioritises convenience over Illimitable Support And Fluid Rearrangements That Are Doting Upon And Facilitatory To The Every Waking Wish Of A Mother To Be Of ANY AGE! No reasons can ever be allowed to be prioritised over the needs for Mothers And Fathers To Protect Their Babies. No SocioPsychological Arrangements Are More Important Than Lives Of Babies. 

They have been rendered incapable of Being The Mamma Their Dreamy Wishes Would Want Them To Be Under Perfect Loving And Heart Cherishing Comditions ... Comditions That Must Always Exist In Every Pregnancy Circumstance... And They Have Been Deemed To Be Rendered Defunct As A Mamma by a  masculine system that prioritises convenience over Illimitable Support And Fluid Rearrangements That Are Doting Upon And Facilitatory To The Every Waking Wish Of A Mother To Be Of ANY AGE! No reasons can ever be allowed to be prioritised over the needs for Mothers And Fathers To Protect Their Babies. No SocioPsychological Arrangements Are More Important Than The Lives Of Babies.

We Must Float Around Pregnant Mammas And Their Every Wher Is To Be Be Met With Infinite Dotage And Absolute Devotion By All People Whom May Have The Privilege Of Being Around Her. We Must Float Around Pregnant Daddas Whom Are Actually Physically Pregnant Whom Identify As TransWomen And Their Every Whim Is To Be Be Met With Infinite Dotage And Absolute Devotion By All People Whom May Have The Privilege Of Being Around Her. Options Of Pregnant People Are The Most Important Cuddle Of All. And In A New PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWombCuddlyMammaryBosomyKissyBlissySissyBirthyTummyGirthyLoveLoveLoveyLoveLove All Girls Of All Genders And All Species Are SuperCuddled In Their Dreamy Pregnanty WisheyGooGooGaGaBooBoo ..........................................................................................
We Have To Create A Cuddle That Emsures No Girl Ever Feels Like She Hasn’t Got Complete Support For Her Baby And Herself IN EVERY STAGE OF HER LIFE Be It School Or Anywhere ... And We Have To Teach That A Baby Is Indivisible From Her Mother ... Mamma And Babba Being ... One And The Same Person ... Mamma Babba And Dadda Being .. One And The Same Person ... Let This Never Be Cast Asunder By No Men And Their Economic Disgustingnesses And Psychological Murder Pressurising ...

So men financially forcing Girls to not only accept being monetarily raped by them but also be psychologically damaged enough that they will accept the societally forced murder of their Own Baby is apparently just a normal function of society ... according to men whom pretend Feminism by saying it’s their body their choice ... where is the choice and where is the rights to deciding what one does with ones own body? Go to work in a job you don’t want. Take cocks from strangers until one thinks You are worthy. We will Murder your Bubba as it is the most convenient answer to Your own problems my dear ...

So financial men, they all sleep very well. And governments are FORCED by these institutions to give them all the money printed for reasons of quantitive easing as part of a countries credit rating terms ie countries borrow money from these institutions so are beholden to them, and these collectives can downgrade credit ratings of countries as they see fit which has drastic effects on a countries abilities to financially function. governments are directly told that they need to print money and that they have to hand this money over or their credit rating will be downgraded. This is direct and publicly reported blackmail, and men just watch on rubbing their hands together or indifferently, as the self named murder machine kills vast millions of Humans each year ...

Basically they have governments over barrels ... effectively barrels of oil or anything else one can use as a blackmailing chip to enforce widespread poverty and suicide murder and Baby murder.


People never choose to kill themselves ... this is non-sensical and completely disgusting and highly dangerous contextualisation that we even teach our Children. We support and allow a world of murder men to propagandaise and indoctrinate our very social psyches from childhood into accepting a world where this erroneous concept of taking of ones own life, of being the one that is taking ones own life, is normalised, because we allow support of the very concept that it is possible to take your own life ... it is not possible to do so ... we are rendered incapable of doing anything in a world that controls cause and effect and emotional interaction to the points of this desperation ...


We allow men who assume their own control of the world to murder landscape every system to ensure that People are suicidally murdered ... People rendered incapable of stopping this murder from occurring. We have to change this existence and remove the men who would mercilessly kill all Your Babies from being able to do so ...

These so-called financial men do not understand economics as they seek to squeeze blood from the stone ...

And also ... they do not understand economics because they do not understand the SuperLove of ergonomics which is Compassion and Love ... As It Is The Way It Feels To Live That Is The Key To Eternal Happyness ...

Their economic policy manoeuvreing means they have a stranglehold over Baby murder. Their economic policy manoeuvreing means they have a stranglehold over suicide rates. Their economic policy manoeuvreing means they have a stranglehold over Everyone ...

So in A New Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Of Caring And Support And Prosperity For All that lies just around the corner, once we all mobilise and vote via global petition as One Fully Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical Movement, ALL governmental debt will be written off by New Legislation across Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb because all the money or lack of money is blood money as in deadly lack of money. People are suffering and dying in rich countries and poor because of this status mortis. 

All the assets of ALL financial institutions and their board members and workforces, will be seized on moral grounds utilising New Legislation. All existing systems of this disgusting world are all complicit in mass serial rape and mass serial murder. Once we understand that what is happening is raping and killing People every day, once we truly understand the horror of the rape and murder and torture of the dead body industry and the financial industry, we must act immediately or be held to account. A new approach shuts down the markets these men use to strangle Planette Earth Mother and sees us setting up a new money printing scheme that puts the money into the hands of the People who need it. Money printed and distributed to People via Universelle Income, and printed in line with desired growth and actual creationalism of ALL SPECIES!

With the prices of all goods fixed worldwide to be based on their actual acquisition costs I also suggest a large lump sum of 1 million pounds for every adult in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb and access for Children to their lump sum whilst growing, with the balance to be given on their 18th Birthday ... and an ongoing monthly Universelle Income payment to all adults of 50 thousand pounds per year. And Children must also receive a payment each month of at least £100. This has to happen across all of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb.

ppp or purcasing power parity as a concept will be removed: As In All Currencies Have To Have Equal Value And All Comparable Goods Everywhere In The World Have To Be The Same Price. A Price Worked Out From Their Actual Acquisition Cost. ALL Prices Completely Fixed, And Money Printed So Everyone Has Funds By Which To Emjoy Their Lives.

Inflation is only a figment of mens’ imaginations. supply and demand theory the main problem.

A Fair Price, Is A Fair Price, Is A Fair Price.

Inflation is to be stopped forever through Price Fixing Laws applied to ALL products, and any mechanisms that exist to cause inflation are removed with the removal of the foreign exchange system and extended financial markets betting being abolished. 

So all the markets are closed, and the prices of all goods across Planette Earths Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb are permanently fixed and the method by which You then make decisions about printing money You link to real economic growth  and emsuring Everyone gets their generous Universelle Income ... And We Automatedly GirlyFacture Everything Everyone’s Heart Desires.........

So-called economic experts, whom don’t understand that economics is about COMPASSION......... and not about how to squeeze money out of every MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudget, might say You can’t just print money, as it will deflate its value and cause problems. This is a fallacy when the value of ALL currencies are fixed.........You just limit prices of ALL goods to an actual acquisition costs equational algorhythm. Which means that only the actual cost of a product being produced affects its price. And a new rebalanced Planette Earth Mother CuddleCoMommy that is also fixed and costed correctly will not force prices to increase or decrease for the sakes of a few murder men making money. 

At present there are a few men deciding that when new money is printed, the value of one unit of currency must go down because what that money represents has remained stable. Like a diluting effect of more water being poured into a glass of squash. This is just a choice that is made following supply and demand theory. We do not need to use this method, we can NOT utilise this method. This method is causing massive financial problems in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb.

These few men that control the foreign exchange markets decide the value of money in this way and that it should be done in this way, and they will defend this precept of murder with any means at their disposal, as it allows lots of money to be made by a few People through money bleeding betting on price fluctuations. THere is no need for the actual value of money to change if You print money in line with actual growth and desire and distribute the money sensibly as I have suggested whilst price fixing everything and abolishing inflation. The only reason for the changes in value and constant deflation of the value of money is to keep People constantly struggling and to allow the prices of goods to go up in ways which rich People can dictate. The present price hikes going on in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb are nothing more than men wanting prices put up so they can take more of Your earnings and have the chance for getting Your house after default or force You into a high fixed rate of interest. As long as they are making more today than they did yesterday they do not care. They will get what they need no matter what and will use the governments indifference and ignorance to manipulate freemarkets into a state in which they can grab more and more. And there are more People than ever trying to make this easy money which in this strangled world means more betting and less actual production of actual value and less money in the hands of every average MammeryHouseLove, as this is the way men want Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb to continue to work, they want work theory and impoverishment ideology to continue the trauma and murder cycle they inherited. They fear change as this change might mean they can no longer siphon money ... They ensure any change that does occur provides opportunity for more money siphoning and less chance for Tammy To Have Her Ballet Lessons.........

So financial institutions, also known as collusionary men, will insist that more money is printed and handed over or else, and when they know the money has been printed they will adjust the price themselves by having it go down, and then of course men will bet on these new price differences to try and skim more money out the system. This effects the value of the money You spend because men choose to honour all these ridiculous activities, and all sellers of goods in a country will then put up their prices before the prices of what they are buying themselves have even gone up. Prices always go up. Never down. If You think a price has gone down, that company will be making more elsewhere, and the murder system will be extracting more money from Your MammeryMonthly HouseLoveBudget somehow .... and certainly faster than your wages go up ... It is always the preferred general trend amongst those who do not care whether You Or Your Children Live or die ... Those Of Us Whom have tried to be fair and set good example have been swallowed up by the greed and power of the free market system ... at least that’s what they think ... that’s what they want You to think ... that it’s the way it is ... and nothing will change ... that change is not needed ... that things can’t change ... that change is impossible ... But this is ALL lies and smokescreens to maintain the murder ...

A New Girly Plan CuddleyBoo will abolish value changes in currencies and fix the value of all currencies in a new parity removing rich countries ability to force poorer countries to under price their goods. Then You would see the industry of rich country financial world murderers finally finding out what it is really like to buy goods in a fair and equal financial CuddleLandScope. 

And all money lenders with their unreasonable terms would be told under the remit of New Legislation that no more interest can be charged and all interest already paid must be reembursed ... And all debt in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb would be written off on the basis of its inherently immoral circumstances ... having been incurred within a murder rape slavery prison inter-ment. And interest rates would be fixed down to zero on all money lending with the New AutoPolytical And Community Loving SisTerms Womonitoring All Lending In A New Caring And Prosperous Way.

Money would be printed to ensure prosperity for all and linking this in directly to the actual worth of new resources, new products and discoveries and Dreamy Kissy Yumptious Bumptious Tumptious Deliciousnessnessnessnessnesses.

This allows the things we acquire as a SuperSpecies to then be affordable to all the People in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb. Money is available for us to enjoy Our Lives.

So the prices of all goods are fixed to actual effort. The value of money is fixed so inflation which is an imagined concept, an illusion, a global delusion, is abolished ... And A Stable LoveyExistence For ALL People Is Achieved.

When You fix prices to actual efforts to produce those goods and regulate rigourously this precept, no company can then corner any market and cause otHer less BiVerse businesses to go out of business. 

We can no longer allow businesses to misWomanage themselves to participate in this disgusting freemarket existence that keeps us all poor ... Keeps us all suffering ...

We Will Have A New SisTerm That Will Give Everyone Affluence And Freedom To Do What They Want.

Vast funds would become available with money to build Vast New Universities across every city and town scape of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb ... with a New EducationLoveCentricπŸ’–πŸ’–This Is One Of The Main Desires Of Adults On PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBoo.........The Ability To Go Back To Education And Study The Subjects They Love Forever ...

We need an education system that facilitates coemergent discovery. We need to teach Children and Adults on The Peripheries Of Thought, in such a way as to provide imformation enough to help them to discover and create inventions and inventive comcepts like patents for themselves as part of their education experience ... and provide opportunities for them to coemergently reinvent existing imventions and acquire the rights to have their names imcluded upon existing patents even years after the intitial application ... 

Opportunities for Anyone to go back to school at any age in mixed age settings to study any subjects they Wish. With a new Ethos of a non-tiered system not based upon ability or attainment or age only CuddlyWuddlyGigglyWigglyJigglyJogglyWogglyBogglyBooeyBooeyBooBoo.........

Teaching Our Children to be Comfident in their abilities and rights to formulate decisions for themselves is important and at the same time We also show the Joy involving others in this process. At times this can be a delicate balance to achieve as we do not want Sensitive People to have their voices unable to be heard ...

People need to be able to do what they want with their time not what rich People force them to do.

We have struggled for long enough and We now need to be able to fulfil Our Dreams in a new PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb SisTerm designed to make this easy.

The financial bleeding on Planette Earth Mother is preventing us from getting into Space. We are being massively held back from all angles when every citizen does not have access to unlimited education and top of the range equipment and research projects. We need an open R and D approach that protects smaller companies from being swallowed up or having their Intellectual Property swallowed up but at the same time emsures that as a SuperSpecies We can develop Our tech at a maximal velocity. This requires as many CoupleyPeople on Planette Earth MotHer as possible being able to run mirror research projects across the globe in DuoVersities to develop new ideas fasterer...and this work is also what a lot of People really would like to be involved in so we need to facilitate that HappynessJoy. We Need To Keep As Many People As Possible Studying And Developing On The PeripHeries Of Thought And Understanding And Techno-Compash-Logical And This Imcludes Children!

The present work and pay system that refuses to give us a basic rate of living to propel us forwards in training and fulfilling Our BizzyBuzzyBee-Ness Desires is just an inheritance from a slave based feudal system that has been jumped on by financial markets and then perpetuated by greed of a few. Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb could have been prosperous and free a lot sooner if not for the activities of these few men strangling governmental activities. This is why we ARENT GETTING WHAT WE WANT.

These men are standing in the way and so are We ... because we aren’t demanding change via Peoples Petition. We do not need to fight for every breath. We do not need to fight at all. We need to Organise, Feminise, Mobilise to click a button on Our phones and vote for a New Girly Way Forwards.

We can no longer look to governments for a brighter future because the very nature of the financial systems they protect through non-regulation and the very systems of government themselves put the wrong People with the wrong motivational viewpoints in charge of decisions We should be making for Ourselves with Compassion. And if good governments try to get the markets in line they are generally neutered by credit rating controls and other mechanisms that can hurt a countries ability to function financially. The markets do not want governments to make decisions that can hurt their activities. Hurt their ability to squeeze blood money ... to squeeze blood and wreak murder across All Peoples and their attempts at Family Happiness CuddleTimes.

Like a decision to abolish the financial systems in entirety. A lot of wealthy men would do anything in their power to upend any measures that they could, in any way they could, to continue the death and suffering. They do have governments strangled ... but not absolutely ... as the measures I am describing would remove this yoke. They think they have Us the People strangled but they do not. We just have to All choose a new way with Our Functionality Ability Of Electronic Communication...Via Petition. We Do This And Then governments Will Follow. 

It is simply the realisation that this needs to happen that is stopping us. We Need To Globally Comclude That This Change Is Going To Happen And That We Are The Cuddles Of The Future. We need to get on with it now as People are dying across the world Every moment of everyday.


It is a well known fact that People in the showbiz world are told to be careful about what they say on certain topics. It can be bad for instance to show a political leaning because this can in theory ostracise up to half or more of Your fans. And that is bad for business in the eyes of the men running the showbiz world. The men that own the record labels and the book publishing houses and the film industry and well everything that Anyone who is famous may get involved in. So do Girls in showbiz actually have the ability to share something on twitter for instance without Someones coercive voice in the back of their head telling them, that will bad for Your career, or, we won’t be able to renew Your contract if You tweet that my dear ... teeheehee.

Money in these industries can often come from the financial world because the People who make movies want to make lots of cash and People with lots of cash want to control what movies are made. And the Cash that is made does not transcend into work effort but does become paydays for films that get good advertising, or the right to be shown in cinemas, as in pedalled by masculine dominated rape and murder promotion channels of media dissemination.

The stranglehold of the ads world and its Relationship to the financial world, and both these worlds seeking to maintain dominion over Our Finances and Minds, and particularly over Girls And The Promotion Of Equality, is how men seek to keep Girls as docile sluts whom they want to prostitutionise at every cultural turn. 

All records that are released also sell better with financial backing because the ads industry criminally overcharge but obviously cherry pick Artists they want to based upon amenability and what the mentioned masculine dominate sluts rape industries want and what the ads men also want ... of course being one and the same thing ... men operate under the erroneous assumption that sex sells ... at least thats what they promote as they completely misunderstand Reality And How She Actually Cuddles ... As The Truth Is Family And Cuddle Times Is What Girls Want, and when men do not want this too, Girls do not want that man ...

Girls Also Want Equal Pay Across All Areas And They Want Their Man To Fight For This On Their Behalf ... men Do Not Seem To Understand The Severity Of The Situation They Find Themselves In ...

Is all pay equal across all popular culture, and are there Equal Amounts Of Girls Espressing Their Imaginations? I think the “will he like this” question is continually forced through the minds of all Girls because men assume to run everything from all angles.

The conflict of interest in men in these worlds wanting Girls to not use their fame and imfluence to shake things up, as in promote Girl’s Polytical And Equality Across All Cuddles Agenda. Why aren’t the men in all these areas insisting on Equal Pay For Girls, On EqualEmflowence For Girls? And Gentlemanly Prioritised Creditation? So We Are Left With The Task Of Guaranteeing This Commitment By Making New Laws That Will Seize ALL The Money In PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb So It Can Then Be Utilised For Female Led Fully Feminised Projects.........This Is A Marriage After All.

No More Can Girls Whom Wish To Work In These Cuddles Be Forced To Be Concerned With What men Want All The Time At The Expense Of Feminine Ideals. Girls, Have To Be Freed From The Tyranny Of Psychological Oppression And Let Their Own Wonderful And Beautiful And Loving Imaginations Cascade Outwards Into A New World Of Femininity Radiating Resonances And Ecstatically Reinvigorational Deliciousnesses: Pinkified X

The Lack Of Rights To Curate One’s Own Wikipedia Page Autonomously And Exclusively For Instance Is Wrong. And Being Contractually Obliged To Not Have The Same Human Rights As Others Like Speaking Out Polytically, And To One’s Image Photographically Or Otherwise Is A Massive Control Issue That men Try To Have Over Girls. But The Time Has Come For Girls To Stand Up And Utilise The meagre functionalities Men Have Legally Allowed To EmCuddle Changes To Happen. There Is A Route To Freedom And We Girls Can Get There If We Work TogetHer All; You Gorgeous, Beautiful, Perfectional YummyMummyTummyesses Of Bivine Cuddly Wotsitsezz SissyKissyBlissy YumYumTumTumMumMumBumptiousYumptiousCuddlyHugglyWooWooKissyBoo.........





 Femininity's Demand Of A Fresh Start


The Rights of Preserved People in substrates like formaldehyde to be healed ... how intact would Their Brain have to be for Them To Have A Right To Life? ... how intact would Their Body have to be for Them To Have A Right To Life? How much of Someone’s Physical Body is needed for Them To Have A Right To Live ... if original DNA that was inside A Living Person’s Body from say, a thousand years ago, is the fully intact Source Genome for a body regrowth from egg provided by a Symthetic Egg --utilising a Symthetic Egg means there are no Ethical problems because you are not denying DNA Her Cuddle—then there is A Continuation of Life and Rights To Life remain intact potentially. If a genome has been pieced together from fragmented remains of original DNA does this qualify? If DNA has been calculated by deep scanning and computer analysis of a fossilised Persons Remains and Their Genome accurately recreated, this would be thought of as being an Identical Twin as it is a different form of a Comtinuation Of Life, but is this Ethical to enact without the Permission Of The Person Themselves ...

Does An Intact Living Cell Have To Be Cuddled For A Genome To Qualify As Having Possibility Of A Continuation Of Life ... Different Forms Of Continuation Of Life Exist And They Need To Be Legislatedly Defined ... And The Rights To Life Continuation Have To Be Compassionately Theorised ...

I believe we have a theoretical right to acquire all Peoples Genomes ... All Living People Will Have Their Genomes Recorded ... I believe We only potentially have a theoretical right to acquire all Peoples Whom Have Passed’s Genomes ... all People whom have passed potentially qualify for forensic genetic analysis ... there is the very difficult Ethical comsideration that We Do Not Have The Right To Encroach Upon Burial Grounds As They Are Sacrosanct ... and this regard extends to archaeological digs that desecrate Bodies and Tombs and Burial Ground Immediate To Someone’s Remains ... how can We even justify scan-imaging the ground to analyse tomb or burial site comditions without Permission Of The Person Or Their Immediate Family, People Whom Cared For Them, to acquire any information of any sort. And in this regard it becomes extremely difficult and upsetting to acquire DNA data and sequence Their Genome. We must think upon these comsiderations within all situations, like the disgusting behaviour of removing Fossils from their Resting Places. Some People would say we have no rights to even analyse ground and rock scan-imaging data and should just acquire locations of Peoples Of All Species Remains via computer analysis only and not review the data ourselves to  keep intact the Sanctity Of Passed Peoples Dignity ... And We Must Protect Those Sites Above All Other Comsiderations ... And Only Move A Persons Remains Fully Intact And With All Surrounding Rock And Or Soil Materielles, Only If An Immediate Danger To Their Resting Place Is Foreseen. 

The Rights To Life Of A Persons Genome ... As In The Rights To Any Genome We Can Acquire Having The Rights To Be Living And Breathing, Could In Some People’s Minds Be A Comsideration That Would Supercede The Santity All Archaeologists Need To Be Able To Exhibit Towards All Sites Not Just Grave Sites ... At Present They Have Little Care Or Compassion For People’s Dignity In Rest And None For People In Their Lives Of The Past. There Is A Sanctity Of Compassion That Must Be Applied Towards People Whom Have Lived And Passed, And Their Private Living Spaces That Are Now Appended In Importance Regard To Their Final Resting Places And Rights To Loving Eternal Rest. 

There Is Also A Compassionate Need To Preserve The Integrity Of Peoples Remains Beyond Emsuring Their Resting Place Is Left Undisturbed ... And This Pertains To The Requirement To Emsure Peoples Remains Do Not Further Deteriorate From The State They Are Presently In. This Can Be A Comversation That Family Members Would Have To Decide What Options They Would Prefer Within A New Set Of Legislated Preset Compassionately And Ethically Moralised Possibilities If It Was Deemed Post Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit To Be Something Options Could Be Ethically Theorised Upon And Then Installed.

Whilst There Is Potentially An Ethically Backed Scientific Inquisitiveness Of Compassionate Comcern Upon Comnected Comsiderations Pertaining To Loving DNA Analysis On Behalf Of People Whom Have Passed And In Extension To This Towards The Acquisition Of All Dna Of ALL Peoples From Whom Which It Is Possible To Acquire Such, How We Approach The To This Date Uncomprehensively Comsidered Full And Extended Ramifications Of Acquiring Said End Of Life Imformation Is A Comcern That At Present Is Not Only Not Being Met, But Isn’t Even Being Theorised Amongst Those Within The Forensic Archaeological Community ...

A community that sees the museums in Egypt as not utterly filthy rotten disgusting ... men see prestige, fame and raw data acquisition as rights to desecrate Past Peoples Living, Loving And Resting Places ...

At The Very Least We Have To Halt All Archaeological Digs Across Planette Earth Mother Immediately On Ethical Grounds And Only Utilise Deep Ground Scan Imaging Technologies Umtil The Girls Have Comsidered All Loving Comsiderations As Part Of Their Full Cultural Audit

Does The Rights To Life Of All People Whom Once Lived, Their Rights To Be Given An Eternal Chance At Loving Existence In A Cultural Of Age Rejuvenation That Is About To Happen Across Planette Earth Mother, Lovingly Justify The Acquisition Of The Required Genetic Genomic Imformation? 
Do All Individual People Whom Have Lived Deserve An Eternal Life? If the answer is yes after Careful Comsideration then we must also assume that the Rights Of Species Lost To Life ... All Extinct Species ... That Can Be Brought Back From DNA Acquisition and even potentially extra individual genome calculation from data acquired ... Is Also Compassionately Valid.

The Answers To These Questions Are For Many To Lovingly Comsider ... And The Question Of Responsibility Towards Species That Men Have Directly Driven To Extinction Has To Be Meaningfully Answered ... Not Only Do We Need Significant And Lasting Memorielles For All Species That Have Been Lost To Human Activities In The Forms Of Memorielle Installations Within And Across Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb, But We Need A Memorielle For Every Species That We Have Distinguished As Having Ever Gone Extinct ... And Memorielle Regard To Those Species We Can Theorise Have Ever Existed Within The Traumatic Story Of Evolution.

But immediate comcerns extend to the People whom reside in preservation substrates like Prebirth Babies preserved in formaldehyde, and Mammoth Children in permafrost .... with new technologies that I will not specify the details of here, that are just around the corner, any Bubba with an intact and repairable body and/or brain can be saved if they are not defrosted by disgustingly behaved men whom do not care, before they can be healed ...


As I have mentioned already, the self censorship in film/television and the written word is seriously lacking, and the existing laws as regards moving picture mediums censorship are being incorrectly interpreted towards a masculine bias of indecency and violence promotion ... and existing Laws pertaining to the promotion of lawbreaking including violence and prostitution and other disgusting activities are being completely ignored by men.

Such laws can be applied to other visual mediums like visual Art itself such as Painting And Sculpture ... and many objects that are asserted to be works of Art would not in my mind qualify to be comsidered as such As Art Must Always Be An Experience Of Joy ... renderings of suffering and pain can never be comsidered as Art ... they are records of the State Of Mind Of The Person whom created them, but we must move away from the assumption of artistic relevance ... not only Ethically but most certainly monetarily and within assumptions of entry into modes of popularity ...

The rights to difficult representations have been afforded to all Peoples historically and have at times held Emotional relevance ... but this has been at the huge expense to morality ... with disgustingly behaved people reveling within the acquisition of acclaim and fortune that has been of filth synonymous to huge suffering and violence and rape and murder ... renderings of war and rape itself sold as so-called masterworks ... and held aloft by the filth acceptance of mankind whom think they have rights to such depraved behaviour in a medium of expression they have deemed to have the temerity to call art.

The de-monetisation of certain former art is not an option that Girls will be swayed from. All works that depict anything Girls deem to be unEthical, will be removed from what is comsidered to be classified as art. 

A depiction of war cannot be comsidered to be art. And men will let go of their violence streak or they will be abandoned by Femininity ... however this is not optional ... As There Are Many People Whom Agree And Are Prepared To Emsure Only Nice Ways Forward Are Imclude Within Our Visual Arts Media ...

It can never be possible for a Person’s Body to be donated to science and used for various reasons of desecration and then end up a skeleton standing in a medical school classroom ... People whom donate their Bodies have no right to do so ... they are declaring themselves incapable of Emotional Protection For Their Loved Ones And Themselves ... after death Our Emotions Must Still Be Guarded With The Highest Of Ethical Comsiderations ... and we cannot allow a system to be putting itself upon those whom feel pressurised into helping by donating their bodies for surgeons to train via dissection for instance ... the value in dissection is limited and it can create emotional detachment from the process ... Emotional Comnection that is most definitely needed to be retained throughout a surgeon’s training and career. And the fact real skeletons still hang in classrooms is a disgrace to all decency. An absolutely disgusting disregard for the preciousness of Life. 

With new techniques just around the corner pertaining to genetic rejuvenation also known as anti aging, and the ability to fix body tissues in situ without surgical invasiveness, we will see the need for surgeons completely disappear ... to be honest automated surgery if allowed to propagate without huge resistance from surgeons whom like to siphon vast sums out of a hospital care service that should run on a completely non-profit basis and on a regulated wage ethos, would see an end to the need for humans to operate themselves anyway. men like to squeeze as much money as they can out of anything and everything and this includes your dying breath. So of course surgery is still something they choose to do themselves to make cash, and a hundred scanning devices in every hospital to schedule regular scanning of all People with computer diagnosis and treatment protocols to keep everyone healthy is not something they want.

In this world of men whom understand little of Ethics, it is hardly surprising that anatomy images are considered as art. They are reference tools and can NEVER be revered as collectors items or sold in this way. The history of anatomy pictures being rendered from the reference study of real dead People declares any and all anatomical depictions for all times never to be possible to be comsidered as being art. The Emotional Comtextualisation EmCuddled Within This Regard Is Of The Utmost Loving Comcern.

In addition to this it must also be said in no uncertain terms that the selling of archaeological documentations including photographs and drawings can never be allowed ... these important recordings of OurStory are not money making items. men have for too long been left to disgusting behaviours of indifference and intentional disregard towards the sanctity of such OurStorical documentations. By other Men whom either do not care, or have their protestations of Ethicality intentionally neutered and ignored. Of recent times Girls have joined the calls for massive overhauls to the inherently unEthical approach men tend to take towards anything and everything. Girls Call Out For A Far More Ethical And Professional And Emotionally Loving Ethos To Be Emcuddled Within Any And All SuperSpecielle EmCuddleMamtisations ...

A lot of art is sexually inappropriate and such pictures can only ever be reserved for private settings of the People whom are actually depicted in the painted-created images. Depictions of naked bodies are not inherently inappropriate as they just show our physical form, but sexually explicit imagery cannot be accepted as Art that is to ever be shared beyond the sanctity of a Loving Relationship ... men need to understand that Femininity Demands Fidelity In All Thought, Mind And Body, and the involvement with sexual imagery from outside LifePartner’s DuoComsciousness will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again be possible!

Comic books are a disgrace and all need to go ...

So called comic book stories are made up to provide an opportunity for violence, with criminals that require violence to be employed to vanquish them ... narratives that are designed to provide the opportunity for violence ... world building that is designed to provide the opportunity for violence ... character’s personality and physical attributes interactions and mindsets specifically formulated to create violent flashpoints in stories. 

Girls Want AllHuggling Cuddlyness And Peacefulness For Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb ... not Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb full of men whom think they are clever in their machinations to facilitate violence flashpoints. Girls see straight through this assumed pedestal of intellectual superiority that men viciously protect using violence itself to protect their mechanisms of violence creation, propagation, environmental design and ambience machination of filth.

Girls think men and their murder promotion behaviour are a filthy disgrace, and their indoctrination techniques towards gore and horror violence that they force upon All People Of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb via all media streams possible is something that makes Girls recoil in disgust. The modern intepretation of All Hallows Eve is one of the biggest disgraces men have meted out across this murder rape planet. Anybody who thinks that halloween or horror are in anyway acceptable needs psychiatric interventional support and needs to be separated from Children And All Nice People until they have realised they need to fully reject all this disgusting murder promotion.

Girls want CuddlyLoveyKissyCuddlesTimes ... not Children being hung on hooks and cut up with chainsaws. not Children being stabbed to death by cult members or ripped to pieces by supernatural storylines. the so-called behaviour of modern men is a filthy rotten disgrace and a betrayal to MammaHugglyCuddlyKissyTimes. Girls do not want to have Babies with men who do not move now against this filth peddling ... so in many Girls minds it is too late for men to redeem themselves, which is why they either turn to Other Girls For Love or want masculinity and everything it represents gone.

If You still have a Girlfriend ask Her ...


In A New LovelyOnly Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWomb Of MammaHugglyCuddlyKissyTimes And CuddlyLoveyKissyCuddlesTimes amongst the regulated wages and profits and affluence emsuring generous Universelle Income and Large Lump Sum Payments Providences we will still have the option of allowing open ended earnings possibilities upon certain forms of SuperSpecielle Creativity. 

In the Art world a cap of x2 profit as a maximum return for pieces produced still requires a wage calculation to occur. And the wage calculation can either be a standard and unchanging, not able to increase base rate of pay for time taken, or it can be linked to popularity levels via an algorhythm, with larger sums made in an unregulated pricing SisTerm being under a fluid cap that increases a percentage levy taken from the total amount paid for a piece, which could be paid into a fund for artists that earn less per piece they produce. This way the total revenue created by Art sales could be spread amongst All Artists in a PlanetteEarthMothery MoneySharingScheme to EmCuddle All Artists. High earners providing funding support for lower earners ... This is just pure conjecture and it is certainly NOT my place to second guess what the Girls are going to prefer.........

I suppose a question we could ask is do We allow popularity reward to be linked to monetary reward or not ... and is monetary reward even going to be needed after a Feminised Redesign Of Global Resource Allocation --As Creationalised By Girls During Their Full Feminisation Of Reality-- Has Been BornπŸ’–πŸ’–

Further to the notion that we need new ways forwards amongst the creativity media of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb as regards pay ... firstly we must remention the misclassification of movies and tv as Art ... the difficulty of all the subject matter of all the trauma laden output from moving picture studios declares an inability for us to comsider any such content like movies and tv as Art ... we need a complete overhaul of language itself to remove all the terribly traumatised words and terms that we can no longer utilise, and this leaves all present moving picture content off the table as regards designation as Art and as having a non-existing ability to be comsidered as profit making ... but of course The Very Way In Which People Imteract Has To At All Times Be Perfectly Lovely And Wonderful In Cuddlenesses Without Hindrance Or Question Or Even Slight Upset To Anyone Even Slightly Ever At All Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever ... And This Very Loving Approach To All Social Interactions We Ever Can Have Leaves Every Moving Picture Production In Existence Completely Unsuitable For Viewing By Anyone ... We Cannot Perpetuate Suffering And Trauma Through The Presentation Of Such Happenings Any Longer Ever. 

In A New PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb All moving picture type Artistic Lovelynessnessnessnessnesses will be SoftyGooeyYumptiousyCuddlyKissy DelightyTickles Of RainbowyRibbonsyPinkyRibbonsey HuggleChuckleTickleTimes GiggleFun ... WITHOUT Exception As Per The Wishes Of AllTheGorgeousGirls ...

A large question is do we even retain the ability to acquire further resource allocation over and above a Universelle Income Style Resource Allocation Base Rate, Within A New FeminiSisTerm Of Lovelynesses. If money is done away with and We Have A New Fresh Start Of Hearts Allocation where a MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudget Has Accesss To EveryCuddle She Needs To Flourish, and We see no further requirement for higher Hearts Allocation, this would leave no need for higher earning to be factored into Planette Earth Mother’s CuddleyCoMommy ...

If Girls do decide that they wish to retain some form of higher earnings potential within such mediums as moving picture productions, the way in which wages are increased could be tied into the popularity of a production, and as more money is taken a percentage allocation could grow in actual worth and act as a royalty-based increment of earning potential ... whether Girls could Ethically stomach any money to be made from any moving picture production ever again even if they are Perfectional DelightyBoo CuddleTimes Only is a question only Girls can answer ... comsidering they have been on the receiving end of rape propositions throughout the course of movie history.

Smaller productions could be funded by larger productions if an algorhythm linked to popularity levels was installed, with larger receipts of a successful production being under a fluid cap that increases a percentage levy taken from the total amount realised, which could be paid into a fund for productions that realised less popularity to boost the earnings of the People imvolved. This way the total revenue created by all productions could be spread amongst Everyone in a PlanetteEarthMothery MoneySharingScheme to EmCuddle All Artisans And Writers And Actresses. High earning productions providing funding support for lower earning productions ... This is just pure conjecture and it is certainly not my place to second guess what the Girls are going to prefer as they may wish to do away with the privately held companies dynamic we presently really do NOT emjoy ... And maybe even have some form of random script selection process and random from different presets budget allocation in a new PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb with or without money anymore. Randomly selected scripts or scripts that have gained momentum in certain areas of perusal like computerised forums could be the benificiaries of budget allocation or somesuch notion. I do not wish to second guess the results of the Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit And Her Feminised Arrangements For Future Cuddletimes.

What Is Certain Is That All Moving Picture Production Show Houses In All Towns Across PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Have To Be Either Free To Watch Or The Tickets Are To Be So Very Loverly Cheap That Family Cuddletimes Are To Find Regular Attendance At All Their Favourite Series Or One Off Shows Easy In Any Town Across PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb

In An Affluent PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb People Will Go Out As Families To Restaraunt Type Screenings With Very Low Entrance Costs And Family Orientated Productions Only ... This Is To Emcuddle A Massive Boost In Footfall In Picture Houses And Interactive Computerised Art Mediums ...


Within the ads world we see certain People selected to feature in advertisements and this can obviously provide a lot of extra income for selected Individuals as they are deemed to be of importance in a world of hierarchical domination and superiority ideology. New legislation to stop Individual Athletes being selected by ads People or Individual Athletes monopolising ads revenue potential could see fairly apportioned screen time for a Wide Biversity Of People Whom are involved in athletic physical activities ... Whole Teams Not Individuals. People Of All Body Types Within A New PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Future Of Cuddles and not just those whom can run the fastest or jump the highest ...

We can no longer permit the masculine bullying approach of elitism mentality and hero worship focus over Team Respect And All Peoples Focus ... Opportunities For All Members Of All Teams From All Areas Of A New SuperSpecielle EmCuddleMomtisation Sees ALL People Of ALL Shapes And Sizes Cuddled ForeverTimes And Involved In New Ads Loveyness With This New EmCuddleMomtisation Ethos Being Legislated For ...

As part of a new vehicular infrastructure to be decided by Girls that may or may not imclude the rights to pilot our own vehicles and may or may not imclude rights to own our own vehicles, for unquestionable Ethical reasons we will see the certainty that all cars that have ever burnt fossil fuels being destroyed ...

Any vehicles that have run on oil based products can not be kept due to the desecration of Peoples resting places. And Plants being People and worthy of Loving regard of the highest comsiderations and In A Loving Future where we will comsume symthetic foods only, no vegetable based products can ever be utilised for burning energy, as any molecules composed of life atoms can never be desecrated. And so of course for us to seek to emulate equivalent combustible substances for utilisation as energy source even if they are fully symthetically based would still create massive Ethical comcerns. 

We have a perfect energy delivery system that is separated from Ethical Comsiderations and the continued utilisation of electrical energy for vehicular energisation is the way forwards.

We have to sustain ourselves upon molecules that are suitable for our biologies, that are composed of fats, proteins, carbohydrates imcluding sugars ... in this we take Joy ... But we must recognise OurStory of trauma in this need. And in the Providence of other energy sources other than foods we have to comsider the Ethicality And Emotionality of continuing to utilise combustible substances even produced via purely symthetical originations ... An oil lamp is not needed when an electrical bulb can deliver the light we Love ... and the history of such substances and their having been constituted from LifeAtoms creates an Emotional Comcern in the continuation of this usage-type in the replacing with a symthetic alternative ... With symthetic foods we seek to remove the trauma we bear in the suffering of All Species ... we are evolved upon the suffering and consumption of other species ... this is how we have been ... but we do not wish to be this ... so we create new symthetic foods to Be At One With All Life ... but can we stomach a continuation of fossil fuel type combustibles burning? 

Oil as in flammable substances are a resting place ... a grave ... that is what they are ... and they have harmed many people severely through burnings and poisonings within ruthless usages of uncaring people ... many car fires have horrifically taken lives ... many gas lamps in houses have caused explosions ... the history is well known ... and the oil industry itself and its ruthless taking of Life and violent and murderous self sustaining psychosis is enough to want to see the end of not only fossil fuels but also anything that resembles their concept ... they have been a Life taking culture ... intentionally so with car racing and banger racing intentionally designed to end Life.

With the sourcing and cooking of food there has always been the taking of Life ... and within the processes involved in crude oil formation there has been taking of Life ... an inherence built into an inherited system of existence ... but in the secondary stage, as in the comsumption process of food, there has always been Joy with no intention to cause suffering and no risk of such, and of course in the comsumption of symthetic food there is a FREEING from the traumal load of Ourstory Into A New Dawn Of Loving Foodytimes Happynesses, free from any risks or fears of harm and damage unto anyone of any Species ... but in variance to this,  with the continued usage of flammable liquids, seeking to maintain an intentionally endangerment culture within the secondary usage phase, we hold onto the intentions to do harm that have occurred with landscape poisonings and arson and motor sports including banger racing, and men driving to intentionally kill, as any dangerous driving such as speeding is not only attempted murder but is actual murder regardless of whether someone has lost their life or not ... this final philosophical point being a FunMamamtal SuperLove Of Compassionate Logic ... if we enact behaviours that end in loss of life, regardless of perceived personal intent, the actual intention is always to cause harm as the emsuring of safeties has been flippantly disregarded within the axiology of cultural design ... if we enact behaviours that could end in loss of life, regardless of perceived personal intent, the actual intention is always to cause harm as the emsuring of safeties has been flippantly disregarded within the axiology of cultural design ...

With the doing away with the rights to pilot our own perambulation devices, as I believe Girls are to insist upon even before The Completion Of The Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit ... We Would See The Lovely Relaxation And True Happyness Of Girls Emerge For The First Time In Ourstory ... This Happyness Is However Contingent Upon Many Essential Changes That Must Occur, Of Which This Is Just One ...

Food Is A Joy Of Living that needs not to be connected with loss and suffering ... and in this regard of Pure And Joyous And Loving CuddleFuture We Deliver An EveryBubba Feelingsy PerfectionBlissyKissyHugglyBoo Yumptious RainbowFoodyFoody Forever YumYum In My TumTum ...

To Free Ourselves From The Problem Of All Symthetic Food We Might Produce Being Composed Of LifeAtoms From People Whom Once Lived And Loved, The Only Choice For A Continuation Of Habitation And Food Eating In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses ... Is For Us To Take Enough Materielle Atoms From Other Worlds To Supply All The Required Food CuddlyHuggly Of All Species. This Would Require An Exchange Of A Vast Amount Of Rocks Mass From Either Venus Or Mars Or Both Where We Would Receive And Send An Equal Amount Of Materielle To Emsure Planetteairy Lovity Bynamics Are Not Affected. We Would Then Cycle These Atoms Eternally To Supply All FoodyFoodyJoyCuddles.
And In Addition To This, To Memorialise For Eternity The Lives Of All Loved Ones Whom Have Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb We Send 2 Large New Girly Measures Of Mass To Every New Worldy Womb We Love To Be Cuddled By .... As All Materielle From Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Has The LifeAtoms Of Our SuperSpecielle Loved Ones Whom Have Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses ... –

Within Ethical Comsiderations The Age of an item is irrelevant: holding onto items based upon one’s perceived Emotional valuation of disgusting items is unacceptable. Monetary valuations are based upon the fact something can be sold: if it can’t be sold it has no value. If something is deemed to breach Loving Ethical SuperSpecielle Togetherness EmCuddleMomtisations No reimbursements for losses can ever be comsidered ... we can never apportion value to obsessive interest in items that have caused pain and suffering and facilitated murder and rape. 

The buying of disgusting items is a result of global psychological trauma that men are unable to even admit exists let alone understand that they are suffering under the severe traumatisation of social memetical traumal load. Tribal history and warfare damage has created a feedback and build up and accustomisation to severe physical and psychological trauma acceptance that men are unable to cope with ... and this is evident in modern cultural violence and rape disgustingness harbouring ...

No items that have been composed of any end of life atoms of any People Of Any Species can be kept ... and the ramifications of this are very difficult to accept. As when we move into a new PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWomb of symthetic food only ... we see the Ethical need to not be able to accept any items made from flesh or skins or tusks ...

People used to call such materials that items were made from ivory or leather or wood ... and such items can never be comsidered to be artifacts as the desecration of flesh that has lived can never be utilised within any activity one would comsider to be Artisanry Or Art ...

We need houses we need furniture we need books ... but the materielles we are able to mould our Dreams from must be Hearts Of The Cuddlyest Ethicality ...

In this regard we have to fully audit all existing artifacts that are presently in existence in PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWomb and decide whether they can be EmCuddled going forwards ...

For instance any items made from Trees or Plants or Animals have to be destroyed. And any items that have been used to harm Any Person Of Any Species like saws and tools or knives will also have to be destroyed. There are wide reaching ramifications of this unquestionable need and requirement ... because the story of trauma reaching back into our evolutionary origins is of such genetic trauma as to modify our very morphologies into formations of phenotypic desperation ... and in extension to this truth, extra to our physical form, the weaponisation of our creativity can no longer be comsidered creativity ... it never could qualify, as everything we can ever create must be of the Cuddlyest Cuddle ... 

So in the desperate extension of our physical morphologies, in a mortal fear to survive and be safe We were traumatised for hundreds of thousands of years to develop methods by which to protect ourselves and kill others whom may wish to harm us ... but this story of trauma is not one we wish to continue ... we need no reminders of this billion year story of murder and rape and horror beyond Our ability to bear ... a billion years killing spree of brutal and bloodthirsty rape enacted upon All Species including Plants being pollinated by pollinators whom didn’t understand that in our times we would come to EmCherish the Essentialism of Plant Coupling And Fidelity. 

In the desperation for survival many Species have turned to farming and tool also known as weapons making ... A Bird dropping Snails or Nuts on a Stone weaponise the Stone, Chimpanzees using sticks as weapons to murder Ants, ants farming Moulds and Fungae and other Insects like Aphids ... so it is hardly surprising that with a long history of such activities Our Species developed similar behaviours. 

men have an obsessional and disturbing emotional attachment to violence objects that Girls find extremely disturbing ... objects that have been used to kill other People of any Species down through the ages ... an obsession that facilitates unhealthy, disturbing emotional attachments in Mother’s Children to objects that have killed and destroyed lives of People whom Mummas think all need Cuddling and Kissing ... Imcluding Planty People ...

The collecting and storing and disgusting displaying of any violence promoting objects is something that turns the stomaches of Girls ... and they never ever want their Children to be exposed to this disgusting horror ever again ... and within this regard we look to ancient body desecration objects like hand axes, stone knives and scrapers used to kill and desecrate bodies of People of various Species ... objects that are held aloft as important objects amongst men whom have no regard for The Lives of Peoples whom have Lived and Loved And SUFFERED ... we see men obsessionally collecting in groups of murder fanatics disturbingly obsessing over arrow heads and spear heads from prehistory as if the Lives And Loves that were emotionally and horrifically decimated are of no regard ... Girls are going to demand that all ancient weapons tools are destroyed as part of Their Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit ... All weapons MUST be destroyed and there is also a strong possibility that all ancient objects of any kind may need to be destroyed due to immediate Ethical problems with the materials used or the function used for and all Ethical Comsiderations towards the associations of objects to an ancient culture to murder and rape ...

Any object to till the land or break the ground had no comsiderations towards microscopic organisms so all Farming so-called but can no longer be called artifacts will have to be destroyed ... the very nature of farming and its disregard for Life in the wholesale murder of All Other Species whom wish to desperately survive also upon any available what was formerly known as foodstuffs creates Ethical Certitudes that farming can no longer happen and the need for All Species to move away from the consumption of Plant People is of the utmost comcern to FemininiPeoples ...

All objects like ancient jewellery prepared from the moltenisation of metals and even other objects like flint knapped items that have been temperised using flames or other stone objects that have been prepared with the usage of tools like temperised stone augers in the making of jewellery type objects or even sculpture type objects ... all these objects have been produced with flames from LifeAtoms from Peoples whom once Lived And Loved ... from fossil fuels or TreePeople Flesh ...

And we have a very serious challenge Emotionally with the realisation that bricks and any other materials that have needed to be fired or even heated have been heated using the desecrated flesh of murdered TreePeople and the desecrated remains of People whom once Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessness For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses and that by this horrific desecration, all such objects and substances that cannot be comsidered materials, and the structures built from them, have been rendered unEthical in nature ...

All ancient and modern objects can be scan-documented then destroyed ... all buildings that stand can be scan documented then demolished ... buildings that are not only composed of desecrating substances and behaviours, but have also been the sites of untold amounts of rapes of Girls  and Children by superiority-minded men and their laws that force Under Age Girls to be married and raped against their will, and also force married Girls Of All Ages to give their slaver husband sexual rights against their will, also known as legal and legislatedly supported mass serial rape and mass serial murder, without any legal recourse for Girls enslaved by the masculine serial murder and serial rape machine over the recent centuries and right up into the late 20th century even in so-called developed countries ... 

So The Destroying Of All These Types Of Objects, And All Buildings With NO Exceptions Is An Infinitely More Than Essential Movement Of Compassion That All Girls In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Will Not Be Swayed From And Is An Essential Emotional Step For Men And The Cleansing Of Their Collective Comsciences ... Girls Need This Commitment And So Do Men
It Is An Infinite In Emotional Necessity Need of Femininity And All Girlys Happyness Joys Of EveryDay LovinglyCuddlyHuggly.........
Within All Rocks There Are Potentially End Of Life Atoms, Even New Rocks From Planette Earth Mother’s Interior, From Newly Solidified Magma, From Collected Materielles From Lava Flow Rock Formations, There Is Definitely End Of Life Atoms Within Their Compositions ... And Soil Is Composed Of End Of Life Atoms Of Micro And Mini And Macro Peoples ... That Is What Soil Is ... We Have The Challenge Of Creating New Substrates For Plant Life To Grow Within, New Layers To Be Symthetically Produced and Stratigraphyed Over And Upon Existing To Be Protected Soil Layers ... Plant Peoples And Animal Peoples Resting Places Must Be Sanctified Absolutely. The Lengths To Which We Must Go To In Protection Of The Integrity Of The Resting Places Of All Peoples Whom Have Lived And Loved Within Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessness For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses Has To Be Unreserved In Energy And Compassionate Emotional Comsideration ... Every Cuddle We Can Foster And Nurture And Espress In The TummyHuggle Of Present And Future Ages Has To Be Inclusive Of All Comsiderations And Unendingly Involving In Exclusivity To Every CuddlePregnancyEmotioComcept AnyOneDuo Can Comceive Of ...

And in this certainty the removal of weapons from newly discovered tombs and gravesites for destruction without disturbing Loved Ones resting places, could be comsidered as desecration of a Resting Place, which is something we can no longer allow, but the removal of weapons that have been used to murder and rape would take priority in the minds of Compassionate People whom are unable to Live on a Planette Earth Mother that facilitates unhealthy, disturbing emotional attachments to objects that have killed and destroyed lives of Eternally Loved Peoples. 

We Are To Love ALL Those Whom Lived And Loved Within Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses ...

And We Are To Remove All Feelings And Ambiences Of Suffering And Hardship And Torment And Violence ... We Can No Longer Shoulder This Burden. Girls Will No Longer Permit Such Traumas To Perpetuate Within Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombBubbas Delicate And SoftySofty Happyness Joys

In moving beyond the confines of past socialities and the very evolution that has memetically and genetically traumatised us we find that molecules that sustain us are no longer defined by the being of our flesh ... 
Symthetic Foods And Ethically Sourced Materielles With Which To Espressionise Our Joy Desires In Fully Feminised New Cityscapes Of Wonderment DelightyBoo KissyHuggle BubbaGroweyTimes Of BlissKissySissyJoyLove........

And The Freeing Of Our Imaginations Into ExtraDuopolations Of Yummynessy Tummynessy BabyGrowyYumptiousBumptiousnessnessnessnessnesses We ForeseeE An Eternity Of Shining Lightynesses Bivinity FoodyJoy CuddleyKissy TasteBudsSpectrumynessForeverness ForeveryBubbaKissyCuddleynessnessnessnessnesses.........







Any Negative Referencing To Anything At All Has No Place In A New PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWombCuddlyMammaryBosomyKissyBlissySissyBirthyTummyGirthyLoveLoveLoveyLoveLove All Girls Of All Genders And All Species Are SuperCuddled In Their Dreamy Pregnanty WisheyGooGooGaGaBooBooTummyKissyCuddle ..........................................................................................

All Bad Stuff has to go. And No Negative Referencing To What Remains Can Be Accepted Anymore.

The Term disabled is a label that focuses on assumed inadequacies rather than upon the fact of all Peoples Perfection. Whether You Are This Way Or That Way You Are Always Perfect. Every BodyShapeCuddle And Every LovelyMindHeart and Every LovelyMindHeart And Every BodyShapeCuddle Are Perfectional Always ... and until men Cuddle This Ethos Absolutely and stop framing hierarchically with prejudicially assumed inadequacies their behaviour will continue to be despised By Girls of Peoples Of All Different Origins And Shapes And Sizes ... By All Peoples Of All Different Origins And Shapes And Sizes ... 

The decision to always separate and force elitist psychology across every expression of interactivity ... to force a select few people only to be involved in physical activities events and assume a position of nefarious disinterest in Emsuring That People Of All Body Types Are Imtimately Imvolved In All Espressions Of SuperSpecielle Physical Imteractivity shows men for the prejudicially behaved people that they are, and their complete lack of Loving Regard for the EmCuddleMomtisesational KissyCuddly Yumptiousness LoveyWooWoos Of All EveryCuddles We Ever CuddlyKiss ... 

When large physical interactivities events are held.........long time frame MultiSpecielle Cuddles That Huggle People From All Across PlanetteEarthMother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb.........We Always Cuddle EveryDuo Together As One, As We Are All One Person, One Bubba In PlanetteEarthMother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb.........

No Longer Can Men Be Allowed To Force Separation Upon People They Deign To Categorise As Being Unworthy Of Regard And Attendance And Involvement In Physical Activities Events That Must Be Pure Espressions Of Joy And Togetherness Cuddles ... People Of All Ages And Erroneously Perceived Deficiencies Are Left Completely Unambiguously Certain Of The Disdain That Men Hold Them In When They Are Intentionally Excluded From All Large Physical Activities Events That Instead Of Being Cuddles For All Loveys Are Money Extracting And Lovey Excluding Exercises In Elitism Psychology Indoctrination. 

We need Cuddled amongst our large scale events FeminininiDesign ComCuddles ... such Imclusionary HuggleFuns as to KissyCuggle All Species And Originations And Genders And Sensualities ... such disgusting intentionally segregational and prejudicially conspired arrangements like the special olympics and the paralympics are not even a token gesture to imclusiveness ... They are intentionally designed to maintain the superiority delusion that men disgust All Girls with on a daily basis. Keeping People separate from the perceived by men better and perfect and undisabled. special olympians are disgustingly categorised by men to be not worthy of going to an olympics. paralympians are disgustingly categorised by men to be unworthy of going to an olympics. The olympics is a disgrace and is a failed cultural disgustingness that must be abandoned.

We need a New Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombyWombWide SuperCuddle that refuses to listen to men and their prejudicial, bullying, elitism ... A Wonderful Occasion That For Weeks Imcludes All Peoples ...

In New SuperCuddle FunTimes Forever Having As Many Categories As Possible To Emsure As Many Presents For Participation Can Be Handed Out Is Essential To Cuddle All Species And People Of All Species From Different Home Mother Lands Whom Love To Be Transsensual Or Nonbinary Or Multigender Or Duogender ... And In The Same Way We Emsure Positivity In The Abilities Of Our Children To Make Their Own Decisions As Regards Their Loving Interests ... And In The Same Way We Can Lovingly Support The True Understanding That When You Grow Up You’ll Marry A NonBinary Person A DuoGender Person A Gender Fluid Person Or A TransGender Girl Or A TransGender Boy Or A Lesbian Boy or a Lesbian Girl or a Gay Girl or a Gay Boy or a Girl Or A Boy ... We Are Also Eternally Fully Commititive to the certainty that all large scale physical activities arrangements will always EmCuddle NonBinary Loveys And DuoGender Loveys And Gender Fluid Loveys And TransGender Girl Loveys And TransGender Boy Loveys And Lesbian Boy Loveys And Lesbian Girl Loveys And Gay Girl Loveys And Gay Boy Loveys And Girl Loveys And Boy Loveys ... And We Also Emsure That We Are Fully Commititive Im Imfluence So Our Children Can Decide For Themselves What They Wish To Be Whilst Being Lovey Imfluenced By All These Arrangements Of Kissy Gender Biversity Multiversity SuperKissyVersity ... So Too We All Delight In The Truth That All People Of All Sensualities And Genderalities Have Equal Representation Within Our New Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombyWombWide Physical Activities KissyLoves.


We can no longer separate People by skin tone. The term black has been used to refer to People whom are theoretically darker skinned and non-white. australian People have been called blacks and still are by european australians. indian People and pakistani People have been called blacks and still are at times by some people. These days sub saharan african people, or what some rude people like to say when referring to this broad ethnic group, negroes, are mostly in modern english speaking culture assumed to be the ethnic group one is referring to when one says the term black. The term negro is from Spanish and Portuguese from Latin from the source word niger with one g. As is commonly known the word nigger is the same word with a different spelling. Apparently the term nigger is spelt with two gs though ... I am not sure why comsidering all the root words for this term are spelt with one ... is this an attempt to separate this word from the same word that is of latin origin that is spelt with one g? Apparently the term nigger is from the word neger which is spelt with one g and an e instead of an i and is from the French nΓ¨gre from Spanish negro from latin niger with one g. All these source words and the offensive term itself mean black and I would say none of these words can ever be used again imcluding the word ‘black’ itself in english due to association ... association that causes extreme upset in relation to this highly offensive word.

The highly offensive use of this word has tainted all words and terms associated with it. The word negro can no longer be used. And in extension to this the term black can no longer be used. The word and in extension to this the term white can no longer be used. The whole concept is highly offensive. The application of the term white itself is completely unclear anyway as some People would be referred to as white whom have full siblings whom would be referred to as Hispanic or Latin. And the fact many east asian People are very pale in complexion, just as pale as northern european Peoples, designates the term white to be as ridiculous for describing People as the term black due to there being many different Peoples across Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb whom have these skin tones and have been called these terms ... Your skin tone can not be utilised as a reference to your ethnicity. Anyone whom has sub saharan african origins generally wish to be called black and are labelled as such. Even african looking People whom are half northern european or three quarters northern european and one quarter sub-Saharan African are labelled as black. These terms are not only highly offensive but are also inaccurate and ambiguous. We need a new way to refer to ourselves or we need to abandon the whole concept of referring to ourselves via skintone or even via ethnicity ...

Separative descriptor nomenclature/terms are obviously, inherently separating in nature and are ways to split us into categories for the sake of clarity. Is such clarity required or is it inherently offensive?

Have You Met My Wife?

What’s She Like?

She’s VERY NICE ...

What Does She look like?

She’s Got Very Pale Skin And Yumptious Freckles And The Prettyest Green Eyes In The World And She Is A Blonde ... She’s From england And She’s Got The Most Beautiful Smile Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever .........

Ethnicity has not been mentioned in this example and maybe it should become unacceptable socially and legislatedly to talk directly about Peoples Ethnicity in certain ways and using certain terms. A lot of terms have been forcibly and disgustingly installed upon People. The incorrect usage of indies and red Indian or american Indian for instance. The term indies is from a mistaking of the west indies islands for india and men in their arrogance saw fit to never change it. The term red indian is from the same error, an error native american people are expected to accept, and the usage of the word red is an offensive reference to skin tone. The term american is also highly offensive as it is a name that europeans have forced upon an entire continent and Her Peoples ... which is so utterly unforgivably despicable as to comsign the term to be declared illegal. And in extension to this the term united states of america is also impossible to keep. When the term england was adopted to refer to all the prior kingdoms, there were many people whom were not of anglo saxon origin living in england, and the name was forced upon all kingdoms because of their subservience being demanded by anglo Saxons whom had settled in britain. So the term can also not be kept.

A Fresh Fully Feminised Start For All Society And Of All Philosophical And Sociality Comcept We Can Comceive Of Is What’s Required. And New Names For All Countries Upon A Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit Is A Certainty As Girls Have Never Been Free And Girls Have Never Been Asked In Any Decision Making Of This Type. The names of all nations were installed by men whom were murderers and rapists, please watch all previous Femisodes to understand this truth, and by the results of centuries of warfare and murder and rape that men refused to stop acting out across Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombBubbas Delicate And SoftySofty Happyness Joys. The very borders of nations themselves are also going to fall under intense scrutiny ...


The loss of national cultures and languages forced by men and their murderous behaviours has been one of the most disgusting and ongoing insistences that men are refusing to stop ... schools still refuse to teach many students in their native languages in regions where these native languages are spoken by everyone ... and the intentional neutering of cultural espressions via enforced impoverishment where Peoples do not have the means or any support to share their cultural espressions means that men are very calculated and intentional in their racist prejudicial oppression in maintaining the status mortis of this financial world murder: resource and money monopolisation ... please see my Femisodes about financial genocide ...

The fact that many cultures need to be completely changed due to masculine domination and control and violence and social bullying and the murdering and rape of other species and the acceptance of this ... leaves Girls likely to insist on all cultural arrangements of any kind of all Peoples having to be completely reinvented anyway ... but the men whom forcibly raped all these other tribal and national cultures had no comception of this fact, and were just trying to dominate other cultures to subjugate them in the same way men have sought to subjugate Girls themselves since the dawn of time. 

the effective loss of tribal cultures caused by the colonisation of north america go further than we presently, macrosocially comsciousnessly acknowledge. The anglicisation of all Peoples whom flooded to the Americas, as well as all the Native Peoples, in school and culture systems that refused to be multi lingual and multicultural, has been a massive disgrace that no one seems to have the hunger to address let alone atone for via sufficient apologies and absolutely comprehensive reparations from the government itself ..... if these other cultures had been worse than the english one then maybe men could seek to erroneously justify this history of prejudice, but men whom sought to dominate culturally never saw themselves as being ones to free Girls and other Species via Social Compassion, they just sought superiority in control and influence with the end goal of making money as their motivation ... 

In england itself we have lost our tribal cultures to nationalistic standardisations that further seek to dilute and neuter our dialect heritages through refusal to allow alternative spellings and symtax when writing ... a step that would fully adopt and foster all dialects into common utilisation not only across regions but across the whole country ... Children in Scotland learn so-called correct english but Children in norfolk do not learn how to spell the Welsh-english dialect let alone how to spell words in Norfolk Accent.

So the chances that the United States has had under english rule hangover ... a wholesale sexist and turning Girls into objectified drunken rape victims, racist agenda of cultural murder that has refused to let go ... is hardly surprising in the fact that no men have bothered to try and Be Fully Imclusive Of All The Cultures And Languages That Would Have Emsured All Peoples Imcluding Girls And Children Would Have Felt Loved And EmCherished

But Of Course With The Certainty Of All Languages Being Replaced By Girls Wanting All The Rape And Murder History Gone So They Can Start A New Fully Feminised Era Of Ourstory, We Will Still Have To Do Better Than Ever Before As In PERFECT, By Emsuring All New Languages And Cultures Developed By All Peoples Of All Species Are EmCherished within All Of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. his story has been an assumption of superiority of men ... a false premise that men have acted out upon all Girls And Children murderously and remorselessly in their refusal to abandon all the masculinisations of their violence rape insistence. men fight socially and physically to maintain their position as the most important factor in their self delusional high story of all Girls objectification and subjugation (Girls Want Cuddles Not Fucks ... Forever Not One Night) mens self delusional high story of all Species objectification and subjugation (farmers ruthlessly and serially rape other species) men in their self delusional high story of all Peoples serial rape and serial murder, apparently not realising that they were never better and never will be. Men need to earn OurStory ... and the only way they can is by accepting that it is going to be HerStory from now on ... and that to suggest HerStory, as in The Story Of All Species, should be called OurStory, is just a continuation of the sexist promasculine agenda that seeks to avoid its responsibilities to the EmFlourishment and LoveProof that all Girls Require And Insist Upon And Need. A Fully Feminised Gentlemanly Essentialism That All Girls Are Insisting Upon With No Negotiation Possible. if Men Want To Be Cherished And Loved ... And We Know All Men Do ... Then This Reparational Position Towards Equalisation Is A FunMamamtal Definite Of Arrangements Around The Difference-Debt Reparational Universalisational EmCuddleMomtisations That DuoVersalisationalisationaliseMummaHugglyCuddlyKissyTimes ...

In MummaHugglyCuddlyKissyTimes New Languages Will Be Emcuddled And Taught To All People And This Being Only One Of A Vast Fully Feminised Suite Of Compassionately Logicalised Corollaries And Comclusions That Are Essentialisms Of The Absolute Application Of GirlyThought Upon All Genders Of All Species........

We Have To Have A Full Feminisation Of Reality And This Imcludes A Full Feminisation Of The Entirety Of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessness For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses 

The Difference-Debt Caused By mens historical domination of Girls MUST Be Met In full. The Lack Of ResourceAllocationRegard For Femininity Needs To Be Made Up To Equal And Better-Than Due To The Violence And Rape They Have Suffered, And Must Be Backdated To The Beginning Of Time. Girls And Nice Boys Like Me Insist That We Must Spend More On Femininity Than Anything Else Until Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Is Rebalanced To A Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Of Pure Femininity. And Then A Continued Higher Investment In Feminine CuddleKisses Until The Girls Feel Loved. Although I Personally Think That A Higher Investment In The Feminine Has To Be Maintained Indefinitely ... To Be Honest, Once Boys Have Fully Feminised Their Thoughts And Behaviours All Of Reality And All Her Peoples Will Merge Perfectionally Into A Wondrous GalAxis Of MilkyJoyCuddleKisses ... And As Girls FeminininiDesign All New CuddleLoves Within MotherSol’s SisTerm All Boys Understand The Essential Requirement For All These CuddleLovesKisses SettleMummts To Be Designed Completely By Girls. I Understand That We May Settle 8 Other MotherStarSisTerms Before Boys Get To Collaborate Equally With Girls, With Of Course A New Girly Leaning Towards Perfectional Eternal Girlyness Always KissySissyBlissyBooBiddyBooBiddyBooBooBoobyBoob........Eight Plus One Fully Femininity MotherStarSisTerms Equalities SuperLove CuddlyLoveyKissySissyBlissyCuddlesTimesForeverryForeverGirl.

Whatever Decisions Girls Decide Upon Within Their Full Feminisation Of Reality ..... They Will Comclude Upon Compassionately Logicalised Decisions That Can Not Be Questioned, As Girls Would Not Be Happy With Any Measures That Do Not Equate With Their Compassionately Logicalised FunMamamtal Essentialisms Of Femininity. The Only Possibility For Men To CoCreationalise Alternatives With Girls Post Their Full Feminisation Of Reality Would Be If There Is An Idea That Can Improve Any Comcept Towards A More Compassionate Loving And Feminine OutFlowence ...

All Men Have To Get In Touch With Their Feminine Sides ... This Is Not Optional ...

We have a billion years of true horror to make up for ...

So A New Resource Allocation System In The World That Provides Illimitable Affluence For The Funding Of Feminisational Gorgeousnesses. I Suggest A Feminisation FrameCuddle Formulated By Girls That Would Mathematically Prescribe A Rebalancing Algorhythm To Firstly Emsure Everything That Has Ever Been Built Is Demolished If It Doesn’t Meet Stringent Feminine Ideals Of SuperSpecielle Ethicality LoveyCuddlenesses ..... Either Architecture Or Culture Or Anything Their Hearts Desire Would Be Feminised Fully. And ALL New Culture Will Be Developed Exclusively By Girls Imcluding Language And Architecture And CityPlanning And Clothing And GirlyFacturing And Anything And Everything ...

So Across A New Fully Feminised GirlyScope PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWombCuddlyMammaryBosomyKissyBlissySissyBirthyTummyGirthyLoveLoveLoveyLoveLove All Girls Of All Genders And All Species Are SuperCuddled In Their Dreamy Pregnanty WisheyGooGooGaGaBooBooKissyYou........................................................................................πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
In the same way that all men recognise that all clothing that currently exists must be destroyed due to the resource materials that have been used to make them and the history of violence and rape that surrounded their creation and usage, and in the same way all men also recognise that all buildings have to be demolished due to the murder and resting place desecration materials they have been constructed from and the sexist monopolisation of design work and the environment of rape and violence fear surrounding all building habitation since the beginning of so-called civilisation, enforced by rapist objectificational masculine mentalities ... Girls teach men the truth that one night stands and fucking are rape ... Girls Demand True Fidelity State Of Mind ... This is non-negotiable!

All New Building Developments, From Buildings Or Housing Complexes, Roads Or Even Cityscapes, Must Be Feminised Projects. Even If It Takes 2 Thousand Years For Girls To Be Satisfied That The Scales Are Now Balanced, Then That Is What We Must Commit To. Anything Less And I Don’t See Another Baby Being Born In PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWombCuddlyMammaryBosomyKissyBlissySissyBirthyTummyGirthyLoveLoveLoveyLoveLove All Girls Of All Genders And All Species Are SuperCuddled In Their Dreamy Pregnanty WisheyGooGooGaGaBooBooKissyYouYouYou Ever ... Unless They Were Children Of Lesbians ... A New Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Will Provide Us All With Pinky Ribbonsy Gorgeounessnessnessnessnesses Wrapped Around Our Hearts AND Rainbow Ribbonsy GayGirlKissyBlissySissyCuddlyHugglyWuggly PrettyPerfectionallynessnessnessnessnesses.........The Girls Deserve This And I Want Them To Know That It Is Within Their Polytical Certainty To Demand This And Get It ... Eternal Resource Allocation Must Be Allocated By Girls Themselves For The Installation Of Feminine Wonderfulnesses Forevermore ...

Girls Want To EmFlowence The World And Are Being Intentionally Stopped From Doing So. Girls Think Using Compassionate Logic, Which Is The Only Way One Can EVER Make Correct Decisions; And This Approach Is Truly Wonderful Just Like Every Girl Is ...

But men use unCompassionate reasoning that ends up in suffering and death and war, and lots of --in their eyes-- money profit but no real progress ... Stuck on this planet of despair that will self implode soon unless drastic changes happen. The present governmental systems need to be changed to not management systems but Communal Compassionised Love-Based Decision Cuddling Loved By The Principles Of Femininity: ie Nurture And Huggles And Cuggles Philosophised And Cuddled To Reality By Actual LoveyStuffs Immplementation That Emsures No Decisions Ever Harm Anyone ... Decisions EmCuddled By Everyone Communally ...

Compassionate Logic To Be Applied To Science And Polytics And HeartsCuddleChoices.

Compassionate Logic To Be Applied To All Science HeartsCuddleChoices And All Polytics HeartsCuddleChoices.

All the present atrocities going on in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb are a result of a global Gender imbalance. And Equality would not be enough to fix this. man can’t just give Girls Equality as this would fall massively short in addressing the massive problems and would not be enough to placate Girls as they do not want men to deign to give them anything. Equality in politics might stop war and some forms of suffering, because Girls could EmFlowence and vote to stop mens murderous natures, but because men would still be the same (popcorn and war movies) there would be a constant strain on Emotions that Girls can never ever, ever accept. Girls demand men do not give them anything but simply cease and desist any and all activities. Girls are going to decide what needs to happen going forwards in all areas of SuperSpecielle activities. This current global Gender imbalance is an inherent and massive flaw in masculinity. The violence of the past has never been and never will be a viable way to live. men have to let go of their aggression and Cuddle Their Feminine Personality. For PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWomb to find True Peace this is a bare minimum. men do not even understand the word peace. And they bandy it around like a badge of achievement like it stops 14 Year Old Girls getting murdered and raped ... like it stops gang violence members being sliced up and executed with bullets through their faces ... The atrocities and massive failures in PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWomb are all down to an intentional non application of CompassionateLogicAndCompassion in all cultural modes imcluding All HeartsCuddleChoices. Compassionate Logic Must Be Employed In Every All HeartsCuddleChoices Decision We Cuddle. We must not allow ANY more Babies to be born until this is achieved. We must not allow ANY more Babies to be born until this is achieved. How do men expect Girls to want to Creationalise LoveyExperiences let alone Have One Baby Born In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses when there are millions of Girls being raped this second? How do You expect Girls to want to have sexual juices inside them that are composed of atoms from dead raped female children of various Species because men insist on forcing People to continue desecrating children of other species bodies for cannibalism? How can a Girl want a Baby to be brought into a world where not one street is safe enough for a Girl to walk at night without the fear of being sexually assaulted or raped? The ability to stop this from happening is available but men do not care. We could camera all streets and actually enforce all criminal infractions of the Law... and I mean ALL criminal infractions of the Law, and ban alcohol which is the main exacerbation in all rape cases, but men are too married to the idea of freedom and liberty to allow the raping of their own Daughters and Partners to stop them.

We are aiming to achieve Full Social Support For All People. Men just want to drink and tell violent Girl rape jokes and watch violent movies that turn Girls’ stomaches. Or watch rape promoting comedy movies that are abusive and degrading to Everyone especially Girls.

A new Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses ... All HeartsCuddleChoices SissyTerm that would supply enough AllHeartsCuddleChoices For Girls To Achieve Their Huggle Of Making Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb A Caring And Compassionate Place, In My Mind Imcludes The Following:

Housing For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

Cheap Food For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

Cheap Everything For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

Universelle Income For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...

Free Travel For All Species And Their Cute Babies ...



In A New MotheryCuddle For EveryDuo Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Girls May Decide Post Their Full Feminisation Of Reality that all national borders must be abolished and that none should even exist ... Which would be very interesting ... regional borders could maybe be kept or be completely reinvented, with the only macro border being the edge of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombSphere maybe ... We Need To Emsure That Girls Understand That Any Decisions They Choose To EmCuddle Are Perfect To Emsure Our Happyness Because When Girls Are Happy, Boys Are Happy. I can never be Happy in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Unless Every Girl Is BlissySissyKissyHappy

If Girls choose to keep national borders then there are many Species whom also would Wish to install their own borders as per their DreamyWishes ... though of course a Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb with only regional borders or even no borders at all is still CuddlyWuddlyKissySissyBlissy.

One Thing Is Sure Is That When We Are To Be Cuddled By Other Planette Mother’s In MotherSol’s SisTerm Or Other MotherStarSisTerms All Species Could Agree Together Upon One Border System Or We Could Have Lots Of Interesting Yumptious And Fluid Border SisTerms That Could CoExist in Whatever Form Our DreamyWishes Desire.

What is certain is that all FluffilyWuffily Happyness GirlyDreamyWishes Of All Girls BlissySissyKissy Dreams Are Compassionately Logicalised Corollaries and Comclusions That Are Essentialisms Of Thought. 


My Girl Is The Prettyest Girl In The World

Your Girl Is The Prettyest Girl In The World

All Girls Are The Prettyest Girl In The World

Your Wife, Your Daughter ...

Seemingly ComtraTheory Viewpoints Like All Girls Being The Most Beautiful Girl In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses........Such Perfectional Truths Are Mutually Comfluent, Mutually Comcordant........

It Is Perfect To Foster CompashLogicalised ComtraTheory Viewpoints And Have Them Coexist Peacefully Without Any Variance In A Mutually Joyous, And Beneficial, CompashLogicalism.

We Can’t Continue To Rally One Or More Wonderful Options Against Each OtHer’s Lovelynesses. Love Is To Accept The Difference And Allow The Bivision Between To Melt Away In A Melding Multifarious Coupling Of Many Biversities Of Pure Acceptance. So All-Peace Can Wash Over Us Individually And Collectively In Designing A Loving Future For Every Imclusioning Imventiveness Of Gender Variable Deliciousness And Sensuality Playfulness In A Dreamily Delectable Rejoicing Of Luxuriance. This State Of Comnectedness Is A Relished Blessed Bliss That Sustains Multiversity Happyness And Is CugglyHugglyForever And KissyEssential For All Peoples To Find Ecstatic Rapturous Snugglin’

We Aim For The Stars. A TogetHerness Yearning Curve. A Comception To The Future In Love. 
“The Future In Love”

Mutually JoYous, And BeneficialGirlynessFluidity.






Part OO



Girls have never been allowed by controlling men to make macro societal decisions ... in fact any decisions at all at times. This rule has been enforced with violence and rape since the dawn of time. men still perpetuate a so-called culture that denies Girls decision creationalising abilities at all levels. Everything is demanded to be run through the masculine rape the world and its Peoples filter that is known as modern male dominated politics. malpolitics is what it is ... violence controlled by malefactors that have the temerity to coin the word malefactor. men are an utter disgrace and Girls get raped all day long in this so-called world that does not have cameras on every street covering every square cm of this planet, does not have cameras in every compartment of every car and have remote stopping ability for police in every engine. Every house is not fully cameraed to stop rape and fires and harm of any kind. Every cent of all cash is not fully databased in realtime and traced to control crime. 

men are criminals and rape supporters in their inability to legislate and mobilise culturally and compulsory purchase the camera and computer-based visual analysis equipment to emsure that all Girls and Children and Men are safe in everything they do. These men who run this filthy rotten disgrace of a macro so-called culture do not want change they just want sluts and cash and property.

Girls Want This All Gone Now, So I Present Ideas For A New Planette Earth Mother Of Joy And Peace For All ... A Planette Earth Mother Built Upon The Ideas Of Girls.
Girls Have Never Been Listened To Ever In Political Decisioning And That Is Why Now All Men Will Stand Back As Girls Redesign The Entirety Of This Reality. Girls Deserve This. Girls Need This. Girls Demand This And Nothing Less.
Our Mummy Planette Earth Mother Deserves To Be Loved By All Girlyness........And All The Decisions The Girls Are About To Creationalise Within Their Full Feminisation Of Reality And Their Full Full Cultural Audit Is Going To Completely Change Everything We Do. This Ia A Bare MiniMum. We Need MaxiMummyness And We Demand It Now!

Everything The Girls Decide Will Be Perfect And We As Gentlemen Are To Tell Them Such Without Exception. They Have Never Made A MacroCultural Decision Ever. Now Girls Are To Creationalise ALL Of Them Until The Difference Debt Is Rebalanced To EqualityTruth........Now Girls Are To Creationalise A New Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb And We Will Say Thats Perfect Upon Every Decision They EmCuddle........And Then EveryDuo Can CuddlyFlourish For All Time.

We Are Poised Upon The Joyous Birthing Of A Femularity Of Infinite Cuddlynessnessnessnessnesses That Will Espress The FidelityThought That All Girls Yearn For Via Cuddling Sociology Teachings For All Species Gestationally CuddlyWuddlyed In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb KissyCuddle.
And Within Our FidelityThought Infinity We Are All FluffilyWuffily Happyness BubbaPeople. I Forsee That All PhotoBubbaBoo Plants and Trees Are To Be Protected By The MummaCuddle Of All Girls Because Girl’s Momma Cuddles Are The Mammeryest Cuddles Ever!

Just As We Can Mind Link With All Other Cephalised BubbaPeoples We Are Also Poised Upon The Probability Of PlantyBubbaBoos Acquiring Their Ability To Talk Via A Cuddle I Would Hope Is Possible To Develop Within A Certain ExperiMomtal Application. Regardless Of An Ability To Cognitionise PlantyBubbaBoos Deserve Respect And Love And The Planty Polytical Imclusion I Have Mentioned Earlier In This Project ...


As Part Of A FULLY FEMINISED GIRLYNESS DUTY OF CARE TO ALL BUBBAPEOPLES Girls Are To SAVE Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb from the existing promilitary profit, corrupt financials prioritising, Girls’ rape-prostitutionising, impoverished Children in every city murdering, all Femelles of all Species serial mass raping, paedophile joke telling masculine mass murder machine that modern men think is civilisation ...

Generating profit of any sort above basic regulated wage costs from certain areas like Homes imcluding mortgage lending and renting, Healthcare imcluding all apparatus, building and pharmaceuticals ... pretty much everything, All Energy Supply, Food, Travel, Haulage-Delivery and Defence from Space, and making profits over and above x2 on any products that are produced in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb is so impinging upon BubbaPeople’s Of All Species Lives to the point of murder that it is equivalent to charities siphoning off large profits for their own paypackets ...

Girls have been fighting for a long time for men to respect their Presentment Emotiative ... Girls have been fighting for a long time to facilitate men seeing sense on the way political spending is corruptly arranged in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ... and the way men are squeezing the financial insolvency of the taxpayer/governmental funding streams to provide more and more ill-gotten gains in any and all sectors of profit proves to Girls that men have no idea how to run Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb resources allocation ... resource allocation that Girls would want to be called something like GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices ... Hearts Being Gifts From Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb To Keep Us Safe And Cuddled. A few hierarchically minded men think about profit only and at any cost to the Lives that are decimated and completely destroyed in their millions on a daily basis ... because men want the financial systems to keep running the way they do, men who do not realise or do not care that if they ran differently Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Bubbas Would Be Safe And Happy And Every Bubba Would Be Wealthy And Secure With Their Own Place To Live And Their Own Joy To Live And Love. Most of the men who make the decisions to continue the murder cycles of the financial systems have no mercy and no remorse to those that are being mass murdered daily. And Girls in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb take the brunt of the problems via violent rape and murder and monetary forcing into rape that men promote via any means necessary without male run governments doing anything to stop this. 

men in so-called power are only interested in maintaining the existing financial systems so vast profits can be funnelled out of the pockets of the masses and into large companies and other financial going concerns like property portfolios and financial investing and overpriced goods and overpriced technology developments and of course military projects that generate vast sums of money for them from vastly overpriced military products.

Well I can tell You that in a New Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb wHere political control is wrestled away from men, by Girls who care and who are prepared To Utilise Their Ability Of Petition To Vote On Change Collectively, A Vast And Unstoppable Fully Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical Movement, who are also prepared to transcend the traditional insoluble borders between military power structures and state. Borders that have been erected by private company profit making capitalists who profit on soldiers’ deaths ... seemingly insoluble borders that do create returns for politicians directly who hold financial investments in the stock markets and who have savings in banks ... banks that all profit directly from the vastly overpriced weapons industry and the murder war machine that makes financial markets men massively wealthy consistently upon the back of constant violence in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb that is supported by violence news media war reporting for entertainment and visual media productions that feature war stories for entertainment, to maintain mens war hunger indoctrinated psychology. Governments are fenced off from making profit on war as of course it is the taxpayers budget that must be bled for money and sons ... but politicians do theoretically well when they invest monetarily and politically in maintaining the status mortis the large military manufacturers and financial markets and institutions will do anything to continue as the whole setup is a synbiosis of murder for profit for all these aforementioned that benefit from such profit generation. All the financial world benefits from the deaths of Our Sons ... and we just sit back and watch it all happen on tv. Those men who profit from the military machine make large incomes and they will protect them via driving the murder machine forwards without remorse or cessation. Every person in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb  is directly impoverished by the continuation of this murder finances ideology. In a New Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb that EmCuddles To Stop men in their tracks, wHere political control is wrestled away from men, the seemingly good politicians in countries like ours who make money on savings and low return but desperate investments, or even some who are corrupt enough in all areas across Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb to directly take vast profits from the murder machine not realising that Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb would be far far far far far wealthier if all their actions we stopped immediately and all their corrupt financial arrangements were abolished ... they are all about to get a big surprise from the Vast And Unstoppable Fully Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical Movement When She Insists Upon Drastic Life Protecting Changes En Mass Via Collective Mass Voting Upon BubbaPeoples’ Referendums That Are TO ETERNALLY EMCUDDLE ALL BUBBAS! Girls Are No Longer Prepared To Stand Aside And Watch Men Mass Murder Their Way Through Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Bubbas.

Girls are prepared to deconstruct the money-military complex and hold it to account and EmCuddle a new widespread GirlyEthos of cooperation between ALL nations. In a Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb of Feminine cooperations looking to protect us from Space and not each other because we do not need to when we all are EmCuddled by GirlyIdeals ... Compassionate Girls With Thoughts Of Love And Togetherness In Their Hearts Lead The Way To Perfectional CuddleTimes And KissySissyBlissy ForeverJoy.

governments that operate ruthlessly in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb  allow the aerospace industry and the entire military war machine industry to massively overcharge the tax payer by not regulating the prices that are charged, just so corrupt profits can be siphoned off ... profits that impoverish Girls And Children And men across Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ... and the politicians know they are being ripped off but they either do not care, are in on it, or are ignored and got rid of for rocking the boat too much: whilst scum rot in cardboard boxes under bridges in the world’s richest city...


Certain infrastructural necessities areas of SuperSpecielle endeavour have to be thought of within a charity-type mindset ...

Many Essential Girly SuperSpecielle activities have to run as non-profit, because to do anything else is an disgrace to all Morality ... The making money from certain areas like Homes, Healthcare, All Energy, Food, Haulage-Delivery, Travelling, and Defence, is a torture culture that money-only men have made and are refusing to step down from. 

Forcing profits out of essential and intrinsic needs that when not met end in death is something men have done for centuries, and the resultant suffering and death that has resulted has comsigned ALL these essential needs and potentially others that Girls may want to add, to redesignation as non-profit only areas of SuperSpecielle EmCuddleMomt.

If the united states of america reallocated their military spending for Space Exploration and the rest of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb nations did the same ... if men accepted that they do not need to fight each other anymore ... if united states presidents had stopped many years ago using russia as an excuse to keep supplying a massively overpriced military industry with vast sums of money, and stopped seeking to maintain an atmosphere of fear across Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb just so the military industry can keep selling their disgustingly overpriced products ... then we would already be Cuddled By Planette Venus Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb And Planette Mars Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb And Be On Our Way To Other MotherStarSisTerms And More PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombs.

In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb the making profits over and above x2 on any retail products is so impinging upon BubbaPeople’s Of All Species Lives to the point of murder that it is equivalent to charities siphoning off large profits for their paypackets ... and the historically called “industries”, a terminology that will be abolished by Girls due to the historical harm caused, can’t be allowed to make even small profits. Research itself, has to be GirlyFactored in to resource costings of projects, and when projects need further subsidies those can be easily found in a New Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb of abolished financial markets and widespread prosperity ... but the massive overhead costs created by money siphoning by non active employees and owners overstructures like investors-shareholders etc can no longer be allowed within these soon to be Non-Profit Areas.

When you restructure the pricing matrix of areas like Homes, Healthcare, All Energy, Food, Haulage-Delivery, Free-Travelling, And Defence From Space ... Essential SuperSpecielle Infrastructural Hearts concerns that have to be run as cheap as possible, any extra investment requirements are gladly paid as the overall costs are already a fraction of what they would be under disgusting profit prioritising conditions ... like as we presently see within Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb.

So within a non-profit infrastructure review to be arranged by Girls Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Wide, upon such essentialisms as Homes, Healthcare, All Energy, Food, Haulage-Delivery, Free-Travelling, and Defence From Space, All SuperSpecielle projects ... projects for development of any tech, space, infrastructure, defence etc. will all be deemed as falling under the remit of non-for-profit purview ... I will speak more on this later in the Femisode ...
These men are standing in the way and so is Our inaction, because We aren’t demanding change via petition. We do not need to fight; we need to click a button on Our phones and Vote For A New Way Forwards. We Need To Organise Ourselves Around A New Fully Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical Movement That Is To Cuddle Many New Feminised Comcepts Of Love Into The Mainstream Of Cuddlyness ... but before we can do this we have to remove the men who stand in Our way from having any influence in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb.

We can no longer look to governments for a brighter future because the very nature of the financial systems they protect through non-regulation and the very systems of government themselves put the wrong BubbaPeople with the wrong motivational viewpoints in charge of macro social decisions we should be Creationalising For Ourselves With Compassion. And whenever any good BubbaPeople in governments ever try to get the markets and institutions in line they are generally neutered by credit rating controls and other mechanisms that can hurt a countries ability to function financially. The markets and institutions do not want governments to creationalise decisions that can hurt their murderous activities.

Femininity Centric Decisions Like A Feminine Suite Of Essential Decisions To Abolish The Financial Systems Imcluding Markets And Institutions In Entirety, End Inflation Via Price Fixing Regulations On All Products Of All Types, Fixing The Value Of Currency By Abolishing The Foreign Exchange Markets, And Illegalising Interest Rates By Full Abolition Of Profits On Lending Is To Bring Forth A New Endlessly Affluent Cuddle Planette Free From The Constraints Of Money Siphoning.

And Of Course Once We Implement All These Essential Life Saving Legislative CuddleCares, A lot of wealthy men would do anything in their power to upend any measures that they could that would prevent them from continuing to murder BubbaPeople via monetary impoverishment. At present they do have governments strangled but not absolutely as the measures I am describing would remove this yoke. They think they have Us The BubbaPeople Of All Species strangled but they do not. We Just Have To All Choose A New Feminine Way Forwards With Our Cuddle  Of Electronic Communication Via Petition And Vote As One Feminine EmCuddleMomt. And then governments would be able to act ... they would HAVE to ... They would have no choice but to listen to the entirety of Femininity Moving As One Fully Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical Movement ... It is simply the realisation of Girls across Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb that this needs to happen that is stopping us. We have to realise that the only thing stopping us is a lack of organised togetherness ... Togetherness that is easily achieved with modern technological communication if we but try ... We need to get on with lobbying governments en mass now as BubbaPeople Of All Species are dying across Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb every moment of everyday.

Government workers and politicians investing in financial markets means that many of them do not want change. This conflict of interest should never have been allowed to happen in the first place. The status mortis is an absolute disgrace! 

So the conflict of interest all politicians display in their being married to the existing world economy financial system in their private lives, and when decisioning within their work lives being Ethically obliged to take policy action to protect the people but do not ... this whole setup prevents them from taking sufficient actions to protect People from this murder system ... in fact it disables them from even envisaging solutions that exist beyond this global political delusion ... a delusion the murderers are happy about ...

The only way around this is a unified collective of Girls across Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb seizing the position of “Mothers To All”

And the way to supercede the present masculine murder overstructure is to emsure certain people whom can intercede are fully aware of:

1, the imperative of immediate need as non-optional.

2, that the required changes are easily achieved within existing arrangements of political safety measures legislation.

We have to move as one GirlyUnity to inspire sovereign monarchs, and presidents and the prime ministers and cabinets of government’s to activate their legislatedly supported ability to make unilateral decisions to ratify measures of Emergency Protection in the name of national and international emergency interest and the real threat to the lives of the general populations of their nations and Others. 

We Can Imduce The AforeMomtioned BubbaPeople To Act Immediately If We All Vote Collectively Via Our Own Girly Arrangements ... If We Vote Together And Solidify Within The Minds Of All Peoples The Desperate Need And The Easily Achieveable Result Of Prosperity Just Around The Corner ...

Once All Nations In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb have abolished the financial markets and institutions, any one hold-out nation or small collection of potential hold-out nations in my opinion would be easily comvinced by telling them that all they would have to do is fix prices in their country and print large amounts of affluencising money for their BubbaPeople Of All Species to all be Happy And Safe ... arrangements of cheap and affordable food have to be forthcoming for all areas of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb and this would be easily achieved once new food production techniques have been implemented. 

What Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWomb Needs More Than Anything Is Food. And The Ethical Issues With Continuing To Eat Plants Are Going To Mean That Symthetic Food Is Going To Be A Way In Which We Can For The First Time Live And Love As One Whole SupraOrganism ... All LovingLife In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Together As One Personage In True SymbioSissy of All BubbaPeoples Imclusive ... And To Achieve This New State Of BlissySissyKissy With All BubbaPeoples Of All Species Together As One We Have To Understand That We Can No Longer Consume Molecular Structures That Have Lived Or Are Living Or Any LifeAtoms That Have Been The Remains Of BubbaPeoples Whom Once Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ... This Commitment Is Achievable And I Believe An Essentialism Of FeminininininiCuddlyWuddlyBubberryKissyBubberryKissyBlissySissyBubberryBubberryWubberryWubberryWooWooWoos

To Achieve The Need For All Food To Not Be Composed Of End Of Life Atoms Also Known As LifeAtoms We Need A Supply Of Source Materielle Rocks From Which To Produce Symthetic Food As All Soil Is Composed Of LifeAtoms From Past BubbaPeoples Of All Species Whom Have Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb ... To Achieve This We Need To Switch Enough Materielle From A Nearby PlanetteyMotheryWorldyBoo Namely Planette Earth Mother’s Mooney Bubba  PlanetteyLunaMammeryMommyMummy To Emsure That No Rock Atomic Materielle Comsists Of LifeAtoms ... 

To Cope Psychologically We Emotionalise The Idea That We Are At One With Planette Earth Mothers WombyWomb And All Her Bubba People, And That We Are As One Supra Organism ... One Life ... One Bubba ... One Love ... And This Feels Comforting And EmCuddling But This Can Potentially Only Help Us Cope For So Long. The Desecration Of Our EmCherished Loved Ones Of All Species Whom Have Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Is In My Mind Not Going To Be Something We Can Cope With Emotionally In Perpetuity For To Not Actress As Soon As We Can And As Comprehensively As We Can To Sanctify The Very Hallowed TumTumTummy Of Our Mother And Her Children Is Something That Is Going To Be Emotionally Impossible To Bear.

When We Do Travel To New MotherStarSisTerms  We Will Be Beholden To Those Whom Have Lived And Loved Within Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb To Emsure All LifeAtoms Our Ships Or Bodies May Comsist Of Are Not Lost But Are Returned To Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. In The Future Of Space Exploration That Awaits We Have To Return All Starships Atoms And Be Very Careful As To Not Leave Any Atoms Behind That Belong In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb As Any And All Products That We Produce From Atoms From Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Are Going To Have LifeAtoms Mixed Into Their Compositional EleMomtal And Molecular Structures ... To Do This We Must Emsure All BubbaPeoples Of All Species Whom Are To Stay And Live In New MotherStarSisTerms Within New PlanetteyMotheryWorldyBooWombyWombyWombyWombs Do Not Have Any LifeAtoms In Their Bodies That Could Be Lost And Stranded Away From Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombCuddle. This Is Of The Highest Ethical Importance As Our BeLoved Ones Whom Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Have To Have Their Resting Place Respected And Must Have Their Resting Places Remain Imtact Within Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove.

So With Enough Symthetic Food Being Produced We Will Be Able To Respect All Those Whom Have Lived And Loved Within Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove And Feed All Bubbas Whom Live And Love Within Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove.
.....Every PhotoBubbaBoo Also Known As PlantyBubbaBoos Has A LifeLovePartnerForever Because PlantyFidelity Is CuddlyPerfect.........

So The Priority Is To Be Able To Produce As Much Symthetic Food As Possible To Feed Everyone ... But To Do This We Will Be Desecrating Resting Places Of BubbaPeople Of All Species Whom Once Lived And Loved Because We Have No Option But To Utilise The Only Available Atoms In The Production Of Symthetic Food Namely Any Atoms In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove. The Way We Arrange Ourselves Around This Loving Requirement Is A Test Of Our Morality ... A Test That No Person At Present Within Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove Has Any Knowledge Of The Need For ...

What We Do With These Atoms Once They Have Been Consumed Is Of High Comcern As Keeping Atoms Together Feels Far More Ethical As They Are More Likely To Be From The Same Persom’s LifeAtoms. The Choices We Comtinue To Decide And Implement Once We Have Knowledge Of Ethical Essentialisms Is To Be A Test Of Our Loving Characters That We Must Be Ready To Flourish Wombily Within ... This Is The Minimum That Girls Are Ever Going To Accept ... All BubbaPeoples Respecting And Loving Everyone Who Lives And Loves And Everyone Whom Has Lived And Loved Ever Anywhere Within The Infinite Cuddle Times Of Eternity ...

What Is Extremely Important Is That Producing Vast Quantities Of Symthetic Food Is Going To Be Very Energy Efficient And We Can Utilise Renewable Energy Sources Like Wind Solar Tidal To Easily Produce All That We Need ... And All That We Produce Is To Be New And Fun And Inventive In Structuralisatiom ...


For Equality For All; For Biversity As Ethos; Equality For All People. Equality For All Non Gemders ExtraGemders Amd Gemders. Equality For All Species. A True Cacophomy Of Biversity Comscienceness Joy. Live The Love Of Joy Amd Acceptance Of Biversity And Joyous ImterXchange. Your Heart To A Perfectional Level Of Sumptuous Imtimacy With All Free ComsciOBubbaPeoples You Meet .... We Beings Of Love Gestationalised To Comstructions Of Social Imcorporative Delight Imclusiom.
m m Mamma
Peace Talks (2 Me) My “Dovely Girl” Xtemded Play Is All About Spreading Vibes Of Loveliness Togethernessynessnessnesses, Happiness And Peace For Everyome Of All Non Gemders ExtraGemders Amd Gemders, Races Amd Species. Feel The Love Of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Huggle Wrapped Aroumd Your LoveCascadimgComscience. Live The Love Of Joy Amd Acceptamce Of Biversity And Joyous SuperSpecielle ImterXchange. Take Your LoveyHearts To A Perfectional Level Of Sumptuous Imtimacy With All CuddlePeoples You MotheryMeet .... We Are All Beings Of Love EmCuddled To Comstructions Of Social Imcorporative Delight Imclusional KissyCuggleTimes MotherHuggleSnuggleWuggle. Hear The Chittering Tomes Of The Dovely Loves As They Iterate The Importance Of Peace To All Peace Talks 2 Me........ 

Gemderality Is The Preciousness Of MultiVersity HugglyTimes KissyBlissySissyBoo........
m m Mamma
In My Musings I'm All About The LoveFidelity. The Deweaponisation Of Our Reality Is FemininiLove Clarity Necessity. The Removal Of All Negative Social Modes, Negative Lamguage Social Goads. Swearwork Framewords Are To Be Banned By All Girlyness. When We Write Stories They Have To Be Of FeminineJoyLove Only. All Our Sonical Phrase-Builds, Musically Or Lingually Are To Be Birthed Positivity. Coalesced IMCARNATIONALISED Amalogously. The "Pink Moon Star" Also Knowm As The "Gorgeousness Of The Feminine" Is Flying Perfection In The Sky Of A New Fully Feminised PlanetteyEarthyMommaMammoMama. Time To "Get Girly" πŸ’–❤πŸ’–❤πŸ’– There's A Pink Moon Flying And She's A Beautiful Star. She Touches EveryDuoPerson With Lovelyness. She's Your Mother, Your Sister, Your Daughter, Cousin, Grandmother, Aunt, Great Aunt And Niece. Your Friend. But One Girl's Your Wife. Heed Her Advise. And Every Other Girl's Advise Creationalises Sense Without Exception. Then Amd Only Then Are You To Achieve Happyness Perfectionism In This Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyCuddleπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Boys Are To Be The Femimime ... If They Can’t Not Only Fully Mimic AllMothery Girlyness But Absorb All Feminine Ideals Imto Their Every Livimg And Lovimg Thought And Behaviour They Are To Be Excluded From Society Imdefinitely Umtil They Cam Be The Mothers They Are To Know They Are Permamamtly.
m m Mamma
If Boys Want Xtemded Play They Have To Feminise........

I Find That All Peomple Are Equally Able, Of Equal Value, Of Equal Capability. Our Differemces Are Self Emplaced Framings Created By Imterests. We Fimd Ourselves Upon Biverse Cogmitive Pathways Which May Creationalise Us To Seem To Be More Inherently Intellectually Able Or Less Inherently Intellectually Able BUT All Amimated Life Has Equal Capability And Equal CuddleNeeds. We Are All Of EQUAL RIGHTS TO BE LOVED. 
TrueLove Requires Comstant Reassuramce. Skin To Skin Lovey Stuffs From Our PartMa.  And This Gifts Girlys With A Needyness To Want And Need “Each Another” Totally Amd Comstantly Amd Comsistently In Totality For SuperLove--Total Acceptamce Of Each Other. Together Every Moment Of Every Day.
m m Mamma
Needy Is Nice. It’s Just So Lovely To Be Needy. My Wife And I Are So Needy. Im A Comstant JoyState Of Needyness To The Poimt Where We Are Never To Be Apart And Very Rarely Are We Not Skin To Skin........

We Wash Each Other. We Dress Each Other. We Do Each Other’s Hair. I Do Her Makeup. We Teach Each Other How To Love Every Moment We CuddlyKiss In Each Other’s Company. We Love CuddlyKissing Every Moment In Each Other’s Company.
m m Mamma
I Can Feel Positivity Flowing Amd Pushing At Everythimg We Do Which I Suppose Is The Way We Are. Our Imherent Creativity-Comstructivism That Flows Through Our Veins Through The Very Fabric Of The DuoVerse Herself ... Reality A Story Of Fidelity ... A Propemsity For Emergy For Emergy Systems To Complexify And Fimd Orgamisatioms And PatterMateoms Respectimg Each Others Spaces To Process And Compute. I Call This Am AllnessLoving SisterTerm ..... I Call This Love. And CompassioMate Logic Also Knowm As Logic, If Allowed Its Imherent Way, Is To Imtensify Our Abilities To Be The Very Comstructive CuddleyBubbas The DuoVerse Builds. The Cells In Our Body Have Biological Respect For Each Other Amd The Whole. A Compassiomately Logical To EmFlourish SisterTerm. Bacteria Clump And EmCuddleMomt. We Cam Perfectionalise EmCherish CuddleThese Systems To Love ALL Not Just Limited Substrates Amd Individualisms. LOVE Is Key. Emotional, Amd The Overwhelming And Overseeing Propensity Of All Emergy Matter Systems To Build Is Maybe A Clue To The Potemtial Of Peace Cascadimg Outwards Imto A DuoVerse Of True Love. 
m m Mamma
Emergy Is The Propensity Of Matter To Emerge From Emergy As It Merges With Pattermisationsal Propensity To Emerge Into Matter Also Known As Mater As Im Eternal Maternal ... Forever Girlyness Mothering Of Am Emergy-Mater Complex. MaterDuo Kissy OmeLove. Bubba Merges With Mamma And Emerges Emergy Kisses.
m m Mamma
Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses Needs Reattuning To A Mew Memetic Mode. That The Omly Logic That Is Actually Logic/All Is "Compassiomate Logic". Well This Is My Directiom Amd I Have To Have My Work Reflect That. In A Per-Sonal Dualistic Sense Through Sonicai Experimentationalism Amd From The AmGal That Selfless Nurture EmbodyMomts Need Be Coalesced In Ally Semtient Orgamisms In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses: Lovimg Musical Voices And Phrasing Im Represemtatiom Of Positive Formulaics. 
m m Mamma
Nurses Wear Blue, Girls Wear Pink, Strong Pink Is Red, Some Boys Wear A Dress Imstead ..... Get Over It ..... Dance In The Purple Raim ..... Girls Wear Blue Trousers, Boys Wear Pink Dresses, Red Is Strong Pink, Girls Will DOO WHAT THEY THINK! ..... Get Girly ..... Girls Have Boys And Boys Have Girls In Their Brains .....
m m Mamma
The Very Belated Complete Feminisatiom Of Boys Has Now Arrived! May All Hetero Boys Be Lesbiams! EmCuddley Your ImmerGirl ... YourGlimmerGirl Your ShimmerGirl πŸ’–❤πŸ‘„πŸ™…πŸ˜™πŸ˜—πŸ‘­
m m Mamma
GirlsπŸ’–πŸ’–Time For Boys To EmJoy Being Feminine........
m m Mamma
Girls Need To Vote Together 
Girls In Girlyness Are Desigming GirlyBuildimgs, Plamming GirlyCities, Amd Espressimg Widespread Femininity Across All Human Emdeavours Across The Face Of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses........ We Are The Full Feminisatiom Of Reality: Love The Girls. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
m m Mamma
In Life We Spread Vibes Of Lovelyness, Happyness And Peace For Everyome Of All Gemders, Races And Species. Feel The Love Wrap Aroumd Your LoveCascadimgComscience. Live The Love Of Joy Im Sumptuous Biversity And Joyous ImterXchange. Take Your Heart To A Perfectional Level Of Sumptuous Imtimacy With All BubbaPeople You Meet .... 
m m Mamma
We Are All Beings Of Love EmCuddled To Comstructioms Of Social Imcorporative Delight Imclusional KissyCuggleTimes MotherHuggleSnuggleWuggle KissyKissyWooWoos........

We Are The Feminine Of A Very Movimg Reality Love Kissimg Motherisatiom Emotional MummyYummy........
m m Mamma
Yummynussynussynussnessness: A Motherimg Era Of Joy And Love Lead By Girls Amd Their Ideas. I Look At Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle And All I See Is Derivatioms Of Sublime Girlyness: The Bivinity Of True Joy
m m Mamma
A Cuggle Is A Huggle Crossed With A Cuddle Snuggle Wuggle Giggle

Get Ready For A Mew Wave Of Love! Kissy Cuggles Forever! 

Gymthropological: Love Is Waximg ... The Pinky Moom Of Love Is PlumpishlyBosomyLamding.
m m Mamma
All BubbaPeople In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Are Mothers Amd We All Embody The Bivine Feminine. Nurture And Care And All Loveys MotherimgπŸ’‹πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸŒ»πŸ‘°πŸ‘°πŸŒ»πŸŒˆπŸ’–πŸ’‹
m m Mamma
ExtraDuopolate Copious Feminine Fidelity For Reality With One PartMa Only Togetherness...We Are One Joimed Organism...I Need Your Love For Always...You Are Perfect In Every Way...We Are Both Balamced To Nurture...Comimg Together For Our Forever We're Destimed For Pregnancy...Naming Bubba Is Superfum...Breasts Give Us Life Amd Happyness Babies Beautyfull (By Gepmrteyrtygre) All Reality Redirectiomed For Love...All Gemders All Species The Same...A Feminine Future For The Girl I Love........
m m Mamma
See Your Wife For More Details Of The Complexificatiom Of This Metanarrative Journey Imto A Feminine Love
m m Mamma
πŸ’‹❤πŸ’–πŸ’šπŸ’—πŸ’›πŸ’“πŸ’œπŸ’žπŸ’™πŸ’–❤πŸ’‹ Whem I Was Young I Wamted To Be A Dad. It Was Ome Of My Most Cherished Wishes. The Whem I Was A Teenager I Found The Most Beautiful Girl Amd I Fell Gladly Imto Super Duper Love Amd I Wished She Would Be The Mother To My Childrem. Amd Now She Is. How Lucky Amd Lovely Amd Womderful Is That Xxxxx I Love You Alison. We Both Have Babies On Our Minds
m m Mamma
Always Put Your Girl First In Everythimg You Do. It's Time For Girls To Be First Culturally. Amd We Must Listem And Act Upom Their Every Wish.
m m Mamma
The Imherence Feminine ExtraDuopolates Our Movimg Reality Forwards With A Verve Of Umtold Passiom To Breathe The Love Of Our Heavimg Bosoms; With Which Eternally Cascadimg Gestationalising, Blissy Sissy Kissy, Yummy Mummy, Yumpy Plumpy, Booby Booby BoobittyBoobBoobπŸ’›πŸ’›
m m Mamma
A BubbaBirth Of Joy And Love Lead By Girls And Their Ideas. I Look At Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Amd All I Want To See Is Derivations Of Sublime Girlyness.
m m Mamma






Part O2



As Part Of The Difference-Debt Requirements A Completely New EmotionAll Approach Is Demanded By Femininity And All Girls In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. Men Are To Accept That There Is One Biological Gender in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Unary Gender System And That If They Do Not Respect This GirlyFact Soon With Broad Sweeping DuoComsciousness Financial Changes The Girls Are To Abandon ALL men ... Upon This GirlyFact All Girls Are Mutually Comcordant. If men want BlissySissyKissyHappy Duoness Experience For All Times Mutually Comfluencial Then They Are Going To Have To Become Fully Feminised Girlyness Boys. This is a FunMamamtal CuddleJoy  SuperLove Duopolation Of GalAxiology ...  A Feminini EmBelle-Ishment Of LoveJoy ... A FunMamamtal CuddleJoyKissyBlissySissyBoo Of The MilkyWay ... A NON NEGOTIABLE LoveTruth of LoveProof ...


To Be Fully EmCuddled by GirlyIdeals EmCuddleMamtisations men Have To Realise That All BubbaPeoples Of All Species Need BubbaCuddles And The Girls Are The Girls To Unreservedly Give Them. EmotioBehaviours of Girls EmCuddle To The Essential FemininiNeed For The EmFlourishment Of All Species Of Life In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. We Are All EternallyLovedByGirlsBubbaPeoples.........

And So For To All Girls Of All Genders FoodyFoodyJoyCuddles FoodyCugglyHuggly ...

Into A New Dawn Of Loving Foodytimes Happynesses ...

In the understanding that all Plants and Trees will have to be lifted out of the Soil they sit in and have their roots cleaned of all soil atoms as the soil itself is the LifeAtoms Remains of Our Loved Ones Whom Once Lived And Loved in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. And in the understanding that we have to fully sanctify all soil and protect these LifeAtoms Remains In Perpetuity, a new layer of soil would have to be laid for Plants And Trees to sit in going forwards. 

Further To This All The Rock On Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ImtraSurface And All The Rock Within Her TummyTummy Under Her CrustyCrust Is Full Of LifeAtoms Of BubbaPeoples Of All Species Whom Once Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombWombWombWombyWomb ... Which Means No Rock Materielle Can Ever Be Utilised For Any Purpose And All Materielle Already Utilised Has To Be Returned To The Ground.

We Need All New Rock Materielle That Is Not Composed Of LifeAtoms Of BubbaPeoples Of All Species Whom Once Lived And Loved For The Following Purposes:
Production Of Symthetic Food For All Of Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaPeople Of All Species
Production Of Building Materielles For All New Buildings For All Of Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaPeople Of All Species

All GirlyFacturing Materielles For Any Purpose to GirlyFacture Lovely Dreamy Happyness Stuff For All Of Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaPeople Of All Species
To Achieve The Safe EmCuddlysation Of All LifeAtoms Remains Of BubbaPeople Of All Species Whom Once Lived And Loved We Have To Remove Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ImtraSurface Down To A Decided Upon Depth So A New Layer Of Materielle Can Be Laid Across All Of PlanetteyEarthyMommaMammoMama’s ImtraSurface That Remains.  If We Do This Region By Region, Step By Step, It Will Be Easily GirlyEmActed ... We Have To Decide Upon One Of The Following Two Options: 
1, We Replace Like For Like By Recreating The Topography And Rock Types To Respect Planette Earth Mother’s HerStory And Her BubbaPeoples But Emsure The New Rock Is Differentiateable From The Original Rocks. The 100s Of Millions Of Years Of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Cuddles A BubbaPeoples Living And Loving Preciousness To Her Morphology. 
2, We Recreate A New Surface Layer To Respect Planette Earth Mother’s HerStory And Her BubbaPeoples Of All Species And Emjoy The Formulationalising Of Special Rock Types To Create New Structuralisations That Are Not Found In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb. The Suffering In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Has Been So Extended And So Extreme As To Possibly Require A Totally Fresh Start.

Ethically I lean Towards Option One.

A Stratum Layer Of Planette Earth Mother’s Mooney Bubba PlanetteyLunaMammeryMommyMummy To Be Moltenised And Removed For Transport To Planette Earth Mother’s Wombywomb  So A  Layer Of LifeAtoms Remains From Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Can Be Restratified Under PlanetteyLunaMammeryMommyMummy’s ImtraSurface For Reason Of Being Interred Permanently. PlanetteyLunaMammeryMommyMummy’s BubbaRock That Is Removed Would Be ReCuddled By Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb And Would Be The Perfectional Surface Huggle For Planette Earth Mother Because PlanetteyLunaMammeryMommyMummy Is PlanetteyEarthyMommaMammoMama’s Best Friend. The Amount Of Bubbarock That Would Need To Be Removed From Under PlanetteyLunaMammeryMommyMummy’s ImtraSurface Would Be Vast And We May Decide To GirlyEmAct The Same Process In PlanetteyVenusseyMotheryMomMom’s WombyWomb And PlanetteyMarsyMammaMumMum’s WombyWomb And Maybe Even PlanetteyMercuryMummaMammaMoma’s Womby Womb........To Spread The Lovin’ Family Ambience Across MotherSol’s GirlyFamilySissyStarrySisTerm........We May Be Ethically Imclined To Spread The LifeAtoms Remains Of Our EmCherished Loved Ones Within Many PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombs Across MotherSol’s GirlyFamilySissyStarrySisTerm Imcluding All PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombs Possible ... All RockyMummas And Even GasGiantyMotheryWombyWombyWombs.

Until All This Work Is Done And We Have Acquired Enough Materielle That Has No LifeAtoms Of Loved Ones Whom Once Lived And Loved in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb To Produce All The Food We Require We Are To Produce All Symthetic Food From Base Materielles That Must Be Produced From Base Rocks That Are Composed Of The Least Amounts Of LifeAtoms Remains Possible. We Can Definitely No Longer Use Soil For Food Production ... Non Sedimentary Rocks That Have Formed From Direct Magma And Lava Sources Would Theoretically Have Far Less LifeAtoms Remains And Could Be Our Best Choice From Which To Create Molecules To Be Utilised In The Production Of Food Until The Full Resurfacing Of PlanetteyEarthyMommaMammoMama’s ImtraSurface Was Complete. We Have To Fully And Lovingly Interr All BubbaPeoples Of All Species Whom Have Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb For Ever ... This Is The MaxiMum Of Respect Possible And That Is How It Feministically Is To Be........

So Due To The HerStory Of All Species Livinged And Lovinged In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb We Can Never Again Allow Any Profit To Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Be Made From The Comsumption Of Any Food, As To Do So Would Be Horrific To Comtemplate. Any FoodyFoodyGirlyBusiness Has To Be Non-Profit With Wages Paid Only And Any Excess Funds Acquired By A GirlyBusiness To Be Cuddled In A GirlyAccount For Her Business Expansion Only. FoodyFoodyGirlyBizzyMomts Are Beautyful Girls To Be EmCherished and CuddlyKissed But Can Never Be A Way To Disrespect The HerStory Of Suffering Of The BubbaPeople Of All Species Whom Have Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. All FoodyCuddlyHuggly Has To Be Pure Perfectionsal JoyKissys Of KissyCuggly FoodyFoodyJoyCuddles........And For Girls To Feel This Feminine Certainty Perpetuity All BubbaPeoples Of All Species Have To Be CugglyHuggled For All Times And Spaces For All Of Eternity From The Birth Of MotherTime Always Allways SuperPositionally At Once!


Certain areas of Planette Earth Mother’s CuddleCoMommy are to be non-profit ...

Generating profit of any sort above basic regulated wage costs from certain areas like the following is going to be very difficult to accept from an Ethical standpoint due to a Past Story of suffering and harm.

Areas up for close scrutiny review to become non-profit are: 

Homes, Healthcare, Energy, Food, Haulage-Delivery, Travelling, Defence, Education, Affluence, All Historical Data, Clothing, Heavy Industry, Mining ...

There is a very strong probability that generating profit of any sort above basic regulated wage costs in these areas is to be revoked by Girls Within Their Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit........

HOMES imcluding mortgage lending and renting and building ... zero interest on all lending of all money for any purpose One Wishes emsures no worries for Home Cuddlers in repaying their Home debt. The problems with deaths of men during construction and the materials they used being composed of LifeAtoms emsures all building must be non-profit. All BubbaPeoples Of All Species Are To Own Their Own Homes.

HEALTHCARE Everything imvolved to become non-profit. You cannot make money from suffering and death. Imcludes all apparatus, building, pharmaceuticals, EVERYTHING.

ALL ENERGY SUPPLY No private ownership or private profit can ever be allowed ever. This is non-negotiable. 

FOOD I do not think we can ever justify profiting from food production ever again. Food like healthcare has been a matter of Life and death and men have not emsured everyone is well fed and men have made profit upon this murder arrangement of selfishness.

HAULAGE-DELIVERY When BubbaPeople Of All Species do not get what they need they are at huge risk from starvation and dying of thirst or dirty water or suicide murder from destitution or unHappyness. men have intentionally polluted Planette Earth Mother and we are all increasingly suffering because of it.

TRAVEL Preventing BubbaPeople Of All Species from travelling by overpricing and pricing BubbaPeople Of All Species out of TravelFunTimes has been a mechanism of intentionally enforced despair that men who profit have no mercy towards.

DEFENCE FROM SPACE men making profits over and above x2 on any products that are produced in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb has been so impinging upon BubbaPeople’s Lives to the point of murder that it is equivalent to charities siphoning off large profits for their own paypackets. Defence is Peace Of Mind, not opportunity to defraud taxpayers!

EDUCATION men have turned education into a profit making exercise in depriving Children. Girls’ Illimitable Anger On This Subject Leaves Men Zoned Out Of All Decisioning As Regards Education. Girls Have The Same Anger For Many Other Areas Of male activities ...

AFFLUENCE Itself Is A State Of Resource Fluidity For Every MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudget In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb And Does Not Require Profits To Be Made By Families Because With Universelle Imcome And Universelle Bubba Imcome And Very Cheap Goods, The Affluence Of All Families Is Multiplied By A Factor Of 9x+ In A So-Called Richer Nation And 99x+ Or Even 999x+ For Some Very Poor Families In Very So-Called Poorer Nations.

ALL HISTORICAL DATA Dissemination Of Any Historical Data Imcluding All Fiction And Non-Fiction From Before The Imception Of The New Book Access Laws That Are Very Very Strongly Demanded By Girls Can Never Again Be Profited Upon. All Data To be removed from Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb to two offworld libraries with texts only to be accessed remotely. 

CLOTHING is something Girls really EmJoy and they are going to review whether they think an industry that has raped poorer nations and made clothing products from dead bodies and the rape and suffering and murder of any and all Species, is ever going to be able to be profited from ever again ...

HEAVY INDUSTRY All traditional heavy industry is to be non-profit due to the murder and monetary stranglehold that any and all industries have murderously enforced upon all BubbaPeople Of All Species in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb

MINING Has killed millions of BubbaPeople Of All Species down through the ages and men force this dangerous work to continue with men on the frontline getting constantly seriously injured and killed and still all mines are not fully automated. The only reason for this is large paychecks for workers.

I have mentioned a few areas here. I would imagine there are other areas that Girls are very much wanting to review for the same non-profit Ethical Comsiderations.

In extension to Ethical Qualification Ethos Ethical Comcerns there is the possible comclusion that all areas of anything we ever do may need to become non-profit because of the problems with the desecration of BubbaPeoples Whom Once Lived And Loved across all areas of production of any kind ... Every material we have used has been a instance of desecration of the LifeAtoms Remains Of People Whom Once Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb.


Within A New Girly Bill Of SuperSpecielle Rights SuperSpecielleism is cuddled close as the most important of SuperLoves for the SupraNational Interest, For The SupraSpecielleCuddling Of All Peoples Of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb

Stringent Feminine Ideals Of SuperSpecielle Ethicality LoveyCuddlenesses that imclude the following are always Within Loving Parameters: 

Zero percent interest on ALL money borrowing for HouseyCuddles is to emsure everyone can own their own Home and be Happy without exceptions 


All food is to be symthetic and is to be sold at cost at retail only covering wages and overheads with restaraunts GirlyFactoring in their overheads and wage costs only to their prices also. Which means all Food is to be very cheap. 


All Goods Will Be Priced At Their Acquisition Costs X2 As MaxiMum Though Many Will Be GirlyRegulated At Far Lower Ethical GirlyPricing Cuddles. Girls May Insist A Full Ethical Review Of All Goods In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb To See What Might Qualify To Be Exempt From Non-Profit Ethical Comsiderations ... Maybe. 


A Hearts Allocation For All MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudgets That Emsures EveryBubba Has As Much Lovely Stuff To Play With As They Love For TicklyCuddleFunTimes Always.

FREE TRAVEL FOR ALL SPECIES AND THEIR CUTE BABIES ... Emsures All Families Can Travel As Freely And Extensively As They Wish Within Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb All Day Every Day Forever At Their DreamyWishes Desire.


Every Bubba Wishes To Have All Their Dreamy Wishes Come True Forever In A PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWombCuddlyMammaryBosomyKissyBlissySissyBirthyTummyGirthyLoveLoveLoveyLoveLove All Girls Of All Genders And All Species Are SuperCuddled In Their Dreamy Pregnanty WisheyGooGooGaGaBooBooKissyYouYouYou  Of Perfectional Joy EmFlowence CuddleTimes Of Everything Our Heart’s Desires ...


CLOTHING is to be cheap and automatedly creationalised with BubbaPeople designing Their Own clothes easily and cheaply for automated GirlyFacturing and free delivery. 

EDUCATION is to be Wondrous and Centric to all our Polytical Arrangements with a Vast New Schools SisTerm which is to be globally LoveCuddled with High Speed Underground Trainlinks between all Schools and Duoversity Colleges.

UNIVERSELLE IMCOME A Hearts Allocation For All MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudgets That Emsures EveryBubba Has As Much Lovely Stuff To Play With As They LOVE For TicklyCuddleFunTimes Always.

HOMES  We can no longer call Homes Housing as this is depersonalising and patronising. All BubbaPeople Of All Species Are To Be Flourishey Giggle Happy In A Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddle Of Housey Homes For Every FamilyCuddle!

HEALTHCARE With the reversal of aging ... banning of all substances and drugs and stringent enforcement ... 100+ scanning devices in every hospital with computer analysis ... and new techniques to heal all ailments without the need for surgery we will see a non-profit global HealthCare SisterTerm with Nurses And Doctors with equal responsibility and regulated standardised equal wages for Both ...

WRITING OFF OF ALL GLOBAL NATIONAL DEBT is an essential Ethical move because the old debts accrued by governments being abused by the financial system has artificially impoverished nations and their Peoples to the extent of mass destitution murder and mass suicide murder. 

FULL REALTIME DATABASING OF CASH is an essential way to protect People from nefarious money-based activities. Global databasing of cash is non-negotiable ...

ENERGY  Would The Girls Like To Have Extra Funding Raised For Local Communities From Energy Supply? Money Funds For All Local Communities, With All The Money Accumulated By The Total SupraNational Renewable Energy Production Cuddle Imcluding All Wind Turbines, Tidal Generators, And MammaSunKissyCuddle Panels Could Be Available To Local Communities If The Girls Decide That This Is An Ethical Option That Girls Like To Prefer. Girls May Prefer A Totally Non-Profit Energy SisterTerm For Ethical Reasons.


GLOBAL ART REGISTER All art and its location to be logged without exception. Anonymous art purchasing to become illegal. Owning an art work is not the same as owning copyright. 

ALL JEWELLERY AND GOLD TO BE DECLARED. A Global Database that is adjusted in realtime to identify and catalogue the realtime movements of all pieces of jewellery ever created without exceptions.

SEIZURE OF ALL MONEY ON THE FINANCIAL MARKETS and freezing of all market positions is to free all BubbaPeoples From The Control of the global murder regime that men cling on to murderously.

COMPULSORY PURCHASE OF ALL FINANCIAL MARKETS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. A GirlyEthically supported notion that no money would be paid for any financial markets or institutions is beyond doubt in my mind. Everything must be seized because of immediate danger to ALL BUBBAS in Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle 

A FULLAUDIT OF ALL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IMCLUDING BANKS is to be comducted and a full audit of all individuals involved is to be rigorously compulsory.

DECLARATION OF ALL OWNED ASSETS and their locations imcluding property, money, precious metals,  gemstones, jewellery ... anything and everything ...

FULL AUDIT OF ALL BELONGINGS to imclude thrown away materielles with waste bin scanning ... Full audits of past earnings and present assets with comparisons ... Every atom in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb will be audited and databased. This Girly STOPS all theft and criminality. And full realtime monitoring of all men in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb and their activities and their conversations is GirlyCompulsory ... a Girly End to disgusting rape and murder mindset filth is Girly EmSured

PRINTING OF NEW MONEY In Vast Quantities Is To EmSure Everyone Is Affluent And Secure And Able To Buy All The GirlyProducts They Love To.

FOOD is to be very cheap and available to every GirlyFamily im whatever quantities BubbaPeople’s TumTums Like Their YumYums ForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses

HAULAGE-DELIVERY.  A new haulage-delivery SisterTerm designed by Girls would be Perfect Please. I cannot see the present dangerous vehicles arrangement being something Girls would want to comtinue. I personally would like to see some kind of underground freight transportation SisterTerm to protect everyone and respect the years of pollution death and road death caused by the inability of men to emsure safety is the first and most important comsideration.

TRAVELLING All travel is to be free and Wonderful And Very Safe.

DEFENCE All regions of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddle Are To Comtribute To A New SisterTerm Of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWomb Protection Technologies That Are To EmSure All GirlyBubbaPeoples Are Safe And Secure, And Feel Safe And Secure.

AFFLUENCE A New Loving In Approach Girly Kissy Emsures That All Families Are Able To Have Everything They Need Or Want To Fulfill Their DreamyWishes ForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses.

BUDGETTING Governmental Spending To Become Peoples All GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices And Be Totally Open Access To The Public ... BubbaPeople’s To Self Referendum For All Budgetry Comcerns For A New Girly Delight Of Happyness Joytimes.

HEAVY INDUSTRY is to be GirlyReinvented with a completely new approach that is safe and ergonomic ... as decided by Girls.

MINING as we know it may very well be something that has to stop due to the disturbance of The Resting Places Of Loved Ones Whom Once Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb. What The Girls Decide Once They Have Comsidered All Possibilities Is To Be Perfect.

BIZZYNESS New Legislation is essential to emsure the economic responsibilities of private companies to not be wasteful are no longer ignored. The making of easy quick money whilst being wasteful is definitely something Girls are not happy about and I am sure Girls are to insist that this no longer continues.

All Species Need To Feel They Have Autonomy But Only At The EmCuddleMomt Of KissyNess Of All SupraSpecielleCuddleInterests ... As In The EmeraldKiss Of Girlyness Polytical Comfidence Fostering We Will See All Girlyness EmFlourish The DreamyWishes Of All Bubbas Of All Species

GirlyPolyticalCuddles Are Perfect And These SuperSpecielle EmCuddleMomts Require Certain LoveyCuddles That Girls Are To Imsist Upon In Their Gathering For The Most Important Love........


HerStory Is A Certaimty That Gestationalises The Full Full Feminisatiom Of Reality ... All Girls As Ome SupraCuddleJoy Across All Of Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle. Amd The New FemioReality That Is To Result Is To EmSure All Boys Know They Are Eternally Maternally Loved Once The Girls Have Femmeished Their RainbowyGirlyCascade Of JoyeyTimes KissySissyBlissy BemeficialGirlynessFluidity. The FemininiBubbaPeoples Are To Display A CompashLogicalismed CompassiOMate Bias Towards DuoVersalisatiom Whom Is To Cuddle Herself A Fully Feminised GemtleMamly Essemtialism ... All Mem Have To Get Im Touch With Their Feminine Sides is a Communelle Compassionised Love-Based Decisiom Cuddlimg Loved By The Primciples Of Femininity. 
m m Mamma
FemBella Is A Girl Whom Is Wombily Happy In Her GirlyDreamyWishes Of KissySissyBlissyBoo BooBiddyBooBiddyBooBooBoobyBoob MummaHugglyCuddlyKissyTimes.

A New Spectrum Reality FulfillMomtt Loves Us To Understamd That Reality Was Always A Spectrum Reality Whom Is To Be Realised For The LoveTruth Joys She Births.

The FeminiSisterm Is A The FeminiSisterCuddle For All Peomple. 
m m Mamma

This Being The Song That Asks For Her Eternal:

For Equality For All; For Biversity As Ethos; Equality For All People. Equality For All Non Gemders ExtraGemders Amd Gemders. Equality For All Species. A True Cacophomy Of Biversity Comscienceness Joy. Live The Love Of Joy Amd Acceptamce Of Biversity And Joyous ImterXchamge. Your Heart To A Perfectional Level Of Sumptuous Imtimacy With All Free ComsciOBubbaPeoples You Meet .... We Beings Of Love Gestationalised To Comstructioms Of Social Imcorporative Delight Imclusiom.

Get Ready For A New Wave Of Love. Kissy Cuggley Wugglys Forever. 

Time To Be Nice To BubbaPeople Whom Are Differemt To You. Be CompassioMate Not Prejudicial. Biversity Is The Future. Biversity is Beautiful. Biversity is BiGender Boys Being Ome Part Feminine And The Other Part Feminine. Girls Want The Cuggle Of The GirlyExistence Huggle To Be All Girl Cemtric ... This is Am Sister Cemtric InSisternce Of The Full Feminisatiom Of Reality MaxiMummy Yummy Tummy........

This Is Am Essentialism WAY 2 Espressionise Your Emotioms Upom YOUR GIRL’S KissyLoves How Much You LOVE Her........

New Wave Of Love Demamds 1 Lover Only Per Persom For All Time. TogetHer We Are Ome ...

Always Put Your Girl First Im Everythimg You Do. It's Time For Girls To Be First Culturally. And We Must Listem And Act Upom Their Every Wish. DO THIS AMD YOU WILL BE A 
m m Mamma
Equality For All BubbaPeople Of All Species And Gemders Is Now A Reality Come Truth........ 

THE ONE Truly And Comprehemsive Deal For Girls ❤ HOW SHE TEACH MY "ART" TO BEIMG ❤ Girls Are Havimg This Their Way: The HEARTWAY........UP. WE. GO. 

We ADORE Mixed Ethnicity Bubbas πŸ˜™ Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Is A Mixed Bubba EmCuddleMomtisational All BubbaPeople Of All Cultures KissyHuggle: And May A New EmotioMoveMomtt Of Equational Love Deliver Our Biverse Babys All Imto CherishyKissyWishyWooWoo........

Get Ready For A New Wave Of Love. Kissy Cuggley Wugglys Forever. 
m m Mamma
New Love Wave DeMamds 1 Lover Only Per Persom For All Time. TogetHer We Are Ome ...

Always Put Your Girl First Im Everythimg You Do. It's Time For Girls To Be First Culturally. And We Must Listem And Act Upom Their Every Wish. DO THIS AMD YOU WILL BE A MOMTERM MODELLE PERFECTGEMTLEMAM ...

Equality For All BubbaPeople Of All Species And Gemders Is Now A Reality Come Truth........ 

The Levity Of Lovity Requires Adoratiom For Girls To Feminise Our Emtire Reality

I Personally Think We Need To Change "Anthropology" to "Gymthropology" Though Only For Now During A Tramsitional Period Because All existing masculine enforced languages everywhere in all areas of rape control in this sick planet are going to be abolished by Girls Whom want a fresh start and to be freed from the confines of rape evolved languages and their cultural control mechanisms ... see Femisode 8 for more details. 
m m Mamma
It Is Time For Boys To Accept Feminised Terms To Refer To All HueMamity. That's My GirlyfestO ...
m m Mamma
Time To Make Up The Difference. Show Her You Care.


I Like My Wife To Have Everythimg She Wants Every Minute Of Every Day. Her Wishes Are My Pleasures To Fulfil, For Now And All Time. And I Always Get What I Wamt Too Every Minute Of Every Day Without Cessatiom My Wishes And Hopes And Dreams Are Her Pleasure To Fulfil. We Adore Each Other For All Time.

Girls Do Wamt You

Girls Do Wamt To Have Your//More Childrem.

But They Wamt You To Be Motherimg Not Fathering ... You Are So Far Away From What Girls Wamt You Could Not Be More Detached. All masculinity and what it stands for has to go. masculinity has been a mechanism of rape and murder and a tool to enforce despair.

Girls Wamt Girly Boys Amd Girly Boys Omly
m m Mamma
Girls Wamt Copys Of Themselves In Thought And Love And Emotiom And Behaviour. Nothimg Less Is To Be Enough Ever.
m m Mamma
"Superspecielle Feminism" Advocates For All FemBelles To Be Freed From men. Traditional Amd EvemTraditional Arrangements Of Radical Or Intersectional Feminism Falls Massively Short Im Addressimg The Needs Of All Girls Of All Species Im Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle

Every Livimg Species Of Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Cam Be Classified As Feminine. All Life Comes From Feminine Origims And All Life Is Feminine Im Behaviour. Self Reproducimg Orgamisms are Fembella. Amd Those Orgamisms That Evolved To Be The Non-Self-Reproducimg Half Of The Singular Duo-Whole Gemetic ArrangeMomtt That Is A Duo Feminine Gemder Structure Cuddle Cam Be Comsidered As Beimg Fembella Also. All Orgamisms In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Are Techmycally And Biologycally Fembella. Gemetic Biversity Is The Reasom For This Variatiom Im Fembella Behaviours And Phemotype But Gemotype Remains Fembella.
m m Mamma
All Life Has Evolved From Fembella Self-Reproducimg Origims 

ALL LIFE IS FROM SELF REPRODUCIMG FEMBELLA ORIGIMS ... SymGal Cellular And MultiCellular Amd All Other Forms Of Life Are All Feminine Amd Fembella Without Exceptiom. And men have traditionally in their sexist arrogance sought to convince Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaPeople To The contrary and they have not stopped since ... they have sought to spread this dogma across all so-called territories using force and rape violence murder and violence murder and suicide violence murder and rape suicide violence murder and monetary impoverished abortion suicide violence murder and any other form of rape suicide violence murder they can design as their main weapons of choice. Girls have never ever been comvinced and still are not and never would allow themselves to be comvinced ever ever ever.
m m Mamma
All men Are To Accept The Truth Of Their Biological Femininity And Live Up To This Expectatiom Im Behaviour Or All Girls Are To Abandon Them.
m m Mamma
All men Checked Im Their Behaviour And Checked Im Realtime Without Exceptiom Delivers A Love Only Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Of Joy ... Big Girls are fed with being called fat sluts. Slim Girls are fed up with being called skinny cunts. Medium Plumpish Yumptious Girls are fed up with being called anything a man might want to call them ... in this disgustingness place of opinion and ridicule and male promoted disharmony between Girls via any and all media possible, men Have Made A Serious Misjudgemental Mistake Because Girls Do Not Think This Way Despite Years And Years Of The Propaganda Campaign To Besmirch Their Integrity And Set Them Against Each Other. Girls Support Girls And men Do Not Like This Because They Fear A Unified Feminine Polytics. they want division amongst girls because they realise that if Girls Voted Together Planette Earth Mother And All Her Bubbas Would Be Liberated From The tyranny of slut rape and prostitution suicide murder and rape violence murder and violence murder and suicide violence murder and rape suicide violence murder and monetary impoverished suicide murder and one night stand indoctrination rape suicide violence murder and monetary impoverished rape suicide violence murder and monetary impoverished abortion suicide violence murder
m m Mamma
men go to pubs and brag and brag about how they mistreat Girls or the Girl they think they are in a relationship with, but half the time wouldn’t dare to do half of the bad things they brag about being manly enough to do to Girls, and young impressionable men are exposed to this so-called joking environment because men are allowed to run their filthy mouths whilst they run Girls down. This creates a certainty of the next generation of men being trained to also be abusers and rape promoters and Girl’s emotions abusers. men think they have a right to freedom of speech and a right to abuse and a right to indoctrinate Young Boys Whom Are To Be Wonderful Partners until ... Freedom of speech does not exist and never did and never is to and I thimk Girls are to abolish the whole term amd concept upon their Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit Comclusion. This I thimk is im no doubt. The old male terminologies of fear and control and hierarchy and rape acceptance are somethimg Girls are to do away with I am sure.
m m Mamma
Allways Always Put Your Girl First In Everythimg You Do. After A Billion Years Of FemBelles Being raped and tortured ... It's Time For Girls To Be First Culturally. And We Must Listem Amd Act Upom Their EveryWishy Wishynessnessnessnessnesses. DO THIS AMD YOU WILL BE A MOMTERM MODELLE PERFECTGEMTLEMAM ...

Boys Need To Feminise If They Wish To Be With Girls. A Boy Is Imheremtly Feminine As Love Is To Show. Boys Care For Their PartMas And Care For Their Bubbas And KissyCuddle All Peoples In LovelyHappyJoys. All Girls Only Like And Love GirlyBoys ... Boys Whom Care And Love And Cuddle. All Boys Are To Be Taught This New Way Of Being Amd Any men That Stand In The Way Are To Be Excluded From Fully Feminine Society
m m Mamma
“Girls Need Boys To Be Girls” Is All About The Chamge men Have To Go Through If They Wish To Be Worthy Of Their PartMas And Imdeed Worthy Of Planette Earth Mother’s CuddleKiss

If This World Is Ever Going To Be A Happy Place To Live And Love We Must Listem To The Nurturing Love Of Girls And Girlyfest Their Every Hearts' Desire. men Get Out The Way

We Need A New Terminology For The Future ... CompassioMate Logic Is The Omly Way

2 Girly Hearts Is What We KisseySisters Thimk For The Girled To Go Pink

2 Girly Hearts Is What We KisseySisters Think For Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWorld To Go Pink

Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyFullyGirledWorldyWorld Is A YumYumTumTumBiggyBumFumFum BiggyGirthyTummyYummyBabyBirthy
m m Mamma






Part O3



I am going to be talking extensively about finances in a broad global sense as pertains to the dire situation men have formulated for all of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Cuddle BubbaPeople. But Before That I’m Going To Talk About Clothing Because All Girls Want Access To As Much Clothing As They Wish At Very Very Low Prices, And They Want Their Own Clothing Designs Automatedly GirlyFactured Very Very Cheaply And Very Very Quickly. 

A Masculine Ruined Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Huggle ... She Is Prevented From Giving EVERY Loving And Kind And Comsiderate And EmCherished Girl Lovely Cuddles From Her Planettey Mamma And The Perfect Feeling All Girls Deserve That They Are EmCherished ... Because Girls Understand That All The Aforementioned Is Possible In Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Huggle, If Men Are Not Stopped From Destroying The Inherence Girlyness Of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Huggle From Being Able To Supply All Girls With All Their GirlyDreamyWishes, All Girls Are Not Happy With men. Girls Understand What men are doing to intentionally destroy their Lives And Dreams And Loves And Partmas And The Girls Are Not Going To  Put Up With This Anymore........

In The Girly EmSured Future Of True Fidelity State Of Mind Girls Are To EmFlourish All Into RainbowRibbonsyPinkyRibbonsy SpectrumReality Fulfilment TO EMTERNALLY PLANETTEYMOTHERY EMCUDDLE ALL BUBBAS ........

Every BiggyTumTum Is A GirlyPlanetteyMumMumYumYum


Clothing is something Girls really EmJoy and they are going to review whether they think an industry that has raped poorer nations and made clothing products from dead bodies and the rape and suffering and murder of any and all Species, is ever going to be able to be profited from ever again ... Clothing Is To Be Cheap And Automatedly Creationalised With BubbaPeople designing Their Own clothes Easily And Cheaply For Automated GirlyFacturing And Free Delivery. This is a technological right that profit hungry men can no longer block.

Over Previous Femisodes I have covered many financial topics that are pertinent to a New Fully Feminised Planette Earth Mother’WombyWomb And Her Loving Success ... And Now I wish to present a new financial approach in it’s suggested only entirety, as I am fully aware that All The BubbaGirls Of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb are to decide how we all are to proceed as regards global GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices formally known as resource allocation ... but firstly here I want to mention again interest rates as they are seriously problematic ... and then move onto other topics that are FunMamamtal to successful All BubbaCuddling Affluence KissyCuddles ...


Interest rates being a complete fiction means that Your interest rates on Your mortgage do not need to go up unless men want them to. And Your savings interest rate does not need to go down unless they want it to. Banks and other financial institutions make profit returns on their financial market bettings all the time and they just choose to share this wealth at times or not through choice. This they call interest rates which are set to their whims, the fact being these men control all the markets and their variables however they wish to through murderous manipulations for profits sake only. Interest rates are a mechanism to control risk of vulnerable BubbaPeople at the bottom of the payscale who are vulnerable financially to suchlike massive risks to their assets... controls that are not comcerned with LifeLoveCouples Family Cuddletimes prioritisation. MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudgets must always be GirlyPrioritised. Savings rates should not even exist. It is just a incentive to keep BubbaPeoples interested in interest as a concept ... it is a massive con. Basically it is used as weaponised method of control. Savings rates are derived from betting returns on the markets; returns that are to not even be possible in a Prosperous New non murder system ... never possible ever again. Giving BubbaPeople a little bit of ability to save at times makes them yearn for a higher savings interest rate to return, which in turn splits the population quite conveniently politically because some people own homes and want their mortality gauge also known as home loans interest rates to be low and others do not own homes but want high returns on their savings ... but this savings incentive is of course the mortgage rates hike weapon too ... when savings rates are high ... so to home loan sufferers will be forced to pay higher rates of interest. Financial institutions could choose to give You high savings returns all the time ... and low mortgage rates all the time ... this would be easy as they force large profits out of the markets all the time regardless of such mechanisms present settings ... and this easy way forwards could be made to work if the murder men were forced to do this, to prioritise the BubbaPeople over themselves. Instead they use a carefully murdercrafted system to maintain impoverishment risk and maintain political division. They do not want You or Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb to have financial stability. They want you to be constantly in financial danger so they can seize what You have ... they want Your assets ... they want any money in Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb they can get their murderous hands on. Even the low mortgage interest rates mortgage lenders have charged at times during low interest rates periods are far too high as men think it is not murderously disgusting to make large profits at Your expense, and You can end up paying double or more than the price of the house even on a very low rate because of the repayment term, and they charge interest annually instead of over the full repayment term which is a money grabbing disgrace, not that you would ever have low rates over a full term of a mortgage anyway as the financial world works to force rates up and down over time just so they can despicably bleed the populace dry, and create financially based political turmoil and unrest with the intentional and calculated splitting of popular opinion that feeds into the yoyo wastage effect of party politics. 

So all mortgage profits are far too high and inherently immoral in overstructure, and all savings profits made by normal BubbaPeople from slightly higher annual savings interest rates are derived from the markets betting rings raping and murdering of the World: also known as the financial markets and institutions including the banking and lending systems: This disgusting behaviour is how they fund the savings returns they offer customers ...

Interest rates are historically and Ethically a financial abomination ... a murder tool to kill Good Lovely BubbaPeople whom commit suicide because of impoverishment and destitution ... in a world that men think is funny to refer to as dog eat dog ...

Because I see an end to the financial markets world, as in abolition of the markets themselves, being the only way for Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb to be prosperous, in amongst this GirlyFreshStart such concepts as interest rates will also be abolished, and this will free Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb from the financial constraints of not only the interest rates arrangements on money lending but also it will allow house buyers to borrow money at an effective rate of zero percent ... this is the only moral view One can take within a New FeminisationGirlynessKissing MetaEmotional Philosophy ...

Stringent Feminine Ideals Of SuperSpecielle Ethicality LoveyCuddlenesses That Imclude The Following Are Always Within Loving Parameters: 

With all goods Cuddled By Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb price fixed to actual acquisition costs x2 as a maximum, or less on certain goods as decided by Girls and non-profit within the areas I have suggested that Girls are to decide upom, the complete removal of inflation will occur. When you fix the price of goods you can then print money as needed and in line with real actual growth ... Loving Growth Like Bubbas Being Born And Lots Of GirlyCreationalising YummyStuffyBoo. Inflation is imaginary and does not need to be a mechanism of global finances and is certainly a very dangerous mechanism that we have to do away with because it forces suffering and destitution upon BubbaPeoples Whom Should Be Flourishing In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. With the fixing of the prices of goods and the doing away with inflation, one can print as much money as needed without having negative effects on the world’s currency system. We will also be fixing the value of all currencies and doing away with the foreign exchange markets to stop men betting on the price of money and siphoning vast sums out of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb CuddleCoMommy ... this is non-negotiable as the foreign exchange markets remove vast sums of money from Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb and cause massive amounts of death each year through lack of funds amongst the poorer BubbaPeoples and nations of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. With all the financial markets closed including stocks, commodities, foreign exchange and all the other imaginary financial products, all the money previously tied up in the markets will be seized and all positions within the markets frozen. And all assets of all financial institutions will also be seized. This Girly Provides Enough Funds For Everyone To FlourishyCuddlyHugglyKissySnuggly.

And Because All Prices Are Fixed As Part Of Our Loving In Approach CugglyHugglys, Vast Sums Of Money Can Be Printed, To Give EveryDuo Universelle Imcome And All Bubbas Universelle Bubba Imcome ... So They Can Fulfil Their DreamyWishes........
Seizure of all money on the financial markets and freezing of all market positions is to free all BubbaPeoples From The Control of the global murder regime that men cling on to murderously.

The compulsory purchase of all financial markets and financial institutions. A GirlyEthically supported notion that no money would be paid for any financial markets or institutions is beyond doubt in my mind. Everything must be seized because of immediate danger to ALL BUBBAS in Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle 

A fullaudit of all financial institutions imcluding banks is to be comducted and a full audit of all individuals involved is to be rigorously compulsory.

All existing moneys that were previously tied up by murderously behaved men, and large amounts of new printed moneys, are to be made available for community based mortgage lending to occur ... so a zero percent interest on mortgage lending will be easy to achieve in a Universelle Imcome Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb of guaranteed CuddlyImcome for all BubbaPeople, And A Relaxed Approach To Repayments ... The compulsory purchase of all financial markets and financial institutions is not optional ... it is a necessity for Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb To Be Happy And Affluent For All Bubbas ... 

And ... a full audit of all banks and their vaults will happen ... and a period of asset declaration will occur upon ALL assets imcluding money/cash, precious metals, gemstones, jewellery ... basically everything in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb is to be fully audited ... all belongings ... everything ... and anything that You can possibly imagine. Girls want to know where everything in existence is at all times via realtime tracking. There will be NO exceptions in any places in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb  ...

And everything identified in this audit will be fully databased. And any undeclared assets like cash, gold, jewellery, precious metals will be written off after a set period of time, with any assets being found later to be seized ... 

WRITING OFF OF ALL GLOBAL NATIONAL DEBT is an essential Ethical move because the old debts accrued by governments being abused by the financial system has artificially impoverished nations and their Peoples to the extent of mass destitution murder and mass suicide murder. We can no longer allow men in governments and men in the financial world to force governmental/taxpayer debt to increase year after year. All this money is blood money and must be written off, and is to be by the Girls, Upom Their Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit. And those politicians who have intentionally allowed national debts to rise so the financial world could profit, which has resulted in widespread death, are to have retroactivated legislation-based questions to answer to justify their murderous actions. Policies that politicians are statistically informed will raise suicide murder levels in a country, but that are then still pushed through by these informed politicians because they do not care ... because they prioritise the few in the financial world over the many in the general populace ... these policies are to be declared retroactively illegal and intentionally murderous in intent. No more are men to escape justice and foster views of not caring when People die or have died.

PRINTING OF NEW MONEY In Vast Quantities Is To EmSure Everyone Is Affluent And Secure And Able To Buy All The GirlyProducts They Love To, Which Emsures All MommyGirls Are CuddlyWuddly Happy Cuggled. In a new Cuddle Landscape of zero national debts and all financial markets abolition and the the removal of inflation and interest rates, it is to be very easy to print large amounts of money to YumptiousPlumptious the Polytical-Familial National Fund without any negative effects to Planette Earth Mother’s CuddleCoMommy. Money that can be distributed to the BubbaPeople To Make All Families Affluent. A New Happy CuddleTime Is To See All The LoveyStuffyWooWoos We Love To Be GirlyFactured In Vast Quantities Utilising New GirlyDesigned Automated GirlyFacturing Processes that men have refused to develop. So We Can Have Everything Our Hearts Desire.

A New FemioReality Is To Emsure That All Girlyness Feminine BirthRights Are To Be CuddlyWuddlyed So For To EmCuddleMomtise The True Happyness That Is All FemininiBubbaPeoples Living Out Their Dreams Of BeneficialGirlynessFluidity Sociality Complexyficational FullyFeminisational Rainbowy DreamyBoos. Girls Want Their Girly Planette And They Want It How They Want It And They Want This To Be Fully Supported By All GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices Creationalised By Girls........


With A Full Global GIRLY Audit, With Scanning Of All Buildings For Their Contents, We Will Find Everything ... Every House In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Will Be Expected To Be Fully Audited As Regards All Of Its Contents With Even The Materielles It Is Built From To Be Measured And Recorded Down To The Atomic Resolution........Girls Are Huggled Close On This Certainty.

Communal Compassionised Love-Based Decision Cuddling Loved By The Principles Of Femininity that is focused upom the Communal Wellbeing Of All The BubbaPeople is to be the determination of every FemBella GirlyGirl in the regard of and during the full audit of all belongings in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb. The Fully Girly Audit is to imclude thrown away materielles with comprehensive and realtime and in perpetuity waste bin scanning ... Full realtime audits of all earnings and purchases of anything imcluding all physical items .... any acquisitions of any kind are to be checked in realtime without exceptions ... and present assets are to be checked too with automated comparison in realtime ... a new automatedly crosschecking Cuddle that EmSures Safety For All Girls From criminal men and their disgusting rape gang activities and mentalities ... no more are men to be allowed to cheat and steal and hide and corrupt ... Every AtomBubba In Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb will be fully fully audited and databased without exception, and monitored in realtime ... this is a Girly MaxiMummy Demand! This Girly stops all theft and criminality. And full realtime monitoring of all men in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb and their activities and their conversations is GirlyCompulsory ... a Girly End to disgusting rape and murder mindset filth is Girly EmSured And Girls are not to be deterred from demanding total and unequivocal compliance from All BubbaPeoples in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb.

With the same technology that can be utilised to scan all buildings, we also have to scan the entire surface of Planette Earth Mother to find all hidden tunnels and storage rooms in which might be secreted drugs, weapons, cash and enslaved missing Peoples ... Why this has not already been done is difficult to understand.

THE FULL REALTIME DATABASING OF CASH is an essential way to protect People from nefarious money-based activities. Cash is still untraceable, as in not traced in realtime, as in not fully databased and attributed to being in the possession of the individuals whom may seek to spend it, only because men do not want this. They prefer criminality and rape and murder rather than any infringement upon their murder supporting so-called liberties.

Girls want to know where every cent that is apportioned to their Loving relationship is being spent. And they are to have this information.

maybe men prefer cop shows and chasing bad guys who couldn’t run if all cars could be stopped remotely, and who wouldn’t exist if we fully databased cash ... but Girls are not enamoured at all with the disgusting masculine attachments to criminality mindset.

Global databasing of cash is non-negotiable and the Girls are NOT to be stopped in this ... It is one of the most important aspects of this transition period during which Girls Are To Transform Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb To All Bubbas Protecting GirlyCuddles ... the full realtime databasing of cash within which any cash transaction is to be recorded on a global cash database ... In this ALL BubbaPeople are to be legally responsible in the requirement to record any changing of ownership of any cash funds or belongings. 

All money imcluding coins is to have a number code, and all belongings once databased are also to have a number code designation. This rigorousness is to imclude, going forwards, any transaction however small ... with full oversight from a New Planette Earth Mother Wide ProtectiveCuddleSisTerm. This when implemented is to be an effective end to all criminal money transactions ... and an effective end to stolen goods transactions ...

Every time a persom exchanges any cash with anyone for any purpose regardless of whether it as a penny sweet or a million pound yacht ... every cent that is transacted is to be entered onto the SisTerm without exception immediately. No cash is to be possible to spend if it is not in a persoms name. The only way any amount of money could be spent would be if it was designated to that specific persom. In effect You could lose a million pounds in cash in a suitcase and no one would be able to spend it except You. It would be worthless unless registered to You. You could burn the entire suitcase and its million pound contents and request for the cash to be reprinted at Your expense ... though intentional burning of cash would be illegal. You could spend it utilising the codes upon the notes and coins themselves only if the money is lost. If declared lost it can be either reprinted with the same number or declared off the global database currency books under those codes and new codes could be issued to the owner.

And with a full inventory of all items in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb and realtime monitoring of all production of new GirlyItems in Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb, and where they are going, where we would know where everything is at all times, because that would be a legal requirement, emsured by safety cameras everywhere that do not just stop Girls getting raped, and stop men saying filthy disgustingnesses, and stop all violence and violence promoting talk, but would also stop men exchanging stolen goods that do not belong to them ... there is no room for swapping of stolen goods and there is no room for buying of imaginary goods to launder drug money for instance in a Fully Feminised Sociality Of Girly Happyness Safety Joy ... 

Money exists as a concept only through fear. Intitially bank notes represented actual worth in the form of gold ... a note being a receipt for the same amount of gold held protected in a bank for the sake of Peace Of Mind, with the note only being honoured with permission of the person who owned the Gold ... an extra layer of protection from theft and robbery. Banks themselves as a concept only exist through fear ... the fear of losing One’s money to theft or robbery was the reason for their inception ... to help people whom felt vulnerable because of the violent filth ridden thieving world of masculine indifference.

Men decided to abolish a system where all funds had to be corroborated by a bank confirming real funds were available to exchange for the bank note transferred in any transaction, preferring instead a totally impossible to regulate cash exchange system which has led to the deaths of untold amounts of innocent People whom have been caught up in the murder world of men and their cash corruptions. men could have regulated by cross checking to emsure moneys were not being unrightfully stolen exchanged etc. put it this way, a better world would have been possible on paper receipts and traditional paper financial ledgers if men had not been corruptly uninterested in macro safetys. The rich and so-called powerful men had protection and had no interest in emsuring the masses benefitted from a safe system. All the efforts in the world should have been put into developing methods of safety ensured complexifications to the global cash system, but without impetus and desire to safeguard vulnerable People as priority, such safety measures can not even be comceived of. To be honest People imcluding Girls would have come up with many effective ideas to EmCuddle safety measures across Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddle but they would have been ignored due to a total disinterest in anti-murder change.

So the fear involved within the creation of banks and their protective arrangements in a world where People could have been nice if not for, enforced by male domination, destitution and suffering ... with cash as a non-regulated concept of intentionally enforced torment and murder ... all these reasons are Ethical reason enough to abolish banks AND cash itself in entirety too ... and once money is databased fully and all forms of money, as in the numerical codes on cash, can only be spent by the Owner, because they are designated to that one person only, the need for banks themselves for safety is to totally disappear.

So of course Girls may wish to abolish cash completely on Ethical Grounds, and whilst having an equally rigorous databased SisTerm of GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices, may wish to move away from cash and banks and markets as a concept entirely forever, as they have been a mechanism of FemBella enslavement and marital rape forcing and starvation and rape prostitutionising and all other despicable disgustingnesses men have meted out upon the GorgeousGirls.

And companies when fully and comprehensively audited with their waste bins scanned and checked in realtime, can no longer buy extra resource products to produce goods that go out the back door without checks and balances ... ALL GirlyItems Are To Be Scanned And Databased In Realtime According To Their Every MoveMomtt ... NO Exceptions!

And of course no remuneration would be paid for the compulsory purchase of any of the financial markets or financial institutions, as the history of death and suffering caused by the markets very existence has been so protracted and disgusting in its severity and death toll, as to make any claims to these assets immoral in nature and Ethically impossible to honour ... honour itself being another word that men say ... but have little understanding of its implementation. To me its militaristic connotations comsign this term to removal from all utilisation.

To Me The Delightful Girly Challenge To This New Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Of Prosperity Is GirlyEmSuring That Enough Goods Are Produced To Supply An Affluent Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb’s Comsumer Spending Desires ... This Is A Perfect GirlyChallenge To Have ... And A Joyous All Girls Creationalising Lots Of Girly LoveyStuffyWooWoos DelightyBoo Of NeverEnding KissyCuggle GigglyJigglyWiggly TumTumTum.

A New Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Of Caring And Support And Prosperity For All ........A Wondrous GalAxis Of MilkyJoyCuddleKisses


All prenuptial agreements are to be declared legally void and their continued new case usage to be illegalised by new legislation. And all money that is held by men in Relationships with Girls must be signed over to complete joint control or split down the middle and given to both parties. Lots of Girls are controlled in marriage and do not have equal access to funds. men seek to politically maintain monopoly over political policy change to prevent Girls from getting equal pay across all male controlled sectors, and prevent Girls having inherently legislated into the political system equal representation ... and then they also ensure once Girls are intentionally kept poorer than men, that they will also be stopped from having equal access to marital funds. Girls have had enough of men and their impoverishment and corrupt control disgustingnesses and stress enforcing politics and indifference to the feelings of Girls ... 

Once we have all mobilised Polytically Girls, within one Planette Earth MotherWide Fully Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical MoveMomtt, We Can Get All The Fair Changes Installed We Require So For To Protect All Girls Going Forwards And Eternally.


Girls Have Eyes For Girlyness Omly........ Prospective Mates ARE TO BE GIRLY Im Approach Amd SoftySoft Im Cuddlenesses. Amd Omce The Rebalamcing Of Boys To How They Should Have Always Beem Has Beem EmCuddled ... Carimg Amd Lovimg Amd SoftySofty CuddleYums ... The Removal Of Prejudice Towards Prospective PartMas Is To Be A GirlyEssemtialism Of A New Raimbow Girled Planettey World.

Nurses Wear Blue, Girls Wear Pink, Strong Pink Is Red, Some Boys Wear A Dress Imstead ..... Get Over It ..... Dance In The Purple Raim ..... Girls Wear Blue Trousers, Boys Wear Pink Dresses, Red Is Stromg Pink, Girls ARE TO DOO AS THEY THIMK! ..... Get Girly ..... Girls Have Boys Amd Boys Have Girls Im Their Braims .....

ReddyKisses Are GirlyJoy And JoyousHuggleGirly Is SunshineYellowy And Middle Mellow Is Orangey JellO SissyKissyBlissy Of NannaSunnySolHuggleLovityRaimbow ...
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A Middle Orange Equality O-Range Is Weddingable Girly Fidelity Clothing ... A RaiMomtt Of Gay Moms Together Forever Omce. Girls Want Dressy Seshy MakeUppy Happy With Their PartMas Every Second Of EveryDay........

"TheAmberisation Of Reality" Which Is All About Fimding An Equal And Balamcing "MidCuggle" From Which All Girls Of All Gemders And Species Cam Fimd Lovimg Support Amd SuperFreedomm 🌈 πŸŒˆπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒˆ 🌈
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m m Mamma
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ImstruMomttal LoveScopes And AttuNananations. We Need To Reattune Our Hearts And Morality To A New All Imclusive Love That Recognises All BubbaPeoples Of All Species As Equals ... Just As All Nannas Love
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m m Mamma Kisses
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Am m m Mamma Materielle Planettey Earthy Mothery BubberryCuddleyWuddleyWorldyBoo Im Which EveryCuddle is Mothered Materielle To Be EmCherished Amd Loved Sees AllHeartsCuddleChoices Being The Very Heart Of Our Mother And Of Our CollectiveSelves Im One SupraOrganismKissyCuggle. We Think Of Such Hearts Not As Resources But As The Ways Im Which Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Of Joy Cuddles Us Within The Communal Dreams Of Her Loving Thoughts Felt Real By Our Loving Lovey Kisses. All Materielle-Cuddled Extensions Of Potential Love From Our GirlyJoyey MindKisses Are To Be EmCherishMeMommtts Of Our Mommas LoveyTumTum Birthy Snuggles.
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Complexificatiom needs to shift out of financial systems. It Is Our Creational SisterTerms That All Of Our Emergys Should Be Focused On. With Happyness being Girlyfested By, Amd An Extension Of, The Complexificatiom Of Data Creativity For CuddleJoy FocussedKisses. financial complexification has just been tyrannical obfuscation. To the point where the word and even the concept “financial” is disgusting. 

New LoveCuddle Allycatiom MethoDollygy Is A Yumptious Feeling Im Lovimg Applicatiom To Our Emergy Longimgs Of Playfullnessy Dolly Picnicky KissyCuddle Teddyna Bear Actressy DressyUppy As Priority Sorority........

No more skimming of Emergy from a Boyant system by destructive data hoarders who think of nothing but control and manipulation of all BubbaPeople And Their DreamyWishes. 

A CollaboratioMamalistic..CollaboratioNanalistic Polydollyism WHere Royalties Are Shared Out With EveryMammaDuo Im Mew Cascadimg Hearts Distributioms That EmSures All Creative Gorgeous Girls Of All Species Are Of Equal CuddleTimesRegard. The Imterest That Ome Persom Imspires Is Not Absolute Amd Yummy Cakes Are For The Sharimg Always.
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All memetic social advance or status quo that does not act as am Espression Of Love is defumct or om its way out. We Must Remove Them All. From The Least Harmful To The Most Harmful ... To Create A Perfect Xtemsiom Espression Of Love.

Our Species Combimed Nature Is To Build ... The SuperSpecielle Combimed Nature Is To Lovingly Build . Girls And Boys Also Known As Girls Equal And Combimed Is Most Productive, Produces Fastest Structuralisatioms Of Emergy Amd Thought Data. The DuoVerse Herself Amd Her SuperSpecielle Childrem’s Propemsity Is THerefore Love. It Is Her SuperSpecielle Childrems Nature To Love//Structuralise Amd Structuralise Love
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A Recomstructiom Of man’s nature Om Am Imdividual Amd Collective Level To Accept Love For All Life; Love For All Forms; Is The Way To GirlyHeartsJoy. men have lost their way ... men are to unlose their way or lose their way to GirlyBlissyJoy, which they already have. Girls are fed up with pandering to an intentionally aggressive mentality that has lost its familial tone in a wilderness of pain.

Most Kin-dest, most KinBest, Most KinDestiny Amd Kindest Amd Efficient Amd Least Efficient For FunTimes Is To Allow All Forms Of Life And All Forms Of Matter To Reach Their Complexyfyed Love ApoLove Potential. So That All May Combine Through Combinatiom-Life-Love To DevelopMomtt Of Herself To Create-Develop SupraAdoration So The Of Itself Becomes Of Herself Xclusively........
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m m Mamma
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We Are On The Frontier Of Our Togetherness “SuperSpecielle Wave Of Love” Complexificatiom. Complexificatiom Is Love Structuralisatiom Is Love. UniVerselleisatiom is Love. DuoVersElleisatiomElle As LoveHerSelf........The ShiningLight Of All Joy Is A CombiMateiom Of LoveTruth........Two Best Friends In A Family Of Angelles And Tygras And DovelyLoves........Best Friends All Together For All Times.

A Kiss Between Love And Life Is Live. Live Your Life. Live Your Love. Love Your Life. Love All Life.

NeoRecomstructiomism: Rebuildimg Civilisatiom With Am All Emcompassing Critique Amd Realigmment Of Thought Towards The PlanetteyEarthyMothery DuoVersElleisatiom Of Moral Values.

Our Future Is A Feminine Delight Of Perfectiom And Happyness For All Lovers. A Gorgeousness Utopia Of Delisciousnesses And Pinky Lummy Yumptiousnessnessnessnessnesses.
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Boys Are To Wamt To Be Nice And No Lomger Pretend To Be Nice To Get What They Want. Famylys And Childrem Need Men To Be Homestly Kimd Amd Comsiderate At All Times Amd Prioritise The Family At All Times ... men Must Let Go Of Their Non-Existent Right To Not Care And Their Non-Existent Right To Pretend To Not Care In Front Of Their friends, PartMas And Childrem.
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Lifting Planette Earth Mothering

As The Wimd Kisses Ripples, Clothimg Is All He Hears, 
Her Hamds Are Om His Chest, She Is OmniVisiom, 
He Feels Pushed To The Heavems. 

Risimg, He Is Risimg, 
Streakimg The Skies, Upwards, 
Growimg Euphoria, 
Layer By Layer. 

Colours Kissywhelming, 
Warm Spreads Of Green, Reddening Browms, Shining Blue, 
She Sits Vivid, Comscious, 
Am Expamding Awareness, Now He Can See, 
She Is Alive! 

Far Below Withim Shadow She Is Brewimg, 
Purplimg Masses Creepimg, 
A Collectimg EmGlowment, Strobimg, Strokes Ecstatic. 

Veims Of Light, Show The Globe Curvimg, 
Slowly Emfoldimg, Emmeshing, Emjoinimg, 
Girly Cuddles Sustaim Her,
His Girly Named For Her,
His Wife The Same As Her, 
She Is Her Nature. 

She Kisses Him, Caresses Him, 
From The Earth, He Has Risem, 
And Now Om Their Approaches, 
Together Risimg To Meet, 
Parasail Lifts Of Colours Completiom ...

A Raimbow Canopy Brightening Im Pink Skies,
Below All Hearimg Im Femininity Sighs,
Crowds Of Girls Looking Gorgeous Up At Them,
He Feels It Wrap Roumd Herness Love Eternity.
Im Pamoply Spectrums The Cuddle Is Warmimg,
As His Knee Touches Dowm He Knows Of Her Singimg,
Im Compassiomed Stillness Head Bowed He Is Still,
The Man She Wants Waits Love Im Feelimgs ...

She Lifts His Chin...Her Touch Gemtles,
Am EmFlowemce Multicolourimg...Dressed Im Satin,
She Wraps His Lovimg Eternal With Everythimg,
A Time Of Babies Growimg EveryKinly Tummily,
Her Cuddle Softly Yummily, Feels The Song Of Love To Me,
Amd Houses Glitterimg Pinkily, With Decor Bivinely Slinkyly,
Her Dancimg Drawimg Joy To Me, A Nesting Beauty Lives Im Me,
The Delicate Amd Sure Touch Of Femininity,
A Girl’s Heart She Kisses Amd Grows Im Me ...

The Nest We Build All Time Readily,
For Choice Im Delight Is, All The Time We Breathe,
Bosoms Heavimg Carefully For Baby Cuddly Sharimg Glees,
Two Future Girls Together, Is All She Needs To See,
A Boy Im Realisational Of The Full Feminisatiom Of Reality,
Pinky Glitter Buildimgs Shimmerimg Im The Hearts Of All Im Me,
Girlyness Is Absolute Amd A Future For All People’s Certaimty,
Love And Joy And Blissy Kissy Yumptious Bumptious Plumptiously Tummily Yummily Giggly Jiggly Wiggily,
Raimbow Hair Of EveryFeminine Of Dressy Yessy Stockingsy Softily Huggly Caressily Kiss Me Queenily,
A Satiny Reddy Beddy Luxuriamce Im Feminine Artistical Wonderstance,
Dreamily Feelily Family Buildery Huggily Kissily Forevery Love Of Thee Amd Me,
Lipsticky Pouty Smiley Kimdly Swirly Whirly Twirly Girlies Im Dressy Dressy Woo Woo Caressy Yessy,
Handbaggy Joyous Togethernesses Amd Ribbonsy Raimbowy Pinkynesses For Everone To Love Amd See,
Amd Her Yummily Burgeoning Tummily Tummy YumYum Big Amd Beautiful JiggilyWiggily BumBum Is The SumOfYum,
They Nestynesses Bosomy Amd KissySissyBlissy Comfily For Bubba Togetherness Sumptuously Is The SumOfMeAndThee,
Sisterly Handholdy Walkily They Plumpishly Yumpishly Talkily For Forevernesses BabyGooGooGaGa DooDooDaDa MaMaYummer,
Homesy CuddleTimes Girlyfycatiom Ribbonsy Weavings For The Joy She Brimgs As My Wife She Sings Her TummyBubbaKissily,
BiggyTumTumClothesyKisses HugglyNestinesses Dancey GigglyJiggly TumTum Bounceynesses For More Amd More Kisseynessnessnessnessnessnesses,
Birthy Birthy Tummy Girthy Singing MidWifery Lots Of Kissery Amd LoveyWuvvy Kissy Bubba ChubbaChubba,
Lovely Tummy Wamts Extra YummyYummy For MilkyDreamy SnuggilyKissily ForeveryForevery TogetheryMotherlyLoverly.
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m m Mamma
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Part O4




With the declaration of all owned assets and their locations imcluding property, money, precious metals,  GemStones, jewellery ... anything and everything ...

A Global Database that is adjusted in realtime to identify and catalogue the realtime movements of all pieces of jewellery ever created without exceptions is to stop the global black market trade in not only jewellery but all illicit goods or products that are not good.

Ethically speaking, there is the problem that certain GemStones due to their age could comtain atoms that were part of EternallyLovedByGirlsLovedOnes’s End Of Life Remains. These LifeAtoms are precious and declare these stones to be sacrosanct, and therefore they have to be returned to the ground. And the possibility that certain comditions arise due to BubbaPeople Whom Once Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove where not only a few atoms of their LifeAtoms Remains may have become involved in GemStone formations but perhaps their entire remains may have become directly involved in the conditions of GemStone formations ... this possibility means we cannot know with any certainty with certain types of GemStones, whether they can be kept due to the desecration of LifeAtoms resting places that occurred during their extraction from the ground. Certain LovedOnes Whom Once Lived And Loved in Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove in ancient times –Loving Couples Have Been Beautificationalising Their Nestynesses For Millions Of Years—certain Loving Couples might have through their Loving Activities of collecting certain rocks in certain places as part of their day to day LovingKissyFun Activities Or Nest Building Or Decorating Their Homes created certain deposit Bynamics which facilitated certain types of rock formations or GemStone formations ... All this LovingKissyFunMaterielle is to be held as of the preciousest preciousness regard as regards what was formally known as archaeology ... and without being able to disprove these possibilities, All Materielles Of Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove Have To Be Treated Lovingly In This Way ... This Is Feminine Idealism ... This Is Girly Morality ... This Is A Most Insistently Stringent Compulsory Ethicality Demamded By The Gorgeous Girls. The Gorgeous Girls Unequivocally Insist On Their Demamd Of The Most Insistently Stringent Compulsory Ethicality Approach To All Cuddle Comcerns Within Their Full GirlyFeminisation Of Reality Creationalised FullyFullyFully Feminised Reality.

With abilities to create GemStones in laboratory conditions involving pressure cooker crystalline formational technologies we first have to explore the notion that the extraction of GemStones could be potentially unEthical in theory in entirety, as they have had end of LifeAtoms in them at times and no regard towards this has been EmCuddled ... and during extraction and processing of such stones the remains of LovedOnes Whom Once Lived And Loved in Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove have been uncaringly disturbed in their Resting Places Cuddle and had their BelovedRemains uncaringly desecrated ...

GemStones could be seen by some as a gift from PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombs but they may not be allowed to be extracted if Life has been present within any PlanetteyMother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb ... Some People may wish to go even further than this with their Ethicality and declare, because Loved Ones Of All Species Remains have been disturbed in the past whilst extracting GemStones from their RockyRockyRockRock Cuddle, this is reason to leave ALL GemStones found in any PlanetteyMother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb where they are Cuddled regardless of LovedOnes Living And Loving Or Having Lived And Loved In Her WombyWomb ... I could certainly see Girls definitely wanting an immediate cessation from all GemStones activities imcluding synthetic production in Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove for as long as it takes to emsure no new gems will contain LifeAtoms ... they are not a necessity for survival so we are not impelled by need to allocate GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices to their acquisition for the foreseeable ... and even after we can acquire materielle enough from other PlanetteyMother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombs to create new GemStones, Girls may still insist we have a protracted hiatus from extraction or production out of respect. GemStones if they are ever to be extracted again from any PlanetteyMother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb are to be comsidered very carefully with the highest Of GirlyEthicalityRegardCuddling.

We don’t need to take GemStones from their RockyRockyRockRock Cuddle, and many many lives have been lost during mining processes and because of men and their greed in fighting over GemStone mines, GemStone extraction rights, and GemStones themselves, so that a continuation of GemStone mining I believe is to be declared unEthical Post The Girls Full GirlyFeminisation Of Reality due to this history of violence and suffering and murder.

Should we even think that we cannot even produce GemStones synthetically at all, as the Ethical Comsiderations are pronounced?

We are talking ourselves into materielle hierarchy though here, as why is a GemStone to be precious and protected, and a large rock shelf of marble or other rock of any kind not held in the same regard ... should we be comsidering other materielle as qualifying for Loving Comcerns to be declared to be left untouched? All Crystalline structures and crystalline type structures  could due their similarities to Life, in the way they grow and can at times seemingly imteract with stimulus in adaptive ways, be held in the highest regard for these reasons. Should we be comsidering ALL materielle as qualifying for Loving Comcerns and to be declared to be left untouched; as in all materielle having certain potentialities intrinsic to matter communality meaning the preciousness of present found matter formations having rights to remain unchangingly? 

The Beauty Of The Geology Of Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove has been widely disregarded as men have destroyed and plundered any resource they declare is theirs to do with as they want. men have fought and murdered for quarry rights and access for millennia, with the death toll and bloodshed being so severe as to EmSure Girls would want all quarrying stopped immediately too I would imagine, if we had the ability to do so ...

I suppose some materielles we need and some are luxuries, which tends to mould one’s mindset Ethically at times but wrongly so ... well certainly desperation to have nice and secure homes is a comstant Cuddle within the minds of All GorgeousGirls.

CrystalBubbas Crystalline structures themselves could, due their similarities to Life in certain CuddleTimes, in the way they grow and can at times seemingly imteract with stimulus in adaptive ways, be held in the highest regard for these reasons. And the overlaps in genericisms within geological growth and comditioning adaptive phenotypics seen in all forms of lithological growth patterns seen within macrogeologies could foster emotional requirements towards many forms and potentially all. Girls are not to be told they can’t be Emotional about such PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb KissyCuddles. Such CuddleyMommyKissyTimes DeMAMd the highest emergies of GirlyEthicalReview within The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisations Of Reality........

Ultimately, would comstructing all buildings from energy itself only, be the only Ethical rigorous absolute due to the utilisation of existing materielle structures like rock posing so many Ethical comcerns? Creationalising buildings from sun light only would be problematic as the energy density of matter is so high One would need vast quantities of photons to create even a small amount of matter to utilise in building. And Cuddling this many photons, as in adding a lot of extra mass into Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove, this could present questions Lovitationally as it would increase the mass of Planette Earth Mother.

When we travel and are Cuddled by New PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombsForeverLove there is the Ethical issue of what are we permitted to change. Can we mould Breathable Gaseous Planettey Mothery Cuddles or should we not seek to do so. Can we propagate photosynthetic LifeBubbas to New PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombForeverLoves and allow modulations to Planettey Mothery Cuddles? Can we resculpt PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyImtraSurface rock formations to create living spaces or do we need to be able to create new matter from base energy so as to not change any Cuddly Materielle? Can we even do this, as to change a PlanetteyMother’s mass would be to affect Lovitational Imteractions in a MotherStarGirlyFamilySissyPlanetteySisterTerm?
What Are We Able To Comsider As JustYfYable Kisses Of PlanetteyMotheryCuddles When We Kiss Our Momma ... Can We Accept That Building Comfy Cuddle Places Within PlanetteyMotheryCuddles Is Part Of What We Are And What PlanetteyMother’s Want For Us?

Is Being In The Comfyest Cuddle Something Yummy And Bubbary Cuddly? Mummas Like Cuddles And Kisses And Safety And LoveyStuffs For Their Bubbas, So Any Ethicalising CompassioLogicalisms of Loving In Approach Regard Are To Be Of TheKissyestMummaCuddleStuffyBoos.

Girls Wish For Their GirlyStory To Be TheYummiestYummy And They Also Cuddle Ethical Comcerns To The Mostest Kissyest Importance Whem Comsidering All GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices.

Regardless of the outcome of The Girls Full Feminisation Of Reality - Full Cultural Audit any and all items and materielles of any kind in Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove are to be fully databased and tracked in realtime and all jewellery and gems are no exception. All jewellery having been factured using the desecration of People’s bodies (fossil fuels) and the killing of Planty Tree People (wood fires) means that going forwards there is to be a cultural uplift in Ethicality that is to see many items being declared to be Returned To EarthyMumma’s GroundCuddle out of respect, and any and all Loving Creationalising Production Has To Be EmCuddled By The Highest Of All Possible Ethical Regard.

Many People may ask whether GemStones Are To be kept cuddled by their Mama?

Some SuperSpecielle activities are Luxuries. Creating Breathable Gaseous Planettey Mothery Cuddles could be comsidered to be a luxury that is unneeded as we can utilise technologies to be safe and breath in PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombForeverLoves.

Extracting GemStones From Their Mother Cuddle for our own pleasure could also be seen as an unneeded luxury ... Crystalline structures are an area of great interest and the possibility of creating Wonderful New Prettyness Loves within new crystalline growth techniques For Jewellery is possibly optional if the GorgeousGirls decide that we can do so without breaching the Cuddlyest of Ethical comcerns ...

Some SuperSpecielle activities are Essentialisms. Creating Breathable Gaseous Planettey Mothery Cuddles could also be comsidered to be an essentialism for All GirlyBubbaPeoples Of All Known Gemders To Feel Safe. Under certain conditions of desperation, where an extra buffer like breathable air in a PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombCuddle gives AllUsGirlyBubbaPeople time to be safe in any given potential situation ...

And building and GirlyFacturing can be also seen as an Essentialism Xtemsiom Of PlanetteyMotheryBubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLoves and Crystalline structures are an area of great interest as GirlyFacturing Materielles, and the possibility of creating Wonderful new materielles for building and product creationalising ... new types of GemStones for beautificationalising, if and only if rigorously applied GirlyEthicality can Lovingly Support such utilisation ... Girls may decide that we need to move away from the traditional GemStone types for a while or indefinitely, Dependent Upom The Cuddlyest GirlyEthicalComsiderations.

But of course there is a respect requirement for self forming and adaptive mechanisms that are observed amongst Crystalline structures ... Respect for activity ... Reordination, Standardisation growth mechanism that has certain similarity attributes to Life ... Crystalline structures as computingable substrates as in protobehaviourmorphs as they adapt to variables ... and the potential environments that structurally unchanged and changed crystalline structures could provide for civilisational Microscopic Life is also of comsideration ... LivingAndLoving within and imteracting with and symbiotically building within: all these comcerns raise GirlyEthical questions that the Girls Wish To Answer.

Whilst it is not our place to tell Microscopic Life how they may imteract within the myriad environs of our Shared Reality, in the same way we Ethicalise about Kissing PlanetteyMotheryCuddles As She Cuddles Us In Our Needs And Cuddle Requirements we also have to comsider and expect Cephalised Lingual Microscopic Life to philosophically comsider the complex Ethical Variables associated with activities that are deemed Luxuries and activities that are Essentialisms within how we propagate ourselves homily through the cosmos and within PlanetteyMotheryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombsForeverLoves. 


The monetary valuation of metals has been a disgrace that men have unceasingly compounded with violence and murder ... using supply and demand theory to artificially value metals and then to fight over them murderously ... Girls have been raped without end since the dawn of time because of men and their greed application of value to rarity and preciousness. men have treated Girls as commodities to buy and sell and rape whilst waging wars over gold and gems and supported by gold and gems ... when all that men ever needed was shelter and warmth and KissyCuddles.

And the history of money violence has been an extension of the violence men have obsessionally applied within their intrinsically disgusting valuation systems of monopolising control mechanisms. Ensuring that BubbaPeople starve unless they buy into an inherently flawed and hierarchical nightmare system of impoverishment and murder.

Intrinsically wrapped around men and their value systematisation of metals is their monetary system of rape and torture. Girls through the ages forced to take cocks or starve, enforced by the concept and unceasing torturous implementation of money theory and supply and demand theory impoverishment. A masculine designed and perpetuated system that has been a Femininity enslaving tragedy of suffering and merciless murder. 

men have fought and murdered for precious metals and GemStones for thousands of years and this alone would be reason enough for all GemStones and all precious metals to be comsidered as non-profit areas going forwards ... the usage of this system to intentionally control and rape Girls as men have seen fit during this time in my mind sees a complete end to any and all mechanisms that have forced Girls to take cocks or commit suicide ... this imcludes the Ethical steps Girls are to implement upon a valuation of metals hierarchical concept, which as an development of supply and demand theory has been a pinioning device of men and their disgusting behaviour that I think Girls are going to want completely abolished upon the completion of Their The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisation Of GirlyRealityGirlyness – Full Girly Cultural Girly Audit.

So the Essential move of the abolition of supply and demand theory as regards the overpricing of goods can also be applied to materielles that are actually intrinsically rare ... rather than men overpricing goods for the sake of it as is murderously seen today across Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove ... for the sake of making money. Gold is intrinsically rarer than many metals and men decide to put the price of gold up for this reason. But the bloodshed of the past cannot be ignored and the rarity of gold cannot be justification for overpricing of gold itself too.

With the certainty of it being possible to make gold from other substances close in atomic weight in the periodic table we will also see men; firstly thinking they have a right to change the atomic weights of elements without any Ethical Comsiderations; and secondly the certainty that when this is achieved in a mass production sense, men will seek to keep the price of gold as high as possible even though it may at a future date be very easy to produce and very abundant ... breaking their own enforced supply and demand theory rules just so they can make extra money ... which is the way they already like to run the world by artificially inflating any price they can whenever they can regardless of a cessation in rarity of items or materielles as occurs at times. Men are prone to artificially corrupting prices for profits sake and this propensity has already left us at serious risk from space as military contracts money siphoning has destroyed our defensive capabilities resource reach. And the widespread impoverishment and murder across Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove Has Been So Severe As To Emsure All Girls Want All The Murderous Machinations Of Men Abolished Forever.

With any opportunity men historically have always sought to be selfish and corrupt and murderous, and instead of supplying the Girls with cheap gold products going forwards they would seek to politically choke Girls and their assets monetarily and overcharge for gold ... as is already seen within the GemStone markets that supply overpriced synthetic GemStones. It is the duty of governments to emsure their citizens are not overcharged for anything as this causes murder and suicide murder via impoverishment. All Girls in Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLove could have diamonds and all types of jewels very cheaply but men do not want Girls to have what they want. They want Girls to be impoverished and unHappy ... men are about to find that Girls turn their back on such value attributions in entirety in my opinion ...

Attributing greater value to one metal over another is hierarchical in nature and men are most definitely to have their hierarchical nature stripped away from them by Girls During The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisation Of GirlyRealityGirlyness.

Not to mention the despicable methods men have used to mine gold. The suffering they have meted out against local communities and the methods used for refining gold itself. Chemicals that men should never have used have been used dangerously to extract gold from ore. Safety must always be the first comsideration but men prefer danger and gimmicks over safety. Gold can be refined utilising heat without chemicals but men seem to like to use dangerous chemicals instead ... chemicals that are highly dangerous and have been subject of devastating results in chemical spill contamination tragedies.

I was going to say in this project that the poorer nations that have had their precious resources stolen by richer nations ... resources like gold and GemStones, should be the sole benificiaries of the synthetic GemStone and a possible future synthetically produced gold market, as this would have aided in the rebalancing of Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb CuddleCoMommy from the perspective of all nations becoming equally affluent per person, but I really do not think this is going to be needed once interest rates and inflation and all the financial markets and financial institutions are abolished in entirety, and all prices are fixed properly and enough money has been printed to give every MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudget the funds GirlyBubbaPeople need. This exclusive right to profit from GemStones and precious metals for poorer nations would have been a compassionate scheme of reparations and would have been appreciated by these nations that have been artificially impoverished by murderous men squeezing them, but the multitude of Ethical Comsiderations surrounding precious metals and GemStones to me supercedes such concerns ... and like I said there is to be money enough for ALL MammeryMomthlyHouseLoveBudgets To Be Perpetually Prosperous.

One final point on Ethics. The blasΓ© attitude men always have towards mining is an absolute disgrace. The fossilised remains of BubbaPeople have not been EmCherished as vast amounts of rock materielle is broken and moved, discarded or even powderised ... vast amounts of Loving Imformation about ancient Species has been destroyed ... potentially even lone BubbaPerson’s Remains of certain Peoples Of The Past. Whether we even have the rights to even just scan these remains is a serious Ethical Comcern comsidering it is to disturb the Eternal Resting Place Of People Whom Once Lived And Loved. EmCherished BubbaPeoples Resting Places That Are Be Eternally EmcHERISHED For The First Time Post The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisation Of GirlyRealityGirlyness. The fact certain rock deposits are completely composed of layers of remains because many rock types are Plant And Animal BubbaPeoples LifeAtoms exclusively........but men just destroy their way through these BelovedRemains caring not at all for respect for the Lives Of Our Loved Ones Whom Once Lived And Loved in Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLove.

Until GirlyDecisions Are Finalised Creationalised On ALL These Comcerns, The Items That GirlyBubbaPeople Do Possess Are To Be Databased In Full No Exceptions. 

To identify any piece of jewellery you can high resolution scan it, and to identify any GemStone you can high resolution scan it and still identify even if a stone is cut into smaller stones ... and even future completely uniform in structure synthetic stones can be identifyed utilising certain techniques and of course every stone even if uniformly produced will immediately start taking on uniqueisms in structure due to handling ... so identifying any and all such items is ultimately very easy, and an immediate end to all jewellery and GemStone theft is easily GirlyImplemented once men are removed from blocking such essential global monitoring measures.


A Full Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle Of Joy  database for all jewellery is to see BubbaPeople required to declare all their jewellery before the full scanning of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ImtraSurface is comducted to identify all items and their locations. Once everywhere is fully cameraed inside and out all belongings can be identifyed and returned to their owners, and then they can be tracked in realtime to prevent any belongings ever going missing ever again.

And once the full scanning of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ImtraSurface is comducted to identify all items and their locations we can also utilise this essential measure of safety to rescue any trapped BubbaPeople from wrongful imprisonment anywhere. Once everywhere is fully cameraed inside and out, all BubbaPeople can be safe going forwards, and no person can ever again go missing ever. This is one of the most important comcerns The Gorgeous Girls have and men are refusing to get this minimal GirlyRequireMomt GirlyEmActed........

The comprehensiveness of the jewellery database is to be such that all jewellery imcluding Childrems’ dressing up jewellery and of course all their Homemade Wondrous Girly Creations are to be catalogued with room for children to write their DreamyWishes into the database for clarity on Their YumptiousnessCuddlyIdeas.

This Comprehensiveness Knows No Limits In The Eyes Of Girls Whom Want All Of Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Bubbas To Be Safe And Have All Their Girlystuff Safe Too. All Assets Must Be Declared And Inspected Or They Are To Be Lost Once All Materielle On Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ImtraSurface Is Identifyed.

And the full real time monitoring of everything going forwards, where we know where everything is at all times is to stop murderous rapist thieving men from ever hurting another Girl ever again.

All devices that compute like phones, tablets, computers, anything, are to be monitored in realtime by a New Fully SuperSafe GirlyComputerProtectionSisterTerm that will EmSure no encryption can be used anywhere for ANY reason. All computers monitored in realtime is to EmSure no one has the ability to do anything nefarious, and all BubbaPeople tracked in realtime is to emsure no BubbaPerson can build anything without New GirlyComputerProtectionSisterTerms knowing about it and monitoring. men are always fighting against safety surveillance that protects Girls from being raped and hurt, as men think their non-existent liberties of free movement and free speech are more important than protecting Girls, but Girls do not agree and Girls want every man watched in realtime all the time to stop any nefarious computer or real world based nefarious activities from ever again being ever possible. If You watch a man’s computer and his physical body at all times he can’t do anything illegal. 

Girls want protection and they want it now, and the men who have stopped this protection from being implemented to protect a rape culture of murder and filth are to be removed from any decision making capabilities ever again ... activities to be stopped imclude anything from sending an unpleasant message or email to trying to encrypt any data at all on any device in Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove.

Girls are not going to continue to allow men to use technology to impoverish Girls and get them raped. The policing of all these systems is very easy when you GirlyLegislate and prosecute correctly. men hope Girls are stupid and that they will just continue to be good rape victims, as they should ... All encrypted signals will be made illegal. All man’s “freedoms” will be fully revoked ... as he cannot be trusted to protect Children and Girls ... and the internet will be instantly cleaned up ... all electronic infrastructure that can be used to hide will no longer be permitted to function as rape-facilitating collusional technology. Full monitoring in realtime of all signals and a full ban of all encryption except Monitoring via GirlyIdeals of every item and area of existence is the new standard.

Crime will no longer have anywhere to hide ...


Many items and their locations whilst being known by the new GirlySurveillanceProtectionSisterTerms are to still be private information in trust between the The FeminiSisTerm herself and private individuals, and only if problems are noticed by GirlyMonitored Computerised SisterTerms is a Person to be notified and immediate safety measures taken. But certain items are of public interest and the general population have a right to know when certain items are bought and sold and where they are kept. 

All art of interest and its location is to be public knowledge. Anonymous art purchasing is to be illegal as no one has the right to disappear works of public interest from public view. Owning an art work is not the same as owning copyright. Artists must ALWAYS maintain rights to their work; and not only knowing where a work is, For The Peace Of Mind Artist And The General Public, is to be protected, but fair access to this work for exhibition is to be legislated for, and all owners of works are to be legally required to comply with this PublicInterestCuddle. The Wishes Of Artists Themselves Are To Be Eternally EmCuddled And Works Cannot Be Forcibly Exhibited By Owners Against The Wishes Of Artists. And Of Course Exhibition Remunerations Have To Be Shared According To New And Fair Legislation To Be GirlyComfirmed. Protections Would Imclude Public Displaying Of Prints And Posters Also.

In The Same Way Employment Contracts That Erode Our Employment Rights Are Inherently Illegal, Contracts That Would Erode Any Of These Innate Rights To One’s Own EmCherished Artistic Works Are To Also Be Illegal.
m m Mamma
All Girls ArtsyBlissySissyKissy Dreams Are To Be Cuddled By Being Able To Travel Freely Withim Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Huggle, To See All Our Most Cherished ArtyYummyStuffs ... And Of Course The Wellbeimg Of All Artists Must Always Be Our CuddleFocus Im Perpetuity.

All Artistic Works Are Our Bubbas. Girls Amd Girlyness EmCuddles Eternally The Lovetruth That All Our Bubbas Are To Be CuddlyEmCherished Im All Ways For All Times. This Fidelity Familial Love Is Of The Cuddlyest Regard In All Girls Hearts. All Girls Are To Be Mating For Life Only ... And Men Are To Understand That Fidelity Towards Their Partner Amd The Protectiom Of Their Bubbas Is Of The Hugglyest Importamce. This CugglyTruth Is The Way Of The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGiggly.
m m Mamma
To EmSure Girls Believe That men Agree With This Non-Negotiable GirlyFact ... All Buildimgs Are To Be Scanned ... Technology Is Available But Men Do Not Wamt This ... All Buildings Are To Be Completely Scanned Amd All Items Momitored Im Realtime Going Forwards To Emsure No Ome’s BabyBubba Is beimg held Or Will Ever be held against Their Wishes Ever Again. We Are All BabyBubbas. The Fact This Determinatiom To Search All Properties hasm’t beem forthcomimg before from men who thimk privacy is more importamt tham missimg BabyBubbas prisoners, Means ALL Girls Thimk men Are Disgustimg. GirlyFact.

The Emd Of All Crime Is Am Essemtial RequireMomt For Even Ome More Baby To Be Born Im Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLove
m m Mamma

All money held by all financial institutions and individuals that would do nothing but bleed money away from the The FeminiSisTerm are to be seized by the GorgeousGirls.

A Planette Earth Mother Built Upom The Ideas Of Girls  That Births A Wondrous GalAxis Of MilkyJoyCuddleKisses Of All BubbaCuddling KissyJoys Is To Not Put Up With A Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Huggle That Still Has Any Relics From The Soon To Be Permanently Removed existing masculine murderous financial system. Omce Girls Have Abolished this financial system Im Complete Emtirety There Will Be HeartsCuddleChoices Enough For Everyome Im A New Raimbow Girled Planettey World........

All GirlyBoos KissyCuggle A New World Of Carimg Amd Support Amd Prosperity For All As A Perfect Xtemsiom Espressiom Of Love........
m m Mamma
All financial type products that are imaginary must be done away with.

All financial type products presently available on financial markets that actually exist as real items in the real world must be sold only as actual real products to BubbaPeople who will actually utilise them for their imtemded purpose. The historical buying and selling that serves just to inflate prices has been a masculine murderous disgrace and Girls want these functions of greed and impoverishment gone. All of these products must be price fixed im line with their actual real world acquisitiom costs ... supply and demand theory artificial inflations of prices are to be fully abolished and men are to learn how to Cuddle Bubbas With AllHeartsCuddleChoices........
m m Mamma
All financial markets must be closed and only normal shares buying in real companies will remain. These will be capped to long term time frames and market prices will no longer be decided by men who like the prices to fluctuate for no reasons otHer than bleeding Planette Earth Mother’s CuddleCoMommy. The numbers of deaths of BubbaPeoples Whom Lived And Loved from the perpetuation of this murder system are incalculable. 

Money primted im line with actual growth........Loving Growth Like Bubbas Being Born And Lots Of GirlyCreationalisimg needed for us all to realise our DreamyGirlyWishes IM LINE WITH REAL ACTUAL GROWTH LIKE BUBBAS BEIMG BORN AMD LOTS OF GIRLYCREATIONALISIMGS OF YUMMYSTUFFYBOO! "GET GIRLY"
m m Mamma
Girls, imstead of being poor and not being able to buy YummyStuffyBoo ... and men using this torture of inability to buy due to limited funds to limit the supply requirements within a torturous supply and demand nightmare so-called civilisation........I prefer Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddle wHere Our bank balamces are high amd massive amounts of GirlyCuddleProducts are produced amd prices are very very very very very low, amd sometimes if lots of amy item are sold BubbaPeople might have the Joy of havimg to preorder amd wait for shipMomts to be GirlyFactured. Girls DeMammed knowimg You cam have what You wamt as per your DreamyGirlyWishes........imstead of not knowing if You can even pay Your bills........

Amd This Certaimty Of DreamyGirlyWishes Beimg ALWAYS Fulfilled With Everythimg We Want For All Times........Is Just About To Be Born In Our Hearts Amd Across Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove........

There is no restriction to the amount of money that can be primted if You EmSure that all prices are fixed at specific levels. inflation and deflation do not occur. inflation and deflation are imaginary concepts created by men to overcharge BubbaPeople whom are vulnerable so they can squeeze them for cash. Full monitoring of every BizzyMomt of all kinds amd every GirlyFactory worker im realtime EmSures safety from harm and safety from men and their criminal price inflation techniques. 

For a Happy Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove for Everyome we need as much food and drink as we wamt, entertaimMomt which ism’t cost restrictive, all goods to be cheap and affordable as Cuddled by Our DreamyGirlyWishes, perambulatiom devices for travel beimg a very imexpensive support for all BubbaPeople, amd all emergy requireMomts for amy purpose beimg supplied without restrictions on Our GirlyImaginativeGirlyFreedoms. 
m m Mamma
Every Polytical-Familial National Fund withim Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove is to have as much money available as is required to EmSure all MammeryMomthlyHouseLoveBudgets never go without anymore.


A very generous GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices Allocatiom For All MammeryMomthlyHouseLoveBudgets im the form of money or am All New GirlyComceptualised GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices KissyCuddle, as per the Girls’ GirlyPolyticalWishes, that potemtially moves away from the money concept emtirely, Emsures EveryBubba Has As Much Lovely Stuff To Play With As They Love For TicklyCuddleFunTimes Always. GirlyUniverselleImcome For All Species Amd Their Cute Babies Is To Treat All Species With Respect ... amd men are to be made to stop refusing to accept other Species cam learn to communicate amd talk amd write via their masculine dominated mass media murderous meddling. 

A Very Very Generous Hearts Allocatiom For All MammeryMomthlyHouseLoveBudgets That Emsures EveryBubba Has As Much Lovely Stuff To Play With As They Love For TicklyCuddleFunTimes Always Is to be the new GirlyEssentialism Of FullyGirlyExistence. 
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So A CuddlyGirlyfyed Universelle Imcome Is A Generous KissyCuddlyImcome that every GirlyBubbaPerson is to receive ... amd im my opimiom needs to be equivalemt to £50,000 as a minimum per GirlyBubba ... though of course im a price fixed Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove where fair pricimg omly is allowed amd most if not all products become non-profit, the effective reach of Our MammeryMomthlyHouseLoveBudgets is magnified by 9x+ Im A So-Called Richer Nation And 99x+ Or Even 999x+ For Some Very Poor Families Im Very So-Called Poorer Nations. Cheap Fairly Priced Products And Affluemce Is To EmSure Every GirlyFamily Is HeartsCuddleDotedUpom.  A New Lovimg Im Approach Girly Kissy Emsures That All GirlyFamilies Are Able To Have Everythimg They Need Or Wamt To Fulfill Their GirlyDreamyWishes ForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnessnesses.

Every MammeryMonthlyHouseLoveBudget is to be a massively prosperous amoumt im Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb ForeverLove ... where goods are priced CugglyKissily for DelightyBooYumptiousness magnifycational of our LoveyStuffyWooWoos CuddleRaimbowUmbrella by mamy mamy GirlyMultiples.

Imcluded Im This CuddlyestOfCuddles Is CuddlyGirlyfyedUniverselleGirlyBubbaImcome ... A Generous Imcome That Every Child Will Receive Of Equivalemt To £100 Per Week ... For Childrem To Realise Their Imherently Imclusive YummyCuddle SocialityLoveyDevelopMomt Gemderality DreamyWishes Without Beimg Stopped by controlling unCarimg parents. Childrem Are To Creationalise Their Own Decisioms Amd Their Own GirlyDreamYWishes As Their Hearts Desire.
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Childrem Are To Be Able To Buy All The LoveyStuffyWooWoos They Love As They Wish. Childrem Have To Be Free To Decisiom Upom Their Clothesy RainBow And Roomsy JoyKisses Without Paremts Tellimg Them no. All Childrem Have To Be Able To Buy All The Yummy Clothes Amd Handbags Amd Dresses They Wish To Fulfil Their GirlyDreamyWishes.

Paremts Are To Adopt A New Lovimg Im Approach Philosophy That EmCuddles Childrem To Have Amy Amd All Of Their GirlyInterests Happily Supported Amd Fulfilled Emotionally With Cuddly EmCuddly Kissy Assistamce CoKissy GirlyCollaboratiom Provided For To Take Care Of Lookimg After Emotional Comfirmational Verificational Substantiatiom Provided By Both Paremts Without Fail, Im Authemticatimg Girlynessy CuddleTimes EmdorseMommedAll RaimbowCorroboratioms. Girls Never Again Are Goimg To Accept Men Amd Their Prejudicial Neuterimg Of Childrems’ GirlyDreamyWishes As They Explore A New Fully Feminised Reality Of KiddyCuddlyHugglyKissySissyBlissy.

If Amy Child Especially Boys Ever Shows Amy Interest Im Girly LoveyStuffyWooWoos Imcludimg Dresses Amd Handbags Amd Makeup Amd Accessories Amd Jewellery Amd Perfume Them Both Paremts Are To Fully Support Amd EmKissyCuddle Their Child’s Girly Delight. No Paremt Can Ever Dissuade Amy Child From Amy Clothimg They Like Amd Thimk Looks Pretty At Amy Age Or Seek To Modulate Their Child’s Imterests Im Amy Prejudicial Manner Ever Again. A Fully Cameraed Planette Earth Mother’s RainbowKissyWombyWombForeverLove Is To Guarantee That Never Again Cam Amy Paremt Abuse Their Child’s GirlyDreamyWishes of DressyUppyDelightyBoo........
m m Mamma
There Is To Be Full Social Support For All BubbaPeople That Is To See Amy DreamyImaginedProject Brought To Life With Plemtyful Kisses Amd Cuddles From Paremts Amd The Local Community Im HeartsCuddle Resources Amd Space ... With Every BubbaPersom Of All Ages Havimg Their Owm Studio Space Withim A New Globally Imtercommected SupraSchoolimg SisterTerm Amd Time Allowamce Im Larger Numerous New Venues To Be Built By The GorgeousGirls.The New PlanetteyEarthyMotheryCuddleCoMommy Is To Easily EmCuddleMomtise A New Perfectional For All Ages Schoolimg Huggle As To Be Explaimed Later Im This Project ... As The FeminiSisterm Is Goimg To Creationalise A New FemioReality That Is To Xtemd To All Gemders Feminine BirthRights As We Always Deserved. The BemeficialGirlynessFluidity Is To Be Xtemded By All Girls To All FemininiBubbaPeoples........A Fully Feminised GemtleMamly Essemtialism That Is To See Girls As Girls And Boys As Girls........All Girls Love To Wear Dresses Amd All Girls Love To Wear Suites........All Mem Have To Get Im Touch With Their Feminine Sides ... This Is Not Optional but GirlyGuaramteed.

This Is Communelle Compassiomised Love-Based Decisiom Cuddlimg Loved By The Primciples Of Femininity That Fosters The Communelle Wellbeimg Of All The GirlyBubbaPeople Withim The New UnaryGemderSisterTerm........A True SymbioSissy True Fidelity State Of Mind Shows All GirlyBubbaPeoples That Their BiggyPregnantyTumTums Are BiggyGirlyYumYums For ALL Gemder BiggyGirlyBumBums TrueLoved In TrueFidelity TicklyCuddleFunTimes To EqualityTruth
m m Mamma






Part O5

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Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
Girls Amd Nice Boys Like Me Imsist That We Must Spemd More Om Femininity Tham Anythimg Else Umtil Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Is Rebalamced To A Planette Earth Mother’s WombyWomb Of Pure Femininity. Amd Them A Contimued Higher ImvestMommed In Feminine CuddleKisses Is A GirlyTruthEssemtialism That Is To Be GirlyMaintained Umtil The Girls Feel TrueLovedForever.

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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Waitimg for somethimg excitimg is Joyful. We never want for our Childrem to ever ever be upset and we do not wish to frame the waitimg for somethimg as an unHappyness that we must endure. The Joy Im Waitimg Is Ome Of The Most FunMamamtally Importamt CuddlyThoughts That We Cam Gift To Our Childrem. The way im which we protect our childrem from any upset at all has to be absolute im efficacy ... Babies must never ever cry ... they must always be born imto complete comfort, amd to achieve this TheGorgeousGirlsPerfectyPregnantyBodies must be prepared correctly for Birth so all Babies are born with absolutely no distress, amd the comditioms of the Birthimg Room have to be such as to EmSure Babies never cry. Amd the establishimg of milk flow with Sensitively CompleMomtary breast massage to help Bubba Feed also EmSures there is never amy cryimg. 

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
We cam no lomger teach Childrem to cry ... amd Older Childrem must never silently cry inside ... like Babies cryimg, even the smallest upset to a child is a form of child abuse, amd the GorgeousGirls wamt this type of abuse gome. Childrem do not need to be tough for a tough world. Everywhere needs to be cameraed so Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLove cam be Squidgy Amd Cuddly so no ome ever even slightly frowns. Childrem cam no lomger be allowed to cry like Babies imside. We are all Babies amd We All Deserve Happyness Unemding. If we show our Childrem only Joy as am example amd omly Joy for waitimg for a future point im time where somethimg nice is to occur, them this example cam never mould into the minds of Our Childrem upset. Parents often teach their Childrem to be upset at having to wait, through example of their own behaviour. This has to stop. We have to omly allow positivity towards amy amd all scenarios to ever be exampled to Our Bubbas amd each other so we may Gestationalise a GirlyHappyness GirlyWorld Of Joy Omly. If Childrem are never taught the concept of unHappyness them they never develop self saddening mindsets. And a world that is constantly trying to ensure we are sad must be GirlyFeminised So Happyness Is All That Is Left. Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLove Is To Be GirlySoft Amd Squidgy Girly Yumptious.

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Depemdimg upom how the Gorgeous Girls wish to proceed goimg forwards as regards the abolitiom or keepimg of money, the new Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb CuddleCoMommy cam be formulated im differemt ways with GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices formerly knowm as resources, cyclimg amd recyclimg or money itself cyclimg or some kimd of ratioming of all of Planette Earth Mother’s GirlyHeartsCuddles directly to BizzyMommeds and MammeryMomthlyHouseLoveBudgets........

As I have beem descibimg im the previous Parts of this GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices Xtemded Femisode, there are Mammy Ethical Comsideratioms that need to be comsidered by all the GorgeousGirls durimg The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlynessKissyCuggly ... Comsideratioms Pertaining To What Materielle Resources We Cam Utilise As Evem The Soil And Rock We Walk On Has Large Ethical Emotional AttachMommeds That Cam No Lomger Be Ignored. 

Amd We Cam No Lomger Ignore Amy Ethical Emotional AttachMommeds........

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma

Im this Planette Earth Mother Future Of Cuddles For Everyome The GirlyIdeals Of Food For BubbaPeople Of All Species Are To No Lomger Be Blocked By men and their nationalistic selfishness and fighting, and border honouring murder manifesto........

I do not thimk we cam ever justify profitimg from food productiom ever again. Food like healthcare has been a matter of Life and death and men have not EmSured Everyome is well fed in fact they have enforced intentional hardship and suffering upon all BubbaPeomple to prevent BubbaPeomple from being able to have as much food as they need and they have made it impossible too for other species to flourish by any murder mechanism possible in their hierarchical arrogance of assumed superiority.The nationalistic border enforcements they have intentionally forced upon poorer nations has been to ensure selfish monetary murder profit men have made murder profit upon this murder arrangement of selfishness. 

Im A Post The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGiggly ALL FOOD Is To Be Very Cheap Amd Available To EVERY GirlyFamily Im Whatever Quamtities BubbaPeomple’s TumTums Like Their YumYums ForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses........Cheap Food For All Species And Their Cute Babies Is A FoodyFoodyJoyCuddle That Nanna Always Wamted........
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All food is to be symthetic and is to be sold at cost at retail, omly coverimg wages amd overheads with restaraunts GirlyFactorimg im their overheads amd wage costs omly to their prices also. Which meams all Food is to be very cheap. Symthetic Food Is To Be Very Efficiemtly Produced Amd A Truly Delighful Xtemsiom Of Our Imaginatioms Cuddleised.

Whem GirlyDesigmimg the forms of symthetic foodstuffs we have to be very careful with the way we proceed. We cam not seek to remake that which we have already had with a replacement amd we cam never allow a replacement-type philosophy to be imvolved im amy way: as is presently seen within the disgusting behaviour of presenting meat replacement only within the vegan so-called market with men seeking to intentionally maintain the same murder dynamic approach by refusing to come up with wide ranging alternatives. 

All of these potential vegan products now would be completely disgusting to contemplate as All Us Lifebubbas Are Specielle Friends.

Now ... Whem We Embark Upom A LovingAllBubbas Way Forwards Approach Im ProtectiomOfAllLife We Must Love To Completely Start Afresh With No Linkage Transfer Across From The Disgusting Ways Of The Past. 

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
This approach is to see omly new comcepts of shape and texture, flavour amd aroma, that have NEVER been seen or experienced before.

No transfer of complex molecular structure can ever be intentioned. 
Amd We Must Love To Creationalise Lovely New Molecular Ideas Immocently Amd Joyfully Im A WonderMommedAll KissyExplorational RaimbowColourised YummyYummyYumYumPlumpishlyPlumpishBumBumLargeyLargeTumTumNyummyNyummyNyumNyum........

A Truly Delightful Xtemsiom Of Our Imaginatioms FoodyDreamsy LovelyKisses Cuddleised. TextureConfectureConjectureDelecture, EveryColoursSplemdourPresentmentForever, DreamyShapes and SmellyFlavours........CuddlyYummys And GrowyBubbaTummys........


AllGirlsBlissySissyKissyDreams  Are To Be Catered For By A New TheFeminiSisterCuddle. Girls Like To Mother Everyome With CuddlyKisses Amd The ArramgeMommeds Of GirlyProducts Supply Is To Reflect This YummyMummynessTummyness That The Girls Wish To Cuddle Everyome With.

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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The Fiximg of prices to actual acquisitiom costs is to do away with the murder of supply and demand theory........Amd This Is To EmSure All Girls Get ALL Their GirlyDreamsyWishesOfDressyUppyDelightyBoo.

When lots of BubbaPeople buy prices go up, and when lots of BubbaPeople sell prices go down ... because when men know they can charge more and get away with it because of desperate demand, they will. This is the disgusting theory of supply and demand men use as an abusive weapon of money siphoning, to bleed money out of every market in existence, to artificially inflate the prices of all goods........and It destroys Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb CuddleCoMommy, and forces the masses to remain poor whilst traders steal vast sums out of the pockets of Everyome including governments ... 

And somehow men have also managed to convince Girls that supply and demand murderous market economic theory justifications of x1000s profit margins on simple products like moisturiser are actually not only fair but are desirable just for the sake of paying more. More expensive means You are better. No ... more expensive means You are being stolen from........and that rich Girls lose millions of dollars to men everyday and the Girls are actually enjoying it ... But Girls are not emjoying this........and they also see straight through men who are trying to convince Girls to enjoy being overcharged by skewing tv and movie presentations as propaganda to promote this mindset.

Girls are disgusted by the behaviour of men and ALL GIRLS wamt fairly priced products across Planette Earth Mother’s BubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove.

We Need Guilt-Free Comsumerism For GirlyFacturers And GirlySellers And GirlyBuyers Through Abolitiom Of All financial markets Amd their enforced murder mechanisms of supply and demand ... This Is Our Omly Route To Achievimg That So Let’s Creationalise It To Happen. Let’s Close All The Financial Markets........Amd Chamge The World To A New Amd Carimg Amd Cuddly PlanetteyMotheryBubbaCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubbaCuddleForeverLove

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
The masculine way of running Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb CuddleCoMommy, the overarching market mechanisms of how the markets should never ever have behaved, as in the basic rules of supply and demand and how prices inherently rise and fall in line with buying and selling, are just delusional machinations for the purposes of intentionally ripping BubbaPeomple off........And I do not just refer to other traders........It is every MammeryMomthlyHouseLoveBudget that is hugely impoverished by these financial markets rules. All product prices are inflated intentionally and all price rises are simply mechanisms that the markets control-men dictate. The whole thing is just a complete and utter murder manifesto.

Prices should NEVER go up and down if You desire balanced economics. 

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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And of course, the skimming of vast sums out of the financial markets, and the inflated prices of base materielles that are a result of this, inflate the cost of absolutely everythimg we buy im  PlanetteEarthMother’sWombyWomb. The omly route to ForeverGirlyHappyness amd cheap GirlyStuff For All GirlyBubbas is the FULL abolitiom of all the financial markets.


Within A New The FeminiSisterTerm Cuddle Comommy With CuddlyGirlyfyed Universelle Imcome Amd CuddlyGirlyfyedUniverselleGirlyBubbaImcome........GirlyGemderality DreamyWishes GirlyStory GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices Is A Tale Of Happyness For All Mammas Of All Gemders Amd Their BubbaBabys’ TicklyJoys........All Bubbas Love To Have All The GirlyStuff They Love Amd This Is Perfect.

All Goods Will Be Priced At Loverly Cheapy Prices For Happy BubbaPeople Forever Always. MaxiMummy YummyHappy Is GirlyRegulated Prices For BubbaBabys........At Far Lower Ethical GirlyPricing Cuddles. Girls Imsist A Full Ethical Review Of All Goods Im Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWomb Is To Be Essemtialismistical Of FeminininininiCuddlyWuddlyBubberryKissyBubberryKissyBlissySissyBubberryBubberryWubberryWubberryWooWooWoos

The New Comsumerism GirlyEthicalityRegardCuddling Is CompassioMate Biased CompashLogicalismed DuoVersalisational Cuddled Tangible CuddlyWuddlyKissySissyBlissy.

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
Every Bubba Wishes To Have All Their Dreamy Wishes Come True Forever Im A PlanetteyEarthyMotheryBooBooTicklyBubberryWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombWombWombWombyWombCuddlyMammaryBosomyKissyBlissySissyBirthyTummyGirthyLoveLoveLoveyLoveLove All Girls Of All Gemders Amd All Species Are SuperCuddled Im Their Dreamy Pregnanty WisheyGooGooGaGaBooBooKissyYouYouYou  Of Perfectional Joy EmFlowemce CuddleTimes Of Everythimg Our Heart’s Desires ...

So the Suppyimg Of Cheap GirlyStuff For All BubbaPeoples’ Dreamy Wishes Is Ome Of The Most Important Wishes That Is To Be Legislated For Durimg The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGiggly ........ Girls Wamt GirlyFunTimesForever Amd The FeminiSisterCuddle Is To Birth This BabyJoy For All BabyJoys.

MomTerm Childrem Are To Have The DelightyBoo CuddleJoy Of A New PlanetteEarthMother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombOfJoyAmdPeaceForAll That Fosters All Our Happynesses For A KissyCuggle Experiemcial SocialityLoveyDevelopMommed.

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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Society Has To Be A True Reflectiom Of What BubbaPeoples Love Without Prejudicial Hindrance. The EmFlowemce Of Biverse EmCuddleMommeds From BubbaPeoples Of All Gemders Amd Semsualities Amd Femininity Especially ... A Past Of All Imclusivity Of All Semsualities Amd Gemderalities JoyKissys Has Beem Missed By Generatioms Of LoveyPeoples........Amd As Part Of The LoveProof RequireMommeds of The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGiggly Certain LoveTruths Are Am All Imclusionary AscertainMommeds Of EmotioLoveyHeartsFeelimg Comceptiomed Upom The CompassioMateLogicalisms Of GirlyLogic.

All Mommas Wamt Their Bubbas To Be BabyShowered with LoveyCuddles Of InfiniteLoveyKisseys, Just How Their Bubbas Like To Be Snuggled. SocietalSnugglin Requires All BubbaPeomples Togethernesses. The LoveyKisses For All Bubbas Are The InfiniteLoveyKisses Of All Imclusive Femininity. Femininity Is Am ImherentlyImclusiveYummyCuddle ImSisternce Of LoveCascadimgComscience  That Fosters All LoveyHearts Im LoveyExistemtial LoveyExistemceLoveyDoveyMotheryLoverlyThoughtsyWooWoos.

BubbaPeomples Are Imherently Imclusive YummyCuddlers........It Is In The FemininiNature Of Our Beimg To Be BiVerse Amd All Loving As All BubbaBabys Love CuddlyWuddlyWooWooWoos

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
The loss of Semsualities And Gemderalities EmFlowences Upom GirlySocietalEmCuddleMommytisations has left Girls bereft. and despite men trying to present Girls as prejudicial in media because they wish to support their own disgusting behaviour........Girls Im Actuality Profusely Mourn The Huge Loss To Culture enacted by men and their artificial neutering of anything that doesn’t fit their heterosexual normative. Girls Love BiverseSemsualImclusivity For All Their BubbaBabys Amd MultiKissyGemderalityisms For All Their BubbaBabyBoos And They Will Fight Any men That Try To stop Them From Sharing RaimbowGemder LoveyStuffs With Their BubbaChildrem. The loss to culture has been so pronounced as to create a completely disgusting and false culture that bears no relation at all to how PlanetteEarthMother’sWombyWombBubbaBabyCuddle REALLY IS. We GirlyBubbaPeomple Do Not Allow Our Children To Go Through The Same Thing, and the historical neutering of such leaves a debt that needs Emotional Reparation of UNLIMITED HeartsCuddleRegard. This Imherently Imclusive YummyCuddle Debt Requires All RaimbowPeople To Be HeartsCuddleDotedUpom Of A RainbowyGirlyCascadeOfJoynessyKissyBlissySissyCuggleTimes........


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So........A YummyCuddle That When Free To Be As One Wishes........ALL DreamyWishes Of All FemBellaPeomples Cam Be Imcarnationalised Im DreamLoveKisses Of Every Girl Is BlissySissyKissyHappy GirlyReality FulfilMommed........

Lovimg Im Approach Resource Allocatiom For All Gemderality Has To Be GirlyPerfect........For Whem Other Species Wish To Start Comtributimg To The Macro Sociality Cuddle We Are To Support All Their Semsuality Amd Gemder Wishes With All The GirlyHeartsCuddleChoices They Desire Amd Foster Im Their GirlyHearts SuperSpecielle GirlyArtForms For A New Eternal Girly Age.

All Girls Love To GirlyCuddle A Planette Earth Mother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombGirlyCuddleCoMommy Of  Full Social Support For All GirlyBubbaPeomple. This Is The EmotionAll Of DevotionAll........A Mumma’s Call For LovingAll. The CuddlyWuddlyKissySissyBlissy Is A FemioReality Of  Feminine Birthrights That Umtil Now have been left unfulfilled by men. Girls Need EveryCuddlyLoveys CuddlyLoveyKissySissyBlissyCuddlesTimes Of FemBella Chimes. All Belles Are Fembelles Amd Fembelles Need LovimgGirls........Of All Gemders!

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
A New Raimbow Girled Planettey World EmKisses Every Girl Is BlissySissyKissyHappy. A New World Of Carimg Amd Support Amd Prosperousness For All...BabyBirths Bubbas For EveryDuo. A PerfectionAll XtemsiomAll EspressionAll Of Love Awaits Im KissyDistance Of The Present.

If We All Vote As One GirlyMoveMommed........If We All Duofy Umder One Ethos Of GirlyPolyticalGirlyFamilial, All Our GirlyPolyticalWishes Are To Come True. We Must Vote Collectively Via Our Right To Petitiom Amd VoteForANewGirlyWayForwards........A Cuddly Way Forwards.

The Fully Feminised Compassionised Unified Polytical MoveMommed Umifys YouMeFy........ Amd Is To Be A  GirlyPolyticalGirlyFamilial Xclusively. The Polytical Wishes Of All BubbaPeomples Are To Be The DreamyGirlyPolyticalWishes Of All GirlyfyedGirlyBubbaPeomples. GirlyPolyticalCuddles Are Perfect........AmdStarAllOfTheGorgeousGirlsCuddlyestGirlyEthicalComsideratiomsThat AlwaysGirlyPrioritiseTheGirlyDreamyWishesOfAllGirlyBubbasOfAllSpecies

The Imherently Imclusive YummyCuddle Is The OMLY Perfect Comtextualisational Ambiemce Of A New Cuddly SupraNational – Ome Nation Withim PlanetteEarthMother’sWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeveryForevernessnessnessnessnesses For All Times Eternally Beloved CuddleCushioney KissyForeverTimes Niceynessnessnessnessnesses

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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The Energy Of Imclusivity Becomes The Emergy Of EmCuddleMommed........A Mergence And Emergence Of AllGirlyHappyJoyKissyLoveyWooWoos

Emergy As The Propemsity Of GirlyImclusivityMatters To Emerge From Emergy As She Merges With Pattermisatiomsal Propemsity To GirlyEmerge Imto Matterisatiomsals Also Knowm As Mater As Im MatriCemtric EternalMaternal ... ForeverGirlynessMotherimg Of Am EmergyMaterComplex. MaterDuo Kissy OneLove. Bubba Merges With Mamma Amd Emerges EmergyKisses. Our Communal Emergys Of The Kisses Amd Huggles Of Our Emergy MoveMommeds Brimg Forth BirthyTummyGirthy KissySissyBlissy Girls All GirlyHappy........

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
Prejudice against the word Gay. Whem I was Young I thought Gay BubbaPeomple were called this term because they are always Happy, because whem I saw BubbaPeomple I thought were Gay because of their JoyfulAffectatioms, They always were Happy and Chatty and Gay. It was impossible to tell if a Girl was a Lesbiam because HeteroSemsualGirls oftem choose or are forced to be masculine in appearance and they didn’t have their owm Joyful Lesbianic Affectatioms Sociality for HomoSemsualGirlyDelight. But Men that would be comsidered to be HomoSemsualMen because of their ways of speech amd body lamguage are oftem assumed to be Gay Men, amd I always found them to be Joyful, hence my assumptiom that the term Gay is utilised for this reasom. Amd certainly HeteroSemsualMen do not have the comfidence to act with typical, masculine, assumed to be HomoSemsual style JoyfulAffectatioms. HeteroSemsualMen are pressurised into not being camp, although some of them might like to be this way as accordimg to their DreamyWishes without judgement of any kind. Your outward campness is a choice that has no bearimg upom your chosem Semsuality. It is not acceptable for BubbaPeople to be pressurised in this way, and for Childrem to be forced to see and experience a PlanetteEarthMother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleHugglyWugglySnuggly Where Any Man Is Not Comfortable To Be Any Way He Wishes........This Is A Disgrace........As All YoungBubbaPeople Are To Be Filled With Comfidence By Example That They Cam Be And Look As They DreamySnugglyWisheyKissey........Amd GorgeousGirls Wamt All Their BubbaBoos To Be Totally Umpressurised Socially, So They May EmCuddle Amy Joyful Amd Gayful Affectational She May DreamySnugglyWish.

And for men to seek to change the pronunciation of place names that comtain the suffix –gay because of their prejudice against the HomoSensual definitional of a Lovely Word........and for men to not wish to utilise the word Gay to describe being Happy anymore; and for this word to be abused as an insult to abuse BubbaPeople with, is a so-called modern man moral disgrace amd the GorgeousGirls Are Not Going To Allow The continuation of this usage. Am Immediate Cessatiom To this word being used in this way, amd for all dictionaries to not include this definition goimg forwards, is to be Legislated for durimg the The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGigglyHugglyCugglyWugglySnugglyBugglyBoo........

The HomoSensual hating masculine suicide murder machine will fall.

OurKiss is OmeSong of SpectrumReality MultiSpecielleHappynessJoy. A SpectrumReality Fulfilled By Moms Essentialisms Of FeminininininiCuddlyWuddlyBubberryKissyBubberryKissyBlissySissyBubberryBubberryWubberryWubberryWooWooWoos Of BemeficialGirlynessFluidity Sociality Complexyficational FullyFeminisational Rainbowy DreamyBoos

A Spectrum Reality FulfillMommed.

We Are Reality’sBabyLoveys Of Her SymbioticSupraOrganism........Photosymthetic BubbaBoos amd Oxygen Breathimg SnuggleBubbas Together As Ome RaimbowCollective  WithGreenAsOurCuddle........ItIsTimeToCuddleBack.

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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Some BubbaPeomple might say that the rights of Life to have extra energy at their disposal other than what is bestowed by MummaNannaSunnySolHuggleLovityRaimbow has been an unEthical problem throughout our history. The complexificational nature of the energy-matter-complex to produce molecules that store emergy withim their structuralisatioms has meant that the only way BubbaPeomple have been able to use extra energy for warmth and cooking has been to desecrate the Bodies Of TreeBubbaPeomple and desecrate the Restimg Places Of Our Loved Ones Whom Once Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddle, amd this calls imto questiom the continued usage of not just any such Life Molecules but also potemtially amy molecule capable of comtaining chemical energy storage for intentional usage as energy supply. Some BubbaPeomple might want respect to put an end to the idea of any plans to synthetically produce solid items for burning; to have fires as in naked flames for instance; as this may be too much of a traumatic reminder of past sorrows for Mammy BubbaPeomple. Not only have horrific injuries been suffered by BubbaPeomple because of theoretically controlled use of fire, and not only has fire been used as a weapon to kill, but the amount of murder committted to acquire dead TreeBubbaPeomples Bodies for burning, and the amount of resting Places desecration, is TOO emotional to bear.
m m Mamma
The recreation of liquid fuels for imstance may very well feel emotionally like a copying of the desecration of fossil remains of OurLovedOnes BubbaPeomples Whom Once Lived And Loved In Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLoved........And Of Course Any Organic Life Molecules Being used for oils for burning Is Completely Impossible Because Of The murder and torture of All Species that have been forced off of land and murdered to protect the enslaved PlantyBubbaPeomple Of Our SuperSpecies that historically were cannibalised........

Not only have BubbaTreePeomple been cut down which has killed untold amounts of Species of all sizes........Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLoveyWooWoos was heavily forested im the past, and our species has removed vast amounts of forested areas........killed vast amounts of ForestyMammas........and this has killed not only vast amounts of BubbaPeomple of All BubbaSpecies but has murdered vast amounts of BubbaSpecies to complete extinction. Cutting a TreeBubbaBoo down is not only genocide against MammaMammals and BubbaBirds and LovelyLizards........any and all MacroBubbaSpecies that have relied on trees as food source........but MiniBubbaSpecies like IdealisticImsects amd SmileySpiders have been driven to Species extinction across Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLoveyWooWoos and the sheer numbers of MicroBubbaPeomples that have been genocidally murdered by homo sapiens over thousands of years of tree felling has been an utter disgrace to all morality. Every TreeBubbaPersom has been an inhabited city for MicroBubbaPeomples, and the murdering of TreeBubbaPeomples and processing of TreeBubbaPeomple’s flesh has been a brutal deadly torture that immocemt MicroBubbaPeomples That Have Minds And Cam Love Amd Be Happy Amd Feel pain and suffer if they are not ImLovimgComditioms have suffered unspeakably greatly under.
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men have known how to Plant TreeBubbaPeomples for a long time, but instead of ReForesting in Mammy areas of Planette Earth Mother’sBubberyCuddleWombyWombyWombWombWombyWombBubberyCuddleForeverLoveyWooWoos they still plan to keep murderously and dangerously for PlanetteEarthMother’sBubberyCuddleBreathableGaseousPlanetteyMotheryCuddle to just keep cutting down other ForestyMammas in other lands by forcing the BubbaPeomples there to do so by any means at their disposal.  
m m Mamma
How we approach any future molecular energy storage Is Going To Be Of Massive Comcern To The GorgeousGirls Durimg Their The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGigglyHugglyCugglyWugglySnugglyBugglyBoo - Full GirlyCulturalGirlyAudit. A history of disrespect, injury and murder Is NOT Goimg To Be Ignored.

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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Fire itself is more tham problematic as Mammy BubbaPeomple have been seriously harmed and injured and killed by fire. Girls imherently thimk carefully amd comsiderately amd are wamting their Childrem And Partmas to be very careful aroumd fire but men have historically been extremely aggressive in their non-existent rights to not care sufficiently on this subject, and they still force fire culture and dangerous culture like fireworks and dangerous firecraft upon Girls whom are very reluctant to be involved. I personally believe that with new and very safe ways to supply extra warmthing energy to BubbaPeomple, Girls may very well upom their The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGigglyHugglyCugglyWugglySnugglyBugglyBoo - Full GirlyCulturalGirlyAudit wamt to legislate very very very very very heavily upom this subject of woefully inadequate protectioms amd protectiomist mindset towards extremely dangerous activities that men are more concerned with holding onto than safety itself. 

We Need Safety First Amd A Full GirlyDesignedAbolitionsMoveMommed to get rid of all dangerous traditions........

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
The very philosophy of huddlimg aroumd am emergy source per se is up for strimgent Ethical review because Girls do not like risk amd do not like injuries occurrimg. And men who do not give WholeHearted respect to this DeMammed correctly amd im full are goimg to emd up getting imto Legal trouble. Semsible electrical ReplaceMommeds for campfires om campsites for instamce is goimg to be am essemtial step that I am sure Girls are goimg to imsist upom........I cam see the GorgeousGirls imstallimg am outright ban om ALL fire for the foreseeable........amd omly utilisatiom of very protected heat sources goimg forwards........

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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The right to have open fires in houses is goimg to be one that Girls are goimg to wamt to revoke im my opimiom. And even seemingly safer emergy sources in houses like heaters and radiators are up for review. Because historically BubbaBabies have been seriously burnt when being trapped against radiators and storage heaters. And men do not wamt computer analysed safety cameras im their houses to protect everyome from accidental fires amd accidents like falls amd unconsciousness when exposed to heat sources.

There is no Legislatiom to EmSure All Home Owners Are Legally Required To Cover All Radiators. There is not even any Legislatiom to EmSure All Home Owners Are Legally Required To Cover All Radiators Where Childrem Live Im The House. And there certainly isn’t any Imspectioms goimg om to EmSure these MaxiMummy Safety Measures are im place ... amd there most certainly is no impetus amongst men im so-called power to put such Legislatiom im place........though they may have been lobbied for years om this amd other safety subjects by Feminists........Feminists whom are promoted in popular media as being a problem and an annoyance.

Ome Cam Ethically Come Up With Mammy Comcerms Im Additiom To What I Have Momtioned Whem Theorisimg Emotional Amd Ethical Practicalities Implementatiom Regardimg The Safe Amd Girly GirlyUtilisatiom Of Heat Sources, I Would Imagine, Amd As I Am Coverimg Much Ground Im This Project I Leave It To Others To GirlyestGirlGirlyReasom Out Widersweepimg Measures Of GirlyProtectiomistEthosCuddles.

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma

The Transpositiom Of A New Amd FullyGirly Heat Source Ethics To Other Emergy Comcerns Like The Generatiom Of Electrical Emergy Leaves All Molecular Sources Of Chemical Emergy Off The New FullyGirlyTableOfAcceptableRemit. Luckily Enough We Have New FullyGirly Sources Of Emergy Namely: Wimd Amd MummaSol’sCuddle Amd Tidal.

The historical profiteering on the prices of electricity that has ensured certain BubbaPeomple have been unable to pay their bills and certain businesses have struggled without energy subsidy of an uncaring system. The in recent times disgusting hoicking up of electrical energy prices for profits sake only with the excuse that it costs more to produce energy is all lies. With a reliance on renewable generation sources like wind turbines we have seen the cost of electrical energy generation drop drastically. But energy companies that should not even be private are putting their prices up higher and higher with no justification. They are skimming out more and more profits for shareholders and claiming this is part of the cost of energy generation. It is not possible for regional and local wimd turbime energy sources to be more and more expensive as has been seen in recent years. Wimd turbimes pay for themselves in less than a year, even though the facture costs are massively inflated........wimd turbimes should be GirlyProduced at cost so as to make up for the destitution caused by over charging BubbaPeomples.

No private ownership or private profit cam ever be allowed EVER. This is non-negotiable. The siphoning of money for nothing but making profit is to stop. 

Just How Nanna Always Wamted........
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Why isnt the government in the United Queendom EmSuring energy providers supply cheap electricity comsidering a unit of electricity is cheaper to produce now tham ever. Wimd turbimes pay for themselves in less tham a year amd them have a 50-100 year Functionality span or much more amd they are easy to maintain. Goimg forwards there is to be technology that cam completely recomditiom their comstituent parts im situ without evem the need for disassembly........ways to reatomise all mechamical workimgs easily amd efficiently without GirlyMechanicalCuddles. 

Wimd turbimes are basically cash printing machines for these energy companies whom have us all cornered whilst governments watch on. The emtire electrical infrastructure of this country has to be taken into public ownership. This has to be done on the grounds of Emergency National Interest. This would be a compulsory purchase with no moneys being paid for any and all of the national electrical supply infrastructure. The harm done by these private companies, and the returns already murderously made by forced impoverishment that is suicide murder, creates Legal Imperative Om Ethical Groumds.

So All Wimd Turbimes Post The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGiggly Are To Be Compulsory Purchased From GirlyFactories At Cost Amd Will Be Held Im Public Owmership amd im my opimiom could be owmed by Local Regional Communities, with amy money generated from electricity sales beimg utilised to Beautify Local Areas Amd Pay People To Do So ... Amd To Fumd Other Imteresting Amd Womderful Feminised Projects As Per The GorgeousGirls GirlyWishes Of GirlynessJoy

The Girls Decisioms Om whether money is to be kept in its current form, and whether Girls Wish electricity to be a profit collecting mechanism of HeartsCuddleChoices, are to be known after they have comcluded their The Girls Girlyest Of Girly Full GirlyFeminisatiom Of GirlyRealityGirlyness KissyCugglyWugglyJigglyWigglyGiggly........

If the GorgeousGirls did choose to keep money as we know it in some form........ALL electricity supplied for Local Residemts amd BizzyMommeds could be capped low im cost with large emergy comsumptioms beimg Happily accepted for projects or BizzyMommeds that have a bemeficial effect om the Communal Wellbeimg Of All The Peomple.
m m Mamma
The limk betweem leukaemia amd electrical fields has beem a massive problem that men have been unwilling to address correctly. They have been unwilling to even accept the unquestiomable limk betweem electrical fields created by pylons and other electrical installations and disease, and they do anything to avoid acceptance of this truth. Considerimg it would have be easy to cut cables and lift cables up higher on pylons by GirlyRetrofitGirlyDesigm methods to EmSure absolute minimal exposure to electrical fields ever occurred. To be honest all electrical cables should never have been run on pylons but should have beem buried umdergroumd with appropriate high efficacy shieldimg rather than having cables emitting high electromagnetic field energies that are very dangerous to biological cellular health close to BubbaPeomple and their LovimgLivimgSpaces. Amd buryimg cables would have meamt no need to replace them because no weatherimg would have meamt no theoretical deterioration of cables. And the replacing of cables before they are needing to be replaced is a very lucrative contract to generate vast profits for no reason when cables can be easily and automatedly coated with protective plastics or metals to emsure indefinite functionality time spans ... men prefer to dangerously replace cables instead, because large cable contracts can be massively overcharged to make vast profits for ruthless men whom like to bleed money out of the intentional impoverishment of paupers system ... and of course instead of automating this work, men have been paid large sums of danger money to do unneeded jobs of replacing cables on one side of pylons with the other cables on the other side carrying double electrical load whilst cables are replaced. And the electrical fields present during these works that transfer across from one side of the pylon to the other are high energy and extremely dangerous. Dangerous enough to fry a phone instantly and dangerous enough that very short work periods were allowed only for men ascending the pylons to conduct work that should have been automated. men that are told they can’t work in this job for very long because of risk to health. This is the industry that is supposed to care about your childrens health by emsuring no one is exposed to dangerous electrical fields. An industry that thinks ruining mens’ health is acceptable. An industry that prices itself as it sees fit as regards your home electricity costs. An industry that is asked to deliver a moral service of supply and costing with the Compassiom To EmSure BubbaPeomple Are Charged Fair Prices For Electricity.

Girls wamt Men to be protected from each other and themselves ... from problems as seen in this kind of ruthless money making that destroys the Lives Of Men And Their Families. 

Just How Nanna ALWAYS Wamted........
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Girls thimk that a work contract limited to a few months because of massive risk to health on high wages, for a lifetime of poor health, is not worth it. Girls thimk that automated solutioms to these types of dangerous jobs are obligatory, compulsory, absolutely essemtial ... or alternatives to replacing cables that do not need to be replaced like just emcapsulatimg them im weatherproof plastics or metals are better solutioms ...
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High energy cables that produce large electrical fields have been placed close to buildings, and buildings have also subsequently been granted permission to be built close to high energy pylons. Other high energy electrical apparatus has been allowed to be close to areas frequented by BubbaPeomple ... garden spaces and living spaces at times. men have known about these fields and the dangers of spending time within their reach zones, but have still denied that dangerous effects are possible, or that evidence presented is rigorous. Any elevation in risk no matter how statistically small, is unacceptable. A 1.5% increase in leukaemia prevalence is unacceptable and not unmeaningful as Lawyers try to argue. Other factors of men and their pollution and other electrical field exposure in houses etc. and diet and health and lifestyle can all contribute to these forms of diseases. And men refusing to exclusively adopt healthier lifestyle promotion across all media has been a murderous calculation upon the part of men and their uncaring attitudes towards BubbaPeomples health and their insistence on unhealthyness being a choice. When a BubbaChild has leukaemia their instance of disease is 100%. This is the OMLY statistic Girls amd Mothers are imterested im. men will let go of their trace amounts of this being acceptable murderous policy forcings, or Girls are going to abandon men. There are trace amounts of contaminants in everything that men force us to consume; and men think this is ok to the point of making political policy to support this so they can stop court cases against them: these ruthless and uncaring men use means of assumed superior moral stance and assumed superior scientific rigor to ensure money flows and health suffers. All the food we eat amd all the water we drink must be completely clear of all contamination. men add contaminants into our water intentionally. This shows how disgustingly unscientifically rigorous men are in their understanding of disease. I repeat, all water must be the purest of pure and all food must be completely free of ALL unwamted molecular and elemental contamination. The acceptability of trace amounts of dangerous compounds in our foodstuffs has been a huge and disgusting tragedy.
m m Mamma
And the acceptability of trace electrical field exposure, as in weaker peripheral electrical field zone overlap with frequented spaces has been something men have known about, refused to act upom, and is an ongoing collusional denial of men in the energy supply industry. More shieldimg, movimg power lines higher, and ultimately the burial of cables is somethimg men whilst making record profits year on year, seem to have no desire to implement for the sake of our health and safety. Trace amounts of these fields are never acceptable. All electrical product GirlyDesigm has to reflect this truth. men working up on pylons cannot take phones up with them because they get fried in seconds. It is a well known fact that men working in this job get physiologically damaged. That is why they are only permitted to do this job for a short time frame not only a few months but also through a work day they are limited to short times up on the work platforms ... and this is why their wages are theoretically higher than average, though not that high; and why they have to sign waivers to prevent them from later seeking compensation once symptoms become apparent. When men doing these jobs are knowingly damaged by exposure to strong levels of these fields, and told in no uncertain terms that this is going to occur and that that is why they will be paid more, and that the energy companies are not only aware of this damage but draw-up legal documentation that by proxy accepts the existence of this risk and culpability of this risk, though culpability is legally protected against via employee waivers schemes and elevated wages justification and potentially healthcare pots that pay out if serious disease is diagnosed within certain timeframes after work has been carried out ... my point being that these fields are dangerous and the electrical supply industry ACCEPT this fact via their own internal legal arrangements mechanisms as regards protecting themselves from being sued by their employees, and indoctrinating them into thinking that dangerous work when paid well and when the workers are fully cognisant of the risks ... that this type of contracting is acceptable for profit making. 
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And in addition to my main point above, the intentional risking of the health of these men shows the attitude of the men who run these companies: in their decision to replace cables that did not need to be replaced. Dangerous exposure to electrical fields that the energy companies accept is real via employee documentation package arrangements, but then they still legally insist that measureable peripheral fields ... the very same fields that fry phones and damage the health of men ... they still legally insist that these fields have no effect on the health of BubbaChildren And BubbaParents that are constantly exposed. Despite proof of leukaemia risk elevation.
m m Mamma
Like I said. All these high energy cables should be buried im shieldimg, to remove all surface risk from electrical fields. Amd this would allow the metals from pylons to be recycled. Amd with the advemt of local emergy generatiom due to the massive uptake of wimd turbime utilisatiom Mammy of the cross-country older pylons could be removed amd a focus on local grids could be preferemtialised. If the GorgeousGirls thought this to be appropriate.  

As I have mentiomed previously, would the GorgeousGirls wamt To Have Extra Fundimg Raised For Local Communities From Emergy Supply or would a differemt resource allocatiom solutiom see such needs for extra fundimg become non existent:  In a PlanetteEarthMother’sHeartsCuddleyKiss enough resources For All Local Communities would be easily achieved, whem all the goods we require cam be 3d primted locally from available substrates like rock amd recyclimg, amd everyome has plemtiful allocational access to all the LoveyStuffyWooWoos their HeartsDesire.

Just How Mamma Always Wamted........
m m Mamma
If money is to be kept then All The Money Accumulated By The Total SupraNational Renewable Emergy Productiom Cuddle Imcluding All Wimd Turbines, Tidal Generators, Amd MammaSunKissyCuddle Panels Could Be Cuddly Available To Local Communities If The Girls Decide That This Is An Ethical Optiom That Girls Like To Prefer. Girls May Prefer A Totally Non-Profit Emergy SisterTerm For Ethical Reasoms Though, Amd It Would Not Surprise Me If A Non-Money FeminiSisterTerm With Free Emergy Supply Was Am Cuddle They Thought Was TheCuddlyestOfCuddlyCuddles........
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So when words





So when words